research methodology final paper

Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. ATM Service Quality Research Research & Methodology

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Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. ATM Service Quality Research

Research & Methodology

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This paper is Prepaid By:

Name id Md. Asif, Sultanul Arefeen 11-18454-1

Hossain Md. Sharif 11-18151-1 Khan, Imtiaj Yafi 10-16166-1 Islam, Md. Tanvir 10-16898-2

Babu, Md. Ahsan Habib 11-19211-2

This paper is prepaid for:

Dr. Nisar Ahmed Associate Professor & Director (MBA)

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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13th December, 2013 Dr. Nisar Ahmed Course Instructor Department of Research & Methodology, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh Subject: Submission of report Dear Sir, We have much pleasure to submit this report entitled “Dutch Bangla Bank ATM Service Quality Research” a survey among Dhaka city which has been prepared in requirements of the Final Examination in Research & Methodology. Dutch Bangla Bank ATM Service is one of the top ATM Service in Bangladesh .This report studies customer satisfaction level of Dutch Bangla Bank ATM Service and their service quality, problem and customer demand of their product. Finally, we are truly grateful to you for giving us this pleasant opportunity to work on this report. Despite our all possible attempts, certain deficiencies may reside and we are sincerely regretting this.

Sincerely yours, Md. Asif, Sultanul Arefeen Id-11-18454-1 Hossain Md. Sharif Id-11-18151-1 Khan, Imtiaj Yafi Id-10-16166-1 Islam, Md. Tanvir Id-10-16898-2 Babu, Md. Ahsan Habib Id-11-19211-2

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Acknowledgment Several people played an important role in the accomplishing of this thesis proposal. And we would like to acknowledge them here. First, we would like to thank Dr. Nisar Ahmed, our thesis adviser for the assistance and encouragement to pursue to this study. We also wish to thank our classmates and friends, Badhon, Sharif, Tanvir, Babu and Yafi believing that we can finished this thesis proposal before due date of submission. To Old an family, for the support in financial aspect as well for the advice and assistance. To our family, for the generous support and for inspiration. Thank you also for the unconditional love and fidelity. Last but not the least, we thank Almighty God for reasons too numerous to mention. “How numerous you have made your wondrous deeds o Lord, our God! And in your plans for us there is none to equal you, should I wish to declare or tell them? They would be too many to recount.

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Executive Summary Automated Teller Machine technology is becoming more common than it ever was. ATMs appear to be mainly provided by banks. Yet, their widespread adoption by customers of banks is not clear, as it appears that peoples’ perception of the technology is diverse, which in turn affects their decision to actually use ATMs or not. ATMs are set up to provide 24 hour services to bank customers, who cannot expect to be able to transact with banks in the same period of time. We are selected DBBL ATM to perform our survey program because Dutch-Bangla Bank is the first bank in Bangladesh to be fully automated and introduce ATM service. DBBL also has the largest ATM network in Bangladesh. This gives DBBL clients full access to ‘anytime anywhere’ banking nationwide. All international and many local banks use the DBBL ATM network for their own clients. DBBL has installed over 1000 ATMs nationwide. As with most things, ATM access to all DBBL ATMs is unlimited and free for all DBBL clients. If a client of a member bank (not DBBL) uses a DBBL ATM, the member bank may add a transaction charge. The purpose of this research is to highlight the problem, opportunity and opinion of using ATM service. The main aim of this research is to highlight the issues that make people have phobia for this innovation and to show the advantages that abound in the use of this technology. The exercise sought to provide insights into;

I. The awareness of ATM II. Reasons for using ATM

III. Level of usage IV. Problems associated with usage V. Service demand for ATMs in terms of functions and features

The study is centered on the challenges and the issues that make people to be wary of the use of ATM. It covers the problem of usage of DBBL ATM Service and also discover the opportunity to develop the service.

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Table of Contents Content Name Page Number

Profile of the Organization - Mission - Vision

- Core Objectives - ATM Network

6 & 7

Introduction to the Report/Study -Rationale of the Study

- Statement of the Problems - Objectives of the Report/Study

- Scope of the Study - Limitation of the Study


Review of Related Literature 9

Research Methodology - Research

- Research Approach - Sampling Method

- Data Collection Method - Data Analysis Method


Analysis and Interpretation of the Data - PIE CHART - BAR CHART

- Descriptive Statistics - Critical Analysis of each question

- Crosstabs


Findings of Study 25

Conclusions 26

Suggestions 27

References 28

Appendix 29-30

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Profile of the Organization Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is a Bangladesh's most innovative and technologically advanced bank. DBBL stands to give the most innovative and affordable banking products to Bangladesh. Amongst banks, DBBL is the largest donor in to social causes in Bangladesh. It stands as one of the largest private donors involved in improving the country. DBBL is proud to be associated with helping Bangladesh as well as being a leader in the country's banking sector.

Mission Dutch-Bangla Bank engineers enterprise and creativity in business and industry with a commitment to social responsibility. "Profits alone" do not hold a central focus in the Bank's operation; because "man does not live by bread and butter alone".

Vision Dutch-Bangla Bank dreams of better Bangladesh, where arts and letters, sports and athletics, music and entertainment, science and education, health and hygiene, clean and pollution free environment and above all a society based on morality and ethics make all our lives worth living. DBBL's essence and ethos rest on a cosmos of creativity and the marvel-magic of a charmed life that abounds with spirit of life and adventures that contributes towards human development.

Core Objectives Dutch-Bangla Bank believes in its uncompromising commitment to fulfill its customer needs and satisfaction and to become their first choice in banking. Taking cue from its pool esteemed clientele, Dutch-Bangla Bank intends to pave the way for a new era in banking that upholds and epitomizes its vaunted marquees "Your Trusted Partner"

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ATM Network DBBL maintains its own network and automation without the involvement/assistance of any third party companies. Access to ATM services fee is BDT 230 annually for DBBL clients. Partner banks are charged a subsidized Tk. 10, although the end price for the customer may be higher due to the extra charges levied by the partner bank. DBBL has over 870 ATM's installed all over Bangladesh, making it the largest network by a large margin. In 2009 DBBL announced the biggest its biggest expansion goal for its network. The total number of ATMs will be 850 by the end of 2009 to cater the needs of customers at their doorsteps. It also hinted that this may be the last ATM expansion due to the increasing costs of subsidizing such a system, but clearly stated that it has no intention of introducing any charges. On the digital day (10/10/10), the DBBL inaugurated its (digital) 1000th ATM at the factory premises of the GlaxoSmithKline, Chittagong. (As on 24 March 2012 it has more than 2000 ATM and 200 FT).

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Introduction to the Report/Study 1.1 Rationale of the Study We are prepaid this report as a part of our course. The main rationale of the study is by make this report we enhance our performance on business research. Another reason of this report is to develop the customer satisfaction level of DBBL ATM Service.

1.2 Statement of the Problems Dutch Bangla Bank is one of the largest bank in Bangladesh. They have also the highest number of ATM booth all over the country. ATM is an important and emergency service for its users. So it should need to open 24*7 days in a week. But for some reasons it is not possible, so customer are face the problem. As it is directly related with customer satisfaction. So it souls need a survey and develop the service.

1.3 Objectives of the Report/Study DBBL has the largest ATM network in Bangladesh. This gives DBBL clients full access to anytime anywhere banking nationwide they have a large number of customer who use the ATM service. The objectives of the report is:

To find out the problem on ATM service of Dutch- Bangla bank. Study the level of ATM service Study the level of customer satisfaction Find the service demand of DBBL customer. Like, safety, location, ATM system etc.

1.4 Scope of the Study ATMs provide service round the clock. The customer can withdraw cash up to a certain a limit during any time of the day or night. ATMs are of great help to travelers. They need not carry large amount of cash with them. They can withdraw cash from any city or state, across the country and even from outside the country with the help of ATM.

1.5 Limitation of the Study

One of the major limitations of this study was the time limitation. For survey work it was not possible to take the sample size is 100. Within a very short time it was not possible for us to collect data from section and work in every department. There are also some limitations those are follows-

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All the customer were very much busy with their day to day work. So they could not provide us enough time.

Field secrecy was also one of the major problems. We carried out such a study for the first time, so inexperienced is one of the main

constraints of the study.

Review of Related Literature

At the time of survey we use Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. Official website for the purpose of located the ATM location. We will also use Google search Engine for develop the project. We use Google as our helping hand. We are also review some social blog and newspapers articles. Where DBBL ATM user are shared their experience to use DBBL ATM Service.

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Research Methodology

Research Design The purpose of this study is to gain consumer insights about performance of Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service. For example, what major types of problems the users are facing and the feedbacks from the users like their suggestions towards Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service for the improvement of their service quality.

Research Approach The respondents will be the users who are interested to cooperate. To collect the data we will go through an in-depth interview method.

Sampling Method The in-depth interview procedure for this study will be limited to Dhaka city only as there are some certain limitations. And, it has been already mentioned that, the interview will be only on the users of Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service. Moreover, the researcher will have to figure out, whether the respondents fall under the category or not. If they fall, then they will be interviewed for 30 minutes. The sample size will be100 for this study.

Data Collection Method The primary data will be collected from the users of Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service. Moreover, these data will be gathered directly from the respondents through an in-depth interview.

Data Analysis Method The data analysis of this research will be mostly represented on qualitative manner. It has been mentioned earlier that, the data will be gathered by an in-depth interview .As a result the analysis will be qualitative. However, there will be few quantitative solutions.

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Analysis and Interpretation of the Data Frequencies Table-1

you are getting the service 24x7

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid strongly disagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0

disagree 16 16.0 16.0 18.0

average 18 18.0 18.0 36.0

agree 36 36.0 36.0 72.0

strongly agree 28 28.0 28.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0


Analysis: We done our survey within 100 sample. About getting 24*7 service 2 are strongly disagree, 16 are disagree,18 are average,36 are agree and 28 are strongly agree. This represents that most are getting the service 24*7.

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Frequencies Table-2 you ever face any difficulties with using ATM service

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid Yes 56 56.0 56.0 56.0

No 44 44.0 44.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0


Analysis: The pie chart and frequency table show that among 100 sample 56 are facing difficulties and 44 are not facing any difficulties. This represent maximum sample of our survey are facing difficulties with using ATM service.

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Frequencies Table-3

you are satisfied with service charge of ATM card

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid strongly disagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0 disagree 14 14.0 14.0 16.0 average 34 34.0 34.0 50.0 agree 36 36.0 36.0 86.0 strongly agree 14 14.0 14.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


Analysis: The frequency table and pie chart shows us the satisfaction level of the ATM card service charge. Among them 2 are strongly disagree, 14 are disagree, 34 are average, 36 are agree and 14 are strongly agree. This represents that most sample are not fully satisfied with the service charge of the ATM card.

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Frequencies Table-4

the ATM service quality should be improved

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid strongly disagree 15 15.0 15.0 15.0 disagree 2 2.0 2.0 17.0 average 14 14.0 14.0 31.0 agree 31 31.0 31.0 62.0 strongly agree 38 38.0 38.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


Analysis: In the ATM service quality level most sample are think that the service quality should be improved more. Among 100,15 are strongly disagree,2 are disagree,14 are average,31 are agree and 38 are strongly agree. So the ATM service quality should be improved more.

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Frequencies Table-5

Which starting amount do you think suitable for all?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid 100 60 60.0 60.0 60.0

500 35 35.0 35.0 95.0

1000 5 5.0 5.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0


Analysis: This frequency table and bar chart shows us that 60 sample are prefer 100tk. Starting amount from the ATM booth, 35 are 500tk.and 5 are prefer 1000tk.amount. So this represents that the starting of ATM booth should be 100tk.amount.

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Frequencies Table-6

you feel secured using the ATM service

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid strongly disagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0

disagree 13 13.0 13.0 15.0

average 26 26.0 26.0 41.0

agree 26 26.0 26.0 67.0

strongly agree 33 33.0 33.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0


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Analysis: In security matter 2 are strongly disagree, 13 are disagree, 26 are average, 26 are agree and 33 are strongly agree. This represents that most of the sample are fell secured when they are using the ATM service. Frequencies Table-7

you are satisfied with using Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid strongly disagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0

disagree 13 13.0 13.1 14.1

average 24 24.0 24.2 38.4

agree 45 45.0 45.5 83.8

strongly agree 16 16.0 16.2 100.0

Total 99 99.0 100.0

Missing System 1 1.0

Total 100 100.0


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Analysis: Satisfaction with using Dutch bangle bank ATM service 1are strongly disagree, 13are disagree, 24are average, 45are agree, 16are strongly agree and 1 are missing. So this represent that most sample are satisfied with using the service of Dutch bangle bank ATM service. Frequencies Table-8

fast track ATM service is better than any other general booth

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid strongly disagree 11 11.0 11.0 11.0

disagree 5 5.0 5.0 16.0

average 11 11.0 11.0 27.0 agree 30 30.0 30.0 57.0 strongly agree 43 43.0 43.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0


Analysis: This frequency table and pie chart shows that most sample are think fast track ATM service is better than any other general booth. Among 100,11are strongly disagree, 5 are disagree, 11 are average, 30 are agree and 43are strongly agree. Fast track booths are more useful than the general booths, that why most are go with fast track ATM booths.

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Frequencies Table-9 how many days you are using the ATM service

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

Valid less than 6 months 15 15.0 15.0 15.0

less than one year 14 14.0 14.0 29.0 more than one year 71 71.0 71.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0


Analysis: 71 sample are using the ATM service more than one year, 14 are less than one year and 15 are less than 6 month. This represents most sample are using the ATM service more than one year.

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Frequencies Table-10 Profession


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid service 34 34.0 34.0 34.0

business 12 12.0 12.0 46.0

student 46 46.0 46.0 92.0

housewife 6 6.0 6.0 98.0

others 2 2.0 2.0 100.0

Total 100 100.0 100.0

Analysis: Most of the user of ATM service is Student. Here in our survey 46 Percent user are as a profession of student. Then the highest user is service holder. It is 35 percent.

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Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean

Std. Deviation

Dutch Bangla bank ATM service is better than any others bank ATM service

100 1 5 3.53 1.185

the ATM service quality should be improved

100 1 5 3.75 1.381

Valid N (list wise) 100 Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.


you ever face any difficulties with using ATM service

100 1 2 1.44 .499

you are satisfied with using Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service

99 1 5 3.63 .943

Valid N (list wise) 99

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Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

there is available ATM booth all over the country

100 2 5 3.99 1.141

there is available fast track booth

100 2 5 3.60 .841

Valid N (list wise) 100

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

this ATM service is easy to use for the customers

100 1 5 4.05 1.123

Valid N (list wise) 100

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Critical Analysis of each question

Question No-1: Dutch Bangla bank ATM service is better than any others bank ATM service. Analysis: In this question we see that mean is 3.53 and Std. Deviation is 1.185 so it represent that most of the sample’s are agree with it. Question No-2: the ATM service quality should be improved. Analysis: In this question we see that mean is 3.75 and Std. Deviation is 1.381 so it represent that most of the sample’s are agree with it. Question No-3: you ever face any difficulties with using ATM service Analysis: In this question we see that mean is 1.44 and Std. Deviation is .499 so it represent that

most of the sample’s are face difficulties with using ATM service.

Question No-4: you are satisfied with using Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service. Analysis: In this question we see that mean is 3.63 and Std. Deviation is .943 so it represent that most of the sample’s are agree with it. Question No-5: there is available ATM booth all over the country Analysis: In this question we see that mean is 3.99 and Std. Deviation is 1.141 so it represent that most of the sample’s are strongly agree with it. Question No-6: there is available fast track booth Analysis: In this question we see that mean is 3.60 and Std. Deviation is .841 so it represent that most of the sample’s are agree with it. Question No-7: this ATM service is easy to use for the customers Analysis: In this question we see that mean is 4.05 and Std. Deviation is 1.123 so it represent that most of the sample’s are agree with it.

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Crosstabs there is available ATM booth all over the country * there is available fast track booth

Cross tabulation Count there is available fast track booth

Total disagree average agree strongly agree

there is available ATM booth all over the country

disagree 3 13 0 1 17

average 1 8 5 0 14

agree 3 7 9 3 22

strongly agree 0 14 21 12 47

Total 7 42 35 16 100

Analysis: From 17 sample who disagree that there is available ATM booth all over the country 3 are disagree,13 are average,0 are agree, 1 are strongly agree about there is available fast track booth, from 14 average sample 1 are disagree,8 are average,5 are agree, 0 are strongly agree, from 22 agree sample 3 are disagree, 7 are average,9 are agree, 3 are strongly agree and from 47 strongly agree sample 0 are disagree, 14 are average, 21 are agree, 12 are strongly agree.

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Findings of Study Based on the overall results of the completed surveys, we found that Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. ATM service success is immediate as there is a demand for such service in the local banking. To doing survey we found that maximum average customer of DBBL is male and maximum customer are married and there average age is between 20-40.We observed 46% ATM user by profession student. So at the time of introduce of any new service DBBL should consider the figure. Most of Most of the customer of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. ATM service think that DBBL provide better service than any other Bank ATM Service and they are really satisfy. But they become more satisfied if the yearly service charge will reduced and again introduce the minimum cash out is 100 TK. Most of the customer is also think that quality of service should be improved.

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Conclusions The Survey result showed that customer satisfaction of DBBL ATM Service quality is

questionable, because the result showed that 56 Cumulative Percent people are face problem

with using ATM Service. In the comment section we also observed that most of the people face

network or money shortage problem with the ATM. Some people also report to us that sometime

they found the machine is under repairable in longtime. So we think that it is need to take correct

action quickly and Check the ATM machine regularly. Also need to increase the service people

of ATM machine. The ATM management team of Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. must realize that

ATM is emergency money withdraw place. So it is need to follow the total management as

emergency as it is. If the customers will left the bank then it is normally down the profit. So

think about the existing customer who is regularly help the bank to increase profit then think

about the future customer who might help. If the bank follow this rule then automatically

increase their profit as well as increase customer’s satisfaction level.

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Suggestions In this report we are suggest some suggestions. If DBBL management follow those suggestions

then they will easily make a strong bonding with their customer. The suggestion is give below:

I. Network Development: At the time of survey we observed that most of the customer who

every face the problem from them most of them are face network problem. As we all know that

ATM machine is worked by the internet network. So it is necessary to develop the network. So

that the bank is ensured the 24*7 service.

II. Include 100 taka in the list of withdrew: At the time of survey we also observed that 60% of the

customer is think that 100 take is need the minimum withdrew level from the ATM booth.

III. Reduce the ATM yearly charge: A highest number of customer think that ATM yearly charge is

need to reduce as it is possible. They think that yearly charge is too much. So our suggestion is

that reduce the ATM yearly charge.

IV. Increase the Security of ATM booth: A number of people is feel insecure to withdraw money

from the ATM booth because of lack of security of ATM booth. So our suggestion is Increase the

security of ATM booth. We also suggest add CC camera in all the booth and check time by time

that it is worked properly or not.

V. Make an awareness campaign about using the ATM Service: In our country lots of people are

not using the ATM service because of negative campaign. If the DDBL is make an awareness

campaign about the positive side of using the ATM service. Then more and more people are

inspired to using ATM service.

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Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited ATM Locations

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited- Dr. Nisar Ahmed, Associate Professor & Director (MBA)


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Appendix Here is a sample question part that we used during the survey time.

Personal information

Name: Gender: Male Female Age: 18-27 28-37 37 & above Profession: Service Business Student Housewife Others Marital Status: Married Unmarried Place (Where you lived): Uttara Gulshan- Banani Motijheel-Ramna Mirpur-Mohammadpur Dhanmondi Others

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Questionnaire Part

1. You are getting the service 24x7 Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree strongly disagree

2. You ever face any difficulties with using ATM service? (If any than mention what type of problem)

Yes No Comment………………………………………… 3. Which starting amount do you think suitable for all?

50 100 500 1000 4. There is available ATM booth all over the country

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 5. The location of ATM booth is perfect for customer?

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 6. How many days you are using the ATM service?

Less than 6 months Less than one year More than one year 7. Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service us better than any other bank ATM service

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 8. Fast track ATM service is better than any other general booth?

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 9. This ATM service is easy to use for the customer

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 10. The ATM service quality should be improved

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 11. There is available fast track booth

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 12. You fell Secured using the ATM service

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 13. You are satisfied with service charge of ATM card

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 14. You are satisfied with using Dutch Bangla Bank ATM service

Strongly agree Agree Average Disagree Strongly disagree 15. If, you have any suggestion, mention below-