reversing age-related hair loss and restoring healthy hair growth in men and women ·...

W hile shedding a few hairs on a daily basis is normal, los- ing more than 100 hairs per day is considered excessive and may be an indication of a serious issue. Male-pattern hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common form of hair loss, affecting roughly 40 million men in the US. Approximately 25 percent of men with male-pattern hair loss will begin to lose their hair by age 30, and up to 66 percent will begin balding by age 60. And hair loss isn’t exclusively a male problem — approximately 50 percent of all women over the age of 50 experience a similar condition, referred to as female androgenic alopecia. Male Pattern Hair Loss Male-pattern hair loss is closely linked to androgens — sex steroid hormones synthesized from cholesterol in the testes, ovaries and adrenal glands. The primary androgens — testosterone, pregnenolone, androstenedione and DHEA (dehydro-epiandrosterone)— normally regulate male and female sexual development and behavior by binding to receptors on target cells throughout the body. Another androgen, dihydrotestos- terone (DHT), has been identified by researchers as a primary cause of male pattern baldness. DHT is synthesized from testosterone by the enzyme 5alpha-reductase. When DHT binds to receptors in the hair follicle, it causes the hair roots to shrink, or “miniatur- ize.” DHT has also been shown to shorten the amount of time hair spends in the growing (anagen) phase from as long as five years down to as little as two months. In 1998, researchers discovered that men genetically prone to male pattern baldness have more androgen receptors in the hair follicles located across the forehead and scalp — exactly those areas where hair loss first appears in androgenic alopecia. These androgen-sensitive follicles also contain significantly higher lev- els of 5alpha-reductase (1.5 to 3 times higher) and DHT than hair follicles from other areas of the scalp. Over time, DHT’s effects begin to shrink adult hairs, resulting in very fine, short hairs that are 90 percent thinner than normal adult hairs, caus- ing the “peach fuzz” appearance com- mon to early stage balding. At this stage, if the miniaturizing effects of DHT aren’t reversed or halted, the hair follicles may continue to shrink until they eventually vanish, resulting in complete baldness in the affected area. Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those experienced by men, appearing as an overall thinning of hairs across the top of the head, and the gradual loss of hairs down the Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women Jim English Fig. 1. Schematic of a hair follicle showing shaft, bulb and microcirculatory vessels. “At this stage, if the miniaturizing effects of DHT aren’t reversed or halted, the hair follicles may continue to shrink until they eventually vanish, resulting in complete baldness in the affected area.”

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Page 1: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

While shedding a few hairs ona daily basis is normal, los-ing more than 100 hairs per

day is considered excessive and maybe an indication of a serious issue.Male-pattern hair loss, also known asandrogenetic alopecia, is the mostcommon form of hair loss, affectingroughly 40 million men in the US.Approximately 25 percent of menwith male-pattern hair loss will beginto lose their hair by age 30, and up to66 percent will begin balding by age60. And hair loss isn’t exclusively amale problem — approximately 50percent of all women over the age of50 experience a similar condition,referred to as female androgenicalopecia.Male Pattern Hair LossMale-pattern hair loss is closely linkedto androgens — sex steroid hormonessynthesized from cholesterol in thetestes, ovaries and adrenal glands. Theprimary androgens — testosterone,pregnenolone, androstenedione andDHEA (dehydro-epiandrosterone)—normally regulate male and femalesexual development and behavior bybinding to receptors on target cellsthroughout the body.

Another androgen, dihydrotestos-terone (DHT), has been identified byresearchers as a primary cause of malepattern baldness. DHT is synthesizedfrom testosterone by the enzyme5alpha-reductase. When DHT binds toreceptors in the hair follicle, it causesthe hair roots to shrink, or “miniatur-ize.” DHT has also been shown toshorten the amount of time hair spendsin the growing (anagen) phase from aslong as five years down to as little astwo months.

In 1998, researchers discoveredthat men genetically prone to male

pattern baldness have more androgenreceptors in the hair follicles locatedacross the forehead and scalp —

exactly those areas where hair lossfirst appears in androgenic alopecia.These androgen-sensitive folliclesalso contain significantly higher lev-els of 5alpha-reductase (1.5 to 3 timeshigher) and DHT than hair folliclesfrom other areas of the scalp.

Over time, DHT’s effects begin toshrink adult hairs, resulting in veryfine, short hairs that are 90 percentthinner than normal adult hairs, caus-

ing the “peach fuzz” appearance com-mon to early stage balding. At thisstage, if the miniaturizing effects of

DHT aren’t reversed or halted, the hairfollicles may continue to shrink untilthey eventually vanish, resulting incomplete baldness in the affected area.

Female Pattern Hair LossSymptoms in women are generallyless severe than those experienced bymen, appearing as an overall thinningof hairs across the top of the head,and the gradual loss of hairs down the

Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and RestoringHealthy Hair Growth in Men and Women Jim English

Fig. 1. Schematic of a hair follicle showing shaft, bulb and microcirculatory vessels.

“At this stage, if the miniaturizing effects of DHT

aren’t reversed or halted, the hair follicles may

continue to shrink until they eventually vanish,

resulting in complete baldness in the affected area.”

Page 2: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

center part-line of the scalp (Fig. 2,pg.2). The reason women experiencemilder symptoms is due to hormonaldifferences—women produce signifi-cantly lower amounts of testosteronethan men (about 95% less on aver-age). Women also produce lower lev-els—about 60 percent less thanmen — of the enzyme 5α-reductasethat converts testosterone into DHT.

Additionally, women produce high-er levels of another enzyme, aromatase(estrogen synthase), that convertstestosterone into the female hormone,estradiol. While males also producesmall amounts of aromatase, researchhas shown that aromatase levels in thefrontal and rear scalp follicles inwomen are 4 to 6 times higher than inmen, which is why women rarely losehair in these areas.

Healthy Follicles, Healthy HairHair follicles are among the mostactive and fastest growing structures inthe body. Human hairs are produced byfollicles – specialized organs that coverthe entire body, with the exception ofthe palms and soles of the feet.Follicles are composed of three majorstructures – the dermal papilla, hairmatrix, and hair shaft.

The dermal papilla, a pear-shapedstructure located at the base of the hairfollicle, is comprised of connective tis-sues and a capillary loop containingtiny blood vessels that provide thenutrients required for hair growth.

The papilla is surrounded by the“matrix”— a bulb-shaped collectionof specialized epithelial cells thatproduce a protein, keratin, that actu-ally forms the hair fiber (Hair LifeCycles, next page). The matrix alsocontains melanocytes, specializedpigment cells that infuse the growinghair shaft with melanin, the com-pound that gives otherwise transpar-ent hair its natural coloring.

Different types of melanin producedifferent colors—yellow, rust, brown,and black—that combine to produce awide variety of hair colors, rangingfrom blond to brown to pitch-black.Red hair is the result of another typeof coloring agent, the iron-containingpigment called trichosiderin.

Human Hair and AgingThroughout youth and adolescence,human hair can grow, uninterrupted, forup to 7 years, with relatively short tran-sition/resting phases lasting only about4 months. As a result human hair is at itshealthiest and most attractive through-out this phase of life.

Beginning at around age 35,changes begin to affect the density andoverall appearance of hair. With eachsuccessive growth cycle, the amount oftime and resources devoted to thegrowing phase are reduced, resultingin shorter, thinner hairs. Additionally,the amount of time spent in the restingphase lengthens, extending the period

between when a hair falls out andwhen a new one grows back.

Changes in hair color also begin toappear as pigment-producing melano-cytes gradually die out. Over time hairsslowly turn gray as hairs lose their lus-ter and color before eventually becom-ing totally white.

Excessive Hair LossWhile gradual hair loss is a normal partof aging, excessive loss, or balding, isa significant issue for many people.Excessive hair loss can be roughlydivided into two categories—tempo-rary and permanent. Temp-orary hairloss is usually caused by excessive Special Hair Report Page 2

Fig. 2. Progressive hair loss in women as classified on the Ludwig scale, ranging from stagesI through III.

Fig. 3. Progressive loss of hair in men, as classified on the Hamilton–Norwood chart, rangingfrom stages I through VII.

Page 3: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalanceor endocrine dysfunction, and canoften be reversed within six months totwo years after eliminating the under-lying cause(s). Permanent hair loss iscaused by genetics and is consideredirreversible.

Medical Options for BaldnessTwo popular and widely-used treat-ments for androgenic alopecia—Propecia® and Rogaine®—offer partialsolutions by addressing hair loss in twodifferent ways. Propecia halts hair lossby blocking production of the follicle-damaging hormone, DHT, whileRogaine supports hair growth byincreasing blood flow to the hair roots.Propecia: Blocking DHTPropecia (Finasteride) is an oral pre-scription drug first marketed (asProscar®) for the treatment of enlargedprostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia,or BPH). Elevated levels of DHT havebeen linked to BPH and prostate can-cer. Proscar lowers DHT levels by pre-venting an enzyme, 5alpha-reductase,from converting testosterone into DHT.

Following its approval researchersnoted that men taking Proscar wereshowing signs of hair regrowth, and in1997 the FDA approved a lower doseversion (Propecia®) for the treatment ofpattern baldness in men (Fig. 3).Propecia is highly effective at decreas-ing DHT concentrations in the blood(by up to 70 percent), and the scalp (byup to 60 percent) to reverse hair loss atthe vertex (top of head) and anteriormid-scalp area. Unfortunately, thereare side effects.

In addition to being in hair follicles,5α-reductase is also abundant in theprostate and seminal vesicles, where itplays a vital role in the healthy develop-ment and maintenance of normal physi-ological functions. Reducing DHT inthese organs has been linked to unwant-ed side effects in men, includingdecreased libido, sexual dysfunction,and a reduction of mature sperm count.Additionally, women cannot usePropecia, and Merck explicitly warnswomen who are or may be pregnant notto even handle crushed or brokenPropecia tablets, since the active ingre-

dient may cause abnormalities of a malebaby’s sex organs.

Minoxidil: StimulatingCirculationMinoxidil (Rogaine) was originallydeveloped as an oral drug for the treat-ment of hypertension (high blood pres-sure) based on its ability to relax vas-cular smooth muscles and produceperipheral vasodilation. By directly

stimulating circulation to the hair folli-cles, Minoxidil was found to extendhair and stimulate resting hair folliclesinto new growth. Minoxidil works, inpart, by increasing vascular endothe-lial growth factor (VEGF) to promotehair growth and reactivate dormanthair follicles. However, when takenorally to restore hair, minoxidil wasalso found to have a number of sideeffects, including unwanted hair

Hair Life CyclesMature human hair growth occurs in three distinct phases – growth, transitionand rest – that are collectively referred to as the hair cycle.

• Growth Phase (Anagen): Each hair cycle begins with a growth (anagen)phase, marked by rapid cell division that grows a single hair shaft at a rate ofup to one inch per month. The growth phase typically lasts two to six years. Atany given time, about ninety percent of all scalp hairs are in the active grow-ing phase.

• Transitional Phase (Catagen): At the end of the growth phase the follicleenters the transition (or catagen) phase. Hair cells begin to die as the folliclebase and bulb start to shrink (miniaturization). Over time, this shrinkage pinch-es off the lower hair bulb, cutting off access to the blood vessels and restrict-ing circulation necessary for hair growth. At any given time, one to two per-cent of all hair follicles are in the transition phase, which usually lasts one totwo weeks.

• Resting Phase (Telogen): The final stage of the hair cycle is the resting (ortelogen) phase, during which the mature hairs remain in the follicles for five tosix weeks before falling out. Approximately 10 percent of all hairs are in thistransition period at any time, accounting for the normal shedding of thirty tofifty hairs each day. After the old hair shaft drops out the follicle enters a newcycle of growth, marked by the swelling of the dermal papilla and the forma-tion of a new capillary loop. As blood vessels reattach to the papilla, they growand expand four-fold to provide the nutrients necessary for growing a new hair.The entire process – growth, transition and rest – makes up one complete haircycle. Each hair follicle is limited to the number of hair cycles that can be com-pleted – estimated to between 20 and 25 cycles – before reverting to vellushairs (peach fuzz) and eventually disappearing. Special Hair Report Page 3

Page 4: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

growth in women (hirsutism). Most ofthese side effects were averted by theintroduction of a topical form ofRogaine for use as an external-usehair-restorer in 1988.

A New Hair Restoration OptionIn Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), hair loss is addressed by restor-ing balance to the “surface” and “root”causes of the issue. Now, after ten yearsof research, development, and clinicalevaluation, an advanced, all-naturalherbal supplement, PriaPlex®, has beenshown to aid in halting age-related hairloss while promoting healthy hairgrowth.* A near-ideal solution for hairloss, PriaPlex (1) promotes new hairgrowth and extends the growing phase,while (2) lengthening the transitionalphase, and (3) reducing the restingphase (see sidebar). Additionally,PriaPlex is 100 percent natural, free ofside effects, and safe for long-term use.

By promoting healthy circulationin the tiniest blood vessels (microcap-illaries) that supply nutrients and oxy-gen to the hair follicles, the propri-etary PriaPlex formula supports thick-er, healthier hair, improved skin toneand overall health and vitality.An Unintentional OutcomeSerendipity (an unexpected, but fortu-nate, discovery) played a key role inthe development of PriaPlex. In 2002a leading medical lab in Taiwan hadcommissioned a team of top herbalresearchers and veterinarians withdeveloping a new treatment for aninflammatory skin disease that causepainful skin blisters and hair loss inhousehold pets. After two years of

research and development the teamdeveloped an herbal formula (identi-fied as formula B203) that was just aseffective as the antibiotics andsteroids commonly used to treatafflicted animals, with the added ben-efit of being free of dangerous sideeffects that typically limit the use ofthe drugs in pets.

As the lab director reviewed theteam’s final report his attention wasdrawn to a section that detailed a sur-prising observation—in addition toregrowing all of their lost hair at a sur-prisingly rapid rate, all of the treatedanimals were maintaining thicker,healthier fur coats, even during warmperiods when seasonal hair sheddingwas normal.

Intrigued by the finding, the lab nexttested the formula on a group of dogssuffering from Alopecia X (Black Skindisease), an untreatable condition thatcauses hair loss on both sides of thebody. After a few months the animalshad completely recovered from thecondition and regrown their previouslylost hair.

Early Human VolunteersInspired by the formula’s ability tosafely halt hair loss and restore hairgrowth in animal subjects, theresearchers decided to see how the for-mula worked in humans experiencingabnormal hair loss. The results of asmall trial with five volunteers werepromising, and the lab launched a newprogram to optimize and refine the for-mula for long-term human use.

Alopecia AreataOne of earliest trials with the new,revised formulas (identified as formulaB401) involved a group of volunteersdiagnosed with Alopecia areata, or“spot areata.” In early stages, Alopeciaareata causes clumps of hair to fall out,leaving patients with one or more barespots on the scalp. Alopecia areataoccurs in young people at a rate ofapproximately 17 per 100,000 per year.And though the condition isn’t harm-ful, the psychological impact can besignificant. Fortunately, Alopecia area-ta is generally temporary, and 80 per-cent of patients eventually recover.

Fig. 7. C., 43-years-old, after taking PriaPlex for 1.5 years, revealing reduced hair loss, thicker,denser hair, and increased coverage across middle of scalp. Special Hair Report Page 4

Fig. 9. In April 2006, Ms. Y’s hair began to fall out. Within two months only a few remaining hairs and her eyebrows remained, but were also beginningto fall out. Pictures show results after taking PriaPlex for 1.5 years.

Page 5: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

In addition to the type of Alopeciaareata seen in younger people, a morepervasive form appears in women (andoccasionally men) over the age of 35.Also characterized by extensive hairloss, the condition usually clears upwithin one to two years, but the psy-chological stress of going bald makesthis condition a profitable area for hairloss treatments centers.

The most common treatment forAlopecia areata involves monthlyinjections of corticosteroids, andtwice-a-day external application of 5percent minoxidil. Treatment generallyrequires 8-12 weeks before hair beginsto regrow.

In one case a 50-year-old salesmanager, Mr. W., had lost a largeamount of hair before coming to thecenter. He had already been treatedwith steroids but his hair loss was con-tinuing to spread. After taking the for-mula for one month Mr. W. reportedsignificant improvement in his condi-tion, and within several months hishair loss was reversed.

In a second case, C., a 15-year-old

student, arrived at the center with sever-al bald spots across the back of herhead. She had already completed amonth of conventional treatments with-out any improvement and was emotion-ally stressed from continuing hair loss.After taking PriaPlex for severalmonths her hair started to grow back.

PriaPlex and MalePattern Hair LossPleased with the results of the Alopeciaareata trial, the lab next began testingPriaPlex on subjects with male patternbaldness. The results revealed thatalmost all men with stage 3 or 4 hairloss reacted exceptionally to PriaPlexin about six months, with fine hairsappearing on the top of the scalp thatgrew thicker and longer over time.Subjects with stage 4 to 5 hair loss(Fig. 1) were more likely to experiencesignificant regrowth, however,improvements in stage 7 male-patternbaldness were only noticeable closeup, with thinner hairs becoming thick-er and longer, but with little change onthe forehead. Fig. 7 documents the

results of Mr. C, after 1.5 years oftreatment with PriaPlex for his malepattern baldness.

Alopecia TotalisFollowing the success of the male pat-tern baldness trials, the researchersbegan testing the formula on severalwomen diagnosed with Alopecia totalis,a condition that causes lymphocytes toattack hair follicles during the growthphase of the hair cycle. In extremecases, Alopecia totalis can result in thetotal loss of hair on the head, face, eye-brows and eyelashes within six months.Full recovery is rare, and even whentreatment is effective, new hair growthin patients is often incomplete.

Ms. Y., was only 26-years-oldwhen she was diagnosed withAlopecia totalis in July, 2006. At firstshe had attributed her hair loss tostress at work and school, but withintwo months all of her hair haddropped out. Conventional drug treat-ments weren’t working and by thetime she entered the trial all thatremained were a few strands of hair in

Fig. 9. Increase in hair follicle expression of Vascular EndothelialGrowth Factor following administration of PriaPlex for 28 days.

Fig. 10. Increase in Hepatocyte Growth Factor concentration afteradministration of PriaPlex for 28 days.

Fig. 12. Increase in hair growth following administration of PriaPlexfor 15 days.

Fig. 11. Increase in the number of active hair follicles followingadministration of PriaPlex for 28 days. Special Hair Report Page 5

Page 6: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

the occipital region (Fig. 9). After tak-ing PriaPlex for six months, new hairsbegan to appear, and after two years,Ms. Y. fully regrew her hair. Twoyears after beginning treatment shereported that her hair was still full andstrong, with good volume and no fur-ther losses.

Restoring Hair Growth CyclesModifying hair follicles to reverse hairloss and restore growth is a complicat-ed matter, especially considering thenumerous cytokines, hormones andgrowth factors involved in controllingcell growth and tissue repair. One ofthese, fibroblast growth factor 3 (FGF-5), has been shown to inhibit hairgrowth, causing hair follicles to shrinkand degrade. Conversely, blockingFGF-5 has been shown to increase thegrowing (anagen) phase, leading togrowth of extremely long hairs in manymammal species, including cats, dogs,mice, rabbits, sheep, and even ele-phants.(1-7)

Another controlling factor, fibrob-last growth factor 7 (FGF-7) alsoincreases hair length by promoting andfacilitating hair cell regeneration.Additionally, vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF), hepatocytegrowth factor (HGF) and endothelialcell growth factor (EGF) have all beenshown to aid in lengthening the hairgrowth phase.

While growth factors play an impor-tant role in basic scientific research,few have been turned into useful appli-cations and most treatments are limitedto topical hair growth products —i.e.creams, serums and shampoos—thatare applied to the scalp. Saw palmettoextract, for example, can inhibit 5α-reductase, but has no effect when takenorally, which is why it is commonlyused in topical hair products. Adeno-sine, which has been shown to enhanceFGF-7 levels in hair follicles, is anoth-er popular ingredient for topical hairtonics. Last but not least, numerousplant extracts are added to hair creamsto block the effects of FGF-5.Nevertheless, these topical treatmentsare all restricted to addressing the “sur-face” issues involved in hair loss,instead of the “root” causes.

Increasing Hair Growth FactorsStudies commissioned by theAgriculture Department of Taiwan haveshown that PriaPlex actively enhanceslevels of vascular endothelial growthfactor (VEGF) and hepatocyte growthfactor (HGF) in hair follicles (Fig. 9 and10). PriaPlex was also shown toincrease the number of active hair folli-cles (Fig. 11), while promoting fastergrowth and increased length of individ-ual hairs (Fig. 12). Each of these bene-fits was listed in the patent applicationand contributed to its subsequentapproval by the U.S. Patent Office,making PriaPlex® the only oral, medic-inal herbal formulation to be granted aU.S. patent for reducing hair loss andsupporting healthy hair growth.

Only U.S. Patent Grantedfor Oral, All-Natural HerbalHair FormulaIn 2010 the United States Patent officeapproved Pat. Number: U.S. 7,838,048subject: Medical herb composition(identified in the patent application ascompound B401) for inhibiting shed-ding of a mammal's hair and method forpreparing the same). Why is this so sig-nificant? To date, the U.S. Patent Officehas granted just 64 U.S. patents forinventions addressing human hair loss.Of these, 59 are for products limitedexclusively to external (topical) use. Andwhile the remaining five patents coverproducts intended for internal use, theycontain active ingredients that are notrecommended for long-term use.

PriaPlex® is the only oral, all-natu-ral herbal formulation ever granted aU.S. patent for reducing hair loss andsupporting healthy hair growth. Mostimportantly, because the patent covers

commonly used herbal ingredients, theformulation is safe for long-term useby both men and women.

SummaryAfter 10 years of clinical evaluation,PriaPlex offers an effective approachto both forms of hair loss by reducing,inhibiting and delaying the appear-ance of balding with a continuous hairmaintenance program that effectivelyaddresses the circulatory and growth-factor imbalances that causes hair fol-licles to miniaturize and eventuallydie out.

Numerous clinical cases have shownthat PriaPlex, if used uninterruptedlyand in sufficient amount, can stopabnormal hair loss within four to eight

weeks. New hairs generally begin toappear on the scalp after three to sixmonths. Additionally, original haircolor may begin to appear six monthslater. And because PriaPlex is com-prised of essence herbs traditionallyused to support healthy endocrine, hor-mone and cardiac functions the formu-la is safe for long-term use by both menand women.

* Special Hair Report Page 6

* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,cure, or prevent any disease. The information in thisnewsletter is not intended to provide personal med-ical advice, which should be obtained from a medicalprofessional.

“PriaPlex® is the only oral, all-natural herbal formulation

ever granted a U.S. patent for reducing hair loss and

supporting healthy hair growth. Most importantly,

because the patent covers commonly used herbal ingredi-

ents, the formulation is safe for long-term use by both

men and women.”

Page 7: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

Thinning Hair “Thicker for Sure”with PriaPlexAfter a lifetime of thick hair that I tookfor granted, my hair thinned into practi-cally nothing. I tried many hair growthmethods but none worked. I boughtsome wigs but they looked and felt likeI was wearing a dead cat on my head.Then I read about PriaPlex, and thoughtI would try one more product. “Hopesprings eternal.”

My skeptical hairdresser said goahead and try it, but in all her 20-someyears of working with hair she nevercame across one that would make hairgrow. So I ordered my first bottle, usedit then for a month. Seemed to me myhair felt a little thicker, but that could bemy imagination. After the secondmonth it was thicker for sure, and thecolor was coming back. Like the nutthat I am, I stopped taking it the thirdmonth and now my hair has startedfalling out again.

My hairdresser had a fit. She told meto go home and immediately call Tangoto get some more PriaPlex and keep tak-ing it. If PriaPlex is helping my hair thismuch it must be helping my body inother ways.

Well, I feel I have done my own teststudy of your product and I will contin-ue taking it from now on. By the way, Iam 81-years-old and my doctor says Iwill probably live until I am 99. So youcan use my testimony if you want to,just keep up the good work.

Lillian Mills

Thinning Hair Now Thicker,Darker and Healthier LookingI really love your new hair support for-mula, PriaPlex. I have been taking it foralmost 4 months now, and it is really theanswer to many of the problems I devel-oped after years of low thyroid. One ofthe symptoms of low thyroid is hair lossand hair thinning, especially in the eye-brow areas. For years I looked like I had

half-moon eyebrows. But now my eye-brows have grown in darker and havefilled in the area over the eyes. My hairhas also thickened and filled in, espe-cially in the thinning temple areas, andsome of my grey hairs have beenreplaced with darker hair! I am alsonow shaving my legs and underarmsagain after 10 years!

Thank you for a wonderful prod-uct – I love the great shine and“healthy” look my hair now has!!!

Susie Van Buskirk

Improved Appearance of Hair,Skin and Nails with PriaPlex I am an 81-year-old woman, and myhair had gotten very thin with age. Mynails were not that good — they brokeeasily and split. I started taking yourPriaPlex hair formula on Nov. 30th, 3caplets twice a day. It really has helpedmy nails — they are now fantastic —but my hair is doing better too.

I wouldn’t call it an overnight mira-cle, but it does work, and you can seeresults from it. My nails are no longersplitting or breaking like before, and myhair has gotten healthier looking andthicker than it was. It used to be verythin. It also just feels better. I think it isalso helping my skin, too. I didn’t knowit was supposed to improve skin tone,but it does.

I read that the formula takes a fewweeks to work, and that is true. I’vetaken it for about 2 months, and it haskicked in now. I just thank God some-one has invented it.


Significant Decrease in Hair LossFrom ScalpI’ll be 87 in February and I have beenlosing hair gradually over the years. Iwas losing more than 50 hairs every dayand knew this could not go on forever if

I wanted to have any hair left.I’ve tried a few different things — I

massage my scalp each day with a goodmassager to increase circulation, whichI think makes a difference. Other sub-stances that I’ve tried, such as creamsadvertised to grow hair, had no benefi-cial effect.

Like most health issues, I now under-stand that the real causes are on theinside, not outside, after researchingintegrative medicine. When I read thatPriaPlex works from “the inside” to bal-ance the biochemical process of thebody, I wanted to give it a try. And sinceit’s a natural herbal product, I figuredthere was no harm in trying.

Within 2 weeks, and certainly afterthe first month, of taking the recom-mended amount of PriaPlex each day, Inoticed a significant decrease in thenumber of hairs I was losing from myscalp when I combed and washed it.PriaPlex is effective, and I’m reorderingit, and will continue to do so as long asit continues to work for me.

I will be telling others aboutPriaPlex, because if it works for me itshould work for others. If you areyoung, I recommend you start taking itearly to prevent hair loss that comeswith age.

P. McCoy, PH.D.

Hair Growing FasterI am quite happy with my experiencewith PriaPlex. I'm a white male in mythirties and have always had coarse,thick hair, and wanted to maintain thefullness as I reached into my thirtiesand beyond. I started noticing a littlethinning, and on advice from my chiro-practor, began using PriaPlex (her hus-band has been taking the product withgood results). I've been on the productfor about 120 days and I can honestlysay my hair is growing noticeablyfaster. My barber has mentioned thisseveral times and has asked me what Special Hair Report Page 7

LettersJohn Steinke, L.Ac.

Page 8: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

I'm doing differently.Also, I've noticed that fullness has

been restored in the front hairline, aboutwhich I'm quite pleased. I've tried a fewdifferent products and shampoos priorto using PriaPlex, but this product is theonly thing that I believe is actuallymaking a difference.

John, 38, Atlanta, GA

Client Reports “Real Results”After Three MonthsI decided to try PriaPlex after manyother hair-loss products failed. I havebeen taking PriaPlex for approximatelythree months, and I am beginning to see“real” results.

After washing my hair, I see less hairon my towel, my comb and brush, and,most noticeably in the sink drain. Afterblow-drying my hair, I see a minimumof hair strands on the bathroom floor.More importantly, I have noticed actualhair growth on my hairline. This ismost exciting! In addition, my hairappears to be more manageable.

The most important result of takingPriaPlex is that I am happier and moreconfident about my appearance.


Hair Growing Back, and GrayEyebrows Turning Brown!I started losing my hair when I was 19.It started receding in typical mail pat-tern baldness. I am now 66 and I have ahorseshoe around the sides and the backof my head, and I'm about 70% gray.My eyebrows have been totally whitefor the last few years. I have a fewstrands that grow longer on the sidesthat I put over the top – I know its futile,but it's better than nothing.

After 6-8 weeks of taking PriaPlex Inoticed the color of a few strands ofhair changing, first in my eyebrowsand later on my temples. A few of myeyebrow hairs had grown in brown.That's what made me look at my hairmore closely, and I noticed that somefuzz had started growing on the crownof my head.

At first I thought it was my imagina-tion, but on closer inspection, I con-firmed that hair actually was growing.My mother had always told me that Icould stimulate hair growth by brushingmy scalp with a soft brush, which I havedone for years with no result. I believethat PriaPlex has provided my body thenutrients it needed to re-grow hair.

After 3 months on PriaPlex I foundthere were fewer hairs in my brush. Asopposed to subjective results, this is achange I can really see, so I know itsworking. I am very happy with myresults and plan to continue takingPriaPlex in the hopes of more hairregrowth and color change.

James F.

Hair Re-Growth, Stronger NailsI wanted to tell Tango how much Iappreciate your wonderful PriaPlex for-mula. Ever since I can remember, I havehad thin hair and weak fingernails.Since I have aged (I am over 80) myhairline has receded back from my fore- Special Hair Report Page 8

Feeling More Confident with New Hair GrowthI have been using PriaPlex for my hair. I feel more confi-dent as I don't need to fill in and shade as many parts ofmy thinning hairs. I have seen hair re-growth in someplaces. It is a slow process but the hair on the back of myhead is growing faster (see pictures) and I am not so bald.

I hope with extended use it will prove to fill in the frontas well. It seems to be working due to all those wonderfulroots that the product is made of. PriaPlex is very good

and contains great nutrition.I am glad that this product is on the market so I do not

have to have hair replacement. So far I'm holding off onseeing a doctor who has new techniques for alopecia. My91-year-old best friend has thinning on the crown and shesays it's helped her quite a bit as well. Where have youbeen all our lives? P. V.

Page 9: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

head, and my nails were very weak. Iread about PriaPlex in my product cata-log from HSI. I ordered one bottle, andfirst noticed that my nails werestronger. With my second bottle, I cansee my hair coming in at my normalhairline.

This product is beyond all expecta-tions. I thought I was going to have toask for a refund because I didn't expectit could work as advertised. You can'timagine how excited I was when I sawthe results.

Thanks, Tango, I'm a fan forever.

Nancy C.

Hair Regrowth After RadiationI am a disabled vet. I had radiation in2008 and my hair fell out in places andnever grew back. In 2011, I had radia-tion for 3 weeks and had further hairloss. I didn't think anything would helpmy hair short of surgery. Then inJanuary 2014, I read an article in HSIabout PriaPlex and thought it soundedpretty good.

I started taking it and kind of forgotabout it. But after about two and a halfmonths, people started telling me myhair looked thicker and shinier in front.Friends said that they used to be able tosee through my hair in the front, butthey now they can't because the hair isthicker and fuller. They wanted toknow what I was taking and where theycould get it!

I got out my glasses and looked inthe mirror, and sure enough, my hairwas fuller and healthier looking.Furthermore if feels thicker and combsbetter. I think my complexion has got-ten better and people have commentedon that too.

I started at 6 capsules a day, but aftera month I wanted to stretch it out sonow I have been taking between 3 and 6capsules a day. I wouldn't talk about aproduct unless it works. I've been tak-ing it for about a year now, and I've hadno more hair loss, only growth in thelast year. You've got a great producthere – it works.

Richard Hancock

Husband's Hair is Growing Back - in its Original Color!When my husband's hair startedcoming out in clumps, I searched fora product that might be helpful andfound PriaPlex. Six weeks after myhusband began taking PriaPlex (inSeptember 2014) his hair stoppedfalling out and new hair began grow-ing. The hair that grew back was thesame color as his original – black.

What happened is exactly whatwas described in the published infor-mation about PriaPlex (see Fig. 2). Itis wonderful to discover that there is

a product that does what it promisesto do.

My husband usually does notcomment on many things so it wasobvious how pleased he was withPriaPlex when I was asked to ordermore. If you compare the picturetaken at the time he started takingPriaPlex last September, 2014, withthe current photo, its obvious that hishair is thicker.

Mildred H.

Fig. 1. Husband's hair at start of takingPriaPlex.

Fig. 2. Husband's hair after taking PriaPlexfor 8 months. Special Hair Report Page 9

References1. Drogemuller, C., S. Rufenacht, etal. (2007). “Mutations within theFGF5 gene are associated with hairlength in cats.” Anim Genet 38(3):218-221. PMID 17433015.2. Cadieu, E., M. W. Neff, et al.(2009). “Coat variation in thedomestic dog is governed by vari-ants in three genes.” Science326(5949): 150-153. PMID19713490.3. Hebert, J. M., T. Rosenquist, et al.(1994). “FGF5 as a regulator of thehair growth cycle: evidence fromtargeted and spontaneous muta-tions.” Cell 78(6): 1017-1025. PMID7923352.4. Li, C. X., M. S. Jiang, et al.(2008). “[Correlation analysisbetween single nucleotide polymor-phism of FGF5 gene and wool yield

in rabbits].” Yi Chuan 30(7): 893-899. PMID 18779133.5. Allain, D. and C. Renieri (2010).“Genetics of fibre production andfleece characteristics in small rumi-nants, Angora rabbit and SouthAmerican camelids.” Animal 4(9):1472-1481. PMID 22444694.6. Roca, A. L., Y. Ishida, et al.(2009). “Genetic variation at hairlength candidate genes in elephantsand the extinct woolly mammoth.”BMC Evol Biol 9: 232. PMID19747392.7. Lin WH, Xiang LJ, Shi HX,Zhang J, et al. (2015). “Fibroblastgrowth factors stimulate hair growththrough β-catenin and Shh expres-sion in C57BL/6 mice.” Biomed ResInt. 2015;2015:730139. doi:10.1155/2015/730139. Epub 2015Jan 1.

Page 10: Reversing Age-Related Hair Loss and Restoring Healthy Hair Growth in Men and Women · 2015-07-17 · Female Pattern Hair Loss Symptoms in women are generally less severe than those

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

All Tango formulas are backed by our Unconditional,100%, 6-Month Money Back Guarantee. If PriaPlex®or any of our formulas fail to meet your expectations,for any reason, simply call us for a quick refund ofyour full purchase (including shipping).

Results of Double-Blind Study of PriaPlex® inMen and Women with Androgenetic AlopeciaIn a recently completed six-month, randomized, double-blind placebo controlledstudy researchers evaluated the efficacy of PriaPlex® for pattern baldness (androge-netic alopecia) in 40 patents (31 male, 9 female) diagnosed with male pattern bald-ness. A total of 32 patients completed the trial, and 8 dropped out due to non-com-pliance issues (5 in the placebo group and 3 in the treatment group).

9 of the 17 subjects taking PriaPlex (52.9 percent) experienced significant hairgrowth in just six months, as measured by dermatoscopy and clinical photographsindependently scored by dermatologists blind to the treatment conditions (Fig. 1). Bycomparison, only 2 of the 15 subjects (13 percent) receiving the placebo showed anysigns of hair growth.

The primary goal of the study was to determine the efficacy of PriaPlex in menand women with androgenetic alopecia. The significance of these results, after justsix-months of treatment, are especially apparent when compared to similar meas-urements following treatment with finasteride for 1 year (44 percent), 2 years (61percent) and 5 years (48 percent) of use (Fig. 2).

One of the most interesting outcomes of the study was that each of the subjectsreceiving PriaPlex reported that their previous abnormal hair loss halted during thetrial. In other words, PriaPlex completely stopped abnormal or excessive age-relat-ed hair loss in 100 percent of the cases.SummaryIn this short six-month trial, 100 percent of both male and female subjects takingPriaPlex for androgenetic alopecia experienced a total cessation of abnormal hairloss, and 53 percent experienced significant new hair growth. In addition to stoppingthe progression of age-related hair loss, PriaPlex was shown to support restoration ofhealthier, thicker hair in existing follicles.References1. B401, 6 months Double Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Study, Chung Shan Medical UniversityHospital, Dermatology Department, 2012.2. Long-term (5-year) multinational experience with finasteride, 1 mg, in the treatment of men withandrogenetic alopecia. European Journal of Dermatology. Volume 12, Number 1, 38-49, 2002.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Save Hair and Money with Our No-Risk OfferPriaPlex® costs $64.95 for a 1-month supply, with savings of5% to 15% when ordering 2 or more bottles (see tiered pric-ing on order form). For greatest value, save over $63 whenordering a six-month supply of PriaPlex® ($54.45 per bot-tle+ free priority shipping). Best of all, you risk nothing (exceptlosing more hair) when you try PriaPlex® for up to six monthswith our 100% Money Back Guarantee (details below).

Fig. 1. Results after taking PriaPlex for 6 months, showing thicker hair growth in subject withstage III male pattern baldness (top) and new fine hairs in subject with stage IV male pattern bald-ness (bottom).


Call toll-free, (866) 778-2646 or order online at

Fig. 2. B401 results after six months, as compared with long-term (5-year) multinational experiencewith finasteride 1 mg in the treatment of men with androgenetic alopecia.
