rummy tips and tricks by pros


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Post on 17-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Rummy, unlike other card games is more based on technicalities rather

than assumptions, thus once a player is served with the cards,

they must make sure, each move is the results of understanding of

the various things that can influence the result

Definitely a statement with a point, but one should always

remember that good cards are never always dealt, they are

mostly the result of regrouping and color game (Black- Red-

Black- Red format).

People and card matter equally in rummy. You have to play the

cards as well as the player.

While this famous quote does warn us about skilled players who know the art of arranging cards while shuffling. Peter

Dune used to believe that only those players can clam themselves as the

winner, who know how to read others card’s, thus stressing on observation


Every player, plays their game with their own technique and tricks. As while

some believe in slow and lower bets others go with the saying “the more

you bet the more you can win”, after all not knowing would lead nowhere.