rising to the challenge of embracing diversity in practice through interprofessional collaborative...

Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina Trott, MD, FACP [email protected] m.edu [email protected]

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Page 1: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in PracticeThrough Interprofessional Collaborative CareNovember 8, 2014

Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACPJustina Trott, MD, FACP

[email protected] [email protected]

Page 2: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

• Define interprofessional collaborative practice (IPC)

• Discuss the attributes of an effective team

• Describe ways to improve IPC in your current practice setting


Page 3: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

Introductions• Your name/title• What setting do you practice in currently?

Think, pair, share: (turn to your neighbor and discussthe questions below):

• Who are the members of your healthcare team?• How well does your team work together in delivering

patient-centered care?

Page 4: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

What does interprofessional collaborative practice mean to you?

Page 5: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

Multiple health workers from different

backgrounds work together with patients, families, caregivers and

communities to deliver the highest quality of care

World Health Organization, 2010

Page 6: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

• Editorial: Bridging the Quality Chasm: Interprofessional Teams to the Rescue? Weinstein, R.S. et al, Corrected Proof. Published online, February 11, 2013

• Improved Patient Outcomes, Zwarenstein et al, JIC Supplement 1:2005

• Improved Cost Efficiency, D’Amour et al 2005 & Rogowski et al 2001

• Improved Health Professional Satisfaction, Cohen & Bailey 1997

• Improved Work Places, Shamian & El-Jardali 2007

What is the evidence?

Page 7: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

“A team of experts does not make an expert team”

Salas et al. Toward understanding of team performance and training. In Swezey, Salas, eds. Teams: Their training and performance. Norwood, NJ Ablex, 1992:3-29.

Page 8: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

Recall the best healthcare team you were ever part of…

Teamwork at Its’ Best

Page 9: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

Consider the following• What were the circumstances?• Who were the team members, i.e., nurse, social

worker, MD, patient case manager?• What were the patient outcomes, i.e., why was it a

success story?• What were the characteristics/qualities of the team

members that made it an effective, collaborative team?

Page 10: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

The Reality: Barriers to IPC• Organizational structures/

culture• Power imbalances and role

socialization―how disciplines communicate with other disciplines and transfer behaviors and attitudes

• System challenges―funding and reimbursement, patient documentation, physical structures

Page 11: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

What are the 1 – 3 things you could do differently to make your practice more collaborative?

Page 12: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

• What are some behaviors you recognize within yourself that could be changed?

• Within your organization, what are the most effective ways of making the types of changes you want to make?

• Who should involved be in making these changes?• How can you gain support for the changes among

organizational leaders? From managers? From front-line care providers? From other staff?

• Whose expertise can you draw on from the broader community as you make these changes?


Page 13: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

Take Home Points• Advancing IPC requires a cultural

paradigm shift which begins with you• There is enough evidence to ACT NOW• EVERYONE is a stakeholder and has a

role to play• Garner the support of staff,

administrators, community agencies• Establish protocol for integrating IPC

into practice and tools to measure success

Page 14: Rising to the Challenge of Embracing Diversity in Practice Through Interprofessional Collaborative Care November 8, 2014 Cynthia Arndell, MD, FACP Justina

Interprofessional Collaborative Care Resources• IP-COMPASS –MedEdPORTAL publication: Parker K, McGuire M, Oandasan

I, Zorzi R. The Interprofessional Collaborative Organization Map and Preparedness Assessment Tool (IP-COMPASS). MedEdPORTAL; 2012.: www.mededportal.org/publication/9257<http://www.mededportal. org/publication/9257

• Josiah Macy foundation: www.macyfoundation.org• National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education:


• Interprofessional Education Collaborative Core Competencies: http://www.aacn.nche.edu/education-resources/ipecreport.pdf

• World Health Organization: http://www.who.int/hrh/education/en/