rio blocos new street carnival bands

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  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    New Rio Street

    Carnival Bands:Irreverence &

    Pure Joy

    Photo Credit: Myself

  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    Rio Street Bands, Blocos de Carnaval, Blocos de Rua or simply blocos (pronouncedbloku in Portuguese) are some of the names given to free for all popular groups ofrevelers & merry-makers in Rio de Janeiro. As you will see below, Brazils street partieshave been revitalized, and today most of the young, beautiful and lively Cariocas remain in

    Rio and take part in some of the 450 "Blocos de Rua:Please check more than 30 VideosCarnival RioBrazil in our Video section clicking on the link.

    The new street carnival bands, groups or blocos are identified by their names and theneighborhoods they were established in. The best thing about the recent revival of theblocos de carnaval is that everyone is free to express its own style. You dont have topay anything and it is, by far, Rios most popular, democratic and vibrant carnivalexpression at the wonder city.

    See below the imagination of these carnival costumes. I talked to these revelers and theywere from abroad. They came to personally see the Rio Carnival. The street carnival band

    during this shoot was Orquestra Voadora

    Photo Credit: myself

    In this complete analysis of the Rio Street bands prepared,you will understand why they became an impressive fever over the past 4 years ofCarnivalin Rio, and recruited in one evening more than 700,000 people at Rios most importantfinancial avenue, with the Monobloco street band, one of the largest in the world. We willalso describe their historical origins, nature, identity, as well as appoint our exclusive list ofthe TOP blocos de Carnaval in Rio, so foreigners can really hook with interesting,irreverent and beautiful Cariocas. Also, by singing up with our newsletter, you will receivea full 5 page document on how to dress, make-up & everything you always wanted to know

    about theBlocos de Rua, but was afraid to ask!
  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    Below we see revelers at Av. Rio Branco, for the legendary Cordo da Bola Preta Streetcarnival band.

    Origins of the Blocos de Rua - Street Carnival Bands

    Blocos de Rua, in accordance with some carnaval historians, represents modernversions of old cordes (earlier forms of Carnival processions and parades in Brazil). Atfirst, only a small group of people used to participate on this popular expression. Initially,most of them were bohemians who spent the nights in Rios South Zone bars, where thebands were createdbut, independently on the non slept hours, still had energy to party

    all day long on the Rio streets.(And sometimes would end up their partying time with arefreshing sea bath at the beach. ) Slowly, these individuals started to organize themselvesand draw attention from other members of Rios society, including Brazilian PopularMusic (MPB) musicians, artists, and workers from very different professionalbackgrounds.
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    Photo Credit: Cordo do Bola Preta

    The first official bloco Banda de Ipanemaarose in the 60s, inspired by Rio partymaker Albino Pinheiro, and some friends who saw in the city of Ub, ( in the state ofMinas Gerais) a small musical band parade on the streets of the tiny city. Albino, whoused to get together with famous Rio de Janeiro bohemians like Darwin Brando, Claudio

    Pinheiro, Jaguar, Ziraldo, Ferreira Gullar, Ferdy Carneiro, Roniquito, China, ArmandoRosrio in the bars called Zeppelin, Veloso and Jangadeiro, hurried to get everythingorganized for the first parade of their band.

    This first bloco promoted a parade in Rio streets for the first time in 1965, having 30shy revelers dressed in white suits, carrying musical instruments which they did not knoweven how to play. (They left this task to the Navy Marines Band, hired to cheer theparade.) From then on, these Cariocas re-discovered the nineteenth century revelersformula of having fun, in a free, irreverent and healthy way.

    Banda de Ipanemastreet band inspired the creation of similar bands and blocos, all of

    them aiming at having great enjoyment in a closer environment. These lively revelers alsowanted to promote the revival of the neighborhood / local Carnaval merry-making, whichwas forgotten and had lost some space for theCarnival Balls. Each of these bands alsorevealed and reveal to a certain extent, the particular way of living and thinking of membersof that specific band.

    Above, cross-dressing and excentric Carnival Costumes are a must in many streetcarnival Blocos.

    Photo Credit: Raul Lisboa - Flickr
  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    The second street band created in Rio de Janeiro wasLemes, founded a few years afterthe Banda de Ipanema Its official 1st parade took place on February 6, 1971 when asmall group of revelers delivered the number one member certificate to the Governor incharge Negro de Lima. Having no competitive spirit, and having many of its

    components living at theIpanema neighborhood, Banda do Leme came up with a moreambitious parade program: leaving every Saturday in February and on the four days of theRio Carnaval. Some directors, like Alfredo Carlos and Pinheiro soon realized there wereeconomical problems in this task. Having no sponsorship, Alfredo thought it would notbe difficult to obtain some money from the neighborhood residents, but considered thismethod inefficient: Who would be in charge? He thought soon the band would lose itsauthenticity, whilst transforming the band into a club.

    In 1973 for example, trying to solve this problem, owners from Restaurant La Fiorentinaat Leme wanted to pay 50 per cent of the expenses case the band gathered in front of thatestablishment, but this proposal did not move forward since it would break the bands

    tradition to gather on Atlntica Avenue, corner of Rua Antonio Vieira Street. Resisting tomany obstacles, Banda do Leme thrived through the 70s and 80s presenting in itsparades artists like Emilinha Borba,Clovis Bornay(famous carnival producer ) Brazilianpopular singer Tim Maia, conductor Erlon Chaves, Srgio Bittencourt, Haroldo Costa, andIris Letieri to name a few. Some of these celebrities and personalities would march in theparade in old and colorful convertible cars, most of them offered by the executive SalomoSaad.

    Pure expression of joy above , by this colorful reveler!

    Photo Credit: Leo Martins - Flickr
  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    Characteristics & Nature of the Blocos

    One of the main differences from street bands from regular samba-schools is that theyinclude brass instruments in their orchestra. Samba-schools by definition are not allowed

    to have bass instruments like saxophones, trumpets, trombones and also according to theCarnival Regulation Committees in Rio. Another important differentiation aspect is thatthe Blocos invite everyone to join at the marching route; you dont have to be a supporteror affiliated with the band.

    A third important difference between Samba-schools and the blocos is they follow a pre-determined route on the streets, and not at the Sambadrome. (Some of the blocosthough, prefer not to follow any route and play still on a square or in particular corner of astreet.) The fourth important differentiation point is the clothing: Members may comedressed anyway they want, in carnival costumes, bathing suits, plain clothes, special T-shirts, or simply not dressed. Finally, samba-schools have a number of pre-determined of

    wings and each of these wings are dressed accordingly to the Carnival Producer orCostume Director. In case of the Rio Street Carnaval bands, there are no wings everybody is packed up in a mega flock of people. (The only exception is the musicians


    Above Photo of Banda de Ipanema Street band Ipanema, taken by a foreigner.

    The blocos de rua today are still being created when groups of friends with a commoninterest (neighborhood, work place, leisure etc.) decide to march together with a carnivalorchestra. At a second moment, the carnival street band usually creates its own flag, colorand themes ( some how like samba-schools ) , etc. which will be used at the parade.Finally, they have to register with the tourism department in Rio. You can start up acarnaval bloco with 30 members, and if you are lucky and successful, you can find drivemore than 700,000 people to your own parade, like Cordo da Bola Preta did in 2008.

    This is the beauty of the street bands. Almost everything is possible here.

    Today, we can surely point out that the Blocos de Rua / Blocos de CarnavalreflectsRios current Carnival charm and style, and are certainly in vogue amo
  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    ngst native Cariocas and Brazilians from all of the country. In 2010, the police departmentof Rio estimated that 3 million people took part of Rios street carnival partying, beatingSalvador at Bahia. Some of the best Blocos de Carnaval are located at Ipanema, Santa

    Teresa, Copacabana, Botafogo, Flamengo,Leblon, Gvea, Jardim Botnico, Lagoa and Tijuca. There is even a street band at the charming Paquet Island at Rios GuanabaraBay!

    Below, current list of Rio Street Carnaval Blocos with links to their sites in Rio de


    "Meu bem, Volto J"Badalo de Santa TeresaBafo da OnaBaguna Meu CoretoBanda de IpanemaBangalafumengaBloco da Ansiedade Bloco das Piranhas

    Bloco de SegundaBloco Imprensa Que Eu GamoCarmelitasCordao Bola PretaCordo do BoitatEmpolga as 9Imprensa que GamoMulheres de ChicoOrquestra VoadoraSimpatia E Quase Amor Volta, Alice
  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    2010 Rio Top Street Carnival Bands: ( this portion of the text was written just before2010 Rio Carnival )

    Choosing where to go is a tough task for Cariocas, even for the most experiencedrevelersWith so many options , what are theTOP Carnaval Blocos in Rio? This is a

    very common and recurring question in Rios carnival. In 2010, there were be more than460 Street Bands, Blocos de Carnaval , officially licensed at Rios Tourism department.

    Below you will see my personal list of the best Blocos de RuaRio Street Bands. Someof the criterion I used to make this list where: tradition, safety, and beauty of participants,energy level and finally the route which the street band follows.

    Most of them are located at Ipanema, LCopacabana,RIo Flamengo, Gvea, Botafogo,Laranjeiras, Jardim Botnico and Santa Teresa, the Zona Sul (South Zone) districts.

    Above Photo of Bloco da Ansiedade Street band from Laranjeiras.

    Laranjeiras District:

    Bloco Imprensa Que Eu Gamo - SaturdayBloco da AnsiedadeTuesdayBaguna Meu Coreto - Sunday

    Volta, Alice - MondayBloco Da Ansiedade - Tuesday

    Ipanema District:

    Simpatia E Quase AmorSaturdayBanda De IpanemaSaturday & Tuesday
  • 8/9/2019 Rio Blocos New Street Carnival Bands


    Above we see all the irreverence of Cariocas and tourists at the Banda de Ipanema.

    Jardim Botanico District:

    Suvaco do CristoSundayBloco BangalafumengaSunday

    Flamengo & Botafogo District:

    Bloco das Piranhas

    Bloco de Segunda - Monday - Cachorro Cansado : Flamengo

    Santa Teresa Districy:

    Badalo de Santa Teresa - FridayCarmelitas - Tuesday

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    Leblon District:

    Mulheres de Chico