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Branch Name Position

Aerosystems Gregory Blandet VP Supply Chain – Aircraft Systems Aerosystems Alain Maire Director Supply Chain Strategy - Aerosafety

Aerosystems Stephane Bureau Technical Director – Actuation System

Aerosystems Mathieu Pamies Technical Director - Elastomer Europe

Aerosystems Benjamin Delahoche Quality Engineer - Evacuation System EU

Aerosystems Christophe Besset Airworthiness Manager –Oxygen System EU

Aerosystems Benoit Pinta Software - Sensing & System Management

Aerosystems Jean Sebastien Grosmangin Airworthiness Manager – Fluid & Inerting System

Cabin Marjorie Vezine Director Supply Chain Strategy – Galley & Equipment’s

Cabin Aurimar Debrito VP Supply Chain – Cabin & Structure

Cabin Carsten Schultes Engineering Director - – Premium Galleys

Cabin Dirk Langer Head Airworthiness Office – Premium Galleys

Seats Paul Tedstone VP Supply Chain

Seats Rakibul Islam VP Certification

Seats Jeremy Green Engineering Director – Seats US

Corporate Vincent Jonquieres Procurement Chief Officer

Corporate Thierry Rouge Carrassat Chief Technical Officer


Revision Date Modification Description Name

A Sept. 2013 First issue Eric Macker

B April 2016 Document re-written to provide the complete list of applicable requirements for design suppliers

Michel Jacquaniello Muriel Menudier

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2 APPLICABILITY ....................................... .................................................................................................................... 5

3 GENERAL SCOPE ......................................... .............................................................................................................. 6

4 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

5 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 7

6 REQUIREMENTS ON THE DESIGN ORGANIZATION .................. .............................................................................. 8

6.1 Access for Authorities and Buyer’s Customers ...................................................................................................... 8

6.2 Quality Management System ................................................................................................................................ 8

6.3 Human resources management ............................................................................................................................ 8

6.4 Design Means ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

6.5 Calibration of monitoring and measuring devices .................................................................................................. 8

6.6 Design data control................................................................................................................................................ 9

6.7 Records control ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

6.8 Control of sub-tier suppliers ................................................................................................................................... 9

6.9 Project management ............................................................................................................................................. 9

6.9.1 Management Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

6.9.2 Risks management system ............................................................................................................................................ 10

6.9.3 Obsolescence Management .......................................................................................................................................... 10

6.9.4 Load/capacity management ........................................................................................................................................... 10

6.9.5 Concurrent engineering ................................................................................................................................................. 10

6.9.6 Indicators ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10

6.9.7 Timely reports on project status ..................................................................................................................................... 10

6.9.8 Coordination memo ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

6.9.9 Lessons learnt ............................................................................................................................................................... 11

6.10 Configuration management ................................................................................................................................... 11

6.11 Design discrepancies ............................................................................................................................................ 11

6.12 Post-delivery support ............................................................................................................................................. 11

7 REQUIREMENTS ON THE DESIGN PROCESS .......................................................................................................... 12

7.1 General considerations .......................................................................................................................................... 12

7.1.1 Design & development phases:...................................................................................................................................... 12

7.1.2 Project reviews management ......................................................................................................................................... 13

7.2 Project Initiation Phase .......................................................................................................................................... 13

7.3 Preliminary Design ................................................................................................................................................ 14

7.4 Detailed design ...................................................................................................................................................... 14

7.5 Qualification initiation............................................................................................................................................. 15

7.6 Qualification ........................................................................................................................................................... 16

7.7 Series production preparation ............................................................................................................................... 17

7.8 Project exit review ................................................................................................................................................. 18

7.8.1 Case 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18

7.8.2 Case 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18

7.8.3 Case 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19

8 REQUIREMENTS ON THE DESIGN CHANGES MANAGEMENT ............... ............................................................... 19

8.1 Design changes ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

8.2 Design change Request ........................................................................................................................................ 19

9 REQUIREMENTS ON THE DELIVERABLES CONTENTS .................... ...................................................................... 20

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9.1 General requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 20

9.2 Deliverables Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 20

9.2.1 Project management plan .............................................................................................................................................. 20

9.2.2 Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) .................................................................................................................................. 20

9.2.3 Resources Breakdown Structure (RBS) ......................................................................................................................... 20

9.2.4 Project phasing and schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 21

9.2.5 Validation & Verification (V&V) plan ............................................................................................................................... 21

9.2.6 Qualification plan ........................................................................................................................................................... 21

9.2.7 Configuration Management Plan .................................................................................................................................... 21

9.2.8 Risk Management Plan .................................................................................................................................................. 21

9.2.9 Design data exchange with the Buyer ............................................................................................................................ 22

9.2.10 Design means ................................................................................................................................................................ 22

9.2.11 Project indicators definition ............................................................................................................................................ 22

9.2.12 List of qualified and authorized project team .................................................................................................................. 22

9.2.13 Action List from lessons learnt during previous project(s) ............................................................................................... 22

9.2.14 Supplier Technical Specification .................................................................................................................................... 22

9.2.15 Review’s minute of meeting ........................................................................................................................................... 22

9.2.16 Outline Drawings ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

9.2.17 Design Justification File ................................................................................................................................................. 23

9.2.18 Detail Drawings.............................................................................................................................................................. 23

9.2.19 Bill of Material ................................................................................................................................................................ 23

9.2.20 FMEA ............................................................................................................................................................................ 24

9.2.21 Critical Items / Key Characteristics list ........................................................................................................................... 24

9.2.22 Control plan: .................................................................................................................................................................. 24

9.2.23 Acceptance test documents (ATS, ATP, ATR) ............................................................................................................... 25

9.2.24 Manufacturing Flow Charts ............................................................................................................................................ 25

9.2.25 Burning-in, running-in plan ............................................................................................................................................. 25

9.2.26 Safety Analysis, reliability and MTBF assessment ......................................................................................................... 25

9.2.27 Maintenance limitations ................................................................................................................................................. 25

9.2.28 Maintenance data .......................................................................................................................................................... 25

9.2.29 Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP) .............................................................................................................. 26

9.2.30 Qualification Test Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 26

9.2.31 Qualification Test Reports .............................................................................................................................................. 26

9.2.32 Conformity reports for qualification test units .................................................................................................................. 26

9.2.33 Conformity report for qualification test means ................................................................................................................ 26

9.2.34 Tests schedule............................................................................................................................................................... 27

9.2.35 Manufacturing and inspection file ................................................................................................................................... 27

9.2.36 FAI reports ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27

9.2.37 Control Monitoring Plan ................................................................................................................................................. 27

10 ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................................. 27

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This document defines the requirements applicable to the Zodiac Aerospace Group suppliers involved in design activities.

These applicable requirements are to be defined by the Buyer:

• depending on the category of suppliers: • Build-to-spec suppliers (Engineered Product Manufacturers), • Design activity providers

• Depending on the scope of design activity and criticality

Supplementary specific requirements and deliverables can be specified in the Buyer’s requirements specification worksheet or contracts or purchase orders.

This document provides the requirements applicable to:

• The design organization • The design process • The deliverables • The design changes

This document does not deal with:

• Detail requirements for test organizations • Design approval activities (as defined in applicable regulations relating to airworthiness) in the frame

of design changes, repairs or concession are excluded from the considered sub-contracting scope. Such activities need additional provisions between the buyer and the supplier to be laid down in a dedicated Design Organization Interface Document s

• Use of external Compliance Verification Engineers (CVE) • Intellectual property clauses (covered in Contract)

Note: In case of subcontracting repair design the principles of this document are applicable. Specific templates or deliverable will be specified by the Buyer.


This document applies to all aerospace, defense and space products (as defined in § 4) purchased by the ZODIAC AEROSPACE Group entities (individually referred to as “Buyer” defined below).

This document constitutes a contractual obligation whenever it is referenced in contracts or purchase orders (as defined below).

By accepting the contract or purchase order, the supplier (as defined below) agrees to comply with all the applicable clauses contained in this document.

Before contract awarding the supplier has to provide a specific compliance matrix for each clause, listing the applicability or inapplicability, means of compliance or any changes or amendments to the requirements specified herein to be accepted by the Buyer.

If any conflict or inconsistency arises or exists between any clauses contained in this document and the terms and conditions of any Contract or Purchase Order, the Contract and/or Purchase Order terms and conditions shall govern and control.

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Buyer The term Buyer refers to the ZODIAC AEROSPACE Group business unit issuing the contract or purchase order. Buyer Requirements Specification A document (i.e.Technical Specification) established or accepted by the Buyer containing the applicable set of product requirements.

Contract or Purchase order The contract or purchase order is the legal agreement between the supplier and the Buyer, whatever the format (paper or data processing support) or the designation (order, contract, delivery order) to provide products, materials and/or services.

Design activity provider A design activity provider is a Supplier in the field of :

• Products definition (specifications, drawings, technical documentation…) • Definition validation and verification (analysis, simulation…)

Any execution of design related tasks performed by persons not directly employed by the Buyer is considered as design activity being subcontracted to Design activity provider.

Note: test activities are performed by Test Organizations

Engineered Product Manufacturer

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Supplier providing a product (cf. definition below) according to the Buyer’s specifications or technical requirements. The Engineered Product Manufacturer is the owner of the design file.

Products In the aviation regulation, “product” means Aircraft, Propeller, Engine) . In the frame of this document “product is use more widely to designate : Assemblies, parts, appliances, components, materials

Qualification Set of activities aiming at demonstrating the compliance of the design with the applicable requirements (functional and environmental). Qualification activities can include analysis, computation, tests.

Sub-tier Supplier Level-2, Level-3,… Supplier providing a product to the Supplier who is the holder of a contract or purchase order placed by the Buyer.

Supplier Company (engineered product manufacturer, design activity provider, test organization) holder of a ZODIAC AEROSPACE Group company contract or purchase order.

Test Organization Supplier performing test activities (e.g. test laboratories) in the frame of product validation, verification, qualification and certification.

Validation Set of activities to justify that the actions and the choices of design leading to the Definition File of the product are coherent with applicable requirements. This may include reviews of design documents, analysis, calculation, modelling, tests on mock-ups etc.

Verification Set of activities aiming at proving compliance of the manufactured products with their technical specifications. This may include modular tests, integration tests, functional and environmental qualification tests, similarity analysis, article inspections.

5 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ISO 10007: Guidelines for Configuration Management ISO 16290:2013 Technical Readiness Level

EN/AS/JISQ/9100: Quality management system – Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense organizations

EN/AS/JISQ/9102 : First Article Inspection.

SAE J 1739: Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Design (Design FMEA) and Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Manufacturing and Assembly Processes (Process FMEA) and Effects Analysis for Machinery (Machinery FMEA)

(EU) N° 748/2012 Annex I Part 21: Certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, and of design and production organizations

FAA CFR Title 14 Part 21:

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Certification Procedures for Products and Parts

ZA-Q-1030: Requirements applicable to suppliers (except § 12 Design Planning, replaced by the present procedure)


6.1 Access for Authorities and Buyer’s Customers

The supplier (and any of his subcontractors) shall provide the representatives of any Authorities and Buyer’s Customer free access to his premises and shall make available to them any document and data related to the project in order to enable them to carry out their audit or document review.

6.2 Quality Management System

The Supplier shall implement, document and maintain a Quality Management System in accordance with applicable requirements of 9100 series standards and additional requirements specified in this document.

The Quality Management System shall be appropriate to the products they design and shall cover all activities concerned by Buyer contracts or purchase orders.

Internal audits shall be conducted to verify compliance with the present requirements.

6.3 Human resources management

The supplier shall ensure that all activities regarding contract or purchase order fulfillment are performed by skilled and trained staff including temporary staff and contract staff. The staff shall be trained to the applicable design process and methodology and to the design means.

The supplier shall identify critical skills (requiring special competencies, and/or performed by a single person) required for writing, checking and validating design deliverables and shall maintain associated competencies.

A cross reference list of critical skills by deliverables and technical area shall be implemented and updated.

The Supplier shall implement a management system for the writers, checkers, validation competencies, including: • individual signature authorizations for each technical area required for the specified design activity • conditions under which the authorization is maintained, suspended or revoked • periodic review of competencies and authorizations; updates

For each authorized person, training and qualification record shall be available to the Buyer on request

6.4 Design Means

The supplier shall ensure that all activities regarding contract or purchase order fulfillment are performed with the appropriate means, including, but not limited to (or as applicable):

• Design infrastructure including hardware, software, methods, test and design tools, techniques, standards, facilities for development, working group communication, operation, or maintenance,

• V&V environment including simulation tools, test benches, • CAD/CAM, Software and electronic development tool, Software loading tool and support processes tool

(configuration management, traceability tool), Software verification tool.

6.5 Calibration of monitoring and measuring devices

The Supplier shall have a documented identification and periodic calibration system of monitoring and measuring devices used for verification of design compliance with requirements.

Traceability of calibration with national or international standards shall be maintained.

The supplier shall ensure accuracy; reproducibility and repeatability of the equipment/tools used are compatible with the measurements to be performed on the product.

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Note: Monitoring and measuring devices include, but are not limited to: test hardware, test software, automated test equipment (ATE) and plotters used to produce inspection data. It also includes Buyer supplied equipment.

6.6 Design data control

Each document shall be signed by a writer, one/several checkers different from the writer, and an approver. Alternatively a proof reader (checker) certificate shall be provided by the Supplier.

The Supplier shall exchange design data with the Buyer (specifications, drawings, 2D/3D models, test documents…) using a formal tool and standards specified or accepted by the Buyer.

All the deliverables shall be written in English, or in the contract language if accepted by the Buyer.

The Supplier shall implement all necessary operations to ensure security and data protection

The Supplier shall implement all necessary operations to maintain the design environment and to ensure the ability to use the data all along the product operational life, unless otherwise specified by the Buyer.

6.7 Records control

Unless otherwise specified on contract or purchase order, all the relevant design information (including drawings, part lists, 3D/2D models, specifications, design modifications, verification and qualification documents, test articles, test samples…) shall be retained for the whole operational life of the product + 3 years.

Note 1: It is the Supplier’s responsibility to ask the Buyer for such information. Without information concerning end of operational life of product, retaining of these records shall be considered as unlimited.

If, by contract or due to termination of the contract, the design data are Buyer property, the data shall be transferred to the Buyer and shall not be used by the Supplier.

Unless otherwise specified in contract or purchase order, documents retained by the Supplier shall be available for review or shall be communicated to the Buyer within 48 hours (2 business days) upon simple request. In case of potential safety issue identified by the Buyer, the Supplier shall provide the documents within 24 hours.

6.8 Control of sub-tier suppliers

The Supplier shall pass on his sub-tier suppliers the applicable requirements defined in this document and contract or purchase order.

All the sub-tier suppliers shall be accepted in writing by the Buyer before any sub-contracting of design and qualification activities.

Note: The Supplier shall justify to the Buyer applicable requirements not implemented on his sub-tier suppliers.

In case the Supplier who is contracted by the Buyer for both design and production decides to sub-contract production, a specific arrangement shall be established between the Design Supplier and the sub-tier Production Organization to identify the flow of un-approved design data (e.g. for prototypes and test samples) and approved design data towards the sub-tier production organization.

6.9 Project management

6.9.1 Management Plan

The Supplier shall prepare a management plan describing the project organization and planning. This document shall be appropriate to the type and complexity of the project and shall meet the requirements defined in the present document.

This management plan and any subsequent change hereto shall be submitted to the Buyer for acceptance.

The Project Schedule shall be kept up-to-date by the Supplier and reviewed at least at each project management or design review with the Buyer.

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The Management Plan shall address at least all document listed in § 7.2

6.9.2 Risks management system

The Supplier shall have a documented process to identify, periodically analyze, update and mitigate all risks liable to disrupt the design process and contractual obligations related to deliverables quality and on time deliveries.

These risks can be linked to: • Product (complexity, functional criticality, new technologies, component obsolescence…) • Process (manufacturing process, special processes, obsolescence) • Project schedule • Resources (human, material, test capacities…) • Deliverables • Sub-tier suppliers

6.9.3 Obsolescence Management

The Supplier shall implement a process for preventing (design, component/tools selection, material, and processes), predicting (survey…) and resolving (contingency plan) obsolescence.

Note: A part is considered obsolete when it is no longer manufactured or available for purchasing on the market. Obsolescence is the process by which a product becomes obsolete. Product available but no longer compatible with Buyer’s rules and regulations (e.g. banned materials…) shall be treated as obsolete.

6.9.4 Load/capacity management

The Supplier shall conduct periodic load/capacity analysis. The supplier shall define necessary actions to meet Buyer’s requirements related to the organization capacity and to the design activities and milestones (e.g.: increase equipment capacity, work time increase, sub-contracting, development of multi-skill competencies …).

Note 1: Load profile must be done at least by critical processes (including bottlenecks) affecting project lead time. Demonstrated capacity shall be used.

Note 2: Potential bottlenecks shall be identified and controlled.

Note 3: Analysis shall take into account the overall workload associated to all the design activities to be managed, including other projects affecting the Supplier resources involved.

6.9.5 Concurrent engineering

The supplier shall implement a process to ensure that all industrialization, manufacturing, procurement, maintainability, supportability constraints have been taken into account during product development.

6.9.6 Indicators

The supplier shall implement pertinent metrics to assess and measure the quality and on time delivery performances of the project. These performance metrics shall include at least: • Percentage of deliverables rejected by the Buyer • Percentage of deliverables provided On Time compared to deliverables due date • Percentage of on time completed corrective actions

Specific KPIs can be added in the contract.

KPIs target values are to be agreed with the Buyer in writing

6.9.7 Timely reports on project status

In addition to the project reviews defined in §7, the Supplier shall submit, at agreed periodicity, written reports to the Buyer describing the progress of the Project.

These reports shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: • A brief narrative on the technical progress made to date, with particular attention paid to the progress achieved during the agreed period

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• Project milestones review • Key events / Meeting follow up • Status on documents submittals • Status on product deliverables (prototypes) • Status on Qualification or test • A summary of the risks analysis updates and associated mitigation strategies • Action list (both open and closed), and associated status • Review of KPIs

Note: In addition to the reports, the Buyer may request Project Management Reviews.

6.9.8 Coordination memo

The Supplier shall exchange information with the Buyer (questions, clarification requests,…) using a formal tool and/or template, accepted by the Buyer, that ensures the recording of all such exchanges.

Supplier and Buyer shall agree on acceptable timeline for answers.

6.9.9 Lessons learnt

The Supplier shall perform a “post mortem” analysis of success and defaults of the project at the end of each project. This analysis shall be based on the lessons learnt reports established at each project milestone, as defined in § 7 of the present document. This analysis shall be shared with the Buyer during the last review of the project.

6.10 Configuration management

The Supplier shall have a documented process to manage product configuration in order to identify and keep track of the baselines and subsequent changes.

6.11 Design discrepancies

Any design discrepancy that could affect the product or the design process - including discrepancies occurring on other products, projects and programs - detected by the supplier at any stage of the product life shall be communicated to the Buyer.

This communication shall be performed immediately after the discrepancy has been identified by the Supplier through a coordination memo.

6.12 Post-delivery support

The Supplier shall provide the requested support to the Buyer: • for investigations, analysis and solving of in-service issues. • in case of consultation regarding potential safety risks, for example identified through ADs watch.

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7.1 General considerations

7.1.1 Design & development phases:

Depending on the scope of the contract (blue, green or red), the Supplier will run through the phases presented below:

Note : based on the scope, additional reviews can be required by the buyer.

Case 1

The Supplier performs design activites as described in §7.2, 7.3, 7.4. The scope of work does not include qualification, production preparation and series production.

Case 2

The Supplier performs design and qualification activities as described in §7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6. The scope of work does not include production preparation and series production.

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Case 3

The Supplier performs all activities as described in §7. The scope of work includes qualfiication, production preparation and series production.

The requirements related to the deliverables associated with each review are defined in §9.

7.1.2 Project review management

The supplier shall invite and send relevant documentation to the Buyer at least 10 working days before each review.

For each review, the Supplier shall establish minutes of the meeting that are co-signed with the Buyer and provided to the Buyer.

Each project review shall include:

• The review of the updated risk analysis • A status and follow-up with regard to the Management Plan

� Technical maturity � Resources

• A review of the project indicators • A review of lessons learnt since the previous review.

7.2 Project Initiation Phase

This phase starts once the supplier has been selected.

Entry data:

• Need specifications worksheet from the Buyer, including: � Functional and performance requirements � Scope of Work � Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements � Maintenance criteria

• Contract: � Manufacturing criteria, including production volume and forecast � Recurrent Cost objectives � Target date or schedule


• Review and agree on the entry data with the Buyer • Define the project organization and planning, including concurrent engineering as defined in § 6.8.4 • Submit the management plan to the Buyer for review and acceptance • Define first technical principles

Note 1: The Supplier shall request Zodiac Aerospace authorization prior to any use of patented solutions or restricted components.

Note 2: The Supplier shall request Zodiac Aerospace authorization prior to any use of technical solutions with a TRL (Technology Readiness Level as defined in ISO 16290:2013) less than 6.

List of deliverables:

• Project Management Plan addressing, but not necessarily limited to, the establishment of: � Work breakdown Structure � Resources Breakdown Structure � Project phasing and schedule � V&V � Qualification (if qualification is part of the contract) � Configuration management

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� Risk management � Design data exchange with the Buyer � Design means � Project indicators definition � List of qualified and authorized project team � Action List from lessons learnt during previous project(s) with Buyer (if needed) � First draft of supplier technical specification

• Kick off meeting minutes

Milestone review:

For the kick-off meeting (KOM), the following elements shall be available and presented by the Supplier: • Project team • Presentation of the Management Plan • Entry data agreement with the Buyer • Presentation of the project means • Chosen technical principles

7.3 Preliminary Design

Entry data:

• Entry data and outcomes from previous phase • Technical interfaces sealed by the Buyer


• Propose a technical design structure that meets the Buyer’s requirements specification. The proposed design structure shall take into account the manufacturing constraints.

• Establish a compliance matrix including the list of requirements to be met and the means of compliance that will be used for each of the requirements (preliminary Definition Justification File).

• Submit the Supplier Technical Specification to the Buyer for review.


• Supplier Technical Specification • Outline drawings and 3D model • Preliminary DJF (Definition Justification File) • Preliminary Design review’s minute of meeting

Milestone review:

The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) shall cover the following items: • Definition status: agreement between the Buyer and the Supplier to seal the technical design structure • Agreement with the Buyer on the preliminary design justifications • Acceptance of the compliance matrix by the Buyer

7.4 Detailed design

Entry data:

• Entry data and outcomes from previous phase • Requirements specification sealed by the Buyer for all aspects having impacts on hardware and software

including the list of undesired events (hazards)


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• Run V&V activities as defined in the Management plan • Create the data required to allow the product to be identified, manufactured, inspected, used and maintained,

including: � drawings, BOM (Bill of Materials), material and process specifications necessary to define the

configuration of the product � acceptance criteria (the Supplier shall demonstrate that all components of the product are tested,

otherwise he shall justify the ATP coverage ratio by an analysis which shall be accepted by the Buyer) � critical items having significant effect on the product realization (functions, parts, software, characteristics,

processes, sub-tier supplier…), � instructions for operations, maintenance and preservation of the product

• Update the DJF • Define the manufacturing flowchart

� if the Supplier is not involved in the product manufacturing, the manufacturing flowchart shall be coordinated with the Buyer

� if the Supplier is also in charge of the product manufacturing, a first version of the manufacturing flowchart and associated PFMEA are established and submitted to the Buyer for acceptance


• Outline drawings • Detailed drawings (*) • BOM (*) • DJF: Definition Justification File • DFMEA, list of remaining risks • Critical Items list • ATS / ATP / ATR template • Manufacturing flowchart and first version of PFMEA • Burning-in and/or running-in plan, if needed • Safety analysis (FTA with occurrence quotation)(*), reliability and MTBF assessment • Maintenance program; maintenance limitations (life limits, potential, overhaul); maintenance data • Draft DDP • Detailed design review’s minute of meeting (*) according to the contract and/or Buyer Requirement Specification

Milestone review:

The Critical Design Review (CDR) shall cover the following items: • Definition status: agreement between the Buyer and the Supplier to seal the definition (any subsequent

proposal for change shall be managed through the Design Change process, as described in §8). This definition status will be referred to as configuration baseline.

• Agreement with the Buyer on the design justifications • Acceptance by the Buyer of the last status of the compliance matrix

7.5 Qualification initiation

The applicability of the qualification initiation phase is defined by the perimeter of the contract.

Entry data:

Entry data and outcomes from previous phase


• Prepare and check that all appropriate inputs are available to launch the qualification activities: � Qualification Plan, including similarity and analysis � Qualification Test Procedure

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� Availability of test means and/or accepted test organizations � Check conformity of test article, test set up and related test procedures � Submit any deviation for acceptance to the Buyer


• Qualification Plan, including similarity and analysis • Qualification Test Procedure • Qualification Test Report template • Conformity reports for qualification test units • Conformity reports for qualification test means • Tests schedule • Qualification initiation’s minute of meeting

Milestone review:

The Qualification Readiness Review (QRR) shall cover the following items: • Review by the Buyer of the deliverables • Approval by the Buyer of the Qualification launch • List of tests to be witnessed by the Buyer and, if necessary, by the end Customer and Authorities

7.6 Qualification

The applicability of the qualification phase is defined by the perimeter of the contract

Entry data:

Entry data and outcomes from previous phase


• Demonstrate product compliance with applicable requirements (can be performed by analysis, similarity, tests…): � design � functional, � environmental, � regulatory

• Perform test with appropriate witnessing, as required/accepted by the Buyer • If any deviation occurs during the test, or on the test results, a problem report shall be established and

submitted for acceptance to the Buyer • Finalize maintenance documents (e.g.: CMM) and other manuals • Establish the Declaration of Design and Performance • Manage the configuration of the qualification test unit, the product and its definition, including design changes

accepted by the Buyer Note: The Buyer may decide to witness any conformity check and/or test.


• Qualification report, including: � Test Reports � Other Verification documents (Similarity, Analysis reports)

• DDP • Updated instructions for maintenance and operations (if needed) • Updated design justification file (if needed) • Updated risk analysis and mitigation plan (if needed)

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• Qualification review’s minutes of meeting

Milestone review:

After the completion of the qualification activities, the qualification phase shall end with a Qualification Exit Review (QER).

For the Qualification Exit Review (QER), the following elements shall be available and presented by the Supplier: • Qualification Plan • Qualification Test Procedure • Qualification Report • Deviations list • Final DDP

The objective of the QER is to release a statement on the product ability to meet the requirements.

7.7 Series production preparation

The applicability of the series production preparation phase is defined by the perimeter of the contract

Entry data:

• Detailed drawings • DFMEA • Critical Items list • Manufacturing flowchart • First version of PFMEA • ATS / ATP / ATR template • Burning-in and/or running-in plan, if needed • Manufacturing file


• Demonstrate the ability of the manufacturing process to � produce articles which are compliant with the validated definition � meet the expected manufacturing volumes and rates

• Validate the manufacturing process: � Production means � Work instructions � Operators qualifications � Processes � Selection and qualification of suppliers, as applicable

• Perform FAI activities in accordance with EN/AS/JISQ/9102, including sub-tier suppliers (as applicable) • Establish the control monitoring plan; check its efficiency • Update the PFMEA • Set up ERP for production


• Manufacturing and inspection file • FAI reports • Updated PFMEA • Control plan (including the key characteristics monitoring) • Series preparation review’s minutes of meeting

Milestone reviews:

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• Production Readiness Review (PRR) : � The objective of the PRR is to ensure that the documentation, manufacturing processes, test methods,

acceptance criteria parameters, tooling, and operators training, are in place to support a production controlled environment

� The outcome of the PRR is a statement on the efficiency of the manufacturing process and a GO decision for the FAI implementation.

• First Article Inspection Review (FAIR) :

� The outcome of the FAIR is a statement on the capability of manufacturing processes to produce parts and assemblies that meet engineering and design requirements

� Based on this statement, the GO decision is made to transfer the product to series production.

7.8 Project exit review

7.8.1 Case 1

The Supplier performs only design activities as described in §7.2, 7.3, 7.4. The scope of work does not include qualification, production preparation and series production

The participants to the Project Exit Review (PER) include as a minimum: � The project manager � The Supplier Quality representative � The Buyer representative(s)


The PER shall provide: � Lessons learnt (strengths and weaknesses); budget analysis � Agreed statement on the product ability to meet the requirements, based on validation activities � Availability of all deliverables required by the Buyer in accordance with ZA-Q-1031 compliance matrix � Appointment of technical support resources


Project exit review minutes of meetings Note: for software only design activity, Case 1 is not applicable. Qualification is always required (cf. Case 2).

7.8.2 Case 2

The Supplier performs design and qualification activities as described in §7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6. The scope of work does not include production preparation and series production.

The participants to the Project Exit Review (PER) include as a minimum:

� The project manager � The Supplier Quality representative � The Buyer representative(s)


The PER shall provide: � Lessons learnt (strengths and weaknesses); budget analysis � Agreed statement on the product ability to meet the requirements, based on validation and verification

activities � Availability of all deliverables required by the Buyer in accordance with ZA-Q-1031 compliance matrix � Appointment of technical support resources


Project exit review minutes of meetings

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7.8.3 Case 3

The Supplier performs all activities as described in §7. The scope of work includes qualification, production preparation and series production

The participants to the Project Exit Review (PER) include as a minimum: � The project manager � The series production manager � The Supplier Quality representative � The Buyer representative(s)


The PER shall provide: • Lessons learnt (strengths and weaknesses); budget analysis • GO decision from PRR and FAIR to transfer both the product and the associated process to the series

production management • Availability of all deliverables required by the Buyer in accordance with ZA-Q-1031 compliance matrix • Appointment of technical support resources


Project exit review’s minutes of meetings


8.1 Design changes

Except if otherwise specified by the Buyer, once the Critical Design Review (CDR) stage has been accepted, any change to the configuration baseline which satisfies at least one of the following criteria shall be managed by the Supplier via a Design Change Request (whether Hardware or Software):

• The change impacts safety/integrity characteristics • The change restores compliance with requirements (which were not met) • The change implies a deviation from the requirements (which were met) • The change impact the demonstration of compliance • The change impacts the maintenance • The change impact the instructions for continued airworthiness • The change modifies a physical, functional or operational interface • The change results from a major technological update.

8.2 Design change Request

The Design Change Request shall provide the following minimum information:

• Description and reference number of the product concerned (before and after change) • Type of modification (P/N change, amendment, …) • Purpose, description and justification of the change • Applicability and implementation schedule (from S/N…, from date….) • Technical consequences for the product (interchangeability, performances, compliance with

requirements, weight, definition and manufacturing file , test facilities, parts list, maintenance program and documentation required to maintain airworthiness, etc...)

• Qualification activities and documentation required to maintain and/or restore compliance with requirements

• Impact on price • effects on already delivered products

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• Justifications concerning control and validation of technical change (including additional tests, computations, analysis to be performed to demonstrate compliance with the applicable requirements)

Design Change Request shall be signed by the Supplier appointed managers as defined in management plan and shall be submitted to the Buyer for approval before implementation.


9.1 General requirements

The list of deliverables to be provided to the Buyer, in addition to those listed in §7, shall be in compliance with the contract, the technical specification provided by the Buyer and the Management Plan accepted by the Buyer.

9.2 Deliverables Contents

9.2.1 Project management plan

The Supplier shall prepare a management plan describing the project organization and planning. This document shall be appropriate to the type and complexity of the project and shall address at least all items defines in 7.2

This document may be a stand-alone document including all items or a cover document referring to separate documents for each item.

This document shall be kept up to date.

9.2.2 Work Breakdown Structure(WBS)

The WBS is a breakdown of activities in manageable tasks to produce the deliverables. It includes key contributing parties. Each task, as described in the WBS is detailed and includes:

• Objectives/Requirements • Description of the work to be done • Efforts to perform the work • Duty cycle (Lead time) to perform the work • Inputs (including date of input and responsible/owner of input) • Outputs (including date of output and end-user of output) • Risk analysis and risks criticality level (when relevant) • Assumptions

9.2.3 Resources Breakdown Structure (RBS)

As a minimum, the RBS shall :

• Draw the organization structure of the project team, including all team members needed for preparing, checking and validating the deliverables.

• List the focal persons who ensure the interface with the Buyer. • List any position that still needs to be filled. • Demonstrate the Supplier’s capability to successfully complete the design activities within the time scales

required. • List the sub tier suppliers if any • List the means to share data in an efficient way with the Buyer. • List the design means, which shall be maintained until its contractual obligations are closed.

The RBS can be considered as the framework for assigning work packages and responsibilities within the project (project management, costing, budgeting, quality, project control, design activities,...).

The RBS shall be signed by the Supplier Project manager.

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9.2.4 Project phasing and schedule

The project schedule shall include the design activities, design reviews and deliverables as defined in §7. It shall be in compliance with the Buyer’s milestones schedule.

9.2.5 Validation & Verification (V&V) plan


The Validation section of the V&V Plan shall include at least the compliance matrix between:

• The Buyer’s requirements specification and the contractual requirements. • The Supplier’s technical solution description, that is refined and updated at each phase of the project


The Verification section shall include at least the list of :

• Elementary function tests, including functional qualification tests that will be required by the Qualification Plan.

• Integration tests. • Associated test schedule (can be part of the Project Schedule).

9.2.6 Qualification plan

The qualification plan shall include: • A cross matrix between the applicable environmental, functional and regulatory requirements, and the

means used to demonstrate compliance (similarity, tests, analysis) • The list of test facilities and laboratories location for each scheduled test • The qualification test schedule (can be part of the Project Schedule) • Unit Under Test dispatching • Test sequence • Conformity Inspection and Test Witnessing activities including respective authorized staff.

Note: for conformity inspection and test witnessing purpose, the Supplier shall notify the Buyer of the schedule within a timeframe agreed by the Buyer, e.g. 4 weeks before the test

9.2.7 Configuration Management Plan

The Configuration management plan shall include:

• The traceability requirements related to the product, its components and the associated documents (definition, manufacturing, operations and maintenance).

• The rules and methods to be used to achieve the configuration management objectives throughout the product lifecycle

• The rules and labels of identification and marking • Change management procedure • Documents control, archiving and retrieval • The configuration management organization and responsibilities • The configuration management assurance (audit)

Note: ISO 10007 can be used as a guideline

9.2.8 Risk Management Plan

The risk management plan shall be related to the risks regarding the project (financial risk, schedule, technical…).

The Risk Management Plan shall include: • The rules and methods to be used to:

� identify the project-related risks � assess the risks � define an associated mitigation plan

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� monitor the risks and actions � perform reporting

• The risk management organization and responsibilities

The Supplier shall formalize and record the risk analysis results in a risk register.

For each risk identified as critical in the risk analysis, the Supplier shall implement actions in in order to reduce, mitigate or monitor risks. On request, these actions shall be reviewed with the Buyer.

The risk analysis register shall be kept up-to-date by the Supplier.

The implementation of the Risk Management Plan along the project phases results in risk register updates.

9.2.9 Design data exchange with the Buyer

The supplier shall document the tools and/or templates used for design data exchange as per § 6.6 and coordination memo as per 6.9.7.

9.2.10 Design means

The supplier shall document the means dedicated to all design activities related to the project (see § 6.4)

9.2.11 Project indicators definition

The supplier shall document the project indicators (see § 6.9.5) including definition, target value, measurement method and update frequency

9.2.12 List of qualified and authorized project team

The supplier shall list all personnel involved in signing document related to the project

9.2.13 Action List from lessons learnt during previous project(s)

If the Supplier has performed previous project with Zodiac Aerospace, the output of the analysis performed in accordance with § 6.9.8 shall be listed and relevant action plan shall be defined if needed

9.2.14 Supplier Technical Specification

The Supplier Technical Specification shall describe the technical solution and ensure that all requirements (including those not explicitly defined) are captured and processed.

The document shall include, as a minimum: • reference to applicable documents from the Buyer, • reference to applicable regulatory requirements, • reference to applicable documents from the Supplier, • standards documents (technical sheets, …), • compliance matrix between the applicable requirements and Technical specification.

9.2.15 Review’s minute of meeting

The supplier shall provide minutes of meeting of each review including but not limited to : • List of attendees • Review of open items from previous review • Decisions made • Action list update • Formal decision regarding acceptance of related phase

Minutes of meeting shall be signed by authorized representatives from Supplier and Buyer

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9.2.16 Outline Drawings

The outline drawing (OD) shall describe the main physical characteristics of the product as follows :

• Product overall dimensions. • Maximum weight. • Center of gravity location. • Location and contents of labels. • External finish and materials necessary for grounding and bonding areas. • Finish and color (if required). • Location and access of tuning and adjustment controls (if any).

The OD shall describe each standardized interface as follows :

• Identification of the mechanical and electrical interface by part number and manufacturer. • Placement and orientation of the interface. • Pinout assignment.

The OD shall describe the main functional characteristics as follows :

• Power supply (in Volt) • Power consumption (in watts) • Maximum ratings • All other functional characteristics if required by the Buyer.

The OD shall document installation limitations.

9.2.17 Design Justification File

The Design Justification File shall demonstrate how each requirement is fulfilled.

The Design Justification File shall include: • Compliance matrix defined in the Supplier Technical Specification, supplemented by the justification

means and the reference of the objective evidences, available at each project milestone • Analysis • Similarity • Qualification tests • All objective evidences showing the compliance to the applicable requirements (reports)

Note: when justification relies on similarity or identically, the Supplier shall be able to provide the Buyer with the original substantiation elements. If this condition cannot be fulfilled, the compliance demonstration has to be performed again.

9.2.18 Detail Drawings

If requested by the contract the Supplier shall provide Zodiac Aerospace with a set of definition drawings, result of the detailed conception of:

• Electronic boards (schematics, equipment, layouts, Gerber files, …) • Mechanical parts (drawings, raw material specifications, 3D mock up…) • Assembly drawings.

The detail drawings shall contain all necessary data to manufacture and inspect the product (dimensions, material, treatment, coating, special processes, finish, critical items, applicable standards, etc.).

9.2.19 Bill of Material

For each item, the Bill of Material shall include as a minimum: • Part-Number or, as applicable, international recognized standard or material • Designation • Quantity • Manufacturer, if applicable

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9.2.20 FMEA

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) methodology shall be used by the Supplier to:

• Evaluate the effects of each failure mode of components on the product’s various functions and the consequences involved for the Buyer

• Identify the failure modes of various functions having effects on the product availability, reliability and maintainability or safety.

• Implement, during the process design, the required corrective actions intended to mitigate the risks.

The FMEA establishes: • During the design stage, a picture of the development of the plan implemented to control the

identified technical risks. • At the end of the design stage, the list of remaining technical risks.

“Design” FMEA (DFMEA) shall be performed to confirm that the considered technical solution meets the specified need. Should discrepancies remain, they could compel the designer, either to review the design, or to ask Buyer to revise the need specifications. When the latter are finalized, the residual discrepancies are notified in the product related precautions for use or maintenance.

« Process » FMEA (PFMEA) shall be performed to confirm that the considered manufacturing process enables the designed technical solution to be manufactured meeting thus the specified need. Should discrepancies subsist, they could compel the designer either to review the process design or to improve the product definition. When the latter is finalized, residual discrepancies are notified in the manufacturing control plan

See standard SAE J1739 as guideline

Supplier shall provide DFMEA or PFMEA report including:

• Detailed scope definition

• List of Supplier personal involved in DFMEA or PFMEA

• Key inputs used for the analysis,

• DFMEA or PFMEA template completed including action plan (mitigating actions) and highlighting potential Key Characteristics/Critical Items (product and process).

9.2.21 Critical Items / Key Characteristics list

The supplier shall establish and control a list of Critical Items / Key Characteristics.

This list is an outcome of DFMEA and PFMEA activities

Critical Item (AS/EN9100): Those items (for example, functions, parts, software, characteristics, processes) having significant effect on the Product realization and use including safety, performance, form, fit, function, producibility, service life, etc.; that require specific actions to ensure they are adequately managed. Key characteristic (AS/EN9100): An attribute or feature whose variation has a significant effect on Product fit, form, function, performance, service life that requires specific actions for the purpose of controlling variation.

9.2.22 Control plan: The supplier shall document in a control plan how product quality is controlled and confirmed at each stage of the manufacturing process. Control plan shall include product features and process parameters to be monitored, the measurement methods used, sampling sizes and frequencies along with associated control limits, the actions to be taken when deviations are found (reaction plans).

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Control plan is an outcome of PFMEA and DFMEA activities

9.2.23 Acceptance test documents (ATS, ATP, ATR)

• The Acceptance Test Specifications (ATS) shall specify tests to be made on the product before delivery as well as relevant acceptance criteria

• The Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) shall describe the test setup and associated conditions for the test roll out, including sampling rates

• The Acceptance Test Report (ATR) template shall be completed in accordance with the ATP

9.2.24 Manufacturing Flow Charts

Manufacturing flow chart describes the sequence of internal and external steps for manufacturing, assembly and inspection processes. It includes, for each main step, relevant information such as :

• Manufacturing , assembly and inspection operations • Associated documents • Process and/or product key characteristics • Processes requiring specific skills (e.g. certified operators) • Means and tools used

9.2.25 Burning-in, running-in plan

These plans shall provide information related to the conditions, monitoring and effectiveness of burning-in and/or running operations.

9.2.26 Safety Analysis, reliability and MTBF assessment

Based on the list of feared events (hazards), the Supplier shall establish the product fault tree analysis to identify all failures, single and combined, which may lead to each of those feared events.

This analysis shall lead to the occurrence quotation (estimated occurrence probability with justification based on experience, simulation, computation,…) of the feared events and consequently the product reliability prediction.

The Supplier shall provide Zodiac Aerospace with a Reliability and MTBF Prediction Report to show compliance of the product with the Technical Specification Requirements.

During the next steps of the development, the Supplier shall demonstrate this reliability by validation activities (reliability demonstration report). During the in-service life of the product, the reliability shall be confirmed through the analysis of in-service data (reliability effective result).

When a reliability prediction report is revised it shall :

• Be presented in the same format as previously. • Indicate any changes in the assumptions. • State the reasons for any significant differences from the previous predictions.

9.2.27 Maintenance limitations

Based on the product reliability analysis, the Supplier shall provide a list of the potential applicable limitations:

• Life limits • Overhaul • Shelf life • Preventive maintenance operations

9.2.28 Maintenance data

The Supplier shall provide maintenance data covering the maintenance program and the maintenance / repair instructions, in accordance with ATA 100 or iSpec 2200 standards.

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9.2.29 Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP)

The Supplier shall provide in the DDP:

• The description and identification of the product • The reference of the Buyer’s requirements specification • A statement relative to the performance level of the product • The reference of the current Definition Justification File (DJF) • The reference of Qualification Test Report (QTR) • The reference of the operations and maintenance manuals • Any deviation from the Buyer’s requirements specification • Any limitation for operations • The Supplier endorsement of the DDP contents and the signature of its representative

9.2.30 Qualification Test Procedure

The Supplier shall describe in a Qualification Test Procedure, for each test :

• test objectives • applicable standards, including the configuration of the test article and test setup • conformity inspection • test witnessing • operational settings • procedural steps • test parameters • checks to be performed (during and after test) • pass/fail criteria (during and after test)

9.2.31 Qualification Test Reports

The Supplier shall report for each test performed according to the qualification test procedure :

• Identification of the test (reference to the procedure), • Date and location of the test, • Identification of test means used and test environment • Identification of the operator, • Identification of the test witnesses • Configuration of the test article, including conformity inspection record • List of deviations to the QTP and related dispositions (if any), • Measured values, • Comparison to expected values, • Conclusion (Pass / Fail), • Remarks • A general conclusion shall summarize the eventual deviations and final result.

9.2.32 Conformity reports for qualification test units

The supplier shall provide for each qualification test unit a report showing the conformity of the test units with the configuration baseline including:.

• List of deviations vs. baseline configuration • List of gap between the manufacturing process of the test units and the planned serial production


9.2.33 Conformity report for qualification test means

The supplier shall provide for each qualification test mean used a report showing the conformity of the test means with the QTP. This report shall include list of deviation if any. .

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9.2.34 Tests schedule

The supplier shall provide a planning for each qualification test to be performed including • Date • Location • Name of test subtier (when applicable) • List of test witnesses (when applicable)

9.2.35 Manufacturing and inspection file

All documents needed to manufacture and inspect the product (raw material specifications and quality inspections, work instructions, routing, traveler sheets, list of specific manufacturing and test/inspection tools ...)

9.2.36 FAI reports

The supplier shall provide FAI reports according to AS/EN 9102

9.2.37 Control Monitoring Plan

For all un-eliminated (remaining) risk identified following FMEA activity, the supplier shall define and record control provision in order to control remaining risk

10 ACRONYMS AD: Airworthiness Directive ATP: Acceptance Test Procedure ATR: Acceptance Test Report ATS: Acceptance Test Specification BOM: Bill of Material CDR: Critical Design Review CMM: Component Maintenance Manual CVE: Compliance Verification Engineer DDP: Declaration of Design and Performance DFMEA: Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis DJF: Definition Justification File ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning FAI: First Article Inspection FAIR: First Article Inspection Review FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FTA: Fault Tree Analysis KOM: Kick-off Meeting KPI: Key Performance Indicator MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure OD: Outline Drawing P/N: Part Number PER: Project Exit Review PDR: Preliminary Design Review PFMEA: Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis PRR: Production Readiness Review QER: Qualification Exit Review QMS: Quality Management System QRR: Qualification Readiness Review QTP: Qualification Test Procedure QTR: Qualification Test Report RBS: Resources Breakdown Structure

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S/N: Serial Number V&V: Validation and Verification WBS: Work Breakdown Structure ZA: Zodiac Aerospace