renewable energy demonstration garden

Tucson Electric Power Headquarters Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden research and design concepts Drachman Institute - University of Arizona August 2012

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Educating the public about energy generation, consumption, conservation, efficiency, and the future of the industry could inspire change in individuals and the community at large. Tucson residents would learn how to conserve resources and where these resources come from, what options are available to them in terms or electricity generation and energy efficiency, in addition to gaining a new aweareness of career opportunities in the renewable energy industry.


Page 1: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden

Tucson Electric Power HeadquartersRenewable Energy Demonstration Garden research and design concepts

Drachman Institute - University of Arizona August 2012

Page 2: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden


THE DRACHMAN INSTITUTETh e Drachman Institute is a research and public service unit of the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University of Arizona, dedicated to the environmentally sensitive and resource-conscious development of neighborhoods and communities. Th e Drachman Institute dedicates its research and outreach activities to the proposition that housing is the building-block of neighborhoods, and neighborhoods are the building-blocks of communities.

Project research and design Mark Fleming, MLALaura Jensen, MLABelal Abboushi, student assistant - architectureKexin Zhao, student assistant - landscape architecture

Project sponsor Ardeth BarnhartProject director Katie GannonDirector Brooks Jeff ery

Th e Drachman InstituteCollege of Architecture and Landscape ArchitectureTh e University of Arizona819 E. First St.Tucson, AZ 85721(520)

DATE August 2012

Page 3: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden

Table of ContentsIntroduction 1


Energy and Electricity 9

Passive Technology and Conservation 39

Case Study 51

Site Analysis 87

Conceptual Designs 107

Best Practices 129

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Introductionproject introductionsite locationvalues and goals

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Renewable Energy Demonstration GardenEnergy that comes from a natural source, such as wind, sunlight, ocean tides, and geothermal heat is considered to be renewable. These resources are easily replenished or essentially unlimited and do not need to be mined, extracted, or otherwise derived from a finite source. Pollution related to resource extraction or the generation of electricity is limited or nonexistent with renewable forms of energy generation, and it is also more appropriate for smaller scale production or remote locations with limited access to the power grid.

Why is this important? Environmental concerns about global warming, air and water pollution, the impacts of mining, and problems associated with the disposal of waste material are prompting intense research and development in the renewable energy industry, and a growing segment of electricity generation around the world comes from these “alternative” sources of energy.

Tucson is located in an area of the United States that is rich in solar energy, and according to some sources, has 350 sunny days per year. Currently the vast majority of electricity in Tucson comes from the burning of coal, but there is a great potential to harness some of the abundant solar radiation in the region to

help shrink the gap between conventional and renewable forms of energy.

What does this mean for the TEP park site?Educating the public about energy generation, consumption, conservation, efficiency, and the future of the industry could inspire change in individuals and

the community at large. Tucson residents would learn how to conserve resources and where these resources come from, what options are available to them in terms or electricity generation and energy efficiency, in addition to gaining a new aweareness of career opportunities in the renewable energy industry.


Page 8: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden

4 Introduction

The Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden site is located directly south of the Tucson Electric Power (TEP) building in downtown Tucson. Built in 2011, Tucson Electric Power’s new hadquarters was designed and built according to LEED guidelines and received a Gold certification. The 9 story, 250,000 square foot building harvests rainwater, heats and cools efficiently, features low-e glass to reduce heat gain in the summer, and accounts for human comforts such as providing views to the outside as well as offering efficient and personalized temperature regulation in employee work-spaces.

This new building is along the new Sun Link streetcar route and just north of the Tucson Children’s Museum, Temple of Music and Art, and Tucson’s Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). The large open park space to the south of the building is ideally situated to attract visitors to the downtown area. This space could become a multifaceted park that provides residents, visitors, and employees working downtown or in the TEP headquarters with quality outdoor space while also featuring exhibits about electricity, renewable energy, water harvesting, and sustainability.

Tucson Electric Power Headquarters

Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden Site

Site Location

Page 9: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden


The multiple overlapping goals of this site, based on its location in the downtown area, its proximity to the Children’s Museum with its audience already in the area for education and entertainment, and the fact that it shares a block with a newly constructed LEED certified energy efficient building, create the potential for an exciting park that serves the needs of multiple people and

achieves many goals at once.

Park exhibits could focus on the individual and communal impacts of decisions related to power production and consumption, as well as our everyday relationship to electricity and the grid.

GoalsEducation• electricity• the grid• conventional sources of electricity• renewable energy (regionally appropriate

forms)• sustainability• passive strategies• current state of the art and future innovation

Inspiration• conservation• innovation

Quality Outdoor Public Space• community events and demonstrations• field trips

Program• exhibits• open demonstration space/flex space • solar and wind power generation• strong connections to the Tucson Children’s

Museum• monitoring/connection to TEPs larger solar

installations• secure employee space• shade/human comfort• water fountains• bicycle and electric vehicle parking• seating

Project Goals

Page 10: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden

6 Introduction

Tucson Electric Power Company - ValuesOur understanding of the values of the Tucson Electric Power company is based on content found at TEP’s website as well as other public relations materials. A few main elements stood out as vital parts of Tucson Electric Power’s commitment to the community and the environment:

TEP has made a commitment to renewable energy, primarily in regards to photovoltaic and solar hot water technology. Incentives for customers that desire solar electric photovoltaic panels or hot water for pool systems encourage Tucson residents to adopt new technologies. Providing TEP customers

the ability to buy a “share” of locally generated solar power allows customers to get involved despite the fact that they may not be able to install solar panels where they live. Additionally, the Greenwatts program gives customers the opportunity to financially support the installation of solar panels at schools and non-profit organizations.

Programs promoting energy efficiency of homes and businesses protect resources and limit the emissions of greenhouse gasses and other pollutants into the atmosphere.

Concern for the environment is evident in programs that provide habitat for burrowing owls, generate electricity using methane gas from a landfill, and encourage employees to commute by public transit, bicycle, or in a carpool.

TEP’s community focus gives back to the residents of the Tucson area with events as diverse as the TEP Boys & Girls Club Shopping Spree, employee volunteering around the community, and the spectacular winter event, the Downtown Parade of Lights.

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TEP Values Potential Site FeaturesRenewable Energy• Solar Electric Photovoltaic• Solar Hot Water• Bright Tucson Community Solar• Solar-powered incentives for pool heating

• solar panels (shade structures, sculptures, bike parking and pump charging, EV charging)

• mini wind turbines on the building roof or throughout the park

• education about local research• map of locations and real time monitoring of

major solar installations in and around tucson

Energy Effi ciency• TEP Energy Smart Homes• Online Energy Efficiency Education• PowerShift™ Time-of-Use pricing plan• Trees for Tucson

• energy saving light fixtures (LED, motion activated, appropriate scale)

Concern for the Environment• Bird Guarding - protecting raptor species• Green Fleet - biodiesel and electric vehicles• Habitat creation for burrowing owls

• native/drought tolerant plants (minimize maintenance and irrigation, provide bird habitat)

• rainwater harvesting/managing stormwater on site

• permeable paving

Community Focused• Community Action Team volunteer organization• Downtown Parade of Lights• TEP Boys & Girls Clubs Shopping Spree• Bright Solutions - Habitat for Humanity

• educate about energy and the industry (the role it plays in everyday life, how people might get involved, investigate a new career path)

• creating a space for play• great public space (recycled materials,

educational exhibits, outdoor comfort)

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Energy and Electricityenergy and electricityconventional and renewable sourcesthe griddemonstration garden possibilities

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What is energy?Energy can be found in everything, and comes in different primary forms: • Heat (thermal) • Light (radiant)• Motion (kinetic)• Electrical• Chemical• Nuclear energy• Gravitational

Energy exists in two types, potential (stored,) and kinetic (working.) Energy can be converted to other forms. Materials such as coal and wood have great amounts of potential energy that is released as thermal energy during combustion. This heat is used to boil water to make steam which turns turbines (kinetic energy), and is then converted into electrical energy. Water flowing through the turbines in a hydroelectric dam has a tremendous amount of potential energy that is converted into kinetic energy and finally into electrical energy. No energy

is lost or gained in these processes or in any other, although during combustion of materials such as fossil fuels, a great deal of energy is “lost” as waste heat, i.e. heat energy that is not converted into electrical energy.

What is electricity?Electricity is the #1 secondary source of energy. A secondary source is one that cannot be directly extracted or captured, so it must be generated. Another source of secondary energy is hydrogen, as used in fuel cells. These secondary sources are also referred to as “energy carriers.”

From Wikipedia:Electricity generation is the process of generating electric energy from other forms of energy. Electricity is the most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind, solar photovoltaics and geothermal power.

Electric-power transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from generating power plants to electrical substations located near demand centers.

Electricity distribution is the final stage in the delivery of electricity to end users. A distribution system’s network carries electricity from the transmission system

and delivers it to consumers.

references“Electric power distribution - Wikipedia, the

free encyclopedia.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Electric power transmission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Electricity generation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).” U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Energy and Electricity



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12 Electricity

Conventional forms of power generationAs of 2009, 92% of energy consumed by the United States was generated with non-renewable forms of energy. These include fossil fuels such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal, as well as power generated by nuclear power plants.

The raw materials for these types of power generation must be mined or pumped from the ground, which often results in collateral damage to local communities and ecosystems. Supplies of these resources are also not renewable, which means that when a source is exhausted in one location, it will then need to be found in another. Energy is extracted from fossil fuels in the form of heat, via combustion, which results in waste products including the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide - CO2.

Fossil Fuels come from decomposed organic matter that is millions of years old. It contains high levels of carbon. These fuels are: coal, oil, and natural gas.

Nuclear Power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity.

Renewable forms of power generationThe remaining 8% of energy consumed by the United states in 2009 was generated by renewable forms of electricity generation. Renewable sources include

those which are available in a virtually unlimited supply, such as solar and wind energy, or those which can be regrown (as trees) or replenished (biomass) at a rate that keeps pace with consumption.

The major forms of renewable energy available today include:Solar Power GeothermalBiomas WindBiofuels WoodHydroelectric Power

Generating Electricity - Sources of Power

U.S. Energy Consumption by Energy Source, 2011


Natural Gas 28%



Biomass <1%



Source: NPR. “Visualizing The U.S. Electric Grid : NPR.” NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Sources of Power in Arizona

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What is the grid?The network that carries electricity from generation source to the end consumer is known as the “grid.”

Transmission GridAt this level, large amounts of electricity is transmitted from the high production sources of power to electrical substations.

Distribution gridAt the substations, electrical power is transmitted in smaller amounts to the end users: homes, businesses, and city infrastructure.

Issues • energy lost through generation and

transmission• aging equipment• high degree of interconnectedness

and lack of redundancy in many places mean wide spread blackouts are possible

Future solutions“Smart grid” generally refers to a class of technology the industry is using to bring utility electricity delivery systems into the 21st century. Primarily this means using computer-based remote control and automation systems. These systems are made possible by two-way communication technology and computer processing that has been used for decades in other industries. They are beginning to be used on electricity networks, from the power

plants and wind farms all the way to the consumers of electricity in homes and businesses. They offer many benefits to utilities and consumers -- mostly seen in big improvements in energy efficiency on the electricity grid and in the energy users’ homes and offices.

references ”Smart Grid | Department

of Energy.” | Department of Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

The Grid


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14 Electricity

What are fossil fuels?“A fossil-fuel power station is a type of power station that burns fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas or petroleum (oil) to produce electricity. Central station fossil-fuel power plants are designed on a large scale for continuous operation. In many countries, such plants provide most of the electrical energy used.

“Fossil fueled power stations are major emitters of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas (GHG) which according to a consensus opinion of scientific organizations is a contributor to global warming. ... Waste heat energy, [as a byproduct,] is released directly to the atmosphere, directly to river or lake water,

or indirectly to the atmosphere using a cooling tower with river or lake water used as a cooling medium. ... Solid waste ash from coal-fired boilers must also be removed. Some coal ash can be recycled for building materials.”from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Fossil fuel use in Tucson• 1901 Tucson Gas, Electric Light &

Power Co. (TGEL&PCo.) served just 225 electric customers and 175 gas customers among Tucson’s 13,000 residents.

• In 1931, the company served 10,000 customers, and began purchasing gas from Western Gas Company of El Paso, Texas, in 1933

• 1960s and 70s, TEP (then TGE) is expanding to meet demand above the national average

• 1976 saw the company moving towards total reliance on coal, selling its 15.4 percent interest in the proposed Palo Verde Nuclear

Generating Station to Southern California Edison, and selling it’s gas division in 1979 to the Southwest Gas Corporation


Fossil Fuels conventional

Advantages• fuel sources are easy to find• coal is a cost effective energy

source• gas power plants are very efficient• plants can be located anywhere that

fuel can be transported to• reliable source of energy regardless

of weather conditions

Disadvantages• high levels of pollution and carbon

dioxide emission, especially in the burning of coal

• coal mining is extremely dangerous and can be very destructive to local ecosystems and human populations

• coal plants consume large amounts of fuel


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What is nuclear power?“Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity. Nuclear power plants provide about 6% of the world’s energy and 13–14% of the world’s electricity, with the U.S., France, and Japan together accounting for about 50% of nuclear generated electricity. In 2007, the IAEA reported there were 439 nuclear power reactors in operation in the world, operating in 31 countries.

“... As many conventional thermal power stations generate electricity by harnessing the thermal energy released from burning fossil fuels, nuclear power plants convert the energy released from the nucleus of an atom via nuclear fission that takes place in a nuclear reactor. The heat is from the reactor core by a cooling system removes heat and used to generate steam which drives a steam turbine connected to a generator which produces electricity.”from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

references“Nuclear power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.”

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Nuclear Power conventional


Advantages• does not emit greenhouse gasses

such as carbon dioxide• a small amount of fuel creates a

large amount of energy

Disadvantages• radioactive waste can pose disposal

problems• natural disasters such as

earthquakes and floods that damage critical parts of the power plant can create serious and long lasting environmental and human health concerns



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16 Electricity

What are photovoltaics?Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are the most commonly known type of solar energy generating technology.

When the sun shines on a PV panel, the light from the sun excites electrons into a higher state of energy, which is used to produce electricity. The amount of solar energy that is converted into

electrical energy is currently about 12%-18%, although recent improvements in technology have resulted in panels with a 19.5% efficiency. By contrast, some concentrated solar technology has show efficiency as high as 43.5%

Types of solar panelsCrystalline materials

single-crystal silicon

polycrystaline silicongallium arsenide (GaAs)

Crystalline materials (especially single-crystal silicon) are most common in the PV industry. Often they are created from a type of base material or “seed” material that the silicon crystals are grown on. Single-crystal silicon is the most effective at generating electricity.

Thin film materialsAmorphous sillicon (a-Si)Cadmium telluride (CdTe)Copper Indium Diselenide (CuInSe2, or CIS)

Thin film materials can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including glass, metal, or plastic foil. their higher light absorbing qualities means that less material is needed, and cost is lower. They do require larger array areas because their electricity generation abilities are lower than crystalline materials.

Solar panel installationsMost solar panels are mounted in a fixed position, angled to maximize sun exposure. Sometimes panels are part of a tracking array, that moves throughout the day to face the sun.

Solar installations are often found on the ground in large solar “farms,” but there is great potential to utilize the roof space of homes and businesses.

Solar Energy - Photovoltaic renewable

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Solar PathfinderThe solar pathfinder is a device that can be used by homeowners or small businesses to determine the best location to place solar panels on their property, based on shade produced by the canopy cover of trees or nearby structures.

According to the readout on the image to the left:“The sun will not shine on this site until approximately 9:30am during the month of December. It will be shaded again in the afternoon from about 2:15pm to 3:45pm.

In February, the sun will shine on the site from 9:15am throughout the rest of the day.”

references“NREL: Solar Research Home Page.” National

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Solar Pathfinder - Solar site analysis.” Solar Pathfinder - Solar site analysis. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Types of Solar Power | Get” Find Solar Panel Installers & Solar Installation Pros | N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.


Advantages• free source of energy• carbon neutral• flexibility of scale, can be used by

homeowners and utility companies

Disadvantages• only works when the sun is shining,

requiring the use of batteries or connection to the grid for times when power is not being generated

crystalline solar panel SCIENTIFICAMERICAN.COM

thin fi lm solar panel THOMASNET.COM

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18 Electricity

What is concentrated solar power?from the U.S. Department of Energy:“Concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies use mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto receivers that collect the solar energy and convert it to heat. This thermal energy can then be used to produce electricity via a steam turbine or heat engine driving a generator.

“Concentrating solar power technologies can generate electricity at relatively low cost and deliver power during periods of peak demand. In addition, integration with low-cost thermal storage adds significant value to the energy delivered from CSP plants. The public is becoming more familiar with the availability, benefits, and economic feasibility of CSP. And researchers are continuing to discover

ways to reduce costs and improve efficiencies. Consequently, many utilities are including concentrating solar power in their power-generation portfolio, helping our nation reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.”

In theory, the greater the intensity of the sunlight, the more power can be generated from it. It is possible to concentrate the solar energy up to 10,000 times, but a more realistic concentration would be around 500. These numbers depend on the quality of the dish used.

references “Types of Solar Power | Get” Find

Solar Panel Installers & Solar Installation Pros | N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“EERE: SunShot Initiative Home Page.” U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Solar Energy - Concentrated Solar Power renewable

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19Electricity 19Electricity

Advantages• non-polluting• focused solar energy means greater

heat and greater power generation• concentrating technology that uses

photovoltaics reduces the number of panels needed to generate electricity.

Disadvantages• advances in solar panel technology

makes a more complex concentrator system less economically competitive




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20 Electricity

Water circulates through a system of pipes within a flat panel, usually mounted on a rooftop, that is angled to absorb energy from the sun. The water is then heated by the sun instead of by electrically generated heat or by the burning of natural gas.

Solar Water Heating Pays For Itself Five Times Over“ScienceDaily (Mar. 9, 2009) — An analysis of the engineering and economics for a solar water-heating system shows it to have a payback period of just two years, according to researchers in India. They report, in the International Journal of Global Energy Issues, on the success of the 1000-liter system operating at a university hostel.

“... The solar hot water system used in the study is installed at the Jijau hostel, part of the Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Agricultural University campus, in Akola, Maharashtra state, India. The team estimates that the

system will effectively pay for itself five times over, given an estimated working life of about twenty years.”

references“NREL: Learning - Solar Hot Water.” National

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Types of Solar Power | Get” Find Solar Panel Installers & Solar Installation Pros | N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology.” Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>. releases/2009/03/090309105021.htm

Solar Energy - Hot Water renewable

Advantages• water is heated directly from the sun• low cost option• can be supplemented with a

conventional water heater if needed• most systems are simple with no

moving parts

Disadvantages• needs to be placed in direct sun• issues related to freezing need to be

addressed in some climates• problems can exist related to

scaling, rusting, and other deposits



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How the technology worksPipes or geotextile are laid within asphalt, to collect the heat that the asphalt absorbs during the day. When a system of pipes are used, water is typically routed through the asphalt and heated. The hot water is then used to generate electricity.

ApplicationsSmaller scale low traffic locations, such as parking lots, low traffic roads, drivewaysor small airports with light plane traffic.

Other MethodsSolar Roadways would eliminate asphalt altogether, replacing it with a structural type of solar panel makes up the roadway itself. This is a high tech and expensive option, but if existing roadways were used to produce electricity, it could potentially eliminate the need for other types of power generation.

references“Asphalt Pavement Solar Collectors: The Future is

Now -” Architecture, Design & Construction Information - N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“System for heat collection from asphalt pavements under development.” Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Solar Energy - Asphalt Pavement Collectors renewable


Advantages• takes advantage of heat absorbed

by asphalt during the day• carbon neutral• ideal for use in hot and sunny

climates• extracting heat from asphalt could

cool it and reduce the heat island effect

Disadvantages• cannot be used in high traffic/heavy

vehicle load areas• the greatest heat is found in the top

two inches of the asphalt, which is also the wearing course

• maintenance needs could be great• added cost to road construction


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22 Electricity

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“With $1.5 million from the Department of Energy, UA researchers are continuing to improve groundbreaking technology to produce solar electricity at a price competitive with non-renewable energy sources.” UANews, July 5 2012

Tracking Mirror System Focuses Solar Energy Researchers and students in the University of Arizona’s College of Optical Sciences have developed a new type of solar energy technology, which is another type of concentrated solar power. Instead of usgin mirrors to collect heat energy to make steam, the team has been able to

use optical mirrors to focus sunlight onto a single point. Since this method uses no water, it is wel lsuited for the desert climate. From a UANews article, July 5 2012:

The mirrors focus sunlight onto a 5-inch glass ball and from there to a small array of 36 highly efficient photovoltaic (PV) cells, developed originally to power spacecraft. They convert a broader range of the solar spectrum into electricity than regular cells.

The technology promises to be much more efficient than standard PV arrays. A 7 mile by 7 mile array of these solar trackers is expected to be able to produce up to 10 gigawatts of renewable energy. That rivals the output of the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant near Phoenix.

Since the intense amount of focused solar energy could easily melt the photovoltaic panels in the array, a cooling system of fans and radiators is part of the system.

The fully automated tracker “wakes up” in the morning and looks eastward to the spot where the sun will rise before it

has even peeked above the horizon, and begins tracking the sun on its path across the sky.

CollaboratorsRioglass Solar - Surprise, Arizonamanufacturer of solar mirrors REhnu, LLC - company founded in 2009 by Roger Angel (Regents’ Professor of Astronomy and Optical Sciences and director of the Steward Observatory Mirror Lab) and partners. Former UA President John P. Schaefer is the company’s president, chairman of the board and CEO.

references“Making Mirrors for the Sun | UANews.” UANews.

N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Solar Energy - Thermal Method renewable

Renewable Energy Research



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24 Electricity

How is wind energy used?Energy from wind is captured by large turbines and converted into electricity. It has been calculated that the theoretical maximum wind energy that can be extracted using this technology is 59%.

Types of wind turbinesHorizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT), like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more above ground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind. Turbines catch the wind’s energy with their propeller-like blades. Usually, two or three blades are mounted on a shaft to form a rotor.

Advantages:• currently the most efficient and widely

used type of wind turbine• the area of most stress, the central hub,

is also the strongest part of the blade, decreasing problems due to wear and tear

Disadvantages:• can be dangerous in strong winds

Wind Energy renewable

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• icy conditions can cause ice to build up on blades which may then fly off at high speeds

• dramatic pressure changes in the air above the spinning rotors result in the injury or death of aerial animals such as birds and bats

• the space between HAWTs is 10 times the turbine’s height, which means there are enormous space requirements

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)

Savonius rotor type two or more concave panels are positioned vertically on a pole in order to catch the wind and rotate around the axis

Darrieus model foils are mounted vertically around a vertical axis and spin in the wind by taking advantage of lift

Advantages:• omni directional - do not have to be

positioned perpendicular to prevailing winds

• can be positioned closer together than traditional horizontal axis turbines

• can operate closer to the ground

Disadvantages:• are less efficient than HAWT

technology• tend to stall in heavy gusts• are subject to stress and breakage in

high winds, so are less reliable than

horizontal axis turbines• the generation of centrifugal force

during the generation of power with a VAWT leads to higher wear and tear on the turbines

references“NREL: Wind Research Home Page.” National

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.


Advantages• carbon neutral energy generation• free energy source • flexibility of scale

Disadvantages• wind farms require large areas of

cleared land• present dangers to bird and bat

populations• can only harness 59% of the wind’s

total energy• wind farms can create “visual




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26 Electricity

What are biofuels?Biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from biological carbon fixation. Biofuels include fuels derived from biomass conversion, as well as solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases.

Local resource potentialAccording to maps available at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Pima county is a top source for several types of biofuels. The maps on this page show Pima county in Southern Arizona as being top sources for secondary mill residues, urban wood residues, and methane emissions from both landfills and domestic wastewater treatment. Pinal county to the north is a top source for methane emissions from manure management.

IssuesThere are various social, economic,

environmental and technical issues with biofuel production and use, discussed in both popular media and scientific journals. The effect of moderating oil prices, the “food vs. fuel” debate, poverty reduction potential, carbon emissions levels, sustainable biofuel production, deforestation and soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, impact on water resources, as well as energy balance and efficiency are

all issues central to the use of biofuels as an energy source.

references“NREL: Biomass Research Home Page.” National

Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Biofuels renewable

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Biofuels have applications beyond the grid. Fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can be used in many modern vehicles. The vehicle above can run on diesel fuel from petroleum sources as well as on biodiesel.


Advantages• waste products can be turned into a

source of electricity• carbon neutral form of energy• can be used to power automobiles

(biodiesel) as well as to generate electricity for homes and industry

Disadvantages• there are ethical issues regarding

the use of food crops as an energy source

• carbon neutrality is negated if fossil fuels are used for production of biofuel crops


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28 Electricity

How is hydrogen used to generate power?from the U.S. Department of Energy “A single fuel cell consists of an electrolyte sandwiched between two electrodes, an anode and a cathode. Bipolar plates on either side of the cell help distribute gases and serve as current collectors.

In a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell, which is widely regarded as the most promising for light-duty transportation, hydrogen gas flows through channels to the anode, where a catalyst causes the hydrogen molecules to separate into protons and electrons. The membrane allows only the protons to pass through it. While the protons are conducted through the membrane to

the other side of the cell, the stream of negatively-charged electrons follows an external circuit to the cathode. This flow of electrons is electricity that can be used to do work, such as power a motor.On the other side of the cell, air flows through channels to the cathode. When the electrons return from doing work, they react with oxygen in the air and the hydrogen protons (which have moved through the membrane) at the cathode to form water. This union is an exothermic reaction, generating heat that can be used outside the fuel cell.”

How is hydrogen obtained?Since hydrogen very rarely exists in nature in its pure state, it must be separated from one of the many other elements to which it readily bonds. Hydrogen can be made directly from fossil fuels or biomass, or it can be produced by passing electricity through water, breaking the water into its constituent components of hydrogen and oxygen. Some envision a future “hydrogen economy,” where hydrogen is produced from a variety of energy sources, stored for later use, piped to where it is needed, and then converted cleanly into heat and electricity.

Fuel cells and their ability to cleanly produce electricity from hydrogen and oxygen are what make hydrogen attractive as a “fuel” for transportation use particularly, but also as a general energy

carrier for homes and other uses, and for storing and transporting otherwise intermittent renewable energy. Fuel cells function somewhat like a battery—with external fuel being supplied rather than stored electricity—to generate power by chemical reaction rather than combustion.

resources“ Hydrogen Fuel Cell Fact Sheet.” United States

Department of Energy. <>.

“Hydrogen Fuel Cells - How They Work.” Columbia University in the City of New York. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Hydrogen renewable

A hydrogen fuel cell stack under the hood of the GM HydroGen3.



Page 33: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden

29Electricity 29Electricity

Advantages• quiet• no emissions• easy refueling potential once

infrastructure is in place• far more energy efficient than

gasoline engines• simple construction, low mass

production costs

Disadvantages• currently very expensive• prototype fuel cells are short lived• requires more energy to produce

hydrogen than the fuel cell ultimately generates

• more developments are needed before the technology is feasible for mass production and use


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30 Electricity

Geothermal power plantsfrom the U.S. Department of Energy:“Power plants use steam produced from geothermal reservoirs to generate electricity. There are three geothermal power plant technologies being used to convert hydrothermal fluids to electricity—dry steam, flash steam and binary cycle. The type of conversion used (selected in development) depends on the state of the

fluid (steam or water) and its temperature.

“Dry Steam Power PlantDry steam plants use hydrothermal fluids that are primarily steam. The steam travels directly to a turbine, which drives a generator that produces electricity. The steam eliminates the need to burn fossil fuels to run the turbine (also eliminating the need to transport and store fuels).

These plants emit only excess steam and very minor amounts of gases.

“Flash Steam Power PlantFlash steam plants are the most common type of geothermal power generation plants in operation today. Fluid at temperatures greater than 360°F (182°C) is pumped under high pressure into a tank at the surface held at a much lower pressure, causing some of the fluid to rapidly vaporize, or “flash.” The vapor then drives a turbine, which drives a generator. If any liquid remains in the tank, it can be flashed again in a second tank to extract even more energy.

“Binary Cycle Power PlantBinary cycle geothermal power generation plants differ from Dry Steam and Flash Steam systems in that the water or steam from the geothermal reservoir never comes in contact with the turbine/generator units. Low to moderately heated (below 400°F) geothermal fluid and a

Geothermal renewable


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secondary (hence, “binary”) fluid with a much lower boiling point that water pass through a heat exchanger. Heat from the geothermal fluid causes the secondary fluid to flash to vapor, which then drives the turbines and subsequently, the generators.

“Binary cycle power plants are closed-loop systems and virtually nothing (except water vapor) is emitted to the atmosphere. Resources below 400°F are the most common geothermal resource, suggesting binary-cycle power plants in the future will be binary-cycle plants.”

Geothermal heat exchange systemsfrom the U.S. Department of Energy:“Geothermal heat pumps are used for space heating and cooling, as well as water heating. The benefit of ground source heat pumps is they concentrate naturally existing heat, rather than by producing heat through the combustion of fossil fuels.

“The technology relies on the fact that the earth (beneath the surface) remains at a relatively constant temperature throughout the year, warmer than the air above it during the winter and cooler in the summer, very much like a cave. The geothermal heat pump takes advantage of this by transferring heat stored in the earth or in ground water into a building

during the winter, and transferring it out of the building and back into the ground during the summer. The ground, in other words, acts as a heat source in winter and a heat sink in summer.”

resources“EERE: Geothermal

Technologies Program Home Page.” U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Geothermal Technologies Program: Geothermal Heat Pumps.” U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.


gy g g p p

Advantages• rate of extraction can be balanced

with the reservoir’s heat exchange rate

• constant power output• locally sourced, no need import fuel• clean technology, no output of

greenhouse gas or pollutants• plants have a small footprint

Disadvantages• plants must be located in an area

with a natural geothermal resource• extensive research is needed prior

to site construction to determine plant location and output

• harmful gasses trapped beneath the surface may be released and need to be contained at the plant


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32 Electricity

Harnessing human energyUsing energy output from human beings is nothing new. Bicycles and hand operated water pumps are two examples of simple technologies that directly utilize muscle power to operate. In fact, many gyms around the world have adopted technology that harnesses the energy output of their patrons to power the lights.

Applications in entertainmentDance floors that capture the energy expended by dancers have been installed in museums and parks around the world. The act of jumping and moving on the surface of the floor creates enough movement to generate electricity to power features such as lights and music.

Applications in nanotechnologyHuman power and kinetic energy can come in low tech and very high tech forms.

from Princeton University’s website:“Power-generating rubber films developed by Princeton University engineers could harness natural body movements such as breathing and walking to power pacemakers, mobile phones and other electronic devices.

“The material, composed of ceramic nanoribbons embedded onto silicone rubber sheets, generates electricity when flexed and is highly efficient at converting mechanical energy to electrical energy. Shoes made of the material may one day harvest the pounding of walking and running to power mobile electrical devices. Placed against the lungs, sheets of the material could use breathing motions to power pacemakers, obviating the current need for surgical replacement of the batteries that power the devices.”

Applications in the developing worldThe following are some examples of human energy at work off-the grid.

PlayPumps (water pump)PlayPumps is an Australian based company that developed a water pump and storage system in the late 1990s that is powered by schoolchildren at play. Kids out on the playground at recess spin a merry go round that activates a pump below ground that then feeds water into a small water tower. A nearby spigot is

available for accessing the water that has been pumped.

Although it is a promising idea, and ideally suited for pumping water for a fairly small community of people such as occupants of a school, the technology is less well suited for larger communities, or places where lack of water or safe water exists. If enough people aren’t available to spin the pump, a single individual in need of water might find it hard, if not impossible, to operate.

Bamboo treadles (water pump)from Design for the other 90%:“The Bamboo Treadle Pump allows poor farmers to access groundwater during the dry season. The treadles and support structure are made of bamboo or other

Kinetic/Human Powered renewable

kinetic energy dancefloorkinetic energy dancefloorINHABITAT.COM

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inexpensive, locally available materials. The pump, which consists of two metal cylinders with pistons that are operated by a natural walking motion on two treadles, can be manufactured locally by metalworking shops. Over 1.7 million have been sold in Bangladesh and elsewhere, generating $1.4 billion in net farmer income in Bangladesh alone.”Designed by: Gunnar Barnes of Rangpur/Dinajpur Rural Service and International Development Enterprises (IDE) Nepal

Empower Playgrounds (electricity)Empower Playgrounds Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Provo, Utah that develops and installs electricity generating playground equipment in schoolyards in the developing world, primarily in Africa. The electricity generated by the equipment is used to power lights for the school buildings, most of which have no electricity.


Advantages• energy expended during play

and exercise can be harnessed to generate “free” electricity

• engaging and sometimes physically challenging, gets people active

• applicable off the grid• interactive site features could be

directly powered by the interaction

Disadvantages• reliant on adequate human energy• when the technology is used in

playgrounds, it can result in blurred lines between play and work

• could require a level of physical activity that is ill suited for some individuals

pedal-powered laptop in Afghanistanpedal-powered laptop in Afghanistan

Empower Playgrounds installation Empower Playgrounds installation

bamboo treadle pumpbamboo treadle pump

Empower Playgrounds IncEmpower Playgrounds Inc

hand operated water pump in Thailandhand operated water pump in Thailand

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34 Electricity

The basicsfrom the U.S. Department of Energy:“Hydropower is using water to power machinery or make electricity. Water constantly moves through a vast global cycle, evaporating from lakes and oceans, forming clouds, precipitating as rain or snow, then flowing back down to the ocean. The energy of this water cycle, which is driven by the sun, can be tapped to produce electricity or for mechanical tasks like grinding grain. Hydropower uses a fuel—water—that is not reduced or used up in the process. Because the water cycle is an endless, constantly recharging system, hydropower is considered a renewable energy.

“When flowing water is captured and turned into electricity, it is called hydroelectric power or hydropower. There are several types of hydroelectric facilities; they are all powered by the kinetic energy of flowing water as it moves downstream.

Turbines and generators convert the energy into electricity, which is then fed into the electrical grid to be used in homes, businesses, and by industry.”

resources“Water Power Program: How Hydropower Works.”

U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Hydropower renewable

Conventional (dam) hydroelectric operationConventional (dam) hydroelectric operation run-of-the-river hydroelectric operationrun-of-the-river hydroelectric operation

Advantages• flexibility• low power costs• suitability for industrial applications• reduced CO2 emissions • properly located run-of-the-river

systems (no impoundment dam) can be built and operated with little environmental impact

Disadvantages• ecosystem damage and loss of land

(conventional systems)• siltation and flow shortage• methane emissions (from reservoirs)• relocation and displacement of

human and animal populations (conventional systems)

• failure risks




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36 Electricity

The United States Department of Energy has published a guide entitled Energy Literacy: Essential Principles andFundamental Concepts for Energy Education A Framework for Energy Education for Learners of All Ages, that outlines the principles and importance of energy literacy. It asserts that issues related to energy arise in almost all, if not all, fields and disciplines, and an understanding of what energy is, and how it is transferred and consumed is essential for economic, environmental, and social success as individuals and as a nation.

The document and additional information can be found here:

What is Energy Literacy?Energy literacy is an understanding of the nature and role of energy in the universe and in our lives. Energy literacy is also the ability to apply this understanding to answer questions and solve problems.

An energy-literate person:• can trace energy flows and think in terms of

energy systems• knows how much energy he or she uses, for

what, and where the energy comes from• can assess the credibility of information about

energy • can communicate about energy and energy

use in meaningful ways • is able to make informed energy and energy

use decisions based on an understanding of impacts and consequences

• continues to learn about energy throughout his or her life

Why Does Energy Literacy Matter?A better understanding of energy can:• lead to more informed decisions• improve the security of a nation• promote economic development• lead to sustainable energy use• reduce environmental risks and negative

impacts• help individuals and organizations save money

Without a basic understanding of energy, energy sources, generation, use, and conservation strategies, individuals and communities cannot make informed decisions on topics ranging from smart energy use at home and consumer choices to national and international energy policy. Current national and global issues such as the fossil fuel supply and climate change highlight the need for energy education.

Energy Literacy is a Part of Social and Natural Science LiteracyA comprehensive study of energy must be interdisciplinary. Energy issues cannot be understood and problems cannot be solved by using only a natural science or engineering approach. Energy issues often require an understanding of civics, history, economics, sociology, psychology, and politics in addition to science, math, and technology.

Just as both social and natural science are a part of energy literacy, energy literacy is an essential part of being literate in the social and natural sciences. References to energy can be found in National Education Standards in nearly all academic disciplines.

Energy LiteracyThe Essential Principles and Fundamental ConceptsA note on the use of the Essential Principles and Fundamental concepts:

The Essential Principles, 1 through 7, are meant to be broad categories representing big ideas. Each Essential Principle is supported by six to eight Fundamental Concepts: 1.1, 1.2, and so on. The Fundamental Concepts are intended to be unpacked and applied as appropriate for the learning audience and setting. For example, teaching about the various sources of energy (Fundamental Concept 4.1) in a 3rd grade classroom, in a 12th grade classroom, to visitors of a museum, or as part of a community education program will look very different in each case. Further, the concepts are not intended to be addressed in isolation; a given lesson on energy will most often connect to many of the concepts.

Energy is a physical quantity that follows precise natural laws.

Physical processes on Earth are the result of energy flow through the Earth system. Pt

Biological processes depend on energy flow through the Earth system.

Various sources of energy can be used to power human activities, and often this energy must be transferred from source to destination.

Energy decisions are influenced by economic, political, environmental, and social factors.Ee

The amount of energy used by human society depends on many factors.Tm

The quality of life of individuals and societies is affected by energy choices.Te

Energy Literacy

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Engaging Kids

EngageAt the demonstration garden site, create a diverse environment where exhibits and activities engage kids in playing and learning. Create a task list or scavenger hunt on pre-printed materials geared towards activities that can be found in the park. This can be used by educators visiting the site with school groups as well as individuals and families.

EducateEnsure that the information being conveyed by site displays and activities is relevant, accessible to a wide range of user groups, and factually correct.

InspireRelate the information in displays and activities to the children’s own lives, address current and future issues and how they can help make a difference.

MotivateProvide school groups with tools and resources for getting solar panels and other renewable energy sources for their schools

Provide individuals and school groups with a take home checklist of things they and their families can do at home to reduce their energy consumption and integrate renewable energy into their lives, similar to The Easy Energy Action Plan from the U.S. Department of Energy.


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Passive Technology and Energy Conservation

passive solar designpassive ventilationinsulation and thermal masslandscape strategiesdemonstration garden possibilities

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41Passive Technology

What is passive technology?Passive technology is that which seeks to eliminate the use of mechanical or electric devices to heat, cool, and light homes, buildings, and outdoor spaces. This can be done with proper building orientation, airtightness, insulation, natural lighting, and shade from overhangs or vegetation, among other strategies.

While some of these strategies increase

the “first cost,” that associated with building construction, they almost always translate to significantly lower “life cycle” costs after the building is occupied.

What are some effective ways of conserving energy?Proper insulation, shading, building orientation, and efficient and properly maintained heating and cooling equipment can all reduce the need for a higher consumption of fossil fuels.

What are the benefi ts of effi ciency and conservation?• cost savings• reduced pollution• reduced greenhouse gas emissions• reduced stress on infrastructure

references“Energy Savers: Passive Solar Home Design.”

EERE: Energy Savers Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“NREL: Learning - Passive Solar.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Auerhaus.” Auerhaus. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>

Passive Technology and Energy Conservation

Summer Winter

take advantage of shade and solar gain

elevation of passive solar house - “Auerhaus”AZSOLARCENTER.ORG



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42 Passive Technology

Main principles of passive solar designPassive design is design that does not require mechanical heating or cooling. Homes that are passively designed take advantage of natural climate to maintain thermal comfort.

The building’s windows, walls, and floors can be designed to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. This is called passive solar design or climatic design. Unlike

active solar heating systems, Passive solar design doesn’t involve the use of mechanical and electrical devices, such as pumps, fans, or electrical controls to move the solar heat.

Five Elements of Passive Solar Home DesignEach performs a separate function, but all five must work together for the design to be successful.


3-Thermal mass.4-Distribution.5-Control.

Building orientation and GlazingPositioning a home or building with a long wall with plenty of fixed windows (a total area of ideally 9% -12% of the home’s conditioned floor area) facing south provides the opportunities for taking advantage of sun and solar gain for heating in the winter when it travels across the sky at a lower altitude. During the summer months, providing this south face is properly shaded, the sun’s rays will be blocked from penetrating these windows directly and solar gain will be limited or eliminated.It is not always possible to face a home directly south due to restrictions at the building site, but some estimates say that facing a home within 40 degrees of this goal will show benefits. In warm climates

Passive solar design



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43Passive Technology

like Tucson’s, where cooling is more important than heating, facing southeast is better than facing southwest.

SummerCooling costs can be reduced in the summer months by limiting the amount of sunlight that penetrates the house and heating interior wall and floors. However, it seems unlikely that the need for air conditioning is eliminated in most climates in the United States.

WinterA properly designed passive solar home with an airtight building envelope has the potential of reducing heating costs by 40% to 90% while also providing plenty of daylight and views to the outdoors.

references“Cost-Effective Passive Solar Design

|” | Designing, Building and Remodeling Green Homes. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

“Your Home Technical Manual - 4.1 Passive Design.” Your Home Design Guide - Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>. please note this guide applies to the southern hemisphere

43Passive Technology

Advantages• does not require the use of

mechanical devices to heat or cool, although airconditioning is hard to avoid

• conserves energy• cost effective to build and maintain

Disadvantages• principles cannot be applied to most

preexisting structures• requires a building site with proper

orientation and adequate sun exposure

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44 Passive Technology

Cool TowersA cool tower is a tall, hollow structure associated with a building or an area of open outdoor space. When coupled with some type of evaporative device at the top, a cool tower creates a “chimney” of cooled air that falls downward, creating a downdraft of cooler, wetter air. They differ from conventional mechanical evaporative or “swamp” coolers in hat they do not have a fan or motor to move the air, but instead rely on gravity.

WindcatchersWindcatchers are typically found in the arid middle east, where they are used in conjunction with a qanat, or underground canal. These tall structures create a situation in which a column of air is pulled upwards and outwards through the top, and in cases where a qanat is present, cool moist air is drawn into and through the building, cooling it with evaporation. Louvres at the top of the structure can be manipulated to control air flow.

Possibilities for use in TucsonBoth technologies are most effective in hot, dry climates, where, when used in conjunction with an evaporative system, they are capable of cooling air by about 25°F to 35°F and increasing the moisture content by about 60 to 70%. This is ideal in desert climates when the air is hot and dry. During times of high relative humidity, such as during the late-summer monsoon season, this technology is minimally effective.

According to Niromand et al. in The Earth Refrigerators as Earth Architecture, “In a windless environment or waterless house, a windcatcher functions as a solar chimney. It creates a pressure gradient which allows hot air, which is less dense, to travel upwards and escape out the top. This is also compounded significantly by the diurnal cycle, trapping cool air below. The temperature in such an environment cannot drop below the nightly low


“When coupled with thick adobe that exhibits good resistance against heat transmission qualities, the windcatcher is able to chill lower level spaces in mosques and houses (e.g. shabestans) in the middle of the day to frigid temperatures.Directing airflow upwards using wind-assisted or solar-produced temperature gradients has gained some ground in Western architecture, and there are several commercial products using the name windcatcher.”

referencesImplementation Of Natural Down-Draft Evaporative

Cooling Devices In Commercial Buildings: The International Experience, Nader V. Chalfoun, the University of Arizona, August 1. 1998.

Niromand, H., Jamil, M., & Zain, M. (2011). The Earth Refrigerators as Earth Architecture. 2010 International Conference on Biology, Environment and Chemistry, 1, 187-190. Retrieved June 28, 2012, from

Passive Ventilation



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45Passive Technology 45Passive Technology

Advantages• ideal in dry hot climates like that of

Tucson• very low energy use• can cool outdoor areas like parks

and plazas• slightly lower water use than a

mechanical evaporative cooler

Disadvantages• tall towers can visually dominate the

landscape• only applicable when the weather

is hot and dry (i.e. not monsoon season)




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46 Passive Technology

According to some estimates, 50%-70% or the average American household’s energy costs go to heating and cooling the home. This translates to about $2,200 per year per household. It also means that a tremendous amount of energy and natural resources are being lost when heating and cooling is being done inefficiently. More efficient equipment coupled with proper insulation and temperature regulation goes a long way towards conserving money and resources.

Principles of insulationThe goal of insulation is to prevent the transfer of heat from one space to another; in the case of a home, this means keeping heat in in the winter, and keeping heat out in the summer.• Define the envelope: the outer walls,

ceiling, windows, and floor of the house. This is the space that will need to be sealed against energy loss.

• Create air-tightness around windows and doors, and also by sealing leaks in attics, crawlspaces, and basements.

• Select an insulation with the proper R-value (insulation rating) for different parts of the house (exterior walls, attic, crawlspace, etc) and region of the country.

• High tech windows can also be effective insulators, choose types with special coatings, vacuum sealed spaces between panes, and improved framing materials.

Principles of thermal massAdding thermal mass to a home is done with the goal of retaining heat and regulating temperature, primarily from day to night during the cooler seasons of the year. Passive solar homes often incorporate a large area of thermal mass into the home’s south side, either as a floor or interior wall that can absorb heat from the sun during the winter. This material is then shaded from sunlight during the summer to prevent a buildup of heat.

Natural Materials for the SouthwestIn addition to commonly used fiberglass, mineral wool, polyurethane foam insulation, and structural insulating panels, among others, there exist several types of traditional natural materials that can be used as insulation while providing a home with some additional visual and regional appeal. Some of these materials have naturally high or low insulating and thermal mass properties, so knowing the benefits, drawbacks, and proper location of these materials is key.

Rammed Earth• high thermal mass• low insulating properties in cold

climates, requiring additional insulation within the wall

Adobe• high thermal mass

• exterior walls need to be insulated in colder climates, adobe has low insulation properties

• thick adobe walls (double adobe) provide sufficient insulation in the desert

Straw Bale• straw bales themselves have low

thermal mass, but the plastering materials used on them can have significant thermal retention qualities

• high insulation properties, according to some it is the most cost-effective insulation available

• fire-proof

Beyond insulation• install a programmable thermostat in

the home to reduce energy use when no one is home

• make sure equipment is up-to-date and running properly

• replace air filters regularly

references“Home : ENERGY STAR.” Home : ENERGY STAR.

N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <>.

Insulation and Thermal Mass

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47Passive Technology









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48 Passive Technology


Benefi ts of landscapingAccording to the U.S. Department of Energy, “a well-designed landscape not only can add beauty to your home but it also can reduce your heating and cooling costs. On average, landscaping for energy efficiency provides enough energy savings to return an initial investment in less than 8 years.” Trees and shrubs are a cost-effective and attractive way to protect a home against climate extremes that drive up energy costs.

ConsiderationsRegional climateConsideration of the climate is essential, both for the survival of the plant material as well as for the greatest benefit in terms of energy savings. Does the house need shade from the sun, or windbreaks to stop bitter winter winds?

MicroclimateCreating a pocket of comfortable temperatures around the outside of the

home will limit the need for heating and cooling by mechanical means, and will, along with insulation, help the home maintain a more constant temperature.

ShadingProper shade around a building will block direct sunlight and prevent heat absorption. Planting deciduous trees adjacent to a structure will limit sunlight in summer and allow it in winter when it is

desired.WindbreaksIn some places, providing a screen of trees as a windbreak is necessary to limit the effects of winter winds.

Water conservationPlanting appropriate species for the site and regional climate will reduce the need for supplemental irrigation, thereby decreasing maintenance costs.L



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49Passive Technology

Many passive strategies are ideal for employing in public outdoor spaces. Providing comfort for visitors without the use of air conditioning or a furnace is an issue that can be solved with these low-tech options. Drawing visitors’ attention to the strategies employed in the park is also a great opportunity for education and inspiration that will perhaps spur Tucson residents to make changes in their own homes.

Passive Solar DesignWhile including a closed structure such as a small building or model home in the park might not be a feasible or desirable option, incorporating some of the principles of passive solar design in built elements of the park is possible. Designing seating areas or presentation spaces that are properly oriented and shaded for different seasons (shaded in summer and warmed by the sun’s rays in winter)

could be a good introduction to some of the concepts. Even a properly placed rammed earth or adobe wall would create a pocket of cool air on its shady side in the summer time. Exhibits or interpretive signage could take the lessons further.

Cooling Towers and Windcatchers Building a cool tower or windcatcher in a central area of the park would be an ideal way to create an area of thermal comfort for visitors who are gathering for an event, demonstration, or just casually visiting. If evaporative cooling is used, including a user activated control such as a button and timer system would allow the system to be turned on when needed, saving energy and water.

Insulation and Thermal MassA demonstration of natural types of insulation (adobe, rammed earth, straw bale construction) might simply be included as a part of the park’s design. Walls associated with seating areas built out of these materials would demonstrate their ability to absorb and retain heat on one side while shading and cooling on the other, also while illustrating their aesthetic qualities.

Landscaping for Energy SavingsProviding low cost and effective shade in

the form of native landscape trees goes a long way towards creating a park that is beautiful and comfortable. Creating opportunities for visitors to contrast the quality of shade beneath a built structure as compared to that beneath a tree would be a tangible lesson in the benefits of proper landscaping. Thermometers beneath various types of shade in the park could also be provided to illustrate the difference materials and landscaping can make in the provision of thermal comfort.

Possibilities for Demonstration Garden



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Case Studiesmuseum exhibitssolar installationscorporate headquarterspublic spaces

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Case Study 53

Case StudyIntroduction There are many existing educational displays, exhibits, and park spaces that have been built around the world to showcase the possibilities of renewable energy, solar power, and sustainability. We attempted to collect a large sample of these as inspiration for TEP’s Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden.

The features and goals of many of these projects and museum exhibits overlap; some public art installations are also generating electricity with solar panels, and public works projects that harvest storm water for curb plantings and power street lights with solar power are also very effective forms of public education -- sustainable practices in action. Presented in this chapter are examples of local projects as well as many from around the world.

Scott Avenue streetscape, TucsonScott Avenue streetscape, Tucson

VEIL Solar Shade by Büro NorthVEIL Solar Shade by Büro North

water harvesting landscape on the University of water harvesting landscape on the University of Arizona campus, Ten Eyck AssociatesArizona campus, Ten Eyck Associates

Capitol Plaza, New York CityCapitol Plaza, New York City Spirit of Southern Arizona, Tucson International Spirit of Southern Arizona, Tucson International AirportAirport

SEED[pod] Solar Decathalon house, University of SEED[pod] Solar Decathalon house, University of Arizona, 2009Arizona, 2009

Sustainable Dance Floortm by Sustainable Dance Floortm by Sustainable Dance ClubSustainable Dance Club

Page 58: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden

54 Case Study

Tucson Children’s MuseumElectri-City

Location: Tucson, AZ

Site Function: museum exhibit

Key Words: solar energy, electricity,

education, interaction, hands-on

Program/Features• Jacob’s ladder• solar city streetcar exhibit• hand crank power generator

Key ConceptsThe exhibits introduce young children (0-8 years old) to the concepts of electricity, solar energy, and power consumption.

Design Implications• design a park that compliments the

exhibits in the neighboring Children’s Museum without duplication

• design park features for young children and families already downtown for a visit to the museum

• provide outdoor amenities for museum visitors before or after a visit: i.e. picnic spots, bicycle parking, solar covered parking, water bottle filling stations, urban habitat for small wildlife and birds

notes• The close proximity of the museum

to the TEP site allows us to take cues from the exhibits’ designs and museum staff regarding what methods have been successful in attracting attention, holding interest, and conveying information.



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Case Study 55

Museum of ScienceEnergized!

Location: Boston, MA

Site Function: museum exhibit

Key Words: solar energy, wind power,

hydroelectric power, educational, interactive,


Program/Features• interactive pathway illustrating

sequence of sunlight to rooftop panels to the “Theatre of Electricity”

• information about MOS’s wind turbine lab

• experiment with rooftop solar panels to energize a “Solar House”

• adjustable mirror array that focuses sunlight on a “Solar Collector”

• Interactive map of renewable energy installations around Massachusetts

• “Power Boston” by making your own energy choices

• hands-on interactives• models• videos

Key ConceptsThe exhibit educates the public about energy generation, consumption, and conservation. Special emphasis is placed on our relationship to the conventional energy sources we are used to and how

we might better utilize renewable energy sources (specifically solar, wind, and water) and how we might benefit.The exhibit aims to “spark curiosity and understanding about renewable energy, innovative energy technologies, and today’s complex energy choices.”

Design Implications• contrast conventional and renewable

energy sources• create a story line/energy pathway• include a map of renewable energy and

sustainable sites in Tucson• include adjustable and changeable


notes• W


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56 Case Study

Children’s Museum of RichmondSun Tubes

Location: Richmond, VA

Size: wall panel

Site Function: museum exhibit

Key Words: solar energy, education,

interaction, hands-on

Program/Features• interactive exhibit featuring wall-

mounted tubes• children insert colorful scarves and

watch as they are sucked into the tubes at the bottom and blown out at the top

• flat panel television educates children and parents about the museums solar rooftop array and the process of harvesting solar energy through solar panels as well as how the exhibit functions

Key ConceptsA bright mural of the sun draws visitor attention to the exhibit itself as well as the fact the exhibit is powered by 12.3 kilowatts of solar panels on the museum’s roof. Children are physically engaged with the exhibit and are utilizing hand-eye coordination.

Design Implications• include exhibits or site features that

require or inspire some amount of physical movement by users

• create fun and entertaining features powered by renewable sources

notes• C


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Case Study 57

Baltimore Public Works MuseumStreetscape

Location: Baltimore, MD

Size: >1 acre

Site Function: museum exhibit, play space

Key Words: public infrastructure, education,


Program/Features• outdoor two-story, full-sized cutaway

of a city street and the web of wiring, pipes, tubes, sewers and other tunnel work below

Key ConceptsVisitors are educated about the massive infrastructutre that exisits largely out of view beneath the city street. Streetscape tells the story of the transmission of power, the delivery of potable water, and the removal of stormwater and sewage. It also functions as a play structure for children. The Balitmore Public Works Muesum itself still contains an active sewage pumping station and educates the public about public works and infrastructure through exhibits and displays.

Design Implications• create interactive full sized or scaled

down models of energy generation or electrical infrastructure

• even static features can be engaging, interactive, and educational

notes• The Baltimore Public Works Museum

was forced to close in 2010 due to budget constraints. There are currently no plans to reopen.




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58 Case Study

Program/Features• Sustainable Dance Floor that generates

power through movement• Tesla coil• interactive electronic copy of Benjamin

Franklin’s book Experiments and Observations on Electricity

• Build a Circuit activity bench where visitors can create a working electric circuit

• art installation called Electrical Signals, an LED array that is activated by imperceptible electrical signals, such as those from cell phones

• a social game called Compromising Choices, in which visitors lead a nation “through technological and economic growth, choosing diverse energy sources to meet its needs for energy consumption while balancing environmental damage and resource depletion.” -Franklin Institute website

• exhibit that allows visitors to see the electrical signals in their own muscles

• education about various fuel sources• interactive static electricity exhibit

Key ConceptsThe museum’s activities in the Electricity exhibit fully engage visitors, getting them to use their bodies to dance, form circuits, and become conductors for static charge. Visitors also learn about electrical phenomena in their daily life that often goes unnoticed, such as electrical signals from cell phones and in human muscles.

Design Implications• allow visitors to engage in unique

forms of interaction with electrical phenomena and energy generation

• educate visitors about how closely they are connected to energy and electricity in their daily lives, even when removed from electric devices



The Franklin InstituteElectricity

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Site Function: museum exhibit

Key Words: electricity, renewable energy,

education, hands-on



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Case Study 59

Miami Science MuseumEnergy Dance Floor

Location: Miami, FL

Site Function: museum exhibit

Key Words: electricity, electricity generation,

kinetic energy, heat

Program/Features• interactive dance floor uses the

movement of exhibit visitors to generate electricity

• electricity generated by the exhibit powers its LED display

• Human Yoyo - visitors only using the power of physics hold onto the end of a rope in an outdoor exhibit that can lift them 10 feet into the air

• Giant Lever - allows visitors to lift multiple people into the air using leverage

Key ConceptsBy using energy generated by museum visitors, a feedback loop of electricity generation and exhibit appeal is created. There is also a heat sensing camera and video monitor near the dance floor so visitors can see the heat escaping from their bodies as they dance.

Visitors to the Miami Science Museum learn about energy in a physical sense, and how power can be transferred in a way that increases the amount of energy from input to output. They are physically engaging and create a dynamic learning experience.

Design Implications• include a similar feature in the TEP park

to attract and engage visitors• including relevant and physically

demanding exhibits in the TEP park would engage and challenge visitors, and could potentially inspire them to learn concepts through problem solving

• physical exhibits such as these could serve as a strong draw to the site, ultimately inspiring visitors to explore further

notes• website:






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60 Case Study

Miami Science MuseumEnergy Tracker

Location: Miami, FL

Site Function: museum exhibit

Key Words: education, interaction

Program/Features• individual Energy Tracker Cards, given

to each museum visitor as they enter the exhibit

Key Concepts“Throughout all of MiaSci is the new activity, Energy Tracker, an interconnected trail of hands-on stations where you can explore how one form of energy can transform into another. Grab your ticket, select a line to follow, and visit stations along the route to track and identify different forms of energy. At the final stop, there’s a prize for each completed ticket!” -Miami Science Museum website

Design Implications• create a similar checklist or activity

card: either at the site, on-line, or as a handout for teachers visiting with students on field trips

• motivate students and other visitors to become in engaged in the site,

searching for exhibits and concepts and completing tasks in order to complete their lists

• perhaps each exhibit is capable of stamping, punching, or otherwise marking the ticket for the visitors




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Case Study 61

Liberty Science CenterEnergy Quest

Location: Jersey City, NJ

Site Function: museum exhibit

Key Words: solar energy, electricity,

education, interaction, hands-on

Program/Features• Tidal Station educates visitors about

hydro electric power as they control the flow of water

• three dimensional molecular models of hydrocarbons at the Biofuel Station

• Oil Drilling Station allows visitors to guess the best place to drill for oil based on a study of rock formations below the ground

• Plasma Station with a view of plasma flowing through a vacuum chamber designed by the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

Key ConceptsThe exhibit focuses on five enrgy themes:• Surface (wind, solar, hydro)• Bio-Stored (oil, coal, natural gas, bio-

mass)• Nuclear (fission, fusion)• Ocean (waves, tidal, ocean-thermal)• Geo-Thermal (hydro-thermal, hot dry

rock, magma)

Exhibits are hands-on and allow visitors to change variables to get different outcomes.

Design Implications• including various forms of energy

generation, including renewable and non-renewable sources, could help the public learn about the pros and cons of each

• allow visitors to interact with the generation of power (as in the Tidal Station) to see how energy production might increase or decrease based on a variety of factors





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62 Case Study

Georgia Nature Centersustainable practices demonstration


Location: Oconee County, Georgia

Size: 135 acres

Site Function: park, trails

Key Words: solar energy, wind power,

geothermal, education

Program/Features• Solar Powered Concerts• Next Generation Home featuring solar

array, wind turbine, and on-site power storage

• Clean Energy Exhibition - A permanent renewable energy showcase featuring solar power, wind power, green building techniques, hybrid vehicles and other clean energy sources

• geothermal earth tubes that demonstrate natural cooling from the Earth

Key ConceptsThe Georgia Nature Center is a 135 acre nature preserve with hiking trails and gardens, and also features several demonstration sites for various forms of renewable energy.

The geothermal earth tubes exhibit demonstrates the possibility to utilize the consistant 65° underground temperature to

heat and cool an indoor space. According to the website:“When air is slowly drawn using a small fan through plastic pipes buried at this depth [10 feet below the surface], it will be cooled during summer and heated during winter, providing natural climate control with much less energy than conventional heating and cooling.”

Design Implications• generating power for use within the

park can be a valuable educational element

• test new forms of energy generation and conservation in a public place





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Case Study 63

Sanyo’s Kasai Green Energy Park

Location: Kasai, Japan

Site Function: corporate campus

Year Built: 2011

Key Words: solar energy, charging stations

Program/Features• solar panel• electicity charger• shade structure

Key ConceptsFeaturing 5,200 solar panels and generating 1MW of electricity, Sanyo’s Kasai Green energy park includes solar panel arrays on building facades, bicycle parking structures, a power storage building, and other smaller structures. A large array of vertically placed double-facade panels absorb solar energy on two sides, and according to Sanyo, this array is the largest one of its kind. The 1MW of solar energy generated here is enough to power about 330 homes, and there is a 1.5MW lithium battery on-site to store power for rainy days.

Design Implications• include solar arrays on rooftops and

shade structures

• allow visitors to charge their devices at the park, and include electric vehicle charging stations at the park perimeter







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Lite-On Electronic Headquarters

Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Size: 10,152 square meters

Site Function: corporate headquarters

Designer: SWA Group

Year Built: 2006

Key Words: green space, green roof, security,

multiple use, views & storm water harvesting

Program/Features• green roof• seating• linear planting beds• granite walkways• light wall• courtyard• fountains

Key Concepts“The overall concept was a 25-story slender tower rising above a sloped landscape podium that covered much of the site. The podium built over four levels of below grade parking sloped toward the river on one side and toward the urban center on the other side. This configuration maximizes views from the tower and for users of the landscape gardens. The podium provided security, view gardens and a green roof, retaining storm water, storing it for irrigation, and providing insulation for the public spaces below. ...The generous open space around the

tower gives it distinction in a dense urban context, as well as playing a major role in accomplishing the vision of the owner as a total “green” development. Conceived before LEED accreditation, this was the first green roof envisioned and built by a private party in Taipei.” -

Design Implications• integrate the building and site with the

landscape as an important component of being “green”

• provide a secure and functional outdoor space for use by employees and visitors








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Case Study 65

Korea Electric Power Corporation

Location: Naju, South Korea

Size: 120,000 square meters

Site Function: theme park & plaza

Designer: H Associates

Year Designed: 2009 competition

Key Words: solar energy, wind power,

sustainability, water harvesting

Program/Features• solar field• wind valley• rain farms• geothermal systems

Key ConceptsA helical atrium space promotes building ventilation, natural light, and views while also buffering office space form harsh weather. Solar collectors/panels in the building skin system and in the solar field harvest the sun’s energy. Harvested rain water and grey water from the building is reused for landscape irrigation and building plumbing.

Design Implications• integrating the Demonstration Garden

with the TEP headquarters in a similar way would create a visually and functionally unified space

• create a range of spaces and functions in the demonstration garden that work

in conjunction with each other





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66 Case Study

Program/Features• 360 Kyocera KC 167G panels

generating 60 kW DC, 50 kW AC.• Panels installed at 20 degree angle.• Weather station and data acquisition

system installed• 10 Sunny Boy 6000 48 VDC inverters• Estimated annual energy production-

95500 kWh, enough to power almost 10 homes

• Annual cost savings approximately $7640.00

• Greenhouse gas reductions approximately 92 equivalent tons CO2 annually

• site monitoring

Key Concepts“This system offsets the purchase of utility power during daytime hours for the City of Tucson. The uniquely integrated PV array acts not only as a power generator, but also as a shade structure for 36 parking spaces on the top floor of a seven story garage.” -Kimley-Horn and Associates

The project was one of the first large scale solar installations at a city facility and was the first garage in Tucson to be fitted with solar panels.

Design Implications• solar panels can provide shade for

vehicles and people as well as energy generation



Pennington Street Garagesolar panels

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Site Function: parking garage


Year Built: 2005

Key Words: solar panels, power generation &






& LocatedinTucson

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Case Study 67

Program/Features• residential street light• rain water harvesting

Key ConceptsThis installation of 43 solar-powered street lights along four heavily utilized neighborhood corridors, a water harvesting system for natural irrigation purposes, and community artwork were a part of this neighborhood-driven, collaborative effort.

Design Implications• functional lighting can be powered

sustainably• form partnerships with other

businesses and research organizations in Tucson to expand exhibit possibilities



Barrio Centro Solar Street Lightsinfrastructure

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Site Function: street lights

Year Built: 2012

Key Words: neighborhood, street lights &




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68 Case Study

Program/Features• 600 PV panels• system monitoring and testing

Key ConceptsThe TEP solar test yard in Tucson is a grid-tied array of over 600 photovoltaic panels from 20 different manufacturers. Starting in 2003, AC power measurements were taken every 5 minutes. Since 2009, measurements of DC power, irradiance, and temperature have been taken every second and been monitored by University of Arizona researchers. That same year, another test yard was also built by SOLON corporation on the TEP lot next door.The test yard is a cooperative effort between University of Arizona, Tucson Electric Power and AzRISE

Design Implications• TEP’s Demonstration Garden could

link to the demonstration site to exhibit real time information about energy

generation• a smaller scale “test yard” could exist

at the park site in an exhibition of new and established solar technology

• form partnerships with other businesses and research organizations in Tucson to expand exhibit possibilities


TEP Solar Test Yard

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Site Function: research and education

Designers: Tucson Electric Power, The

University of Arizona

Year Built: 2003

Key Words: solar energy, demonstration,

testing, exhibit





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Case Study 69

Tucson International Airport Location: Tucson, AZ

Site Function: public sculpture

Designer: Stephen Fairfi eld, Patrick Marcus,

Emily Taylor

Year Built: 2012

Key Words: solar energy, public art

Program/Features• solar panels• pre-programmed and motion sensing

color changing LED display• Southern Arizona history in interpretive


Key ConceptsFrom Tucson International Airport’s website: “Thoughtful design makes a big difference. When the sculpture senses that people are not around and cars are not driving by, it reduces its power consumption by four times. Conserving energy for active viewers just makes good sense,” said Marcus.

On average, the sculpture consumes less power then a single 40W light bulb, yet produces almost 50 bulbs’ worth of illumination during its most colorful states, Marcus said.”

Design Implications• public art can also become educational

elements in the park, highlighting regional and site history and identity, as well as the application of solar power and the use of energy reduction techniques

• include motion sensing devices in park elements that consume electricity (such as lighting and exhibit displays)






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70 Case Study

Program/Features• renewable energy generation• energy generation

Key ConceptsThis project is a partnership between B2 and Raytheon Missile Systems to design and install an automatic energy monitoring system(ATaRS) for an array of solar panels installed at the Biosphere2 facility.

Design Implications• install an array of solar panels and

new technology at the demonstration garden site

• form partnerships with other businesses and research organizations in Tucson to expand exhibit possibilities



Biosphere 2 Renewable Energy DemonstrationResearch & Exhibition

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Site Function: research, exhibition and

educationDesigner: B2 and Raytheon Missile Systems

Key Words: solar energy, exhibit, testing





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Case Study 71

UA Science and Technology ParkSolar Zone

Location: Tucson, AZ

Size: xx acres/xx sq. feet/miles

Site Function: public plaza, demonstration

Year Built: under construction

Key Words: solar energy, sustainability,


Program/Features• educational outreach• public demonstration and awareness

hub• TEP owned and operated 1.6 MW

single-axis tracking photovoltaic array that generates power on-site and feeds it into the grid

• Amonix, CTC Electric, EMCORE Corporation, and Foresight–Solar Point, LLC, and Solon, a Tucson-based solar system manufacturer and integrator, will be generating 13 MW of power in the Solar Zone using a variety of technologies and tracking systems.

• Bell Independent Power Corp., which developed a Thermal Storage Technology for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), will have a state-of-the-art 5 MW solar plant with its proprietary Thermal Storage System in the Solar Zone @ the UA Tech Park.

• largest multi-technology solar evaluation site in the United States

Key ConceptsThe Solar Zone in the University of

Arizona’s Science and Technology Park is a solar-centric business zone and demonstration area where the public can learn about various forms of solar energy generation and industry research.

Design Implications• electricity generation and education

can happen successfully side-by-side• demonstrate several forms of solar

energy generation together to compare features and effectiveness

notes• website:






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72 Case Study

CALA Garden - Sonoran Landscape Laboratory

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Size: < 1 acre

Site Function: garden, public space

Designer: Ten Eyck Landscape Architects

Year Built: 2007

Key Words: water harvesting

Program/Features• water harvesting• native planting• urban wildlife & biomass• outdoor classroom• entry plaza• microclimate regulation• air and water cleansing• recycling

Key Concepts“The Sonoran Landscape Laboratory was designed as a low-cost, research-oriented, educational public space focusing on water-conscious design solutions and creating urban wildlife habitat and biomass. From its inception, the development was based on a critical public university/private enterprise collaboration. The faculty requested the site design to be an interpretive learning experience using a range of materials that would be a fun, regional oasis and

attraction for existing and future students and professors of the CALA program.”

A 11,600 gallon tank harvests 230,000 gallons of grey water and storm water annually.

Design Implications• including a self sustaining native

landscape in a high traffic urban setting is possible

• integrating the Demonstration Garden with the TEP headquarters in a similar way would create a visually and functionally unified space





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Case Study 73

AzRISE/U of A Solar Racing Teamtransportation

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Size: University of Arizona

Site Function: transportation

Year Formed: 1999

Key Words: transportation

Program/Features• solar panels• car racing

Key ConceptsDating back to 1999, the University of Arizona Solar Racing Team has been building exclusively solar-powered cars from scratch. Over the years, the UA Solar Racing Team has competed in a host of various races, from Sunrayce in 1999, to the Formula-Sun Michigan competition in 2001, to the exclusive North America Solar Challenge, in which the team has actively competed from 2001 through 2008. Lasting nearly a full month and ranging from Texas to Calgary, Canada, the full length of the race is over 2400 miles. In 2001, the Arizona Solar Racing Team took first place in their class, and, more recently took tenth overall against a total of 22 fierce competitors from around the globe. The Arizona Solar Racing Team is eagerly anticipating this year’s current project:

designing and building a solar-powered, hybrid race car to compete in the Shell Eco-marathon.

Design Implications• Marketing value and demonstration of

fuel-free vehicles• Representing Tucson and UA at electric

car and solar car races and events• Development and testing of future

improvements• Design and testing of solar recharging

stations• Student training and workforce

development• Demonstration of an easy to modify

platform for testing• Test vehicle for evaluation of: Increased

performance; Increased driving range; Accelerated charging platforms; Efficiency







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74 Case Study

Program/Features• affordable and removable• greenhouse• solar panels• water wall as thermal mass• passive and active strategies• rainwater harvesting

Key Concepts• An easily replicated and customized

pod that is designed to be manufactured and delivered affordably and conveniently

• A greenhouse that serves as a biosphere, improves air quality, filters gray water, and encourages food production

• Ventilated bifacial solar panels that allow electricity to be produced as light passes through from either direction to improve efficiency by up to 30%

• A water wall uses water as thermal mass to deter heat from entering the house during the day and release it

slowly when the sun sets

Design ImplicationsBuilding a demonstration house or space in the TEP Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden would be a compelling way to illustrate how changes in the design of our living spaces can have huge impacts on energy usage and the environment.



Solar Decathlon HouseUniversity of Arizona

Location: Tucson, AZ

Site Function: exhibit, experimental

Designer: University of Arizona Solar

Decathalon Team, 2009

Key Words: solar energy, passive design,






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Case Study 75

U of A - Student Recreation Centerrecreation, architecture & landscape

architectureLocation: Tucson, Arizona

Size: 54,000 sq. feet

Site Function: recreation and fi tness

Designer: Sasaki Associates, Inc.

Year Built: 2010

Key Words: LEED Platinum

Program/Features• low VOC materials• water harvesting and efficiency• LEED Platinum Certified

Key Concepts“Sasaki’s addition to the student recreation center at the University of Arizona in Tucson cuts an impressive silhouette against the Sonoran Desert landscape. The 54,000-square-foot addition doubles the amount of space for cardio-fitness and strength conditioning and diversifies the center’s recreational program offerings. The structure is a genuine expression of the student body’s commitment to health, wellbeing, and sustainability—inspired and informed by the very people whom the center is intended to engage.

“...Originally targeted to be LEED Silver, the design process revealed a pervasive desire on campus to express how achieving sustainability in a desert

environment affects the character of a building. The project became a study in balancing transparency and opacity with the unique qualities of the Arizona sun. Water efficiency is of particular concern in Tucson, and water harvesting and storm water management techniques include bioswales, the use of the volleyball court as a percolation bed, and capturing HVAC condensation for irrigation. Without affecting the original project budget, Sasaki leveraged smart design, campus contribution, and collaboration to achieve the LEED Platinum Certification.”-Sasaki Associates

Design Implications• combine park functions (i.e volleyball

court as percolation bed)






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76 Case Study

Program/Features• Demonstration Village• Renewable Energy – solar, geothermal,

micro-wind turbines, passive design, metering and smart grid

• Green Building Technologies – passive design, energy and water efficiency, materials and resources

• Urban Farming and Xeriscaping – local food production, community nutrition education, farmers market

• Green Job Training – work with community colleges and other workforce development entities and non-profits to educate and train future employees

• Transportation Alternatives – plug-in electric car stations, bike share kiosk, bus stop and schedules

Key ConceptsThe Core Objectives of the Sustainability Park are:• Promote Renewable Energy &

Sustainable Design • Community Outreach & Education • Job Training • Research and Development

Design Implications• the park is an example of a large

outdoor space that is used for public education about the issues of energy generation, conservation, and transportation

• engaging the public through community outreach activities and public education in conjunction with the park would highlight TEP’s desire to be involved with sustainability and the larger community which it serves

notes• website: www.denversustainabilitypark.


Denver Sustainability Park

Location: Denver, CO

Size: 2.7 acres (one city block)

Site Function: public park, demonstration

spaceDesigner: (if known)

Year Built: (if known)

Key Words: education, sustainability


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Case Study 77

Program/Features• wide sidewalks, street trees, street

furniture and intermittent parallel parking bays; demolished concrete was crushed and reused in planting areas

• energy-efficient, street and pedestrian lighting

• native and drought tolerant tree, shrub and accent plant palette

• Water harvesting/stormwater mitigation: curb cuts to recessed planting basins.

• solar-powered gateway features illustrating the historic and cultural significance of Scott Avenue with images and text.

• public art that adds a twist to the story of Scott Avenue.

• upgraded “Presidio Trail” markers

Key ConceptsThe Scott Avenue Segment is Phase 1 of a larger plan to revitalize downtown Tucson with infrastructure improvements to support private development and the addition of a modern streetcar and associated streetscape improvements.

The goal for Scott Avenue was to create a safer, more pedestrian-friendly and inviting, day and night “strolling street” to link the modern streetcar and existing parking garages to the Temple of Music and Art, Scottish Rite Mason’s Cathedral, and the Children’s Museum (Carnegie Library) and other landmarks. The street must function well for existing businesses and accommodate future development. Redevelopment is indeed underway.

Design Implications• walkability: wide sidewalks, tree

canopy• energy-efficient: lighting, solar power

using• public art• history trail



Scott Avenueinfrastructure

Location: Tucson, Arizona

Site Function: parking garage

Designer: Wheat Scharf Associates

Year Built: 2009

Key Words: streetscape, solar energy, public

space, walkability





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78 Case Study

California Academy of SciencesGreen Roof

Location: San Francisco, California

Size: 9.5 Acres

Site Function: green roof

Designer: Renzo Piano & SWA

Year Built: 2008

Key Words: demonstration, exhibit

Program/Features• LEED Platinum Certified building• green roof & wall• photovoltaic cells• native plants

Key Concepts“The most remarkable feature of the California Academy of Sciences building is the 197,000 sq. ft. (18,302 m2) living roof, which emulates the mountainous terrain of the San Francisco area. Three spherical elements push up the roof, creating an undulating roofscape. Within the hills reside the planetarium, rainforest, and aquarium exhibits. A large skylight is centered over a piazza within the museum, while smaller skylights resembling portholes on a ship cover the hills. A canopy of 60,000 photovoltaic cells wraps around the entire building like a veranda. The California Academy of Sciences building’s living roof, which abides by California’s Title 24, reduces urban heat

island effect by cooling the building, reduces noise by 40 decibels, and helps to prevent runoff by absorbing almost all rainwater. Sustainability is a focus and is upheld by using over 40 native California plants including poppies, strawberries, goldfield, and lupine.”

Design Implications• research sites can also be beautiful

attractions in their own right• the Renewable Energy Demonstration

Garden could also be a place to showcase native plants and the effects they have on microclimate








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Case Study 79

Program/Features• city is wholly reliant on solar and

renewable forms of energy• buildings are oriented to provide the

greatest amount of shade • travel by automobiles is limited to four

roads, but driverless electric cars will be available for transport through the city

• wind towers will be installed in outdoor public spaces for passive cooling

Key ConceptsMasdar City is an experimental endeavor in the desert of Abu Dhabi in the Middle East. It seeks to become an energy efficient, renewably powered, city of the future, employing multiple strategies in its master plan to increase efficiency and provide a comfortable living.

Public consumption of energy is monitored and displayed by color coded LEDs in highly visible places. This type of

feedback has been included with the hope that individuals will voluntarily alter their power consumption habits, especially if the city’s consumption is in the “red zone”

Design ImplicationsMany of the design strategies employed in Masdar City are for outdoor, public spaces. The wind towers, shaded corridors between buildings, and public energy consumption monitoring are all features that could easily find a home in the TEP demonstration garden.



Masdar City

Location: Abu Dhabi

Size: 6km2 (3.75 sq. mi.)

Site Function: passive cooling,

public energy monitoring

Designer: Foster and Partners

Year Built: under construction

Key Words: passive technology, monitoring,




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Program/Features• public sculpture• environmental art• native plants• sandblasted photographs in stone

Key Concepts“Green Acres boasts a number of eye-catching features: curving steps that mimic the rippling effect of ocean waves, planters showcasing a variety of local plants, and polished green granite paving blocks with photographic images sandblasted onto their surface. The sandblasted images — which promptly vanish when it rains, and slowly re-emerge as the stone dries — depict the endangered plants and wildlife of New Jersey. For many visitors, the ghostly quality of these images is a reminder that endangered species could disappear swiftly if they are not rigorously protected.”- from

Design Implications• including public art that features

metaphors about energy generation, consumption, and loss as part of the demonstration garden would be a powerful addition to the site.



Green Acrespublic sculpture

Location: Trenton, NJ

Site Function: public plaza and

gardenDesigner: Athena Tacha

Year Built: 1986

Key Words: environmental art, natural




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Case Study 81

Program/Features• cultural space• experiential design

Key Concepts“Bernard Tschumi designed the Parc de la Villette with the intention of creating a space that exists in a vacuum, something without historical precedent. The park strives to strip down the signage and conventional representations that have infiltrated architectural design and allow for the existence of a ‘non-place.’” -Wikipedia

“...La Villette has become known as an unprecedented type of park, one based on “culture” rather than “nature.” The park is located on what was one of the last remaining large sites in Paris, a 125-acre expanse previously occupied by the central slaughter houses and situated at the northeast corner of the city. In addition to the master plan, the project involved the design and construction of

over 25 buildings, promenades, covered walkways, bridges, and landscaped gardens over a period of fifteen years. A system of dispersed “points”—the red enameled steel follies that support different cultural and leisure activities—is superimposed on a system of lines that emphasizes movement through the park.” -Bernanrd Tschumi Architects

Design Implications• incorporate a similar grid and landmark

system as potential education & exhibition areas



Parc de la VillettePark, Plaza & Grid

Location: Paris, France

Site Function: public garden, park,

plaza, building and sculpture

Designer: Bernard Tschumi

Year Built: 1987

Key Words: public park, formal design, public





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82 Case Study

Capitol Plaza

Location: New York, New York

Site Function: urban plaza

Designer: Thomas Balsley

Year Built: 2005

Key Words: multiple seating area, security

and different features

Program/Features• a multitude of seating options• vegetation• lighting• security• feature wall• water(sound)• curving path way

Key Concepts“Capitol Plaza is located in the emerging residential neighborhood of Chelsea Heights amid weekend antiques markets and Flower District shops. This new public open space, which connects 26th Street and 27th Street just east of Sixth Avenue, features garden seating areas, a promenade, and cafes. ... In an area of Manhattan with too few public open spaces, Capitol Plaza’s goal was to offer people a place to pause among lush bamboo groves and ornamental grass plantings, distinctive contemporary seating and adjacent cafes and shops.” -Thomas

Baily AssociatesOverall, the design is a synergistic composition of these elements, ensuring long term success.

Design Implications• keep a site plan uncomplicated and

make clear sight lines to prevent fears related to personal security

• light it well at night• encourage a pedestrian flow through

the plaza during all hours it remains open

• design to ‘keep eyes on the plaza.’• perhaps allow some of the park edges

to house shops or food vendors• provide shade







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Case Study 83

Program/Features• energy generating playground


Key ConceptsPlayground equpment outfitted with dynamo generators that can be powered by the energy of children at play. These units can generate up to 31.5 watts of energy for every hour of play. That is roughly enough to power 20 light bulbs for the same amount of time.

Design Implications• include similar play equipment in the

demonstration garden to engage children, capture their interest, and sustain their attention while they learn about key energy concepts



KidgticGreen Energy Generation in


Designer: Andrew Simoeni, Joel

Lim and Funfere Koroye

Site Function: playground

Key Words: playground, interactive, kinetic



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84 Case Study

The U.S. Department of Energy has named 25 U.S. cities as Solar America Cities which are promoting solar technology adoption at the local level. These cities will take a comprehensive, city-wide approach to solar technology that facilitates its mainstream acceptance. Solar technologies promoted by Solar America Cities include photovoltaics and concentrating solar power (which both produce solar electricity) as well as solar water and air heating. They represent 16 different states and have varying degrees of solar resources and experience with solar technologies. The cities were selected by these urban communities based on their long-term commitment to developing solar energy markets in their municipalities.

The desired outcomes of the Solar America Cities are:• Development of a comprehensive city-

wide approach that lays the foundation for a viable solar market.

• Integration of solar energy technologies into city energy and climate planning

• Increased installation of solar energy technologies on city facilities

• Removal of market barriers to solar energy development.

• Creation of city-level solar incentives.• Increased public awareness of solar

energy .• A widespread increase in the adoption

of solar energy technologies across the city.

• Lessons learned that are of value to other communities, cities, and counties looking to increase their use of solar energy technologies.

For additional

Solar American Cities

Solar America Cities:

1.Ann Arbor, MI2. Austin, TX3. Berkeley, CA4. Boston, MA5. Denver, CO6. Houston, TX

7. Knoxville, TN8. Madison, WI9. Milwaukee, WI10. Minneapolis – St. Paul, MN11. New Orleans, LA12. New York City, NY13. Orlando, FL14. Philadelphia, PA15. Pittsburgh, PA

16. Portland, OR17. Sacramento, CA18. Salt Lake City, UT19. San Antonio, TX20. San Diego, CA21. San Francisco, CA22. San Jose, CA23. Santa Rosa, CA24. Seattle, WA25. Tucson, AZ

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Case Study 85

Area Inventory: Solar Driving TourThe following list shows selected solar sites in the area as featured on the City of Tucson map A Driving Tour of Selected Tucson Solar Installations - January 2010 LegendPV = Photovoltaic SystemSHW = Solar Hot Water

For additional information see the City ofTucson’s Energy Office Website

Solar America City Sign Locations2. El Rio Neighborhood Center, PV1390 W. Speedway Blvd.4. Pennington St. Garage, PV110 E. Pennington St.5. Project MORE High School, PV440 S. Park Ave.7. University of Arizona Visitor Center, PV811 N. Euclid Ave.

Other City of Tucson Solar Locations9. Archer Neighborhood Center, SHW1665 S. La Cholla Blvd.12. Information Technology, PV481 W. Paseo Redondo

Other Solar Sites17. Brooklyn Pizza, PV534 N. 4th Ave.19. Dunbar School Project, PV325 W. 2nd St.20. Haley and Aldrich, PV600 S. Meyer Ave.21. Latitude, PV949 W. Silverlake Rd.

24. Armory Park del Sol Neighborhood,PV, SHWS. 3rd Ave. and E. 16th St.28. Safford Middle School, PV200 E. 13th St.29. U of A 2nd St. Garage, PVS.E. corner of 2nd and Mountain


12 4








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Site Analysiscultural amenitiessite accesswalkwaysviewssun & windland usetransitdemographics

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Site Analysis 89

Site Analysis

IntroductionAn analysis of the park site and the surrounding area and neighborhoods were the first steps when starting the research ad design process. We used a combination of site visits, satellite imagery, geographic information software and interviews with representatives from Tucson Electric Power and the Tucson Children’s Museum to gather data.

What did we look at?Many of the larger questions we sought to answer about the site in our analysis were:• What does the site look like? How

does it interface with the TEP building, what do the views beyond the site look like?

• What amenities and attractions are already in the area; what is drawing people here, and who are they?

• What does the area need or lack?• How are people getting to the site, or

how might they get here in the near future?

• Who is living in the area?• What are the physical conditions at the

site, such as topography, drainage, and plant materials?

• Where is the shade? Are there notable issues with wind/weather?

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90 Site Analysis

Cultural AmenitiesLocal destinationsThe following destinations are shown on the map to the right, in close proximity to the park site.

Arizona Historical Society Fox Tucson Theatre Hotel Congress Museum of Contemporary Art Museum School For The Visual Arts Old Town Artisans Rialto Theatre Southern Arizona Transportation MuseumSonoran Institute Tucson Children’s Museum Tucson Convention Center Tucson Museum of Art Tucson Music Hall




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Site Analysis 91

Other Modern Cultural Sites within 1/2 mile radius

Arizona Historical Society AZ State Land Department AZ State Office Building AZ Superior Court Carrillo Intermediate Magnet School City-County Public Works Building County Administration County Health and Welfare County Justice Court Federal Building

Fox Tucson Theatre Hotel Congress Joel Valdez-Main Library La Placita Village Museum of Contemporary Art Museum School For The Visual Arts Old Town Artisans Pima Association of Governments Rialto Theatre Safford E. S. and M. S. Southern Arizona Transportation MuseumSonoran Institute

Supreme Court of Appeals District 2 Tucson Children’s Museum Tucson City Court Tucson City Hall Tucson Convention Center Tucson Dept. of Transportation Tucson Fire Dept Tucson H. S. Tucson Museum of Art Tucson Music Hall Tucson Police Dept U.S. District Court

Project Site

Ronstadt transit center

Armory Senior Citizen Center

Tucson Children’s Museum

St Augustine Cathedral



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92 Site Analysis

Site Access

E 12th street

S 6th Ave.B

icycle lane

S Scott Ave

Broadway Blvd

Ronstadt Transit Center

8 Suntran bus routes

Project Site

Ronstadt Transit Center

6th Ave.

12th street

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Site Analysis 93












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94 Site Analysis

The buildings surrounding the Demonstration Garden Site are some of Tucson’s best examples of Neoclassical and Spanish Colonial Revival architecture in the city. These buildings are all easily visible from this open space.

The dominant landscaping style, especially across the street in Armory Park and surrounding the Children’s Museum, is comprised of a plant palette common in Tucson in the early to mid 20th century -- dominated by turf grasses, Italian Cypress, Aleppo pines, and palm trees. To the west of the site along Scott Avenue, a recent streetscaping project brought more Sonoran Desert natives to the area, including acacia and palo verde trees, agaves, and small flowering ephemerals.

Views From the Site

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Site Analysis 95

The following diagrams show the solar exposure as well as the direction of the prevailing winds in the Tucson area. While the direction of the wind and the height of the sun in the sky change with the seasons, this south facing site gets little if any shade from surrounding structures and most of the wind throughout the year comes from the southeast. This makes the site ideal for collecting solar energy, and placing any wind generation exhibits on the south-eastern corner of the site would take full advantage of wind blowing in from the open corner. Some exhibits at the site could focus on local meteorology.

Sun & Wind

Project Site

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96 Site Analysis

Land Use

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Site Analysis 97

Residential Neighborhoods land use2010 Census DataPopulation: 3823Households: 2256Average household size: 1.61Families: 577Average Family size: 2.67Median household income: $18,690Per capita income: $16,275

Neighborhood Associations within 1/2 mile radiusArmory parkBarrio ViejoDunbar SpringsEl PresidioIron HorsePie AllenWest UniversityMillville

Armory ParkArmory Park

Barrio ViejoBarrio Viejo

Iron HorseIron Horse


Pie AllenPie Allen

El PresidioEl Presidio

Dunbar SpringsDunbar Springs West UniversityWest University




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98 Site Analysis

Public Parks land use

According to the Trust for Public Land’s report 2011 City Park Facts, Tucson shows a park deficit when compared to both the national average as well as cities with a similar population density. The only low-density city that ranks lower than Tucson is Honolulu, which offers its residents 6.7 acres of park space per 1,000 residents. Many of the parks in the downtown area of Tucson function primarily as public plaza space and open grass parks or median areas, and aside from hosting periodic public events, do not offer much in terms of programming throughout most of the year.

City Park to both

population han Tucson isk space per n area of Tucson rassodic mming










Mesa, AZ Tucson Phoenix Scottsdale Median for cities of similar density

Median for all US cities

Acres of Parkland per 1,000 Residents, by City Total park acres includes city, county, metro, state and federal acres within the city limits.FORUM.SKYSCRAPERPAGE.COM

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Site Analysis 99

Employers land use2010 Census DataTotal businesses: 1370Total employees: 22,965Employee/residential ratio: 6:1






Employers in downtown Tucson by Industry




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100 Site Analysis

Goverment Lands land useAZ State Land Department AZ State Office Building AZ Superior Court Carrillo Intermediate Magnet School City-County Public Works Building County Administration County Health and Welfare County Justice Court Federal Building Joel Valdez-Main Library Pima Association of Governments Safford E. S. and M. S. Supreme Court of Appeals District 2 Tucson City Court Tucson City Hall Tucson Convention Center Tucson Dept. of Transportation Tucson Fire Dept Tucson H. S. Tucson Police Dept U.S. District Court




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Site Analysis101

Utilities & Railroad land useA substantial amount of land in the downtown area is owned by the Union Pacific Railroad and several utility and communications companies.

Union Pacific RailroadQwestLevel 3 CommunicationsUnisource Energy Corporation





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102 Site Analysis

Bus Routes transit26 different bus routes exist within the study area, making the downtown area highly accessible by public transit.





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Site Analysis103

Street Car transit



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104 Site Analysis

Beyond a stong focus on the needs of school groups, children’s museum visitors, and TEP employees, additional demographic groups living in the area were included in our analysis.

Tapestry Lifemode Groups (ESRI)A Tapestry Lifemode Group describes the socioeconomic quality of the immediate neighborhood. Our site contains the following six Lifemode groups within a 1/2 mile radius from the site.

Old & Newcomers; 44% of households“Residents are beginning their careers or retirement. Ages range from 20s to 75 and older. Median age is 37.2. There are more singles and shared households than families. Most residents are white: however, the diversity closely resembles that of the United States.

65% are in the labor force; unemployment is at 10.6%. The median household income of $44,601 and median net worth of $23,498 are below the US medians. Educational attainment, college, and graduate enrollment are above average. The distribution of employees by occupation is similar to that of the United States.”

“Their purchases reflect the unencumbered lifestyles of singles and renters. They spend less at the grocery store than larger households. A domestic subcompact or compact car serves them well. They arrange their vacations to keep in-touch with out-of-

town relatives and friends.

They read fiction and nonfiction, newspapers, and magazines. They watch TV, listen to contemporary hits radio, go to the movies and rent DVDs to view at home. Their leisure activities are as varied as their ages. They exercises by walking, swimming and going bowling. They also cook at home.” -ESRI• This group might appreciate exhibits and

displays focuesd on innovation, inspiration, and activism.

Social Security Set; 17. 3% of households• “Limited resources restrict activities of this

group” -ESRI• Might prefer a park with opportunities for

passive enjoyment and social interaction.

College Towns; 16.4% of households• “...residents are focused on their

education; 59% are in college or graduate school.” -ESRI

• “Participate in public activities including fund-raising and volunteer work.” -ESRI

• Great potential for involving University students of various disciplines in the development of park exhibits and coordination of community events focused on solar power and renewable energy.

Great Expectations; 13% of households• “The median age is 33.3 years... [they]

enjoy a young and active lifestyle.”-ESRI• Perhaps offering solar powered bicycle

pumps, exhibits that allow the connection of bikes to generate electricity, or more active exhibits and activities would appeal to this group.

Innercity Tenants; 5.4% of households• Ethnically diverse group• “Turnover is high in these neighborhoods

because many are enrolled in nearby colleges and work part-time.”

• “Some enjoy the nightlife, visiting bars and going dancing at nightclubs.” -ESRI

• Active public gatherings and nightime events might appeal to this poulation, as might “green” industry job fairs.


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Site Analysis105


2010-2015 2010-2015 Household Summary 2000 2010 2015 Change Annual Rate

Population 3,597 3,823 3,941 +118 0.61%

Households 2,127 2,256 2,328 +72 0.63%

Average Household Size 1.61 1.61 1.62 +0.01 0.12%

Families 588 577 577 No Change 0.00%

Average Family Size 2.59 2.67 2.70 +0.03 0.22%

The population is growing modestly within the roughly 1/2 mile radius from the site, although the number of families has and is projected to remain about the same through 2015. Median household income in the area skews towards the lower end of the spectrum.

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Concepts 109

Conceptual DesignsIntroductionPresented in this chapter are two conceptual designs for the Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden.

The content presented by a wide variety of educational exhibits combined with the practical issues of site layout and organization create a rich and engaging combination of elements within the park.

Both concepts feature spaces for larger gatherings, presentations, and demonstrations, as well as smaller spaces for exhibits and interaction, as well as small restful places within the park for more passive enjoyment and outdoor comfort.

Tucson Electric Power Headquarters

W 12th Street

S 6t

h A



S Sc

ott A



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110 Concepts

One site concept breaks the park into six main zones. Four of these zones are primarily exhibit spaces, and two are restful spaces for the public and Tucson Electric Power employees. This part of the park would be a more secure, quieter space with tables and solar powered electrical outlets for laptop use or the charging of cell phones or other devices.

The four educational zones consist of spaces for conventional electricity generation, wind power, solar power, and innovation and conservation. The four main educational areas link together and overlap, as they are all a part of a larger energy vision for today and for the future.

Activate the site with colorful lights, public art, and active displays.

Site Concept One


quiet park space

employee space



passive strategies

non-renewable sources of energy

Tucson Electric Power Headquarters

W 12th Street

S 6t

h A



S Sc

ott A



Prism 24, Joel Eugenio E. Ferraris 2008

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Concepts 111

The inspiration for the layout of the site and the patterns on the ground are based on the various forms of energy to be represented in the site, and these patterns could in some places be built up of concrete steps or walls, as seen to the right in Athena Tacha’s Green Acres, and other areas could take the form of low sunken planters as at the Ben-Gurion University campus in the city of Beer-Sheva, Israel, seen lower right.

Pathways of bricks or pavers could follow the arching lines that mirror the walkway at the Tucson Children’s Museum to the south, similar to the treatment of the main walkways at Pierce’s Park in downtown Baltimore Maryland, seen below.

Pierce’s Park, Baltimore Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Shiva, Israel

Green Acres, Athena Tacha


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112 Concepts

Energy ThemesIn order to explore several major sources of renewable energy in the Demonstration Garden, the site is organized into zones, or themes. These zones overlap each other to help tell the story of how these forms of energy are all part of a comprehensive generation and conservation strategy for Southern Arizona.

SolarThis area of the park will feature the majority of the solar demonstration exhibits and solar powered sculptures and light displays. Large arrays here and immediately to the south above the parking area along East 12th St. will supply electricity as well as shade for park visitors.

WindThe southeast corner of the park will feature wind turbines, kinetic art, and interactive educational exhibits about the potential of wind power in our region and elsewhere. Throughout the year in Tucson, the majority of wind blows from the southeast, and this open and visible corner would be an ideal place for movement and dynamic sculptures. Are there areas in Tucson well suited for wind production? What is the latest technology? What are the benefits and drawbacks of using wind for electricity generation?

Conservation and InnovationOne of the most important and often overlooked parts of a more sustainable future is conservation and innovation - essentially using less electricity without losing productivity and convenience. Lighting, heating, and cooling using passive strategies is also an important part of this. Relying on physics and building orientation and materials is an effective strategy to reducing our energy needs. A major feature of this central space will be a cooling tower, used to passively cool the space (see Passive Technology chapter.)

Non-renewable Energy SourcesDespite all the downsides that exist as a part of generating energy from the burning of fossil fuels, these energy sources are currently and necessarily a dominant part of energy generation today. For economic and infrastructural reasons, a move from coal and other fossil fuels and towards renewable sources of energy is not going to happen quickly. Here visitors will learn about the sources of Tucson’s coal, what is being done to make the technology more efficient, the history of fossil fuel use here and around the nation, and what a transition towards a more renewable energy future looks like.

artist Bruce Munro’s Starturn, powered by bicycle

Whirligig sculpture by Lyman Whitaker

Boston Treepods, by Mario Caceres and Cristian Canonico of Infl ux Studio in Paris, France and SHIFTboston of Boston, Massachusetts

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Concepts 113



passive strategies

non-renewable sources of energy

W 12th Street

S 6t

h A



S Sc

ott A



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114 Concepts

Energy Time LineTelling the story of electricity generation inour region is central to understanding what the future holds. Following the time line is one way of exploring the site and learningabout the issues surrounding energy generation and resource conservation. The Energy Time Line intersects with and compliments the Story of Water, detailed on the following pages.

1. The time line begins with the presentand not-too-distant past, essentially the beginning of the modern era of fossil fuels use, coal, the railroad, anddevelopment of air conditioning in Tucson.

2. Crossing over the water channel thatflows through the site, visitors’ attention is on the use of water in the generation of conventional electricity. Transitioning into the renewable demonstration areas of the site, the focus in on water’s role in renewable technology.

3. Here we are moving into the present and looking toward the immediatefuture; why should we move towardsmore renewable forms of energy? What are they?

4. Wind power now and in the future. Where are we now? What are thefuture goals for the technology?

5. Solar power now and in the future. Where are we now? What are thefuture goals for the technology?

6. Transition into the innovation and

conservation theme area by passing over a channel that harvests water fromthe building.

7. Innovation and the future, what does energy look like in the future? What arethe big picture goals?

8. How can the average Tucson resident save energy and resources? Howcan proper landscaping save energyand improve physical comfort? Whatstrategies where used to stay cool by people living in the Tucson area beforeair-conditioning and even electricity? What can we learn and how can thosestrategies become relevant again?

glass insulators repurposed into light fixtures accent the park during the day and provide effect lighting at night

on the ground, the timeline takes the shape of a circuit board, bringing visitors along a path that splits at key points, changing scale and reminding them about the interconnectivity of the power grid as well as our daily reliance on electronic devices.

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Concepts 115

1 past and present

2 present use of water

3 transition to renewable energy

4 wind power tnow and in the future

5 solar power now and in the future

6 conservation

7 future innovation

8 role of individuals, wisdom and technology of the past






nonnnnnnnonononononononoooooooofuuuuuufuufufufufuffuffff tttttttttttttttt




W 12th Street

S 6t

h A



S Sc

ott A



Page 120: Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden

116 Concepts

The Story of WaterThe role of water in electricity generation is not obvious, but the use and conservation of water in our region is a critical issue. Where does our water come from? How do we use it? How can we save it? Where does it go?1. Sources of water in Southern Arizona.

CAP water, mountain snow melt, winter and summer rains, underground aquifers. A water channel that begins at 6th street and brings water through the site will harvest rainwater from the road.

2. Large amounts of water are used in the generation of electricity through the burning of coal, primarily to generate steam to move turbines. How much water is used?

3. What is the role of water in wind and solar power? How can the flow of water itself be used to generate electricity?

4. Harvesting rainwater from our roads and buildings are two powerful ways of conserving this important resource.

5. What can individuals do? How does proper landscaping at home conserve water? What low flow systems can we install in our homes to limit our consumption?

6. Where does out wastewater go? What are some alternatives to letting our greywater flow into the sewers? Water here flows to rainwater harvesting planters on Scott Avenue.




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Concepts 117

1 water sources

2 water use in energy production4 water harvesting

3 water used in renewable energy production

5 role of individuals, water conservation

6 watewater

W 12th Street

S 6t

h A



S Sc

ott A



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118 Concepts

Energy LiteracyAs outlined in the Energy and Electricity chapter, energy literacy is an important component of mindful energy consumption at the personal and political level. Placing exhibits or signage at key points in the park will draw visitors attention to myriad issues related to an interrelated energy story.

1. Energy is a physical quantity that follows precise natural laws.

2. Physical processes on earth are the direct result of energy flow through the system

3. Biological processes depend on energy flow through the earth system.

4. Various sources of energy can be used to power human activities, and often this energy must be transferred from course to destination.

5. Energy decisions are influenced by economic, political, environmental, and social factors.

6. The amount of energy used by human society depends on a variety of factors

7. The quality of life of individuals is affected by energy choices.

Conventional ZoneWhere did the energy found in coal and fossil fuels come from? How is it extracted? How much energy is “lost” as heat or through transmission? Why is this energy source dominant today? How does use today compare to use in the past? Why? How do these non-renewable sources of energy effect our daily lives and

the environment?

Wind ZoneWhat makes wind? How do we use it to make electricity, what effects does it have on the biological and natural world? What are the upsides and downsides of wind energy?

Solar ZoneWhere does the sun’s energy come from, and what happens as it passes through the atmosphere to the earth’s surface? How do we convert the sun’s energy into electricity? How much electricity today is generated by the sun? What are the upsides ad downsides?

Conservation, Innovation, and Passive StrategiesHow can we use the laws of physics to create a comfortable environment without the use of electricity? How can we use our bodies to create power or eliminate the need for fuel (i.e. travel by bike, appliances with hand cranks, using the stairs instead of the elevator)? What does energy innovation look like in the future? What changes must we make in our lives to become truly sustainable? Is this possible?

Quiet Park SpaceWhat choices are made by individuals on a daily basis, and how much energy are we really using? How can we conserve in our

homes and at work? What decisions can we make, and what actions can be taken to create larger change?

The GridA central component of energy literacy is understanding power distribution and transmission (see #4 to the left) Creating another layer of site organization is a path made up of power lines and changing patterns on the pavement in the form of lines and grids. This scale change will result in changing perceptions of personal scale as visitors travel through the park. They will feel smaller on the larger-scale half of the park on the east, but as they travel from educational exhibits centering on larger scale forms of electricity generation towards exhibits that center on smaller scale solutions and personl choices and conservation, the scale of materials will shrink and this change will be percieved by visitors as personal growth and power.


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Concepts 119


quiet park space

employee space



passive strategies

non-renewable sources of energy

arlaosoo ra

qq iet uieieparparkparq


paacasp cee


onservationcatiottttttttttttttttttt nt ontiont ontiotionatitioatativavatoooooooooooooooooooo

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b-renewabln ewe blbwn-reneweneeewnnerrf enfeou

W 12th Street

S 6t

h A



S Sc

ott A


ethe scale of pavers and patterns on the ground plane change in size across the site.

smaller ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- larger

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120 Concepts

Quiet Spaces

Two areas of the park are reserved for quieter gatherings - school field trip discussions after an active site visit, local residents and casual visitors enjoying quality park space in downtown, and Tucson Electric Power employees meeting together of working individually on laptops in a comfortable and secure outdoor work space. Both spaces are located on the quieter west side of the park adjacent to Scott Ave.

Employee SpaceAn employee patio space that is directly south of the TEP building is raised a couple of feet above the rest of the park. Seating, small work tables and a larger meeting table are available under the canopy of native trees for working or breaking to eat lunch. Additional shade would be provided by structures outfitted with solar panels, and outlets for plugging in laptops or other devices and available by the tables and are powered by the solar panels.

Intimate Park SpaceA sunken and intimate park space on the southwest corner of the park is an ideal spot for passive enjoyment of the park, or for school groups to gather and interact before or after a tour of the park. This sunken space would be encircled by seat walls on all four sides, leaving two corners open for entrance and exit. Desert trees and other native and/or drought tolerant plants surrounding this area would be an educational component for homeowners as a xeric plant palette.




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Concepts 121

quiet park space

employee space

W 12th Street

S 6t

h A



S Sc

ott A



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122 Concepts

Site Concept Two

This concept is focused on creating diverse experiences in a limited area. It features flexible entrances, multiple paths, multiple spaces, a diversity of activities and experiences, and vertical changes throughout the site.

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Concepts 123





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124 Concepts

CirculationMultiple entrances are available for people accessing the park from different places. The major entry is at the south for visitors from the Tucson Children’s Museum, which features decorative painting on the ground that introduces electricity generation, transmission and storage.

Along the south sidewalk, the existing

street parking is replaced by bike parking and the kinetic power generation area.

There are also two major secondary entrance points. The northwest entrance is for TEP employees. The entrance in the northeast corner is for people arriving on the modern street car and other public transportation.

Tertiary entrance points connect to existing

intersections and pathways. Multiple paths are provided, which will lead people to different experiences. Path one serves as a loop through the whole site. Path two is made up of two perpendicular lines connecting major entrances in the existing walking path. The third path is a meandering line along the east-west perpendicular line, which offers a diverse visual experience and a variety of exhibitions and elevation changes.

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Concepts 125

ground painting

multiple paths

street signage

bike parking

elevation change


changes in pavement pattern

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126 Concepts

SpacesMultiple spaces are created based on different grids. The northeast section is the exhibition area. This area has a time line to introduce electricity history as well as TEP history. The time line also extends to an existing walk path leading visitors into the park. It also features a labyrinth that compares conventional energy with renewable energy.

The southeast section is overlain by a 12’ by 12’ grid, which represents the large-scale solar and wind energy industry.

The southwest section is an area of high activity, featuring an amphitheater powered by solar energy and playground with a lots hands-on interactive equipment. This area is overlain by a 6’ by 6’ grid.

Between the northwest and southwest

sections there exists a water harvesting pond and green spaces that function as a transition zone.

The northwest area is a more private and quiet area, accessible by employees, which can be secured at night. It is designed on a human-scale 3’ by 3’ grid. In this area, work spaces featuring comfortable outdoor seating and personal device charging are major elements.

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Concepts 127



private/quiet space


multiple seatingpersonal charging

playground solar energy wind energy

outdoor exhibition

sunken garden

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Best Practicesgreen infrastructureSustainable Sites Initiative (SITES)materialslightingwatervegetationsafe site design (CPTED)

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130 Best Practices

What is it?Green infrastructure is a concept originating in the United States in the mid-1990s that highlights the importance of the natural environment in decisions about land-use planning. In particular there is an emphasis on the “life support” functions provided by a network of natural ecosystems, with an emphasis on interconnectivity to support long-term sustainability. Examples include clean water and healthy soils, as well as the more anthropocentric functions such as recreation and providing shade and shelter in and around towns and cities.

The Green Infrastructure approach analyses the natural environment in a way that highlights its function and subsequently seeks to put in place, through regulatory or planning policy, mechanisms that safeguard critical natural areas. The term “green infrastructure” is sometimes expanded to “multifunctional” green infrastructure. Multifunctionality in this context refers to the integration and interaction of different functions or activities on the same piece of land. This is key to the efficient and sustainable use of land, especially in a compact and bustling country like England where pressures on land are particularly acute.

What are the benefi ts of green infrastructure?• Improved water quality and quantity• Improved air quality• Energy savings and lowered air

pollution• Climate change mitigation• Improved habitat for wildlife • Community building: walkable, livable


Green Infrastructure

• downspout disconnection

• rainwater harvesting

• rain gardens• planter boxes• bioswales• permeable

pavements• green streets

and alleys• green parking• green roofs• urban tree

canopy• land


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131Best Practices

Sustainable Development“Of the three components of sustainability, the primary focus for the Sustainable Sites Initiative is the environment, includingthose aspects of economic feasibility and social equity that intersect with the environment.” from The Sustainable Sites Initiative website

Social Equity• equitable site development in the form

of employment to local or low-income individuals, ideally providing a living wage

• site accessibility - ADA, all age groups and local demographics

• site amenities for community use (ramadas, restrooms, free or discounted public events and performances)

• design has positive impact on surrounding residents/businesses/neighborhoods

• draft a Community Benefits Agreement• protect and maintain cultural and

historical places

Environmental Soundness• limit disturbance • reduce potable water use• soil compaction• limit/eliminate pollution flows from site

Economic Feasibility• use of recycled materials• long term cost/maintenance/relevance

RelevenceIncorporating the design principles of Green Infrastructure, LEED, and the Sustainable Sites Initiative into the Renewable Energy Demonstration Garden will have multiple benefits. Beyond saving energy and resources, creating a comfortable and usable public space, and providing environmental benefits, it will become an educational site full of inspiration for home and business owners who could make similar changes on their own property.

Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES)

society environment


just effi cient


sustainable site



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132 Best Practices

Do no harmMake no changes to the site that will degrade the surrounding environment. Promote projects on sites where previous disturbance or development presents an opportunity to regenerate ecosystem services through sustainable design.

Precautionary principleBe cautious in making decisions that could create risk to human and environmental health. Some actions can cause irreversible damage. Examine a full range of alternatives—including no action—and be open to contributions from all affected parties.

Design with nature and cultureCreate and implement designs that are responsive to economic, environmental, and cultural conditions with respect to the local, regional, and global context.

Use a decision-making hierarchy of preservation,conservation, and regenerationMaximize and mimic the benefits of ecosystem services by preserving existing environmental features, conserving resources in a sustainable manner, and regenerating lost or damaged ecosystem services.

Provide regenerative systems as intergenerational equity Provide future generations with a sustainable environment supported by regenerative systems and

endowed with regenerative resources.

Support a living processContinuously re-evaluate assumptions and values and adapt to demographic and environmental change.

Use a systems thinking approachUnderstand and value the relationships in an ecosystem and use an approach that reflects and sustains ecosystem services; re-establish the integral and essential relationship between natural processes and human activity.

Use a collaborative and ethical approachEncourage direct and open communication among colleagues, clients, manufacturers, and users to link long-term sustainability with ethical responsibility.

Maintain integrity in leadership and researchImplement transparent and participatory leadership, develop research with technical rigor, and communicate new findings in a clear, consistent, and timely manner.

Foster environmental stewardshipIn all aspects of land development and management, foster an ethic of environmental stewardship—an understanding that responsible management of healthy ecosystems improves the quality of life for present and future generations.

Guiding Principles of a Sustainable Site




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133Best Practices

The choice of materials used in a built site have an impact on the environment beyond the initial sourcing and installation. Specifying paving that allows for infiltration of storm water on site increases the availability of that water to site plantings and allows the soil to act as a filter for storm water before it reaches washes and river systems. Rainwater is also more likely to reach and recharge the aquifer if it is allowed to infiltrate slowly.

Using recycled materials or reused items lower the site’s carbon footprint while reducing the amount of materials that get sent to the landfill as well as reducing the need to mine and transport materials such as rock, sand, and gravel. The use of broken concrete pieces (urbanite) and recycled glass in the place of rock material are two good examples. Glass particles in concrete and asphalt also become an attractive element within the site.

Pervious Surfacesporous concretepermeable paversdecomposed granite

Recycled Materialsrecycled glass/metal in site fixturesGlassphalt

Adaptive Reuse Of Materialstrash receptacles/bike racks made of bike partsbaled tire retaining walls

baled metal retaining wallsrecycled concrete (urbanite)

Materials best practices






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134 Best Practices

Lighting a site appropriately can save energy, improve safety, and add to user comfort at night. Utilizing fixtures with solar panels and LEDs lowers the environmental impact of lighting through decreased energy consumption while keeping energy bills low.

Solar Poweredfixture mounted solar panels

Dark Sky friendlycasting light down onlyusing the appropriate level of light (wattage and size/number of fixtures)

Appropriate Scaleminimize wasted light by keeping light source close to the destinationconsider the scale of the user, pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicle traffic

Lighting best practices






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135Best Practices

Retaining as much rainwater on site as possible, either in an active system of gutters and cisterns or passively through the use of curb cuts and basins, reduces or eliminates the need for potable water for landscape irrigation. It also allows the water to infiltrate slowly into the soil, recharging the aquifer while limiting the amount of pollutants that reach the washes and rivers.

Minimizing Runoffminimize impervious surfacesuse porous pavement to allow percolation of

storm water into soil

Water Harvestingactive


curb cutsbasinsmedia lunas

Plant Materialsminimize irrigation needs by choosing drought

tolerant native species

Water Featureslimiting evaporation

limit exposure to wind by proper placement of the feature or by creating windbreakslimit sun exposureensure proper water flow to eliminate splashing beyond the recapture zonelimit the time frame in which the feature is functioning, perhaps by using an on-demand system

The flow of water through the site, or as it is captured on the site, can also offer another layer of interpretation and navigation.

Water best practices



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136 Best Practices

Not only does plant material do a great job of beautifying an outdoor site, it can also serve important functions related to human comfort and the natural environment. If placed strategically, trees can reduce the summertime cooling energy needs by 7-47 percent and wintertime heating needs by 2-8 percent of a nearby home or building.

nativehabitat potentialplant guilds

larger plants shelter smaller onessome species repel pestslarge trees help retain and equalizesoil moisture as it is retained in extensive root systems, limiting irrigation needs and plant stress

FunctionsEcosystem Services

Ecosystem services are goods and services of direct or indirect benefit to humans that are produced by ecosystem processes involving the interaction of living elements, such as vegetation and soil organisms, and non-living elements, such as bedrock, water, and air.

Global climate regulationMaintaining balance of atmospheric gases at historic levels, creating breathable air, and sequestering greenhouse gases

Local climate regulationRegulating local temperature, precipitation, and humidity through shading, evapotranspiration, and windbreaks

Air and water cleansingRemoving and reducing pollutants in air

and water Water supply and regulation Storing and providing water within watersheds and aquifers

Erosion and sediment controlRetaining soil within an ecosystem, preventing damage from erosion and siltation

Hazard mitigationReducing vulnerability to damage from flooding, storm surge, wildfire, and drought

PollinationProviding pollinator species for reproduction of crops or other plants

Habitat functionsProviding refuge and reproduction habitat to plants and animals, thereby contributing to conservation of biological and genetic diversity and evolutionary processes

Waste decomposition and treatmentBreaking down waste and cycling nutrients

Human health and well-being benefitsEnhancing physical, mental, and social well-being as a result of interaction with nature

Food and renewable non-food productsProducing food, fuel, energy, medicine, or other products for human use

Cultural benefitsEnhancing cultural, educational, aesthetic, and spiritual experiences as a result of interaction with nature

Vegetation best practices



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137Best Practices


Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, or CPTED (pronounced sep-ted), is an idea of using the physical environment as protection against attack. The essence of the CPTED concept is creating a defensive environment approached from both the physical and the psychological aspects at the same time.

The goal of CPTED is the reduction of opportunities for crime to occur by employing physical design features that discourage crime, while at the same time encouraging legitimate use of the environment.

CPTED also makes possible designs that offer protection without resorting to the prison camp approach to security. Use of

fortress-type construction is minimized, and where necessary, integrated into the overall design, reducing negative visual impact. This approach is also cost-effective, since hardware applications are made during construction rather than added at a later date.

Defensible Space To provide maximum control, an environment is first divided into smaller, clearly defined areas or zones. These zones become the focal points for the application of the various CPTED elements. “Defensible space” is the term used to describe an area that has been made a “zone of defense” by the design characteristics that create it. Under the defensible space guidelines, all areas are designated as either public, semi-private or private. This designation defines the acceptable use of each zone and determines who has a right to occupy it under certain circumstances.

Public Zones. These areas are generally open to anyone and are the least secure of the three zones. This is particularly true when the zone is located within a building or in an area with uncontrolled access and little or no opportunity for close surveillance.

Semi-private Zones. These areas create a buffer between public and private zones and/or serve as common use spaces, such

as interior courtyards. They are accessible to the public, but are set off from the public zone. This separation is accomplished with design features that establish definite transitional boundaries between the zones.

Private Zones. These are areas of restricted entry. Access is controlled and limited to specific individuals or groups. A private residence is a good example of a private zone. Division between zones is generally accomplished with some type of barrier. These can be either physical or symbolic. Physical barriers, as the name implies, are substantial in nature and physically prevent movement. Fencing, some forms of landscaping, locked doors, and the like are examples of physical barriers. Symbolic barriers are less tangible. Nearly anything could serve as a symbolic barrier. The only requirement is that it define the boundary between zones. This type of barrier does not prevent physical movement. All that is required is that it leave no doubt that a transition between zones has taken place. Low decorative fences, flower beds, changes in sidewalk patterns or materials, and signs are examples of symbolic barriers.

Safe Site Design best practices


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138 Best Practices

Territoriality Territoriality involves an individual’s perception of, and relationship with, the environment. A strong sense of territoriality encourages an individual to take control of his or her environment and defend it against attack. A sense of territoriality is fostered by architecture that allows easy identification of certain areas as the exclusive domain of a particular individual or group. This feeling is enhanced when the area involved is one the individual can relate to with a sense of pride and ownership. It is not enough for a person simply to be able to defend his environment, he must also want to defend it. That “want” results from territorial feelings of pride and ownership. The term ownership when used in this context does not necessarily mean actual legal ownership. It can be, and very often is, a perceived ownership resulting from an individual’s relationship with the environment. Office workers, for instance, may feel a sense of ownership for the office in which they work.

Surveillance Surveillance is the principal weapon in the protection of a defensible space. Criminals are least likely to act when there is a high risk of their actions being witnessed. Environments in which legitimate occupants can exercise a high degree of visual control increase the likelihood of criminal acts being observed and reported.

Informal Surveillance Opportunities for informal or natural surveillance occur as a direct result of architectural design. Designs that minimize visual obstacles and eliminate places of concealment for potential assailants offer the most protection against crime. These open designs also encourage use of the environment, as people feel safer when they can easily see and be seen. The use of defensible space in conjunction with natural surveillance is a potent crime prevention tool. The establishment of transition zones gives

both the occupant and the intruder clear and definite points of reference. For the occupant, an intruder’s entrance into restricted space creates cause for attention and possible alarm. For the intruder, entering restricted space spotlights his actions, elevates his anxiety level, and greatly increases his risk of being discovered and apprehended.

Formal Surveillance Formal surveillance methods, such as closed-circuit television, electronic monitoring, fixed guard posts, and organized security patrols, are normally used only when natural surveillance alone cannot sufficiently protect an area. Public and semi-private zones that are concealed from view or that experience regular periods of isolation or inactivity may benefit from some type of formal surveillance. Elevators, interior corridors, parking lots, public areas of buildings accessible after business hours, and exterior pedestrian pathways are potentially vulnerable locations where the application of formal surveillance methods might be justified.



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139Best Practices

LightingGood lighting is one of the most effective crime deterrents. When used properly, light discourages criminal activity, enhances natural surveillance opportunities, and reduces fear. To the degree possible, a constant level of light providing reasonably good visibility should be maintained at night. The absolute level of light, provided it meets minimum standards, is less critical than the evenness of the light. Bright spots and shadows should be avoided. Highly vulnerable areas and those that could conceal a potential attacker should be illuminated more brightly than areas designed for normal activity. As used in CPTED, lighting also plays a part in creating a feeling of territoriality. Lighting can influence an individual’s feelings about his environment from an aesthetic as well as a safety standpoint. A bright, cheerful environment is much more pleasing than one that appears dark and lifeless.

LandscapingLandscaping is versatile and can be used to perform a variety of design functions. As a symbolic barrier, landscaping can mark the transition between zones. From a surveillance standpoint, landscaping can be critical. Such factors as growth characteristics of plants and their placement in relation to potentially vulnerable areas are extremely important. Visual corridors must be maintained in open, park-like areas as well as in densely planted areas. As a rule, visual surveillance corridors can be maintained by limiting shrubbery to a maximum height of three feet and trees to a minimum height of six feet at the lowest branches. This approach ensures that visibility between three and six feet from the ground will always be relatively unimpaired. Another function of landscaping in crime prevention is aesthetics.

Physical SecurityThe proper application of security hardware and the elimination of security weaknesses from a structural standpoint can have a significant impact on future crime problems. As an element of CPTED, physical security planning is not intended to create an impenetrable fortress. The goal is merely to make penetration more difficult and time-consuming. Degree of difficulty and length of delay are key factors in reducing the probability that crime will occur. Many of the individual CPTED elements should be familiar to the security professional. Hardware, lighting, and surveillance are all standard tools of the trade. The emphasis of CPTED is not just on the tools, however. It is how the tools are used that makes the difference. Normally, a building is built and then secured. With CPTED, it is secured, then built. More importantly, not just the building is secured but also the space around it. The security program is integrated into the environment, not just added on.