rfp # 86510 - smcccd replacement of bookstore pos and

Request for Proposal (RFP) Bookstore POS and Accounting System Department of General Services 3401 CSM Drive San Mateo, California 94402 Telephone (650) 574-6508 FAX (650) 574-6574 Email [email protected] RFP # 86510 June 27, 2005

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Request for Proposal (RFP)

Bookstore POS and Accounting System

Department of General Services3401 CSM Drive

San Mateo, California 94402Telephone (650) 574-6508 FAX (650) 574-6574

Email [email protected]

RFP # 86510

June 27, 2005

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Bookstore POS & Accounting System RFP # 86510

Table of Contents

Section I. Introduction

Section II. Profile of the Current Bookstore Environment

Section III. Procurement Process; Dates and Timeframes

Section IV. RFP Instructions and Requirements

Section V. Post RFI & Vendor Meeting Questions

Section VI. Pricing for POS and Accounting Systems

Appendix I Company Information & Signatory PageAppendix II Non Collusion AffidavitAppendix III Rush Check-out Configurations of Proposed Bookstores

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Bookstore POS & Accounting System RFP # 86510

I. Introduction & District Information

The San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) seeks qualified pricing proposals as a continuation of RFI 86510. SMCCCD solicits pricing from the pre-qualified vendors to replace the bookstore POS and financial software system for its three college bookstores, Cañada College in Redwood City, College of San Mateo in San Mateo, and Skyline College in San Bruno. As you are aware, this RFP is the second round in the procurement process for SMCCCD’s procurement of Bookstore POS and accounting systems. Your firm is one of three who have pre-qualified for the second stage of the procurement process.

Approximately 40,000 people throughout San Mateo County attend one of the three Colleges of the San Mateo County Community College District.  Although the boundaries of the San Mateo County Community College District are the same as those of the County, the District Board of Trustees is independent of County government.  County voters elect the five-member Board of Trustees every four years, and that board governs one of the largest and most innovative two-year college systems in California.

II. Profile of the Current & Future Bookstore Environment

The San Mateo County Community College District Bookstores owns and operates three college bookstores. As part of a District-Wide Capital Improvement Program, the District will build two new bookstore locations at CSM and Skyline and renovate the third bookstore at Cañada.   The Skyline store will be part of the brand-new Student Support and Community Service Center Building, and at CSM, the bookstore will relocate to an improved, more central location on the campus. Cañada’s store will remain in its current location, but the District will renovate this facility in 2006. Since our current system does not allow the bookstores to operate as efficiently as we desire, the District will be replacing its POS and accounting system in the fall of 2005, or depending on construction schedules, spring of 2006. Accordingly, when the District awards a contract to the vendor selected, that vendor essentially will perform start-up and deployment at CSM, Skyline and Cañada to replace current infrastructure and, then relocation to the new bookstores when construction is completed at CSM and Skyline.

The successful vendor will provide a state of the art bookstore retail and financial management system that will allow the District’s bookstores to provide excellent service to its constituents while seamlessly integrating efficiencies into all processes of bookstore operations, including accounting, online sales, rentals, transfers, customer relations management, and operations. The system will be capable of expansion as the Colleges and Bookstores continue to grow. As such, the successful vendor will have an eye on the future and will continue to provide innovative technologies for system users over time.

Vendors will find the management contacts at each location listed below. In addition, there is a listing of both the current and proposed store POS infrastructure configurations. Vendors can find JPEG drawings of the future store layouts at the end of this RFP in Appendix III.

SMCCCD ContactsCañada College Bookstore Skyline College Bookstore4200 Farm Hill Blvd. 3300 College Drive.Redwood City, CA 94061 San Bruno, CA 94066(650) 306-3313 Press 0 (650) 738-4777

Contact: Jai KumarContact: Tom Bauer(District Director of Stores)

College of San Mateo Bookstore District Office Accounting Team1700 W. Hillsdale Blvd. 3401 CSM Dr. San Mateo, CA 94402 San Mateo, CA 94402(650) 574-6367 (650) 358-6742Contact: Judy Worster Contact: Raymond Chow

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III. Procurement Process:

Section 81645 of the State of California Education Code shall govern this RFP and any resulting, RFP, bid, contract or awards. As such, the following shall apply:

“The governing board of any community college district may contract with a party who has submitted one of the three lowest responsible competitive proposals or competitive bids, for the acquisition, procurement, or maintenance of electronic data processing systems and equipment, electronic telecommunications equipment, supporting software, and related materials, goods, and services, in accordance with procedures, and criteria established by the governing board.”

This Request for Proposal is a second step toward vendor selection for the District’s bookstore POS and accounting systems. The District’s procurement process entails these steps:

Step One: (Completion of RFI process)This process was concluded in May, 2005 and included on-site demonstrations, evaluations, and reference checking. Based upon a thorough evaluation of the pre-qualified vendors’ proposals and onsite demonstrations, the District has selected your firm as a pre-qualified finalist.

Step Two: (Issuance of RFP for Finalists to Respond with Cost Proposals)Proposed pricing from the selected finalists will be submitted through this formal RFP. The District may ask qualified vendors to refine their proposals for various products and services and may conduct site visits.

Step Three: (RFP Evaluations)

At the conclusion of the evaluation process, the District will make a final recommendation to the District’s governing Board to authorize a contract.

Dates and Timeframes (The District reserves the right to change or alter the times and activities):

Release of Request for Proposal (RFP) June 27, 2005

District on-site visits July 2005

Deadline for vendors’ submission of proposals July 14, 2005, 2 pm.

Selection of Final Vendor, finalization of contract terms and pricing August 2005

Approval of contract award by the District’s Board August, Sept 2005

Begin Project Fall 2005 or Spring 2006

IV. RFP Instructions and Requirements

All vendors interested in submitting a response to this RFP must submit an email notification to [email protected] indicating their intent to respond.

1. General . Vendors must comply with the provisions of these Instructions for Completion/Submission of the RFP (“RFP Instructions and Requirements”) of the RFP. The failure of a Vendor to comply with the RFP Instructions will result in rejection of the Vendor’s RFP for non-responsiveness.

2. Vendor Qualifications . Only Proposals submitted by pre-qualified vendors with the relevant experience, qualifications and capacity to meet the needs of SMCCCD will be accepted.

3. Submission of RFP . a. Submission of Executed “Hard Copy” and Electronic Files of RFP . Vendors must present three bound

copies of the Proposal, plus one unbound copy, in a sealed envelope and returned to the Department of General Services, San Mateo County Community College District located at 3401 CSM Drive, San Mateo, CA 94402 by 2:00 pm on July 14, 2005. Indicate “RFP 86510 Enclosed” on the lower left corner of the envelope.

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b. Digital Submittals Digital submittals shall be forwarded to [email protected] after 2 pm. on July 14, 2005 Do not submit prior to 2pm on the 12th.

c. Vendor’s Review of District Web Site . Any addenda, clarifications, RFP updates/revisions, or replies to specific questions will be posted on this site; all such matters shall be deemed incorporated into all Vendors’ RFP Proposals. Prior to submission of a RFP Proposal, all Vendors MUST review materials on this web site (http://www.smccd.net/purchasing) relating to this RFP and must incorporate into their respective RFP Proposals all requirements set forth in this RFP, as the same may be amended by postings on the District’s web site.

d. RFP Contents . Proposal consists of the following, all of which must be submitted concurrently and executed as required by these RFP Instructions or by the form of document:

i. Completed Section V – “Additional Questions” ii. Completed Excel pricing documents Section VI A Hardware Pricing & VI B Software Pricing

(including any supporting materials)iii. Signed copy of Company Information Page. (The RFI responses contain the information, but we

require the signature page as proof of this RFP submittal)iv. Any drawings or collateral material that clarifies your proposal.v. References for Rental Module (see section V E.2.)vi. Cabling specifications for POS system.

4. RFP Security; Performance Bond . Vendors are not required to submit any form of RFP Security with submission of the RFP. If a Performance Bond is required in connection with specific procurements of Bookstore POS & Accounting System, the form and content of such Performance Bond shall be included in the contract.

5. Modifications to Submitted RFP . A Vendor submitting a Proposal may modify its submitted Proposal by written modification actually received by the District’s Department of General Services at or prior to the latest time/date for submission of Proposals. Modifications to the submitted RFP, which are not in writing, will not be accepted and will not be deemed modifications to the submitted Proposal.

6. Signature . A responsible officer or employee of the Vendor must sign the proposal. An unsigned, but executed Proposal will be rejected for non-responsiveness.

7. Non-Collusion Affidavit . Each Vendor shall submit with its response a duly completed and executed form of Non-Collusion Affidavit; the required form of Non-Collusion Affidavit is included as Appendix II in this RFP. The failure of a Vendor to submit the completed and executed form of Non-Collusion Affidavit with its RFP will result in rejection of the Proposal for non-responsiveness.

8. Evidence of Responsibility . Upon the request of the District, a Vendor whose Proposal is under consideration shall upon request promptly submit to the District satisfactory evidence showing the Vendor financial resources, organization, and plant facilities available for the performance of the contract. The failure of such a Vendor to submit requested materials in a timely manner will result in rejection of the Vendor’s Proposal for non-responsiveness.

9. Modifications to Proposal . The District reserves the right to modify this RFP or any portion hereof by written Appendix issued to all Vendors who have previously obtained this RFP from the District. All Appendix issued by the District pursuant to the foregoing shall be deemed incorporated into the Proposals.

10. Vendor Inquiries . Vendors may request clarifications or make other inquiries concerning this RFP or the requirements hereof. Questions regarding this RFP should be submitted via email to: [email protected]. Direct specific bookstore questions to [email protected] with a cc to [email protected]. The District will provide all questions and responses electronically to all participating vendors.

11. Evaluation of RFP Proposals . RFP Proposals will be reviewed by the District and evaluated on service and price merits.

12. Award of Contract . Award will be based on Section 81645 of the State of California Education Code. The District will award one (1) contract to replace the Bookstore POS & Accounting System equipment and services. Award of the contract to replace the Bookstore POS & Accounting System equipment and services will only be by action of the District’s Board of Trustees or in accordance with authority delegated by action of the District’s Board of Trustees. Award is based on

13. References . Reference lists were provided in RFI, so only the Rental Module reference list is required for the RFP process.

14. Piggyback . The District intends that other public agencies (city, special district, public authority, public agency, school district or other political subdivision of the state of California) shall have the option to participate in any

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agreement created because of this RFP and upcoming RFP for bookstore systems.  The San Mateo County Community College shall incur no financial responsibility in connection with a purchase order from another public entity.  Vendor's agreement or failure to agree to the "piggyback" agreement will not be a factor in the award.

a. Check one of the following:

i. □ Agree to extend all prices, terms, and conditions of my proposal to any other public agency located in the state of California with no exceptions.

ii. □ Agree to extend all prices, terms, and conditions of my proposal to any other public agency located in the state of California with the following exceptions noted, as attached.

iii. □ Pricing, terms and conditions in our RFP are not extended to any other agency.

V. Additional Questions after RFI and Vendor Meetings

Using Microsoft Word, type answers for the following requirements in red directly below the question. Answers should be comprehensive and complete. Any diagrams or supplementary supporting materials should be included as appendices with appropriate references as required herein.

The bookstore staff discussed several of these issues briefly during vendor presentations, but did not get full details about your firm’s capabilities. This section is intended to draw out additional information regarding software modules, service, support, and training.

V A. Application Software: Support and Training

1. Describe in detail the user training that your firm provides prior to installation and startup. Include details regarding preferred training methods, time required for each module, and training locations. (Provide pricing in Software Pricing Form-- Section VI.B.)

2. Does your firm have a process for re-training after the initial installation period? If a follow up session is not part of your standard training package, provide details as to how your firm ensures that our bookstores are using the system to its fullest capacity.

3. Attach a schedule of application post installation, professional development, software training fees both on site at San Mateo Community College District and at your training facility. (Provide pricing in Software Pricing Form Section VI.B.)

V B. Hardware: Maintenance, Support, Cabling

1. Describe how your firm provides hardware maintenance and support.

2. Can maintenance and support for all major hardware elements of the system (i.e. both back office computer and POS) be provided by the same vendor?

3. If yes, what vendor will supply this service?

4. If no, what vendor will maintain/repair the back-office computer system hardware?

5. If no, what vendor will maintain/repair the point-of-sale system hardware?

6. Does the back office computer provide facilities for communications contact with the repair organization for communicating detected hardware problems, dispatch of repair personnel and parts?

7. How many technicians qualified to service the proposed equipment does this vendor have in our area?

8. Confirm that parts are stocked locally?

9. During what hours is repair coverage available?

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10. Describe the response time that we could expect for repair calls?

11. Please indicate if any hardware items are not covered by the overall hardware maintenance/support contract mentioned above. Describe how the bookstores obtain repair service in these cases, including a listing of vendor contacts as appropriate.

12. Provide hardware warranty information. (Attach warranties separately to Hardware Pricing, Section VI. A.)

13. Because cabling needs are often best handled by local contractors, it is not clear that we would use your firm for cabling. However, we do need detailed specification and are interested in cabling quotes if your firm is capable of providing cabling for this project. Attach a schedule outlining the cabling specifications for both the back-office computer and the point-of-sale system. Also, suggest any known vendors in our area who can perform cabling, so that we may obtain price quotations. (Provide drawings as applicable, specifications separately. If applicable provide cabling pricing in Hardware Pricing Form Section VI.A.)

V C. Customer Relationship Management

1. Does the system support a CRM or Membership module?

2. Does the Membership module support association of customer information with POS sales transactions regardless of tender used?

3. Does the Membership module support multiple membership plans; e.g. Book Club, Alumni, Faculty Readers, and so on?

4. Does the Membership module report purchase history by customer?

5. Does the Membership module report purchase history by plan?

6. Does the Membership module must support “members only” sales events?

7. Does the Membership module membership support multiple levels of participation within the plan; e.g. bronze, silver, gold, platinum?

8. Does the Membership module allow customers to be members of multiple plans?

9. Can the above plans be set according to specific merchandise categories?

10. Can the above plans allow for discounts by merchandise category?

11. Can merchandise discounts be different by category?

V D. Merchandise Transfers between Locations

1. Does the system support the transfer of inventory between stores?

2. Does the system support setting the store transfer program to either update the receiving store immediately upon completion of the entry or to have the receiving store validate the quantities received prior to updating the inventory?

3. Can the system suggest transfers for balancing inventory between locations based upon user defined model stocks of supply?

4. Please provide screen snapshots of merchandise transfers in and out with the corresponding screens on the accounting and inventory modules showing that your system retains accounting balance when transfers occur.

V E. Rental Module & References

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1. Can cashiers select or enter the item due date at the POS? Note: Using a preset number of days does not work in an academic environment.

2. Provide a list of the schools that are using the rental module effectively for both textbooks and supplies. We will contact these schools to see how the program is working for them. ( Provide a list of these references in the space below.)

 V F. Accounts Receivable

1. Does the A/R module have the ability for customers to select the charge program they would like to use? For instance if a customer is represented by 3 different groups, EOPS, VA, and Rehab, can the customer choose which plan to charge, rather than the system strictly defining these data points.

2. Does the module have the ability to attach student purchases to individual student accounts?

V G. Credit Cards and Checks

1. Is the system CISP Compliant with new credit card rules? Further, is your firm’s web-based system compliant, as well?

2. Please list whether or not the system handles the following programs: “Check 21”, check imaging, and check verification at various levels of risk and cost?

IV H. Buyback commitment

1. Describe various buy-back commitment plans available in detail below. For example, talk about the different options your firm offers customers such as 100%, 80/20, 60/40, etc… (Provide discount pricing percentages in Software Pricing Form-- Section VI.B.)

V I. Implementation

1. Starting from the awarding of the contract, please include a complete implementation timeline detailing all required actions by both vendor and stores to successfully facilitate system installation.

2. Explain who at your firm is responsible for installation and implementation of the various components of the system. Be specific with titles and names and product types.

3. Describe your process for uploading data from our current system to the new software system. Include details as to how you ensure data validity, your project manager is, and any other information about your consultative process to assist in our decision making.

  V J. Banner Interface

The SMCCCD District uses the Sungard/SCT Banner system for its ERP system. The selected bookstore POS system must be able to transfer data between the POS system and Banner.

1. Please provide detailed descriptions of existing interfaces between the POS and Banner in the following areas:

a. Account Payable b. Accounts Receivablec. General Ledgerd. Sales Audit e. Basic Student Information

2. Please describe how your firm maintains and supports these interfaces as the POS and Banner systems are upgraded.

3.      Please describe what the corporate relationship is between your company and Sungard/SCT.

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VI. Pricing

Complete the embedded spreadsheets below, identified as VI A., Hardware Pricing & VI B., Software Pricing. Since there are optional, vendors should not add formulas to the spreadsheet to tally grand totals. SMCCCD will add the formulas when the RFP responses and pricing documents are analyzed.

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Appendix ICompany Information & Signatory Page

Company Name: ________________________________________________

Business Address: _______________________________________________

Telephone: _____________________ Fax: ________________________

Email: ______________________Web Site:________________________

Type of Firm: Corporation: _____ Proprietorship: _____Partnership: ______ Joint Venture: ______Other (please describe): ___________________________

Business License Number: _____________________________________

Number of years in business under firm name: _____________________

Full names of firm’s owners (> 10% ownership), officers and managing employees:

Has the firm changed its name within the past 3 years?YES NO

If yes, provide former name(s): ______________________________________________________

Have there been any recent (within the last three years) changes in control/ownership of the firm? YES NO

If yes, explain.

Have officers or principals of the firm ever had their business license suspended or revoked for any reason?

YES NO If yes, please explain.

Name and title of person completing responsible for submission of this RFP and the responses to this questionnaire:

Name & Title: ______________________

Signature: ________________________

Date: ___________________________

Phone: _______________________

Email: _________________________


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STATE OF CALIFORNIACOUNTY OF ______________________

I, __________________________________, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that I am (Typed or Printed Name)

the ________________________ of _____________________________________, the party submitting (Title) (Vendor Name)

the foregoing RFP Proposal (“the Vendor”). In connection with the foregoing RFP Proposal, the undersigned declares, states and certifies that:

1. The RFP Proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization or corporation.

2. The RFP Proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham.

3. The Vendor has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Vendor to put in a false or sham RFI, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any other Vendor or anyone else to put in sham RFI, or to refrain from submitting this RFI.

4. The Vendor has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the RFP price, or that of any other Vendor, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the RFP price or that of any other Vendor, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract or of anyone interested in the proposed contract.

5. All statements contained in the RFP Proposal and related documents are true.

6. The Vendor has not, directly or indirectly, submitted the RFP price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any person, corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, RFP depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham RFI.

Executed this ____ day of ___________, 20__ at _________________________________.(City, County and State)

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.By: _________________________________Title: ________________________________

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Appendix III Bookstore Design Drawings

CSM Bookstore

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Cañada Bookstore

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Skyline Bookstore

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