rosemary works newsletter 20th september 2013

 20 th September 2013 Term 1 Newsletter 3 Items this week: Questions for the Croc! Harvest Festival NEXT WEEK  Pupil Achievements This Week Primary Science Quality Mark Artist and Musician of the Week Bayeux Tapestry in Enrichment Time Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning NEXT FRIDAY Next Week’s Menu & Dates for the Diary Dear Parents It has been another busy week for all the children and adults; it was great to catch up with many of the Reception Class parents at their get-together on Tuesday evening and I look forward to seeing Nursery parents on Tuesday 1 st October between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. We are also delighted to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (details below). Let’s hope the weather at the weekend improves! If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Rob Dell (Head Teacher) Questions for the Croc! Harvest Festival Week Next Week Years 2/3 have been focusing on Roald Dahl’s The Enormous Crocodile and the children have created a great little video of them undertaking a Q and A session with the infamous croc! This video demonstrates their sheer enthusiasm for the book that they have all got fully immersed in. Well done to you all! Press here to view. Harvest Festival is around the corner and we’d be grateful if you could have a look in your larders and kitchen cupboards for some tins and other long-life consumables and drop them off in the box by Alannah’s office. All contributions will be warmly received. Please ensure they are dropped off by Monday 30 th  September. We are giving our harvest to Christ Apostolic Church on Kingsland Road who will distribute to the local homeless. Thank you in advance for your contributions. Press here to see what we did last year. In school we will have a special assembly to show the children all that we have collected and we will exchange thoughts about the importance of sharing with those less fortunate than ourselves, what Harvest means and Paul has been teaching the children to sing the Harvest Song.

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20th September 2013 

Term 1 Newsletter 3 

Items this week:Questions for the Croc!Harvest Festival NEXT WEEK  Pupil Achievements This WeekPrimary Science Quality Mark

Artist and Musician of the WeekBayeux Tapestry in Enrichment TimeWorld’s Biggest Coffee Morning NEXT FRIDAY Next Week’s Menu & Dates for the Diary 

Dear Parents

It has been another busy week for all the children and adults; it was great to catch up with many of the Reception Class parents

at their get-together on Tuesday evening and I look forward to seeing Nursery parents on Tuesday 1st October between 4:00pm

and 6:00pm. We are also delighted to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (details below). Let’s hope the

weather at the weekend improves! If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rob Dell (Head Teacher)

Questions for the Croc! Harvest Festival Week – Next Week

Years 2/3 have been focusing on Roald Dahl’s TheEnormous Crocodile and the children have createda great little video of them undertaking a Q and Asession with the infamous croc! This videodemonstrates their sheer enthusiasm for the bookthat they have all got fully immersed in. Well doneto you all! Press here to view.

Harvest Festival is around the corner and we’d be grateful if 

you could have a look in your larders and kitchen cupboards forsome tins and other long-life consumables and drop them off inthe box by Alannah’s office. All contributions will be warmlyreceived. Please ensure they are dropped off by Monday 30th September. We are giving our harvest to Christ ApostolicChurch on Kingsland Road who will distribute to the localhomeless. Thank you in advance for your contributions. Presshere to see what we did last year.

In school we will have a special assembly to show the childrenall that we have collected and we will exchange thoughts aboutthe importance of sharing with those less fortunate than

ourselves, what Harvest means and Paul has been teaching thechildren to sing the Harvest Song.

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Pupil Achievements This Week Primary Science Quality Mark Success

Certificates (Stars of the Week)






Year 1 Markia

Year 2 Cosmo




Reception Hugo

Year 1 Freya

Year 2 Zaia

Certificates (Musician of the Week)


Certificates (Artist of the Week)Year 1 Thomas

This week, the certificates and prizes were for all kindsof lovely reasons and particularly for not only settlingwell into school life, but showing a good example totheir friends. Well done to these children for goingabove and beyond to achieve their certificate or prize.Next week, the focus for Star of the Week certificatesis working together. Watch this space to see whichchildren are good collaborators. 

I am delighted to announce that we havebeen awarded the Primary Science QualityMark (PSQM) Bronze award this year. Lastyear we invested in a specialist scienceteacher, Dorothy, to come in one day a weekto deliver hands on science teaching to thechildren and to work with the other teachersto develop their teaching of science. Dorothy

was also asked to assess our science resourcing and to support Robwith the teachers’ Continuing Professional Development, and withobservations and assessments of their teaching. Furthermore, Dorothywas to set in place the necessary systems and resources to ensurethat our science teaching was maintained at a high standard over thecoming years.

To reflect the work the school is undertaking in science, we applied for the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM). Our PSQM assessorpraised our 'wonderful submission' and judged that we had a clear listof science principles, with very good Continuing ProfessionalDevelopment of our staff. The assessor recognised the “richness of teaching [and] learning approaches to science” and our “great systemof resource material to support teachers [and] sufficient material forthe children to have hands on experience and not just enough for theteacher to demonstrate”. The assessor said that our science actionplan had been the driving force behind “all the wonderful work thathas gone on across the school”. 

Maintaining our Commitment to Science Dorothy has now retired and this year’s subject focus is on Music, so

we have put in place plans to ensure that we retain our standards inscience teaching. Throughout the past year Rob and Dorothy’sobservations of our teachers’ practice in science has assessed allteachers at Rosemary Works as delivering good to outstandingteaching on all occasions, and they have worked well to embedscience teaching within the curriculum and enrichment time. ThePSQM assessor made the following comments about our continuingdedication to science:

“The subject leader has implemented a range of assessmentstrategies every year that have supported both the pupils andteachers to ensure an ongoing developmental theme,the introduction of APP”; Rosemary Works has a “clear long term

plan for science that ensures that there are ample opportunities for abalanced science curriculum across the school”; “The subject leaderhad made a very clear reflection of what has gone well this year andalso used this to identify very good developments into the future.” 

Rob and the teachers are working together to develop their ScienceAction plan for the current academic year, following the same formatas last year. We are also introducing APP (Assessing Pupils’ Progress)in science this year, and so will be able to share the children’sachievements based on national standards henceforth.

We would like to thank all of the teaching staff, and Dorothy, fortheir excellent work!

Jacqueline Logue (Director) 

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Artist & Musician of the Week

Our Artist of the Week goes to Thomas in Year 1 forhis Enormous Crocodile clay work. The detail and carehe put into all aspects of this piece is worthy of theArtist of the Week accolade – Great job!

Our Musician of the Week goes to Ellie-Mae inReception Class whose concentration and enthusiasm isa great inspiration to her friends. The effort she putsinto singing and her natural timing and rhythm isamazing! Well done! 

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 

Bayeux Tapestry in Enrichment Time

David has created his weekly comic strip that shows the workEnrichment Time pupils undertook this week. They looked at,as part of their Turrets and Tiaras topic, the Bayeux tapestryand began hand-stitching their own depiction of scenes fromthis magnificent piece. Press here  to see the entire strip. Wecan’t wait to see how it will look by the end of the topic!

Jeans for Genes Day

Today we hosted Jeans for Genes Day and it was great to seechildren taking part in this worthy cause. By noon we had

raised £39 compared to the mighty £157 raised last year. If you can donate early next week, please do so and I ’ll revealthe final figure in next week’s newsletter. 

Next Week’s Menu 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

   L  u  n  c   h


PizzaVegetarianCottage Pie

Spaghetti alPomodoro



   T  e  a  Tomato

PastaBeans on




Dates for the Diary


23rd – Harvest Festival Week

27th – World’s Biggest Coffee Morning 


1st – Nursery Parents Get-together

25th – Halloween Party (after school) (details to follow)

Next Friday we are hosting the World’s BiggestCoffee Morning in the hall from 8:30 to 10:00.Please drop by for a coffee and to make adonation to the Macmillan Cancer Research and if you can’t make it, please send your donation inwith your child. There will be delicious cakes andhot drinks to mark the occasion and we hope toraise more than last year’s total of £186.50. Presshere to see how we did last year.