rgi oraclewls fmw11gr1 install config

Oracle Weblogic/Fusion Middleware 11gR1 Installation and Configuration Ross Group Inc Don Garrett February 11, 2011 Page 1 of 48

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Oracle Weblogic/Fusion Middleware 11gR1 Installation and Configuration

Ross Group IncDon Garrett

February 11, 2011

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Table of ContentsSetup Check List.................................................................................................................................................3

Oracle/Sun Software Downloads........................................................................................................................8

Oracle Fusion Middleware Weblogic Server 11gR1 (v10.3.3)..........................................................................9

Installing Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g (

Upgrade Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11gR1: (v11. to (v11.

Configuring Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g (

What Was Installed?.........................................................................................................................................21

Post Installation/Configuration Notes...............................................................................................................26

Navigating Enterprise Manager (EM) and Administration Console................................................................27

Starting the Weblogic Domain Servers.............................................................................................................29

Launching UVIS...............................................................................................................................................30

Configuring WLS as an OS Service.................................................................................................................30

Verify OS Service Registry Entries..................................................................................................................33

Forms and Reports “Extra” (DEV/TEST) Environments.................................................................................33

Auto Login - boot.properties file......................................................................................................................36

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Setup Check ListThis checklist will assist with the installation/configuration of Oracle Weblogic Server (OWLS), Forms and Reports Middleware components, and UVIS application software. The checklist may not cover all contingencies of the installation/configuration process, but is a firm baseline in the overall process.

Action Yes NoDownload Software

1 Download Sun Java JDK v1.6.0_23 – 64bit2 Download Sun Java JDK v1.6.0_23 – 32bit3 Download OWLS 11gR1- (v.10.3.3): wls1033_generic.jar4 Download FMW – Portal, Forms, Reports, Discoverer 11gR1-


5 Download FMW – Portal, Forms, Reports, Discoverer 11gR1- patchset:ofm_pfrd_win_11.

Create FMW Staging Area on OS6 Create a singular FMW install folder, with 4 subfolders:

ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1 \Disk2 \Disk3 \Disk4

6a Unzip FMW files (from ofm_pfrd_win_11. into ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1ofm_pfrd_win_11. into ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk2ofm_pfrd_win_11. into ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk3ofm_pfrd_win_11. into ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk4

Install OWLS7 Install OWLS (wls1033_generic.jar)7a Near the end of the OWLS install, after the “Run Quickstart” checkbox is selected and the Done button

clicked, launch an OS Windows Explorer window and create a new folder under the Middleware Home folder called “instances”:C:\Oracle\Middleware\instances

7b Make sure folder has proper privileges for users to Read and Write to the folder.Here’s the basic file structure after the OWLS Install:

7c (This may not be an option with the –mode=console command-line option) Complete Quickstart section of OWLS install. The “base_domain” should have been created:check for existence of C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\

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Install FMW Patchset8 Install FMW (ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1\setup.exe)9 Apply patchset to upgrade FMW from to


Configure UVIS – bin10 On the OS, create the location for the UVIS runtime files (fmx, rep, pll, etc.) and load the UVIS executables:


10a Add UVIS executable files to C:\uvis_bins\uvis_dev\bin\

Configure UVIS – frmweb.cfg11 Modify formsweb.cfg:

Using Enterprise Manager (EM): http://server.edu:7001/emFrom “Farm_Domain”, choose Forms, FormsWithin the Forms Deployment section for “formsapp“, choose the “Web Configuration” link.Within Web Configuration section, choose Create Like button and set the following values: Section To Duplicate = default *New Section Name = uvis4Click Create.

11a From the OS, using Windows Explorer, navigate to: “C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_FORMS\applications\formsapp_11.1.1\config” and open the formsweb.cfg file in a text editor.

11b To get EM to recognize the previous manual mods, using the EM, navigate to another node on the EM tree (e.g. Web Tier node and select a child node (e.g. ohs1)). Then, navigate back to the Forms, Forms, Web Configuration location and verify your changes.

Configure UVIS – uvis4.env12 Create and modify an environment file (e.g. uvis4.env).

Using EM, go to the Forms, Forms node and select the Environment Configuration link.In the upper, right-hand section of the Environment Configuration screen, choose the Duplicate File button and set the following values: Environment File = default.env *Name = uvis4.envClick Duplicate.

12a With the uvis4.env selected in the “Show” drop-list, add the location of your UVIS bin to the end of the FORMS_PATH values, separating it from the existing values with a semi-colon (e.g.;C:\uvis_bins\uvis_dev\bin)

12b With the uvis4.env selected in the “Show” drop-list, add the location of your UVIS jar files to the end of the CLASSPATH values, separating it from the existing values with a semi-colon (e.g. ; C:\Oracle\Middleware\PFRD_Binaries\forms\java\uvis_images.jar;C:\Oracle\Middleware\PFRD_Binaries\forms\java\uvisRolloverButton.jar;C:\Oracle\Middleware\PFRD_Binaries\forms\java\uvisFixedLenTextItem.jar;C:\Oracle\Middleware\PFRD_Binaries\forms\java\uvisFontButton.jar;C:\Oracle\Middleware\PFRD_Binaries\forms\java\UVISJFreeGraph.jar).

12c To get EM to recognize the previous manual mods, using the EM, navigate to another node on the EM tree (e.g. Web Tier node and select a child node (e.g. ohs1)). Then, navigate back to the Forms, Forms, Web Configuration location and verify your changes.

13 NOTE: Some configuration changes may require restarting the Weblogic servers (WLS_FORMS, WLS_REPORTS, Admin_Server).

UVIS Jar Files14 Add UVIS jar files to the OWLS:


UVIS and OWLS Report Server15 From the EM, open the Reports node and get the OWLS Report Server Name (e.g.


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16 Assign the new Report Server to UVIS users. From UVIS:Select Administration, Security, User Option Settings – SEV0022.Available User Option Settings, Value = NAMEOption Setting Values, Value = ReportServer_atlapp07_FRinst

Set the Report Server for a specific user, not the system.Select Administration, Security, User Options – SEV0021.(Do not modify the Option Setting Defaults, Default Value)Option Setting Defaults, User Option = OAS_REPORT_SERVERUser Options, Username = UVISLABSValue = ReportServer_atlapp07_FRinst

Code to seed table (ticket# 5481):declare v_system varchar2(100); v_step number; --*NOTE* - The uvis_user_options and uvis_user_options_m tables are -- mutually exclusive. -- Meaning: -- Users may have a value defined regardless of a default_value -- defined in the uvis_user_options_m table. -- -- The system may have a default_value defined regardless of a value -- defined in the uvis_user_options table.begin v_step := 10; v_system := uvis_sys_pkg.get_system_of_username(user);

v_step := 20; --master - create the setting --SEV0022 - User Option Settings, "Available User Option Settings" block --** This insert need only be run one time to seed the table ** begin insert into uvis_user_options_set_m (setting ,description ,lun ,lud) values ('NAME' ,'Oracle Report Server name' ,user ,sysdate); commit; exception --if the setting has already been created, don't error out when dup_val_on_index then dbms_output.put_line(v_step||' - '||sqlerrm); end; v_step := 30; --create the values for the new setting --SEV0022 - User Option Settings, "Option Setting Values" block --** This insert statement should be run each time a new "value" would like to --**added to the setting begin insert into uvis_user_options_set_vals (setting ,value ,description ,lun ,lud) values ('NAME' ,'ReportsServer_UVIS-AS-01_FRins' ,'Main Report server created from WLS.' ,user ,sysdate); commit;

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exception --if the setting has already been created (only 1 default for the setting), don't error out when dup_val_on_index then dbms_output.put_line(v_step||' - '||sqlerrm); end; v_step := 40; --associate the user_option and default setting --SEV0021 - User Options, "Option Setting Defaults" block --** This insert need only be run one time to seed the table with a --** DEFAULT_VALUE, for the SETTING, for the USER_OPTION** --** Use the screen to update the DEFAULT_VALUE begin insert into uvis_user_options_m (user_option ,setting ,default_value ,allow_user_change_yn ,description ,lun ,lud ) values ('OAS_REPORT_SERVER' ,'NAME' ,'ReportsServer_UVIS-AS-01_FRins' ,'Y' ,'Sets the Oracle Report Server for Forms Runtime Development.' ,user ,sysdate); commit; exception --if the setting has already been created (only 1 default for the setting), don't error out when dup_val_on_index then dbms_output.put_line(v_step||' - '||sqlerrm); end; v_step := 50; --assign a user_option and setting for user account: "username". --SEV0021 - User Options, "User Options" block --** This insert need only be run one time to seed the table with a --** VALUE, for the SETTING, for the USER, for the USER_OPTION** --** Use the screen to update the DEFAULT_VALUE begin insert into uvis_user_options (user_option ,system ,username ,allow_user_change_yn ,setting ,value ,lun ,lud) values ('OAS_REPORT_SERVER' ,v_system ,user ,'Y' ,'NAME' ,'ReportsServer_UVIS-AS-01_FRins' ,user ,sysdate); commit; exception --if the setting has already been created (only 1 default for the setting), don't error out when dup_val_on_index then dbms_output.put_line(v_step||' - '||sqlerrm); end; v_step := 60;--mainexception when others then

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dbms_output.put_line(v_step||' - '||sqlerrm); rollback;end;

UVIS and OWLS Key Maps – cgicmd.dat17 Allow UVIS to prevent important information from appearing in the URL. From the OS, go to the folder C:\

Oracle\Middleware\PFRD_Binaries\reports\conf\ and open the cgicmd.dat file for edit. The following keys should be added to the bottom of the file (there must be an empty line separating key entries):;;;;;;;;;;;; Beginning of UVIS entries ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;key_name: userid=uname/pword@<DB CONNECT STRING> %*uvis_ho_cpv: userid=cpv/ucpv@rgilabdev %*

uvis_ho_dlv: userid=dlv/udlv@rgilabdev %*

rgihodev: userid=hov/uhov@rgihodev %*

rgilabdev: userid=cpv/ucpv@rgilabdev %*

uvis_ul_link: userid=cpv/ucpv@rgilabdev %*

uvis_ho_link: userid=hov/uhov@rgihodev %*

;;;;;;;;;;;; End of UVIS entries ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Note the DB connect string should match the values from UVIS@:Hospital: Setup, Billing , System Setup – BLV0012: ClinPath Connect StringHospital: Setup, Billing , System Setup – BLV0012: DLab Connect StringLabs: Setup, DLab Default – DLV0004, System tab: Hospital Connect StringLabs: Setup, ClinPath Default – CLV0021: Hospital Connect String

Code to build links (ticket# 20281):

18 Enter source and temp folders for the reports. This can be done through EM: select Reports Server Homepage > Reports Server > Advanced Configuration, mod Reports Engine Parameters - Reports Source/Temp Directory by setting to uvis' bin (D:\uvis_bins\uvis_dev\bin). The underlying file that is modified is : $DomainHome\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_11.\configuration\rwserver.conf for source_dir/temp_dir

UVIS Keyboard Mappings19 Add the keyboard resource file (fmrpcweb.res) file to the C:\Oracle\Middleware\PFRD_Binaries\forms\


Developers Note1 Developer Note: for the Forms and Reports Developer Tools, the working folders for the source files will need


Notes: Host server will need DNS entry update (Windows = C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) Tnsnames.ora file @ $INSTANCE_HOME\config Set environment mode @ $Domain_Home\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd Allow file downloads to client from OWLS @ $Instance_Home\config\FormsComponent\forms\server\webutil.cfg Webutil.cfg @ $ORACLE_HOME\forms\webutil

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Oracle/Sun Software Downloads

At the time of this writing, the required files were downloaded to c:\temp:

Sun Java JDKhttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-jsp-138363.html

Download the 32 and 64 bit JDKs.

Oracle Weblogic Server (*generic.jar for 64-bit)http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/weblogic/downloads/wls-main-097127.html

Oracle Fusion Middleware Portal, Forms, Reports and Discovererhttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/downloads/fmw-11-download-092893.html

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Weblogic Server 11gR1 (v10.3.3)

64-bit install fileC:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\wls1033_generic.jar

******Sun JDK must be installed prior to OWLS/FMW installation. Also, do not use default folders (C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86)), as the spaces and parenthesis have be known to cause conflicts with the OWLS/FMW install. I created a C:\Programs64\ and C:\Programs32\ folder for my Sun Java JDK installs (64bit and 32bit respectively).

During the JDK installs pay attention to the path locations. They will need to be manually updated during the JDK installs.******

To install in 64-bit code (where a 64-bit JDK exists), launch a cmd window (Start > Run > cmd), change folders to the location of the downloaded “wls1033_generic.jar” file and enter the following command:java –D64 –Xmx1024m –jar wls1033_generic.jaror for character modejava –D64 –Xmx1024m –jar wls1033_generic.jar –mode=console

******Note, 32-bit was installed on XP machine using file: wls1033_oepe111150_win32.exe******

The screen shots below were gathered from running this command from the command line:Java –D64 –Xmx1024m –jar wls1033_generic.jar

Click Next. Leave the default directory. Click Next.

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Security Updates, add MyOracle Support info.Click Next. Default is “Typical”. Click Next.

Suns 64-bit JDK was previously installed. Browse and assigned it. Click Next.

Defaults. Click Next. Defaults. Click Next.

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Click Next. Progress displays.

Success. Check “Run Quickstart”. Click Done.

From OS, create an “instances” folder under C:\Oracle\Middleware\.

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Begin --If the “Run Quickstart” checkbox is selected above, the following screens will be presented.--After Quickstart launches, choose Getting started.

Left default to “Create a new…”. Click Next. Select both the RPC and WS options. Click Next.

Defaults. Click Next. Enter Name and User password. Click Next.

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Defaults (clients will need Prod Mode). Click Next. Selected nothing to configure. Click Next.

Just shows what you have configured. Click Create. Success. Click Done.

End --If the “Run Quickstart” checkbox is selected above, the following screens will be presented.--

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Installing Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g (

(With help from: https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=ATT&id=1088873.1:FMW11GFR_INSTALL&inline=1)

Find downloaded, unzipped software and launch installer (setup.exe, where c:\ = \\atlapp07\c):32-bit install filesC:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1C:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1C:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1C:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1

******Unzip each zip file into a master folder (e.g. C:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\ofm_pfrd_win_11.\). The result will be a structure similar to:C:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\ofm_pfrd_win_11.\disk1

\disk2 \disk3 \disk4


Per Instructions from Oracle Fusion Middleware, Quick Installation Guide for Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), E12003-03

Launch setup.exe from Disk1. Click Next. Select Install Software – Do Not Configure. Click Next.

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Automatic Prereq checks for OS versions and RAM (I exploded the + nodes to show tests/results).Click Next.

Default MW Home, renamed Oracle Home. Security Updates, add MyOracle Support info.Click Next. Click Next.

******NOTE: If a 64-bit JVM is not present you will receive an error stating something like:INST-07408, unable to install product on a 32 bit JVM on a 64 bit machine.

To get around this msg, I stopped the installation, deinstalled OWLS, installed a 64bit Java JDK (jdk-6u23-windows-x64 @ 11/21/2010), then reinstalled the Weblogic Server (WLS) and assigned the 64 bit JDK during the WLS install.******

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Installation Summary, Click Install (progress is displayed).

Install Progress held @ 97% for a few minutes, waiting for post install scripts and Oneoff Patch, then success.Click Next. Installation Complete. Click Finish.

Upgrade to is Next.

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Upgrade Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11gR1: (v11. to (v11.

(With help from: https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=ATT&id=1088873.1:FMW11GFR_INSTALL&inline=1)

Find downloaded, unzipped software and launch installer (setup.exe, where c:\ = \\atlapp07\c):C:\temp\OWLS-Fusion\64bit\ofm_pfrd_win_11.\Disk1\

\Disk2\ \Disk3\

Per Instructions from Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), E16793-05

Launch setup.exe from Disk1. Specify Middleware\Oracle Home, Click Next.

Click Install. Click Next. Click Finish.

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Configuring Oracle Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer 11g (

Find and launch C:\Oracle\Middleware\pfrd_binaries\bin\config.bat (Start, Programs, Oracle Classic 11g – Home1, Configure Classic Instance).

Click Next. Click Next.

Choose Create Domain and enter User Name and User Password and a Domain Name. Click Next.

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Change the Oracle Instance Location/Name to “C:\Oracle\Middleware\instances\FRinst” / “FRinst” (Note: the “instances” folder may need to be manually created on the OS).Click Next.

Deselect the Oracle Portal, Oracle Discoverer, select Developer Tools and click Next (same screen, just scrolled to show contents).

Default Auto Port Config. Click Next. Default. Click Next.

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Deselect “Use Application Level Identity Store”. Click Next.

Verified Installation Summary. Click Configure (same screen, just scrolled to show contents).

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Install Complete screen (same screen expanded to show details).

What Was Installed?

Start Button Navigation to Installed OWLS/FMW ItemsOracle – OH206512716 – Universal Installers

Oracle – OH245659978

Oracle Classic 11g – Home1

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Oracle Classic Instance - FRinst

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Oracle WebLogic

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Oracle Weblogic (BEAHOME 1)base_domain


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Post Installation/Configuration Notes

(from https://support.oracle.com/CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=ATT&id=1088873.1:FMW11GFR_INSTALL&inline=1)

Check the WebLogic Administration Console

http://atluvis026:7001/console (weblogic/fr99weblogic)

Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control (Note: this http://atluvis026:7001/em (weblogic/fr99weblogic)

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Test form and report (test.fmb, report.rep)http://atluvis026:8090/forms/frmservlet http://atluvis026:8090/reports/rwservlet

The following tasks have been performed in this document: 1. Installation of Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (v10.3.3) 2. Installation Fusion Middleware 11gR1 (v11.1.1.2) Portal, Forms, Reports, Discoverer 3. Patchset applied to Fusion Middleware 11gR1 (v11.1.1.2) to raise version to v11.1.1.3 4. Creation of Base_Domain, Forms/Reports WebLogic Domain and Oracle Instance using

Configuration Assistant 5. Post Install Review

Navigating Enterprise Manager (EM) and Administration Console

EM page, Forms, forms:

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EM page, Forms, forms, Web Configuration link:

EM page, Forms, forms, Environment Configuration link:

Weblogic Server, Administration ConsoleFRDomain, Environment, Servers Control

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Starting the Weblogic Domain Servers

Start Weblogic Admin Server Domains

Start Weblogic Server for Forms Services

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Start Weblogic Server for Report Services

Launching UVIShttp://atluvis026.na.corp.rossgroupinc.com:8090/forms/frmservlet?config=uvis4

Configuring WLS as an OS Service

******It may be necessary to modify the %JAVA_HOME% settings to match your Java home:


******Note: I made copies of the following files (Oracle Filenames) shipped with WLS/FMW and modified them to meet my environment’s needs:Oracle Filename Purpose Modified FilenameC:\oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd

Define Domain specific env vars *0-setDomainEnv.cmd


Define settings for OS service: AdminServer 10-WLS_Svc-FRDomain-AdminServer-UVIS.cmd

See above Define settings for OS service: WLS_FORMS 20-WLS_Svc-FRDomain-WLS_FORMS-UVIS.cmd

See above Define settings for OS service: WLS_REPORTS 25-WLS_Svc-FRDomain-WLS_REPORTS-UVIS.cmd


Create OS Service *30-WLS-installSvc.cmd


Define Common env vars *40-WLS-commEnv.cmd

Files marked with * are called from 10, 20 and 25.

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Create a temp folder (e.g. C:\__UVIS_working\11g-64bit\OS-ServiceScript\) to run them from the command line. The files should be run in the following order:

Order Action Filename Action1 Open command prompt window.

Navigate to folder where service files exist (it may be necessary to add that folder


Follow on screen prompts to “Press any key to continue...”. When script is complete, close command window.

Check the stderr/stdout settings within the files beginning 10/20/25 for log file locations and verify the service was created.

After running the script to verify a successful installation of the OS service to start the WLS Sever (C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin\beasvc -debug "beasvc FRDomain_AdminServer"), I noticed an error that “C:\Programs64\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\jre\lib\ia64\jvm.cfg” could not be opened.

Information on Oracle’s metalink website indicated to: Manually create the “ia64” folder in C:\Programs64\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\jre\lib\ Copy C:\Programs64\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\jre\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg file to C:\Programs64\Java\



Once the file has successfully run (check the stderr/stdout settings within the files beginning 10/20/25 for log file locations), open the OS Services panel and set the Services to start automatically when the server is started. This is done by setting “Startup Type” (General tab) to Automatic and the “Log on as” properties (Log On tab) to use an account that has the privileges to start services when the server is restarted. The following service will need this “Log on as” Account and Password set: beasvc FRDomain_AdminServer.

Note: The beasvc FRDomain_AdminServer must be started before installing and starting the Managed Servers beasvc FRDomain_WLS_FORMS, beasvc FRDomain_WLS_REPORTS. So, from the Services panel, start the beasvc FRDomain_AdminServer.

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Create the Managed Server services in the following order:Order Action Filename Action2 Open command prompt window.

Navigate to folder where service files exist (it may be necessary to add that folder


Follow on screen prompts to “Press any key to continue...”. When script is complete, close command window.

3 Open command prompt window. Navigate to folder where service files exist (it may be necessary to add that folder


Follow on screen prompts to “Press any key to continue...”. When script is complete, close command window.

The following services will need this “Log on as” Account and Password set: beasvc FRDomain_WLS_FORMS, beasvc FRDomain_WLS_REPORTS.

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Verify OS Service Registry EntriesAs the OS Services are created, the last command in the 30-WLS-installSvc.cmd script (beasvc) modifies the Windows Registry. Navigate to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\beasvc FRDomainDev_AdminServer\Parameters\.

******In the above example, there is an entry for each admin server and managed server. The FRDomainDev_AdminServer can be substituted, for example, with FRDomainDev_WLS_FORMS, or FRDomainDev_WLS_REPORTS.

Within the Registry item CmdLine: Check the CmdLine entry for each server and make sure there are not any multiple spaces between

entries. If there are, make them a single space. The first element in the CmdLine entry should read “-server”:

-server -Xms256m … For a production environment, the following setting, -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=, should

be updated from: false to true.


Forms and Reports “Extra” (DEV/TEST) EnvironmentsFollow PFRD installation/upgrade steps (above) and enter new Oracle Home Directory:

**Install** **Upgrade**

Now configure the new PFRD installation. Find and launch C:\Oracle\Middleware\pfrd_binaries\bin\config.bat (Start > Programs > Oracle Classic 11g – Home2 > Configure Classic Instance). For the Dev Domain, I used the username and password: frweblogicdev/frweblogic99

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Auto Login - boot.properties fileThere is a boot.properties for each Admin/Managed Server:

The servers must be stopped before the files can be modified . Enter the username/password you created when the domain was created.



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