review of “isms”

Review of “Isms”

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Review of “Isms”. The belief that the history has been created by conflicting interests--the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Socialism. The belief that equality under the law and constitutionalism are paramount to good government. Liberalism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Review of “Isms”

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The belief that the history has been created by

conflicting interests--the bourgeoisie and the


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The belief that equality under the law and

constitutionalism are paramount to good



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Spreading of economic, political, social or other

control over foreign lands and people (post-industrial


• Imperialism

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Strong sense of belonging to one group based on

language, culture, history; desire for unified country

• Nationalism

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Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour

• Unifiers of Italy

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Frederick Wilhelm, Otto von Bismarck

• Unifiers of Germany

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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels

• Brains behind socialism

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Alexis de Tocqueville

• Wrote “Democracy in America”

• Liberal theorist

• Supporter of Constitutional Monarchy

• Supporter of Reform not revolution

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Positive view toward nature, human emotion,

against Ind Rev

• Romanticism

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Germany after Napoleon I

• 38 German State Confederation

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Germany over last 300 years

• 300 Germans provinces and princes• Holy Roman Empire• Peace of Augsburg• 30 Years War/Peace of Westphalia• Rise of Prussia• Hohenzollerns, Brandenburg• Confederation of the Rhine• German Confederation• Who should lead—Big Germans, Small Germans

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Herder’s romantic concept

• Volkgeist—spirit of the people

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Other German romantic nationalists

• Grimms Brothers, Treischke, Fabri,

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1848 Revolution in Prussia sequence

• Frankfurt Assembly

• Attempt to unify Germans

• Disagree over Big/Small Germans

• Not organized

• Crown offered to FW IV

• Frederick William IV turns down crown

• German Confederation 39 states

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Austria areas of revolution

• Vienna—constitution, liberal, German

• Prague—nationalist, Czechs/Bohemians, failed, government crushed

• Budapest—Magyars/Hungarians, Kossuth, March Laws, crushed after several months (1849)

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Magyar leader

• Kossuth

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Other revolutions 1830-1848

• Greece

• Italy

• France—1830 deposed Chas X

• France—1848 Feb, June

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Sardinia, Papal States, Austrian territories,


• Before Italian Unification--all independent states

• Joined the Italian confederation

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What other areas of the world have written

about and fought for national identity?

• Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Chechnya, Taiwan, etc.

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Slogan “Blood and Iron”

• Otto von Bismarck

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Realpolitik means

• Do whatever is necessary to carry out goals; politics of reality

• Bismarck

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French Revolution was this kind of


• Liberal Revolution

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3 ways Italy was unified:

• Diplomacy

• War

• Public support

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In order to unify Italy, Cavour allied with what


• France

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Key imperialists:

• Stanley, Livingstone

• Kichener

• Rhodes

• DeBrazza

• Leopold II

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Cecil Rhodes, Emigration Societies

• Rhodes was an British Imperialist

• Cairo to Capetown Railroad design

• Emigration Societies got men and women to go to colonies

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South Africa, Egypt, India, Ghana, Nigeria

• English colonies

• gradual decolonization emphasized

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Indochina, Algeria, Tunisia

• French colonies

• Assimilation emphasized

• Revolutions necessary to decolonize

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Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico

• American “Spheres of Influence”

• After Spanish American War

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Lenin believed it was the highest stage of

Capitalism• Imperialism due to industrialism

• Need for markets and resources

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Fascism is its worst enemy

• Liberalism

• Individual rights, constitutionalism

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New imperialism is different from old

colonialism in what way?

• Industrial age

• Need for markets and raw materials

• Highest stage of capitalism

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Motivations for Imperialism…

• Raw materials and markets• Civilizing mission• Living space• National power

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Colonial Conflicts

• Sudan—Omduran—England, Muslims

• Fashoda—England v. France; N Africa

• Boer War—S. Africa; Eng v Dutch

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Meeting where rules for splitting Africa created

• Berlin Conference 1885

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Imperialism’s Affect on Women--

• Need for talented women in the colonies

• Serve national needs of mother country• Jill of all trades

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Imperialism’s Affect on Indigenous people?

• Outside control of resources

• Outside control of economy and gov’t

• People begin to want independence

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Africa was known as the Dark Continent--Why?

• Europeans did not know much about the interior of Africa

• Diseases and lack of maps/transportation kept them along coastal areas

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True or False: Decolonization is the process of getting

independence from imperialists

• True