research paper writer's note

Alyssa Smith Ms. Dearing English 106 3 April 2015 Dear Reader, I believe my strengths in this paper are to follow the guidelines very specifically. I tried to make sure every single paragraph was a PEAS paragraph, and every quote was in a quote sandwich. I tried to make every paragraph relate to my thesis and make sure the paper flowed nicely and was both interesting and easy to read. I had a hard time making my paper follow all the guidelines at first, I had to go back through and rework all material from my sources and make quotable information that was pertinent to my thesis. I had to evaluate a lot of my paragraphs as well because they were straying from my thesis. I used the second draft comments to go back through and edit my paper from the perspective of new eyes, taking all suggestions into consideration to make my paper better. I also used the reverse outline from class to realize this and then go back and compare my paper to the rubric until I felt it met all guidelines. One specific piece of information that I took from the rough draft was the comment about how I was largely talking about the examples in China and not relating it back to Vonnegut or my thesis. I had to go through each paragraph and either start over or add information on how it related to my thesis, and if I couldn’t come up with a way to do this, then the information was not pertinent to the paper and was removed. This also helped to make sure my paper was in PEAS paragraphs as well. I will continue to work on this throughout my writing career in order to keep my paper on track, to keep from straying from my thesis. It

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Writer's Note


Page 1: Research Paper Writer's Note

Alyssa Smith

Ms. Dearing

English 106

3 April 2015

Dear Reader,

I believe my strengths in this paper are to follow the guidelines very specifically. I tried to make sure every single paragraph was a PEAS paragraph, and every quote was in a quote sandwich. I tried to make every paragraph relate to my thesis and make sure the paper flowed nicely and was both interesting and easy to read.

I had a hard time making my paper follow all the guidelines at first, I had to go back through and rework all material from my sources and make quotable information that was pertinent to my thesis. I had to evaluate a lot of my paragraphs as well because they were straying from my thesis. I used the second draft comments to go back through and edit my paper from the perspective of new eyes, taking all suggestions into consideration to make my paper better. I also used the reverse outline from class to realize this and then go back and compare my paper to the rubric until I felt it met all guidelines.

One specific piece of information that I took from the rough draft was the comment about how I was largely talking about the examples in China and not relating it back to Vonnegut or my thesis. I had to go through each paragraph and either start over or add information on how it related to my thesis, and if I couldn’t come up with a way to do this, then the information was not pertinent to the paper and was removed. This also helped to make sure my paper was in PEAS paragraphs as well. I will continue to work on this throughout my writing career in order to keep my paper on track, to keep from straying from my thesis. It is something I can use in anything I write to ensure I do not get off topic which is something I have always struggled with.

I believe I put all other information in my paper to fully explain everything you need to know in order to fully understand it.


Alyssa Smith