research foundation overview - university of maine

RESEARCH FOUNDATION OVERVIEW 2017 Recommendations for Establishing a Non-Profit Foundation Prepared For

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Recommendations for Establishing a Non-Profit Foundation

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Overview 2

Scope of Review/Methodology 3

Background 5

Research Foundations 8

Relevant Current Trends 10

Structural/Functional Options 13

Barriers & Drawbacks 17

Detailed Case Study – University Of Virginia Licensing And Ventures Group 19

Summary And Recommendations 22

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The University of Maine’s (the “University”) research enterprise has grown significantly over

the past decade. The University has developed some unique processes, functions, and

structure to allow it to grow the research enterprise in a manner that supports the University

and its researchers but with a focus on local and state economic development. At the same

time, it has maintained the reporting requirements to all its stakeholders. The Advanced

Structures and Composites Center (ASCC) provides one example of how the University has

leveraged its intellectual capital to develop commercially relevant research opportunities at

the University.

However, as the research enterprise continues to grow, though, there is concern that these

processes could be strained. Based on discussions with faculty, research leaders and

administration, there are concerns that maintaining the current structure could limit the

ability to continue growth and limit the ability to retain certain technical expertise required to

grow. Moreover, over time, the current structure may not allow the University to be nimble

in its corporate relations and economic development efforts.

The University is interested in continuing to grow innovation and commercialization

activities, support the education of the University’s students, and grow economic

development opportunities in the state and region. The University has requested that

TreMonti Consulting, LLC (“TreMonti”) assess the current research and technology

commercialization enterprise at the University and make recommendations concerning the

suitability of the establishment of a non-profit foundation to support the growth of these

activities in a nimble and sustainable fashion.

Based on interview with peer organizations and a review of current trends, we believe that

the University would benefit from the establishment of a university-related foundation to


• More flexible and specialized recruitment, retention, and compensation practices;

• More nimble product sales and payment practices;

• Afford the University a vehicle for non-traditional, opportunistic investments and

research and commercialization efforts; and,

• Position the University for continued growth of institutional infrastructure to adapt to

changing environment.

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Scope of Review/Methodology

As a first step in our assessment process, TreMonti

visited the University on February 23 and 24, 2017, and

met with the following stakeholder groups:

• Advanced Structures and Composite Center

• Office of Technology Commercialization

• Office of Innovation and Economic Development

• Process Development Center

• Academic leadership (Deans, Department Chairs, etc.)

• Office of Research and Graduate Studies

• Senior University leadership

o University Counsel

o Office of the President, Office of the Provost

• University of Maine Foundation

• Office of Facilities and Real Estate

During our visit, we were consistently impressed with the extensive research and

development infrastructure, commercialization capabilities, and consensus of institutional

stakeholders regarding aspirations, concerns, and openness to entrepreneurial thinking

concerning the establishment of a new support function.

Our stakeholder meetings resulted in identification of the consistent University’s concerns

regarding missed industrial research opportunities; suboptimal commercialization flexibility

(direct sales of products, nimble acceptance of payments, etc.); constraints on talent

identification, recruitment, retention, and compensation; management of physical plant,

property, and equipment (overhead, liquidation, maintenance, single source, etc.) industrial

connectivity, and grant funding.

TreMonti has identified a group of peer institutions with related foundations that may serve

as informative data points for consideration. References to those institutions are provided

throughout this report.

Finally, TreMonti (in coordination with Kris Burton) interviewed several representatives of

these peer institutions and other research foundations for insights to strengths and

weaknesses of the specific support foundation model implemented at his/her institution

(March 12-15, 2017 at Association of University Technology Managers Annual Meeting).

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In view of this stakeholder analysis and our review of peer institutions, in this report

TreMonti will provide:

1. An overview of the historical context for the establishment of foundations at


2. A snapshot of current trends in university research and administration;

3. An overview of the structural and functional options;

4. A summary of structure and functional practices at relevant peer institutions;

5. A discussion of potential drawbacks;

6. A detailed case study for one such representative foundation - University of Virginia

Licensing & Ventures Group; and

7. A summary and recommendations specific to the University of Maine.

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The University of Maine is a public research university in Orono, Maine, United States. The

university was established in 1865 as a land grant college and is the flagship university of the

University of Maine System. The University of Maine is one of only nine land, sea and space

grant institutions in the nation. With an enrollment of approximately 11,000 students, the

university is the state's largest research university. In Fiscal Year 2015, the university had

over $51 million in extramural funding and more than $79 million in research expenditures.

In addition to research undertaken by individual labs, the University maintains fifteen (15)

research institutes and centers.

They are:

• Advanced Manufacturing Center

• Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC)

• Aquaculture Research Institute

• Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies

• Center for Research on Sustainable Forests

• Center for Undergraduate Research

• Center on Aging

• Climate Change Institute

• Forest Bioproducts Research Institute

• Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology

• Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (the Maine RiSE Center)

• Maine Sea Grant

• Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center

• National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis

• Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions.

These research centers and institutes provide a nexus for innovation, education, and

economic and policy development that focuses on Maine and its local communities. For

example, since 1996, the ASCC has financially supported more than 2,000 positions for

undergraduate and graduate students, served more than 500 industrial and governmental

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clients including 150 Maine companies, and formed 14 spinoff companies through licensing

agreements of patents or trade secrets. Although all of the centers are active in research

and innovation, the greatest balance of activity is in the Advanced Manufacturing Center, the

Forest Bioproducts Research Institute, the ASCC, and the Aquaculture Research Institute.

One unique feature of the ASCC is that it maintains salaried researchers and engineers that

are not tenured positions. These positions are there to support translational research and

development for external contracts and for the development of promising innovations

developed at the University.

Innovation, Technology Commercialization, and Economic Development

The Office of Innovation and Economic Development (OIED) at the University is responsible

for supporting innovative research at the University as well as attracting and working with

corporate sponsors. Additionally, OIED works to support new ventures in the community.

OIED covers several programs including technology transfer (Department of Industrial

Cooperation), new ventures, and economic development.

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Structuring Sustainable Growth

As indicated above, the University has developed a robust research and innovation

infrastructure that has focused on practical student education, supporting economic

development in the state of Maine, and technology commercialization. However, as the

technology commercialization and economic development opportunities increase, the

University wants to make sure that it can effectively and sustainably support such growth.

Since universities have traditionally focused on education and research, their structure and

tax status have limitations when it comes to engaging in commercial or economic

development activities. Depending on whether the institution is public or private, state legal

requirements, and the level of their research activities, a university may be able to work

around these issues using existing structures. For example, many universities now have the

infrastructure to deal with the commercialization of intellectual property developed through

their research, although this type of activity was never considered when the university was

initially founded. However, as the variety of research actives grows and the expectations on

the university to support economic development activities, existing structures may start to

limit opportunities or expose the institution to increased risk.

One method of addressing these institutional limitations has been to develop a separate,

nonprofit corporation to manage the institutions intellectual property estate and associated

research opportunities. One of the first to do this was the University of Wisconsin, which

created the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation in 1925 to support the

commercialization of the process for using ultraviolet radiation to add vitamin D to milk and

other foods. WARF has been a leader in using this structure consistently in line with its

original mandate: “the business and purpose of the corporation shall be to promote,

encourage and aid scientific investigation and research at the University of Wisconsin by the

faculty, staff, alumni and students thereof, and those associated therewith.”

The University of Maine is in somewhat of a different situation from other peer institutions in

that a research foundation does not currently appear to be necessary to work around

structural issues. However, the University wants to contemplate whether the creation of a

research foundation will facilitate the development and commercialization of technologies

emerging from ASCC and other University research centers. Moreover, the use of a research

foundation may mitigate the development of issues that might expose the University to risk

or hinder the commercialization of technologies, such as:

• Engaging in the sales of products or materials

• Ability to accept certain types of donations

• Providing market rate compensation for talented employees

• Flexibility in accepting research arrangements with commercial partners.

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Historical Context

University related research foundations and corporations have existed for many years. In

most cases, they were established for one or more of the following reasons:

• Segregation of public and private funds

Chief among the reasons associated with the establishment of university related

foundations is the desire of many institutions to segregate public funds administered

by the university (federal expenditures, state appropriations, etc.) from private funds

(donor gifts, endowment proceeds, etc.). Unlike federal and state funds, universities

may more flexibly deploy private funds. Co-mingling of these funds likely results in all

activity being governed by the constraints of the federal and/or state portion.

Accordingly, clear separation of these assets may ease their administration.

• Risk management

Following the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980 (and in some cases immediately

prior), many universities began engaging in intellectual property management and

technology commercialization. As this was a new field (at least on the surface)

fraught with new risks and liabilities (product liability, infringement liability, etc.),

universities sought to build a “corporate veil” or layer of insulation between the new

organizations engaging in this activity and university resources/endowments.

• General flexibility and efficiency

In addition to the enhanced flexibility associated with private funds administration, a

private foundation may also insulate the practices of the foundation from certain

governmental and/or policy constraints. The constraints that are most frequently

cited as challenges include:

State and Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) – Many foundations believe that

the private foundation structure may insulate it from requests for disclosure of

“public” information related to business development activity, proprietary

information, confidential contracts, donor databases, etc.

State and institutional procurement practices – Such practices may include sole-

source justification requirements, selection from approved vendor lists (particularly

for the engagement of legal counsel including patent counsel), etc.

State employment practices – May include academic salary grading, required posting

periods, mandatory term appointments, and constrained incentive compensation


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Pricing schemes and academic indirect costs rates – In our experience, university

prescribed cost rates can be too high (most often in cases of rendered services) or too

low when only time and material costs can be billed to a client.

• Ownership and management of non-traditional academic assets

Many institutions have established foundations to manage real-estate assets on

behalf of the university. This practice is most common for the establishment of

research parks. In cases in which such real-estate assets can also be built with private

funds, some constraints on their management and utilization are eased in this


• Entrepreneurial flexibility

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) established in 1925 to protect

and commercialize an invention by a university faculty member. The standard

practice at the time was not to protect such discoveries by academicians.

Today, intellectual property management and commercialization is commonplace,

but many institutions are still prohibited from opportunistically pursuing more

entrepreneurial commercialization endeavors such as holding equity in privately-held


• Insulation from institutional academic/political hierarchy

In our experience, the administration of many universities is, perhaps rightly so,

relatively egalitarian. All contracts, space requests, resource allocation, etc. is

administered as equally as possible. If any preferential treatment is offered, it is likely

a result of institutional evaluation of academic performance via promotion and

tenure processes (in most cases exclusive of commercial activity). The establishment

of a separate foundation with a different charge may enable a different prioritization

of certain activities (commercialization, industry engagement, etc.) and associated

disproportionate resource allocation on different mission-oriented priorities.

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It is also important to consider the establishment of an affiliated foundation in view of

current trends that may affect research and commercialization activities in higher education.

The relevant trends include:

• Shift in emphasis for existing federal research expenditures

During the last 10-15 years, federal research expenditures have become increasingly

oriented to more “translational and applied” research. Even traditionally “basic”

research funding agencies have started to require descriptions of commercial and/or

clinical impact in proposals.

• Stagnation of federal research expenditure growth

Growth of federal research expenditures has stagnated after artificial, economic

stimulus driven spending. As a result, competitiveness for federal grants has

increased tremendously, with some funding lines hovering in the single digits. The

current administration has announced that it will seek approximately 10% cuts in the

federal research enterprise, including NSF.

These trends have resulted in tremendous urgency and pressure on universities to

diversity institutional research expenditures away from current dependence on

federal sources (particularly the NIH and NSF). The available alternative sources of

funding (venture philanthropy, industrial, etc.) are increasingly translational and

commercialization oriented.

In contrast, Department of Defense expenditures on research may remain strong.

These funds are typically administered via contract, not grant, and are also oriented

to improving the technology readiness level of the subject research.

• Consolidation of venture funds and movement away from early stage

According to the Association of University Technology Managers Licensing Survey,

university start-up formation grew by 11% in 2015. In our experience, too, start-ups

are becoming an increasingly common commercialization outlet.

At the same time, the venture capital investment markets have fully recovered from

recession lows. However, since that time, there has been significant consolidation

(fewer, larger funds remain) in this asset class. Further, the number of investments in

early-stage companies remains at historic lows.

As a result, universities are continuously seeking ways to further resource the “de-

risking” of university technology assets to drive ultimate commercial adoption.

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• Decreasing state appropriations for university operating budgets

The recent economic recession, increasing costs of state-administered health care,

increasing enrollment, and increased institutional operating costs have resulted in

decreases in state appropriations as a percent of institutional operating budgets.

• Increased pressure from state governments for universities to drive economic


Despite recent decreases in the percent support for higher education, state

legislatures are increasingly seeking university contribution to economic growth.

• Heightened intensity in competition for top faculty, staff, and students

Competition for top faculty and staff is at an all-time high. Our university clients have

indicated that such recruits are increasingly requesting interviews with translational

research, industry relations, and technology commercialization officers at the

university prior to accepting a position.

This trend is also very apparent among top student applicants. Schools with

significant research expenditures, but also strong commercialization and

entrepreneurship environments are most competitive for this top talent.

This confluence of trends has led many universities to seek to strengthen their capacity to

effectively engage with industry, to support translation and commercialization, and to

opportunistically launch new ventures from the university portfolio.

In our experience, universities are increasing resource allocation to units at the university

that engage in supporting activities, are launching new units to fill voids in current

infrastructure, and consolidating units to present a “front door” to industrial and

entrepreneurial engagement.

Specific examples of this increased activity are the newly launched Business Engagement

Center at Virginia Tech1, University of California-Irvine Applied Innovation2, and the Purdue

Research Foundation3.

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Institutional function/units that are candidates for integration include:

• Intellectual property management

• Grants/contracts administration

• Compliance

• Research Parks

• New Ventures support activities

• Research Support

• Industry Consortia

• Translational Research

• Commercial Research & Development

• Investment Fund Management (Seed and Venture funding)

• Corporate/Foundation Relations

• Research Endowment management (WARF)

We believe there will be continued growth in the trend toward establishment of affiliated

foundations to consolidate and support these functions/units.

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Legal incorporation (Strong Consensus)

The majority of foundations established at peer institutions (see Table 1) are established as

non-profit corporations established pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue

Code4. On this point, there is considerable accord among institutions.

Charitable Purpose(s) (Strong Consensus)

Similarly, the charitable purpose of nearly all research foundations establishes that the

foundation exists solely for the benefit of the “parent” university/institution.

Degrees of Institutional Oversight (High Variability)

In contrast with the legal incorporation status and charitable purposes, there is considerable

variation among peer foundations in the degree of institutional oversight/independence. For

the purposes of this report, institutional oversight is defined as the review, authorization, and

support of the activities, operations, finances, and legal administration of the foundation.

Many factors contribute to the degree of oversight sought and achieved by a university in the

establishment of a support foundation. Further, the degree of oversight may change/evolve

over time. Accordingly, in our experience, it is useful to consider the degree of oversight on

a continuum from an integrated functional unit of the university on one end to an unrelated,

independent organization on the other.

In our experience, the key criteria to consider in establishing the foundation is the degree of

desired oversight by the University, not necessarily that level desired by the foundation.

While we acknowledge that one of the goals of a foundation is to become less encumbered

by state and institutional policy, legal, and bureaucratic constraint; we believe a certain level

of institutional oversight is prudent. The degree of such oversight sought is determined by

institution officials in view of risk tolerance, etc.

Institutional oversight is typically sought and achieved through some combination of the following:

• Policy (High Variability)

The university, state, or governing board may create a policy governing the

establishment, oversight, and administration of such related foundations. Such

policies, particularly common at institutions with more than one related foundation,

frequently memorialize expectations of the foundation with respect to lines of

business, accounting practices, etc.

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• Governance (Strong Consensus/High Variability)

Nearly all foundations we considered have established a board of directors for the

oversight of the activities and finances of the foundation. Similarly, in nearly all of

these foundations, certain institutional officials assume seats on this board. It is not

uncommon for an executive such as the president of the university, the vice president

for research, the vice president for economic development, and/or the vice president

for development to assume a role on these boards.

There is, however, considerable variation among the voting status of these officials.

There is also considerable variation among the number of independent board

members (and thus the internal/external voting control of the board) appointed to

the board.

• Contractual (High Variability)

Rather than or in addition to policy and governance oversight, universities may elect

to contract with a related foundation to render certain services to the university or on

its behalf. In this scenario, the legal agreement between the parties governs the


• Resource Allocation/Financial Support (High Variability)

Consistent with the objective to operate solely for the benefit of the supported

university, most universities have established guidelines for the delegation of funds

to and from related foundations. In those foundations with considerable financial

and physical assets under management, emphasis is placed on funds return to the

university. In those foundations with more limited functional responsibilities,

practices concerning allocation of university resources to support the foundations are

more prevalent.

Such resource allocations and financial support can be implemented by policy or by


Foundation Board Composition Policy/Contract/Other

Clemson University Research Foundation 13-25 (One more

external than internal)

Operating agreement (5 year

renewable contract)

North Dakota State University Research


13 (5 university) State policy, University

policy, and annual contract

University of Virginia Licensing & Ventures


12 (40% university) University policy, annual


University of Iowa Research Foundation 19 (15 university) Policy

Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) 12 (3 university) Contract

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Staffing (High Variability)

Foundations can be staffed with either employees of the foundation or employees of the

supported university. Maintaining an “in-house” staff requires additional managerial

infrastructure and expense (payroll, benefits, human resources policies/practices, etc.).

Leveraging employees of the university (via contract or otherwise) has administrative

advantages, but limits flexibility for recruitment, retention, and compensation. In some

instances, a foundation may only employ (either full-time or part-time) an executive director

to administer business of the foundation.

Foundation Employees

Clemson University Research Foundation Yes (Invoiced to University)

North Dakota State University Research Foundation Yes, 1/2 salary/fringe support

University of Virginia Licensing & Ventures Group Yes

University of Iowa Research Foundation No. Employees of state

Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) No. Employees of university

Ownership of Assets (High Variability)

Many foundations own and control certain assets. Examples include privately financed

research buildings and equipment and corporate research parks. In some instances, the

university may also assign certain or all intellectual property assets to the foundation.

Foundation Assignment of IP Functions Housed

Kansas State University

Research Foundation

Yes Licensing/New Ventures, funding for


Clemson University Research


Yes Licensing/New Ventures, Internal

"maturation" fund administration ($300K)

North Dakota State University

Research Foundation

Yes, on "pursue"


Licensing/New Ventures

Virginia Tech Intellectual


Yes Licensing/New Ventures

University of Virginia Licensing

& Ventures Group

Yes Licensing/New Ventures

University of Iowa Research


Yes Licensing/New Ventures

Purdue Research Foundation Yes Licensing/New ventures, Manage Research

Park, accept gifts, administer trusts, acquire

property, negotiate research contracts

Georgia Tech Research

Corporation (GTRC)

Yes Operational and Researcher Support,

Accounting & Reporting, Licensing/New


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Legal (High Variability)

In those instances, in which risk management factored heavily in to the establishment of the

foundation (and particularly in those instances with strong institutional oversight of

foundation activities), the general counsel of the university may require certain contractual

review and approval. Such review and approval may manifest in signature approval by

university general counsel, limited delegated contractual authority (e.g. financial materiality

thresholds), and/or legal “guardrails” on required provisions (e.g. indemnification, retained

rights, warranty disclaimers).

Resource Allocation (High Variability)

There is no single funding model that dominates amongst research foundations. As noted

above, often the funding model is driven by the size of the assets held by the foundation and

the level of institutional oversight. However, in our discussions with peer institutions, it was

noted that funding in many foundations, whose primary purpose is to support technology

commercialization efforts, was solely from licensing income. Invariably, the foundations had

been developed as a work around to existing structures, but the funding had not been

adequately anticipated. As a result, these foundations may struggle financially to achieve the

functions set out in their charter.

Foundation Funding Model

Kansas State University Research Foundation Licensing Revenue

Clemson University Research Foundation University/Licensing Revenue (15%)

North Dakota State University Research Foundation University/Licensing Revenue

Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties University/Licensing Revenue

University of Virginia Licensing & Ventures Group University

University of Iowa Research Foundation Licensing Revenue

Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) Research overhead (21.7%)

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There may be several potential drawbacks associated with the establishment and operation

of a separate foundation. Most of these drawbacks, however, appear more frequently as

foundations exist and behave more independent of the university. Accordingly, awareness

of the potential drawback in advance likely enables construction of the foundation to

minimize the practical impact of each drawback.

Administrative redundancy and expenses

There are several required expenses associated with the establishment and maintenance of

a non-profit foundation. In addition to the obvious legal expenses to incorporate and apply

for non-profit status, a tax-exempt organization must prepare and submit a form 990 tax

return annually.

Many of the foundations we engaged are also obligated by policy to perform certain annual

audits – financial accounting, license compliance, or other in order to comply with

institutional policies on related foundations. These audits/reviews can be time-intensive and

costly. Other, potentially costly requirements may include insurance policies,

Further, in at least one institution, we are aware that the university office of general counsel

will not provide legal guidance, support, or interpretation to the foundation because there is

no client relationship with the foundation (only with the university proper). This position

necessitates the foundation’s procurement of outside legal services (once delivered by the

general counsel) (administrative redundancy) and the foundation’s expense (additional


If/When a foundation becomes the formal employer of staff, the foundation must administer

payroll, benefits, human resources services, etc. The infrastructure required to perform this

routine activity must be built (or as recommended procured) and is redundant (with an

added expense) to that available inside the university.

“You are not us” mentality

In situations in which the foundation is established with very apparent separation from the

university in one of structure or function, this separation may result in a confusion or (worse)

a belief among the faculty, staff, and students that the foundation’s interests are not aligned

with the university. This is a natural conflict that already exists in technology

commercialization in an academic enterprise, but it may be compounded by the

establishment of a separate organization to perform this function.

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Sovereign immunity before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB)

Just this year, the University of Florida Research Foundation prevailed in an application of

sovereign immunity to defend an inter partes review before the United States Patent &

Trademark Office’s PTAB. These reviews have become the first venue for patent invalidity

arguments by alleged infringers. Before the PTAB, a strong majority of claims are held

invalid. Accordingly, the ability of an “arm of the state” to claim immunity from such

proceedings bolsters both the strength and potential value of its patent portfolio. In the case

of the University of Florida Research Foundation, several criteria (“Manders criteria”) were

applied to evaluate the separate foundations connectivity to the state. If a foundation is

established that does not meet with at least some of these criteria, this useful advantage of

state-owned intellectual property may be lost.

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One exemplary foundation for consideration/comparison (with which we have extensive

experience) is the University of Virginia Licensing & Ventures Group (UVA LVG).


Founded by the University of Virginia in 1977 as the University of Virginia Alumni Patents

Foundation (UVAPF), and subsequently renamed the University of Virginia Licensing &

Ventures Group, UVA LVG is a Virginia non-stock corporation and 501(c)(3) pursuant to the

Internal Revenue Code.

UVA LVG was established for three primary reasons:

1. Risk management – At the time of its founding, university technology

commercialization was in its infancy, and distancing such (perceived) high-risk

activities from the academic enterprise (and associated endowments) was deemed

prudent by institutional stakeholders.

2. Efficiency – As an arm of the state, any University of Virginia legal counsel is provided

by the Commonwealth of Virginia Office of the Attorney General and their approved

vendors. For intellectual property matters, this list of approved vendors is limited.

3. Insulation from other state agency constraints – FOIA, COIA, etc.

Several layers of institutional oversight govern the activities of the UVA LVG.


The University of Virginia maintains 27 affiliated foundations5 and each is subject to the UVA

Policy on University-Related Foundations6. Pursuant to this policy, related foundations are

“established and organized solely for the University’s benefit.” In exchange for the

University’s formal recognition and utilization of University’s name, the University requires

each foundation comply with the policy. The policy requires one voting board seat for each

of (i) one member of the Board of Visitors of UVA and (ii) one person appointed by the

President of the University. It requires University an annual independent audit of each

foundation’s finances and an annual report on compliance with the policy. Further, the

University must approve establishment and alteration of foundation bylaws, financial

strategies (assuming indebtedness), and any material changes in the activities of the

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foundation. Further, the University must approve the selection and contract of the Executive



Pursuant to its bylaws, UVA LVG is governed by a board of directors currently comprised of

12 members.7 In addition to the seats required by the policy, the bylaws also stipulate ex-

officio seats for (i) UVA’s Executive Vice President for Health Affairs and (ii) UVA’s Vice

President for Research. The bylaws further require that sufficient appointments to UVA

LVG’s board are granted to the President of the University to ensure that University

representation on the board exceeds at least 40% of the voting membership.


In 2011, UVA and UVA LVG reached agreement on a Memorandum of Understanding for the

operation and administration of UVA LVG. This five-year MOU (amended for subsequent five

year terms on mutual agreement of the parties) requires that UVA LVG submit to UVA (via

the Office of the Vice President for Research) an annual statement of work, budget, and draft

contract for services each year at least ninety days prior to the start of a new fiscal year.

Pursuant to each annual contract for services, UVA LVG delivers intellectual property

management, licensing, new ventures, industry contracts, research compliance support

(Bayh-Dole and other sponsored research agreements), seed/venture fund investment

services, incubator management, and limited physical space management. All intellectual

property assigned to UVA per the University’s intellectual property policy is assigned to UVA

LVG for management.


Each annual contract for services affords the University, via its Office of General Counsel, the

ability to establish the legal “guardrails” for UVA LVG’s activities in the contract year. In this

agreement, the University dictates its positions on retained rights and risk management (e.g.

indemnification of UVA).

Resource Allocation

UVA covers all operating costs of UVA LVG via the annual services contract (via University

procurement). In exchange, UVA LVG returns all proceeds that result from such activities to

the University in accordance with the University’s Innovation Revenue Distribution Formula

or other appropriate agreement.

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All activities performed by UVA LVG in accordance with the annual services contract are

rendered by employees of UVA LVG. UVA approves salary allocations only in the aggregate

(exclusive of the Executive Director). UVA LVG’s Executive Director (as delegated by the

Board of Directors) is responsible for recruitment, retention, and compensation/benefits.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, UVA LVG employees are entitled to many of the

privileges of being an employee of the university (university identification cards, physical

access to university facilities, other benefits, etc.). UVA LVG also maintains a budget

allocation for outside consultants and experts.

Other Relevant UVA LVG Operational Notes

• UVA LVG manages its finances via QuickBooks™.

• UVA LVG distributes “products”8 directly to end-users and maintains some (minimal)

product liability insurance.

• UVA LVG accepts credit cards for payment via Square, Stripe, or PAYEZEE (SunTrust).

• UVA LVG has utilized at-large board appointments to leverage considerable external


8 - Software, Apps, etc. 9 -

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The University of Maine is contemplating whether the creation of a research foundation will

facilitate the development and commercialization of technologies emerging from ASCC and

other University research centers.

Institutions have generally established related foundations to engineer around specific

inefficiencies in the university environment and to capitalize on business opportunities.

Beyond this similarity, every situation is different and every institution that was reviewed has

installed a different foundation (structure and function) to meet their unique needs. The result

is that there is no single model can be set forth as “the one model” that will work for everyone.

Moreover, these issues are tempered with concerns about the extent of a foundation’s

activities (i.e., all of Sponsored Research vs. Limited functions such as Technology

Commercialization), the effect of independence on ownership of “University” assets, and

staffing questions.

Based on our discussions with University staff and our interviews with other foundations, we

believe a university related foundation would be a valuable asset for the University of Maine

that would support the development and commercialization of technologies emerging from

ASCC and other University research centers and also support the growth of the University’s

economic development activities in Maine.


There are numerous functions that could be supported by this structure, such as:

• Research support services

• Stakeholder reporting

• Holding equity

• Holding intellectual assets

• Intellectual Property management and commercialization

• Industrial contracts

• Charitable vehicle for research support

• Research park development

• Prototype fund/Venture funding

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Of course, functions could be expanded or limited depending on the charter of the

foundation. We would recommend drafting the charter as broadly as possible, even if

initially the foundation would only provide limited functions.

Summary of Research Foundation Functions

Table I: Intellectual Property Management & Commercialization

Function/Services Cost Level Timeline Impact Notes

Patenting & Holding IP Medium to High 0-12 months Allows for flexibility in supporting key

assets and releasing non-performing IP.

Marketing & Communications Low to Medium 0-6 months Greater speed and ease in updating

marketing materials and engaging with


Holding Equity Low Immediate Can hold equity from deals with equity


Flexibility in Deal Terms Low Immediate Can agree to deal provisions that might

not be acceptable to the university.

Ability to Transfer Materials Low Immediate Direct customer sales allowed; not just for

research services; Variety of payment

solutions possible.

Seed/Venture Fund High 12-18+


Seed/venture fund to support University

(or even community) start-ups and

ventures will have impact on attracting

additional funding to the region.

Table II: Industrial/Partner Contracts & Donations

Function/Services Cost Level Timeline Impact Notes

Speed of Contracting Low Immediate Greater speed and flexibility in contracting

with potential partners.

Marketing campaigns Low 0-6 months Educate internal and external

stakeholders about activities and foci.

Donations Low Immediate Flexibility in accepting non-targeted

research donations or materials.

Flexibility Partnership


Low Immediate Flexibility in funding and partnering


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Table III: HR & Other

Function/Services Cost Level Timeline Impact Notes

Market Rate


Medium 6-12 months Alternative compensation structures

can be developed outside of the

University HR structure to allow for

compensation of high value


Strategic Hires Medium Variable Hiring of specific talent either on an as

need or full time basis without

limitations imposed by University H/R

infrastructure, timelines, or best


Prototyping fund Medium 6-12 months Small scale funding to develop initial

proof of concept. Sometimes can be

hard to find for researchers.

The timeline of demonstrated results associated with successful implementation of the

recommendations referenced above varies widely. The scale used is meant to show best-

case scenarios, but as is often the case, a variety of factors may influence those timelines.


Initial Steps

1. Perform a thorough review of state law and existing institutional precedent

(University of Maine/University of Maine Foundation Memorandum of Agreement).

State law

In several states, state law establishes guidance for the creation of related foundations. For

example, in the state of Florida, state law establishes guidance for “direct service


Institutional Policy/Precedent

At the University of Maine, some institutional precedence appears to exist with the

Memorandum of Agreement between the University of Maine and the University of Maine


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2. Establish a 501(c)(3) foundation and related infrastructure.

Consistent with the practices of all universities cited in this report, we recommend that the

University establish a 501(c)(3) foundation with the express, stated mission of enhancing the

research and commercialization enterprise at the University. It is critical that this mission

and the foundation’s charter clearly convey that the foundation exists solely for the benefit

of the University.

Specific Structures

The specific structure chosen will be determined by the goals of the University. As indicated,

a large number of existing foundations were built as the result of a need to work around

existing university processes and regulations. Since the University has already developed

processes to address limitations in current structures, this need may not be as pronounced.

Instead the structure can be used to capitalize on near term business opportunities and

provide a vehicle for long term planning.

Although it will ultimately be the University’s comfort level with the structure (in addition to

any state legal requirements), a foundation/research corporation with the following structure

could achieve the University’s goals:

• Independent from university

• Bound to the university by contract

• Single employee (Provost/Senior Research Administration) with a minimal salary

• Other staff “on loan” from the University

• Small, nimble board of directors (~3-5 members) comprised of at least 40% University

representatives. This strong, yet minority, University representation on the board will

enables an influential University voice but independence of decision-making. External

seats could leverage community interest/support

• An executive director, likely employed by the University but with signatory authority

for the foundation, is also recommended.

A structure such as this could provide the independence from the University to achieve

certain functions (i.e., hold equity, etc.), preserve existing University H/R functions and

benefits for the staff, and have direct coordination with the research and innovation

functions of the University. Moreover, the structure would provide a level of risk

management for the University by placing for profit business in a separate entity.

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There are numerous functions that could be supported by this structure, such as:

• Research support services

• Stakeholder reporting

• Holding equity

• Holding intellectual assets

• Intellectual Property management and commercialization

• Industrial contracts

• Charitable vehicle for research support

• Research park development

• Prototype fund/Venture funding

Of course, functions could be expanded or limited depending on the charter of the

foundation. We would recommend drafting the charter as broadly as possible, even if

initially the foundation would only provide limited functions.


Until present, the University’s innovation and economic development funding has been

derived from the overhead on corporate sponsored research at the University. The change

in structure should not initially change funding requirements. We would recommend that

the foundation be funded through a budget line item that covers the activities of the

Foundation. However, the University may want to re-evaluate the funding levels and sources

in order to build up a reserve for certain existing functions or to develop new services to

support the University’s research enterprise (i.e., prototype fund, venture fund, research

grants, etc.).