roast up an esb this christmas

Roast up up up up an ESB this Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas JBI/EIP – Mmmm, tastes delicious!

Upload: michael-gallagher

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Introduction to the benefits of an ESB. Using both JBI and EIP to create an SOA architecture.


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Roast upupupup




JBI/EIP – Mmmm, tastes delicious!

Page 2: Roast up an ESB this Christmas

Santa has a problem, just before Christmas!• He uses RSS feeds

• Google reader provide a public feed of his shared articlesarticles

• Tech Crunch provide their public feed through feedproxy

• Santa needs to view both feeds together, but they have different formats!


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Google vs Tech Crunch Format

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Recipe Ingredients

• 1 portion of Java, J2SE 6 is best•

• 1 portion of Java, J2SE 6 is best• 3 spoons of Apache Maven, this will be for building• 1 tin of already prepared Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), FUSE will do fine

Note: FUSE contains• Apache ServiceMix

• 1 cup of Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP), Apache Camel is preferable• 5oz of Spring bean container, helps everything blend well

• Apache ServiceMix• A healthy amount of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)• 2 dashes of Java Business Integration (JBI)

• 10g of Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi), Apache Karaf mixed with Eclipse Equinox should be in the FUSE tin

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Chopping up Modules



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Cooking with Apache Maven

>mvn install>mvn install

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Self Raising EIP/JBI

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Here’s One I Here’s One I Made Earlier

Time to run the FUSE ESB and look at the

finished services

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Recipe Ingredients

• 1 portion of Java, J2SE 6 is best•

• 1 portion of Java, J2SE 6 is best• 3 spoons of Apache Maven, this will be for building• 1 tin of already prepared Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), FUSE will do fine

Note: FUSE contains• Apache ServiceMix

• 1 cup of Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP), Apache Camel is preferable• 5oz of Spring bean container, helps everything blend well

• Apache ServiceMix• A healthy amount of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)• 2 dashes of Java Business Integration (JBI)

• 10g of Open Services Gateway Initiative (OSGi), Apache Karaf mixed with Eclipse Equinox should be in the FUSE tin

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Java Business Integration (JBI)• JSR standard• Service Unit• Service Assembly• Service Assembly

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• Install on a • Install on a running system• Start and Stop Bundles• Monitoring (Apache Karaf)•• Logging• Configuration

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Enterprise Integration


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Pros and Cons

� 5 Possible Tiers of Abstraction� Class� Bean

� Distance from Java� Steep Learning Curve – all new� External Dependency� Bean

� EIP Route� Service Unit� Service Assembly

� High Reusability� Rapid Development and Deployment� Scalable and Clusterable� Configurable and Extendable� Monitoring and Logging tools

� External Dependency� Working with bugs/issues� Over flexibility = Excessive Configuration� Debugging more difficult� Loose typing more prone to error� Abstraction worsens Performance?

� Monitoring and Logging tools� Based on Standards� Out of the Box Functionality� Open Source

� Growing Feature set� Large Support Community