music double spreads

This double page spread contains a large image on the left hand side and a lot of text on the right which is a good layout because it leaves room around the image for additional information and then a whole page of room to fit the main article and any other text etc. that the spread may need. There is a large masthead near the centre of the page which makes it obvious to the reader what the article is about and also an extra information bar on the far right which may have articles relating to the main one. The double page spread has a basic but very aesthetically pleasing colour scheme which is made up of blue, white and black. The large image means that the font must be very small to fit all of the information on the single page, but the black font shows up very well on the white background and the white on the blue, therefore making it easy to read despite its small font.

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Music double spreads

This double page spread contains a large image on the left hand side and a lot of text on the right which is a good layout because it leaves room around the image for additional information and then a whole page of room to fit the main article and any other text etc. that the spread may need. There is a large masthead near the centre of the page which makes it obvious to the reader what the article is about and also an extra information bar on the far right which may have articles relating to the main one.

The double page spread has a basic but very aesthetically pleasing colour scheme which is made up of blue, white and black. The large image means that the font must be very small to fit all of the information on the single page, but the black font shows up very well on the white background and the white on the blue, therefore making it easy to read despite its small font.

Page 2: Music double spreads

This double page spread has a very dark background with a very large image and a lot of writing. The extremely space consuming image causes the design to be laid out differently than if it was not included. The writing is very small to compensate for the image and it is very densely spread out throughout the second page to give more room for the image. This font type makes it very hard to read for some readers, especially with the white font colour on the dark black background.

The magazine double page spreads colour scheme is black, pink and white which has semiotics relating to being wild as the article suggests and dark, which could relate to the article containing secrets.

The image of the music artist has her half covering her face which could resemble her covering up a truth and/or hiding secrets which could interest people and make them read the article.

Page 3: Music double spreads

This magazine double page spread features a large image of the artist on the left page and a lot of writing about the article on the right. The large image means the writing needs to be a lot smaller to be able to fit the same amount of content in the article. The text is very basic other than the large letter ‘J’ which is an aesthetically pleasing and clever image which relates to the artist. This however could distract the reader from the text and make it harder to read.

The effects on the large image relate to the rest of the pages colour scheme and text colour. This also is aesthetically pleasing an can entice the audience even more if they see the bold image of the famous artist. On the image there is a caption from the text which could interest the reader and cause them to read the article.