research into newspaper double page spreads

Research into Newspaper Double Page Spreads & Adverts By Louis Taylor

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Page 1: Research into newspaper double page spreads

Research into Newspaper Double Page Spreads & Adverts

By Louis Taylor

Page 2: Research into newspaper double page spreads

Main Image: The image is place directly in the middle of the double page spread to highlight its importance and relevance to the text. The main focus of the image is the possible murder who is a rather popular figure at the time this newspaper being published and the particular case which it is about is also a large news story at the time.

Additional Image: These are smaller images related to the text around them for example here is an image of Madeleine McCann next to the words ‘Madeleine’. This is just to simply show the reader who she is.

Headline: This is what draws the readers in and gives them an idea what the articles about. It is always is bold and eye catching and usually one of the first things you see.

Article: This is where all the information is and it is the main part of the article. This usually features all the details of the story and what's happened. This usually fills the majority of the page.

Sub-headlines: These are more detailed headlines which are in a smaller text. They give the reader an idea what the double page spread is about in more depth with in this case a number of key points.

Page 3: Research into newspaper double page spreads

Headline: The main focus point of the article. It is the eye catcher of the double page spread. It is a catchy and intriguing few which draw the reader in and make them want to read the article. In other words it tries to ‘sell’ the article in a few words.

Images: These draw the readers in and interest them into reading the article. They are related to the text and give an idea of what the story is about. In this particular dps the images are relating to surveillance and spying.

Article: The main part of the double page spread. This contains all the information and the entire story. Takes up the majority of the page as it the focus point of the page.

Additional Headline: This is another tag line which draws the readers in and gives them a little bit of background of the story.

Newspaper Name: This is the name and logo of the newspaper. In this particular case it is used not only to advertise and brand the page, but to show it’s a specific thing they do in this example ‘The Sun Surveillance UK.’

Page 4: Research into newspaper double page spreads

Headline: In a nutshell, what the article is about. The font of this headline is used to associate with gaming, what the article is about, and will attract readers with its unusual style.

Main Photo: This is a symbol of what the article is about, in this case a child and headphones, representing gaming. This image will straight away stand out to parents.

Article: For this double page spread the main article is along the bottom in a separate box. It features a number of bold points and titles to catch readers eyes.

Additional Images and Facts: These are just more eye catching things added in to intrigue the reader. The facts are short pieces of information for the readers to see to shock them and draw them into reading the article.

Page 5: Research into newspaper double page spreads

Image: This shows the product, item, tv show etc that is being advertised. It gives people a visual idea of what is being advertised. This will be one of the first things people will look at so they are usually large in size and fill a large amount of the advert.

Brand: This is what who makes, owns or sells the product. This is usually large on the page to make people know what the product is and to remember the company who are involved in it. This will always stand out by using bold colours and an eye catching text.

Sub-headings: More information about the product which is being advertised. Here it gives specific names of what's being sold. This is also in quite bold text to stand out so people know what’s being advertised

Colour Scheme: This is followed through out the advert to give is a professional and stand out look. This will relate to the logo of what's being advertised, in this case red and blue, the colour of the logo.

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Image: What is being advertised, clearly shown, centre of the advert to show it is the most important piece of the advert and to draw peoples eye to it straight away. As it is a popular brand, looking at the image, straight away people will know what specific company it is and what’s being sold.

Brand: In very large text below the image to clearly state what it is that’s being advertised. This is written in specific texts which are recognised with this brand, so people will immediately know what it is.

Logo: The recognisable logo of this worldwide brand, included in to clear show who is selling this product and also for more advertisement purposes, to get there name out there more.

Catch line: This is a play on words or something to almost amuse the readers to intrigue them into looking at this advert. In this case the ‘ll’ in ‘hello’ are replaced by reception bars, commonly seen on a phone, linking to the product.

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Image: This is associated with the advert and what is being advertised. It will clearly show or give an example of what's being sold. This covers a large amount of the advert to clear show what the adverts about.

Logo: This puts a name to the advert, it tells people who is offering what's being advertised. This is large in size, similar to the image so people can identify what's being sold, especially with big brand names.

Information: This gives people who are reading the advert and are interested key information about what’s being advertised, where is it, when its on, how to get it, who to contact and so on.

Catch Lines: This is a list of offers, promises and eye catching things which the company advertising will give to try draw in customers.