residential design + build - july - august 2011

ju y/ u u t 2011 2011 Design Excellence wards  als ns use hosewrap as a ssem the Nmi oile’s man wow facors 22 award-winning designs are filled wih inspira ion XClUsV:

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2011 DesignExcellence

wards  als n

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the Nmi man wow f

22 award-winning designsare filled wih inspiraion


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16 2011 Design Excellence wards17 Custom home less than 3,000 sq ft

18 Custom home 3,000 to 3,999 sq ft

20 Custom home 4,000 to 4,999 sq ft

22 Custom home 5,000 to 5,999 sq ft

24 Custom home 6,000 to 6,999 sq ft

26 Custom home more than 7,000 sq ft

28 Architectural feature/element 

29 Bathroom

30 Challenging lot  

31 Timber frame

32 Detached structure

33 Great room

34 Green home

39 Home office

39 Kitchen

40 Master suite

41 Media room

42 Spec/Model home

43 Vacation home

ierare aller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

dveriser/Ediorial Index . . .45

Finishing toch:Nmi oile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

 aVC, Pnns

Edior’s Commens . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

is jaregi, I,on Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

ja ran on Bilding . . . . . . . . . . .8

john Wagneron reen Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

joseph Dellannoon Commnicaion . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

 C n n

r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1

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his issue is all about inspiration.Five of your peers scrutinized each andevery submission to this year’s DesignExcellence Awards and ultimately chose22 projects. That’s 22 award-winning

designs by which to be inspired.Home building professionals pull inspiration

from different places: travel, magazines, TV,continuing education and more. Providinginteresting and unique ideas to your clients isessential to being successful, and can turn aprospect into a client. It also helps with theentire process as you show them ideas that willmake their house truly theirs.

 When interviewing builders and architects,I always ask where their inspiration came from.More often than not, the answer is interest-

ing and provides insight into the team thatcreated the product. Take for example KohlerCo.’s Numi toilet (see page 46). This toilet isthe ultimate in luxury for the bathroom, withfeatures such as a foot warmer, bidet with dryer,built-in speakers, and much more. When Iasked Kohler’s Product Manager for Toiletsand Bidets Mike Marbach where the toilet’sinspiration came from, he said it was to create“the world’s best toilet” and change the way people thought about toilets.

 a lways looking for inspiration, andcreating new and innovative products

is the key to running a successful business,as well as reinforcing the groundwork of the United States. Our history is built oninnovation; it keeps us moving forward,evolving and improving.

Browse throughthe pages of thisissue and be inspiredby projects reachingacross all styles,challenges, goalsand opportunities.One project thatpiqued the judges’interest and might

 yours as well is the winner of the Spec/Model Home category which is shown on thecover (also see page 42). The goal for this project

 was to create a home that met the needs of high-end clientele in a high-end development. The builder encouraged and trusted the designer

to meet those needs. The end result is a winnerof the 2011 Design Excellence Awards.

 a s we close the door on the 2011Design Excellence Awards, we open

it to the 2011 Business Excellence Awards.Successful and innovative business practicesare as important as design, and RD+B rec-ognizes this fact in its 10th annual BusinessExcellence Awards program. Is your company doing something ground-breaking? Are yousurviving by being creative? Are you proudof your business practices? Get recognizedby entering at

Deadline to enter is Aug. 19. ■

Excellence wards

inspire innovaion


ral rCr Rob Heselb

email: [email protected]

r Mareen lle

email: [email protected]

CnrbUng Wrrs 

joe Dellanno, ja ran, is jareg

john D. Wagner

 ar rCr Richmond Powers

PrUCn mgr. eve wick

CrCUlan mgr. jackie Flack

rar srVC mgr. Rich Hend

PrUCn srVCs rP. Kah

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 VP Cnn reg udelhofen

 VP markng Debbie eorge

 VP sals eve Beer

 VP manUFaCUrng tom Marin

 VP aUnC VlPmn jlie

 VP Chnlg Eric Kammerzel

 VP PrUCn Prans C

hUman rsUrCs Ed Wood

© 2011 b Cgns Bsiness Media, Inc.

No par of his magazine ma be reprod

inclding elecronicall, wiho wrien ppblisher of Residential Design + Build .

Residential Design + Build (IN 1934-75

7694, online; uP 070-080) is pblishe

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Canadian ddresses o: Residenial Desig

P.O. Box 54, Windsor, ON N9 6j5. Vol.

By Maureen Alley, editor 

4 j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1 r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m

r ’ s c o m m e n s 

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t’s critical in this down market to do whatever we can as professionals toreduce the time it takes to design andbuild a custom home. Whether you

are an architect, builder or part of adesign/build company, you can use this time asan opportunity to learn new tricks to improve

 your production timeliness. Cutting the time of delivery on a project is huge and will serve youeven in good times.

 There are two impediments in the traditionalapproach to custom design and build that, if amended, will greatly enhance more timely pro-duction. The first is the bidding process with mul-tiple contractors. The second is not having a cohe-sive team in place from the inception of design.If you are a design/build company, you probably can relate to this better than anybody. If you have

a traditional architect/builder relationship, you canappreciate the time efficiencies that will result by implementing these changes.

Advise your clients that they and their projectsare better served if the whole team is identifiedand engaged upfront. The results are better com-munication and more timely progression overall. If everyone is on board from the beginning and doestheir job, cost can be established early and continueto evolve throughout the design process. You andthe team, and most importantly your client, willbe on the same page. The need to bid the project

 with multiple builders, only to find out too late inthe game where you really are, will be eliminated.

his team includes not just the architect andthe builder, but also the interior designer.

 The interior designer must work in tandem withthe architect and builder to provide selectionsfor pricing early on, and provide a final packageto accompany construction drawings. This will

greatly facilitate critical path scheduling and timely purchasing during construction.

 The architectural team might also contributetoward reducing the time required for production

of final drawings. This might include anythingfrom using existing details and providing handsketches, to continuous communication with therest of the team to generate cost information andavoid time lost to bidding after the drawings arefully completed.

A great example of an integrated team thatachieves exceptionally efficient contract-to-move-in results is actually production builders, who arein fact design/build entities. While their productis typically much simpler in design and construc-tion overall, these large builders bring the kindof organization that can produce efficient results.

 The banker is a team player that must not beforgotten, especially in this new economy andfinancial conditions. Lenders are taking an inordi-nate amount of additional time with underwritingto fulfill all of the regulations and deal with thebad news that custom appraisals render these days.It’s not unusual for interim construction closing totake three to four times longer than before, mak-ing it especially important for the team to providedrawings and cost months before the anticipatedconstruction start.

b y implementing these strategies, thetectural team can begin to establish b

early on through consultation with the band the interior designer. The builder wil

already have a final cost prepared and beto start construction just as the architect pufinal details on the drawings.

Builders need to demand all decisiomade in advance so the construction time doesn’t become a victim of design develop value engineering and the drudgery of dealin

decisions not made by the owner at earlier By eliminating bidding by multiple contrand establishing teamwork early, you will defmove toward that goal.

 We all need to become more professionalefficient and effective to improve the proccustom design and build. If we focus on whcan do to shorten the time in which we proviprofessional services, we will make more mhave more successful practices and have more satisfied customers.■

Bring efficiencies o

csom home bildingC down on he ime i akes o prodce a csom home, make more mone

lUs JaUrgU, aa, has been a membe

the local and national chapters of the Ame

Institute of Architects for more than 20 yeHe is an active leader within the Homebuild

Association of Austin, Texas Send email to

luis@jaureguiarchitectcom Read past columat rdbmagazinecom

 aVs Ur Clns hahe and heir proecs will bebeer served if he whole eam

is idenified and engaged pfron

6 j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1 r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m

l U s J a U r g U , a a o n d e s i g n 

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ately, my design/build business hasbeen about many things; unfortu-nately for the income side of the led-ger, a lot less time is actually being

spent designing and building. My business days have been transformed as theeconomy takes its toll on everyone. What is

 your new business paradigm? Are you dealing with challenges that monopolize your focusand simultaneously draw you away from yourcore business’ strength? What do you do when

 you have done all you can do and still are notgetting the results you want?

Reflect on where you are and where you havecome from as it relates to your everyday busi-ness activities. I was spending time managingmanagers; now I am managing constructionprojects in addition to managing the business.

 What are you doing daily that is different from what you did in the past? Beyond the shift fromone set of daily responsibilities to a different set,ask yourself what have you stopped doing that

 you need to reprioritize and refocus to make your business profitable?

 our next step is to evaluate your currentfinancials. However, one of the more

difficult tasks to perform as a business owneris to evaluate where you are financially when you know the conclusion will be a report putin front of you that shows you are operatingin the red. If you are in this boat, and you arethe captain of your ship, commit to complet-ing the reports.

Start with the basics: Bring your profit andloss statement as well as your balance sheetcompletely up to date. This means you willneed all of your data entered for the first sixmonths of 2011. Step two is to create a cash

flow report for the remainder of the year.Step three is to repeat the exercise for eachof your businesses. Do you own and manageincome property? Are the numbers for the

property being reported to you monthly witha tight rein on expenses and tenant income?Does your chart include basic details like

lease renewal deadlines? Step four: Completean overview report that summarizes all yourcompanies and combines the net cash flow of each company into one cash flow report. Yournext step is as critical as each of the first four:Add into your reporting your personal cashposition and your personal monthly incomeand expense report.

suggest you also evaluate your prospect man-agement system. Do you have a system or is

it “by the seat of your pants”? Are your leadsorganized and followed up on consistently? Asprospects have become more difficult to close, Iknow the tendency is to let some of them slipaway. Focus on creating and maintaining a sys-tem of tracking and following up. Just becauseit’s harder than ever does not mean you shouldbe doing it less.

Now it’s time to plan for the future. Whetheror not you are operating in the red or the black,

the business and personal cash flow reare equally vital to your financial stabilitfuture. If you are in the red, the reporthelp you focus on expenses that can po

be eliminated or reduced. It will also assi with prioritizing your daily activities abuilding income.

Are you focused every day on inopportunities or are you ignoring copportunistic potential because you artracted by your other set of daily roleare keeping you from profitability? Thetough decisions that will be made more

 when your reflection and evaluation eare current and accurate. If you are iblack, the day you spend reflecting, eving and planning will help you buildpersonal net worth to promote your ggoal of a healthy financial retirement.

Bsiness in 2011:

Reflec, evalae, planthe econom has ransformed bsiness pracices, nances and challenges

FCUs n Crang andmainaining a ssem of rackingand following p.

Ja gran, president of Grant Homes, aresidential design/build firm in Mendham, NJ

focuses on building luxury custom homes an

renovations/additions He is the recipient of more than 20 industry awards including best

website for granthomesusacom Grant is

available for business consulting Send emaigranthomes@msncom Read past columns


8 j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1 r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m

J a g r a n o n b i l d i n g

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©2011 Trex Company, Inc. AvAilAb le July 2011

EvEry porch is an opportunity. Why not takE it? sit back, click on, and you’ll find on

convEniEnt systEm: virtually Gap-frEE floor boards, coordinatEd posts and railinG, hiddEn fastEnErs, trimliGhtinG, EvEn furniturE. it’s all hiGh-tEch and loW-maintEnancE. and of coursE thE trEx namE, as WEll a

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#1 high-PerformAnce brAnd | flooring | rAiling | trim | 1-800-buy-trE

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assing a residential construction jobrecently, I noticed the contractor

 was putting up siding before thehousewrap was fully installed.As I watched, I realized he had

no intention of installing the housewrapproperly. He simply stapled it up, overlappedthe seams 6 in., and started siding which is

 wrong. I said out loud to no one: “No seamtape, no window flashing; the housewrap hasbeen X cut and peeled back around roughopenings. The application is substantially useless. When the mold hits, any warranty 

 will likely be void.”Even worse, I see this all the time.Housewrap is designed to work as a

system so it performs well in four key areas:moisture resistance, controlling bulk water;moisture vapor transmission; surfactantresistance; and strength, tear resistance.

As the name implies, housewrap resists weather, but the weather doesn’t know to

avoid seams or rough openings. Weatherassaults the entire wall, and the housewrapmust be installed to spec so it can balance  resistance to air infiltration and water withan ability to allow diffused water vapor toescape from inside the structure.

 The average house produces 3 to 6 gal. of  water vapor every day, or 2,190 gal. per year. The moisture is often water vapor, diffusedor driven through the walls by temperaturedifferentials between the conditioned spaceand outside air. But there’s water comingfrom the outside, too. Moisture in the formof humidity and liquid water, such as rain/precipitation, inevitably gets behind thesiding, often driven there by wind.

f your housewrap is not properly installedand it admits — and potentially traps

— moisture in any form inside the wall,the water creates ideal conditions for rot

and mold. By not sealing the seams orflashing rough openings, water from outside,

 will get into your wall. Don’t expect thesheathing underneath the housewrap tomagically stop moisture. The sheathingmight have some effect, but according tothe Air Barr ier Association of America, atypical 2,500-sq.-ft. home has more than

1.5 miles of cracks and crevices, and water will find its ways into those openings as well. The best housewrap balances its ability to

hold water out and allow the escape of water vapor from within the structure. If housewraphas low water holdout characteristics, it

 will likely admit too much water. On the

other hand, if the housewrap does not allow enough water vapor to leave from inside the

  wall, trapped water vapor may condense within the wall, potentially leading to rotand mold. When evaluating your housewrapin the key performance categories mentionedabove, keep these things in mind:

Moisture resistance and moisture vapor transmission. Most building science research

 widely cites the fact that a well-balanced housewrap should have a perm rating of between 10 and 20. At this perm level, thehousewrap can optimally perform threefunctions: water resistance, air resistanceand vapor permeability.

Surfactant resistance. A surfactant isa compound that lowers a liquid’s surface

tension and degrades the water hocapabilities. Housewrap should have suresistance to them. Surfactants are comin wood tannins, cedar oils and some stin the form of soap.

Strength.The strength of a housewdetermined by its resistance to tearingbuilding cycle times running 120-plus

remember that a housewrap is tempsiding, subjected to the weather. Looa housewrap that is engineered forresistance.

 Added benefits.  Look for a manufactstatement on UV resistance. Given extexposure of housewrap to the sun d

construction, it’s important to high resistance. Also, look for howhousewrap contributes to green propof a structure. The Department of Eand Energy Star show that housewrap,properly installed, flashed, and seala system, can lower energy bills bet25 and 40 percent — all the more rto take the manufacturer’s installrecommendations seriously. ■

use hosewrap as a ssemWeaher-resisan barriers onl proec bildings when insalled correcl

Jhn . Wagnr is an award-winning authmany books and articles about construction,

frequent contributor to the industry’s leading

magazines A sought-after speaker for indusevents, he can be contacted at JohnDWagne

Read past columns at rdbmagazinecom

hUsWraP rsss weaheb he weaher doesn’ know o

avoid seams or rogh openings


1 0 j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1 r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m

J h n . W a g n r o n g r e e n h o m e s 

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© 2011 Simpson Strong-Tie Compa

It’s time to celebrate the new two-story Strong Frame™ ordinary moment frame. This latest solution fromSimpson Strong-Tie has the same great benets as our one-story frame, but can span up to 35' high within

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customized designs. With 100% bolted connections and a streamlined anchorage design, our pre-engineered

frames are easier to double up for the designer and the installer.

Learn more and download our new literature, call (800) 999-5099 or visit .

Make it a double.

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taples takes the pain out of shoppingby providing shoppers with its famousEasy Button. Progressive Insurance

empowers customers to purchaseinsurance with its Name-Your-Pricepricing gun. Norton Anti-Virus actually has a“fix all button” to remove computer viruses andspyware. So where is the “fix all button” for designand build?

Last month, a past client contacted my office to start the design process of a 10-ft. by 11-ft. one-story kitchen addition. He made itperfectly clear he was not interested in engag-ing the design/build modular company we hadcollaborated with on his second floor modularaddition. My client explained he enjoyed work-ing with the on-site carpenter and would like to

engage his services to build the addition. Thecarpenter was a subcontractor to the design/build company and is no longer working withthe modular design/build company.

C ollaborating with a new contractor islike sitting in the front seat of the lat-

est and greatest roller coaster at your favoriteamusement park. You sit together on the sameride with great expectations as you wait forthe others to board the coaster. The safety barlowers and the exhilaration and trepidationbegins. With every click and rise in altitude,the anticipation builds with excitement andfear of the unknown. What will happen next? Where are we going? How will this feel? WillI be happy, relieved or sick at the end of thisride?

 We depend on designers, engineers and con-tractors to design and build a house, to be fun,exciting and most importantly, safe. Like the

coaster’s safety system, our design firm also hasa safety system when working with new con-tractors to ensure we meet or exceed our client’s

expectations. The contractor supplied the required informa-tion regarding the rear line setback and qualifiedthe information with the local building inspector,only to find out from the land survey that ouraddition was 11 in. beyond the rear setback. Thebuilder freaked out. He called our offices and

 we met for a few hours with our online designteam. Using GoToMeeting, the online meetingservice, we invited our land surveyor to join us toflush out the problem. Our design team adjustedthe building plans and plot plan, qualified theadjustments with the land surveyor, posted therevised plans for the homeowner to review andthe contractor was back in business.

he plans and land survey were completedthe next day and the contractor did not

miss a beat in his schedule. The coaster’s safe-ty bar is there for one reason: to prevent youfrom falling out. Our design system is like thecoaster’s safety bar. Systems help the contractorfrom falling off schedule and not meeting hisclient’s expectations.

 The contractor should have engaged the

land surveyor first. Our design team prothe contractor quick and accurate informat a moment’s notice. Our “fix all button”

IDB team — Interactive Design and Buildmember of the team has a specific talent toproblems when they arise. The most impthing to remember during any type of cto remain as calm as possible. Relax in orfind the solution that is needed at that moin time.

 The contractor was amazed with our readesign process which solved his problem etiously and allowed his building crew to stproject on time.

Like the roller coaster ride, we had somand downs during our design and build prBut in the end, we all had a great ride. Likgreat coaster ride, people want to experienexcitement over and over again. We look foto our next design and build experience.■

Implemen ssems o

garanee proec sccessack of ssems cases delas, frsraion and loss of a clien’s condence

JsPh llann is the founder of 

My Design/Build Project, a Web communicat

application for design and build teams, and president of My Design/Build Coach, providin

design/build business training He is also pre

of Design Solutions Inc, a national design firSend email to info@mydesignbuildprojectco

Read past columns at rdbmagazinecom

ssms help he conracorfrom falling off schedle and no

meeing his clien’s expecaions

1 2 j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1 r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m

J s P h l l a n n o n c o m m n i c a i o n 

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Liz Murray makes Geberit® part

of estate’s bathroom design

When Designer Liz Murray

designed the bath spaces for the

exercise room and pool house of a

client’s 10,000-square-foot Tualatin,

Oregon estate home, she offered a

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toilet. Murray’s client was open tonew ideas with European style,

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Murray became familiar with

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toilet concept. Geberit’s tankless

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 An estate home is luxurious, but

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Call for entries! 

For more information or to enter, visit:

Enter the Residential Design + Build  2011 Business Excellence Awards,

honoring the best in business

management, and get the publicity

your firm deserves.

Application deadline: August 19, 2011

Binder deadline: August 26, 2011

Enter in the following categories:• Business Administration• Personnel Management• Marketing• Sales• Education• Community Involvement

Benefits to award winners include:• Article in RD+B magazine• Customized award trophy• Industry recognition• Exposure on RD+B website• Press release for local distribution

• Use of Excellence Awards logo• Access to customized reprints• A nice addition to your company’s resume• Becoming an Excellence Awards alumnus

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 very June, five custom home professionals gathto judge the Design Excellence Awards. This ye

 was no different as they critically admired easubmission. The end result was 22 projects represent the best in the custom home indust

and receive top honors. Judges (pictured below) included: WilliaStyczynski, president, SWA Architects; Craig Ciaglia, vipresident, Homes by Pinnacle; Mark Perlman, CGP, presideEmpeco Custom Builders; John Anstad, principal archite

A. Perry Designs & Builds, P.C.; and Tracy Holmes, MIRMpresident, Studio H.

 The winning projects are presented on the following pages


Phoo: Pal Bardagl, Bardagl Phoo

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r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1

his home is designed upon the founda-tions of a previous residence and around anexisting pool. The prior house ignored themost basic principles of bioclimatic designand had a poor relationship with its site.

Furthermore, it was in a state of dilapidation soit was necessary to demolish it entirely with theexception of the garage.

 The new home was designed to reconnect with the site, provide openness throughout, utilizegreen features wherever possible, and follow solardesign principles — featuring optimum southerly exposures and natural ventilation strategies.

A key challenge of the project was to create a

feeling of flexibility and openness throughout andto allow for strong flowing connections betweenthe various indoor and outdoor spaces. In addi-tion to the extensive use of high-performanceglass, sliding doors allow for uninhibited andenfilade views. This is especially evident in themain living/dining room where the doors pocketentirely into adjacent walls, realizing the effect of a freestanding outdoor pavilion.

In an effort to design a green home, theproject includes a variety of features such as:overhangs shielding large sliding glass doorsfrom solar heat gain; thermal mass of the radi-ant-heated polished concrete floors; operableclerestory windows for natural ventilation;high-performance soy-based foam insula-tion; recycled cotton batt insulation; coolroof with an aluminized reflective coating;net-metering photovoltaics; solar pool waterheating system; solar domestic water preheatsystem plus a high-efficiency natural gas water

heater for in-slab radiant heating and domtic water; low-flow showerheads and duflush toilets; low-maintenance high-strenintegrally colored polished concrete floutilizing recycled fly ash; low-maintenaacrylic-coat stucco finish, fiber cement boslats and integrally colored concrete masounit site walls; low or no VOC interior fishes; rainwater and site drainage all manaon-site; and drought-tolerant and natplant landscaping. ■

Csom home

less han 3,000 sq. f.maCy arChiteCtUre


Projec name: Olson Residence

ocaion: Porola Valley, Calif.

ize: 1,980 sq. f.


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ite influenced a design visionthat focuses on exterior circu-lation patterns and momentsof outdoor living. Expansive

 views, wind patterns and anexisting tree canopy serve as crucial influ-ences in the project’s design development.

 These elements encourage an experiencethat makes a connection with the out-doors as often as possible.Blending the owner’s lifestyleand future use of their lakeretreat with openness yet pri-

 vacy on a Texas hill country lake defined the beginning of a complex design and con-struction project.

 What looks to be a sizable buildingshrinks quickly as the result of foundrequirements above floor plain, randplaced large mature trees with macanopies and owner’s request for adeprivacy yet retain spectacular views olake and h ill country. Additional reqments included a separate master retotally secure and private from guest

but still accessible to all outdoor and inliving and entertaining areas.

A lengthy process including mee with lake authorities, numerous surveymeasurements of tree locations and adimensions of limb lengths and heightnecessary to determine the actual buiarea. Both architect and builder met oproperty to determine a workable solto position the floor plan among the

 with the desirable sun, wind and waterelations. A separate structure servingowner’s retreat was designed to achieoriginal design request. This allowed gto enjoy all of the interior and exterthe property and still provide seclusiosecurity for the owner. ■

Csom home

3,000 o 3,999 sq. f.the altiCo groUP

Horseshoe Bay, texasdiCk Clark arChiteCtUreusin, texas

Projec name: Bock House

Projec locaion: Highland Haven, texas

ize: 3,550 sq. f.


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he main house is a rectangle, providingample wall space for the clients’ innova-tive contemporary art collection. A sec-ond bar contains the service spaces of thehouse, while a third, which flies out over

the terrace, contains the guest suite and cre-ates a covered porch below. Architect MarcelBreuer inspired the stone wall penetrating thehouse and the view-framing openings in theconcrete walls. The exterior walls of the houseare composed entirely as rectangles, in differ-ent colors and contrasting textures: windows

 with red-painted panels and slate roofing tilesmounted sideways.

 This is a house focused around a spectacularcontemporary art collection. The design had tobalance the clients’ desire for long stretches of 

 wall space protected from UV light, with their wish for plenty of windows to see the spectacularBerkshire views. The sloping site provided both achallenge and an opportunity to root the housein the hillside.

A rectangular box with windows to the view contains the major living spaces. This is broken inseveral places with cubes containing studies, thefront entry, the screened porch and more. Thesecubes push into the interior, providing walls for

paintings, small accidental gallery spaces, as wellas the separation necessary between private andpublic spaces.

Super insulated walls and roof, a geothermalloop, and triple-glazed windows, which givedouble UV protection for the art, all contributedto receiving Energy Star’s highest rating.■

bUrr and mCCallUm, arChiteCts

Williamsown, Mass.

Projec name: Berkshires House XIII

Projec locaion: Wes ockbridge, Mass.

ize: 4,600 sq. f.


Csom home

4,000 o4,999 sq. f.


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orking closely with the archi-tect and trade partners, thebuilder created a unique lux-ury home located on a steephillside lot, discarded by the

developer as unbuildable. In every aspect of thedesign and construction, the team worked tomaximize views and privacy on the narrow lot. The original site had a grade differential of almost

30 ft. from the front wallto the back of the pool.

  The contractor

 worked with a majorroad building com-

pany and engineers to mill the building padinto the hillside and use the spoils as compactedbackfill for the massive retaining wall.

As one enters the home, guests are welcomed with an open design that frames views of thepool and panorama beyond. The open designallows for family gatherings in the adjoiningdining area surrounded in glass, amplifying thesouthern views of the valley below.

Native landscaping, a 30,000-gal. rain watercollection system, dual fuel HVAC, high-efficien-cy glass, on-demand LP water heaters, spray foam

insulation and deep western porches reduce thehome’s demand on the environment.

Attention to detail is reflected throughout theproject. From the furniture-grade millwork, thehand-carved stone mantles, honed granite, custommirrors to the glass vanity tops, great care was

taken to have the interior designer work directly  with craftsman.■

WCsom home 5,000 o 5,999 sq.

laUghlin homes & restoration


Jon Pankratz arChiteCtFredericksburg, texas

Projec name: Majesic View

ocaion: Fredericksburg, texas

ize: 5,600 sq. f.


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he classical design of this project is a mar-riage of fashion-forward style and archi-tecture elements that will last for decades.Ionic columns, leaded glass windows andtraditional trim work with Greek adorn-ments come face-to-face with bold con-

trasting color schemes and modern furnish-ings for a dramatic yet elegant home full of Southern charm.

 The client requested a gracious and wel-coming home; an immediate sense of wow;refined elegance, Southern charm and classical

details; focus on lake view; high contrasts of color; ample lighting; combination of stainedand painted millwork; and a tailored style thatincludes drama, tranquility, comfort and luxury.

 The challenge was to create a design that was as outstanding and unique as possible, while maintaining the function, comfort andflow desired by the client. The end result

features an exterior/summer kitchenEnglish and French architecture; a grand

 with a winding staircase and handrail cfrom a single piece of wood, leaded glascontrasting black and cream details; carvedionic columns in the study, living and drooms; antique mirror and silver leafing powder room; bold colors with soft fabricurved furniture lines in the master bedromaster bath with earth tones and textureskitchen and family room with comfort, s woods and warm colors; a daughter’s suit

Hollywood glamour; carved Enkeboll pin the English-style pub; and purple andmonogram details on the custom doors, cand walls in the theater.■

Csom home 6,000 o 6,999 sq. fPHOtO: MIRO DVORCK, DM PHOtO


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Jane Page design groUP


sUlliVan, henry, oggero

 and assoCiatesHouson

Projec name: racious Esae

ocaion: Kingwood, texas

ize: 6,500 sq. f.

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he client wanted a European-styled stonemansion, made of all sustainable authenticbuilding materials. They also requestedceiling heights to exhibit custom art chan-deliers, hardwood/marble floors and

marble staircases. The objective was to make itlook timeless.

 The family’s private ground floor rooms —kitchen/great room — were to be separate frompublic rooms. The public rooms needed to enter-tain large groups of guests and value comfort andintimacy as much as elegance.

An intimate set of public rooms was request-ed with 12-ft. first-floor ceilings. To accommodateceiling heights as well as the 20-24 roof pitchturrets and three European styled chimneys — as

high as 60 ft. — they necessitated drillininto bedrock for a solid foundation.

Finding high-level craftspeople for theect’s enormous amount of interior and excustom architectural details was challenRetrofitting hardware and plumbing for imed, antique and reuse materials was also ching, especially with an 18-month deadline

Stone masons, master carpenters and ficraftspeople set up shop on-site to hand-stone, hand-hew and custom-mill all in

 woodworking, construct marble staircasehand-forged iron balustrade-brass handrahand carved custom casts for limestone surrreliefs, keystones, rosettes, granite and mfloors. Cabinet craftspeople made custom ca

Csom home morehan 7,000 sq. f.

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Cost more? No. Work better? Yes. End of story.

d’alessio insPired arChiteCtUraldesignsNew Hope, Pa.

Projec name: the Chaeau

ocaion: Bucks Couny, Pa.

ize: 10,000 sq. f.

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for all rooms, saving time with little rework. The public rooms’ open floor plan design —

foyer, parlor, dining room and grand hall — allowsentertaining large groups. Each space is defined

 with a unique ceiling: coffered with appliedmoulding, double-groin vaulted Venetian polishedplaster, tray-clipped corner, barrel vaulted andbirdcage cornices. The curved wood arches withDoric-influenced fluted wood columns lead youfrom room to room without walls. Even the

 wrought-iron and glass doors open off the grandhall expands the open-floor plan.

 The grand hall was designed to transitionthe public rooms and maintain the family’s

private space, kitchen and 25-ft. ceiling greatroom that opens to a covered loggia with viewsof the pool and outdoor kitchen.■

   P   H   O   t   O   s  :   R   a   N   D   l   B   y   E ,   R

   a   N   D   l   B   y   E   P   H   O   t   O   g   R   a   P   H   y

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high level of architectural customdetails throughout the home wasrequested to create a one-of-a-kindartisan-crafted three-story, five-bedroom, five-bath Chateau. The

Chateau was to have a hand-chiseled stone facadeand all authentic/natural building materialsthroughout, reminiscent of European castles fromthe 17th and 18th centuries.

Craftspeople custom-designed on-site andconstructed ceiling details; hand-hewed curved

 wood arches and applied wood mouldings withDoric-styled fluted wood columns are foundthroughout the first floor public rooms. Each roombecomes a distinctive space with character withinthis open floor plan design.

A grand entrance was created as a visitor entersthrough the imported Honduras mahogany wood

doors into the foyer’s 12-ft. double-groin vVenetian polished plaster ceiling with fine atures. Creating the open floor plan are curvedarches flanking the front door, entrance to dining room and great hall leading to eachpublic rooms without walls. The living r

 wood-coffered ceiling with crown-beam mings, dining room’s tray with clipped corner and grand hall with four-barrel vaulted ccreate individual spaces and allows entertailarge number of guests. Even the wroughand glass doors off the grand hall expanopen floor plan into the conservatory.■

rchiecral feare/ elemen

   P   H   O   t   O   s  :   R   a   N   D   l   B   y   E ,

   R   a   N   D   l   B   y   E   P   H   O   t   O   g   R   a   P   H   y

For more info circle #13

d’alessio insPired arChiteCtUraldesignsNew Hope, Pa.

Projec name: the Chaeau

ocaion: Bucks Couny, Pa.

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he bathroom is part of the master suiteunit. It includes unobstructed views of the ocean with its floor-to-ceiling win-dows. The owner wanted to maintainthe feeling of openness created by 

these large expanses of glass in each room. Thedesigners drew inspiration from the colors of the sky and the water below. The selected mate-rials reinforced this concept. The blue naturalstone became the focal point of the room whilethe neutral tones of the rest of the materials

added warmth and highlighted the naturalbeauty of the pieces.

 The ocean view acts as the focal point of theroom, making the challenge to create a func-tional master bathroom that allowed views tobe seen from all of a bathroom’s functional ele-ments. Adding to this challenge was the owner’srequest that the new tub remain against theoperable window.

 The designers broke with traditional bathroomdesign and reoriented features so the view waspredominately displayed from each functionalarea. Conceptually, a large plane of blue quartz-ite stone organized the tub and vanities towardthe view. This plane rests on a floating wood

cabinetry base that appears to intersect with theform of the stone steps to the tub. The architectsstructurally adhered slim stainless steel framedmirrors to the clear glass pane separating the van-ity from the tub space. An overhead Kohler tubfiller was selected to keep the fixtures placed onthe blue stone plane to a minimum. ■



r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1

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For more info circle #14

o’donnell dannWolF and Partners arChiteCtsHollywood, Fla.

Projec name: Privae residence

maser bah

ocaion: Miami

ize: 250 sq. f.

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his custom home sits ona slope overlookingFolsom Lake in thefoothills of the Sierra

Nevada mountain rangein Northern California, and offers views of the lake and the SacramentoValley beyond. The owners wanted a home thatdraws influence from a resort they visit in Mexico,

 with the relaxed floor plan of a vacation home. With the views as the focal point, rooms on allthree levels were arranged to capture the views,including the attached and detached garages.

Situated on a 60 percent slope, the challengebecame how to locate the great room, dining roomand kitchen one floor below the street level, which

 was half-buried into the hillside, without feelinglike they are in a dark basement. The swimmingpool also needed to be adjacent to the great room,

 which sits more than 20 ft. above grade. With the west-facing views, the challenge was how to createabundant windows and openings to enjoy the views and sunset without the heat and glare of theafternoon sun.

 The solutions involved keeping the dethe home as slender as possible across theslope. It also included exposing the openarea to the vaulted great room and views b

 while at the same time using the entry balca screen to maintain some privacy in theroom. Using a stainless steel swimmingreduced the weight of the pool enough to ato be placed on the wood structure of theUsing deep overhangs on the west, as well amated roll-down shade screens, provided vithe afternoon, without the heat and glare.

Challenginglo t PHOtO: DEN tEVENON, DEN tEVENON CutOM HO

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dean steVensonCUstom home designranie Bay, Calif.

Projec name: Warner


ocaion: El Dorado Hills, Calif.

ize: 3,025 sq. f.

DesignCompetition WinnerGreeneagle Residence, in Oakville Ontario, is one of this year’s Site Specific merrit award winnersand features SPARK’s Fire Ribbon Direct Vent 6ft. Designer|Guido Constantino Photo|Domenico RodaTo view other winners and SPARK’s entire design portfolio visit p.866.938.3846modern fires


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timber frame

the Maggie Valley project wasdesigned to live comfortably 

 while showcasing the beauty andsymmetry of heavy timber design.

 The clients wanted open livingfor entertaining and relaxing and to maxi-mize the views from their mountaintop lot.

 The lot has 360-degree views. Designing

to take advantage of these views was key.Opening the living area to outdoor livingallowed for a design on a smaller footprintfor this vacation home.

 The timber frame opened up the spaceand framed the views in heavy timber.Intricate joinery was celebrated, showcasingit without overwhelming the space.■

goshen timber FramesFranklin, N.C.

Projec name: the Maggie Valley

ocaion: Franklin, N.C.

ize: 3,398 sq. f.


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he objectives for this structure were to pro- vide a guest suite, accommodations for theowner’s animals and space for equipmentand storage that could be opened up onoccasion as a gathering space. The desire

 was also to have an heirloom structure that wouldbe a focal point on the farm for generations tocome.

 The challenge was to integrate these into astructure with historic imagery that provides agood companion for the smaller farmhouse andsurrounding horse farms. The structure needed toexude a sense of permanence yet meet contem-porary standards of green construction.

 The solution was three connected barnsconstructed with traditional mortise and tenontimber frame construction covered with structural

i n s u l a t e dpanels. Muchof the timberand all of theinterior fin-ish wood wasreclaimed.Stone fromthe farm wasintegratedinto the mason-ry walls. A geothermal radiant floor systeused for heating, and energy-efficient lig

 was used with power supplemented by asite wind turbine. The three barn solution separate identity for each of the barns and in keeping with other farm buildings.■


slW inC.Zionsville, Ind.

Projec name: timberframe barn

ocaion: Zionsville, Ind.

ize: 6,250 sq. f.

he clients wanted a pool casita thatperformed well and looked appropri-ate in the Colorado foothills. They entertain a lot, sometimes casually by the pool and sometimes as formal

dinner parties.  The overall design of this pool casita

needed to perform on multiple levels.Functionally, the building needed to pro-

 vide an escape from the sun when the poolis in season but also work well as a recre-ational space for other months of the year.Aesthetically, the building needed to matchan existing home in a prestigious neighbor-

hood as well as look and feel like a pool houfits in Colorado where the pool season is li

 The five glass overhead doors werprimary design solution for creating a that performs year-round. They prinsulation and daylight in bad weathecan also completely open up to com

the indoors with the outdoors on niceAdditionally, the outdoor living undpergola is comfortable and Colorado

 with the stone and cedar. The interioits casual elements with the pool tablflags, but the fireplace lends a formal s

 when appropriate. ■


rentFroW designFor Collins, Colo.

Projec name: Colorado casia

ocaion: Windsor, Colo.

ize: 1,580 sq. f.



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he objective on this lakefront lot wasto maximize the lake view and createlarge open spaces. These spacesneeded to serve multiple purposesand flow together to create an infor-

mal living environment ideal for entertain-ing and fostering a relaxed lifestyle. Thedesign is a mix of traditional, island-styleand sleek modern.

As with most Florida lakefront proper-ties, the challenge was the stability of theland itself. A second challenge was design-ing an indoor/outdoor living area thatblends one into the other and can be usedthroughout the year.

 The land stability solution was creatinga solid building platform that encompassesthe entire house and pool area. The concreteand steel platform rests on 138 pilings, each12 in. in diameter and 25 ft. deep. The high-strength cast-in-place pilings are similar tothose used for multistory oceanfront condo-minium structures. The solution to blendingthe indoors and outdoors was using the same

flooring inside and out creating a seamlesseffect. To make the area usable year-round,retractable screens were built into the lanaithat can be lowered when needed to protectthe area from solar heat and glare, insectsand can retain up to 90 percent of the home’sconditioned air. ■

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rea roomPhil kean designsWiner Park, Fla.

Projec name: a Belle

ocaion: Winer Park, Fla.

ize: 347 sq. f.


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he objective of this project was to create amodern solution to the expeditionary grow-ing global demand for affordable, sustain-able housing.

Challenges included manufacturingcustom modern homes using only prefabricatedelements. Existing known materials and tech-nologies were studied in order to incorporate thebest available systems in the marketplace. In addi-tion, material selection and specification met

stringent qualifications, regulations and cus-tomer needs. Other challenges included creatingenvironmentally and economically sensitivestructures produced with materials easily decon-structed and ultimately recycled and reused,achieve low fossil fuel construction using zero

chemicals, carpet, tiles or paint; maximumresource efficiency achieved through consider-ation of site location, orientation, sun, wind, andsolar power, geothermal, low energy appliancesand fixtures.

Solutions included limiting the number of assembled elements to eliminate custom on-sitefabrication by putting it into the hands of spe-cific fabricators. Elements allow for a custom-made home specific to a location and the home-owner’s needs. Different surfaces mean endlesspossibilities of arrangements. Product and meth-ods of construction were carefully researched andevaluated comparing progressive thinking prod-uct design, commercially available, affordability,manufacturing process, recycled content, energy efficiency, indoor air qualities and local produc-tion. In addition, materials were taken apart andsent back to manufacturers to be reused.■

reen home,firs place

minarCana Monica, Calif.

Projec name: superb- house

ocaion: Venice, Calif.

ize: 2,400 sq. f.

reen home,rnner-p


PHOtO: Rt Ry

he firm handled this project from concept

to completion including storm water diver-sion, site layout and prep, schematic designand construction documents. The intent wasto design a home that addressed the site

directly without any negative impacts while takingadvantage of the natural beauty of the land.Additionally, the client wanted a passively lit,

passively cooled and ventilated home to increaseindoor/outdoor livability and reduce electricaldemand. Durable finishes were necessary toreduce the risk of mold growth when the homeis open to the humid climate. The home also hadto be zero-energy and as sustainable as possible. The client wanted a home with clean, simple lines

that lived modern but was not stark in finish.Challenges included: building to local hurri-

cane codes with timber framing; exceeding every known HERS index in the U.S.; designing green with a western rear elevation; construction againsta wetland loaded with invasive plant species;achieving highest scoring new LEED Platinumrating on a lot with no connectability in a ruralenvironment; and creating a passively ventilatedand lit home in a subtropical climate zone with-out encouraging mold growth. Additionally, theclient wanted a home that resembled nothing inthis area yet felt like a newer version of the origi-nal vernacular architecture.

 This home was designed to allow passivebreezes to enter through the western elevation’saccordion doors, pass through and exit the awningtransom windows on the front. This design allowsample light to enter, eliminating the need forelectric lighting most times. To combat afternoonheating through western glass, the home was

located in the shadow zone cast from the imphardwood swamp that creates views upon ing the front door. Only mold-resistant pr

 were specified, including: cypress trim, bcabinets and rafters, clay walls, paperless walland concrete floors and tops. These produlocal, contributing to LEED rating.■

Josh WynneConstrUCtionarasoa, Fla.

Projec name: Power haus

ocaion: arasoa, Fla.

ize: 3,089 sq. f.



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he client owns his ownbusiness and runs it outof his home. He neededan office with a separateentrance, a sound barrier from the

home’s living areas, sitting area, room for aconference table, computer desks, ample roomfor storage and plenty of natural light.

 The challenge was creating a separateentrance that wasn’t confusing to the visitingclient and that visually didn’t detract fromthe home.

  The solution was designing a frontdoor that opened into a courtyard and hastwo entrances: one to the home’s foyer and

French doors to the office. The windowsin the French doors make it obvious tothe client these are the doors to enter. Forsoundproofing, a ½-lb. spray foam was used.At 14 ft. by 21 ft. 4 in., with two closets andtwo built-in computer desks and cabinets,the room provides the space needed. Asurprise element of the room is cornerpocketing sliders that allow one to stepoutside of the sitting area for spectacularlake views. ■



his custom home sits on a slope overlook-

ing Folsom Lake in the foothills of theSierra Nevada mountain range inNorthern California, and offers views of the lake and the Sacramento Valley 

beyond. The owners wanted a home that drawsinfluence from a resort they visit in Mexico, with the relaxed floor plan of a vacation home.

 With the views as the focal point, rooms on allthree levels were arranged to capture the views,including the attached and detached garages.

Situated on a 60 percent slope, the challengebecame how to locate the great room, dining room,

and kitchen one floor below the street level, which was half-buried into the hillside, without feelinglike they were in a dark basement. The swimmingpool also needed to be adjacent to the great room, which sits more than 20 ft. above grade. With the west-facing views, the challenge was how to cre-ate abundant windows and openings to enjoy the

 views and sunset without the heat and glare of the afternoon sun.

 The solutions involved keeping the depth of the home as slender as possible across the steepslope. It also included exposing the open entry area to the vaulted great room and views beyond,

 while at the same time using the entry balcony as

a screen to maintain some privacy in the greatroom. Using a stainless steel swimming poolreduced the weight of the pool enough to allow it to be placed on the wood structure of the deck.Using deep overhangs on the west, as well as auto-mated roll-down shade screens, provided viewsin the afternoon, without the heat and glare.■



r d b m a g a z i n e . c o m r e s i d e n i a l d e s i g n + b i l d j u y / u u t 2 0 1 1

Phil kean designsWiner Park, Fla.

Projec name: a Belle

ocaion: Winer Park, Fla.

ize: 299 sq. f.

dean steVensonCUstom home designsranie Bay, Calif.

Projec name: Warner residence

ocaion: El Dorado Hills, Calif.

ize: 3,025 sq. f.



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he scope of the master suite was a bedroomthat could open to an outdoor living area, abath with double vanities and steam show-er, large closet with ample storage, and anexercise room.

 The original plan had the master suite on the firstfloor which created a challenge. During the framingstage, the only access to the second floor consisted of a ladder, so the clients opted to forego any visits tothat area until a proper stairway was constructed. Oncethe framing was completed and the stairway installed,their first visit to the second floor resulted in a pleas-ant but unexpected realization that the lake viewsfrom the higher perch were spectacular. As a result, thehomeowners insisted on moving the master suite tothe second floor.

 The solution was to changethe lower levelmaster to aguest suite andthe two originally planned upper level smallerbedrooms and baths to the master suite. The dchange was a success as the views from the bedbath, exercise room and spacious balcony are breaing. The bedroom opens to the balcony via slidingdoors and has a built-in retractable screen that clowered when needed to protect the room fromglare, insects and can even hold in up to 90 percthe conditioned air. Even the shower has a widesigned into the shower wall creating a rather ulocation for viewing the lake.■ 


Phil kean designsWiner Park, Fla.

Projec name: a Belle

ocaion: Winer Park, Fla.

ize: 1,976 sq. f.


Maser sie

 amazing designPainesville, Ohio

Projec name: RH-1

ocaion: Norheas Ohio


he object of this project was to interpretthe personality of the homeowners into aninspiring and stunning retreat. They are a young and active couple. He is always trav-eling at high speed while she is far more

laid back and enjoys the softer more comfortableelements of design.

 The challenges included building a glass struc-ture that could withstand a helicopter landing onits roof. Another challenge was installing an auto-matic drapery system that would provide privacy the entire length of the serpentine window wall

 when desired, yet parked in a concealed area whennot in use, so the curtains would appear from outof nowhere. In addition, the design team neededto create closets that matched both the owners

personalities and their demand for storage, andeliminate the opportunity for clutter.

 The suite was constructed using steel, an insu-lated concrete form foundation and custom carvedglass panels as well as a concrete roof. Customdrapery track was bent at the manufacturer’s facil-ity. A template for the track bending was produced

by a surveyor determining as-built dimen with the aid of a GPS. Drapes stack in aand enter the lounge space through a smain the wall. The suite is automated using ahome system.■


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ncient Egypt was the inspiration for this Egyptian-themed theater — from the colors selected to thehieroglyphics and symbols used on the wall muralsand in the carpet design.

Spacing of wall panels and pilasters was difficultdue to the locations of the speakers which were not installed whereoriginally planned. The large oval and curved pop-up was also achallenge. Designers wanted to create a unique ceiling and alsoneeded to conceal the seams in the sheetrock that were not tapedand floated correctl y. In addition, the client never provided a budget;products and procedures were approved one stage at a time.

 The wall panels were designed around the speakers and theconcealed pilaster locations. A pair of freestanding draped pedestals

topped with gold leaf sphinx flank the screen wall. The designersaccommodated the clients’ seating request with low seats on

two rows. The ceiling is intended to be the wow factor in theoverall design.

 The designers wanted something truly different so they decidedto have a 3-D Scarab. However, the height was a challenge. A stageset artist carved the Scarab from styrofoam and suspended it fromthe ceiling. The Scarab motif is also seen in the carpet design andis relevant to Egyptian history. ■

Media room

Jane Page design groUPHouson

gary keith

JaCkson designHouson

Projec name: Wach like

an Egypian

ocaion: Mongomery, texas

ize: 400 sq. f.

   P   H   O   t   O   s  :   M   I   R   O   D   V   O   R   s   C   a   K ,

   D   M

   P   H   O   t   O   g   R   a   P   H   y

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he Avalon project was designed as aspeculation home for the developerof a new high-end development inthe foothills of eastern Colorado. Thespeculation was that this house would

most likely serve as a second/vacation home. The designer dida lot of researchabout the needsand expectationsof those seekingthis caliber of home. The clientestablished aprice range forthe project andencouraged thedesigner to designthe home fromscratch as he chose, trusting him to create a productthat would provide for the market they soughtto satisfy.

 There were three primary design challenges

 with this project all having to do witbuilding site. First, was the extreme slothe building envelope. Second, was the fastreet access was below the building envessentially putting the walkout on the stree

 The more significant design challenge wfact there more thandegrees of on the waside of the hn e c e s s i t acapturing in every p o s s i b l es t r a i gh t /design wkeep the cothe design

seeing the views to the sides. The steep slope was solved by prov

multiple step-down areas throughout thefloor as well as an abnormally high base

ceiling. The stre  walkout solutiosolved by cre

a full round-adriveway on theside — the front the home, requthe guests to tall of the way arthe home to reacfront door. Capt

  views throughouplan was solvecreating two wthat angle back tothe entire floor pthe expansive v

Another signifdesign solution wkeep the overall dlow in profile, to the hillside on whis located.■

pec/Model home

rentFroW designFor Collins, Colo.

Projec name: the valon

ocaion: oveland, Colo.

ize: 1,123 sq. f. t

   P   H   O   t   O   s  :   W   a   R   R   E   N   D   I   g   g   l   E   s ,

   W   a   R   R   E   N   D   I   g   g   l   E   s   P   H   O   t   O   g   R   a   P   H   y   W   E   B

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the altiCo groUPHorseshoe Bay, texas

diCk Clark arChiteCtUreusin, texas

Projec name: Bock House

ocaion: Highland Haven, texas

ize: 3,550 sq. f.

ite influenced a design vision

that focuses on exterior circu-lation patterns and moments of outdoor living. Expansive views,

 wind patterns and an existingtree canopy serve as crucial influences inthe project’s design development. These ele-ments encourage an experience that makesa connection with the outdoors as often aspossible. Blending the owner’s lifestyle andfuture use of their lake retreat with open-ness yet privacy on a Texas hill country lakedefined the beginning of a complex designand construction project.

 What looks to be a sizable building areashrinks quickly as the result of foundationrequirements above floor plain, randomly placed large mature trees with massive cano-pies and owner’s request for adequate pri- vacy yet retain spectacular views of the lakeand hill country. Additional requirementsincluded a separate master retreat totally 

secure and private

from guest areasbut still accessi-ble to all outdoorand indoor livingand entertainingareas.

A lengthy pro-cess, includingmeet ings wi thl a k e a u t h o r i -ties , numeroussurveys and mea-surements of treel oca t i on s an dactual dimensionsof limb lengths and height, was necessary to determine the actual buildable area. Botharchitect and builder met on the property to determine a workable solution to posi-tion the floor plan among the trees with thedesirable sun, wind and water correlations.

A separate structure serving as an ownretreat was designed to achieve the origdesign request. This allowed guests to enall of the interior and exterior of the prerty and still provide seclusion and secufor the owner. ■

Vacaion home

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ZEK Building Producs, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 47

Cedar hake & hingle Bureau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Cerainteed Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Eldorado one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

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Hanley-Wood Exhibiions/Remodeling how . . . . . . .25

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Nana Wall ysems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 48

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he Numi toilet from Kohler Co. is not youdard toilet. With more features in it thamight find in a whole master suite, Kohlertoilet was designed to meet the demand

luxury market. “It was designed to be oleading edge of design and technology. We spenof time and emphasis on creating a product that have the winning combination,” says Mike Maproduct manager for toilets and bidets, Kohler C

It was hard to miss the buzz at the Kohler during the Kitchen/Bath Industry Show in Las this past April when the Numi was introdAttendees were often overheard discussing it bbooth 4714 — both on the show floor and Tw With a toilet that has so many features to it, Resid

Design + Build had to ask how Kohler became into create such a product. “To create the world’

toilet,” Marbach quips.“We wanted to find out what types of features, vations and technologies used today can be brougha product — to think about a toilet in ways they hbefore,” Marbach says.

Features of the Numi include: built-in bidet tecogy with water temperature control, water precontrol and built-in air dryer; water saving flushdual-flush functionality, 1.28 gal. of water for solid0.6 gal. of water for liquids; automatic flushing sthat recognizes when the toilet only needs to flusuids; ambient lighting that can be set to turn on someone enters the room; FM radio and MP3 dostation with speakers; heated seat and foot wa

automatic top opener, and more. Allowing for perized settings, users can set six separate settings otouchpanel remote. The remote was designed foplicity avoiding an intimidating 30-button pane

 water-resistant but not waterproof. Though this toilet has many robust features,

designed to be installer-friendly, allowing any pluminstall it, Marbach says. It does require electricdepending on local codes, an electrician may be nfor part of the installation.

Builders and designers need to keep two thinmind when it comes to the Numi: It requires a cated GFI 120-volt outlet, and the docking statioa cord that runs to the toilet allowing for featuoperate. Marbach recommends the cord be placed bthe wall during construction.

For more information about the Numi or circle 24. Kohler also providinstallation video on— Maureen


Kohler Co.’s Nmi oile was designed o bring cing-edge designand echnolog o he bahroom.

toile oflxr

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F n s h n g o c h 

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 The Leader in Opening Glass Walls

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NanaWall listens to its partners—the architects that create

the world’s most distinctive structures—to inspire us to push

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door both dream of doing.