research essay argument

The Research Essay

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  • The Research Essay

  • Euthanasia

  • Introductory ParagraphA Hook??????

  • Introduction:HOOKTom McDonald is a 77 year old man living in Northern California. He has cancer, and he is in pain. He watched his mother suffer for six months before dying of the same illness, and he wants to die in peace. He envies those who get to die in their sleep (Welch 2).

  • Methods of IntroductionA funnel introduction

  • Last sentence in IntroductionTHESIS STATEMENT: Your claim/opinion that this paper will seek to prove as the right opinion to have. You must do this without the word I.

    Euthanasia should be legalized for terminal patients in California.

  • Body Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 Develop your argument, using good evidenceShape each topic sentence around a major point that relates to the thesisProvide two to three well-developed points to support each topic sentenceFollow each point by proof (evidence/examples)

  • Body: Reason #1 (A)

    Reason #1 (A) Start with a transition wordState the first reason why your opinion is the right opinion. First, the state of Oregon has already legalized doctor-assisted suicide.

  • Body: Reason #1 (A)

    Provide at least two statements with evidence/examples from your research that support your first reason. Do not forget to cite your sources(Welch 2)

    Authors last name page number

  • Body: Reason #1

    Supporting Evidence/examplesOregon permits doctors to prescribe a deadly dose for terminal patients who are deemed by a psychiatrist to be mentally capable and have been told they have six months or less to live (Welch 2).

  • BODY: Reason #1

    Connect Evidence back to thesis: State how your evidence proves your thesis statement.Since the patients requesting the right to die are already in the process of dying, and they have chosen to die on their own terms with self-respect, no one besides the patient should have the right to stop them.

  • BODY: Reason #2 (B)

    Reason #2Start with a transition wordState the second reason why your opinion is the right opinion. Another reason why California should legalize euthanasia is that many doctors support the practice.

  • BODY: Reason #2 (B)

    Provide at least two statements with evidence/examples from your research that support your second reason. The California Association of Physician Groups, which represents more than 150 medical organizations, supports it (Smith 4).

  • BODY: Reason #2

    Connect Evidence back to thesis: State how your evidence proves your thesis statement.Doctors have undergone extensive ethical training and discussion. If 150 medical organizations have taken a stance in favor of a currently illegal practice, consideration should be given to the legalization of that practice.

  • BODY: Reason #3 (C)

    Start with a transition wordState the third reason why your opinion is the right opinion. Most important, any human being should have a right to decide his or her own destiny. Provide at least two statements with evidence/examples from your research that support your third reason.

  • Conclusion Step 1 : Restate your thesis in DIFFERENT WORDSTherefore, euthanasia should be legalized in California for patients who are terminal and able to mindfully make an informed decision.

  • Conclusion Step 2 : Briefly summarize your main points.The practice is already legal in Oregon and has been for nine years; many doctors support it, and it gives a right to human beings to die with dignity.

  • Conclusion

    CLINCHERThe last thing you say will be the most remembered, so end with a statement that leaves the reader convinced.

  • ConclusionCLINCHERWhen the animals we love are suffering, we bring them peace through death. Why are we as a nation so reluctant to provide the same mercy and dignity to our fellow man?

  • Transitions Are Essential!They connect information

  • Transition WordsTo show time:While, first, meanwhile, second, next, third, finally

    To compare two things:Likewise, also, while in the same way, similarly

    To contrast two things:but still, although, on the other hand, however, yet, otherwise, even though

    To emphasize a point:Again, truly, especially, for this reason, to repeat, in fact, to emphasize

    To conclude or summarize:Finally, as a result, to sum up, in conclusion, lastly, therefore, all in all

    To add information:Again, another, for instance, for example, also, and, moreover, additionally, as well, besides, along with other, next, finally, in addition, moreover

    To clarify:that is, for instance, in other words

  • The Title: Dot Your IIt should be brief It should depict the purpose and the topic of the essayIt should attract the readers attentionIt should be at the top center of the page

  • Revising for Unity

  • Revising for Support

  • Revising for Coherence

  • WORKS CITED PAGE(You must have at least 3 sources!)Author name (if known). "Title of article." Title of the Book/Periodical. City of Publication: Year. Title of the Database. Web. Date of access (day, month and year).ExampleEsposito, John L. "Capital Punishment." The Islamic World: Past and Present Oxford:, 2004. SIRS Researcher. Web. 19 June, 2012.
