rif i vol xi mt sterling kentucky tuesday · 2017. 12. 14. · rj rif gj rssr sterlirfc dvocatee i...

rif rJ Gj rsSr STERLIrfC DVOCA TEe I C w I 1 t VIA v PEOPLEi r I J 111 i VOL XI MT STERLING KENTUCKY TUESDAY JULY 31 1900T 03 01 u i DAVIS A DEMOCRAT NOW Secretary of the Interior 01 tits McKinley Administration T stand upon this platform and support with you William Jennings Bryau With these words Webster DayU joined the Democratic party His declaration was made in the Kansas City convention hall in the presence of 20000 people He wasVgiven an ovation second only to that which greeted the pres ¬ entation of the name of William Jen nlngs Bryan for president The delegates became fairly deliri ¬ ous with joy when in tones of tri ¬ umph as though hohad fought a bat- tle ¬ with himself and won he exclaim- ed ¬ r I stand upon thii platform and support wllh you William Jennings Bryan Missouri started the demonstration Her guidon was raised high and be ueatfe it such stalwarta as William J Stone Dave Ball John A Knott Thomas J Crittenddn Jr Ed But- ter ¬ and John A Carroll gathered They gave ah oldtime Missouri yell and then the demonstration began Banners were hurled from side to side flags by the thousand flutter ¬ ed 20000 people cheered and cheer ¬ ed and cheered The band t lso join ed in It played America and the people who had tired of cheering joined in singing the grand old patri ¬ otto hymn Missouris guidon was rushed from one end of the arena to the other It was followed by the guidon of every other delegation Prince David of Hawaii became as excited as his American brethern Ho shouted he cheered and no doubt cried so groat was his enthusiasm The demonstration continued for five minutes It was revived a moment later when with a groat burst of fooling he exclaimed The masses of the American peo ¬ ple stand for the blessed idea of fiber ¬ ty justice and equality of rights This time the delegates rose to thair feet In a mass Thoro was not a lad gard to be seen All frantically wav ¬ ed flags and shouted until their voi ¬ rebelledThis the band played Dixie The spectators apparently became as frenzied as the delegates Among the latter Richard Croker was con ¬ spicuous First he waved his flag Then ho clapped his hands together And finally ho shouted and cheered lustilyThroughout the demonstration Mis ¬ souris gifted eon stood liko a statue although his eyes flashed and the muscles of his face twitched convul ¬ sively Once he raised his hands In sa attitude of supplication bowing his head in unison with the gesture Then came the magnificent perora ¬ tion Again the convention wont wild The Missouri delegation rust ¬ ed to the platform and at its stops waited for him The great men of the Democratic party on the rostrum were welcoming him into the fold Ho was finally pulled away from them and to the arena he was hur- ried ¬ Hon William J Stone Mh ¬ somas greatest Democrat seized him in his arms Well done my boy well done I ho exclaimed his voice filled with emotion God bless you I Tears coursed from Mr Davis eyes and down his cheeks Another delegate pinned a Missou- ri ¬ delegates badge upon his coat Again a great cheer went up The iiiooOlUJtuiB danced about like Com anches on the war path The baud f 4 J 1 o 1 T Il1i Vrnoc n tip emuUt7lpl U tIIUU nail ingth > and 10000 people joined in tie po gang the apostrophe to liberty incerr JThon the Missouri delegation with neralI r Davis in the van headed a pro- uder ssion Up and down tho arena alternateAny o stars Stripes guarandDlxle 0mai rne WoundedSold rvho have boon healed by Banner Forva is very large l It heals all it to jivonnds or sores and leaves no scar Sold by F C Duerson druggist < 1 CL 0 0 TT RELIGION MAKES THEM STARVE Starving Natives of India With Millions of Cattle at Hand Dare Not Eat Beef Cyrus C Adams in Ainslees In largo districts of India today millions of cattle could not be sold for fifty cjMs a head The country yel ¬ low and parched has been turned in ¬ to a desert by the failure of tho Mon ¬ soon rains There arc grass lands and fodder in other parts of India but the poor animals are too weak to be driven to them even if there were cattle buyers to take them away so they die like files succumbing to starvation far more quickly than their owners The thought has nev ¬ er occurred to the 35000000 Indian peasantry now suffering from hunger that the cattle would have been a food resource to tide them over the months of crop failure They have plenty of cattle but beef is unholy toed and a Hindoo had rather die than disobey the mandates of his re ¬ ligion I I China and the Powers The United States hitherto stand ¬ ing alone in its policy of placing con ¬ fidence in the integrity of the Qbjneso Government now begins to doubt and a suspicion arises that deceit has been practiced in the sending of tho alleged message from Minister Con ¬ ger An autogragh message has been received from him under date of July 4so nearly a duplicate of the cable message received through Minister Wu that a belief is beginning to gain currency that It may nave been sup ¬ pressed and dated up when the de ¬ mand came for a message from Con- ger ¬ The discovery also that China has asked several other powers to me ¬ diate causes the United States to fear that duplicity has been practiced As a result military preparations are be- Ing rushed with energy and tho an nouucoinent is made that the Ameri- cans ¬ in Fekln shall not be delivered by a Chinese convoybut by an Amer ¬ ican relief expedition The belief is becoming general that China has been temporizing with tho Powers and Is taking advantage of the time thus gained to prepare for war evidences of which begin to ac ¬ cumulate The receipt of Minister Congers authentic message has serv ¬ ed only to convince England that the massacre reported has taken place Russia is causing the Powers no little concern Her refusal to yield posses ¬ sion of tho Tien Tsin railway is be ¬ lieved to be a scheme to prevent the departure of the allied relief expedi- tion ¬ until the Russian expedition from the North roaches Pekln That Rus ¬ sia expects war is shown by the fact that its Admiral in Chinese waters has been instructed to begin hostili ¬ ties as soon as ho receives confirma ¬ tion of tho massacre of the Ministers- A mail report has been received from Roar Adrrirs i Kcmpff regaid tug the bombardment and capture of the Taku forts Rear Admiral Komil refused to participate because of his instructions from his government though lies report makes it plain that the Chinese opened the fight Advices from Tien Tsin tell a hor riblo story of the slaughter of the Chi ¬ nose and the utter destruction of the native city in the attack by tho allies Hundreds of dead are still unburied and are food for the hogs and dogs The Chinese losses aro estimated at 11000 The Boxers aro reported massing outside of Tien Tsin The temporary government of the city has not yet bon enforced and the allied army remains in control Cured Bronchial Tronblo Chas E Davis 1071 W Congress St Chicago says I suffered for years with bronchial trouble and tried many kinds of medicines without re ¬ hot until I began taking Foleys Honey and Tar which cured mo Take no substitute Sold by P C Puer on druggist Robbery t Three negroes hold up and robbed Robert Jockum of l1Wltb pointed revolvers tho highwaymen requested his money II L BAIIJG PoWDEI t Absolutely Pure V Makes light flaky delicious hot biscuits rolls muffins and crusts Makes hot bread wholesome These are qualities peculiar to it alone I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior to all othersC GORJU late Chef Delmonicos ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO 100 WILL ANT ST NEW YORK JUDGESHIP CONTROVERSY Won by Brown in Twentysoventh Kentucky District The controversy over the Circuit Juugcshlp in the Twentyseventh Kentucky District between John Henry Wilson and William L Brown was decided by Judge Field in Browns favor Brown was appoint- ed by Bradley to fill out the term of Judge Clark who died in 1897 An election was held in 1898 and Judge Eversole was elected but on the quos I ¬ tion being raised it was decided by the Fayette court that this was not the proper year to hold an election so Brown held on Last year Wilson had his name pisted on tho ballots and received a majority of the votes with a certificate from she State Board but Fields holds there was no election r Nervy Demand Republican members of the Legis- lature ¬ who in obedience to the proc ¬ lamation oJ Fugitive Taylor wont to London Lauiol ojuuiy anti hold lump hossioufi alter tho bliooilng down of Gov Goebnl are now do manding nt the lugislaiive clerk that they be allowed mileage to and trout Louisville whdro tho regular DPIMO cralic body held session and to which place they did not go- Womens Rights Many women suffer all seta of so called female woakneiin pimply because their kidneys aro out of order and they have a right to know that Foley Kidney Cure It just what is needed by most ailing women Sold by F C Duorsoii druggist I ICommission Has Appealed Attornoy David Baird lor the Ken ¬ tucky Railroad Commission tiled no- tice ¬ of appeal to the United States Supremo Court from Judge Evans decision granting an injunction to the railroad against tho commission An assignment of errors was also fil ¬ ed Evans made tho injunction pen dente Ute perpetual not only for this but all future railroad commissions One Minute Cough Cure Is the only harmless that produces immcdlaio re ¬ sults Try it For sale by F C DUEIISON Drug- gist ¬ > r J fI I I Mr Rtevnnsons Story AdUi E Stevenson Democratic andJdatq tor Vice President gave Prohibition States a backhanded slap at a banquet given to him by a State Bar Association last year where no wine was served Ho was called up ¬ on to respond to a toast and said that he was not prepared to make a speech but would toll lliKiu a story about a man who struck a small prohibition town in the Siatu of Maine bringing with him an abiding thirst There bring no saloon he tried a drug store There ho was told that he could get whisky only on a physician pre ¬ scription He consulted a physician but gt no rellotand desperately asked What am I going to do about it The doctor said I there WI a nest of snakes not moro than a mile from town If ho could manage to get bit by a snake he would have to have whisky as an antidote and tho doc ¬ tor could make out the prescription The man with a thirst started off to the snake cavo Au hour and a half later ho returned tired dusty and disconsolate Well till you do as I told you inquired tho looter My dear sir icplied tho man with the thirst I called on the snakes but discovered that every ono of IhtllJlhl their bites ougaged for six months al1onllNliW York Sun 0 Thieves ThfuvoH stole from W B Smith of Richmond late candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor his horse surrey and two sots of bar nesaFatal mistaken aro made by those who Jo not huud limo uarliur symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble that of- Ian flnil b Bht 1tnro fr dhc toe When Foleys Kidney Cure makes tho kidneys well how foolish it is to delay Sold by P C DDERSON druggist i The Kentucky Onyx Company of Barren County filed articles of incor ¬ poration in tho office of Secretary of State Hill The capital stock of the company i is 300000 and It will quar ¬ ry onyx marble at Cavo City I C11f3TOgiTElp Dean theThe Kind You Have Always Bouglit BlgMtut 11 of tr PROGRAM FOR SUNDAYS At Parks Hill During the Meeting Beginning August 2 Dr W T Bolling Friday Aug 3rda m Rev Sam P Jones Friday Aug 3rdp m Rev Sam P Jones Saturday Aug 4tha m Rev Sam P Jones Saturday Aug 4thp m Rev Sam P Jones Sunday Aug 5tha m Dr W T Boiling Sunday Aug 5hp m Eld W C Tharp Tuesday Aug 7tha m- Eld W C Tharp Tuesday Aug 7thp m Will have sermons during the week from Rev J S Sims Eld FlI Tin ¬ der Rsv E G B Maul Rv B E Lancaster and Dr O A Brown Saturday morning August 11th Sunday morning Aug 12ih liahop IT C Morrison will preach The Kentucky Colonels Dr Brown Prof Fogq Messrs Merk ard Flora with assistance of a chorus will make the music All correspondence as to cottages DIHoaQ lisle Philosophy of Perspiration There are many troubles which you cannot cure by the Bible and the hymn book said Henry Ward Bce cher but which you can cure by a Rood perspiration antia breath of fresh air- There Is a large ppradnx in the phi ¬ losophy of perspiration The hotter the healthy human body becomes tho more freely it perspires and yet the more freely it perspires the cooler It growMany persons try to keep cool by avoiding all unnecessary exercise and lounging iu the shade That is en rely philosophical Perspiration instead of being a symptom of suffer ¬ ing from the heat is a sign of relief therefrom And it may be accepted by all persons In normal health that moderate exorcise sufficient to induce a liberal moistening of the skin is the best specific that can bo prescrib ¬ ed for their daily use in hot weather None suffer more torture on a sultry day than those who mak it their spe ¬ cial effort to avoid perspiring Now York WorldYoung r lien Wanted With fair education acid goodchar ¬ acter to Icara Telegraphy Railroad accounting and Typewriting This is endorsed by all loading railway companies as the only perfect and re ¬ liable institution of its kind All our graduates are assisted to positions Ladies also admitted Write for tree catalog Fall term opens August 15th Globe Telegraph Collego Lexington Ky 52 Gm Cry Ellen Stewart 14 Brooktou Ind crazed by heat while digging pota ¬ toes ran nine miles beforo she could be caught She was still delirious when captured with her clothing al ¬ most torn off I r It has been demonstrated by expe ¬ rience that consumption can bo pre ¬ vented by tho early use of One Min ¬ ute Cough Cure This is tho favorite remedy for coughs colds croup asth- ma ¬ grippe aud all throat and lung troubles Cures quickly For sale by F C DUEUSON drug- gist ¬ J r Cattle Disease A peculiar disease has broken out among cattle In the western part of Logan County which affects the eyes andcauses blindness In Now Orleans Police Captain John T Day and Policeman Peter J Lamb wore killed and Policeman August T Mora was wounded by Roberl Charles a desperate negro who was resisting arrest on a trivia charge After the shooting tho nogrr escaped L4 I c Are You Going to CleanHouse If so you will want to paper one or more rooms and if you want your money to go the fartherest and want a nice room when done get your paper from US Then you will need some new Window Blinds We keep an ele ¬ gant line at right prices How about a new set of Dishes Your old set have served their tim and one of our new porcelain seta dont cost much and will brighten your dining roon Come in and let us show you some of our own im ¬ portation Dont Roast To Death This Summer But get one of our BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES and your house will not be heated up all summer Come in and see our line If you Are Still Hot Get an 0 It iCE CREAM FREEZER Ice cream made with them is colder than liquid air and as smooth as glass We have them from one quart to eight quart Dont forget us when you want any TINWARE CUTLERY GLASSWARE Etc Etc Remember the place ENOCHSBargain e + 3tli Anuual l llllCllllplllillt CHICAGO ILL August 27 to 31 1900 LOW EXCURSION RATES i vIA TIn AND CONNECTING LINES To CHICAGO I and return PufleuauSleeper PcnnrFlvnnla itJionon Jitcrsl return See small bill or ask agents for further particulars WC IUNEAR30N U 1 A CINCINNATI O HOME SEEKERS EXCURSION V Via Air Line L E St L C RR Tickets on salo August 7th and 21st good to return tweutyouo 21 days from date of sale one tare plus two dollars for the round trip I J B Campbell Gen Agt City office 3rd Main Depot 7th River i

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    Secretary of the Interior 01 titsMcKinley Administration

    T stand upon this platform andsupport with you William JenningsBryau

    With these words Webster DayUjoined the Democratic party

    His declaration was made in theKansas City convention hall in thepresence of 20000 people

    He wasVgiven an ovation secondonly to that which greeted the pres ¬entation of the name of William Jennlngs Bryan for president

    The delegates became fairly deliri ¬

    ous with joy when in tones of tri ¬umph as though hohad fought a bat-tle


    with himself and won he exclaim-ed



    I stand upon thii platform andsupport wllh you William JenningsBryan

    Missouri started the demonstrationHer guidon was raised high and beueatfe it such stalwarta as William JStone Dave Ball John A KnottThomas J Crittenddn Jr Ed But-ter


    and John A Carroll gatheredThey gave ah oldtime Missouri yelland then the demonstration beganBanners were hurled from side toside flags by the thousand flutter ¬ed 20000 people cheered and cheer ¬ed and cheered The band t lso joined in It played America and thepeople who had tired of cheeringjoined in singing the grand old patri ¬otto hymn Missouris guidon wasrushed from one end of the arena tothe other It was followed by theguidon of every other delegationPrince David of Hawaii became asexcited as his American brethernHo shouted he cheered and no doubtcried so groat was his enthusiasm

    The demonstration continued forfive minutes

    It was revived a moment laterwhen with a groat burst of fooling heexclaimed

    The masses of the American peo ¬ple stand for the blessed idea of fiber¬ty justice and equality of rights

    This time the delegates rose to thairfeet In a mass Thoro was not a ladgard to be seen All frantically wav¬ed flags and shouted until their voi ¬

    rebelledThisthe band played Dixie

    The spectators apparently becameas frenzied as the delegates Amongthe latter Richard Croker was con ¬spicuous First he waved his flagThen ho clapped his hands togetherAnd finally ho shouted and cheered

    lustilyThroughoutthe demonstration Mis ¬

    souris gifted eon stood liko a statuealthough his eyes flashed and themuscles of his face twitched convul ¬sively Once he raised his hands Insa attitude of supplication bowinghis head in unison with the gesture

    Then came the magnificent perora ¬tion Again the convention wontwild The Missouri delegation rust ¬ed to the platform and at its stopswaited for him The great men ofthe Democratic party on the rostrumwere welcoming him into the foldHo was finally pulled away fromthem and to the arena he was hur-ried


    Hon William J Stone Mh ¬somas greatest Democrat seized himin his arms Well done my boywell done I ho exclaimed his voicefilled with emotion God bless you I

    Tears coursed from Mr Davis eyesand down his cheeks

    Another delegate pinned a Missou-ri


    delegates badge upon his coatAgain a great cheer went up The

    iiiooOlUJtuiB danced about like Comanches on the war path The baud

    f4 J 1 o 1 T

    Il1i Vrnoc n tip emuUt7lpl UtIIUU nailingth > and 10000 people joined intie po gang the apostrophe to libertyincerr JThon the Missouri delegation withneralI r Davis in the van headed a pro-uder ssion Up and down tho arena

    alternateAnyo stars StripesguarandDlxle0mairneWoundedSold

    rvho have boon healed by BannerForva is very largel It heals allit to jivonnds or sores and leaves no scar

    Sold by F C Duerson druggist


    1 CL

    00 TT


    Starving Natives of India With

    Millions of Cattle at Hand

    Dare Not Eat Beef

    Cyrus C Adams in AinsleesIn largo districts of India today

    millions of cattle could not be sold forfifty cjMs a head The country yel ¬low and parched has been turned in ¬to a desert by the failure of tho Mon ¬soon rains There arc grass landsand fodder in other parts of Indiabut the poor animals are too weak tobe driven to them even if there werecattle buyers to take them away sothey die like files succumbing tostarvation far more quickly thantheir owners The thought has nev ¬er occurred to the 35000000 Indianpeasantry now suffering from hungerthat the cattle would have been afood resource to tide them over themonths of crop failure They haveplenty of cattle but beef is unholytoed and a Hindoo had rather diethan disobey the mandates of his re ¬ligion

    I I

    China and the PowersThe United States hitherto stand ¬

    ing alone in its policy of placing con ¬fidence in the integrity of the QbjnesoGovernment now begins to doubtand a suspicion arises that deceit hasbeen practiced in the sending of thoalleged message from Minister Con ¬ger An autogragh message has beenreceived from him under date of July4so nearly a duplicate of the cablemessage received through MinisterWu that a belief is beginning to gaincurrency that It may nave been sup¬pressed and dated up when the de ¬mand came for a message from Con-ger


    The discovery also that Chinahas asked several other powers to me ¬diate causes the United States to fearthat duplicity has been practiced Asa result military preparations are be-Ing rushed with energy and tho annouucoinent is made that the Ameri-cans


    in Fekln shall not be deliveredby a Chinese convoybut by an Amer ¬ican relief expedition

    The belief is becoming general thatChina has been temporizing with thoPowers and Is taking advantage ofthe time thus gained to prepare forwar evidences of which begin to ac ¬cumulate The receipt of MinisterCongers authentic message has serv ¬ed only to convince England that themassacre reported has taken placeRussia is causing the Powers no littleconcern Her refusal to yield posses ¬sion of tho Tien Tsin railway is be ¬lieved to be a scheme to prevent thedeparture of the allied relief expedi-tion


    until the Russian expedition fromthe North roaches Pekln That Rus ¬sia expects war is shown by the factthat its Admiral in Chinese watershas been instructed to begin hostili ¬ties as soon as ho receives confirma ¬tion of tho massacre of the Ministers-

    A mail report has been receivedfrom Roar Adrrirsi Kcmpff regaidtug the bombardment and capture ofthe Taku forts Rear Admiral Komilrefused to participate because of hisinstructions from his governmentthough lies report makes it plain thatthe Chinese opened the fight

    Advices from Tien Tsin tell a horriblo story of the slaughter of the Chi ¬nose and the utter destruction of thenative city in the attack by tho alliesHundreds of dead are still unburiedand are food for the hogs and dogsThe Chinese losses aro estimated at11000 The Boxers aro reportedmassing outside of Tien Tsin Thetemporary government of the city hasnot yet bon enforced and the alliedarmy remains in control

    Cured Bronchial TronbloChas E Davis 1071 W Congress

    St Chicago says I suffered foryears with bronchial trouble and triedmany kinds of medicines without re ¬hot until I began taking FoleysHoney and Tar which cured moTake no substitute

    Sold by P C Puer on druggistRobberyt

    Three negroes hold up and robbedRobert Jockum of l1Wltb pointedrevolvers tho highwaymen requestedhis money




    tAbsolutely Pure


    Makes light flaky delicious hotbiscuits rolls muffins and crustsMakes hot bread wholesome Theseare qualities peculiar to it alone

    I have found the Royal Baking Powder superiorto all othersC GORJU late Chef Delmonicos



    Won by Brown in TwentysoventhKentucky District

    The controversy over the CircuitJuugcshlp in the TwentyseventhKentucky District between JohnHenry Wilson and William L Brownwas decided by Judge Field inBrowns favor Brown was appoint-ed by Bradley to fill out the term ofJudge Clark who died in 1897 Anelection was held in 1898 and JudgeEversole was elected but on the quosI ¬tion being raised it was decided bythe Fayette court that this was notthe proper year to hold an election soBrown held on Last year Wilsonhad his name pisted on tho ballotsand received a majority of the voteswith a certificate from she StateBoard but Fields holds there was noelection


    Nervy Demand

    Republican members of the Legis-lature


    who in obedience to the proc ¬lamation oJ Fugitive Taylor wont toLondon Lauiol ojuuiy anti holdlump hossioufi alter tho bliooilngdown of Gov Goebnl are now domanding nt the lugislaiive clerk thatthey be allowed mileage to and troutLouisville whdro tho regular DPIMOcralic body held session and to whichplace they did not go-

    Womens RightsMany women suffer all seta of so

    called female woakneiin pimplybecause their kidneys aro out of orderand they have a right to know thatFoley Kidney Cure It just what isneeded by most ailing women

    Sold by F C Duorsoii druggist

    IICommission Has AppealedAttornoy David Baird lor the Ken ¬

    tucky Railroad Commission tiled no-tice


    of appeal to the United StatesSupremo Court from Judge Evansdecision granting an injunction tothe railroad against tho commissionAn assignment of errors was also fil¬ed Evans made tho injunction pendente Ute perpetual not only for thisbut all future railroad commissions

    One Minute Cough Cure Is the onlyharmless that produces immcdlaio re¬sults Try it

    For sale by F C DUEIISON Drug-gist



    rJ fI


    I Mr Rtevnnsons StoryAdUi E Stevenson Democratic

    andJdatq tor Vice President gaveProhibition States a backhanded slapat a banquet given to him by a StateBar Association last year where nowine was served Ho was called up¬on to respond to a toast and said thathe was not prepared to make a speechbut would toll lliKiu a story about aman who struck a small prohibitiontown in the Siatu of Maine bringingwith him an abiding thirst Therebring no saloon he tried a drug storeThere ho was told that he could getwhisky only on a physician pre ¬scription He consulted a physicianbut gt no rellotand desperatelyasked What am I going to doabout it

    The doctor said Ithere WI a nest ofsnakes not moro than a mile fromtown If ho could manage to get bitby a snake he would have to havewhisky as an antidote and tho doc ¬tor could make out the prescriptionThe man with a thirst started off tothe snake cavo Au hour and a halflater ho returned tired dusty anddisconsolate

    Well till you do as I told youinquired tho looter

    My dear sir icplied tho manwith the thirst I called on thesnakes but discovered that every onoof IhtllJlhl their bites ougaged forsix months al1onllNliW York Sun


    ThievesThfuvoH stole from W B Smith of

    Richmond late candidate for theDemocratic nomination for Governorhis horse surrey and two sots of bar


    mistaken aro made by thosewho Jo not huud limo uarliur symptomsof kidney or bladder trouble that of-Ian flnil b Bht 1tnro fr dhctoe When Foleys Kidney Curemakes tho kidneys well how foolishit is to delay

    Sold by P C DDERSON druggisti

    The Kentucky Onyx Company ofBarren County filed articles of incor ¬poration in tho office of Secretary ofState Hill The capital stock of thecompany iis 300000 and It will quar ¬ry onyx marble at Cavo City


    C11f3TOgiTElpDean theThe Kind You Have Always BouglitBlgMtut 11




    At Parks Hill During the MeetingBeginning August 2

    Dr W T Bolling Friday Aug3rda m

    Rev Sam P Jones Friday Aug3rdp m

    Rev Sam P Jones Saturday Aug4tha m

    Rev Sam P Jones Saturday Aug4thp m

    Rev Sam P Jones Sunday Aug5tha m

    Dr W T Boiling Sunday Aug5hp m

    Eld W C Tharp Tuesday Aug7tha m-

    Eld W C Tharp Tuesday Aug7thp m

    Will have sermons during the weekfrom Rev J S Sims Eld FlI Tin ¬der Rsv E G B Maul R v B ELancaster and Dr O A Brown

    Saturday morning August 11thSunday morning Aug 12ih liahopIT C Morrison will preach

    The Kentucky Colonels DrBrown Prof Fogq Messrs Merk ardFlora with assistance of a chorus willmake the music

    All correspondence as to cottagesDIHoaQlisle

    Philosophy of PerspirationThere are many troubles which

    you cannot cure by the Bible and thehymn book said Henry Ward Bcecher but which you can cure by aRood perspiration antia breath offresh air-

    There Is a large ppradnx in the phi ¬losophy of perspiration The hotterthe healthy human body becomes thomore freely it perspires and yet themore freely it perspires the cooler It

    growManypersons try to keep cool by

    avoiding all unnecessary exercise andlounging iu the shade That is en

    rely philosophical Perspirationinstead of being a symptom of suffer ¬ing from the heat is a sign of relieftherefrom And it may be acceptedby all persons In normal health thatmoderate exorcise sufficient to inducea liberal moistening of the skin isthe best specific that can bo prescrib ¬ed for their daily use in hot weatherNone suffer more torture on a sultryday than those who mak it their spe ¬cial effort to avoid perspiring NowYork

    WorldYoung r

    lien WantedWith fair education acid goodchar ¬

    acter to Icara Telegraphy Railroadaccounting and Typewriting Thisis endorsed by all loading railwaycompanies as the only perfect and re ¬liable institution of its kind All ourgraduates are assisted to positionsLadies also admitted Write for treecatalog Fall term opens August15th

    Globe Telegraph CollegoLexington Ky

    52 Gm CryEllen Stewart 14 Brooktou Ind

    crazed by heat while digging pota ¬toes ran nine miles beforo she couldbe caught She was still deliriouswhen captured with her clothing al ¬most torn off

    I r

    It has been demonstrated by expe ¬rience that consumption can bo pre ¬vented by tho early use of One Min ¬ute Cough Cure This is tho favoriteremedy for coughs colds croup asth-ma


    grippe aud all throat and lungtroubles Cures quickly

    For sale by F C DUEUSON drug-gist


    J r

    Cattle DiseaseA peculiar disease has broken out

    among cattle In the western part ofLogan County which affects the eyesandcauses blindness

    In Now Orleans Police CaptainJohn T Day and Policeman Peter JLamb wore killed and PolicemanAugust T Mora was wounded byRoberl Charles a desperate negrowho was resisting arrest on a triviacharge After the shooting tho nogrrescaped



    Are YouGoing toCleanHouse

    If so you will want to paper oneor more rooms and if you wantyour money to go the fartherestand want a nice room when doneget your paper from US

    Then you will need some newWindow Blinds We keep an ele¬gant line at right prices

    How about a new set of DishesYour old set have served their timand one of our new porcelain setadont cost much and will brightenyour dining roon Come in and letus show you some of our own im ¬portation

    Dont RoastTo DeathThis SummerBut get one of our BLUE FLAMEOIL STOVES and your house willnot be heated up all summerCome in and see our line

    If you AreStill Hot

    Get an 0 It iCE CREAMFREEZER Ice cream made withthem is colder than liquid air andas smooth as glass We have themfrom one quart to eight quart

    Dont forget us when you wantany TINWARE CUTLERYGLASSWARE Etc Etc

    Remember the place

    ENOCHSBargain e+

    3tli Anuuall llllCllllplllilltCHICAGO ILL

    August 27 to 31 1900


    vIA TIn


    To CHICAGOI and return

    PufleuauSleeperPcnnrFlvnnlaitJionon Jitcrslreturn See small bill or ask agents for furtherparticularsWC IUNEAR30N U 1 A CINCINNATI O


    Via Air Line L E St L C


    Tickets on salo August 7th and 21stgood to return tweutyouo 21 daysfrom date of sale one tare plus twodollars for the round trip

    I J B Campbell Gen AgtCity office 3rd Main Depot 7th

