
BETH SARAH JUNO REBECCA SAM HOLLY How do these women - both individually and as a group - represent ideas about gender roles? What kinds of stereotypes do they suggest? When are they ‘typical women’ (as if there were such a thing). When do they meet stereotypes of femininity? When do they challenge those stereotypes?

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Representations-group-picture






How do these women - both individually and as a group - represent ideas about gender roles? What kinds of stereotypes do they suggest? When are they ‘typical women’ (as if there were such a thing). When do they meet

stereotypes of femininity? When do they challenge those stereotypes?

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Page 2: Representations-group-picture

Now look at the following images. Note down some keywords that you feel sum up the kind of representations that are created in them.

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This picture is representing the idea of closeness and a feminine bond with the girls, as they are in a cosy and relaxed environment. The girls are shown to be comfortable in their environment because they are wearing relaxed clothing (pyjamas). How they are dressed also shows intimacy between the friends, as they are all close enough to wear what they wish. The mood or atmosphere between the girls appear to be humorous and light hearted. The use of warm colors such as orange, yellows and brown again connotes this warmth, comfort and support around the girls. This image can also relate to stereotypes of society, because women are associated with slumber parties and intimate female gatherings.
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This image can be seen to appeal more to the male audience because their physical appearance has been PhotoShopped, in order to appear larger in certain aspects (their chests). This picture gives a heroic and action affiliated connotation to the audience. This is shown because they have been photoshopped to have blood on them, along with that determined and serious face with each of the girls. The rain falling on the girls suggests the gloom and darkness that is associated with the film.
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In this image, Juno is seen to be close with Paul which represents their affair in the movie. Betrayal and deception are the key emotions in this picture because the audience knows that Juno has betrayed her best friend. There is a clear connection with Paul and Juno in this picture, which can be seen by the two holding hands. This picture also shows the stereotyped concept of how women typically want what other women have, in this case Juno wanting Sarahs husband. There is also the idea of Juno living for the moment, which is supported in the film by Pauls quote. Juno doesn't have any regrets about having an affair with Paul because she is constantly living in the moment.
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The use of color in this image is effective because warm tones such as Red and orange visually represent the gore and blood that Sarah has faced. She is covered in blood and holding a weapon, also connoting violence and terror. This scene is where Sarah has turned animalistic and extremely violent, as a result of what she has had to do to survive. In this picture, she leaves her old self behind and competes for survival of the fittest. She has had to convert into this dangerous character in order to escape and win. Although she has turned into this aggressive animalistic character, she is still perceived as the protagonist.
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