report of 20th international conference & 17th youth summit 6 juli

Pert 1-6 “20th Internation Komisi Nasio Kementerian Laporan temuan iEARN ke -20 6 Juli 2013, Doha, Qatar nal Conference & 17th Youth onal Indonesia untuk UN n Pendidikan dan Kebud 2013 h Summit” NESCO dayaan

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Page 1: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

Pertemuan iEARN ke

1-6 Juli 2013, Doha, Qatar

“20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit”

Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


Pertemuan iEARN ke -20

6 Juli 2013, Doha, Qatar

“20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit”

Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO

ementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


“20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit”

Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO

ementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Page 2: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli
Page 3: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli


Laporan Pertemuan iEARN yang ke -20 di Doha, QatarTanggal 1-6 Juli 2013

“20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit”

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) merupakan organisasi

nirlaba yang bergerak menghubungkan guru dan siswa untuk berinteraksi

menggunakan jejaring teknologi komunikasi melalui website iEARN,untuk

melaksanakan proyek kolaborasi bersama dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas

pendidikan dan pengertian antar budaya.

Proyek kolaborasi ini meliputi bidang-bidang keilmuan yang tercakup dalam

kurikulum sehingga pelaksanaan program dapat dilakukan dikelas. Saat ini negara

yang menjadi anggota iEARN berjumlah 140 negara yang dapat berkomunikasi

dalam 30 bahasa.

Pada website iEARN terdapat forum guru dimana guru dapat berkomunikasi dengan

guru dari negara lain dan siswa juga dapat berkomunikasi dengan siswa dari negara

lain.Siswa dapat masuk berinteraksi apabila didaftarkan oleh gurunya. Pada saat ini

Jumlah guru yang terdaftar sebagai anggota iEARN sebanyak 50.000 guru dan 2

juta siswa.

Pada tahun 2013 iEARN tepat berusia 25 tahun dan bertepatan dengan itu pula

diadakan konferensi dunia yang memang menjadi agenda tahunan iEARN.

Atas permintaan iEARN Qatar yang didukung oleh Qatar Foundation dan ROTA

(Reach Out to Asia) dan beberapa sponsor yang lainnya. iEARN pada tahun ini

diselenggarakan di Doha, Qatar, pada tanggal 1 - 6 Juli 2013 dengan tema “ICT for

Education :Reaching out , Building Bridges”

Pada konferensi tahun ini Indonesia mengirimkan wakil terbanyak yaitu 56 peserta

terdiri dari: 44 siswa, 9 Guru, 2 orang staf Sekretariat Komisi Nasional Indonesia

untuk UNESCO dan Koordinator iEARN Indonesia, Hasnah Gasim, selaku Ketua

Rombongan. Jumlah peserta keseluruhan adalah 700 peserta dari 53 negara.

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Sekolah Indonesia yang hadir dalam konferensi tahun ini adalah SMA Labschool

Jakarta, SMA Labschool Cibubur, SMAN 1 Bekasi, SMKN 27 Jakarta, SMP Al Azhar

9 Kemang Pratama Bekasi dan SMP Al Azhar 19 Makasar. Jumlah peserta dari

masing-masing sekolah tercantum pada lampiran 1.

Indonesia menjadi anggota iEARN pada tahun 2004 dan setiap tahun selalu aktif

mengirimkan delegasi. Para guru di Indonesia menganggap program iEARN ini

sangat membantu dalam mendapatkan sertifikasi dan juga dalam pengajaran

dikelas. Hal ini terbukti dari testimoni yang disampaikan oleh beberapa guru yang

telah mengikuti program iEARN sejak 2004, tercantum pada lampiran 2.

Perlu diketahui bahwa Konferensi iEARN diselenggarakan pertama kali di Argentina

pada tahun 1994 dan sejanjutnya diselenggarakan di beberapa negara sebagai

berikut : Australia (1995), Hungaria (1996), Spanyol (1997), Amerika Serikat (1998),

Puerto Rico (1999), Cina (2000), Afrika Selatan (2001), Rusia (2002), Jepang

(2003), Slovakia (2004), Senegal (2005), Belanda (2006), Mesir (2007), Maroko

(2009), Kanada (2010), dan Taiwan (2011).

Konferensi yang diadakan di Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC) tahun ini

sangat mewah dengan dukungan fasilitas dari Pemerintah Qatar dan banyaknya

para pemateri yang diselenggarakan. Pada pemateri Plenary ada 5 nara sumber

yaitu: Peter Copen sebagai pendiri iEARN, Dr. Essam Heggy seorang ahli Planet

dari Universitas Caltech, Dr. Judy Harris, Ahli ICT dan membuat riset untuk

pemakaian ICT dalam pengajaran. Dr. Mohamed Ally seorang ahli Distance

Learning dan Mobile Learning dari Universitas Athabasca di Kanada dan Julie

Lindsay ahli Global Education dari Australia. Profil para nara sumber tercantum

pada lampiran 3.

Selain Plenary juga banyak presentasi proyek melalui kelas paralel sehingga

memungkinkan para siswa dan Guru untuk memilih proyek/tema yang kiranya dapat

dikembangkan di sekolah masing-masing.Selain mengikuti sessi Workshop pada

taggal 3 Juli diadakan Cultural Tour yang diselenggarakan oleh penyelenggara Tour

dengan biaya dari masing-masing peserta. Agenda International Conference dan

Youth Summit tercantum pada lampiran 4.

Pengetahuan baru yang dipresentasikan oleh para nara sumber sangat bermanfaat

untuk lebih lanjut dikembangkan di sekolah masing-masing. Misalnya pengetahuan

tentang pentingnya ICT dalam pengembangan pendidikan yang disampaikan oleh

Page 5: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli


Dr. Mohamed Ally dari Universitas Athabasca di Kanada yang antara lain

menyampaikan pemakaian IPAD dalam mengajar.Selanjutnya dia menyatakan

bahwa dengan pemakaian teknologi dan pendidikan jarak jauh dapat menghemat

uang untuk gedung dan akan lebih efesien. Uraian yang disampaikan tercantum

pada lampiran 5.

Di sela konferensi pada tanggal 2 Juli 2013 rombongan dari Indonesia mendapat

kehormatan untuk bertemu dengan Bapak Deddy Saiful Hadi, Duta Besar Republik

Indonesia untuk Qatar beserta staf KBRI di Wisma KBRI di Doha, Qatar.

Pada pertemuan yang berlangsung selama 3 jam tersebut dibahas beberapa hal

yang menjadi isu terkini terutama peningkatan kerjasama di bidang pendidikan dan

budaya antara Indonesia dengan Qatar.

Ditambahkan juga oleh pak Dubes bahwa Indonesia dikenal dalam mengirimkan

tenaga kerja wanita yang cukup besar,pada saat ini jumlah TKI di Qatar 20.000,

sedangkan tenaga professional sekitar 1000 saja. Beliau mengharapkan agar

Indonesia dapat mengirimkan tenaga kerja yang lebih terdidik untuk tahun –tahun

mendatang .

Selanjutnya, beliau cukup bangga bahwa Indonesia dapat mengirimkan peserta

cukup besar walaupun dibiayai oleh orang tua masing-masing. Hal ini berarti bawa

masyarakat Indonesia memandang bahwa pendidikan sangat penting.

Sangat diharapkan agar para guru dan siswa dapat melanjutkan program kolaborasi

ini di sekolah masing-masing dengan sekolah diluar negeri dengan cara memilih

proyek yang diminati.

Melalui keikutsertaan dalam konperensi ini diharapkan proyek yang direncanakan

bersama sekolah partner di luar negeri dapat berjalan lebih baik karena

kesempatan untuk membahasnya pada waktu mereka bertemu sehingga kolaborasi

akan berjalan lebih lancar.

Pada Konferensi ini siswa/siswi Indonesia ikut presentasi dalam beberapa proyek

kolaborasi yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya dengan partner mereka diluar negeri

dan pada malam culture night Indonesia juga ikut menyumbangkan beberapa tarian

seperti Tari Piring, Tari Pendet, dan Tari Sajojo yang diperagakan oleh siswa/siswi

dari Lab School Cibubur, sementara Tari Saman, Tari Amin Mamiri dipersembahkan

oleh siswa/siswi SMP Al-Azhar 19 di Makassar.

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Foto Kegiatan:

Pidato Pembukaan oleh MenteriPendidikan dan Sekolah Tinggi Qatar

Pidato oleh Dewan Eksekutif iEARN Pidato oleh Dewan Eksekutif iEARN

Sambutan oleh Direktur ROTA Sambutan oleh RasGas, Gold Sponsor

Pertunjukan Tarian Tradisional Qatar

Sambutan oleh Penemu iEARN, Peter Copen Sambutan dari perwakilan pemerintah Jepang


Page 7: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli


Presentasi oleh Dr. Mohamed Ally tentang PendidikanJarak Jauh dengan memakai ICT

Presentasi oleh Dr. Essam Heggy tentang Planet LuarAngkasa.

Presentasi tentang Tari Saman oleh SMP Islam Al Azhar9 Kemang, Bekasi

Melatih peserta belajar Tari Saman oleh SMP Islam AlAzhar 9 Kemang

Presentasi oleh Julie Lindsay tentang Flat Classroom

Presentasi oleh Kaharman Hamed, Palestina tentang pengajaran bahasa Inggris melalui program iEARN

Presentasi pada acara Pleno

Presentasi pada sesi Workshop

Page 8: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli


Pemberian Souvenir kepada Ibu Duta Besar di Qataroleh Ibu Hasnah Gasim, KNIU

Foto bersama Duta Besar RI di Qatar dengan seluruhpeserta Konferensi di Wisma KBRI

Tari Saman oleh SMP Isam Al Azhar 9 Kemang Bekasi Tari Amin Mamiri oleh SMP Isam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

Tari Piring oleh SMA Labschool Cibubur Tari Pendet oleh SMA Labschool Cibubur

Exhibition peserta Qatar

Pementasan Tarian oleh siswa/siswi dari Indonesia

Kunjungan ke Kedutaan KBRI di Doha

Page 9: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli


Tari Enggang oleh SMA Labschool Cibubur Tari Yamko Rambe Yamko oleh SMA LabschoolCibubur

Foto bersama para penari dari masing-masing negara pada acara CulturalNight

Page 10: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli



No Nama Jabatan

1. Hasnah Gasim Koordinator iEARN Indonesia, Komisi Nasional Indonesiauntuk UNESCO

2. Dewi Koralina Staf sekretariat Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO

3. Salwa Muchsin Staf sekretariat Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO

4. Fauzi Rahman Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

5. Ni Made Sulianderi Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

6. Nurseha Saleh Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

7. Dian Novrini Nurman Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

8. Moch Noor Rochman Guru SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

9. Ira Damayanti Fasa Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Akademik SMA LabschoolCibubur

10 Suparno Sastro Suwarno Wakil Kepala Sekolah Bidang Akademik SMA LabschoolRawamangun

11. Febby Angraeni Syamsunar Guru SMA Labschool Cibubur

12. Revia Ayunindyasari Budiyono Guru SMA Labschool Cibubur

13. Herdika Praga Adya Perkasa Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi

14. Nurhana Wisnu Hardono Siswa SMK Negeri 27 Jakarta

15. Vera Nautika Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

16. Aminah Dokumalamo Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

17. Erwin Dokumalamo Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

18. Ahmad Umlati Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

19. Ibtita Ibrahim Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

20. Nurul Halim Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

21. Qushai Idris Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

22. Ratih Ismail Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

23. Muhammad Assyurah Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 24 Makasar

24. Ayuni Widya Kusuma Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

25. Annisha Rizkyanti Putri Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

26. Andari Handa Kusuma Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

27. Aisyah Rais Talia Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

28. Hilwa Zahwa Nadira Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

29. Aulia Cipta Hadipranata Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

30. Farah Widasari Ningrum Waluyo Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

31. Rizky Annisa Yasmine Daulay Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

32. Dafa Muhammad Hafiz Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

33. Muhammad Kenzo Baskoro Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

34. Daffa Muhammad FauzanSulistiyo

Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

35. Naufal Noor Mulya Putra Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

36. Tiara Kartika Priyaninggar Siswa SMP Islam Al Azhar 9 Kemang, Bekasi

37. Ade Olivia Ananda Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

38. Ananda Carissa Haswin Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

Page 11: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

No Nama Jabatan

39. Arya Nugraha Susanto Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

40. Audra Sekar Arum Samodra Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

41. Audynita Larasati Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

42. Aziz Ismail Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

43. Dede Rizki Suharyadi Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

44. Diva Anggaramukti Verdiar Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

45. Faraz Rachmat Asikin Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

46. Farrel Maulana Insan Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

47. Faza Agra Wisanggeni Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

48. Muhammad Ilham Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

49. Muhammad Adnan Elseno Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

50. Niko Satrio Pinandito Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

51. Rahmita Sashikirana Damayanti Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

52. Rianto Bagus Dwimakara Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

53. Rimma Zulva Nezra Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

54. Salsabila Rizkita Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

55. Shofura Naufal Rifiera Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

56. Tissa Ramadhani Siswa SMA Labschool Cibubur

Page 12: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli



Second, IEARN has developed my creativity

through Project Based Learning implemented

in my class. Through the harnessing of

technology used by IEARN, it enables me to

be engaged in several meaningful educational

projects with different themes such as

culture, environment, health, etc. Thus, I can

learn more about how to integrate this

internet technology into my teaching and

learning process appropriately.

Third, IEARN has enriched my teaching tech-

niques and has helped me in driving my

students to give more attention to the lesson

through various activities that have been im-

plemented and contributed to the students’ life.

For instance, I tried to ask my students to

watch a movie in form of legend instead of

reading a text book related to a story. I could

motivate students to write a narrative text

based on the short movie that they had seen.

Besides, I asked my students to review

Remarks by Hasnah Gasim, National Coordinator ofASPnet /iEARN Indonesia on the Benefit of Joining iEARN

Internet is a tool that can create and support an online learningenvironment. Its ability to promote computer mediated communication,that is the use of computer networks to allow learners in differentgeographical locations to interact with one another. The opportunity forreflective interaction is encouraged and supported through onlinecollaborative project work.

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) has provided anetwork to enable teachers and students to use the Internet and othertechnologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make adifference in the world.

Online collaborative learning is a very enriching process, both for teachersand students. It is rewarding that students learn by themselves, feel moreinvolved and more dedicated, become independent learners, and becomebetter citizens of the world.

Please find below some Remarks by some Indonesian Teachers on theBenefit of Joining iEARN.

Wiwi Rosario SMA 1Padang [email protected]

IEARN, a global network providing a

number of various projects designed

to make a difference in the world,

has given a contribution in

empowering the people around the

world, especially teachers and

youth. This forum has given many

valuable things for me as a teacher in my beloved

city“ PADANG”. Frankly speaking, there are severalbenefits I obtain due to the involvement in thisforum.

First, IEARN has truly motivated me to improve my

competence in technology such as my computer

skill. By joining IEARN, I am encouraged tofigure out several problems dealt with computer like

in creating a web site, a blog site which is used to

publicize the projects which have been conducted.

So, I learn more about computer technology that

can assist me in getting and transferring my ideas.


Page 13: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

this short movie they had watched. So, I’m not

only focused on the book they students have,

but also through the audio visual tool available

at my school used in teaching, particularly in

motivating students to write a text.

In addition, my involvement in IEARN, has in-

herently broaden my perspective and I become

more concerned with the latest global issues which

can stimulate my thinking skill with the existence

of different projects at / Honestly, IEARN has

provided me the experience in investigating,analyzing, evaluate, and reflect ideas.

Furthermore , IEARN as a forum for teachers

and students has improved my foreign lan-

guage skill, because in IEARN we have several

foreign languages such as English, Spanish,

French, and so forth. So, I can practice using

these foreign languages to keep in touch with the

people around the world.

At last but not least, by joining IEARN, I can

promote my culture and the interesting places

that can be visited by foreigner in my country

that can give the income to my country if the

someone in IEARN interested to go the places

that I and my students have promoted.

Through IEARN, I also got an opportunity to

visit foreign country directly like partaking in

international conference in Egypt, 2007. This

activity truly has given me a valuable

experience contributing to my professional skill.

To put something in a nutshell, I believe that

IEARN as an interactive network, has provided

me worthy experience pertaining to several as-

pects of my life including my teaching strategy.

So, it’ll be useful if all the teachers in our be-

loved country Indonesia, join IEARN.

I know that I can get many

teaching resources from

internet and taking it into

my class as my presentation

material. Then, I got the

information about iEARN so I know that

through it, we are also able to widen our

teaching learning activities. More challenging,

interesting, and moreover it takes us out off

our daily teaching learning process.

I believe that program demand us to be able to

operate computer’s programs as well as the use of

internet. It increase our ability of using internet so

we have to learn it we get no other ways but to

learn how to use it. As an outcome we get a

linkage with the foreign countries. It broadens not

only our teaching learning resources but alsoqualifies our skill in teaching.

iEARN connects us to other school around the

world doing a certain subject. It gives us a

change to know one to another through the

subject matter we are working on it. We can

share ideas of the way we learn as well as to

teach. Besides, students can communicate with

their peers from other countries using English.

Surely it is the best change for them in practicing

as well as improving their English skill in a real


As we know, anyone-specially students- are more

curious and more interesting working with

strangers somewhere else oversees. As a result

they do this activity eagerly and seriously. These

make them more responsible in doing the task

based on the schedule given.

Mostly the topics in iEARN are group work

assignment. The students absolutely should be

able to work with their classmates otherwise theycannot fulfill the project on time. Students are

learning how to express their ideas as well as to try

to understand their peers’ ideas. Here they learnhow to find the solution from the ideas thatcome from many heads. Moreover, they study how

to cooperate with others in getting the best result

of the project.

The projects are working out with the students

from all over the worlds. Even this is only a limited

subject, but when they doing the subject they

interact with the ones with the different

background. Here they gain knowledge of new

value, custom, and culture. The situation controls

the students with the better understanding of their

background. That’s why the activity will increase

their sense of tolerance, the willingness of seeking

to understand rather than to be understood.

Ahmad Wahyudi

SMP Islam Al Azhar 2 Jakarta

021-7971451/ [email protected]

Page 14: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

The first time I joined iEARN,I felt so happy to think about

having new friends, knowing

much about teacher as aprofession from the other

perspective of life from people

all over the world, and sharing problems we had

in our own school in iEARN Teacher’s Forum. I

never thought it could be more than that. I never

imagined what iEARN could give to us, until I

conducted a project and explored more about the


Before joining iEARN, I did my work as teacher just

like the other teachers. I came to school, delivered

the materials and went home. It was boring and

not challenging. Working as a teacher was just a

routine activity day by day.

In 2005, I got the invitation to attend an iEARNworkshop. I met other members of iEARN in Pitagiri

hotel, Jakarta. It was such a great happiness for

me to meet new people with the same profession,

and the situation was even better when I registered

myself to be a member of iEARN.

I read “Teacher’s Forum” and I found out that

there were many dedicated teachers from all over

the world sharing many aspect of education. It

was very inspiring, why I never asked myself about

what I could contribute to my students for their

progress in achieving a better result of study, or

what I could share to my fellow teachers to make

the lessons more interesting and easy to be learnt

by our students, or even what I could contribute to

my school to increase its quality.

Suddenly my point of view about my professionchanged. Being a member of iEARN was a kind of

a “wake up call” for me to do something for my

school. I conducted an HIV/Aids project, and it

brought my students to a new atmosphere of

study. They were so excited to find out the new

ways of learning. They were so happy to be able

to express their ideas, to write better in English

using the right grammatical orders and the right

composition, and the important thing is that they

could share and communicate with other

students around the world through the project

which was being conducted at that time.

The effect was not only what I mentioned above.

The result of their study especially for English

lesson also showed a better improvement, they

could pass the national examination with satisfying

grade and they could be accepted in a notable


I’ve been more and more aware that there aremany things I can do in many aspects for my

school improvements after becoming a member of

iEARN. I have learned many things through iEARN

that I can apply in my class activities to make my

lessons more interesting and enjoyable, using new

methods and techniques that we have learned on

every Saturday meeting (Multiple Intelligence,

Habits of Mind, Project Based Learning, Livelong

Guideline, Inquiry Learning, etc). I can improve

my students’ ability in writing and reading skills,

so they are more confident in communicatingwith other students through internet.

I also could share what I’ve learnt to my fellow

teachers. In other words, iEARN can improve the

way we teach our students in our school. The

bigger result is that my school which has been

appointed to be an international standard school

has met the requirements to apply some methods

of teaching which are used internationally.

There are many more benefits that I can’tmention here. Basically, I’m very grateful being a

member of iEARN and I never want to loose any

chances which are provided by iEARN to make my

duty as a teacher more successfully, and general

to improve the quality of education.

Drs. A. Suarta

Senior High School 1 Bogor

0251-321758/ 081315892572

[email protected]

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al Disaster’ as my project that I myself hadalready got that experience.

Mr Suparno, the teacher of Lab School in Ja-karta asked me to join his program. Luckily,

we were invited to attend a symposium in

Wakayama, Japan entitled ‘National Disaster

Reduction’. Mr. Suparno and I accompanied 4

of our students. It was an unforgettable

experience I’ve never dreamt before. As a

teacher, going to Japan with my own fund is

impossible. Apparently, by joining iEARN

program I could go to Japan without paying

anything. In Japan I met other teachers from

ASEAN countries, Thailand, Philippines, India,

Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and

Japan as the host.

Furthermore iEARN has enlarge my knowl-

edge, to get the recent information easily and

quickly. iEARN not only gives the benefit ofon-line collaborative but also gives current

information needed.

D iponegoro 1 highschool is beingintroduced to iEARN

on April 2007. I wasone of the participant

at that time. On May I

became a member of iEARN. But still I was not

doing anything yet, just browsing on iEARN site. I

went to the teacher interactive forum. It opened

my mind that a lot of teacher outside Indonesia

are willing to give ideas, suggestion, and


I learn a lot from the interactive forum. Itmotivates me to become a better teacher. Forexample, I read about how to “Manage a Large

Class”. In Diponegoro High School we have a

large class. One class has 40 students. This is myfifth year in Diponegoro but still I don’t knowthe strategy how to manage a large class. Fromthe forum, I realize that I’m not alone dealing

with the problem. The suggestion from otherteachers about controlling and managing largeclass helps me a lot.

On July 2007, iEARN Indonesia has given me achance to go abroad. I went to Egypt attended

iEARN 14th International Conference. I met a

lot of nice people there and also learnt much

from them. I also knew there are a lot of

interested projects in iEARN. I started picking a

project. I’m quite interested in “Year 1945”


Back to my school, I began to concentrate

starting a project. And than I have got chance

to participated in “ONLINE PROFESSIONAL


Studies for this course.

iEARN ONLINE Course makes my step easierbecause I began to know iEARN much more.

Dra. Numalina ZA

SMA N 3 Banda Aceh‘0811687615

[email protected]

iEARN is an interactive Fo-rum. I knew this forum fromIbu Hasnah who visited someSenior High Schools in BandaAceh that hit by Tsunamidisaster. The Schools wereSMAN 3, SMAN 7, SMAN 6

and SMA Modal Bangsa. Knowing the fact, Ibu

Hasnah gave her attention to help especiallyeducation to the teachers who cannot operate

computer even internet.

Three months after her visit in Banda Aceh, wewere invited to attend a ‘Workshop’ related to

ASPnet in Cisarua Bogor for two days. Since then,

Ibu Hasnah registered us as a member of iEARN.

As a member I was advised to collaborate with

other teachers and also my students. iEARN has

an interactive forum, how interesting it was.

The follow up of the workshop was the partici-

pants should prepare its project. I chose ‘Nation-

Hanny Atie Sumarni


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Page 16: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

I started to contact other teachers from the online

course to work in a project. I get through working in

my project step by step correctly.

The Local History become my first project. Ichoose the project because it fits to our localhistory and anthropology, my major curriculum. So it

is very suitable to enrich my materials and also make

my students actively involve in iEARN project.

The Benefits of joining iEARN for me are as follows :

Make my English better (because I’m not anEnglish teacher and I never take an English courses

It improves my writing skills Get ideas and information from teacher interactiveforum and also online course

Enrich my materialsMeet a lot teachers from around the globe Face to face workshop enables me to meetbetterteachers and it motivates me to be a better teacher

As a new participant, after following

th is workshop of cour se I have

known much about iEARN, so I plan to

choose my students especially International Class

Students to be involved in iEARN, but I am still

thinking what project which is suitable for them.So I have to browse very often first to see and

learn more about what other people have done.

I’m very pleased to get the suggestions from the

coordinator and facilitators about a good project to

be involved in iEARN for my students. I am an

English teacher at Vocational High School in

Tourism Course. The students are Hotel

Accommodation and Food & Beverage Course, so

they have two skills to study and

consists of 17 students. As an English teacher, I

am interested in language, but I want to relate it

to my students’ major. I try to choose “Culture

Recipe Book” as my project in my school. But if

this project is not available anymore, I would like

to change it with“ Future Citizens”.

After I know much about iEARN, I intended to

do something involving my students to make

them know many things. As we know that

Vocational High School students tends to be

considered as low economic level students. But

I want to try to make them realize that they

are also potential and able to do something to

show to the world.

No one of us – both teachers

and students of SMKN 4

Malang – had ever imagined a

new teaching and learning

process which was totally

different from what we had

done for years: teachers

show exercise books to students, while the students

had to study the topics in the books and did the

exercise Students who did the exercises were con-

sidered diligent and smart while those who did not

were considered lazy and of course this condition af-

fected their mark for the related subject. What made

the situation – learning process – became worse and

worse was even an English teacher asked the stu-

dents to write. Once a week, four periods of time,

students were assigned to write tenses, vocabulary,

grammar, elliptical structures, question tags, ad-jective clauses, and many other English topics thatended in the students’ books.

Although there were teachers providing new

learning environment for students by using ICT,

they still used their old style: they took the ma-

terial recourse from internet to be practiced in the

classroom without considering that students

needed to confront with their real world, not an

artificial one they found in the classroom. Inthis condition, teachers were not really considered

innovative teachers.

Since there was fast growth of Information Com-

munication technology (ICT), many forums es-

tablished debating the importance /significance

Khairan Deslina SMKN 27



deslina 70

R. Imran HamidEnglish teacher of SMKN 4

Malang [email protected]


Page 17: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

of using network media into students’ learning

process. “I am worried that students will get ac-

customed to the copy and paste habit without

involving filtration process for every information

they get”, said a physics teacher teaching an in-

ternational program in SMKN 4 Malang. Another

argument arose when this learning innovation was

offered to a very senior entrepreneur teacher who

would retire in no time. “Why should I bother my-

self doing such kind of complicated things? I will

retire in two years. I just want to spend the

remaining time enjoying my job”. The other

interesting opinion also came up from a part time

teacher who had not been promoted into

government employee. He said,” Why should I

force myself trying new learning process? I have

tried to find out new challenging environment for

my students to learn but I still remain a part time

teacher for years”. This condition had happened in

our school for years. We almost decided that this

“style” of teaching and learning process was the

only thing we could provide to students. Moreover,

the school did not pay much attention to English

teachers since they had not won any prestigious

prizes for English, even in Malang.

However, God seems doesn’t let this declining

process happened continuously. He wants toremind the teachers what they are assigned for.

“Where there is a will, there is a way”. The way forour innovation started with iEARN. iEARN provides

teachers and students a new environment to

interact with people all around the world directly

by using English while at the same time both theteachers and the students are trying to make theearth into a better place to live in. Projects such as“let’s live without problems”; “electronic school

magazine”; “side by side”; “music around theworld”; “my country”; and others are presented inmore interesting way and let the teachers and thestudents all over the world cooperate ourselves tomake the earth a better place. iEARN reminds us,teachers, and students of SMKN 4 Malang, that

knowledge is important, but what is more impor-tant is the chance for us to apply our knowledgeinto our real life. Through iEARN, we will learnresponsibility, confidence, cooperativeness, andcommitment. We will make the earth become abetter place that what we have thought before.

Through iEARN we will reach the highest stage oflearning, understand. “Tell me and I will forget.Show me and I will know. Involve me and I willlearn”.

There are no promises we give to the policy

makers of iEARN. However, let us see what we

can do after this workshop. Let us do our best,

and God will do the rest, for iEARN, for our

better future....

Let’s make a better place... .For you, for me, and the entire human race....

There arent people dying if we care enough for

their living.....Make a better place for you and for me...For you and for me...

(Song by Michael Jackson)

I attended iEARN in BumiKarsa Hotel, Jakarta because

I really want to know what is

iEARN and what is the

benefits of joining iEARN,

not only for me but also for

my students and my school.

After getting information about iEARN from otherparticipants who have experiences, and listening

their testimony from iEARN teachers and students,

I got many informations that there are many

benefits in joining iEARN.

According to me, iEARN is:

DA network in which teachers and students can

communicate on line throughout the world. DEnable us to develop our English skills especially

in reading and writing.

D A media of discussion and sharing about anykind of subject/project like language, culture,art, science, environment, technology and soon.

DTo develop our project ideasD Give us a chance to go abroad, meet

participants from other countries and knowthem closely.

Knowing that more benefits that we will get fromjoining iEARN, I’m very much interested in in-

tegrating iEARN into my class. I’ll share the pro-

grams of iEARN to my teacher mates, not onlyEnglish teachers. I’ll collaborate my school

activities with iEARN especially for The IndicatorClass (the best class). Because I’m a new comer,

I’m eager to know more about iEARN by keeping in

touch with other participants in Indonesian andother countries. I hope one day I and my students

will be able to go abroad through iEARN programs.

Ani Rohaeni SMAN 2

Cibinong – Bogor

[email protected]


Page 18: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

The question why I join iearnprogram is because I like the

new things in improving the way I

present materials to my students. I explore the

methods which are essential in learning teachingstrategy. I sometimes find teaching a staticand exhausted activities more over I have to

teach more than 24 hours a week with no day

off. When I was introduced to iEARN projects it is

so challenging although I am not so active in

participating in this work. And I have some

activities to handle the students’ extra curricular

out of class in the afternoon and it takes time as

they have taken part in competitions. And it is

time consuming as well. Some obstacles I got in

connecting to the internet and lack of my

knowledge in operating it. But now I have

collaborated in my I have

upload some students’ works there. It works well

as they appreciate what they have done. I always

try to encourage my students to see my blog that

I have kept my students’ works. I have collected

my student’s works and I want to upload them in

some projects in iEARN. When I got the book

distributed by the committee, it empowers me to

do so. I want to invite my students to join the

project again. As it gives some benefits inteaching and learning process. The problemsthat I find is when I want to invite mystudents to do the works using computer they

have to skip their class or they have to do out of

class. I do it in the afternoon and some of my

students get extra lesson. Now, I teach in an

accelerated class consists of 23 students. It

makes me easier to conduct my work.

iEARN is a new Energy of Teaching and Learning. The benefits of joiningiEARN are as follows:

1. I have a vision to the future

2. It gives bridge to new world, not only about English but I can learn

about other subjects

3. I learn to manage students

4. I learn to make use of computer

5. I have a dream to be a better teacher

Learning is not only read and write. Learning is also take and give something


Through iEARN, I may get the best for myself, my family, and my stu-


My name is Nazirawati from SMA Diponegoro I Jakarta. My school, especially

my friend; Hany has been registered and active in IEARN. But frankly speak-

ing, I did not know much about it because of a classical reason, being busy. I

am a teacher of 2 different schools and teach 2 classes as well. Hany has also

many activities, so we had no more time to talk about IEARN comfortably. But

deep in my heart, I have a great desire to know and to take part in IEARN.

And thank to God, I got invitation from Indonesian Commission for

Wiwin Herawati

SMA Negeri 3 Bandung

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Page 19: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

way of teaching. Direct consultation with Mrs.

Hasnah emphasizes my understanding.

Before I joined this workshop, I thought IEARNwas complicated. But this moment, after reading

some papers we got, it seems to me that it isreally visible to do. Now I have an idea how to

develop iEARN in my school.

One of IEARN’s projects “ GOOD DEEDS “attracts my interest. There are so many littlethings we can do and they can be regarded asgood deeds. I can inform my students about this.

“GOOD DEEDS“ are around us, even at school.Keeping everything clean, throwing rubbish oreven used candies plastics into proper place areamong good deeds. So simple. “GOOD DEEDS“ isin harmony with my school effort to create nice,

friendly and clean school.

Firstly, I knew iEARNfrom my friend who fol-lowed the ICT workshop.Mrs. Elok gave me Mrs.Hasnah phone numberand then my school was

invited to join the workshop of iEARN at Pitagiri –2006. It is a nice and useful workshop that I join,because I can enlarge my knowledge and got muchexperience.

At that online workshop my school which included inthe PEACE Group, get the project “Domestic Abuse”.My students are very interested for this program and

thanks to the God Almighty that we have done the

project until the publication phase even though wehave many problems on the internet connection.

The internet connection in my region is still in badcondition. Hopefully, what the Indonesian Coordi-

nator said yesterday that the Ministryof National Education will make allschools connected to internet free ofcharge, will come true. So ourprogram will run well.

After we joined the workshop at Pita-

giri, my friends and I who joined the

workshop made the socialization of

iEARN in my school. First, for all the

teachers in my school and then we in-

vite the English and IT teachers from

the other school and finally we havea chance to socialize iEARN to all the

headmasters in senior high school in

my province in one of their meetings. I

just want to inform you that my head-

master support us in joining this pro-

gram, I hope that iEARN will always

exist in my region.

UNESCO to join this workshop where Icould gain many information and which

makes my unclear description and imageof IEARN really clear, because thefacilitators having more experienceselaborated their projects they have done,answered questions and problems wemight have when we are on line. Now, I

know what IEARN is and also its objec-tives. And the most impressive thing I feltis my meeting with other teachers all overIndonesia. We can share, not only aboutIEARN but also about problems in ourschool. It makes me realize that I am

nothing among others. The workshop alsomotivates me to learn more and more. Itreally enables me to better improve my

Salhan Astuti Ibrahim SMA

3 Gorontalo ,


[email protected]

Page 20: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

iEARN 2013 – Conference Keynote Speakers

Peter Copen - Conference Opening KeynotePeter Copen was President of an international textile corporation from1964-1975. He was a big brother to five different boys, which confirmedhis passion to help young people. In 1977 he co-created a national, award-winning alternative school, The Walkabout Program, which focused onbuilding self esteem and teaching skills for life and career. He directed it,was a teacher in the program and was nominated for teacher of the year inNew York State. Walkabout is now in its 36th year. In 1980, he foundedThe School Improvement Project that helped school districts to create a

shared vision for their future and then implement it. In 1988 he founded both The Copen FamilyFund and iEARN. The Fund won The 2007 Critical Impact Award from The U.S. Council onFoundations for its work with iEARN. Peter has a beautiful wife, Nancy, four children, fivegrandchildren and an old dog. He lives in San Diego, California, but sadly does not surf.

Dr. Essam HeggyDr. Essam Heggy is a Planetary Scientist at Caltech University. Heggy obtained hisPh.D. in astronomy and planetary science in 2002 with distinguished honors fromthe Paris VI University in France. His main science interests in space and planetarygeophysics covers Mars, the Moon, icy satellites and Near Earth Objects. His

research involves probing structural, hydrological and volcanic elements interrestrial and planetary environments using different types of radar imaging andsounding techniques as well as measuring the electromagnetic properties of rocks

in the radar frequency range. He is currently a member of the science team ofthe MARSIS instrument aboard the Mars Express orbiter (2003-present), the Mini-SAR experimentaboard Chandrayaan-1, the Mini-RF experiment on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (2008-present), the CONSERT radar experiment on board the Rosetta mission (2004-2015) and the RIMEexperiment Onboard JUICE mission for Jupiter Icy Satellites. Heggy is the Principal Investigator ofthe NASA Earth Venture Mission Concept OASIS. He is also a contributing scientist to severalproposed planetary and terrestrial radar imaging and sounding experiments. Heggy also taughtacademic classes and mentored several postdocs and graduated students in UCLA, Caltech,Cambridge University, Paris VI & Paris VII universities, Institut de Physique du Globe, École NormaleSupérieure, University of Houston, Trento University and Colombia University.

Dr. Judi HarrisDr. Judi Harris is a professor and the Pavey Family Chair inEducational Technology in the School of Education at the College ofWilliam & Mary, where she coordinates the Curriculum andEducational Technology doctoral program. Dr. Harris’ research andservice focus upon K-12 curriculum-based technology integrationand teacher professional development. During the past 32 years ofher work in educational computing, she has authored more than225 research and pedagogical publications on curriculum-basedapplications of educational technologies. Judi’s work is used by

teachers, technology specialists, and teacher educators internationally; especially her “activitystructures” method for designing curriculum-based learning activities that incorporate use of online


Page 21: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

tools and resources. She and colleague Mark Hofer have adapted this notion to introduce content-based “activity types” as instructional planning aids that help teachers integrate the full spectrum ofdigital and nondigital tools and resources into learning experiences in ten content areas to date.

Dr. Mohamed AllyDr. Ally is Professor in Distance Education and a researcher in the TechnologyEnhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University in Canada. Heobtained his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta, Canada. His current areas ofresearch include mobile learning, e-learning, distance education, and use ofinformation and communication technology in training and education. Dr. Allyis Past-President of the International Federation of Training and DevelopmentOrganizations (IFTDO) and is one of the Founding Directors of the InternationalAssociation of Mobile Learning (IamLearn). He was also on the board of the

Canadian Society for Training and Development. Dr. Ally chaired the Fifth World Conference onMobile Learning and co-chaired the First International Conference on Mobile Libraries. He recentlyedited four books on the use of mobile technology in education, training and libraries and iscurrently editing five additional books. His book “Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery ofEducation and Training” won the Charles A. Wedemeyer Award for significant contribution todistance education. Two of his research papers won the best research paper award at national andinternational conferences. Dr. Ally has published in peer-reviewed journals, chapters in books andencyclopedia and served on many journal boards and conference committees. He has presentedkeynote speeches, workshops, papers, and seminars in many countries.

Julie LindsayGlobal Educator, Innovator, Teacherpreneur, Leader. Julie has led the way in globaleducation and technology-infused connections and collaborations across sixcountries. Originally from Melbourne, Australia where she was a music educatorand innovator in music technology, she has since taught and led the use ofeducational technology in schools at Zambia, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Qatar, andChina. As an IT Director in international schools, she implemented 1:1 learning andworked with teachers from K-12 on pedagogical applications for mobile and

ubiquitous computing. She also developed a unique approach to global collaboration using Web 2.0tools and connected learning approaches.Julie is now based back in Australia as a consultant, presenter and workshop leader and iscurrently Director of Learning Confluence, Director and co-founder of Flat Classroom® and GlobalCollaboration Consultant for THINK Global School. She is also co-author of Flattening Classrooms,Engaging Minds: Move to Global Collaboration One Step at a Time, Pearson 2012. As a globaleducator she has delivered workshops, supported school technology and pedagogy developmentand organised conferences in various parts of the world. Julie is a highly effective and sought-aftereducational consultant due to her ability to understand different global contexts and to bringexperience and opportunities to others through her passion for learning and ‘teacherpreneur’approach.Julie has had a long association with iEARN, including attending the Melbourne conference in 1995and participating in Learning Circles while working in different countries. iEARN provided theinspiration to her more recent work with Flat Classroom and global collaboration throughdemonstrating clear cultural and social benefits to joining students and teachers across the world.

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Conference Program Overview

Monday, July 1st 2013


Opening Ceremony

12:00-1:45pm LUNCH – Conference Hall

2:00- 2:50pm Sessions:1. Making a difference in the world...with mobile devices. How to build an iEARN

project for cell phones and tablets- 215-216

2. Global Connectedness: An Interdisciplinary Approach- 2173. Films and Digital Stories in Education: the vision of the MY HERO Project- 2184. Touchable Earth in iEARN schools- 219-2205. Community Service: at the heart of the post- revolution education- 2376. Fostering Active Citizenship via Project-Based Learning-2387. Egyptian Experience with ICT in Education Practice and Impact- 2398. ICT in the Classroom: Building a Classroom Blog- 241

3:00- 3:50pm Sessions:1. Students as Content Creators in the 21st Century- 215-2162. Building Bridges across Cultures: Telecollaboration in an EFL Classroom in Taiwan-


3. World Youth News: Re-launched and Revitalized- 219-2204. Establishing iEARN Clubs in Schools- 2325. Machinto- 2386. Using Greenscreen Effects in Media Making (3-6pm)- 241

4:00- 4:50pm Keynote: What iEARN Teachers Learn: Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge(TPACK) for Online Projects – in Theater

By Dr. Judi Harris

5:00- 5:50pm Follow up informal talk: What iEARN Teachers Learn: Technology, Pedagogy, and ContentKnowledge (TPACK) for Online Projects – in Theater

By Dr. Judi HarrisOthers:

1. Using Greenscreen Effects in Media Making (3-6pm)- 2412. Preparation for Exhibit- Conference Hall3. Free Time

6:00- 6:50pm Others:1. Preparation for Exhibit- Conference Hall2. Free Time

7:00- 9:00pm Dinner – Conference Hall

9:00-10:00pm Activity:1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall2. iEARN Got Talent Photo Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall


Page 23: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

Tuesday, July 2nd 2013

9:00- 9:50am Keynote:ICT: Building Bridges and Solving Educational Divide – in Theater

Dr. Mohamed AllyKeynote:

Space science as a motor to build and inspire future generations – in TheaterDr. Essam Heggy

10:00- Sessions:10:50am 1. Plenary: From Peer Learning to Peer Assessment; there’s a world to win

in education! – Theater2. Games as an Educational Technology- 215-2163. BYkids Screening/Workshop: Youth Media and Taking Action (90m)- 2174. The Project Based Learning from Classroom to TPD to Global Learning

Environment- 2185. Blended Learning: Educational Implications for the 21st Century Classroom- 219-


6. Educommunication Projects in Language Learning- 2377. A session for iEARN country coordinators on how to use for

managing educator accounts- 241

11:00- Sessions:11:50am 1. Meeting for interested in "Km2 /square mile" pilot phase of the project. (Mobile

Learning)- 215-216

2. BYkids Screening/Workshop: Youth Media and Taking Action (90m)- 2173. Canada and Taiwan Cultural Exchange- Teddy Bear Project meet- 218

4. Using Movie Makers with Young Elementary Children- 219-2205. WeVideo Soccer Story: Students in 3 countries make 1 video ONLINE- 2326. Using Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Language Skills- 2367. When the West meets the Eeast-- Case Study of 2012-2013 NSLI-Y Students School

Visits in Taiwan- 2378. From Peer Learning to Peer Assessment; hands-on workshop- 241

12:00-1:45pm LUNCH – Conference Hall

2:00- 2:50pm Sessions:1. Connecting Globally via Twitter & the #globalclassroom Chats- 215-2162. iTeach with iPads- 2173. Photojournalism 2.0 Images of Social Change- 218

4. Empowering Women & Youth: Ancestral Education in Rural Latin America, WestAfrica, Middle East...the World- 219-220

5. Talking Kites all over the world- 2376. A study of learning attainment targets through International Intercultural Mural

Exchange- 238

3:00- 3:50pm Sessions:1. Challenges of interactive teaching ϼΗϓΎѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧόϠϳ ϼѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧΗόϠϳϣΕΣΩѧѧѧѧѧѧѧѧϳΎΗ - 215-2162. “Anne Frank Meet & Learn” Project, and Current Condition Since Post 3.11 - 2173. Messages beside You -JEARN's Activities for 2011 Earthquake Sufferers- 2184. Humanity and Conflict Resolution Learning Circle enhanced by the TC2 Critical

Thinking Tools- 219-2205. Getting started with iEARN- 2326. MY HERO Global Learning Circles 2013- 236

Page 24: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

7. Spotlight in Taiwan- 2378. Photoshop Elements: Altering Images and Special Effects (3-6 pm)- 241

4:00- 4:50pm Sessions:1. Plenary: Tear Down the Walls of Your Classroom- Theater2. Esplori: Video Access for All- 215-2163. Connecting through SMS- 219-2204. GameWerks, a constructionist model for integrating game design in education- 2325. Integrating ICT in After School English Language Programs- 2366. Photoshop Elements: Altering Images and Special Effects (3-6 pm)- 241

5:00- 5:50pm Sessions:1. Photoshop Elements: Altering Images and Special Effects (3-6 pm)- 2412. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall

6:00- 6:50pm 1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall2. Free Time

7:00- 8:30pm Dinner – Conference Hall

8:00-9:00pm Evening Activity:1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall2. Adobe Youth Voices Festivals – in Theater

Wednesday, July 3rd 2013

9:00- Cultural Tours – ALL DAYView website:

7:00- 8:30pm Dinner – Conference Hall

Thursday, July 4th 2013

9:00- 9:50am Keynote speech– in TheaterBy Julie Lindsay

10:00- 10:50am Sessions:1. iEARN Global Learning Circles 2013- 215-2162. Impact of using Project based learning with integration of ICT in learning

English as a second language- 2183. Educational Expeditions- 219-2204. Project Based Learning in mountain region youth in Georgia- 2365. Building an effective lesson plan with ICT - Design by climbing down the ladder

(90m)- 239

11:00- 11:50am Sessions:1. Youth Media and Campaigning- 215-2162. General meeting for iEARN project facilitators- 218

Page 25: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

3. The success of blogging and wikis to support IEARN projects / Making Connectionsthrough the Travelling Scrapbook Project - 219-220

4. Voyage for the Making of a Better World: From the Practice of Local YouthVolunteering to the Possibility of International Volunteering Collaboration- 238

5. Building an effective lesson plan with ICT - Design by climbing down the ladder(90m)- 239

6. A111..ك ,..l., A.4-1.)1 ,=cul--: c$4111 641.)-11 t9.)14 241

12:00-1:45pm LUNCH — Conference Hall

2:00- 2:50pm Sessions:1. Adopting an Action Researcher Perspective as You Engage in iEARN Projects- 215-


2. Incorporating iEARN projects into classroom activities (90m)- 2173. Paternal and maternal deprivation of students academic needs- 2184. Engaging Educators New to Online Collaboration through the CSYN Program- 219-

2205. The S.P.O.T. = A Harlem Classroom Model for Pull-Out and "Chill-Out”

/Introduction of Design For Change School Challenge- 232

6. Futuristic Educational Tool- 241

3:00- 3:50pm Sessions:1. Useful Tools for Teachers to Teach Digital Natives- 215-2162. Incorporating iEARN projects into classroom activities (90m)- 2173. Using ICT in Chemistry lab-The International Boiling Point Project- 2184. The role of Multiple intelligences & Life skills on Education- 2325. Adobe Youth Voice in Taiwan- 2376. Intercultural pedagogy and ICT, a case study in Qatar- 2387. Stop Motion Animation (3-6pm)- 241

4:00- 4:50pm Sessions:1. Passport to the World: Wondering and Wandering the Globe- 215-2162. Teachers’ Perceptions and Beliefs the Instructional toward Technology with

Project-Based Learning in iEARN International Community / A Study oniEARN teachers’ Perception of PBL and Their Teaching Approach - 218

3. A Tour and Demo of the ‘iEARN Collaboration Centre’- 219-2204. Project Based Learning – Ingredients in Spanish Culture: Exploring Spanish-

Speaking History Through iEARN's: Food for Thought: Recipe Book- 2375. Stop Motion Animation (3-6pm)- 241

5:00- 5:50pm Sessions:1. Stop Motion Animation (3-6pm)- 2412. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall

6:00- 6:50pm 1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall2. Free Time

7:00- 8:30pm Dinner — Conference Hall

8:00-11:00pm Evening Activity:1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall2. Cultural Night – in Theater

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Friday, July 5th 2013

9:00- 10:20am Panel:Social Media tools in Education – in Theater

By Khitam Al –Utaibi, Rebecca Hodges, Andrew Nassar, Mohamed Manoufali &

Michael Graffin

10:30- 11:20am Sessions:1. Global Learning Space – Arabic/English- 215-2162. Teach & learn recycling in our schools- 2183. Adobe Youth Voices Coordinator and Trainer Meeting- 219-2204. Community Service Initiatives- 2365. Daffodils and tulips- 2376. Education is for everyone - Empowering Disabled Women using ICT- 238

11:30-2:15pm Prayer and Lunch Break – Conference Hall

2:30- 3:20pm Sessions:1. A Study of Improving Students’ Motivation of International Education by

iEARN Projects in Taiwan- 2172. Integrating iEARN projects into school curriculum- 2183. US Teachers' Meeting- 2374. Find Good Practices From Diversified Standpoints Regarding Utilization of ICT- 238

3:30-4:30pm Closing Ceremony – in Theater

4:30- 8:00pm 1. Free Time

8:00- 10:30pm Closing Dinner – Conference Hall

Page 27: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

Youth Summit Program Overview

Monday, July 1st 2013


Opening Ceremony

12:00-1:45pm LUNCH – Conference Hall

2:00- 2:50pm Keynote: Exploring Mars and the Moon: a journey to understand our own planet– in Theater

By Dr Essam Heggy

3:00- 3:50pm Sessions:1. Running a Successful Social Media Campaign- 1052. The Use of ICT in the Class to Promote Cultural Diversity - Folk Costumes

project between traditional and modernism- 1063. Global Slam Poetry- 2184. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed

workshop (2- 6pm)- 225

4:00- 4:50pm Sessions:1. Leading Global Citizen - 1052. Educatement Arts and Crafts workshop- 1063. Connecting New York Muslim Students to International Arabic Heritage- 2374. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed

workshop (2- 6pm)- 225

5:00- 5:50pm Others:1. Preparation for Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall2. Free Time

6:00- 6:50pm Others:1. Preparation for Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall2. Free Time

7:00- 9:00pm Dinner – Conference Hall

9:00-10:00pm Activity:1. Projects Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall2. iEARN Got Talent Photo Exhibit – VENUE Conference Hall

Tuesday, July 2nd 2013

9:00- 9:50am Keynote:ICT: Building Bridges and Solving Educational Divide – in Theater

Dr. Mohamed AllyKeynote:Space science as a motor to build and inspire future generations – in Theater

Dr. Essam Heggy


Page 28: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

10:00- 10:50am Sessions:1. About Rota- 1052. A global view on the Arab world- 1063. Introducing the Traditional Dance from Indonesia - Saman Dance (in Arabic)- 2364. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am6pm)- 225

11:00- 11:50am Plenary:MY HERO International Student Film Showcase – in Theater

By Cheikh Seck, Barry S. Kramer & Mali Bickley

12:00-1:45pm LUNCH – Conference Hall

2:00- 2:50pm Sessions:1. Community Service Initiatives- 1052. Preparation of training packages- 1063. iEARN Experience: Youth Power in Taiwan- 2244. Bridging Music, Environment, Technology, and Science through Audio and

Video Production- 2415. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am6pm)- 225

3:00- 3:50pm Sessions:1. R3 - Recycle- Reuse- Reduce (In Arabic)- 1052. Empowering, Educating, Effecting- 1063. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am6pm)- 225

4:00- 4:50pm Sessions:1. Qatari and Japanese Traditional Games- 1052. Arabic Calligraphy (4-6pm)- 1063. Student Collaborative Video Presentations- 2374. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am6pm)- 225

5:00- 5:50pm Sessions:1. Arabic Calligraphy (4-6pm)- 1062. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am6pm)- 2253. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall

6:00- 6:50pm 1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall2. Free Time

7:00- 8:30pm Dinner – Conference Hall

8:00-9:00pm Evening Activity:1. Adobe Youth Voices Festivals – in Theater

Page 29: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

Wednesday, July 3rd 2013

9:00- ... Cultural Tours – ALL DAYView website:

7:00- 8:30pm Dinner – Conference Hall

Thursday, July 4th 2013

9:00- 9:50am Keynote speech– in TheaterBy Julie Lindsay

10:00- 10:50am Sessions:1. About ROTA’s International programs- 1052. A World for Better Education System with Technology- 1063. Importance of failure for success / An iEARNer that learned iEARN for less than a

year- 237

4. Reading across the Globe- 2415. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am6pm)- 225

11:00- 11:50am Panel:Film in Education – in Theater

By Claudia Batista, Cathy Healy, Ahmed Mamdouh Farid, Salman Al-Muhannadi,Justin Kramer & Ben Robinson

12:00-1:45pm LUNCH – Conference Hall

2:00- 2:50pm Plenary:Intercultural Dialogue by Utilizing Online Facilitation – in Theater

By Mohamed Manoufali

3:00- 3:50pm Sessions:1. Let’s take care of the planet (in Arabic) - 1052. Computer refurbishing- 1063. Service learning- 2274. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am6pm)- 225

4:00- 4:50pm Sessions:1. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop (9am-

6pm)- 225

Others:1. Free time for youth to work on their various activities


anniversary mural

Cultural night

Page 30: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

• Qatari-Japanese Games• Folks Costumes

5:00- 5:50pm Sessions:1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall

6:00- 6:50pm 1. Mural Preparation (5:00-7:00pm) – VENUE Conference Hall2. Free Time

7:00- 8:30pm Dinner – Conference Hall

8:00-11:00pm Evening Activity:1. Cultural Night – in Theater

Friday, July 5th 2013

9:00- 10:20am Panel:Social Media tools in Education – in Theater

By Khitam Al –Utaibi, Rebecca Hodges, Andrew Nassar, Mohamed Manoufali &Michael Graffin

10:30- 11:20am Sessions:1. Community Service Projects- 1052. Customary Fashion in South Sulawesi and it’s philosophy & 4 ethnics

traditional dance- 1063. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am3pm)- 225

11:30-2:15pm Prayer and Lunch Break – Conference Hall

2:30- 3:20pm Sessions:1. How to create your best business green idea (in Arabic)- 1052. The Timeline of Change- 1063. YES at 10! Regional Digital Storytelling Workshop -this is a closed workshop

(9am3pm)- 225

3:30-4:30pm Closing Ceremony – in Theater

4:30- 8:00pm 1. Free Time

8:00- 10:30pm Closing Dinner – Conference Hall

Page 31: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli




Harian Qatar

Page 32: Report of 20th International Conference & 17th Youth Summit 6 Juli

Komisi Nasional Indonesia

Kementerian Pen

Jl. Jend

Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO (KNIU)

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Gedung C Lt. 17

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman - Senayan

Jakarta 10270

Tel. (+62-21) 5709425Fak. (+62-21) 5733127

Email. [email protected]
