roadhog april 2014

April 2014 Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter CONTENTS Features 4 - Who’s Who 11 - Gate Crashing Gloucester Docks 12 - GWC Birthday Party 14 - Oz on ‘The Beast’ Regulars 2 - Director’s Cut 3 - Secretary’s Update 5 - From the Front 6 - Between the Covers 7 - Cangen Cymraeg 8 - Ladies of Harley 9 - Cockers Bits 16 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 19 - Charity Update 21 - Mencap 23 - At a Glance H.O.G. ® Chapter 6655

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Page 1: Roadhog april 2014

April 2014 Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter CONTENTS


4 - Who’s Who

11 - Gate Crashing

Gloucester Docks

12 - GWC Birthday Party

14 - Oz on ‘The Beast’


2 - Director’s Cut

3 - Secretary’s Update

5 - From the Front

6 - Between the Covers

7 - Cangen Cymraeg

8 - Ladies of Harley

9 - Cockers Bits

16 - Pete & Duncan’s

Pump Stop

19 - Charity Update

21 - Mencap

23 - At a Glance

H.O.G.® Chapter 6655

Page 2: Roadhog april 2014

Page 2

Hi All,

I think the weather is

slowly getting better for

the riding season and I

look forward to the clocks

leaping into Spring at the

end of March.

Warm weather is still ra-

ther patchy but I must say

Greg (aka Tom from the

Voice) conjured up a gem

of a day for the Welsh

rideout, on the 9th of

March, attracting a group of circa 50 bikes.

Remarkable, considering England were to play

Wales that afternoon in the Six Nations; more about

that in a minute. Back to the ride - it was also remark-

able that one of the group, Alan Evans, returned un-

scathed when a horse decided it didn’t like the gentle

hum from the passing bikes and jumped a metal rail

surrounding the field and darted across the road

straight in front of Alan, I was 5 bikes behind Alan

and the horse looked big, so it must have been a

brown trouser moment for Alan!

Anyway, back to the Rugby; don’t worry Cangen

Cymraeg members, I won’t mention the score. A lot

of the group wanted their cake and eat it, so were on

the ride and, at the same time, recording the rugby,

hoping not to hear the score before getting home, me

included. I therefore decided not to stop at the end of

the ride, because it was close to the match finish

time, apologies for that, and darted straight home. On

went the kettle for a brew, feet up to relax from the

ride and full of anticipation of a great game. Only one

problem, I didn’t have the foresight to change the TV

channel when I set up the recording that morning

and, as luck would have it, as soon as I switched on

the TV the final score was on the screen, bugger!

after all that!

Our Birthday Party at Riders of Bristol, in March, was

the first event of the year and very successful, thanks

to the efforts of Cockers & Mark for the amusing

games, Caroline and Yvonne for the splendid cakes

and, of course, Duncan and the staff of Riders for

their hospitality in hosting the event.

Whilst on the subject of parties, Steve and Mandy

Crook will be celebrating their Silver Wedding Anni-

versary on the 28th June and have very kindly invited

all GWC members to join them in the evening at the

Woodlands Social Club, Calne, RSVP by the 24th


Both Club nights are still very well attended but, at

the moment, the Natter Night is barely limping along

with just a handful. So, with the weather soon to im-

prove, perhaps you would like to come and join us to

chew the cud.

Paul Lusty of WMB attended the March St Mary’s

meeting to give the same presentation as the Cross

Hands Hotel. He was so impressed with the friendly

reception from both meetings he has now joined

GWC; what better time to ask for a tour discount!

I’m guessing that most people are aware that SOFER

has been cancelled for this year, which is a shame,

being a major event in the calendar. No doubt some-

thing will replace it next year.

There have now been two lucky winners of free Hogs

in the Hayfields tickets, Laura Jones being the latest,

in the March draw, so maybe you’ll be next in the

April draw or are you dragging your feet? The bands

are now booked and the finishing touches are being

made to make it another great weekend, including

another possible surprise entertainment put on by our

hosts Barry and Karen at Cleve Rugby Club. As

always we’re looking for your help, either with prepa-

rations before or over the weekend, so if you can

spare some time it will be much appreciated.

As previously mentioned, Bridgwater Chapter have

invited GWC members to join them for a ride in sup-

port of Somerset Levels flood victims on Saturday the

19th April, meeting at Somerset Cricket Club 9.30 am

to depart 11.00 am; minimum £5 donation on arrival.

It will be a short ride around the town then park up to

join the fun laid on by the organisers.

By the time you see this edition the “Gentlemen” will

have just returned from the Boys Only Weekend to

Devon / Cornwall. Who knows who may have got

their kit off this year, but I could have a damn good


For full details of all our events, please visit the web-

site as this is being frequently updated as events firm

up. If you find anything missing please remind us,

we’re only human!

Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett


Email: [email protected]

Home: 01291 620371

Mobile: 07907 351650

Director’s Cut By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett

Page 3: Roadhog april 2014

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As I write this it is a love-

ly sunny afternoon and

all the signs are that

Spring has sprung!

There are lambs in the

fields near our house,

Spring flowers in the gar-

den and I’ve just had an

ice cream.

March has been a busy month, so far, with our

GWC 11th Birthday Party at Riders, Club nights,

GWC Committee Meeting, Rally Meeting and a

Gurzels rehearsal! It was good to meet up with

familiar faces, as well as welcoming new ones, both

at our Birthday Party and also at our Club nights. As

usual, our raffles at our Club nights raised money

for Mencap, so thank you to all who contributed.

Laura Jones was the lucky winner of the free Rally

ticket in the monthly draw. In the quarterly draw for

the‘100 Club’ draw, John James won the first prize

of £60 and Little Big Al McIlvar won the second

prize of £30. (Remember you have to be in it to win

it)! Next up will be our ‘Meet the Chapter’ day at Rid-

ers on March 22nd

, so we may well meet some more

new, as well as familiar faces then too.

I found out that, a certain couple we know, made the

local paper in Bristol, over 40 years ago, when their

wedding cake didn’t make it to their wedding day!

So they never got a photo of themselves cutting

their cake. An opportunity arose to remedy this at

our Birthday Party, when we managed to get Mike

and Jo Attwood photographed cutting our birthday

cake! Shortly after this photo was taken, there was

hardly a crumb left!

We held our monthly GWC Committee Meeting on

Saturday March 15th. Duncan outlined Riders in-

volvement at forthcoming biking events, details of

which will be in Riders magazine. He was looking

forward to the launch of the 3 new models on March


We were pleased to hear that £210 had been raised

for Mencap, through the sales of the GWC 2013

DVD. Thanks to Chris for his efforts in creating the

DVD and arranging for it to be copied.

Stephanie outlined her proposals for how our Chap-

ter can support Mencap this year, which we ap-

proved in principle. She was very pleased with the

amount raised so far through the raffles, donations

of clothing and other items, and through individuals

raising money at work.

We agreed to the changes to our GWC By-laws so

that they can be sent to H.O.G®

for approval.

Anita reported that the ticket sales were brisk for

our GWC Christmas Party, with three quarters of the

tickets already sold.

The date of our next Committee Meeting is April

12th. A full copy of the minutes can be obtained by

request from me.

At our Rally Meeting, which was held afterwards, we

heard that people were working hard behind the

scenes, to ensure that our rally is a success. Tony

James, our Rally Coordinator, confirmed that he has

booked the bands and Dave Curtis, the DJ. Catering

is also arranged and will feature a pork roast on the

Saturday. Big Al has planned a fabulous route for

the rideout to include Avebury with its being the

Summer Solstice. We agreed to purchase new mar-

quees, to replace the old ones, which are damaged.

Andy Kendall will be asking at Club nights, for vol-

unteers to be on duty on the gate. Jane is sorting

the rota for the hospitality tent and will be asking

members to bake cakes, to offer people on arrival at

(Continued on page 4)

Secretary’s Update By Yvonne Roberts

Page 4: Roadhog april 2014

Page 4

the rally.

We agreed that we would have 300 tickets printed

and order just enough pins and patches for the first

230 tickets sold. Anita and Peter will have Rally tick-

ets with them for sale at our Club nights from now

on, along with Rally forms to be completed and

signed. There is also transport laid on to and from

the Premier Inn. We agreed that we would offer a

complimentary can of beer, lager or cider, as people

collect their Rally Packs, so that they can ‘chill out’.

Tony is also hoping for people to step forward and

volunteer, to help set up on the Thursday evening

and Friday morning and pack up on the Sunday

morning. (Many hands make light work)!

Our next Rally Meeting will be held at Cleve Rugby

Club on April 12th at 1.30pm.

I have the usual selection of merchandise available,

including large and small rockers and patches, pin

grips and fleeces. I have also ordered the new


patches and rockers. Look at the Merchan-

dise page on our website for full details and how to

order, or see me at Club nights.

Let’s give a warm

welcome to Paul

Lusty, whom you

might recognise as

the guy who gave the

presentation about

moving bikes. He

liked us so much,

that he has decided

to join our Chapter.

We also photographed

Andy Wilkey, who re-

cently joined our Chap-

ter, at the Cangen Club


Enjoy the Spring

weather and ride safe,



Email: [email protected]

Home: 01225 751017

Who’s Who

Ok, how well do you know

the people you ride with?

Here are some photos,

from days long past, of

existing chapter mem-


Do you know who they


Photos A & B are of the

same person the identity

of which can be found on

page 5.

The identity of the couple

in photo C can found on

page 18.

Good Luck!

(A big thank you goes out

to those members brave

enough to have submitted

these picture)

The editor takes no re-

sponsibility for any injury

sustained as a result of

viewing these photos.




Page 5: Roadhog april 2014

Page 5

Hi All

Well, in recent weeks,

Spring has finally arrived

conveniently coinciding

with the daffodils being

in full bloom. The abun-

dance of flowers, in the

area I live, has certainly

added some much

needed colour to the many roundabouts. A touch of

brightness on display after all those grey, water-

laden clouds. They seem to have followed me

around everywhere. Wet weather, day-after-day,

has been an absolute nightmare to contend with.

Riding the “Rice Rattler “ to work every day has

proven a real chore throughout the winter months.

Despite the waterproofs, I forget how many soak-

ings I’ve had. Far too many, that’s for sure. Howev-

er I guess, in comparison to some of our unfortu-

nate members, mine is a minor irritation. Let’s hope

those affected by all the bad weather get their

properties back to normal quickly.

So, looking ahead and sporting a big grin, the

clocks have finally gone forward. Hopefully the en-

suing light evenings will be accompanied by some

much needed dry, warm weather.

On the riding front, life continues as normal with

the monthly ride-outs taking place. Last month saw

Greg Payne’s “Cross Border Incursions” to the

market town of Ludlow blessed with great riding

conditions for the time of year. As a result, 50+

bikes from the Great Western and Black Mountain

Chapters turned out. An event that was well sup-

ported, which is always good to see, and makes

the hard work worthwhile. Hopefully everybody en-

joyed themselves on this cross country ride.

In contrast, my ride team headed for the coastal

town of Burnham-on-Sea. A great ride with a mixed

bag of sights thrown in for enjoyment. Anything

from breath-taking views of the Somerset Levels,

from the high vantage point near Axbridge, to the

diverse variety of wildfowl on display at Chew Val-

ley Lake. Something on offer for everyone. Any-

way, more on that will be found in the ride-out


…. And so to conclude this month’s ramblings, it

only remains for me to inform you of the forthcom-

ing rides for your enjoyment.

Sunday 13th

April 2014 – Mark Chivers & BMC


'Tripping to Llandovery'

This weekend is the one year anniversary of the

Swansea HD dealership. Coinciding with this

event, the Wales based ride out will be organised

and led by the Black Mountains Chapter.

The plan is to meet in the front car park at the

Swansea HD Dealership for 10.00 a.m. Please en-

sure you have a full tank of fuel and be ready to

depart between 10.30 a.m. and 11.00 a.m.

The ride will be taking a direct route to Llandovery

where a snack and comfort break will be taken.

The return ride will finish back at the Swansea HD


This will be classed as a Level A ride of approxi-

mately 70 miles.

Sunday 27th

April 2014 – Andy “RKK” Kendall &


'Pressing on to Cider Country'

The plan is to meet at Severn View (Aust) Services

M48/J1 for 10.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and

ready to leave at 10.30 a.m.

Please join us for what promises to be a great op-

portunity to combine a fantastic ride with a visit of

the Weston's Cider Press for lunch. The plan is for

a 2 hour stop to allow those that wish to take the

Cider Press tour, time to do so. If this is not for you,

then you can kick back, have lunch and relax. The

choice is yours.

The outbound route will head over the Old Severn

Bridge and head for the A48 St Briavels, Coleford,

Mitchell Dean and then onto the A40 to Ross on

Wye, picking up the A449 to Much Marcle and

stopping at Weston's Cider.

Following lunch the return trip will head for Ledbury

and the A438 towards Hereford. We will then take

some scenic back roads and pick up the A40

through Monmouth. From here the ride will run par-

allel with the Wye Valley to Chepstow. The ride will

finish back at Severn View Services.

(Continued on page 6)

From The Front By Alan “Big Al” Stokes

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Page 6

This ride is classed as a Level A ride of approxi-

mately 80 miles.

Sunday 11th

May 2014 – Andy “RKK” Kendall &


"A Dam Good ride around the Elan Valley "

Meet up at 09:00 a.m. at Sainsbury's, Albany

Street, Newport, NP20 5NJ (just off of M4 Junction

25a on the A4042). Note if you are coming from the

Cardiff direction there is NO Exit on J25a so you

will have to find an alternative route). Please be

fuelled up with a full tank ready for a 09:30 a.m.


The ride will head out on the B4596 towards Caer-

leon and on unspecified roads to Usk and Raglan.

Then the ride will follow the A4598 past the Steel

Horse Café to Abergavenny and onto the A465 and

A40 to the comfort stop at Crickhowell.

After the comfort stop, the ride will continue on the

A40, A479 to the fuel stop at Builth Wells and on to

Rhayader (Ride Harder!). The route will then follow

the B4518 to the lunch stop at the Elan Valley

Visitors Centre (LD6 5HP).

Following lunch, weather permitting, we ride

around the reservoirs (we will NOT be able to stop)

and back to Rhayader, then follow the A44 to King-

ston and A411 & A438 to comfort stop at Sains-

bury's, Hereford (HR4 0AG). Following the break

we continue on the A49 and A466 to Monmouth

and continue on the A466 through Tintern and onto

the ride end in Chepstow.

This is a level B ride of approx 150 miles using

mostly A and B roads.

Until the next time, have fun and ride hard.

Alan “Big Al” Stokes

Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

For those last minute updates please call the “Hotline” on 08444 994508 and please keep a check on the website for changes.

Please see below some guidance details of the rides:

Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip.

Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer.

Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly

a longer duration.

Between the Covers

Hi All and welcome to

the April edition of the

RoadHOG magazine.

Having just finished

pulling this edition to-

gether I have noticed

quite a few comments

on the weather, and its

general improvement.

That said, I’m looking

forward to putting some miles on the bike myself. In

fact, as I look out of the window the sun is shining….

no, hang on….. its started raining….. no, its


I’ll not jinx it by saying the weather’s getting better

but, personally, I’m hoping for a re-run of 2013.

Well, I hope you enjoy this edition as I’ve included

something a little different this month, the ‘Who’s

Who’ section. Did you guess correctly? Who knows,

this may become a regular, assuming there are

other members out there brave enough to expose


Looking ahead, by the time you receive this copy us

boys will have returned from our weekend away.

This will be my first, a BOW virgin you may say.

Hopefully there will be something to report as I

heard last year’s event was a quiet affair .

Conveniently this bring me around to my sales pitch.

As we are now entering the riding season I’m look-

ing for volunteers to produce ride out, rally and

event articles for inclusion in future editions. Or, if

you’re planning your own riding tour how about a

write up of that.

Don’t be shy, it’s easy. Here are what previous

members, who didn’t think they could do it, said.

“Who’d have thought I knew so many words”

“The smell checker saved the kneed to cheque my

art tickle.”

“Once I got started my finger was a blur”



Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07900 496711

(Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily

the views of the Editor)

Page 7: Roadhog april 2014

Page 7

I really cannot believe

where the time is going.

I just had a reminder

from our Editor about

submitting articles for

April’s RoadHog Maga-

zine and it only seems

like last week since I

sent my last lot of waffle

off. Oh well, here goes.

Now that the Spring weather has arrived and a ces-

sation (for now) of the wet stuff, me and the Glide

are really getting it together.

I attended, with other Chapter members, the funeral

of a good friend of Andy Kendall Snr. in Keynsham.

Although not a Chapter member he requested a

motorcycle hearse and a motorcycle entourage.

Also, being an ex-serviceman, riders from the British

Legion attended. All-in-all a grand send off was

achieved with appreciative comments from the

family and funeral directors.

Sunday 9th March 2014 was my rideout as Road

Captain to Ludlow. It was also the date of the Eng-

land v Wales rugby international. I stupidly thought

the numbers would be down, even though we had

glorious sunshine, but wow 51 riders turned up plus

pillions. Also, several members of the Black Moun-

tains Chapter attended and if I say so myself I

thought it was a good un. I could mention an inci-

dent between Alan Evans and a horse but I believe

that well-known bard, Phil Blake, will cover this in

his rideout report. Thanks to everyone who turned

up especially to Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall (RKK)

and Si Griffiths (the Road Crew)

Our Cangen meeting was well attended at St Marys

with Bazzer on form. He introduced Paul Lusty of

“We Move Bikes” who gave a very good presenta-

tion of what his company is all about. Could appeal

to some who want to attend a rally and time is short,

but for me it’s the ride every time.

Bazzer also mentioned the Chapter Xmas party

which, in a break from tradition, is to be held at the

Alveston House Hotel, Alveston. This decision was

taken as it was felt that, since Cangen has several

Black Mountain members and their Xmas party is a

week before ours, it would affect Cangen members

attending the GWC Xmas Party. It was also noted

that the GWC Xmas party 2013 only attracted 7

Welsh couples. This time there will be no fancy

dress and numbers are limited to 75 persons. So, if

you want to go get in quick.

Bazzer also mentioned the launch of 3 new models

at Riders, the Chapter Challenge and volunteers to

carry the Chapter flag at any rally they are attend-

ing. I have done this several times and you get a

great buzz doing it. I can loan a telescopic flag pole

should anyone volunteer. Rideouts were also men-

tioned as was the LOH London weekend.

Steph, our Charity co-ordinator, gave a presentation

on Mencap activities and ways for her to collect un-

wanted clothing, stamps, empty printer cartridges,


The evening concluded with the raffle and yours

truly won the breakfast voucher, which was used

following our GWC Committee meeting the next


The day after the meeting my Ultra had its first

MOT. Where had the last 3 years gone? Frightening


Just a quick word about those riding down to St

Tropez with myself and Ian Johnson. Ensure all

your documents, relating to the bike, insurance, etc,

are in order and you must carry the original docu-

ments. Helmet reflective stickers are needed and

can be purchased at Halfords. Breakdown cover is

essential as well. If anyone has any queries about

the trip give me a ring or talk to me at the next

Cangen meeting.

That’s all folks from me and keep the rubber to the



Cangen Cymraeg Rep.

Cangen Cymraeg By Greg Payne

Page 8: Roadhog april 2014

Page 8

Hi Ladies,

Firstly, I had better say

“Thank You” to Queenie

for taking charge of the

Ladies Of Harley matters

at the monthly club meet-

ing. Queenie – not sure if

you went to St Marys club

night but, if you did,

thanks again!

I’m not sure the lads will beat this picture. I know it’s not

me, but Diego is wearing my new Harley t-shirt so that

sort of counts, and he’s a lot better to look at too (don’t

look Duncan as the t-shirt came from Lakeside, sorry).

Diego works in a bar in Lardos, on the Island of Rhodes,

and his aim in life is to own a 883 Nightster. He is so

passionate about Harley-Davidson that I think we could

have spent all night just talking to him about the Harley

Family. I think he was gob smacked when I said I would

swap my shirt for his, but I think he had the best deal,

and then with his black PVC jacket on, he turned a few

heads. Hopefully one day his dream will come true.

Well, as I started writing this article I just thought I

should still be in Greece sunning me self, but alas, due

to family commitments, I’m back sat at the kitchen table,

with Bob, writing my article and all I can hear is the rain

pelting on the window; good old England! But, never

mind, the time we had out there was good. We had time

to tour the Island on my brother’s Softail (I’m not sure

why they call them ‘soft’ because my rear end did not

find it soft at all!). I think we stopped about every 30

mins just to recover, but now I know why I ride my own


Before I went away we had our first LOH ‘Coffee and a

Chat’ meet at Almondsbury. Can I thank Hilary for find-

ing the location, Sian for making Welsh cakes for St

David’s day and also to thank everyone that attended. I

think there were about 14 of us and I hope you enjoyed

it - any ideas for next location Ladies??

I’ve not heard a lot about the Birthday Party but, for

those that did attend, I hope you enjoyed your evening.

Gurzels Update

Now on our 3rd meeting and we even had a new recruit,

so welcome to Jenny W. Its full steam ahead with our

next meet on 12th April, location yet to be decided. Plus,

don’t forget Ladies, it’s a good time to buy your rally

tickets with a chance to win the price of your ticket back

with Tony James’s monthly draw.

Lots of ‘”thank yous” this month because I hope the arti-

cle Andy Kendall Senior put in the March mag was of

help to some of you Ladies out there. It really is a good

time of the year to learn to ride, what with the Summer

months ahead (well hopefully). Go on do it, You Know

You Want Too!!

Ladies of Harley Weekend November 22nd 2014

Yes Ladies, it’s time to let your hair down again. This

year we will be taking the coach to London, staying at

the Tower Hotel, with plenty of time Saturday afternoon,

to do whatever takes your fancy. Then, in the evening,

it’s all aboard (I want to say the Polar Express lol) but

it’s a Dinner and Live Entertainment Evening whilst

cruising down the Thames. Sunday sees us relaxing

with breakfast, after which we have the choice to shop

till we drop or just browse (as it’s Christmas time)

Total cost is £190, which includes Travel – Hotel – Din-

ner and Cruise – Breakfast – Coach to Westfield Strat-

ford City and Home.

Single Supplement (sorry Ladies) an extra £35

A deposit of £45, payable by 19th April, is required

Payments are now being taken by Anita. Don’t forget

that If you would like to make monthly payments, that’s

fine too.

If making a BACS payment please use LOH WEEKEND

as your ref and cheques to made out in the usual way to

Great Western Chapter, again with the ref written on

the back please.

I’m sure this will be a great weekend, so please come

and join us; it’s also a great chance to get to know other

fellow Lady Members within the Chapter.

Details are on the GWC web page or if you need more

info just call me - no probs.


Well Ladies, I think that’s all to report on this month. I’m

sure we will meet somewhere. For me, my next ride will

be our team ride to Weston’s Cider Mill; you’ll find all the

details on Anita’s page, as you will need to book your

tour through her, so hopefully see you there.

Of course it’s St Tropez next, looking forward to the ride;

remember destination is only a place to rest your head!

Just a last thought: the Hospitality Tent for our rally - I

will be taking names for the rota. If you’re interested,

please let me know

That’s all for now

Jane x

Ladies of Harley Officer

Any questions, queries or moans please contact me

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07894 086626

Ladies of Harley By Jane Scott

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Page 9

Hi All, not going to talk

about the weather but

Spring is most definitely

on the way and don’t we

feel better for it! So, as

we now start to look for-

ward to the year ahead,

let me just mention

some activities that you

may not know about, but

please, always check the ‘At A Glance’ page in the

mag for the full year’s listing of rides and activities,

which is added to as and when, but here are just a


Rideout ‘Pressing on to Cider Country’ – 27th


RKK and team’s ride out is to Weston’s Cider Press,

based in Much Marcle (between Ross-On-Wye and

Ledbury), where they brew their flagship ‘Old Rosie’

scrumpy cider (suitable for vegetarians, vegans and

coeliacs) so what better to wash down your tradi-

tional Ploughman’s lunch with?

Once you get to Westons you’ll have a choice as to

how to spend your two hour lunch break.

You can take the 1-hour guided tour with tasters,

along the way, of their various ciders and Perry’s for

£7.50 or …..

Take in the tour and enjoy a ploughman’s lunch for

£14.95 (If there are 20 or more takers for the tour

and ploughman’s then there will be a small group

discount). Or you can…..

Bring your own food and relax in the lovely sur-

roundings or, visit the local pub down the road and

have your lunch there, joining back up with the

group for the ride home.

Full details of the ride start time, meeting place can

be found on the website.

Hogs in the Hayfields (our very own rally) - 20th




Tickets are on sale now from Tony James. Please

read the application form fully as you’ll see that

along with your payment you must provide a self-

addressed, stamped envelope so that tickets can be

posted back to you, when they are issued around

May time. If you don’t provide this then you will

need to collect your tickets from the tagging tent

on arrival.

Please contact Tony, email [email protected],

if you want to volunteer to help set up/take down the

marquees etc.

Fenlanders (East of England) Rally – 24th

to 27th


Rally tickets are £30.00 Booking forms are available

from the Fenlanders Chapter website

( If you intend joining the

main official GWC group ride to the rally can you let

me know asap please.

Bristol Bike Show – Sat 16th


Always a good day to show your bike off and to col-

lect money for our Charity Mencap by rattling a

bucket at the passers-by.

And last but not least!!!

This year’s Christmas Party will be held at The

Alveston House Hotel, Thornbury, Sat 13th


The dinner will consist of three courses, of which

you will have a number of options to choose from,

plus coffee and mini mince pies all included in the

price of £35.00 per head. The hotel restaurant can

only accommodate up to a maximum of 75 so, with

this in mind, we are inviting GWC members only

until the 31st May to confirm their places with a £10

deposit. If there are places still remaining, as of 1st

June, the invite will then be open to GWC members

and their non-member spouse/partners.

At time of writing I have already filled 52 of the

75 places so please don’t delay and contact me


The hotel will be held exclusively for GWC so we

will have the chance to celebrate in our own style

with speeches, disco and dancing but there’s also

plenty of comfy seating areas for a chat/rest with

friends before you ‘boogie on down’ and ‘shake your

thing’ again on the dance floor.

Accommodation - The hotel has 13 std/twin double

rooms @ £89.50 including breakfast, a few superior

rooms @ £109.50 and a deluxe room @ £124.50

(also known as the Honeymoon suite!) and 5 single

rooms. Please clearly state that you are a Great

Western Chapter member to ensure that you get the

discounted rates as shown. Please ring the hotel

direct to book on 01454 415050.

Alternative accommodation can be obtained from

(Continued on page 10)

Cockers Bits By Anita Cockwell

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Page 10

The Premier Inn (Bristol Alveston, which is literally

within walking distance of The Alveston House Ho-

tel, again please book direct with hotel. Their web-

site is currently showing

£79.50 for a double including breakfast.

December has become a very popular time for wed-

dings (apparently) so please make sure you book

your accommodation with either hotel as soon as

possible to ensure availability.

Dress code - Black tie/smart only please.

Cheers all and hopefully see you soon!

Anita “Cockers” Cockwell

Activities Officer

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07841 617477

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Page 11

There was doubt whether this ride would go ahead

and, as the time got nearer, there seemed to be no

let up. During the week leading up to the ride the

forecast was for rain all day with high winds and

gusts of up to 49mph. Big Al arranged a MailChimp

warning of possible cancellation but rightly pointed

out that forecasts can easily change. He was right

and the day before the ride the forecast changed to

cloudy and the gusts had dropped by 3 mph. A re-


On arrival at Severn View Services Steph had a

problem with her bike in that the gear linkage had

come off the spline in what looked to be an inacces-

sible part of the bike, and the bike was stuck in

either third or fourth gear.

The AA were called to a lone vulnerable female and

very quickly a Knight of the Road arrived to rescue

this damsel in distress – at least he would have if

she had been a member of the RAC and it had been

the 1992 TV advert. In the real world it was one of

the fourth emergency services finest. He clearly was

an expert, as the linkage wasn’t as inaccessible as

we thought and he reattached it.

20 bikes assembled and, after the briefing, we set

off on the first leg of the ride. Our route took us on A

and B roads through Thornbury, the outskirts of

Yate, Chipping Sodbury through Wickwar to Wotton

under Edge. From there it was on the B4058 up the

twisty hill past Cotswold Edge Golf Club. This is

usually an excellent road for bikes, except when

there are 4 cars in front and the leading car is doing

30mph max. We then passed through a village

called Cockadilly which raised a smirk amongst

some, in the Ooh Matron style.

Our comfort break was at Nympsfield gliding Club.

As mentioned earlier it was a tad blustery, as it must

have been every time I have been there, as I have

only once seen a glider. The cafe/restaurant

on site is called Giuseppe’s Gourmet. It is an

unassuming place where the emphasis is on

straight forward good Italian food as well as

beverages, baguettes and homemade cakes.

The owner and staff were very welcoming

and good humoured. I have no affiliation to

the place and other establishments are avail-


Half an hour later we set off. The route

planned, was to go through Horsley but that

was before the road slipped down the hill and

disappeared. The alternative route was along

Tinkley Lane to Nailsworth. It wasn’t the best of

roads but at least it was there, and the ditches had

been banked up at the side to prevent flooding. The

turning for this lane is quite well hidden which was

particularly apparent as the advanced party of Road

Marshalls rode straight past it.

From Nailsworth it was up the next twisty section

known as the ladder to Minchinhampton Common,

across Rodborough and down into Stroud. As they

prepared to man their points the aforementioned

Road Marshals thought they had got away with it,

that is until they saw the sweeper disappearing into

the distance. We then had an uneventful ride into


At Gloucester we were met by Road Captains and

erstwhile car park attendants, Jane and Stu Scott.

Jane had secured us free parking at her place of

work and they were there to allow us access.

The return time of 2pm was announced, which duly

came and went, with a couple of bikes still without

riders. I hope you got back safely!

Out return route was planned via the A38 to Al-

mondsbury. I was riding along thinking it was going

OK, apart from those abandoned in Gloucester, as

blue flashing lights and queued traffic came into

view. I don’t know what it was but decided it was

easiest to turn around and take an alternative route.

We retraced our route for a couple of miles and took

a route through Stinchcombe, North Nibley and

Charfield, finishing up at junction 14 of the M5

where we said our goodbyes.

Many thanks to everyone on the ride and to Jane

and Stu Scott.

Gate Crashing Gloucester Docks By Ian Johnson

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Page 14

With my second business trip to Sydney in three

months scheduled, and with the promise of some

Oz summer weather, I decided to book another Har-

ley rental. Unfortunately, the rental outlet I used last

time was clean out of bikes; disappointment! After a

bit of Googling I discovered that Eaglerider had just

recently opened a brand new franchise in Sydney.

Having had a great experience with Eaglerider in

Seattle two years, I decided to give their Sydney

franchise a go, so a Street Glide was promptly

booked for the weekend.

Friday afternoon duly arrived so I headed off to

Eaglerider's facility on Parramatta Road to collect

the bike. They were extremely apologetic as the

Street Glide was still out and the renter had decided

to keep it for a further week.

However, they offered me a Road Glide, with Stage

4 treatment and Big Mouth Vance and Hines pipe,

as a substitute, and hoped I would not mind! Will

Keith, franchise owner, had nicknamed this bike

‘The Beast’ and it certainly lived up to its name.

Quite apart from the head-turning sound of the V&H

pipes, the bike had amazing performance and was a

sheer delight to ride. The fact the fairing was fixed to

the frame and not the forks was a little disconcerting

at first, but I soon got used to it.

2013 Stage 4 Road Glide aka ‘The Beast’

My Sydney business partner is a biker and suggest-

ed I explore the route up north through The

Hawkesbury and Hunter Valley via The Putty Road,

stopping at The Grey Gum Cafe en route for lunch

(famous for their great burgers and as a haunt for


The route didn't disappoint; in fact I think it should

figure as one of the top bike routes, featuring almost

65 miles of good condition road with enough tight

bends and fast sweeping curves to satisfy the most

ardent rider. The road is white-lined for almost it's

entire length and every bend is well marked, there

was also very light traffic with only the occasional

car or truck.

Saturday's Route

The Grey Gum Cafe is an institution with bikers; well

worth a visit for the friendly welcome and great


Lunch Stop At Grey Gum Cafe, Putty

(Continued on page 15)

Oz on the ‘The Beast’ By Duncan Fisken

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Page 15

The same cannot be said for the Wollombi Road

which was my return route to Sydney; no lines, few

bends are marked and there are a lot of pot holes

along the way, not to mention a couple of very sus-

pect creek crossings made of what looked like old

railway sleepers.

The total journey from Roseville Chase in North

Sydney to Broke and then back on the Wollombi

Road via Paynes Crossing, Wollombi, Laguna and

Kulnura is about 350km. It's well worth taking a day

to do it as there are some spectacular vistas along

the way, but be sure to fuel up before heading up

Putty Road - there are no petrol stations for 91km

until you get to Bulga at the north end.

Eaglerider are new to Australia and have franchises

in Sydney and Brisbane with a Perth facility due to

be opened in the near future. They have a good se-

lection of low mileage late model bikes for rental,

together with the obligatory A/NZ approved crash

helmets. I took my own helmet from the UK as usual

but it seems the Australian police are on the look

out for bikers wearing helmets that do not have the

A/NZ approval sticker on the back of the lid! Will and

Santina in Sydney are really friendly and just could

not have been more helpful. They both used to work

for H-D in the US and it seems they came to Aus-

tralia nine years ago on holiday, and never went


Dedicated Bike Parking at Grey Gum Café

Aside from the rain, which followed me all the way

from England, I had a great weekend of riding with

500km clocked in the two days.

If you are heading to Oz and thinking of renting a

Harley, check out - you'll be

assured of a very warm welcome from Will, Santina

and Ed, and a well-maintained bike!

Parked Up At Hunter's Hill Pier,

North Sydney

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Page 16

There we were, lunchtime at Westward Ho, March


and Bazzer, Christof and myself had just

emerged from lunch in a café – where Christof had

been complemented on his “Goldwing” - Hmmmm!

Now, if you are reading this article on paper, then

the subtlety of his photo will elude you. To fully ap-

preciate Chris’s Road Glide and the companion Mr

Whippy, that parked alongside our bikes while we

were eating, you need to look at it in glorious e-mag


So, what were we doing in Westward Ho? Well it

was a “Hardarse” 400 mile partial recce for the

“Boys’ Own” (annual?) weekend. Of course, by the

time this article appears, our first big riding event of

2014 will have come and gone – hopefully as

smoothly as our recce, with perfect weather and

behaviour (is it tempting providence by writing that?)

Anyhow, with the weather improving and a year of

riding adventures ahead (including a USA tour

around Zion, Bryce, Monument Valley, the Grand

Canyon, Arches NP and onwards to Tucson, Tomb-

stone etc.) it got me thinking about how often mem-

bers tell me that they would love to do a riding holi-

day around the States, but didn’t know how to

begin. When we organised our very

first GWC USA tour, in 2010, few in

our group of nearly 50 had ever visited

the States and none, aside from our-

selves, had been on a bike tour over


Since those heady early days, when

Yvonne and I set out to prove that we

could do better tours than H.O.G® or

Eaglerider, for a fraction of their costs,

we have put together 3 “official” tours

followed by two more for ourselves and


What are the secrets to putting together a USA tour

for yourself? There are none really – it just needs

really good advance planning, research for where

you want to go, having a bit of confidence and away

you go. Here then is how we do it:

Deciding where to go –

1. What you don’t do, as did one of our relatives, is

turn to the atlas page of the USA and pick out the

places that catch your eye. Distances are huge – it’s

3,000 miles from New York to Los Angeles or, just

travelling across Texas, north to south is 900 miles!

The geography of the USA is also extraordinarily

diverse, ranging from red rocks and desert in the

south western states of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico

and Nevada to the glorious mountains of the Colora-

do Rockies, right across to the East with the big cit-

ies, culture and history; up into New Hampshire and

Vermont, during the Fall colours, or east into the

Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains. There is also the

deep south of Georgia, South Carolina and Louisi-

ana and, of course, there is also Florida but it’s not

exactly “real” USA.

2. Look on the web to see what gems individual (Continued on page 17)

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

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Page 17

states have to offer and what appeals to you most.

3. Research the “best” bike routes. I regularly refer

to the series of “Great American Motorcycle Tours

of the US” by Gary McKechnie. They are excellent

and are available from online sites like Amazon. I

also always use two other great sources of infor-

mation: and

4. Now you have an outline idea of where you want

to go, get yourself a decent travel guide for the indi-

vidual state(s) you want to tour. We like the “Moon”

guides – first rate information about everything. Al-

ternatively “Lonely Planet” has some good guides

and, at a pinch, the “Rough Guides”. Work out your

routes – Google maps/Google Earth is the easiest

way to go. Avoid freeways and go for the “best” mo-

torcycle roads and “All American Roads” and

“Scenic Byways” that are marked as such on maps.

Be realistic and work out reasonable distances to

ride in a day so that you enjoy the amazing scenery.

If you think of riding 300 miles every day, it will all

pass in a blur and you will forget everything you’ve

seen along the way. Stop often and refuel when you

reach a petrol station away from the cities. On the

desert highways you can travel maybe 60-80 miles

without the opportunity. Think what happened in

“Wild Hogs” – all too easy!

5. Next, work out where you want to fly to and

whether you want to go direct to your destination

(mostly hassle-free and faster) or are happy to fly to

a US hub airport and continue onwards. Whenever

possible we fly direct (which usually means BA or

Virgin – we much prefer BA). For California, you

have Los Angeles, San Diego and Palm Springs;

the South West, Phoenix or Las Vegas; the Rockies

and all States to Sturgis, there is Denver; Austin and

Houston for Texas; Chicago for the start of Route

66, and an array of airports along the Eastern sea-

board, including Washington and New York.

6. Arranging your bike rental: your main choice is to

rent from either a Harley dealership or from Ea-

glerider. If your starting point has both, then the

choice is yours. Personally, I always rent from Har-

ley-Davidson for a variety of reasons: the insurance

packages are better, the bikes are usually much

newer and well-maintained and there is plenty of

choice. We also like meeting other Harley riders and

often end up as guests of the H.O.G® local chapter

at one event or another. O.K., so assuming you are

going to rent from a Harley dealer, go to the H-D

website and use the “Dealer Locator”. If you were

looking at Los Angeles, for example, you will find

maybe 5 or 6 dealerships. Look for one that is con-

venient for the start of your tour and not one that is

going to involve a day-1 start straight onto a busy

freeway. You need to be calm and relaxed, espe-

cially as you will be a bit jet-lagged! Very important

– the dealer websites often have an on-line booking

facility to choose your bike and pay, figuring out all

the insurance options. My advice is don’t! Send an

e-mail to the rental manager with some background

and ask what deal they can offer you for the period

of rental. Also, do they have a shuttle bus that could

pick you up from a local hotel to take you to the

dealership to pick up your bike? The other things to

check are – does the bike come with a passenger

back rest, luggage rack and bags if these are not

standard? Easy to get caught out if you don’t check.

Lastly, boring, but very important indeed – ask for

an explanation of the various levels of insurance

provided. In some states (e.g. California) you can

opt for a “walk-away” insurance cover. In other

words, if something happens to the bike, like drop-

ping it, you pay nothing. We certainly took full ad-

vantage of this on the GWC California tour in 2012!

More usually, however, there is an excess max of

$2,000. Personal accident insurance is something to

be absolutely certain of – does your holiday travel

insurance cover you for riding a “heavy” bike? A lot

of policies will not and are more designed for the

holiday rider on a 150 cc Vespa. Insurance with my

Lloyds account covers me for anything I’m licensed

to ride, maybe yours is the same, but check. Failing

that, you can take out the Harley rental personal

accident insurance. Being insured for miilions of

dollars might seem ridiculous but, fall off your bike

and break a leg, or worse, you are quickly into tens

of thousands of medical bills.

7. Just about there now! Book your flight a.s.a.p.

We usually try for the earliest time when flights

come live 11 months before travel. That way you will

definitely get the flight you want and the best price.

If going with BA or Virgin, book online.

Next thing is to find yourself a hotel for your first

night – search online. We always start with tripadvi-

sor (, and then search for the

best price – more often than not, by booking via the

hotel’s own website. I often get asked ‘what do you

do with your luggage when you go to pick up your

rental bike?’ Simple, the Harley dealership will store

your bags securely until you safely return after your

trip. The level of planning for your accommodation is

entirely up to you – when travelling alone we have

often ridden along our planned route and stopped

(Continued on page 18)

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Page 18

where we fancied. However, if your itinerary in-

cludes, for example, the Grand Canyon or Monu-

ment Valley, if you don’t book well in advance, you

could find yourself arriving with nowhere to stay and

many miles to ride to a bed; tricky!

That’s about it – not rocket science, but just some-

thing that needs careful planning to get the most out

of your trip. If you need any help/advice, just ask me

or Yvonne. We are always very pleased to help

members with ideas and practicalities.

And now, another important tip:

After having the 10th call and 2 recoveries so far this

month, I thought it would be good to mention alarm

fob batteries and when to change them. Every year

it seems to be something that always pops up and

can be a real pain.

The weekend is here and you get your gear on to go

and push the bike out of the garage, only to find it

bleeping at you and the alarm goes off, even though

you have your alarm fob on you. That's strange you

think and, after a couple of attempts at trying to

switch the alarm off, you go and get the spare fob

only to find that doesn't work either. At this point,

you are at home so, getting the manual and the

override code is easy and within five minutes and a

quick study of the book you have entered the code

and the bike now starts.

Put your hand up if you know how to use the code

and what it is.

When the above happens at home, it's not a prob-

lem but what about when you are on that trip to the


In your alarm fob there is a normal watch battery,

which I would recommend replacing once a year.

There is no way of knowing how many times it has

been used and, for less than a fiver, is it worth get-

ting stranded? You should also get familiar with the

pin code and how to enter it. The code is there to

allow a manual override of the system, enabling you

to start the bike in the event of a lost or failed fob.

You will need to enter the code every time you

switch off the ignition.

When changing the batteries in the fobs yourself it

will not affect the programming but be careful as

they will go in both ways. If you are out and it hap-

pens, try a nearby jewellers as they should have

one. The best advice is change them once a year!

Safe riding

Peter and Duncan@riders

Answer to photo C: “Steve and Teresa Ball”

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Page 19

Well, the cashless dona-

tions are going very well

– many thanks to every-

one who has already

contributed items for the

Chepstow Mencap shop

or has passed on used

stamps or printer

cartridges to me.

The shop donations have raised just shy of £100 in

the first 2 months and we hope to see this steadily

increase as the donations roll in! I have delivered

another 20 bags of donations since the last club

night so thanks and keep clearing out those cup-


The collection boxes for used printer cartridges are

now all in situ so you can drop them off at Riders,

Mencap’s Keynsham office or at The Berkley in

Chepstow. Alternatively, let me know and bring

them along to a club night and I will take them off

your hands as I have a box at home as well.

Another great fundraiser was the swear box that

Steve Bridges placed in his office at work and he

and his team have raised £40 which he presented to

me at the Cross Hands Club night in March. A great

idea and a BIG thank you to Steve and his work col-

leagues for their bad language!!

If you would like to do something similar at your

workplace you can find a template for this and other

activities on the web page under charity.

On Wednesday 19th March Chris Harding and I at-

tended The Berkley in Chepstow to present OCN

certificates to a number of the service users who

have been working towards signing off in a range of

skills in conjunction with Monmouthshire County

Council Adult Learning team.

Subjects included Retail Skills, IT and Horticulture to

name but a few.

Several service users received a number of certifi-

cates, having been very busy over the last year


Chris and his bike were extremely popular and a

large crowd ‘mobbed him on his arrival and then

spent quite some time admiring his bike.

We now have an agreed activity plan for our charity

work for the rest of 2014 and this can be found on

(Continued on page 20)

Charity Update By Stephanie Evans

Page 20: Roadhog april 2014

Page 20

the website charity pages as well.

The activities, in addition to the monthly Club night

raffle and the cashless-donating, already covered

above are:

Sponsored Tandem Parachute Jump:

This will take place at an air field in Swindon, at the

end of July/early August, and I am looking for volun-

teers who would like to take on this challenge. If you

are interested please look at the webpage for the

details of the jump, the fundraising commitment you

will be making and the restrictions that you need to

comply with for health and safety and medical rea-


Charity Castle Poker Run:

Ride to 10 castles across south east Wales, ending

at the Castle Inn for the poker hand results and a

couple of beers and a chat – no date decided yet so

more information to follow.

Skills Sharing Register:

We all have various skills through our work and hob-

bies and I thought that this would be another cash-

less way of supporting Mencap. The idea is that

those members who would like to volunteer their

services to Mencap let me know what they are will-

ing to offer and I will create a skills register, that I

can then share with Mencap, to help them to get

support in a range of areas. For example, could you

give some time to help with decorating? As a busi-

ness owner can you offer any discounts or initial

free consultation to Mencap?

If you would like to support in this way please let me

know who you are, and what you are offering

I am happy to answer any questions about any of

the charity activities and if you have any ideas you

want to put forward.

Many thanks


Charity Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

Page 21: Roadhog april 2014

Page 21



The Mencap Community Gardening Group is a well-

established group that has been running for a num-

ber of years. The initial aims of the group are to cre-

ate a work-based activity that is similar to employ-

ment and to provide a valued role in the local com-

munity for the group of service users that are mem-

bers of the group.

The group’s main project is to offer gardening ser-

vices to elderly or disabled people in the local com-

munity during the mowing season (March-

November). We have approximately 20-25 custom-

ers, although this changes from year to year. The

work undertaken is mowing lawns, hedge cutting,

and general garden maintenance and the group are

willing to undertake most gardening tasks for our


The group also have some contracted grounds

maintenance work for community areas such as the

local community centre, local education centre, local

OAP centre, and local church. The group attempts

to work to a fortnightly rota to provide regular mow-

ing, although the weather can mean that we are fit-

ting in work between wet periods. All the gardeners

enjoy being out and about especially in good weath-

er and, as well as creating a high level of community

presence, the group also benefits from the social

interactions with people in the local community.

The group makes a charge for the work that it un-

dertakes and this helps to cover the cost of equip-

ment, its maintenance and fuel, the fuel and mainte-

nance of our mini-bus and trailer, as well as paying

for the personal protective equipment for the group

members. The group also plans day trips and a

Christmas meal each December for all group mem-

bers as a thank you for all the hard work carried out.

The group also helps to maintain the garden at the

Berkeley Centre and is involved in the planting and

watering of the summer bedding for the centre’s

“Chepstow In Bloom” entry each year. During quiet-

er periods the group grows some vegetables and

plans other gardening projects.

During the winter months, planning activities can

become problematic as we have no dry undercover

area to escape the wet and cold weather. Occasion-

ally some of our elderly or disabled customers will

request that we undertake some winter gardening

jobs for them but, usually, we turn our compost

heaps and use our shredder to shred much of the

garden waste that accumulates throughout the year.

(Continued on page 22)

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Page 22

During the last couple of winters the group has en-

joyed weaving hazel whips to make panels,

”hurdles” and other garden features. The group has

just completed a large circular woven garden fea-

ture at Boverton House and all members of the

group have been involved in sourcing the materials,

trimming down as well as weaving into the structure.

Sourcing quantities of coppiced hazel, that the

group can harvest, can also be problematical and

the group is always on the look-out for hazel that

has been, or needs coppicing, for future winter pro-


Ideally the group would like to escape the worst of

the wet and cold winter weather and work on hazel

weaving, woodworking or other rural crafts in a dry

undercover area. We are on the look-out for a work-

shop type venue or undercover area that we could

use for this purpose when the weather is bad next


Currently, it looks like the weather is improving and

members of the group are looking forward to anoth-

er busy mowing season.

The guys love a trip to the Spar Supermarket and

can always be found SPARTREKING before they

start their working day!

Several of the service users were lucky enough to

be able to attend a circus workshop run by Circus

Skills expert, Fred Weston. They learnt some new

skills including juggling, spinning plates, diablo, poi

and some of the more adventurous tried out the

stilts and unicycle.

Page 23: Roadhog april 2014

Committee Contacts

Sponsoring Dealer

Duncan White 0117 9588777


Barry Aggett 07907 351650

Asst Director/Treasurer

Peter Roberts 07540 164157

Asst Director/ Head Road


Alan Stokes 07766 237242


Yvonne Roberts 01225



Chris Harding 07801 562011

Activities Officer

Anita Cockwell 01761


Safety Officer

Andy Kendall 07905 397474


Mark Cockwell 07900



Tony Yendle 07787 551612

Ladies of Harley

Jane Scott 07894 086626

Charity Co-ordinator

Stephanie Evans 07983


Cangen Cymraeg Rep

Greg Payne 07976 913004

Rally Co-ordinator

Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett, Mike Brake,

Nigel Garnett, Simon

Griffiths, Paul Groom, Chris

Harding, Martin James, Ian

Johnson, Andy Kendall,

Andy Kendall, (RKK), Ian

Mead, Greg Payne, Dave

Pocock, Stephanie Pocock,

Dave Roberts, Mike Sage,

Darren Sharp, Jane & Stuart

Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony


Road Marshals Steve Crook, Neil Lewis,

Steve Link, Neil Prescott,

Bryn Wiltshire.

RoadHOG is printed

by the Woodside Press

All details on GWC web site

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar

Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed.

Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: [email protected]

For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website.

Date Event Organiser Details April

8th Club Night Bazz Aggett Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

9th Club Night Bazz Aggett St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

13th Ride Out Mark Chivers & BM Team “Tripping to Llandovery”

22nd Natter Night Bazz Aggett Ferry Inn, Beachley

27th Ride Out/Activity RKK & Team “Pressing on to Cider Country”


4th – 15th Activity Greg Payne St Tropez Rally

13th Club Night Bazz Aggett Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

11th Ride Out RKK and Team “A Good Ride Around the Elan Valley”

14th Club Night Bazz Aggett St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

27th Natter Night Bazz Aggett Ferry Inn, Beachley

29th – 1st Activity Andy Kendall Somme Tour


10th Club Night Bazz Aggett Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

11th Club Night Bazz Aggett St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

20th – 22nd Activity Tony James GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields’ Rally

24th Natter Night Bazz Aggett Ferry Inn, Beachley

26th – 29th Activity Pete & Yvonne Peaks, Dales and Lakes Tour


3rd Ride Out Andy RKK Kendall “Weston Bike Night – American Power”

8th Club Night Bazz Aggett Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

9th Club Night Bazz Aggett St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

22nd Natter Night Bazz Aggett Ferry Inn, Beachley

24th – 27th Activity Cockers Fenlanders Rally (East of England)


12th Club Night Bazz Aggett Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

13th Club Night Bazz Aggett St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

16th Activity Cockers Bristol Bike Show

21st – 26th Activity Christof and Baz Thunder in the Glens Rally

26th Natter Night Bazz Aggett Ferry Inn, Beachley


10th Club Night Bazz Aggett St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

16th Club Night Bazz Aggett Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

23rd Natter Night Bazz Aggett Ferry Inn, Beachley


8th Club Night Bazz Aggett St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

14th Club Night Bazz Aggett Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

?? Activity Bazz Aggett Ride to the Wall

19th Activity Bazz Aggett Hoggin the Bridge/ Curry

26th Ride Out Big Al & Team ‘Soaring in Somerset – Return of the Fly-ing Pigs’

28th Natter Night Bazz Aggett Ferry Inn, Beachley

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