rezumat digital marketing

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT TOOL: DE OBICEI SE FOLOSESC 2-3 DINTRE ACESTE UNELTE DE MAI JOS SI SE INCEARCA SE SE INTEGREZE UNELE CU ALTELE. - Buffer ( ) - Hootsuite ( ) is a great example of a social media management tool that can help to integrate such channels/tools. I use Hootsuite too and it's a great way to track what's happening. More people = more knowledge and ideas = more for everyone :) Help...already starting to suffer from 'options' overload. Which groups, channels, networks, etc. etc. (or combinations) do we choose to market our services and products or to choose to buy the offerings of others? THE NEW MARKETING ECOSYSTEM (vezi si fisierul 0_THE NEW MARKETING ECOSYSTEM) CREARE SI PUBLICARE HARTI INTERACTIVE – PE GRATIS – - Cred ca ma poate ajuta la site-urile de meditatii, forum, etc? ALEXA.COM - An Amazon company offering free analytic tools for websites. Founded in 1996. STABILESTE ONLINE O INTALNIRE OFFLINE: . ‘Communities’ on are the wider group of learners in a particular geographical area. Each community can host one or more meetups. Meetup with learners in your area: . This allows you to connect with other learners and meet face-to-face to discuss topics without having to share personal information. Ghid despre cum se seteaza un MEETUP: 2_Ghid meetup. I run 3 meetups and it's a fantastic platform to connect socially and professionally although meetup don't seem interested in dealing with spammers ! BLOG – pentru a-ti exprima gandurile, opiniile: - TUMBLR: este la moda acum cica. Pare chiar interesant. Merg foarte bine tagurile aici cred. Tumblr allows you to tag your posts, so if you tag your posts with your course hashtag, other learners on the course can find them easily. Ce este un hashtag? - WORDPRESS:

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Post on 27-Jan-2016




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Cateva ceva despre marketingul digital


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- Buffer ( - Hootsuite ( is a great example of a social media management tool that

can help to integrate such channels/tools. I use Hootsuite too and it's a great way to track what's happening.

More people = more knowledge and ideas = more for everyone :)

Help...already starting to suffer from 'options' overload.  Which groups, channels, networks, etc. etc. (or combinations) do we choose to market our services and products or to choose to buy the offerings of others? 


CREARE SI PUBLICARE HARTI INTERACTIVE – PE GRATIS – - Cred ca ma poate ajuta la site-urile de meditatii, forum, etc?

ALEXA.COM - An Amazon company offering free analytic tools for websites. Founded in 1996. STABILESTE ONLINE O INTALNIRE OFFLINE: . ‘Communities’ on are the wider group of learners in a particular geographical area. Each community can host one or more meetups.

Meetup with learners in your area: . This allows you to connect with other learners and meet face-to-face to discuss topics without having to share personal information. Ghid despre cum se seteaza un MEETUP: 2_Ghid meetup. I run 3 meetups and it's a fantastic platform to connect socially and professionally although meetup don't seem interested in dealing with spammers !

BLOG – pentru a-ti exprima gandurile, opiniile:- TUMBLR: este la moda acum cica. Pare chiar interesant. Merg

foarte bine tagurile aici cred. Tumblr allows you to tag your posts, so if you tag your posts with your course hashtag, other learners on the course can find them easily. Ce este un hashtag?

- WORDPRESS: - BLOGGER from GOOGLE: – daca ai deja un cont google, poti sa iti

creezi direct un blog

Blogul cursului: - MICROBLOGGING CHINA:

Genereaza titluri si idei pentru blogging:

CANAL YOUTUBE: COMUNITATE GOOGLE+: https:// plus . google .com/

Comunitatea cursului: TEMPORARY TEXT HOSTING – adica daca am un text mai mare si vreau sa il distribui, dar

nu am un blog sau nu vreau sa il pun pe un blog. Gazduieste pagini anonime fara inregistrare – SE DA SHARE LA URL:

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- Pastie: . Pot sa fac pagina private, sa nu o gaseasca cei care dau cautare in Pastie.

- Notehub – DOAR PENTRU MOBIL: . Tot cu copy-paste, dupa care trebuie sa mai dau un spatiu ca sa imi apara butonul de publicare. Are si statistici, sa vezi cati ti-au vazut pagina.

SHARING IMAGES – adica iti incarci imaginea pe un serviciu care gazduieste imagini si apoi dai link-ul la imaginea respective

- Flickr - - depozitez si distribui poze. Merge doar cu conturi de Yahoo. Nu mai merge cu Google sau Facebook. Cica daca am pus o poza pe Flickr si o pun sip e site-ul meu, trebuie sa fac legatura la pagian de Flickr ( Imaginile au TITLU, DESCRIERE SI TAG-uri (cuvinte cheie) dupa care sunt cautate. Exista si Flickr Group in sectiunea Comunities.

- Padlet Walls – locul in care imi pot arata pozele si textele cu altii: . NU NECESITA CREARE CONT. POATE FI PUBLIC SAU PRIVAT. Orice postez aici trebuie sa imi pun numele, daca vreau sa comunic cu cei de la FutureLearn. Mai trebuie studiata problema.

- Google+ - (make sure your photo is public) - https:// plus . google .com/ - DROPBOX (INSTALAT) (see this guide to image sharing) – . Isntructiuni

pentru Dropbox aici: . PENTRU STOCAREA SI TRANSFERUL de fisiere (poze, documente) cu colegi, cunoscuti. Mult mai usor decat sa le dai pe e-mail. Se poate face si cont secret, sa nu fie public.

- Pinterest – You can upload your images as ‘pins’:

- Photobucket - - Image Shack - - 500px (for photo-sharing only, not other types of image) - - INSTAGRAM – pentru mobile, foto, video si social networking- Mai pot folosi: Tumblr, Twitter sau Facebook (make sure your post is set to public). Don’t

forget to include the #hashtag for your course so that other learners can easily find it. SHARING VIDEO – trebuie gazduit video pe un site si apoi se da URL-ul. Site-urile care ofera

gratuity acest lucru, au de obicei limitare de lungime si marime a fisierului. ATENTIE ca fisierele sa NU FIE PRIVATE, pentru a le putea vedea si altii.- YOUTUBE – EXEMPLU: If privacy level for your video is Unlisted - it

means your video can only be viewed by people to whom you’ve given the link.- INSTAGRAM – pentru mobile, foto, video si social networking- VIMEO – - FLICKR –

HANGOUT on AIR - Sometimes you may be invited to watch a live, interactive video stream hosted on Google+ or YouTube called a ‘Hangout on Air’. They’re like being a fly on the wall in a video conference call. These events are not mandatory but can be a fun way to get to know your course leaders and fellow learners. DACA NU POT PARTICIPA LIVE, la aceeasi adresa pot vedea inregistrarea – poate dura o ora sau doua pana apare. Eu ii vad pe ei sau prezentarea, dar ei nu ma vad pe mine. Dar daca am un cont Google, pot trimite si comentarii. Fara cont Google, pot doar sa urmaresc.

SOCIAL NETWORKS – Pot crea grupuri de interes, pot folosi hashtag-urile.- FACEBOOK – Pot crea grupuri aici sau pot intra in grupuri deja create. Iata

cum creez un grup pe facebook: . Facebook suporta si

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hashtag-uri si este bun si pentru mobile. Grupul cursului:

- TWITTER – fiecare post are maxim 140 de caractere. Si aici se pot folosi

hashtag-urile. TWITTER handle is @uosFLdigital and the course hashtag is #FLdigital. Ce este un hashtag? I'm an English teacher and I've used Twitter with my students; pools, quizzes, practising some structures. You can use Twitter this way, but you can also use Twitter to promote your Institute.

- GRUPURI GOOGLE – Daca vreau sa am diferite “subiecte” de discutie, este bun un grup google. Are interfata pentru mobil, pot crea lista de e-mailuri, pot folosi nickname daca nu vreau sa imi dau numele real. Iata mai multe despre cum se folosesc grupurile google:

- GOOGLE+ COMMUNITIES – pentru imagini si video. Este buna si pentru mobile. Instructiuni creere:

- LINKEDIN – tot pentru creere grupuri de discutie cu profesionisti din domeniu. Pentru a crea un grup: Interests -> Groups.

- ENTERPRISE SOCIAL NETWORKS – de exemplu YAMMER ( pentru retele interne ale angajatorilor. E un fel de chat dupa cum observ eu intern, si se pot grupa pe departamente etc. E bun si pentru mobile.

- INSTAGRAM – pentru mobile, foto, video si social networking- CHATROOMS – Conversatii in timp real – de exemplu NeatChat

( Poti face o camera fara sa creezi un cont. Iti pui un nickname si trimiti link-ul celor pe care vrei sa ii invite. Poti sa vezi mesajele si mai tarziu. SKYPE – nu permite cica folosirea lui in scopuri de business, cu toate ca am vazut ca se practica.

SOFT-uri care TIN MINTE PAROLE si EU TREBUIE SA TIN MINTE O SINGURA PAROLA: - Keypass - - RoboForm - (dat de Cata)

SOFT-uri care iti COPIAZA CATE O PAGINA WEB si O FACE A TA: - EVERNOTE (INSTALAT): - tine minte, chiar daca

dispare sursa, pot sa fac adnotari si sa dau share, sa pun remindere, pot sa organizez


- SKITCH de la EVERNOTE (INSTALAT): – cred ca este inclus in EVERNOTE – de vazut

- EVERNOTE PEEK: pentru studiul limbilor straine – doar versiune iPAD- EVERNOTE FOOD: pentru retete – doar versiune mobile


- MailChimp: - AWeber: - TOT CU PLATA; TESTING 1 LUNA CU 1

USD- Constant Contact: - TOT CU PLATA- GetResponse: - GRATUIT DOAR 30 de ZILE

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- Campaign Monitor: - PARE SUPER – imi transforma postul in e-mail, ca sa nu ma mai chinui eu – exact ce aveam nevoie – DAR SE PARE CA E CU PLATA, insa pot incerca o data

CALENDARE ONLINE – ORGANIZARE: - GOOGLE CALENDAR: I tend to want as much information as possible in one

place to stay as organized as possible (thank you google calendar!). CONFERINTE


(e cu plata)

Communicating online - reguli

Comments should be brief and to the point; no more than two or three short

paragraphs. This is a conversation, not a monologue - no one wants to read


Read your comments and replies all the way through before you post them. If

you post in a hurry you may regret it later – you can’t delete but you can edit your

comments for up to 15 minutes after you have posted them

Criticise the idea, not the person – and be polite when you do

Don’t write a reply that you wouldn’t say face to face

Remember that learners vary in culture, age and experience

Not all learners have English as their first language, so always try to write clearly

Explain any acronyms you use and avoid jargon if you can

If you see a message that you think is offensive click its ‘Report’ triangle icon. It

will be reviewed by FutureLearn’s moderators and will be removed if they agree

with you

What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is the use of electronic media to communicate with customers and to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns.

Online media mix

It no longer means simply having a website, BUT includes customer interaction through a variety of online channels: mobile apps, digital television, interactive billboards, video, online advertising, social media

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The digital space is an ever-growing source of:

- entertainment, - news, - shopping and - social interaction.

JISC DIGITAL MEDIA GUIDESNeed more help with using still images, sound and video for educational purposes? Explore JISC's free digital media guides. They will take you through the process of finding, creating, managing, delivering and using digital media. (Accessed 3rd October 2014)

Sharing your ideas

How you connect with and learn from each other. Guide to the effective use of social media for learning. – descarcat sub numele 1_Social media tips and tools (am facut rezumatul la el aici mai sus – vezi liniutele, bulinutele).


Also providing a Q&A at certain times of the month, also makes people feel more connected to the company, providing them with confidence in using the products or the services provided.

In my current company i have on a number of occassion received negative feedback and reviews on twitter. Being able to respond to these and adress (and most of the time) resolve them quickly usally leads to the customer tweeting again about how happy they were with the way the issue has been resolved and praising the company. In these cases turning negative comments into praise looks great on social media i think.

A very successful social media strategy was launched by Starbucks. An extra element that made social media engament even greaterwas thar they encouraged interaction among followers, and gave them the freedom to take the lead and act as co-publishers.

TERMEN: CCA metric - Common Conversion Activities


- Care sunt obiectivele: awareness, sa atrag clienti etc

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- Care sunt clientii tinta: elevi, studenti, patroni etc chiar si in fc de varsta- Ce mediu de socializare sau unelte online folosesc clientii tinta: facebook,

linkedin, etc- Fac reclama in reviste si imi dau site-ul sau pagina de facebook (pot sa pun

si codueile QR)

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CE FORMAT FOLOSESC PENTRU POZE : jpeg, bmp, gif, png

- - - -

bmp-gif-tiff-i - -

JPEG (or JPG, for the file extension; Joint Photographic Experts Group) PNG (Portable Network Graphics) BMP (Bitmap) GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) TIFF (or TIF, for the file extension; Tagged Image File Format)

BMP - Bitmap. This was probably the first type of digital image format that I can remember. Every picture on a computer seemed those days to be a BMP. In Windows XP the Paint program saves its images automatically in BMP. However, in Windows Vista and later images are now saved to JPEG. BMP is the basis platform for many other file types.JPG / JPEG - (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Jpeg format is used for color photographs, or any pictures with many blends or gradients. It is not good with sharp edges and tends to blur them a bit unless stored at high quality. This format became popular with the invention of the digital camera. Most, if not all, digital cameras download photos to your computer as a Jpeg file. Obviously the digital camera manufacturers see the value in high quality images that ultimately take up less space.GIF - (Graphics Interchange Format) Gif format is best used for text, line drawings, screenshots, cartoons, and animations. Gif is limited to a total number of 256 colors or less, so Gif images are relatively small. It is commonly used for fast loading web pages. It also makes a great banner or logo for your web-page. Animated pictures can also be saved in GIF format as a sequence of static images. For example, a flashing banner would be saved as a Gif file.PNG - (Portable Networks Graphic) Apparently this is one of the best image formats, however it was not always compatible with all web browsers or image software. Nowadays it is the best image format to use for website. I use .png for logos and screenshots. Be aware that without a "hack" of sorts, IE6 still does not support alpha transparency in PNG files i.e. areas of transparency that are semi opaqueTIFF - (Tagged Image File Format) This file format has not been updated since 1992 and is now owned by Adobe. It can store an image and data (tag) in the one file. TIFF can be compressed, but it is rather its ability to store image data in a lossless format that makes a TIFF file a useful image archive, because unlike standard JPEG files, a TIFF file using lossless compression (or none) may be edited and re-saved without losing image quality. This file is commonly used for scanning, faxing, word processing, and so on. It is no longer a common file format to use with your digital photos, as jpeg is great quality and takes up less space.

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JPG is the most common format that’s in use. But you should be careful as image

quality degrades with every save.

PNG makes for great screenshots if there are no gradients in the original source. PNG

is also a good option for images which need transparency.

GIF is great for clipart and drawings where limited colors are in use.

BMP (Bitmap)The native file format of the Windows platform is like the parent format to the above three.

BMP formats commonly do not allow for image compression unless they are saved in any of

the formats discussed above. BMP images are crisp and precise, but being pixel dependent

they don’t scale well. On the web, the detail comes at the cost of file size and that’s why you

won’t see BMP images used on the web.