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  • 7/28/2019 RS 125 English 2006



  • 7/28/2019 RS 125 English 2006


    2 use and maintenance RS 125

    2006 Piaggio & C. S.p.A.- Noale (VE)

    First edition: December 2005

    Reprint: June 2006

    Produced and printed by:VALLEY FORGE DECARavenna, Modena, Torino

    DECA S.r.l.Registered & Admin. Offices

    Via Vincenzo Giardini, 1148022 Lugo (RA) - Italia -Tel. 0545-216611Fax [email protected]

    on behalf of:Piaggio & C. S.p.A.via G. Galilei, 1 - 30033 Noale (VE) - ItaliaTel. +39 - 041 58 29 111Fax +39 - 041 44 10


    The following precautionary warnings areused throughout this manual in order toconvey the following messages:

    Safety warning. When you findthis symbol on the vehicle or inthe manual, be careful to the

    potential risk of personal injury. Non-compliance with the indications givenin the messages preceded by this

    symbol may result in grave risks foryour and other peoples safety and forthe vehicle!

    Indicat ions to make theoperations easier. Technical



    The operations preceded by thissymbol must be repeated also on

    the opposite side of the vehicle.

    If not expressly indicated otherwise, for thereassembly of the uni ts repeat thedisassembly operations in reverse order.

    The terms right and left are referred tothe rider seated on the vehicle in thenormal riding position.


    Before starting the engine, carefully readthis manual and in particular the sectionSAFE DRIVE.

    Your and other peoples safety dependsnot only on your quickness of reflexes andon your agility, but also on what you knowabout the vehicle, on its efficiency and onyour knowledge of the basic information forSAFE DRIVE.

    Therefore, get a thorough knowledge of the

    vehicle, in such a way as to be able to drivein the traffic safely.

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    3use and maintenance RS 125

    This manual must be consideredas an integral part of the vehicleand must always accompany it,

    even in case of resale.

    aprilia has carried out this manual withthe maximum attention, in order to supplythe user wi th correc t and updatedinformation. However, since apriliaconstantly improves the design of itsp roduc ts , the re may be s l i gh tdiscrepancies between the characteristicsof your vehicle and those described in this

    manual.For any clarif ication concerning theinformation contained in this manual, donot hesitate to contact your aprilia OfficialDealer.

    For control and repair operations notexpressly described in this publication, for

    the purchase of aprilia genuine spareparts, accessories and other products, aswel l as for speci f ic advice, contactexclusively aprilia Official Dealers andService Centers, which guarantee promptand accurate assistance.

    Thank you for choosing aprilia. We wish

    you a nice ride.

    Al l r ights as to e lectronic s torage,reproduction and total or partial adaptation,with any means, are reserved for allCountries.

    In some countries the antipollutionand noise regulations in forcerequire periodical inspections.

    The user of the vehicle in these countriesmust:

    contact an aprilia Official Dealer to havethe non-homologated componentsreplaced with others homologated for use

    in the country in question; c a rr y o ut t h e re q u ir e d pe r i od i c al

    inspections.Soon after purchasing the vehicle,write down the identification dataindicated on the SPARE PARTS

    IDENTIFICATION LABEL in the table herebelow. The label is positioned under therider saddle, see page 56 (REMOVINGTHE RIDER SADDLE).

    These data indicate:

    YEAR = year of manufacture (Y, 1, 2, ...); I.M. = modification code (A, B, C, ...); COUNTRY CODES = homologation

    country (I, UK, A, ...).

    and are to be supplied to the apriliaOfficial Dealer as reference data for thepurchase of spare parts or speci f ic

    accessories of the model you haveacquired.

    In this manual the various versions areindicated by the following symbols:

    J optional

    k Full Power version

    L catalytic version


    + Italy 2 Singapore

    4 United Kingdom P Slovenia

    > Austria F Israel

    M Portugal e South Korea

    ( Finland - Malaysia

    $ Belgium @ Chile

    A Germany * Croatia

    C France # Australia

    ' Spain RUnited Statesof America

    ) Greece g Brazil

    / Holland 1 South Africa

    6 Switzerland K New Zealand

    & Denmark % Canada

    , Japan

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  • 7/28/2019 RS 125 English 2006


    safe drive

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    6/806 use and maintenance RS 125


    To drive the vehicle it is necessary to be inpossession of a l l the requi rementsprescr ibed by law (dr iv ing l icence,minimum age, psychophysical ability,

    insurance, state taxes, vehicle registration,number plate, etc.).

    Gradually get to know the vehicle bydriving it first in areas with low traffic and/orprivate areas.

    The use of medicins, alcohol and drugs orpsychotropic substances notably increases

    the risk of accidents.Be sure tha t you a re i n goodpsychophysical conditions and fit fordriving and pay particular attention tophysical weariness and drowsiness.

    Most road accidents are caused by thedrivers lack of experience.

    NEVER lend the vehicle to beginners and,in any case, make sure that the driver hasall the requirements for driving.

    Rigorously observe all road signs andnational and local road regulations.Avoid abrupt movements that can bedangerous for yourself and other people(for example: rearing up on the backwheel, speeding, etc.), and give dueconsideration to the road surface, visibility

    and other driving conditions.

    Avoid obstacles that could damage thevehicle or make you lose control.

    Avoid riding in the slipstreamcreated by preceding vehicles inorder to increase your speed.

    Always drive with both hands on thehandlebars and both feet on thefootrests (or on the riders footboards),in the correct driving posture.

    Avoid standing up or stretching your limbswhile driving.

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    7use and maintenance RS 125

    The driver should pay attention and avoiddistractions caused by people, things andmovements (never smoke, eat, drink, read,etc.) while driving.

    Use only the vehicles specific fuels and

    lubricants indicated in the "LUBRICANTCHART"; check the oil, fuel and coolantlevels regularly.

    If the vehicle has been involved in anaccident, make sure that no damage hasoccurred to the control levers, pipes, wires,braking system and vital parts.

    If necessary, have the vehicle inspected byan aprilia Official Dealer, who shouldcarefully check the frame, handlebars,suspensions, safety parts and all thedevices that you cannot check by yourself.

    A lways remember to repor t anymalfunction to the technicians to help themin their work.

    Never use the vehicle when the amount ofdamage it has suffered endangers yoursafety.

    Never change the position, inclination or

    co lour o f : number p la te , d i rec t i onindicators, lights and horns.

    Any modification of the vehicle will resultin the invalidity of the guarantee.

    Any modification of the vehicle and/or theremoval of original components cancompromise vehicle performance levelsand safety or even make it illegal.

    We recommend respecting all regulations

    and national and local provisions regardingthe equipment of the vehicle.

    In particular, avoid all modifications thatincrease the vehicles performance levelsor alter its original characteristics.

    Never race with other vehicles.

    Avoid off-road driving.


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    8 use and maintenance RS 125


    Before starting, always wear a correctlyfastened crash helmet. Make sure that it ishomologated, in good shape, of the rightsize and that the visor is clean.

    Wear protective clothing, preferably in lightand/or reflecting colours. In this way youwill make yourself more visible to the otherdrivers, thus notably reducing the risk ofbeing knocked down, and you will be moreprotected in case of fall.

    This clothing should be very tight-fitting

    and fastened at the wrists and ankles.Strings, belts and ties should not behanging loose; prevent these and otherobjects from interfering with driving bygetting entangled with moving parts ordriving mechanisms.

    Do not keep objects that can be dangerousin case of fall, for example pointed objectslike keys, pens, glass vials etc. in yourpockets (the same recommendations alsoapply to passengers).


    The owner of the vehicle is responsible forthe choice, installation and use of anyaccessory.Avoid installing accessories that cover

    horns or lights or that could impair theirfunctions, limit the suspension stroke andthe steering angle, hamper the operation ofthe controls and reduce the distance fromthe ground and the angle of inclination inturns.Avoid using accessories that hamperaccess to the controls, since this canpro long reac t ion t imes dur ing anemergency.Large fairings and windscreens assembledon the vehicle can produce aerodynamicforces capable of compromising thestability of the vehicle while driving.

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    Make sure that the equipment is wellfastened to the vehicle and not dangerousduring driving. Do not install electricaldevices and do not modify those alreadyexisting to avoid electrical overloads,because the vehicle could suddenly stop or

    there could be a dangerous currentshortage in the horn and in the lights.aprilia recommends the use of genuineaccessor ies (apri l ia genu ineaccessories).


    Be careful and moderate when loadingyour luggage. Keep any luggage loaded asclose as possible to the centre of thevehicle and distribute the load uniformly onboth sides, in order to reduce imbalance tothe minimum. Furthermore, make sure thatthe load is firmly secured to the vehicle,

    especially during long trips.

    Avoid hanging bulky, heavy and/ordangerous objects on the handlebars,mudguards and forks, because the vehiclemight respond more slowly in turns and itsmanoeuvrability could be unavoidablyimpaired.

    Do not place bags that are too bulky on thevehicle sides and do not ride with the crashhelmet hanging from its string, because itcould hit people or obstacles making youlose control of the vehicle.

    Do not carry any bag if it is not tightlysecured to the vehicle.

    Do not carry bags which protrude too muchfrom the luggage rack or which cover thelights, horn or indicators.

    Do not carry animals or children on theglove compartment or on the luggage rack.

    Do not exceed the maximum load allowedfor each side-bag.

    When the vehicle is overloaded, its stabilityand i t s manoeuvrab i l i t y can becompromised.

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    1) Dashboard2) Left rear-view mirror3) Ignition switch/steering lock4) Battery5) Fuse carrier

    6) Saddle lock

    7) 2 stroke oil tank8) 2 stroke oil tank plug9) Glove/tool kit compartment

    10) Passenger left footrest(snapping, closed/open)

    11) Rider left footrest(with spring, always open)

    12) Shifting lever13) Side stand14) Lower fairing

    15) Horn16) Left side fairing



    2 94


    75 83 6



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    1) Passenger right footrest(snapping, closed/open)

    2) Passenger grab strap3) Rider saddle4) Air cleaner5) Rear brake fluid tank

    6) Fuel tank plug7) Coolant expansion tank plug8) Expansion tank9) Right rear-view mirror

    10) Front brake fluid tank11) Rear brake pump

    12) Rear brake control lever13) Rider right footrest

    (with spring, always open)14) Drive chain


    14 13 12 11

    9 105 61 4 7 82

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    12 use and maintenance RS 125



    1) Ignition switch/steering lock ( - - + )2) Cold start lever ()3) Direction indicator switch (( )4) Horn push button ( )5) MODEpush button

    6) Dimmer switch ( - )7) High beam signalling push button ( )

    8) Clutch lever9) Instruments and indicators

    10) Front brake lever11) Throttle grip12) Start push button ()

    13) Engine stop switch ( -)

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    13use and maintenance RS 125


    1) Revolution counter2) Green turn indicator warning light ( )3) lue high beam warning light ( )4) Multifunction digital display (coolant temperature - clock -

    battery voltage - lap timer - mixer oil level diagnostics ( )

    5) Amber low fuel warning light ( )6) Green neutral light ( )7) Red general warning light ( )


    7 6 5 4

    1 2 3

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    14 use and maintenance RS 125


    When the ignition key is turned to " " with the engine stopped, all warning lights come on for a LED check-up and go out after twoseconds. If one or more warning lights do not come on at this stage, contact an aprilia Official Dealer

    Description Function

    Revolution counter rpm Indicates the number of revolutions of the engine per minute.Never exceed the engine max. speed rate, see page 41 (RUNNING-IN).

    Direction indicator warning light Blinks when the direction indicators are on.

    High beam warning light Comes on when the high beam bulbs are on or when the headlight signaller is operated.

    Low fuel warning lightIt comes on when the quantity of fuel left in the tank is approx. 3.5 b.

    In this case, top up as soon as possible, see page 25 (FUEL).

    Neutral indicator warning light Comes on when the gear is in neutral.

    Error warning light

    Comes on when the ignition switch is set to " " with the engine stopped as a lamp test.

    If the light does not come on in this phase, contact an aprilia Official Dealer.

    If the light remains on after the engine starts or comes on duringthe normal operation of the engine, this means that low fluid level in

    tank and mixer or high coolant temperature was detected.

    In this case, check and/or top up to recommended fluid level and contact an aprilia Authorised

    dealer, if necessary.



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    15use and maintenance RS 125

    Multifunctiondigital display

    Speedometer (km/h - MPH)Displays current, average or maximum riding speed (in kilometres or miles)depending on pre-setting, see page 16 (MULTIFUNCTION COMPUTER).

    To togg le be-tween readouts,see p ag e 1 6(MULTIFUNC-TION COMPU-TER)

    Odometer (KM - Mi) Gives total distance covered or distance covered since the trip meter was last reset(in km or miles).

    Coolant temperature


    I t reproduces engine coolant temperature on a scale, see p ag e 1 6(MULTIFUNCTION COMPUTER).If you enter the dangerous range, the display shows all six scale segments, thealarm light comes on, and logo flashes; allow the cooling fans to switch off.

    Do not leave the ignition switch on , since thecooling fans would stop regardless of the coolant

    temperature and in this case the temperature would increase even further.Now turn the key to and check coolant level, see page 32 (COOLANT).Contact an aprilia Official Dealer.

    If the maximum allowed temperature is exceeded(114 C - 237 F), the engine may be seriously


    Mixer o i l reserveindicator on

    multifunction display

    It comes on when the quantity of mixer oil left in the tank is 0.60 b.

    If oil reserve indicator comes on, this means that

    mixer oil level is low (reserve); top up mixer oil, seepage 29 (2 STROKE OIL TANK).

    ClockDisplays time (hour and minutes) as preset, see page 16 (MULTIFUNCTIONCOMPUTER).

    Battery voltageDisplays the battery voltage in Volts, see page 16 (MULTIFUNCTIONCOMPUTER).

    Lap timerDisplays the different lap times, as preset, see page 16 (MULTIFUNCTIONCOMPUTER).

    Description Function




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    1) MODE Button:

    press brieflyto switch across functions;

    press for several seconds (more thanthree seconds) to change settings.

    When you turn the ignition key to " ", thefollowing instrument panel lights will turnon for two seconds:

    all warning lights; backlighting; All segments on the display come on.The rev counter index (2) gets to scaleend and goes back to starting position.

    During the initial check-up, all instrumentswill briefly show the current values of thecorresponding parameters. The followingstandard settings are displayed:

    Alarm icons, (zone A); Current speed (zone B) Odometer / trip meter / time / battery

    voltage / lap timer (zone C) (*); Coolant temperature (zone D).(*) The function displayed the last time thekey was turned off is the one displayedfirst.



    A D



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    Description of the functions

    Press the MODE button a few times andthe following functions are alternativelydisplayed in area C of the display:




    Displayed value indicates total distance

    covered by the vehicle.It can not be reset.


    With the ODO function displayed brieflypress the MODE button to display tripmeter value.

    With the TRIP value displayed, press and

    hold the MODE button to reset it.


    With the TRIP value displayed, brieflypress the MODE button to display thetime.

    Setting the time

    With vehicle stopped and time displayed,press the MODE button for severalseconds to activate time setting mode.The display wil l show the two digitsindicating hour; every time you press theMODE button, the value increases by one;if you press the MODE button when hourvalue is 12, the indication will go back to 1.

    Press the MODE button for severalseconds to save the value and startsetting minutes, the display will only showminute digits; every time you press theMODE button, the value increases by one,if you press the MODE button when value

    is 59, the indication will go back to 0.

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    Do not disturb any button for threeseconds to complete the procedure andthe display will show set time.


    With the Clockfunction displayed, brieflypress the MODE button to display Laptimer function. Press the MODE button forseveral seconds with the vehicle runningto enter the time acquisition mode, orpress it with the vehicle stopped to enterthe lap time display mode.


    With the vehicle running, briefly press theMODE button to start the lap timer. Pressit once to start the timer, press it furtherwithin the first ten seconds to reset the lapt imer. I f you press i t again after 10seconds have elapsed since timer start,value is stored and timer for next lapstarts. The value stored is displayed forthe first 10 seconds, then the currentvalue is shown.

    Press the MODE button for severalseconds to abort timing, the display willshow the last value stored; timing sessionrestarts as previously indicated.

    As soon as 16 lap times have been stored,the display reads FULL, any new lap timeswill not be stored.

    Detaching the battery will result in loss ofany data stored.

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    View times

    Entering the Lap timer function withvehicle stopped lets you view the timesstored.

    The central area of the display, usually

    dedicated to current speed, shows LAPsession number and the lap time justbelow.

    Restart the vehicle or hold the MODEbutton for several seconds to quit viewtime mode.

    Delete times

    With the ODO function displayed, pressthe MODE button for several seconds todelete all lap times stored.


    With the Clockfunction displayed, brieflypress the MODE button to display thebattery icon and battery charge.

    If the system detects a faulty voltage (not

    between 10 and 16 Volt) the symbol " "is displayed and flashes.

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    20 use and maintenance RS 125

    Service interval

    As the scheduled service interval isgetting closer the display will show thewrench icon flashing for five seconds.

    When scheduled service mi leage is

    reached , t he i con w i l l s t ay onpermanently.

    First switch-on at 1,000 km (625 mi)

    Then: every 4000 km (1,700 mi)

    Have the scheduled service operationsperformed by aprilia Authorised Dealersand Service Centres, so that they will also

    delete the service warning.


    When battery is connected, with key to" ", hold the MODE button for more thanten seconds to switch both the odometer(ODO) and the t achomete r f romkilometres (km) to miles (mi).

    Du r i ng t he f i r s t f i ve seconds theinstrument panel will not react with anys i gna l , bu t t hen cu r ren t un i t o fmeasurement will start flashing. If MODEbutton is released before ten secondshave elapsed, the unit of measurementwill still be the one previously in use.

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    21use and maintenance RS 125



    The electrical parts work onlywhen the ignition switch is inposition "".

    1) HORN PUSH BUTTON ( )The horn is activated when the pushbutton is pressed.

    2) DIRECTION INDICATOR SWITCH(( )To indicate the turn to the left, move theswitch to the left; to indicate the turn tothe right, move the switch to the right.To turn off the direction indicator, pressthe switch.

    3) DIMMER SWITCH ( - )When it is in position the parkinglights, the dashboard light and the low

    beam are always on.When it is in position , the highbeam comes on.

    4) MODE BUTTONAllows you to use the multifunctioncomputer.

    For the setting of the functions,


    5) COLD START LEVER ()The starter for the cold start of theengine is operated by rotating the lever"" downwards.To disconnect the starter, move thelever "" to its initial position.

    6) HIGH BEAM SIGNALLING PUSHBUTTON ()It makes it possible to use the highbeam for signalling to forthcomingvehicles while overtaking and in case ofperil and/or emergency.


    The electrical parts work onlywhen the ignition switch is in

    position "".


    Do not operate the enginestop switch - inrunning conditions.

    This is a safety or emergency switch.With the switch in position "", it ispossible to start the engine; the engine

    can be stopped by moving the switch toposition "".

    With stopped engine andignition switch in position"" , the bat tery maydischarge.

    When the vehicle has come to rest,

    after stopping the engine, move theignition switch to position "".

    8) START PUSH BUTTON ()When the start push button "" ispressed, the starter makes the enginerun. For the starting, see page 36(STARTING).









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    22 use and maintenance RS 125


    The ignition switch (1) is positioned on theupper plate of the steering column.

    The key operates the ignition

    switch/steering lock, the saddlelock and the fuel tank lock.Two keys are supplied together with thevehicle (one spare key).


    Never turn the key to position"+" in running conditions, inorder to avoid losing control of

    the vehicle.


    To lock the steering:

    u Turn the handlebar completely leftwards.u Turn the key to position "".u Press the key and rotate it to position "+".u Extract the key.

    Position FunctionKey



    The steeringis locked. It

    is notpossible tostart theengine.

    It is possibleto remove

    the key.

    The enginecannot be


    It is possibleto remove

    the key.

    The enginecan bestarted.

    It is notpossible toremove thekey.

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    The g love / too l k i t compar tment i spositioned under the rider saddle; to reachit:u Position the vehicle on the stand.u Remove the rider saddle, see page 56

    (REMOVING THE RIDER SADDLE).u Remove the plastic panel.

    The tool kit (4) includes: 3, 5 mm Allen spanners

    10-13 mm double fork spanner 8-mm fork spanner 17-21 mm spark plug socket spanner Double-ended, cross-/4 mm hexagon

    spanner-headed screwdriver. Special socket wrench to adjust clutch


    Tool caseMax. allowed weight: 1.5 kg


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    To perform some specific operations, it isadvisable to use the following specialtools (to be requested to an apriliaOfficial Dealer):

    Tool Operations Page

    Rear supportstand (2)

    Rear wheel disassembly.

    Drive chain adjustment.



    Front supportstand (3)

    Front wheel disassembly.50

    Rear supportstand couplingpins (4)

    Positioning of the vehicleon the rear stand. 47


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    25use and maintenance RS 125



    The fue l used for internal

    combust ion engines isextremely inflammable and in

    particular conditions it can becomeexplosive. It is important to carry outthe refuelling and the maintenanceoperations in a well-ventilated area,with the engine off. Do not smoke while

    refuelling or near fuel vapours, in anycase avoid any contact with nakedflames, sparks and any other heatsource to prevent the fuel from catchingfire or from exploding. Further, preventfuel from flowing out of the fuel filler, asit could catch fire when getting incontact with the red-hot surfaces of the

    engine.In case some fuel has accidentally beenspilt, make sure that the area hascompletely dried and before starting thevehicle verify that there is no fuel insidethe fuel filler neck.Since petrol expands under the heat of

    the sun and due to the effects of sunradiation, never fill the tank to the brim.Screw the plug up carefully afterrefuelling. Avoid any contact of the fuelwith the skin and the inhalation ofvapours; do not swallow fuel or pour itfrom a receptacle into another bymeans of a tube.



    Use only unleaded petrol, in conformitywith the DIN 51607 standard, min. O.N. 95

    (N.O.R.M.) and 85 (N.O.M.M.).FUEL TANK CAPACITY(reserve included): 14 b

    TANK RESERVE: 3.5 b(mechanicalreserve)

    To refuel, proceed as follows:u Insert the key (1) in the tank plug lock

    (2).u Turn the key clockwise, pull and open

    the fuel flap.


    Check the transmission oil level every4000 km (2500 m i ) , see p ag e 48(CHECKING THE TRANSMISSION OILLEVEL AND TOPPING UP).

    Change the transmission oil after the first1000 km (625 mi) and successively every12000 km (7500 mi ) , see pag e 49(CHANGING THE TRANSMISSION OIL).

    Use high-quality 75W-90 oil, seepage 78 (LUBRICANT CHART).

    Engine oil can cause seriousdamage to the skin if handledevery day and for long periods.

    Wash your hands carefully after usingthe oil.

    Do not d ispose of the o i l in theenvironment.Put it in a sealed container and take it tothe filling station where you usually buyit or to an oil salvage center.

    In case any maintenance operation hasto be carried out, it is advisable to use

    latex gloves.

    Make sure that the brake discs DISC BRAKES

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    26 use and maintenance RS 125

    BRAKE FLUID-recommendations

    This vehicle is provided withfront and rear disc brakes, with

    separate hydraulic circuits.

    The following information refers to asingle braking system, but is valid forboth.

    Sudden resistance or clearanceproblems on the brake lever maybe due to t roubles in the

    hydraulic system.For any doubt regarding the perfectfunctioning of the braking system andin case you are not able to carry out theusual checking operations, contactyour aprilia Official Dealer.

    Make sure that the brake discsare neither oily nor greasy,especially after maintenance or

    checking operations.Check that the brake cables are neither

    twisted nor worn out.Prevent water or dust from accidentallygetting into the circuit.

    In case maintenance operations are tobe performed on the hydraulic circuit, itis advisable to use latex gloves.

    If the brake fluid gets in contact with theskin or the eyes, it can cause seriousirritations.Carefully wash the parts of your bodythat get in contact with the liquid.Consult a doctor or an oculist if theliquid gets in contact with your eyes.

    Do not dispose of the brake fluid in theenvironment.


    When using the brake fluid, take

    care not to spill it on the plasticor painted parts, since it candamage them.


    The brakes are the parts thatmost ensure your safety and forthis reason they must always be

    perfectly working; check them beforeevery trip.

    The brake fluid must be changed once ayear by an aprilia Official Dealer.

    Use brake fluid of the type specified inthe lubr icant chart , see pag e 7 8


    This vehicle is provided with front and rearhydraulic disc brakes.When the disc pads wear out, the level ofthe fluid decreases to automatical lycompensate for their wear.

    The front brake fluid tank is positioned onthe right part of the handlebar, near thefront brake lever coupling.

    The rear brake fluid tank is positionedunder the upper part of the fairing, on the

    right side of the vehicle.

    Periodically check the brake fluid level inthe tanks, see page 27 (FRONT BRAKE),page 28 (REAR BRAKE) and the wear ofthe pads, see page 60 (CHECKING THEBRAKE PAD WEAR).

    u Fill the tank (3) with brake fluid, see

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    Position the vehicle on firm andflat ground.

    u Position the vehicle on the stand, andro ta te the hand lebar comple te l yrightwards.

    u Make sure that the fluid level exceedsthe MIN mark.

    u If the fluid does not reach the MIN

    mark, provide for topping up.


    The brake fluid may flow out ofthe tank. Do not operate the frontbrake lever if the brake fluid tank

    plug is loose or has been removed.

    u Unscrew and remove the plug (1).

    Avoid any prolonged exposureof the brake fluid to the air.The brake fluid is hygroscopic

    and when in contact with the air it

    absorbs its humidity.Leave the brake fluid tank open ONLYfor the time necessary for topping up.

    u Remove the gasket (2).

    In order not to spill the brakefluid while topping up, do not

    shake the vehicle.

    Fill the tank (3) with brake fluid, seepage 78 (LUBRICANT CHART), untilreaching the correct level between theMIN and MAX marks.

    When topping up, never exceedthe MAX level.It is advisable to top up until

    reaching the MAX level only with newpads.

    When the disc pads wear out, the levelof the fluid decreases progressively to

    compensate for their wear.

    Do not reach the MAX level with wornout pads, since this will cause a fluidoutflow when the pads are changed.

    u To reassemble the components, follow

    the reverse order.

    Check the braking efficiency. Ifnecessary, contact your apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    In case of excessive stroke of the brake

    lever, of excessive elasticity or in casethere is air in the circuit, contact youraprilia Official Dealer, since it may benecessary to bleed the system.

    u Remove the gasket (4).

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    Position the vehicle on firm andflat ground.

    u Keep the vehicle in vertical position, sothat the fluid contained in the tank (1) isparallel to the plug (2).

    u Make sure that the fluid level exceedsthe MIN mark.

    u If the fluid does not reach the MIN

    mark, provide for topping up.


    The brake fluid may flow out ofthe tank. Do not operate the rearbrake lever if the brake fluid tank

    plug is loose or has been removed.

    u Hold the tank (1) in a vertical position,then loosen and remove the plug (2).

    Avoid any prolonged exposureof the brake fluid to the air.The brake fluid is hygroscopic

    and when in contact with the air itabsorbs its humidity.Leave the brake fluid tank open ONLYfor the time necessary for topping up.

    In order not to spill the brakefluid while topping up, keep the

    fluid in the tank parallel to the tank rim

    (in horizontal position).

    g ( )u Hold the tank (1) in a vertical position,

    then top up to correct level tank (1) withbrake fluid using a syringe, see page 78(LUBRICANT CHART); correct level is

    between the two reference marks "MIN"and "MAX".

    It is advisable to top up untilreaching the MAX level onlywith new pads.

    When the disc pads wear out, the levelof the fluid decreases progressively to

    compensate for their wear.Do not reach the MAX level with wornout pads, since this will cause a fluidoutflow when the pads are changed.

    u To reassemble the components, followthe reverse order.

    Check the braking efficiency. Ifnecessary, contact your apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    In case of excessive stroke of the brakelever, of excessive elasticity or in case

    there is air in the circuit, contact youraprilia Official Dealer, since it may benecessary to bleed the system.





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    29use and maintenance RS 125

    Top up the 2 stroke oil tank every 500 km(312 mm).

    The vehicle is provided with a separatemixer that ensures the mixing of petroland oil for the engine lubrication, seepage 78 (LUBRICANT CHART).

    On the multifunction display the mixer oilreserve indicator "" switches on tosignal that the reserve is being used, seepage 13 ( INSTRUMENTS ANDINDICATORS).

    The use of the vehicle without 2stroke oi l causes ser iousdamages to the engine.

    If you run out of oil in the 2 stroke oiltank or if the mixer oil pipe has been

    removed, contact an aprilia OfficialDealer, who will provide for bleeding thesystem.

    This operation is indispensable, sincethe running of the engine with air in themixer oil system may result in serious

    damage to the engine.

    To introduce the 2 stroke oil in the tank,proceed as follows:u Remove the rider saddle, see page 56

    (REMOVING THE RIDER SADDLE).u Remove the plug (1).

    TANK CAPACITY: 1.70 b

    TANK RESERVE: 0.60 b

    Carefully wash your hands afterhandling the oil.Do not dispose of the 2 stroke oil

    in the environment.



    It is possible to adjust the position of theshifting lever by means of the rod (2),proceeding as follows:

    u Loosen the nuts (3, 4).u Rotate the rod and adjust the shifting

    lever height.u Tighten the nuts (3, 4).

    The shifting lever pin is kept greasedthanks to the appropriate recess and tothe two sealing rings.

    In case of disassembly, lubricate it andavoid damaging the sealing rings.




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    30 use and maintenance RS 125


    The b rake peda l i s pos i t i onedergonomically during the assembly of thevehicle.If necessary, it is possible to adjust theheight of the brake pedal:

    u Loosen the lock nut (1).u Unscrew the brake adjuster (2) completely.u Screw the lock nut (3) completely on the

    pump control rod (4).u Screw the pump control rod (4)

    completely, then unscrew it by giving 3-4turns.

    u Screw the brake adjuster (2) until the

    brake pedal (5) reaches the desiredheight.

    u Lock the brake adjuster (2) by means ofthe lock nut (1).

    u Unscrew the pump control rod (4) andbring it in contact with the pump piston.

    u Screw the rod in order to ensure amin imum c learance o f 0 .51 mm

    between the pump control rod (4) andthe pump piston.

    Make sure that there is a certainclearance between the brakeadjuster and the point of

    contact, to prevent the brake fromremaining operated and the consequentuntimely wear of the braking elements.

    Clearance between brake adjuster andpoint of contact: 0.5 1 mm.

    u Lock the pump control rod by means ofthe lock nut (3).

    Check the braking efficiency.If necessary, contact an apriliaOfficial Dealer.

    After the adjustment, make sure that thewheel rotates freely with releasedbrake.


    Adjust the clutch and if the engine stops ortends to advance when the clutch lever ispulled and the gears are engaged, or if theclutch s l ips causing a delay in the

    acceleration in comparison with the enginespeed.

    Minor adjustments can be carried out bymeans of the adjuster (6):

    u Withdraw the protection element (7).u Loosen the nut (8) (by screwing it).u Rotate the adjuster (6), until the idle

    stroke at the end of the clutch lever isabout 1015 mm (see figure).

    u Tighten the nut (8) (by unscrewing it) andlock the adjuster (6).

    u Check the idle stroke at the end of theclutch lever.

    u Put back the protection element (7).

    If it is not possible to obtain a

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    31use and maintenance RS 125

    If the adjuster (6) is completely screwed orunscrewed, or if it is not possible to obtainthe correct idle stroke:

    u Withdraw the protection element (7).u Tighten the nut (8) completely on the

    adjuster (6).

    u Tighten the adjuster (6) completely.u Remove the left fairing, see page 56

    (REMOVING THE SIDE FAIRINGS).u Unscrew and remove the plug (9) by

    means of a cut-headed screwdriver (or acoin).

    The special spanner (10) isavailable at any aprilia OfficialDealer.

    u Insert the special spanner (10) andloosen the inner nut (11).

    u Insert a cut-headed screwdriver (12) inthe special spanner (10) and tighten theadjusting screw (13) completely.

    u Loosen the adjusting screw (13) bygiving it half a turn, which corresponds to34 mm of the lever (14) stroke.

    u Keep the adjusting screw (12) locked bymeans of the screwdriver (13), act on thespecial spanner (10) and tighten the

    inner nut (11).u Tighten the plug (9) again.u Check the idle stroke at the end of the

    clutch lever (1015 mm).u Put back the left fairing.u Start the engine, see page 36

    (STARTING).u Operate the clutch completely and and

    engage the 1st gear.Make sure that the engine does not stop,that the vehicle does not tend to advanceor that the clutch does not slip during theacceleration phase or while the vehicle isrunning.

    correct adjustment or if thec lutch does not funct ion

    properly, contact your aprilia OfficialDealer.

    Make sure that the clutch cableis intact: it must not present

    flattened parts and the sheath must notbe worn out in any point.

    u Periodically lubricate the clutch cablewith a suitable lubricant, see page 78

    (LUBRICANT CHART), in order to avoidits untimely wear and corrosion.

    COOLANTH th l t h d b

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    32 use and maintenance RS 125

    Do not use the vehicle if thecoolant is below the minimumprescribed level.

    Check the coolant level every 1500 km(935 mi) and after long rides; change itevery 24 months.

    The coolant is noxious: do notswallow it; if the coolant gets incontact with the skin or the eyes,

    it can cause serious irritations.

    If the coolant gets in contact with yourskin or eyes, rinse with plenty of waterand consult a doctor. If it is swallowed,induce vomit, rinse mouth and throatwith plenty of water and consult a

    doctor without delay.



    Be careful not to spill the coolant on thered-hot parts of the engine: it may catchfire and send out invisible flames.

    In case maintenance operations are tobe performed, it is advisable to uselatex gloves.

    Have the coolant changed by anaprilia Official Dealer.

    The coolant is made up of 50% water and

    50% antifreeze.This mixture is ideal for most runningtemperatures and ensures good protectionagainst corrosion.

    It is advisable to keep the same mixturealso in the hot season, since in this waylosses due to evaporation are reduced and

    i t i s no t necessary to top up veryfrequently.

    The mineral salt deposits left in the radiatorby evaporated water are thus reduced andthe eff iciency of the cooling systemremains unchanged.

    If the outdoor temperature is below 0,

    check the cooling circuit frequently and ifnecessary increase the ant i f reezeconcentration (up to maximum 60%).

    For the cooling solution use distilled water,in order not to damage the engine.

    Do not remove the expansion

    tank cap when the engine is hot,s ince the coolant is under

    pressure and its temperature is high.


    Check the coolant level and topup the expansion tank with coldengine.


    Stop the engine and wait until it hascooled down.

    Position the vehicle on firm andflat ground.

    u Lift the fuel tank, see page 57 (LIFTINGTHE FUEL TANK).

    u Keep the vehicle in vertical position, withthe two wheels resting on the ground.

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    This device provides for the oxidation ofthe CO (carbon monoxide) and of the HC


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    34 use and maintenance RS 125


    Avoid park ing the vehic lecatalytic version near dry brushwood or in p laces easi ly

    accessible to children, as the catalytic

    silencer becomes extremely hot duringuse; be very careful and avoid any kindof contact before it has completelycooled down.

    The catalytic vehicle is f i t ted with asilencer with metal catalytic converter ofthe platinum-rhodium bivalent type.

    the CO (carbon monoxide) and of the HC(unburned hydrocarbons) contained in theexhaust gases, changing them into carbondioxide and steam, respectively.

    Do not use leaded petrol, since itcauses the destruction of thecatalytic converter.

    Before departure, always carryout a preliminary checking of thevehicle to make sure that it

    functions correctly and safely, see thefol lowing table (PRELIMINARYCHECKING OPERATIONS). The non-per formance of these checkingoperations can cause severe personalinjuries or damages to the vehicle.

    Do not hesitate to consult your apriliaOff ic ia l Dealer in case there issomething you do not understandabout the functioning of some controlsor in case you suspect or discoversome irregularities.It does not take long to carry out acheck-up and this operation ensures

    you much more safety.

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    36 use and maintenance RS 125

    Exhaust gases contain carbonmonoxide, which is extremelynoxious if inhaled.

    Avoid starting the engine in closed orbadly-ventilated rooms.The non-observance of this warningmay cause loss of consciousness oreven lead to death by asphyxia.

    With the side stand down, theengine can be started only if the

    gears are in neutral; in this case, if youtry to engage the gears, the enginestops.With the side stand up, it is possible tostart the engine either in neutral gear orwith engaged gears and pulled in clutchlever.

    u Let the stand up.u Get on the vehicle.u Rotate the key (1) and move the ignition

    switch to position "".u Lock at least one wheel, by pulling a

    brake lever.u Position the shifting lever in neutral(green warning light "" on).

    u Move the engine stop switch (2) toposition "".

    u Make sure that the dimmer switch (3) isin position .

    u If the vehicle is started with cold engine,

    rotate the cold start lever "" (4)downwards.

    To avoid excessive consumptionof the battery, do not keep the

    start push button pressed for morethan fifteen seconds.If the engine does not start in this lapse

    of time, wait ten seconds and press thestart push button again.

    u Press the start push button (5)without accelerating and release it assoon as the engine starts.

    If mixer oil reserve indicator"" comes on, this means thatmixer oil level is low (reserve);

    top up mixer oi l , see p ag e 2 9 ( 2STROKE OIL TANK).

    Avoid pressing the start pushbutton (5) when the engineis running, s ince you may

    damage the starter.





    When the room temperature is low (about6

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    37use and maintenance RS 125

    u Keep at least one brake lever pulled anddo not accelerate until you start.

    Never leave abruptly with coldengine.To reduce the emission of

    pol lut ing substances and the

    consumption of fuel, warm the engineup by proceeding at low speed for thefirst miles.

    u Rotate the cold start lever (4)upwards after the engine has warmedup.


    If the starting is not carried out properly or ifthere is too much fuel in the intake ductsand in the carburettor, the engine may getflooded.

    To clean a flooded engine:u Carry out the first nine operations

    described for the starting procedure.u Rotate the cold start lever (4)

    upwards.u Press the start push button (5) for a

    few seconds (letting the engine spin

    over) with completely open throttle(Pos. A).

    When the room temperature is low (about0 C), it may be difficult to start the engineat the first attempt.

    In this case:

    u Rotate the cold start lever (4)downwards.

    u Press the start button (5) for at leastten seconds and at the same time rotatethe throttle grip slightly.

    If the engine starts.

    u Release the throttle grip (6).u Rotate the cold start lever (4)

    upwards.If the idling is unstable, twist the throttlegrip (6) slightly and frequently.

    If the engine does not start.

    Wait for a few seconds and then repeat thestarting procedure.


    After a long period of inactivity, make thestarter run for about ten seconds without

    accelerating, in order to ensure the fillingof the float chamber.

    To start the engine, slightly open theth ro t t l e and car ry ou t the s ta r t i ngprocedure.





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    38 use and maintenance RS 125

    This vehicle is considerablypowerful and must be usedgradually and with the greatest

    care.Do not place objects behind the frontpart of the fairing.

    Before departure, carefully readthe "safe drive" chapter, see p. 5

    (SAFE DRIVE).I f the low fuel l ight " " (1) on the

    instrument panel comes on whilevehicle is running, it means that youstill have 3.5 b of fuel in the tank.Provide for topping up as soon aspossible, see page 25 (FUEL)

    If you drive without passenger,make sure that the passengerfootrests are folded.

    While riding, keep your hands on thegrips and your feet on the footrests.


    If you drive with a passenger, instructhim/her so that he/she does not createproblems during manouvres.

    To leave:u Adjust the inclination of the rear-view

    mirrors correctly.

    With the vehicle at rest, try to getacquainted with the use of therear-view mirrors. The reflecting

    surface is convex, therefore the objectsseem to be farther away than theyactually are. These mirrors offer awide-angle view and only experiencewill allow you to evaluate the distanceof the following vehicles correctly.

    u Ride at reduced speed for the first miles,

    in order to warm the engine up.

    u With released throttle grip (2) (Pos. A)and engine idling, pull the clutch lever (3)completely.

    u Engage the first gear, by pressing theshifting lever (4) downwards.

    u Release the brake lever (pulled on thestarting).

    On departure, the abrupt releaseof the clutch lever may cause theengine to stall or the vehicle to

    jerk forwards.

    Never accelerate abrupt ly orexcessively when releasing the clutch

    lever, in order to prevent the clutchfrom "slipping" (slow release) or thefront wheel from raising (rearing up)(quick release).


    The downshifting should be carried out inthe following situations:

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    39use and maintenance RS 125

    u Slowly release the clutch lever (3) and atthe same time accelerate by rotating thethrottle grip moderately (2) (Pos. B).The vehicle will start moving.

    Never exceed the recommended

    rpm, see page 41 (RUNNING-IN).u Increase the speed by gradually rotating

    the throttle grip (2) (Pos. B), withoutexceeding the recommended rpm, seepage 41 (RUNNING-IN).

    To engage the second gear:

    Proceed quickly.Never ride the vehicle at too lowrpm.

    u Release the throttle grip (2) (Pos. A),pull the clutch lever (3) and lift theshifting lever (4). Release the clutchlever (3) and accelerate.

    u Repeat the last two operations and shiftup.

    If mixer oil reserve indicator


    " comes on, this means thatmixer oil level is low (reserve);top up mixer oi l , see p ag e 2 9 ( 2STROKE OIL TANK).


    u When riding downhill or when braking, inorder to increase the braking action byusing the compression of the engine.


    When riding uphill, if the gear engaged isnot suitable to the speed (high gear,moderate speed) and the engine rpmdecreases.

    Shift the gears one by one; thesimultaneous downshifting ofmore than one gear may make

    you exceed the maximum rpm (red line).Before and during the downshifting,release the throttle grip and decelerate,in order to avoid the "red line".

    To shift down, proceed as follows:

    u Release the throttle grip (2) (Pos. A).u If necessary, pull the brake levers

    moderately and decrease the speed ofthe vehicle.

    u Pull the clutch lever (3) and lower theshifting lever (4) to shift down.

    u If the brake levers are pulled, releasethem.

    u Release the clutch lever and acceleratemoderately.

    Avoid opening and closing thethrottle grip repeatedly and

    Before beginning to turn, slowdown or brake dr iv ing at

    Pay the utmost attention to anyobstacle or variation of the

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    40 use and maintenance RS 125

    continuously, so that you do notaccidentally lose control of the vehicle.If you have to brake, close the throttleand put on both brakes in order toobtain uniform deceleration, properlyexerting pressure on the braking parts.

    By putting on the front brake only or therear brake only, you reduce the brakingforce considerably, thus running ther isk of lock ing one wheel and

    consequently losing grip.

    If you stop uphill, decelerate completelyand use the brakes only to keep thevehicle steady.The use of the engine to keep thevehic le s teady may cause the

    overheating of the clutch.

    moderate and constant speed oraccelerating slightly; avoid braking atthe last moment: it would be very easyto skid.

    If the brakes are operated continuouslyon downhill stretches, the frictionsurfaces may overheat, thus reducingthe braking efficiency.Exploit the engine compression andshift down by putting on both brakes

    intermittently.Never drive downhill with the engineoff!

    In case of wet ground or scarce wheelgrip (snow, ice, mud, etc.), drive slowly,avoiding sudden brak ings or

    manoeuvres that could make you losegrip and fall down.

    ground. Uneven roads, rails,manhole covers, indications painted onthe road surface, building site metalplates become rather slippery by rain.For this reason all these obstacles haveto be careful ly avoided, dr iv ingsmoothly and bending the vehicle aslittle as possible.

    Always use the turn indicators in timewhen you intend to change lane or

    di rect ion, avoiding sharp anddangerous movements.Switch off the direction indicators assoon as you have changed direction.

    Be extremely careful when you overtakeother vehicles or are overtaken.

    In case of rain, the water cloud createdby big vehicles reduces visibility; theair shift may make you lose control ofthe vehicle.


    The running-in of the engine is important to

    After the first 1000 km (625 mi) ,carry out the checking

    ti i di t d i th

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    41use and maintenance RS 125

    The running in of the engine is important toensure its correct functioning.If possible, drive on hilly roads and/orroads with many bends, so that the engine,

    the suspensions and the brakes undergo amore effective running-in.During running-in, change speed. In thisway the components are first loaded andthen relieved and the engine parts canthus cool down. Even if it is important tostress the engine components duringrunning-in, take care not to exceed.

    Only after the first 1500 km (937mi) of running-in you can expect

    the best performance levels from thevehicle.

    Keep to the following indications:

    u Do not open the throttle completely if thespeed is low, both during and after therunning-in.

    u During the first 100 km (62 mi) put on thebrakes with caution, avoiding sharp andprolonged brakings.This ensures a correct bedding-in of the

    pads on the brake disc.u During the first 800 km (500 mi) neverexceed 6000 rpm.

    operations indicated in thecolumn "After running-in" of theREGULAR SERVICE INTERVALSCHART, see pa ge 4 4 (R E GU LARSERVICE INTERVALS CHART), in orderto avoid hurting yourself or otherpeople and/or damaging the vehicle.

    u Between the first 800 km (500 mi) and1600 km (1000 mi) drive more briskly,change speed and use the maximumacceleration only for a few seconds, inorder to ensure better coupling of thecomponents; never exceed 9000 rpm(see table).

    u After the first 1600 km (1000 mi) you canexpect better performance from theengine, however, without exceeding themax 11000 rpm.


    I f possible, avoid stoppingabruptly, slowing down suddenlyand braking at the last moment.

    u Release the throttle grip (1) (Pos. A),

    gradually put on the brakes and at thesame t ime shi f t down in order todecrease the speed, see p ag e 3 8(DEPARTURE AND DRIVE).

    Once the speed has decreased, beforestopping the vehicle:u Pull the clutch lever (2) in order to

    prevent the stopping of the engine.When the vehicle has come to rest:u Position the shifting lever in neutral

    (green warning light on).u Release the clutch lever.u In case of a brief stop, keep at least one

    brake on.

    Engine maximum rpmfor the running-in

    Mileage km (mi) Max. (rpm)

    0800 (0500) 6000

    8001600 (5001000) 9000

    over 1600 (1000) 11000



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    42 use and maintenance RS 125


    Park the vehicle on firm and flatground, to prevent it from fallingdown.

    Neither lean the vehicle against walls,nor lay it on the ground.

    Make sure that the vehic le andespecially its red-hot parts do notrepresent a danger for persons andchildren. Do not leave the vehicleunattended when the engine is on or thekey is inserted into the ignition switch.Do not sit on the vehicle when the stand

    is down.u Stop the vehicle, see page 41

    (STOPPING).u Move the engine stop switch (1) to

    position .u Rotate the key (2) and move the ignition

    switch (3) to position .

    u Position the vehicle on the stand, seebelow (POSITIONING THE VEHICLEON THE STAND).

    Never leave the key in theignition switch.


    Lock the steering, see page 22(STEERING LOCK) and extract the key.


    u Seize the left grip (4) and the passengergrab strap (5).

    u Press the side stand with your right footand extend it completely (6).

    u Incline the vehicle until the stand restson the ground.

    u Steer the handlebar completelyleftwards.

    Make sure that the vehicle is


    Do not use any brake lockdevices. Failure to heed thiswarning can seriously damage the

    braking system and lead to an accidentthus provoking serious injuries or death.

    NEVER leave the ignition key inserted andalways use the steering lock.

    Park the vehicle in a safe place, possibly ina garage or a protected place.

    When possible, use an additional anti-theftdevice.

    Make sure that all documents are in orderand the road tax has been paid.

    Wri te down your personal data andtelephone number in this page, to facilitate

    the identification of the owner in case offinding after theft.

    SURNAME: ...............................................

    NAME: .......................................................

    ADDRESS: ................................................


    TELEPHONE NO.: ....................................

    Very often stolen vehicles areidentified thanks to the data

    written in the use/maintenance manual.




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    43use and maintenance RS 125

    Risk of fire.Keep fuel and other flammablesubstances away f rom the

    electrical components.Before beginning any serv iceoperations or inspection of the vehicle,switch off the engine and remove thekey, wait until the engine and theexhaust system have cooled down and,if possible, lift the vehicles with the

    proper equipment onto firm and flatground.

    Before proceeding, make sure that theroom in which you are working isproperly ventilated.

    Keep away from the red-hot parts of theengine and of the exhaust system, in

    order to avoid burns.

    Do not hold any mechanicalpiece or other parts of thevehicle with your mouth: the

    components are not edible and some of

    them are noxious or even toxic.

    I f not expressly indicatedotherwise, for the reassembly ofthe units repeat the disassembly

    operations in reverse order.

    In case any maintenance operation

    should be required, it is advisable touse latex gloves.

    Routine maintenance operations canusually be carried out by the user, butsometimes specific tools and specifictechnical skills may be required.

    In case periodic maintenance operations,assistance or technical advice are needed,contact an aprilia Official Dealer, who willensure you prompt and accurate servicing.

    Ask your aprilia Official Dealer to test thevehicle on the road after a repair orperiodic maintenance operation.

    In any case, personally carry out thePreliminary checking operations after anymaintenance operation, see page 35(PRELIMINARY CHECKINGOPERATIONS).



    After running-in

    [1000 km

    Every 4000 km

    (2500 mi)

    Every 8000 km

    (5000 mi)

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    44 use and maintenance RS 125




    " = check and clean, adjust, lubricate orchange, if necessary;

    # = clean;

    $ = change;

    % = adjust.

    Carry out the maintenanceoperations more frequently if

    you use the vehicle in rainy and dustyareas or on uneven ground.


    (625 mi)]

    ( )

    or 12 months

    ( )

    or 24 months

    Battery - Terminal fastening -Electrolyte level

    " "

    Spark plug " " $

    Air cleaner # $

    Clutch clearance % %

    Light system " "

    Brake fluid " "

    Coolant every 1500 km (935 mi):"

    Mixer oil level every 500 km (312 mi): "

    Transmission oil $ "every 12000 km

    (7500 mi): $

    Headlight beam direction -operation


    Engine idling rpm % %

    Wheels/Tyres and inflationpressure

    every 1000 km (625 mi): "

    Drive chain tension andlubrication

    every 500 km (312 mi): "

    Front and rear brake padwear

    " every 2000 km (1250 mi): "

    OPERATIONS TO BE CARRIED OUT BYTHE aprilia Official Dealer. Component

    After running-

    in [1000 km

    (625 i)]

    Every 4000 km

    (2500 mi) or 12


    Every 8000 km

    (5000 mi) or 24


  • 7/28/2019 RS 125 English 2006


    45use and maintenance RS 125


    " = check and clean, adjust, lubricate or

    change, if necessary;# = clean;

    $ = change;

    % = adjust.

    Carry out the maintenanceoperations more frequently if

    you use the vehicle in rainy and dustyareas or on uneven ground.

    (625 mi)] months months

    Rear shock absorber "

    Battery - Terminal fastening "

    Carburettor " # Transmission cables and controls " "

    Unit RAVE k " %

    Wheel centering "

    Steering bearings and steering clearance " "

    Wheel bearings "

    Brake discs " "

    General running of the vehicle " " Braking systems " "

    Cooling system " "

    Brake fluid every year: $

    Coolant every 2 years: $

    Fork oil and oil seal every 12000 km (7500 mi): $

    Piston and liningsevery 8000 km (5000 mi): " / every 16000 km

    (10000 mi):$

    Odometer transmission cable "

    Wheels/Tyres and inflation pressure " "

    Nut, bolt, screw tightening " "

    Mixer oil reserve indicator " "

    Final transmission (chain, crown, pinion) "

    Fuel pipe "every 4 years:


    Braking system pipe "every 4 years:


    Mixer oil pipe "every 4 years:


    Clutch wear "

    Exhaust valve k " # + %

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    46 use and maintenance RS 125


    It is a good rule to write down the frameand engine numbers in the space providedin this manual.

    The frame number can be used for thepurchase of spare parts.

    Do not alter the identificationnumbers if you do not want to

    incur severe penal and administrativesanctions. In particular, the alteration ofthe f rame number resul ts in theimmediate invalidity of the guarantee.


    The engine number is stamped on theupper part of the crankcase, on the leftside.

    Engine no. ________________________


    The frame number is stamped on the rightside of the steering column.

    Frame no. ________________________

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    47use and maintenance RS 125


    uH Screw and tighten the pin (1)- in theappropriate seat on the rear fork.

    Have someone help you keep

    the vehicle in vertical positionwith the two wheels on the ground.

    u Make the two housings on the stand (2)coincide with the two pins (1) providedon the vehicle.

    u Rest one foot on the rear part of thestand (3).

    u Push the stand (3) downwards until itreaches the end of its stroke (see figure).


    u Position the vehicle on the appropriaterear support stand -, see beside(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THEREAR SUPPORT STAND J).

    u Insert the two ends of the stand (4) in thetwo holes (5) positioned on the lowerends of the front fork.

    u Rest one foot on the front part of thestand (6).

    u Push the stand (6) downwards until itreaches the end of its stroke (see figure).


    Position the vehicle on firm andflat ground


    If it were necessary to top up, proceed asfollows:

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    48 use and maintenance RS 125


    Carefully read page 25 (TRANSMISSIONOIL) and page 43 (MAINTENANCE).

    Check the transmission oil level every 4000km (2500 mi), change it after the first 1000km (625 mi) and successively every 12000km (7500 mi), see page 49 (CHANGINGTHE TRANSMISSION OIL).

    flat ground.

    u Stop the engine and let it cool down for

    at least ten minutes, in order to allow theoil to flow back to the oil pan and to cooldown.

    u Remove the left fairing, see page 56(REMOVING THE SIDE FAIRINGS).

    u Keep the vehicle in vertical position, withthe two wheels resting on the ground.

    The non-performance of theoperations described above may

    result in a wrong measurement of thelevel.

    u Make sure that the oil level is includedbetween one fourth (MIN) and a half(MAX) of the height of the glass (1).

    The oil level must neither exceeda half of the height of the glass,

    nor fall below one fourth. In the firstcase the excess oil would flow out ofthe oil pan; in the second case the

    engine may get seriously damaged.


    u Unscrew and remove the filling cap (2).

    u Pour a small quantity of oil and wait

    about one minute, to allow the oil to flowuniformly inside the pan.

    u Make sure that the oil level is includedbetween one fourth (MIN) and a half(MAX) of the height of the glass (1).

    u If this is not the case, top up again withsmall quantities of oil and repeat the

    check through the glass (1), unt i lreaching the prescribed level (MAX).

    u At the end of the operation, screw andtighten the filling cap (2).

    T i gh t e n t he f i l l i ng c a pthoroughly and make sure that

    there are no oil leaks.

    Periodically check that there are noleaks in correspondence with the oilpan cover seal.

    Do not use the vehicle with insufficient

    lubrication or with contaminated orunsuitable lubricants, since this wouldaccelerate the wear of the moving partsand may also cause irreparable failures.

    u Screw and tighten the drain plug (2).

    Drain plug (2) driving torque:27 Nm (2.7 kgm).

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    Carefully read page 25 (TRANSMISSIONOIL) and page 43 (MAINTENANCE).

    Check the transmission oil level every

    4000 km (2500 mi), change it after the first1000 km (625 mi) and successively every12000 km (7500 mi).


    u Start the engine, see page 36(STARTING) and let it idle for a few

    minutes, in order to facilitate the outflowof the oil during the draining phase.

    Position the vehicle on firm andflat ground.

    u Stop the engine and let it cool down forat least ten minutes, in order to allow the

    oil to flow back to the oil pan and to cooldown.

    When warmed up, the enginecontains hot oil; therefore, whilecarrying out the operations

    described here below be particularlycareful, in order to avoid burns.

    u Remove the left fairing, see page 56

    (REMOVING THE SIDE FAIRINGS).u Keep the vehicle in vertical position, with

    the two wheels resting on the ground.

    u Put a container (1) with at least 600 cmcapacity in correspondence with thedrain plug (2).

    u Unscrew and remove the drain plug (2).

    u Unscrew and remove the filling plug (3).

    u Drain the oil and let it drip into the container(1) for a few minutes.

    u Remove the metal residues from the drainplug (2) magnet.

    u Check and if necessary replace the

    sealing washer of the drain plug (2).

    27 Nm (2.7 kgm).

    u Pour about 600 cm of transmission oilthrough the fi l l ing opening (3), see

    page 78 (LUBRICANT CHART).u Tighten the filling plug (3).

    u Start the engine, see page 36(STARTING) and let it idle for about oneminute, in order to ensure the filling up ofthe transmission oil circuit.

    Check the oil level and top up if necessary,see page 48 (CHECKING THETRANSMISSION OIL LEVEL ANDTOPPING UP).

    Tighten the filling plug and thedrain plug thoroughly and makesure that there are no oil leaks.

    Periodically check that there are noleaks in correspondence with the oilpan cover seal.

    Do not use the vehicle with insufficientlubrication or with contaminated or

    unsuitable lubricants, since this wouldaccelerate the wear of the moving partsand may also cause irreparable failures.

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    The disassembly andreassembly of the front wheelmay be difficult for unskilled

    operators. If necessary, contact anaprilia Official Dealer.

    If you want to perform these operationspersonally, keep to the followinginstructions.

    Careful ly read p ag e 4 3(MAINTENANCE).

    While disassembling and reassemblingthe wheel, be careful not to damage thebrake pipes, the discs and the pads.

    To remove the front wheel it isnecessary to use the appropriate

    front and rear support stands-.


    u Position the vehicle on the appropriaterear suppor t s tand, see p age 4 7(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THEREAR SUPPORT STAND J).

    u Position the vehicle on the appropriate

    front support s tand, see pa ge 47(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THEFRONT SUPPORT STAND J).

    Make sure that the vehicle isstable.

    u Have someone keep the handlebar

    steady in running position, so that thesteering is locked.

    Brake caliper screw (1) driving torque:50 Nm (5.0 kgm).

    u Unscrew and remove the two screws (1)that fasten the front brake caliper (2).

    u Withdraw the brake caliper (2) from the

    disc, leaving it attached to the pipe (3).

    Never pull the front brake leverafter removing the brake caliper,otherwise the caliper pistons

    may go out of their seats, thus causingthe outflow of the brake fluid.In this case consult your aprilia OfficialDealer, who will carry out the proper

    maintenance operation.Screw (4) driving torque:80 Nm (8 kgm).

    u Loosen and remove the screw (4), takingthe washer.

    uH Partially unscrew the two screws (5) ofthe wheel pin clamp.

    u Put a support (6) under the tyre, in such away as to keep the wheel in its positionafter loosening it.

    u Withdraw the wheel pin (7) from the leftside.

    u Remove the wheel sliding it from thefront end and collect the spacers (8) and




    2 8






    u Position the wheel between the fork rodson the support (6).

    Danger of injury.

    u With pulled front brake lever, press thehandlebar repeatedly, thrusting the forkdownwards. In this way the fork rods will

    ttl l

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    51use and maintenance RS 125


    Careful ly read p ag e 4 3(MAINTENANCE).

    u Spread a film of lubricating grease on thewhole length of the wheel pin (7), seepage 78 (LUBRICANT CHART).

    While reassembling the wheel, becareful not to damage the brakepipe, the disc and the pads.

    u Correctly position the spacer (9).

    The spacer ring (8) must bepositioned with the side having

    longer diameter facing the fork rightrod.

    u Position the spacer ring (8) in its seat onthe wheel.

    Danger of injury.Do not introduce your fingers toalign the holes.

    u Move the wheel until its central hole andthe holes on the fork are aligned.

    u Introduce the wheel pin (7) completely.

    u Position the washer and tighten thescrew (4) manually.

    u Lock the rotation of the whell pin (7).

    u Tighten the screw (4) definitively.

    Screw (4) driving torque:80 Nm (8 kgm).

    Proceed with care, in order not

    to damage the brake pads.

    u Insert the brake caliper (2) on the discand position it so that its fastening holesand the holes on the support are aligned.

    Upon reassembly of the brakecaliper, replace the cal iperfastening screws (1) with two

    new screws of the same type.

    u Screw and tighten the two screws (1)that fasten the brake caliper.

    Brake caliper screw (1) driving torque:50 Nm (5.0 kgm).

    settle properly.

    uH Tighten the two screws (5) of thewheel pin clamp.

    Wheel pin clamp screw (5) drivingtorque: 12 Nm (1,2 kgm)

    u Remove the front support stand-, seepage 47 (POSITIONING THE VEHICLEON THE FRONT SUPPORT STANDJ).

    u Remove the rear support stand-, seepage 47 (POSITIONING THE VEHICLEON THE REAR SUPPORT STAND J).

    After reassembly, pull the frontbrake lever repeatedly andcheck the correct functioning of

    the braking system.

    Check the wheel centering.

    Have the driving torques, centering andbalancing of the wheel checked by youraprilia Official Dealer, in order to avoidaccidents that may be harmful for youand/or other people.



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    The disassembly andreassembly of the rear wheelmay be difficult for unskilled

    operators. If necessary, contact anaprilia Official Dealer.

    If you want to perform these operationspersonally, keep to the followinginstructions.

    Careful ly read p ag e 4 3(MAINTENANCE).

    Before carrying out the followingoperations, let the engine and the silencer

    cool down until they reach roomtemperature, in order to avoid burns.

    Whi le d isassembl ing andreassembling the wheel, becareful not to damage the brake

    pipe, the disc and the pads.

    To remove the rear wheel it isnecessary to use the appropriate

    rear support stand-.

    DISASSEMBLYu Position the vehicle on the appropriate

    rear suppor t s tand, see p age 4 7(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THEFRONT SUPPORT STAND J).

    Brake caliper screw (13) driving torque:22 Nm (2.2 kgm).

    u Unscrew and remove the two screws (13)that fasten the rear brakecaliper (11).

    u Withdraw the brake caliper from the disc,leaving it attached to the pipe (11).

    Wheel nut (1) driving torque:100 Nm (10 kgm).u Loosen and remove the nut (1), taking

    the washer.u Put a support (2) under the tyre, in such

    a way as to keep the wheel in its positionafter loosening it.

    u Withdraw the wheel pin (3) from the rightside.

    Check the arrangement of ther ight (4 ) and le f t (5 ) chain

    tighteners, in order to be able toreassemble them correctly.

    u Take the right (4) and left (5) chaintighteners.

    Lower the drive chain (6) outsidethe crown gear (7).

    u Make the wheel advance and release the

    drive chain (6) from the crown gear (7).u Withdraw the wheel from the rear fork

    from behind, carefully withdrawing thedisc from the brake caliper.

    Never pull the rear brake leveraf ter removing the wheel ,otherwise the caliper pistons

    may go out of their seats, thus causingthe outflow of the brake fluid. In thiscase consult your aprilia OfficialDealer, who will carry out the propermaintenance operation.

    Check the arrangement of thespacer rings (8) and (9), in order

    to be able to reassemble them correctly.



    Make sure that the wheel pin (3)is completely inserted, with the

    head in the relevant seat on the leftchain tightener (5)


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    53use and maintenance RS 125

    u Take the left spacer ring (8).u Take the right spacer ring (9).

    REASSEMBLYu Moderately grease the outer seats of the

    wheel hub.

    Do not invert the left (8) and right(9) spacer rings.

    u Insert the left (8) and right (9) spacerrings in their seats on the wheel hub

    Before proceeding with thereassembly, make sure thatsupport plate (10) of the brake

    caliper (11) is positioned correctly; theplate slot must be inserted in theappropriate stop pin (12) in the innerpart of the rear fork left rod.Insert the disc in the brake calipercarefully.u Position the wheel between the rear fork

    rods on the support (2).

    Do not introduce your fingersbetween the chain and the crowngear.

    u Make the wheel advance and positionthe drive chain (6) on the crown gear (7).

    Danger of injury.Do not introduce your fingers toalign the holes.

    u Move the wheel backwards, until itscentral hole and the holes on the rearfork are aligned.

    u Rotate the support plate (10), completewith brake caliper (11) and with fulcrumon the stop pin (12), until it is aligned with

    the holes.Do not invert the right (4) and left(5) chain tighteners.

    u Correctly insert the right (4) and left (5)chain tighteners in their seats on the fork.

    u Uniformly apply a moderate quantity ofgrease on the wheel pin (3).

    u Introduce the wheel pin (3) completelyon the left side.

    chain tightener (5).u Position the washer and tighten the nut

    (1) manually.u Check the chain tension, see page 54

    (DRIVE CHAIN).u Tighten the nut (1).

    Wheel nut (1) driving torque:100 Nm (10 kgm).

    Proceed with care, in order not

    to damage the brake pads.u Insert the brake caliper (11) on the disc

    and position it so that its fastening holesand the holes on the support are aligned.

    Upon reassembly of the brakecaliper, replace the cal iperfastening screws (13) with two

    new screws of the same type.u Screw and tighten the two screws (13)

    that fasten the brake caliper.

    Brake caliper screw (13) driving torque:22 Nm (2.2 kgm).

    After reassembly, pull the rearbrake lever repeatedly and

    check the correct functioning ofthe braking system.

    Check the wheel centering.Have the driving torques, centering andbalancing of the wheel checked by youraprilia Official Dealer, in order to avoidaccidents that may be harmful for you

    and/or other people.



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    54 use and maintenance RS 125


    Careful ly read p ag e 4 3(MAINTENANCE).

    The vehicle is equipped with a chain withring link joint.

    In case of disassembly and reassembly of

    the chain, make sure that the clip (1) ofthe r ing l ink joint has i ts open sideopposite the travelling direction (seefigure).

    An excessive slackening of thechain can cause it to come off of

    the sprockets, which often resultsin accidents or serious damage to thevehicle.Periodically check the slack and adjust itif necessary, see beside (ADJUSTMENT).To change the chain, contact an apriliaOfficial Dealer, who will ensure you

    prompt and accurate servicing.

    Incorrect maintenance maycause the untimely wear of thechain and/or damages to the

    pinion and/or the crown.Carry out the maintenance operationsmore frequently if you use the vehicle indifficult conditions or on dusty and/or

    muddy roads.


    To check the slack, proceed as follows:u Stop the engine.u Position the vehicle on the stand.u Position the shifting lever in neutral.u Make sure that the vertical oscillation, in

    an intermediate point between pinionand crown in the lower part of the chain,is about 25 35 mm.

    u Move the vehicle forwards, or turn thewheel, in order to be able to check thevertical oscillation of the chain evenwhen the wheel turns; the slack must be

    constant in all the rotation phases of thewheel.

    If in some positions the slack ishigher than in others, this meansthat there are crushed or seized

    links; in this case, contact an apriliaOfficial Dealer. To prevent the risk ofseizures, lubricate the chain frequently,see pa ge 5 5 ( C LE A NI N G A ND

    LUBRICATION).If the slack is uniform, but higher or lowerthan 25 35 mm , ad jus t i t , seebelow (ADJUSTMENT).


    To adjust the chain i t is

    necessary to use the appropriaterear support stand-.

    If after the check it is necessary to adjustthe chain tension, proceed as follows:

    u Position the vehicle on the appropriaterear support stand -, see page 47(POSITIONING THE VEHICLE ON THE


    Lubricate the chain frequently,especially if there are dry orrusty parts. The crushed or

    seized links must be lubricated and



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    u Loosen the nut (2) completely.

    For the wheel centering fixedreference marks (3 -4 ) are

    provided, which can be seen inside thechain tightener seats on the rear forkarms, before the wheel pin.

    u Loosen the two lock nuts (5).u Act on the adjusters (6) and adjust the

    chain slack, making sure that thereference marks (3-4) are correctlypositioned on both sides of the vehicle.

    u Tighten the two lock nuts (5).u

    Tighten the nut (2).

    Wheel nut driving torque:100 Nm (10 kgm).

    u Check the chain slack, see page 54(CHECKING THE SLACK).


    Further, check the chain and sprocketsand make sure that they do not present:

    u Damaged rollers.u Loose pins.u

    Dry, rusty, crushed or seized links.u Excessive wear.u Sprocket or teeth excessively worn or


    If the chain rollers are damagedand/or the pins are loose, it isnecessary to change the whole

    chain unit (both sprockets and chain).

    seized links must be lubricated andmade work again.If this is not possible, contact an aprilia

    Official Dealer, who will provide forchanging the chain.

    u Check the wear of the chain tightenerroller (7).

    u Finally, check the wear of the rear forkprotection shoe.


    Carry out the adjustment ,lubrication, cleaning and changeof the chain with great care.

    Lubricate the chain every 500 km (312 mi)or whenever necessary.

    Lubricate the chain with spray grease forchains or with SAE 80W-90 oil.

    Never wash the chain with water jets,steam jets, high-pressure water jets andhighly inflammable solvents.


    3 6 10

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    u Position the vehicle on the stand.u Insert the key (1) in the lock (2).u Rotate the key (1) anticlockwise.u Raise and remove the saddle (3).

    Upon reassembly:Before lowering and locking thesaddle, make sure that you have

    not left the key in the glove / tool kitcompartment.

    u Fit the front key (4) in its housing (5) inthe seat.

    u Position the coupling (6) in its seat (7),lower and press the saddle, making thelock snap.

    Before leaving, make sure thatthe saddle (3) is proper lypositioned and locked.


    Careful ly read p ag e 43(MAINTENANCE).

    Wait until the engine and theexhaust s i lencer have

    completely cooled down.

    u Position the vehicle on the stand.u Unscrew and remove the two screws (8).u Before removing the fairing (12),

    disconnect the two terminals (11) fromthe turn indicator.


    Loosen and remove the three lowerscrews (9); loosen and remove the twotop screws (10).

    Handle the plastic and paintedcomponents with care and avoidscraping or damaging them.

    u Move away the side fairing (12), becareful when removing the top pegs from

    their seats in the headlight fairing.Proceed in the same way to remove theright fairing.









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    u Carefully read page 43(MAINTENANCE)

    Wait until the engine and theexhaust s i lencer have

    completely cooled down.

    u Loosen and remove the four screws (13),on the right side and the other four on theleft side.

    Handle the plastic and paintedcomponents with care to avoid

    scraping or damaging them.

    Remove the lower fairing (14).


    Carefully read page 25 (FUEL) andpage 43 (MAINTENANCE).

    Risk of fire.Wait until the engine and the

    exhaust s i lencer havecompletely cooled down.

    Fuel vapours are noxious for yourhealth.Before proceeding, make sure that theroom in which you are working is

    properly ventilated.Do not inhale fuel vapours.Do not smoke and do not use nakedflames.


    u Remove the rider saddle, see page 56(REMOVING THE RIDER SADDLE).

    u Unscrew and remove the screw (2) andtake the bushing.

    u Remove the fuel tank support rod (3)from the relevant anchorage seats.






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    58 use and maintenance RS 125

    u Slightly raise the fuel tank (4) at the frontdisconnect connector (5) and fuel line(6).

    u Completely raise the fuel tank (4) andslide in the rod (3) as shown:


    Clean the air cleaner every 4000 km(2500 mi) or 12 months, change it every8000 km (5000 mi) or more frequently ifthe vehicle is used on dusty or wet roads.

    It is possible to clean the air cleaner

    partially after using the vehicle on this kindof roads.

    The partial cleaning of the filterdoes not exclude or postponethe replacement of the filteritself.


    u Lift the fuel tank, see page 57(REMOVING THE LOWER FAIRING).

    u Unscrew and remove the two screws(1).

    u Unscrew and remove the two screws (2)and take the nuts positioned under them.

    u Remove the filter case cover (3).u Remove the filtering element (4) together

    with the grids (5).

    Plug the opening with a cleancloth, to prevent any foreignmatters f rom enter ing the

    suction pipes.





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    u Clean the filtering element (4) with clean,non-inflammable solvents or solventswith high volatility point, then let it drythoroughly.

    u Apply a filter oil or a thick oil (SAE 80W-90) on the whole surface of the filteringelement, then squeeze it to eliminate theoil in excess.

    The filtering element (4) must bewell impregnated, though not



    u Replace the filtering element (4) with anew one of the same type.


    The rear suspension consists of a spring-shock absorber unit, fixed to the frame bymeans of silent-blocks and to the rear forkby means of lever systems. For the settingof the vehicle attitude, the shock absorberi s p rov i ded w i t