right plant! right place! king county noxious weed control program

Plant! Right Place! http://wildcraftedmedia.com/ oregon_grape.html King County Noxious Weed Control Program

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Right Plant! Right Place!


King County Noxious Weed Control Program

What is a Native Plant?

A plant that grew, lived, or evolved in a particular place over time.


A plant that was growing here before humans introduced other plants from distant places.


What makes Native Plants so great?

Camas Lily

• They use less water and save


• They need less gardening time to


• They are resistant to disease and

don’t need pesticides to survive.

• They reduce flooding and clean our

water and air.

• They provide proper shelter and

food for wildlife.

• They belong to the Northwest

ecosystem and help to keep the

natural balance of life going.

What is a weed?• A plant growing where it wants

to, not where it was planted.

• A plant that takes water, food, or habitat from desired plants.

• Sometimes weeds can be useful in one place and harmful in another.

– Like blackberry brambles!



What is an Invasive Weed?

Scotch Broom

• Introduced here from somewhere else in the world.

• Seed heads with thousands of seeds in each pod.

• Seeds that germinate within a wide range of temperature and moisture conditions.

• Rapid growth patterns that use soil nutrients before native plants can use them.

• Extensive root systems that rob native plants of precious water reserves.

Where did invasive plants come from?

All over the world!

Seeds travel as stowaways mixed in bags of feed

Seeds get carried on clothing…

Some are escaped garden plants

What is a Noxious Weed?• Invasive, harmful plants that the

government is trying to stop.

• Some can’t be sold and others have to be removed to keep them from causing harm.

• Can completely take over making them Plant Bullies!

• Difficult to control.

• Some are poisonous to people and animals by having defenses such as, thorns, poisons, nasty smells and flavors.

• Opportunistic – quick to grow into new openings and disturbed places, thus destroying native plant communities.

Garlic mustard

Garlic mustard infestation

How are invasive plants damaging to ecosystems

and wildlife?

• Reduces animal habitat and food sources.

• Attracts pollinators away from native plants.

• Crowds out native plants.

• Disrupts the ecosystem and decrease biodiversity.

• Clogs streams and lakes.Purple Loosestrife infestation“Pretty to people, useless for


How invasive plants change the ecosystem

Start with an ecosystem with lots of biodiversity


Into the ecosystem comes one knapweed plant…

It spreads by seed…

A small patch of knapweed becomes a whole meadow…

Knapweed and other invasive weeds have infested millions

of acres of wildlife habitat in Washington, Montana,

Oregon, Idaho leaving the cupboard bare for large

herbivores such as elk, deer, and cattle.

…and it takes over!

Are invasive plants dangerous to livestock and

farms?Invasive weeds compete with food crops, decreasing the amount farmers can grow for people and livestock.

Some invasive weeds are poisonous to people and animals.

Horse + tansy = very sick!

A quick review of weed categories

Nuisance weeds: Any plant out of place, unwanted where it is growing, difficult to get rid of, with an ability to spread, e.g. dandelions, blackberry bushes.

Invasive weeds: Non-native plants that invade natural areas and grow and reproduce quickly, crowding out native plants and harming natural ecosystems, e.g. scotch broom, knapweed.

Noxious weeds: Non-native, harmful plants that the government is trying to stop from spreading in order to protect farms, natural resources, ecosystems, and people, e.g. garlic mustard, tansy ragwort.

How can we prevent, control and remove

invasive plants?• Learn what plants are on the King County noxious weed list.

• Prevent problems by watching for new weeds and removing them right away.

• Use Best Management Practices to control or remove invasive plants.

• Use Biological Controls, i.e. beneficial insects.

Cinnabar caterpillar

What you can do…• Learn what plants cause

problems and don’t plant them.

• Volunteer to pull weeds in parks

• Check your clothing, bike, boat, car and dog for noxious weed “hitchhikers”.

• Never dump your aquarium pets or their plants in a lake or stream.

Brazilian elodea

Brazilian elodea infestation