

Upload: alexandramediastudies

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Representation


Page 2: Representation

Social Representation

Social representation is a number of factors and values such as, stereotypes, ideas and beliefs that are shared among social groups.

Page 3: Representation


All kinds of media use realism to try represent real life to make whatever their media more believable.

As there is an increase in media knowledge due to technology there is more knowledge to the audiences that make the media less believable. However there is also the knowledge that there is some genres in film that they know cannot be real such as in sci-fi so they suspend their disbelief and adjust their thought to allow them to enjoy the film.

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In the film industry however extreme the film genre may be or storyline there is still the element of realism so the audience can believe what is happening. However realism features mainly in dramas as their aims are to be rea life.

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Because of dramas having the most realism in them, a convention of this tends to be a down beat ending rather than happy to emphasise on that real life element.

Within these dramas there is always the expectation to have the same aspect and connection to their own life experiences or a recognisable reality of someone else's life – not too far fetched to not be believed.

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Ensuring we use realism

There is many factors that make our short film a hard task to achieve, however, understanding how we are meant to capture the real life experiences will make the task easier as we know our aims.

As we are creating a drama, we need to make sure we are using a topic that is real and that people can relate to, although it does have to be something different so people want to watch our short film and not be the same as something else.

Page 7: Representation

Ensuring we use realism

The topic we have chosen to base our short film on is war as we know that everyone has the knowledge on war, particularly World War 2.

We have to ensure that we get the correct dress wear for that time and also the correct area as there are buildings and cars that wouldn’t have been there in that day and age.

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Ensuring we use realism

Context is very important to know what exactly was happening during these periods that we are setting our short film in, so carrying out research and possibly creating a fact file will be useful to guarantee that we get it right in the filming process.