ruby on google app engine: upgrade to google app "turbo" engine

Ruby on Google App Engine Upgrade to Google App “Turbo” Engine Joseph Ku (Chieh-Fang Ku) [email protected]

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Page 1: Ruby on Google App Engine: Upgrade to Google App "Turbo" Engine

Ruby on Google App EngineUpgrade to Google App “Turbo” Engine

Joseph Ku (Chieh-Fang Ku)[email protected]

Page 2: Ruby on Google App Engine: Upgrade to Google App "Turbo" Engine


What’s Google App Engine?

Why Google App Engine?

Free quotas and limits

Significant features

Be prepared

What’s JRuby

Why Sinatra and why not Rails?

Hack! Hack! Hack!


v1.2.0Build 201105111230

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Who am I?

Joseph Ku (Chieh-Fang Ku)(@josephku)


Single, but not rich

A Linux user since 1996

Fed by embedded Linux and Android

Ruby lover and Guitar Hero rocker

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Before we start...

Don’t take any notes. This slide will be published with CC BY-NC-ND.

Don’t judge my look and shape. It’s cold, and I need Calories.

Don’t play Angry Birds during my presentation

...including Angry Birds Seasons edition

Page 5: Ruby on Google App Engine: Upgrade to Google App "Turbo" Engine

Before we start...

You CAN interrupt me anytime.

You CAN take pictures anytime.

You CAN go to the toilet anytime.

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What’s Google App Engine?

GAE (Google App Engine) lets you run your web apps on Google's infrastructure.

Reliable PaaS (Platform as a Service)

Easy to use, maintain and scale

Almost free!

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What’s Google App Engine?

GAE (Google App Engine) lets you run your web apps on Google's infrastructure.

Typical PaaS (Platform as a Service)

Only supports Python and Java runtime environments

Who did choose GAE?...

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Why Google App Engine?

World-class infrastructure

Light-weight PaaS

Booming of Client-Side JavaScript

Obey its limitations

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Free quotas and limits

Free Quotas (without enabling billing)

43,200,000 requests per day

45,200 requests per minute

1 GB shared Datastore/Blobstore size

6.5 CPU-hours per day

1 GB shared bandwidth in/out per day

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Reduced again and again...and again?

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Free quotas and limits


10 apps for developer account

30 sec per request

10 MB HTTP response size

150 MB app code size

1,000 deployments

200 indexes

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Significant features

Schedule tasks

Schedule tasks - Like Cron service

Every minutes!

Up to 20 tasks

Task queues - only support Python

Google account integration

URL fetch



Image manipulation

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What’s URL Shortener?

Such as:

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Create your own URL shortener

I want this:

Base 62 (0-9, a-z, A-Z)

Generated by O(1) algorithm

I want my service fast

I don’t wanna pay

I ♡ Ruby!

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Why this happen?

You just said GAE could only support Python and Java...

Mighty JVM



appengine-jruby project (John Woodell)

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Be Prepared

Java SE Development Kit (JDK)




(...Wh...Where is GAE?)

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Be Prepared

Install all packages we need:

$ gem install google-appengine

(rack, jruby-rack, jruby-jars, appengine-rack, appengine-apis, appengine-sdk, bundler08, rubyzip, appengine-tools, google-appengine)

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Be Prepared

Create a GAE app and test it:

$ appcfg.rb generate_app myapp

$ dev_appserver.rb myapp

Go and check http://localhost:8080/

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...That’s all?

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Wake up!!This world is NOT


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Be prepared for the real world

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6

Ruby 1.8.7-p330 or 1.8.7-p334

RubyGems 1.3.7

JRuby 1.5.6

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Be prepared for the real world


Use “RVM” to deploy your Ruby environment on Linux or Mac

Use “Pik” to deploy your Ruby environment on Windows

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Be prepared for the real world

Install all packages we need:

$ gem install google-appengine

And do some tricks...

$ gem uninstall appengine-sdk

$ gem install appengine-sdk -v "1.4.0"

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Be prepared for the real world

Create a GAE app and test it:

$ appcfg.rb generate_app myapp

$ echo “gem 'jruby-rack', '< 1.0.6'” >> myapp/Gemfile

$ dev_appserver.rb myapp

Go and check http://localhost:8080/

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What’s JRuby

100% Java implementation of the Ruby programming language

We could call Ruby MRI, “CRuby.”

Open source, Started in 2001

Always aiming for compatibility with current Ruby version

Latest release: 1.6.1 (update to 2011.05.11)

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Why Sinatra and why not Rails

Sinatra is lighter than Rails

Sinatra’s CGI-friendly is more close to GAE

Tons of problems while trying to deploy a Rails app to GAE

Big performance issues in Rails apps on GAE


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Why Sinatra and why not Rails

There is Heroku!!

$ gem install heroku

$ heroku create myapp

$ git push heroku master

Go and check

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Hack! Hack! Hack!

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appengine-jruby project

John Woodell ([email protected])

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RVM: Ruby Version Manger

Pik: Ruby version manager for Windows


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Any questions?