s h a r e - cms-webprojekte...run ez publish 3.9.2 on a linux cluster of two machines. (for the more...

2008 Sites of the Month Christian Science Monitor chooses partners for print to web conversion Interview with the CTO at VG on PHP solutions and the upcoming eZ Developer Day Linux New Media chooses the eZ Publish CMS to achieve content-rich and community-oriented websites Netmaking becomes the first Platinum eZ Partner New eZ Components release eZ will be attending IFRA’s CMS workshop SHARE! M A G A Z I N E The eZ Ecosystem Newsletter January 2009 SUBSCRIBE TO SHARE! MAGAZINE * SUBSCRIBE TO SHARE! MAGAZINE

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  • ez.no

    2008 Sites of the MonthChristian Science Monitor chooses partners for print to web conversion

    Interview with the CTO at VG on PHP solutions and the upcoming eZ Developer Day

    Linux New Media chooses the eZ Publish CMS to achieve content-rich and community-oriented websites

    Netmaking becomes the first Platinum eZ Partner

    New eZ Components release

    eZ will be attending IFRA’s CMS workshop

    S H A R E !M A G A Z I N EThe eZ Ecosystem Newsletter January 2009



  • Christian Science Monitor hooses partners for print to web conversion(p3)

    Interview with the CTO at VG on PHP solutions and the upcoming eZ Developer Day(p4)

    Linux New Media chooses the eZ Publish CMS to achieve content-rich and community-oriented websites(p6)

    Netmaking becomes the first Platinum eZ Partner(p8)

    New eZ Components release(p9)

    eZ will be attending IFRA’s CMS workshop(p10)

    Sites of the year (p11)

    SHARE! Magazine is a monthly newsletter about the eZ Ecosystem. It features interviews, pictures, articles, reviews and content related to Open Source software, business and development. You can subscribe to this magazine by clicking here.

    The year 2008 saw many outstanding sites made with eZ Publish. The media vertical was well represented in our site of the month winners over the past year. Among those recognized were websites for Virgin Radio, Gruner + Jahr, and Femmes magazine.

    January: Virgin Radio France

    February: Car and Driver

    March: Euronics Norway AS

    April: Gruner + Jahr Poland

    May: Croatian Government

    June: Marie Claire Italy

    July: Europe 1

    August: Superleague Formula

    September: Femmes magazine

    October: Energy Savings Trust

    November: La Carte Chic December: FoodNavigator

    Read the full description on page 11.

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    Content Sites of the year 2008By Peter Keung


  • Christian Science Monitor chooses partners for print to web conversionThe Christian Science Monitor, the first nationally circulated newspaper to replace its daily print edition with a Web-first strategy, has chosen Chicago-based web consulting firm Duo Consulting and Norway-based eZ Systems, the world’s largest Open Source web content management system software vendor and creator of eZ Publish, to implement their new Web-first strategy by Spring 2009.

    Much of the Monitor’s decision to use eZ Publish was based on their other successful media implementations, as well as the adaptable and proven open source software model, said eZ Systems co-founder Bård Farstad. Duo Consulting’s CTO Fred Salchli added, “With eZ Publish, CS Monitor will have the capability to pre-plan content publication schedules, support rev-enue streams with advertising, support rich multimedia content and publish to multiple output streams.”

    “One of the key reasons we selected Duo and eZ was because of the ease of use,” said John Yemma, editor of the Monitor. “Our reporters need to be able to quickly enter stories from around the world – and the combination of eZ Publish software with Duo’s implementation and hosting services is an important next step in our Web-first, multiplatform strategy.”

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  • A web content management system, or CMS, is a software tool that can assist with the process of creating, updating, and publishing digital content. eZ Publish and Duo Consulting were both founded ten years ago with a focus on creating scalable solutions that make it easy to create, manage and re-purpose content online. eZ has since become one of the most respected open-source software providers with more than 200 thousand installations and registered users in more than 130 countries, while Duo Consulting has become one of the leading interactive agen-cies in the content management field.

    In 2008 eZ Systems opened a sales and support office in Chicago to better serve it’s growing list of North American clients; including MIT, Harvard, and the US Navy. It is in the media market, with unique functionality for magazine and newspaper publishers, that eZ Publish has estab-lished a leading role powering the online efforts for many of the worlds largest media groups. The combination of eZ Publish software and Duo Consulting’s interaction design and implemen-tation provide a powerful platform for organizations that use content as a core strategic asset to their online efforts.

    Interview with the CTO at VG on PHP solutions and the upcoming eZ Developer DayNorwegian newspaper VG will be a main speaker at eZ Developer Day, a free event in Barcelona on January 29, 2009 that is open to the entire PHP community. VG’s website is the most popular site in Norway. Er-lend Mosland, CTO at VG, recently answered a few questions about the VG site and about its history in using Web technologies.

    eZ: People outside of Norway have trouble believing the traffic that VG’s site gets. They do not understand how a small country like Norway has a newspaper website that generates so much traffic. How do you explain this?EM: Scandinavians, and Norwegians especially, have a long tradition of being big readers of newspapers. As broadband adoption grew quickly around the new millennium, this trend regard-ing newspapers has continued on the Web. vg.no gets about 1 million unique users and around 10 million pageviews per day.

    eZ: When and how did you start your investment on the Web? Was a PHP solution part of the initial plans?EM: Over 13 years ago, VG saw that this thing called “the Internet” was getting some attention and they wanted in - vg.no was launched in 1995.

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  • ez.no

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    Back then, the technology we used was simple. We coded HTML in text editors and published everything using FTP. Later, we started using NetObjects Fusion, a product IBM later acquired and (we hope) put to sleep. Even then, the result was plain HTML files. In 1998, we went on to something called HexBase, a simple ColdFusion-like language based on .dbf database files. On top of that was a CMS that also included a little template engine for the front-end. It was actu-ally quite powerful for its time and has served millions of pageviews for vg.no throughout the years. Some of vg.no runs on this even today.

    In 2004, we felt that the HexBase technology was reaching its limits, so we started searching for an alternative. Back then, our new CMS called E-Drum was Java-based, so we considered us-ing Java for the front-end as well. But after some deliberation, we discarded Java as a front-end alternative. We felt it was too complex for the simple task of making web pages!

    In late 2004, we decided to have a little conference involving key members of the development team to settle the matter of front-end technology. Because our economy was quite tight at the time, we ended up with a conference room in a McDonald’s in downtown Oslo. We were pleas-antly surprised when we learned that the conference room fee also included a Big Mac meal for each of us! Anyway, after some discussion we decided that PHP was the way to go - it had a large following, good documentation, and it was easy to use! Most importantly, in a news or-ganization, speed is of the essence. The formality and inherent bureaucracy built into the Java mindset made it more or less incompatible with our way of thinking. On the other hand, PHP seemed to fit perfectly.

    Since the beginning, we have used a lot of Open Source software (and recently we have also been funding Open Source development), so using PHP and MySQL was not a big jump for us. Parts of vg.no was programmed using Perl and MySQL starting in 1998, so that made the deci-sion even easier.


  • eZ: Is it a continuous need for VG to acquire new PHP talent?EM: We hired 2 new developers earlier this year, so there is no immediate need. However, we are always on the lookout for talent and ideas for new services!

    eZ: What are you going to present on at the eZ Developer Day in Barcelona?EM: We think it would be interesting to talk about our take on scaling, the search for simplicity in development, and how our team deals with the changing needs of a news organization.

    eZ: Thank you for your time

    Linux New Media chooses the eZ Publish CMS to achieve content-rich and community-oriented websitesLinux New Media is the world’s biggest Linux and Open Source content provider, with offices in Brazil, Spain, Poland, the UK and the United States, and with headquarters in Munich, Germany. Traditonally, it fo-cused on print products but it has a number of websites that feature printed articles and online-exclusive content. After a careful evaluation of the Enterprise Content Management Systems available during its re-cent web presence renewal, Linux New Media now runs 4 content-rich sites on eZ Publish. Oliver Frommel, lead developer and editor-in-chief at Linux New Media, explains how the company extends eZ Publish to optimize development processes and to achieve its website needs.

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    eZ: Can you tell us a bit about how you use eZ Publish?OF: The sites www.linux-magazin.de, www.linux-magazine.com, www.linuxnewmedia.de all run eZ Publish 3.9.2 on a Linux cluster of two machines. (For the more technically inclined: we are using DRBD and MySQL replication.) We have the same installation on a smaller machine for development.

    Just recently we launched the new site www.linux-community.de, which is community-oriented and features comments, forums, mailing lists, ratings, blogs and so on. The implementation also included the migration of users, comments and so on from our former Zope site.

    eZ: What made you choose the eZ Publish platform?OF: Before we started re-implementing our old Zope-based sites, we did an evaluation of sev-eral CMS platforms including Zope/Plone and some Java-based products such as Magnolia and Alfresco. In the end, the professional level of the eZ Publish code and the future prospects of the projects convinced us. Another reason for choosing eZ Publish was that it is based on the widespread programming language PHP.

    eZ: Have you customized and extended your eZ Publish installation?OF: We have implemented several extensions, such as for the multi-page layout of articles that are internally stored in one piece. We use several community-contributed extensions, including payment gateways and Swark for some convenient template operators. We also make heavy use of our own templates and styles.

    eZ: Are you planning further web phases?OF: Our web development is an ongoing project, so we are always looking to extend our sites to enable optimal usability for readers and editors. The next step will be to migrate our eZ Publish 3 installation to eZ Publish 4. We also want to enable better ad targeting based on keywords, and introduce better usage tracking.

    eZ: Is it important that eZ Publish is Open Source?OF: Yes. Although we have no modified the eZ Publish kernel, it is sometimes invaluable to use the well-structured source code as a source of information.

    eZ: Thank you for your time



  • Netmaking becomes the first Platinum eZ PartnerNorway-based Netmaking AS provides full-service web solutions built with eZ Publish. Netmaking has been working with eZ Publish for almost 6 years and recently reached the highest eZ Partner level possible. Netmaking’s CEO, Eirik Johansen, explains how it reached this milestone and why it has continued to use eZ Publish over the years.

    eZ: Congratulations, how does it feel to be the first ever Platinum eZ Partner?EJ: We are very proud to be the first partner to reach the Platinum level, and have worked hard to get here. However, although we are the first ones across the “finish line”, we are certain that there are several other partners who will soon reach the Platinum level themselves if they gath-er and report all their eZ-related activities.

    eZ: How did you achieve this?EJ: The Alliance Pack (AP) has without a doubt been the main factor in driving us up into the Platinum category. Only a year ago, we were a Bronze partner, and didn’t really realize the po-tential of working closely with eZ Systems. However, the AP introduced the clear, mutual com-mitments that we were looking for, and has led to a whole new way of working with eZ.

    Once eZ Systems realized that we were eager to commit, they have been extremely accommo-dating and helpful. In particular, Johann Yoon, eZ’s Country Manager for Norway (on the right in the picture above), has been a joy to work with, and deserves a lot of credit for growing the first Platinum partner. He sometimes jokes that I call him too often, but now that we have seen the results of that, I don’t believe I’ll stop calling him anytime soon. :)

    Lastly, we’ve been very conscious about reporting our activities, and building the reporting pro-cess into all of our eZ-related workflows.

    eZ: What areas does Netmaking concentrate in, and who are some of your biggest customers?EJ: Because we are one of the few eZ Partners who can provide a complete project solution (including design, eZ Publish development, and hosting), we have been fortunate to work with a lot of different companies. Some of the bigger ones in Norway include REMA 1000 (a grocery chain), the Norwegian Labour Party, Aschehoug (a publishing house), and finn.no (an online marketplace). However, it’s not always the biggest customers who provide the most interesting projects. Our favorite projects are with companies that have a second-generation approach to their web solutions; they understand how to utilize the web’s potential for speeding up work-flows and increasing sales.

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    eZ: What eZ Publish qualities do you mention when helping customers to choose a CMS?EJ: We talk about eZ Publish’s Open Source foundation, vendor independence, zero-cost license, and other benefits that come with this territory. We also focus on advantages like scalability, stability, and usability.

    Lastly, we like to mention that we could have easily chosen to develop with a different CMS where we get a cut of the license fees, but we stick with eZ Publish because we strongly believe that it’s the best choice, and that it will only continue to get better.

    eZ: What do you like about the eZ Ecosystem?EJ: In my opinion, the best thing about the Ecosystem is the willingness of the community to help each other out. When I first started with eZ Publish, the forums were a tremendous help in figuring out how to solve problems that others had encountered before me. Even today, I’m able to find answers to my questions in the archive of forum posts.

    eZ: What future plans do you have with Netmaking and eZ Publish?EJ: Our goal is to continue to build Netmaking as a company with eZ Publish expertise, and to promote eZ Publish as the number one solution for cost-effective and scalable web solutions.

    We are proud of our accomplishments from the past year, and have high hopes for the future.

    eZ: Thank you for your time and congratulations once again.

    New eZ Components releaseeZ Systems is happy to announce the release of eZ Components version 2008.2. This is the seventh major version of eZ Compo-nents, which is an enterprise-ready, general-purpose PHP library of over 40 components used independently or together for PHP application development.

    With eZ Components, developers do not have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, they can concen-trate on solving customer-specific needs. The eZ Components tool set provides key application functionality, such as caching, authentication, database interaction, templates, graphs, and much more.

    The main new development of the eZ Components 2008.2 release is the MvcTools component. The MvcTools component implements the tools for a framework. Instead of dedicating the structure of the application, it provides a dispatcher, two request parsers (one for HTTP and one for email messages through the existing Mail component), two routing methods, two view han-dlers (one through plain PHP scripts and one through the Template component), and a response writer for HTTP.



  • Main improvements in this release include more features for the Document and Webdav com-ponents.

    The Document component, which enables you to convert documents between different for-mats, was already able to convert ReST to XTHML and DocBook. In this release, more for-mats are implemented, such as three different wiki formats (Confluence, Creole and DokuWi-ki), the eZ Publish XML formats, as well as reading XHTML and writing ReST. The wiki parser can easily be extended for other wiki formats.

    The Webdav component now supports authentication and authorization, as well as support for integrating authentication mechanisms into existing systems. In addition, it supports shared and exclusive write locks, even with custom storage back-ends.

    eZ Components is known for its effective and high quality code, in-depth documentation, open license model, robust and reliable API, and the backing and support of eZ Systems. Users can count on eZ Components for ongoing quality, relevance, and usefulness. As an example, eZ Components is used in the latest version of the Enterprise Open Source Content Management System eZ Publish.

    For more information, please visit http://ezcomponents.org.

    eZ will be attending IFRA’s CMS workshopDuring the last weeks, eZ Publish has been chosen by several newspapers companies to power their online presence, the latest being the Christian Science Monitor, national daily newspaper in the US . IFRA, the worldwide research and service organisation for the news publishing industry, organizes a workshop about Content Management and invites eZ Systems to join this event.

    It will take place in Paris on 3-4 February 2009 and the aim of this workshop is to present to press decision makers the various solutions and approaches of Web Content Management. Managing Director of eZ Publish Western Europe Roland Benedetti will present eZ Publish among five other CMS companies.

    Location : Paris Opening Hours: 3 February : 9-17h

    For more info, please visit the IFRA website

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  • Sites of the year 2008: a look backAs previously mentioned, the year 2008 saw many outstanding sites made with eZ Publish. The media vertical was well repre-sented in our site of the month winners over the past year. Among those recognized were websites for Virgin Radio, Gruner + Jahr, and Femmes magazine.

    Here is a recap of the site of the month winners for 2008.

    January: Virgin Radio France- The French station Virgin Radio deploys exclusive programming and original content, and includes a participatory community online. Combining sound, pictures, and word, Virgin Radio is a rich medium for discovering, exchanging, and sharing music.

    February: Car and Driver- Car and Driver is the worldwide leader in providing objective test results and expert vehicle reviews. On its website, you can get the inside scoop on every vehicle for sale in the United States. Each vehicle entry features a capsule review, full specifications and pricing, links to full-length reviews, and more.

    March: Euronics Norway AS- Members of Euronics are all independent retailers, with more than 9,000 stores and branches in 27 European countries. It is Europe’s largest consumer electronics chain store, and includes physical locations and full e-commerce functionality. Euronics Norway AS has 85 stores.

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  • April: Gruner + Jahr Poland- Gruner + Jahr is Europe’s largest magazine publisher. Its Polish corporate site requires standard content presentation and more, with dedicated Flash modules and dynamic content managed via the eZ Publish Administration Interface.

    May: Croatian Government- The Croatian Government web portal has full multimedia possibilites with Flash videos, audio podcasts, and high-resolution pictures. The site has represented many firsts, such as accessibility support for persons with disabilities, and it has influenced many subsequent government web projects. It uses a search interface with enterprise search extension eZ Find as part of the solution to have content from 80 government and public websites searchable from one location.

    June: Marie Claire Italy- Marieclaire.it is a leading magazine for women related to fashion and beauty. The site features videos, blogs, picture galleries, and social bookmarking. It makes use of eZ Publish’s flexibility, extensibility, and renowned scalability.

    July: Europe 1- A leading French radio station, Europe 1 is based on the eZ Publish media extension eZ Flow. Europe1.fr solidifies Europe 1’s position as an innovative global media outlet that delivers news and information not only via radio but also through the web, via audio and video podcasts, and through WAP services.

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  • August: Superleague Formula- Superleague Formula is the fusion of two of the world’s most popular sports –- capturing the passion of football with the thrill and excitement of motor racing. Superleague Formula is a new league where race cars adorned with the colors of football teams compete against each other.

    September: Femmes magazine- The website for the new French luxury women’s magazine Femmes offers interactivity in addition to content related to the magazine. Key site features are user registration, newsletters, comments, quizzes, polls, and search engine optimization.

    October: Energy Savings Trust- The Energy Saving Trust is a non-profit organization and one of the UK’s leading organisations set up to address the damaging effects of climate change. The advice given on the site can help you save money and fight climate change by reducing carbon dioxide emissions from your home.

    November: La Carte Chic- La Carte Chic offers unique gift experiences at a range of prices and for a large variety of activities. It has a custom reservation system and a card activation system to complement eZ Publish’s e-commerce engine.

    December: FoodNavigator- The FoodNavigator site provides news and other information of value to decision makers in food and beverage development in Europe. It is a free service and is also available as a daily and weekly e-newsletter. FoodNavigator has a clean design, multimedia content, and a Web 2.0, interactive approach.

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