ren is - wa secretary of state · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~...

NO 22. VOL. 9. PORT TOWNSE 0, W. T., THURSDAY, JULY 17. Jsn,. J. L I'vell "'11. DoDO. PROF..IIONAL CARDS. - NeICE to 8teamboal men or Com- mander. ot COvernmonl Vo..el .. M Asn:U:::i \'ESSI.-:I.S. llig ItIII ACrvk\!ilol:t I,Unc to AlIvlr.:l. or Iill)' of tbe Illblud "'dltr.• o( Oo>t:f. e:tll be k'\.'l)ulIlIO!.I:r.k(1 by III,pl)'IIlJt to lit: Ulllk!filglltd. wbofe 111101 n I U. So GuwflIlUellC alit.! .,este I'S. 1t!11d.i u"t:r I perlutl of t" Pd'e )·eal1. AJlIlly by tckgtlllih or ulIll. J. \t'. KEt:S . SklJ;l'CIc,. Wublul1.OU 'h'1' (1:3 ... PILOTING. iT.. J. Prop... Water It.. PORT TOWNUHD, aaT,:r u:,,:-ulUe pl\lJll'leIor•• 1Io will co nllnt:[liin tt..· 1OA1II4I n:alltn,(1 II ioO r.otll· ,::XII: r Cosmopolitan Hotel. CENTRAL HOTEL, Sltutedat baad orU.kIa Whar" ..... T y. Tbll Hollie II,"," .od •• wl)' (l;lml.jktl,lUt' til 8Mr I. i1UllpUed "lib Iblt IJeIII or "Iart Llquotillalll,;!M",., Tbere lJa nr.. ·• .'ItlN b1H 1III'l11'll1.lle lUlU KellldlllH' lI00Ul lu 1I1e UOhl Solhln,lt' "1Il be Itlft unllnno 10 (hi lIowl tlOCOlld to lIone I. tbe TelTllOI')', :tJ lIt)1.lll.l l·UtllI. Good lIoud IUId LodIUlp can , be oblaiDed ., :M::R." :M: or 3D :R..' T KAS' BO".DEM WiLL AT IIWI.OOvfl p1lU.'l!la quill! I'MOI'! .lIw.. tlMr:r .antlOlon lht .tl.tMctoruy attendelllo. T.rm. V.r, R ••• •• CiiI" At root 01 hiU. IWlnodlatel:r '-oil:: (milt. Union "IWlrl. NaT TOWSSUD, W'. T. Dr. Tho•. T Minor ---_. Pon To........nd. W.T. can be OOIISllltAHl, nJcht • MJ',. IIoIpCral James M. Gassaway. M.D. PHYlICIAI\I61UltCEON OII""Wller Ill., o"aoJle .... PORT TOW1f8&ND, W. 't. Iltl a. MORRIS RAliLBR. TO THE PUBLIC TEAlIIG AID EIPK&I IOU· : ..31......... .&'ICII. Tt PIll Dmu" C ..... I PIrt %.VDEoo_. DI....toh•• oarrled .,., NI",t. Ho,... on LlYerr. Tl'ltftUlI'fapUClWUlI&" byp",. wtlh 1M. u tV, Illtend 10 UM aU Intn .It ..·. Ple&3&ml I'.rd. drl'lOfl OIIC .111 time. 1111" Alld feed ou Mnd and coni ,,'000 'ur 1Itl' In IllyqUAnch,. 0)' II... ..-; r::a-. s T. M. HAMMOND & B01I8. T M. HArllMOND& SOliS, PORT TOWllIIBJID. Au. ILUIII 0' V. M. Bu••".. ..., A. I .... aRADIHAW. INMAN. A TTOB. .... U8 AT LAW' .AJtD Pa(k.TODI In .&.lIlDlraJly. Port t'uwwea4, ... " J. R LEW I S, Attorn ey-at -La1tJ Iiiir tMtUd1a,."""",,,. A James Itreet, oppoal.-Orx:ideatalllo:llJ. .... 1't1., -r.rz.ty W. H. ROBERTS, TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAII. Port Town •• nd. W. T. Tunlnlt dono I'lfI Illnl':'\ C5l"" Aaront IIr tJveker Brott. and t. u, 1'llllict:lUr,ln.. on ....11_ 11l4l1j. of MORLEY. NEIJ'Sl'ORE General Merchandise c. w. MORK, _ ...... tmU., ". ., .,. t'rodlMll boU4Jhl. and .UJ\I)I!et ofallltlllJ.A uaa )0..., cub pta. WU.&.T.l L""'RNKO ...T OK. nR.r..NDIUtTU'S Almost 91'ery m.n "h08ie own m, ilor has been a failure is quick to Ineer aC Inccellll in othon at Iln loci· dent or ufool'. lllok." Last week I II" promi3inlltull1 (or thill clan o( sickly cJnics., DO bUli· nlla i, 10 .eneralt, beli ... ed to he (ound.d aD pure luck .. the- manu· (acture of pilll and plasltrtj yet chi, waa the subjeci of nty.tudy, lind i' taugbt me .leNnn wbic. it wcre wen (or mary anoth.r man to lelm. Brandretb'l Pilla and Allcock'a Plasten •• my IItudy, I went to Sing Sing eo learn. if J c:uuld, tb. lecrec of their commercial suo- C'I8. A bUlIllred ruen aflU "omM are enraged in their m.nufacturoj 260 to 300 pnulld, of pills Ir. 1I11111. up dailYi on" pieee oC maeh:ucry lIon. rolll out TURD KU,ES OP I'OROIJI r4STER yard wide. ner1 w.ek. Govern. mint hal received oYer 8600,000 (or re",nue stamps upon th ••• cWD pro· duc"'. Tbe Bnndroth Works are In aucceSl. Now _by' Old Dr. Brandreth Itumble o.,.r a luckyaecideut.lI11 pi"k up a (ortun.' Noc at all. Many yUrI 1111'0 biB medical e.p.· ri"nc. alltisti.d him tbat tbe Ireatu· er.C or heltltb i. Rood blood-tba' Utbe blood i. thelife. 1t A(ter yeatl o( patient stud1 and nperim.,ot, he the b.arini bll nam. 00" 10 "Idely ua.d o ...r tb. world. It is purel, Yertable, aDd its great offio. il Lo e.pel all impu. riti •• Cram the blood aad tbul rentler ordinar, dinu. impo•• ibl.. It prol'dd last yeu, when taken in time, certain pr... entive o( tbat. tnrful ,caliri', yellow r'1'er, Slowly but luroly it "on ita way, IS it did its work oC healing, till the bUllnus arew to iu present immen88 propor- tions. Yet., tbis "ealth, doc· tor .ad bit 100 personall, mix .... ry OUDe. oC drug. used in lb. pill.; tb,y w.iltb oue. ch iDirediea.t. upon I bug. marble, and perform chem· .elle. tbe manutl labor oC mixing 'bem thoroughl, tOi.lber befole tb.y pua into rbe (aoLory to be rolled, dried, eountf'd. and labell,d. Like· wile e"ery Itrip o( porous plaster is spraad undtr the penonal lion oC Col. or Gener· al Superintendent. Et'try parI of tbl factory buildings i. kept witb lurpriling and immaculat. n.aenel r .. I bave aeeo many worklbop" lIut Duer Ia" such .orupuloul puricy of 8oor, Ibllf, table Ind counlor. E1'ery IJirl il required to be II neat and tidy II C.minioe ingeuu:tland tute can make ber-and every band. mtle and (emal., rec.i .... II bigb ••g., II during tbe "Bulb" times or ten yean ago. EYer, oC ber work abinea and in iCI cluno line.. and puricy. Ind NO HUM... " .1NQE& toucbel a Rrandreeh Pill iu tb. wbole cour.. o( it. manuf.ot.ur.. Enn lb. and boxing are dOlle by a Ibiniol :ittle metal iUltrument. Tbe rooms ar. light and pl ....nt. DOC a , of dirt or r.(u.e lies on cb. poJiabed,llippery Boor.,alld betw.en rha "indowl bug painting•• Iicbo· graph., eogr&'lingl, ebon:lOland mot· toel by tbe score. a-i.,ing .. molt at- traoti.e aDd obeerful llpeel to tbe "bole. No" do you wonder lucee.. Col· 10'" luoh manag.m.nt? Dir. an, grulIlbhtr at bia own luckltll (al. eall ehe IUCONI .Web (0110'" such eonditionl an ....cIea" The lenon il a nlu.ble Doe CO meo imp.tieuc oC the tlrdineuo( Iif.'I.uere:tl. Fe'" men ".r atruck che royal road to (orcun'j but almost III' aun can "io an bODorable compet.ocy bl do· ill; or disco1'C!ri.c IOmechi D8 of real .,.lue to hi. (ellow men, and then carryiDK a cool but bUI, beld. an han." h.arc, and. conliderue .Iler· e1 into hi cbolen work. 'MDRLn'." LmER. fROM W TORl. 1'I'OID eom·tpoadent) "Otrome 10 rich 'fhAt h. lent ti1 I Illto lolrUlmellt:' Srnllllr,;, to Parliament by.n meanl. S'·I1.1 him to tbe p.nitemiary i( be '1'on'e"u eu Parliam.ntj off.r bim a I,riz., to lliaco1'er tb.lOurce o( the Il'll11 him any_here l offer him Mll),lhill$l. but dOIl'cJec him bring tbat lill.'k here! Uut. ir Ihe wor,t mUlt come, tben lliUhOlit that New York hili bad itt ,lutrl,. You take ie, Chie.,oj-or Y yUlI •• nt i' Ind thus g.c St. l."lIi" til Krab it I 'We .coad b,yoU lit I h' .. tillle o( che 1"1Il Gre. You 1,;1111 o.lllnee Ibe wbolo account no", A, .. I it u.edn'c COlt you a oen\. Phil. IJrllJhill. you take h, and yuur unt .. rpri .. ud brotherl,love.t Ull" awoop. \\'on't you ha.,. ii, Sac. r:aIIWlleo. d .... 1 You klJo" bow to lUllu.l':e Ke.mey, and be idea you hit1"tt a .'rocaa eon,t.icut.inn, jun mad. 111 II(l!ftr. &ad you an abl. co It and In Ire (blln lbe rest of us. \\·ho oC Ill" .. ill take &be belt.' Do,,'t. all ·I".tc a' onn! A friC!nd deprecatel the (ortsroinlt .lId .... " b. t.bouabt I w•• I>ltriolic. I 'hl/tlltht 10 too, but iC pllirioci81R eOin I". III bumbing bee.ulie th.c aklll of •. aanD,·,c.t i. C\Jwilll' blci 10 m",'a. .....0I .Int III he f.ue d".t1 lb 1M ..ti ..t.. m t \,dnOIOOu, ultloo'llplt,bMd tt .. , ..,er 11IsHd ac ovr lI,ral ..UODai trade mark. eopy. " hi N<>:uNd, ret." NTb. AUI.ricaa "'Jel" NEW' YORK. June2i'. 1879. Tn"T A8HLKY BELT W" B.-lit i' a .. ay acrOl1 tbe Ha a rOft' ,."rk! aiD, and her. it comes bll(,lc Sir John Ashley, 1 1l111lllimllu::tly .,nle 'OU I nuisanoe, ruclIllllitlur \he vote, and lay tbe mo- tioll tu rcculIsid.r OD tbe t..blll-and every plLrliamentlry rill. 10\1 o;lght.tu luh.ide t \Ve don" want YOllr goat akin. It b.. ai- reatly dOli. roore tp demorali* N.w York thtln .. ny o\ber ,ard anll·.·quar, Ler o( I'at.her tb., wa. e"er taun.d. h COlt u. over .isty thou .. nd dollan h.rd .ulled mOlley; it .mpti.d ,reat lalutl of ", and wbole ,ulClof beer do"" our people's tbroaeli it hall alroiltly ruin.d Iplendidly wade mell. nod cut off teo yean (rom tbe life t>f ueltrly our1 oOlltestlDt; it night rowdiea 011' o( reapetable hUlblwJ. It.lld Catherlj h ongelldered fl:Jlrll"agIIlC bopes in tbe brellt oC our y(lung lDen, and-".Il. wbat b .. AmeriCII ever don. to YOU, anyho" I rOil lire a pacriotic Englilbmao, 1 httli'\'lII? \ ou "ant th.t bell to llay in Brila.n? Allow me, (rom tbe lho f8CUlIea oC my magnanimous h"art. to IUieelt tblt W••ton has lllJ\'I rcRd lit (\\'0 lIleetlllgt previoUi to the oue "bell It II voted uron. YOllr committee lurtlmr recommends as (ollo""ll: 1. Tblt "ner tho luloptlon o( tb. Coo. Illtulloll ancl Br Ll\w(l., Ille Soclecl a' OIlW IUooted co .k't:t tor lbe eo lullll yrar. i. That the mOlt I«ulbfe pltn tor dt. JellllllalhllC Inrmnltrlon ,..Iltll" to She "'" 1OI1rl'f\l 01 ch.- l'OIIIUIt! "Ill be by the publi... .."tloll of II Jml*lI pmnphlt't. contain· a m.p. ,mc) Propt'rl1 .. or them. (ur rree ulstributloll. 8. 'rblt the 101l0",lu. oommtU.. illollld be Ippolnted: A t.'Oll'Imltt4'u Co lIuperlntend 1110 collec- tion or tho Ilt.......5il.rl mQterlltllor Iho pro· poAftl pamphlet, Illld CAUff'< II 10 be (}one at the c.I.y poslble. anti Coo report progl'tM at nery meetll1K. A oollllnittee to llM..'I:J'tlln the probable co·e. or 1,000 ooplea or a thlrt)'-Iwo page ralllphiet. A conllolUte to IOi1cit pecuniary akl, by MII\1Allllbscrlption Cit olbtlrwlle, U ma, btl ueemed beir, Ind to H'Cllnl the co-ope"" "UOll or r,he Pf'Ople u( the t.'Olnties 01 [al-- IUlll. Clllllam. &n ,I Win nud WhatClOm. Very lfubUllrtcd. t o. W. SXITII. COlli. 'l'nOll, PIIII,LIPS. AI.u:s WEill. ., Irlhntlooil. lint.! Ilnc.1 or membrl'll, keep (' 'r""'t nl"'Otlll UI betwccn e"ch l11l.'tllbeJ' .ull th,' 10'0.. 1 t.l"l rCUller IlllllllRllr IIml "'helltv. er 1'I'(11I1r"l!t1 1111 IIl,,'Ount or tho 1I111lnelili JlII\ll1UlIg or the 8och:ty. Ilho\\'lllg 1'lM'\!lpt:1 null "XIH'llllllllrei. Illtd pny Olll the mOllt}· III Ill" :-M'lClll')' onlr all 1:':1lec.1 by I'l"t"'hlellr IUld N'ft'!tllrr. 1\ lOT. IX. ... ·.u.a \''''C<uiCtU. AllY llIJ1y he nttllO"""lllr ""y 1'fI- IIII1r 1II ... ·I1ul: tlr IlIfI So"lert'. 1M ... use "howII. lilt. r /llllk", AmJ' 10 be Ilt.'Itnl. A 'haUl" III all)' olU... -e lIlal l111etJ IlC 1111)' rra:lIlllr II1tetlllK' 10 fill an term. AICT. X. Qt;OU\')I. ii llll'mlx!rs ,11.'11 ... (luorulI1. At:T, Xl. ·l'liI.i U1B)' be.' 11IlICtltl.'t1 ftt !lll. __ rt!t!ultr llIeetlllS(. by or rllllO(' Ilr_'lIt "Ollllg (l>r h; Lilt rile ItlUeUlllllt'nt illall be Itlill ftC t"o "·gll:.r Illl,·t1Ug IlftovloUJ to the one I\' hen: It i.. 11 poll. ART. XU. So IWtllOlI tli»11 "e dl'tllh'Cl " member ur ICier), nlltll he or Iltt' .II,dl 11''CflJt IUltllllll''1' 1ft clllilktrt thl;l ClJu."JLlulllull. by .111111111 tht' !Unlf'. JJY LA 11"5. AUTICLf. I. )1i:Y.fIS05. 1. Tile 11'1l1l1:tr ll1!.'t'IIIIJ[l ur rhl.<l Slocl .. I)' IiIUIII tlt'1lf'1t! nn tht! t!rclllut Ilr lll'l-t 'l'1tt:..dMI or tllch 1I0mh. :-:l:C. 2. 'l'llllluullllll nH'ellllr-" .<111.,11 Ill' I:e'" 011 till:' In Jllir 1'( t.dl Yl·Jlr. lit "'hlch time till' vr otl!l't'tj "IIAII like Illart. ftutl dte bwilletli or the St:C. 3. SfM!clftl 1nf'l'fll1lP nUl)' be Il('ltl nt nllY tllllp npon IJllluallur tiM' Pn·.. IIt1ll1t who lohall C:Illoltl II wrln"l1 lllJlk1! o( rhe to IX" II t.'OII_ll1'·UIIII. Ill'll'\.' 111 thu PUllr Ottkt.'. tit 2:4 IIUlll'l prl"r to 1I1('t'flllg; "lid l'''lYlcltICl. Ill/It MO budm.. thAU be Ira/lMefl'C1 at 1111\'11 ttll'f't- 1/lJ[ tls""'llt chnt (or which cho clllI Wit .. UIB;'" SF..c... Tho fl .... Illd bonr or nlftflllJ[ ·h3i1 be II tho ukJ COllrt 1I00M. 1I1l1.'!', (l111II:r." 'JI'fClIfttod. br 1fl"\'111 uOIk'\'. at " r .... 'rOlQ April he to Oc:tober 1IIt. lull 1I1 T. P. M .• from 0l.1.r 1'" ro J>lr. II. ArI"I.ICA,T10l' FOR ),11018051111'. .' t)ECTIO!'l 1. AlJl,lIl1lUnn 1M ho mille In ,,·rllhlltwhll'!l. Afl"r rtRII 1",loNl tilt! Ih:lll lie itllllllll'iIIlIMIII, l\lltl tilt! Al'lJlknnt ell.'\:tl'tl. IIlllt'" 3 nr IlIllre ,·otea apllI!llr. III ",1111,11 Colll.' tilt) .. lIflll ,hnn be tIKlltret.lI'l·Jt."'11.'t.1. the.;I. All Avplh .. nt. tln11 f':'PCIf'I'. Itt_II be IIllmlll.d to (ull IIU'II1bt.·NIIIII Itt till.' lllie "'ltbout l'l'rtmnu,' Jllr· cher Ihnn aigllllilt tiM! Couilitulion alII I pIIrlng the IUcmbtrshlp rt!l". ART. 111. )Jf.». .lXD Ut::U. I. 'I'll" lnt!lohllnhlll ti .. be tl, 011 prt*lItl1thm u( 11'1,11. ClitiOIi. SEC. Each memool Jhnll J'IIf 1111t>J.:'J alulIlllllr.Oll 1I"" dHt 'J'u0<itL&1 lu .llllr, tlild. lr III tlcrlllllt, II'" lIam. Inll)' bt! nrL<ll!CI 1t.1b the roll. or 110 WAy be u the l::lodct}· war tktrrllllnit. SEC. 3. Nn member In "l'I'l'\l'lflllhr f'm ahlU hOltl nftll'8 or YOl!', or .a' IIJlOU all)' (ll.'llllinll rut. ... ".... AICT. IV, or lk'Cn'tlr, .lId no-- t.'t:h-c "ncb .'OtnIJlJlIfIUlou (lit __ nil"", .... the :;o..lelY lIlay lWlU MlIImlllhle. AliT. V. tin MKMkIo:UiI. The l"lIymenl or '10 ac Olle 1I1l1U byall1 h.Ul'olllllluce "."1 flt"tl'll'IU.lrtt'lU· btr lor IIw. with II." ("tin .11 lJllff- or I 't.,.-ItM!lIt•• AIn'. VI. Ull'01.'Tll n,. COlilJHTT':£ • All ""potU or l'IfIIUlIIl hall I", lIIltlle III ,,":1111[. b,· lu wwubrnr. dlt." _lIh Ul('.' :nur,. ,\ • VH. AUT (oIfto!.r _ho ·11 II .' ..nt (rom , 'u l..'flt....,·'ulve "'Iular 1I-....lh'I' '" II Nlclt!f)·. "1'huul A!l .. "rtltlt. oQII_ (;k-'l;)f'1 rn'l rlM'tl ... '-tl.... IU'11 bit"... .", .. 1rl ...rt· ... r: lu,1111II 11111" .. .. II •. ARGUS IMMICRUICN AIO SOCIETY. At the first !n('8tilllC h,'1eI ill till:' city, Cor dlfl III llOCie:ty unller ahm'c eai";""' eommiuett " •• aplJUiuu·,1 tn ,lrl(1 _ p1&D or orj:11niZlllinn. UII wllbey preaenlPt! "pl"1I wha·h WlloC. ,rttl beinj! lnu/IiS\'II, UIIWlli. mellily adoptf'll. .SPOIIT til! TilE t'U!l1IU-rJ:I:' )lit. CUAIR)tAJ( "SU 11 V.STU:lU:l" 0.' Til": 8OOIm:_Yonrl.'l.llU'1l1IlttU nil "r;':,lllli':'- 1101: b,,\'e the honor to I'W"U1I1lI'11I1 rI,IU UIO be or.. tll;'mfllifu. tIM 01 111111 "uhmlt IIIU ... IIlJt (or }'.lIIr nl'II:"I Wi4 l: COXS'I'ITl: 1'10 X. ART. I•. T'll. bf' cnllf"l 1)1'11· OLUI", AID 8oc .. :TY Ot· ,...,. WAUI",mo", 'ft:ttIllTonl'. IUlIl IT .. !MId ont... -e Jh.U hi rhe dl1 01 J"'llt w. ·r. AliT. II. 3IIWRt:l1(lIU'. The bu t1 fir IIII'll JltrtOrl-1-nlllltl or r,llI.h·-U\·llr lilt' •.• ,( to Jr'ltll. a' mil)' bt! ,·}t!Cr... 1 lll"'lIh.. Ill>- tortlln« rn Cn:\I.(IUlIloll. n.r 1.:1"'10 llml Iqtllatloili. AlIT. 111. EXI!TKSCF.. TltfJ ,1l,,1! flxllol'" 1(11)( III 11",'e II '""'It rorli. wUhln tlw 'C'IIC" or lilt! 011. ):dl "hh:'h II , .•• f'I1t:llllz II. AlIT. IV. O".n:cT!· 11M obJl:\1" 01 IIlll llOCl.. ')' 1111 tn d1f1't@e, h'( mCftllll •• 'hfO Knelt-If Illil)' MID beit. IlIlIlnUJP: Ihe,. lit ICUnKtlUr nJloldeUl'f!, nr l'Olltnml,htllllll emt,nlllrm In 'I'('rrltnr.r. rellnhl .. I!'. __auulolll'tlltl't'rnln:c the 1It111lT'll! rtUHII'\·· ... cllmatt. •• tc .•t(·.. tllM nr .'to"t'U'!II. Cl:tUJlI1I. 1·1. Inll. s"n .IIIAlIlIlld'fllll. III Wluh- -,roa 'rerrllorr. 81c. 2. To nld. III (III' ftl m., hi' III Ih,. , .... , nr the Snl,'lllt)·. Ihna!' "'IJhlll,r In .nle In In1 0' tlM"4' l·l\I111· .... to 'ffll'I1N chcotP yet l'OlIl(orr"blt .11.1 "Iraniportatlollio rhf'lr 116lhlRtlclll. 81:0. 8. 'fo .... 111 'hem, un .,rlml. In eIIl:tln, hom. III Iny of _11M. 1m) III l\1oh oUlI'r WRp III til. IDriety mil)' til' .ble alld f'eelll prolwr. .... 'rn 'I\e _uch nth-'r nt('ft."U't'1 .... &lme to tlule. lor the Idr.ulleml.'IU nr ......""'1I 01 the pfOlllc nr fOlIn· .... Itthll8ol.oJet,. mlY ll.!cm UIll.·dlrut. AlT. V. 'Be omc.r1 nt ttwo So...·I,," shall he 1I1II11l1-,1I,.. rronl Ilunng It I m.. m1.ll"1"lI. hy IIhoc. U .lell rim!.' aliI I Il'&l.-.s u Or .... "'IKnltf' .... nt! I I1\JlJnril)' 01 IlIIl ..... eut I'hAII el,-,:f. '1'111'1 01lk.,\·111 ,,:. P,....l1lellL. Ylc.'e Pre-hlp.. l. ..,.. IUlll llucll .1 ... Society ernl •. A.1fT. VI. DI,;'TU or I'R.· WEST. 1'he nr. III hUl llboenl'('. the '- rm5lleuL or '''n",lticur ..teO TO. .... prakkt IC.U nttellu#c Of (be KIl1f'II. ....". oro"'r. ".Mlte It. L,"'" allll JM!r- .... fU(h Ofl. r 'hillel III mJ, I er.hl eo ....... or Ule 81 4.Ir. VII. 1Jt,'"T1 Ot'Rrn:aull'. "" Strrte.". U lnle "..Vln! " .. n( the .... 'dec.1-h. Of Irl .11 . ".oe" •• "II' or.n "'tler. aM l<t'rfOnQ c, 'It ncllt1" dllll .. Co .... 0".... II. 111 I.. " er .. fit( It... If' &It. \'111 lATU: l 1 .n 0( ..... "". ,100 '" .... PUGET SOUND ....."..MnI•• 14•••. -.a.ou 1 1f'rftll••• in .dnu('(!: tl ..JO. .ATES OF oa.lnl'll. nl"'t , ,,1.:,0 T... tn III tnf" Lnlertloll muH be 11"I.'OIIlI\/UlIC\! II)" "'I"lI. "..11 AC'H...... fIie.' .... JI .. u rwnLIllIIED J:,',;ltY TIICIli'DAY AT. ren T01fD!eud, \VI1SblugltJll 'hrritory. A.LI.. IOITon A:-OI) I'llvI'1l11·:Toll.

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Page 1: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,

NO 22.-:::=:::=:=======o==:========~~~~=============VOL. 9. PORT TOWNSE 0, W. T., THURSDAY, JULY 17. Jsn,.

J. L I'vell"'11. DoDO.


NeICE to 8teamboal men or Com­mander. ot COvernmonl Vo..el..

M Asn:U:::i O~· \'ESSI.-:I.S. Hf~QUIH.llig ItIII ACrvk\!ilol:t I,Unc to AlIvlr.:l.

or Iill)' of tbe Illblud "'dltr.• o( lh~ Oo>t:f.e:tll be k'\.'l)ulIlIO!.I:r.k(1 by III,pl)'IIlJt to lit:Ulllk!filglltd. wbofe nJtf'rknl~:I 111101 n I

U. So GuwflIlUellC alit.! otl~r .,este • I'S.1t!11d.i u"t:r I perlutl of t" Pd'e )·eal1. AJlIllyby tckgtlllih or ulIll. J. \t'. KEt:S .

SklJ;l'CIc,. Wublul1.OU 'h'1' (1:3...


iT.. J. ~'D'N'T, Prop...


aaT,:r~~~~ ~~nrt 11a~(lc(:W I':{~f:~u:,,:-ulUe pl\lJll'leIor••1Io will co nllnt:[liin tt..·1OA1II4I jren~l")"'b n:alltn,(1 II ioO r.otll·

:~'::.n:=k!n'~~~~~I~l',..I,~~,::XII: r

Cosmopolitan Hotel.

CENTRAL HOTEL,Sltutedat baad orU.kIa Whar"

..... T y.Tbll Hollie II,"," .od ••wl)' (l;lml.jktl,lUt'


~~o'teLtil 8Mr I. i1UllpUed "lib Iblt IJeIII or "IartLlquotillalll,;!M",., Tbere lJa nr.. ·•.'ItlN b1H1III'l11'll1.lle lUlU KellldlllH' lI00Ul lu 1I1e UOhlSolhln,lt' "1Il be Itlft unllnno 10 Illltk~ (hi•lIowl tlOCOlld to lIone I. tbe TelTllOI')',

:tJ lIt)1.lll.l l·UtllI.

Good lIoud IUId LodIUlp can, be oblaiDed .,

:M::R." :M: or 3D :R..'TKAS' lL~T BO".DEM WiLL rL~D AT

IIWI.OOvfl p1lU.'l!la quill! I'MOI'! .lIw.. tlMr:r.antlOlon lht .tl.tMctoruy attendelllo.

T.rm. V.r, R•••••CiiI" At root 01 hiU. IWlnodlatel:r '-oil:: (milt.

Union "IWlrl.NaT TOWSSUD, W'. T.

Dr. Tho•. T Minor---_.Pon To........nd. W.T.

can be OOIISllltAHl, nJcht • MJ',. IIoIpCral

James M. Gassaway. M.D.PHYlICIAI\I61UltCEON

OII""Wller Ill., o"aoJle~....PORT TOW1f8&ND, W. 't. Iltl



TEAlIIG AID EIPK&I IOU· :..31..........&'ICII.


Tt PIll Dmu" C..... I PIrt%.VDEoo_.

DI....toh•• oarrled .,.,NI",t. Ho,... on LlYerr.Tl'ltftUlI'fapUClWUlI&" byp",. wtlh

1M. u tV, Illtend 10 UM aU Intn .It..·.Ple&3&ml I'.rd. drl'lOfl OIIC .111 time.1111" Alld feed ou Mnd and coni ,,'000 'ur1Itl' In IllyqUAnch,. 0)'

II.....-;r::a-. s ..:.=.r:::.,~.

T. M. HAMMOND & B01I8.



V. M. Bu••".. ..., A. I....


ATTOB..... U8 AT LAW' .AJtD Pa(k.TODIIn .&.lIlDlraJly.

Port t'uwwea4, ... "

J. R LEW IS,Attorn ey-at -La1tJIiiir O""I('~.-ltDt'"tMtUd1a,."""",,,. A

James Itreet, oppoal.-Orx:ideatalllo:llJ.....1't1., ~-.b. -r.rz.ty


Port Town••nd. W. T.Tunlnlt dono I'lfI ~au1e Illnl':'\

C5l"" Aaront IIr tJveker Brott. and t. u,'~"::;:~ 1'llllict:lUr,ln.. on ....11_ 11l4l1j.~~~~f~CI~""'POftrtelM of t~l..11



General Merchandisec. w. MORK,

_......tmU., ". .,.,. t'rodlMll boU4Jhl. and .UJ\I)I!et ofallltlllJ.A~., uaa )0..., cub pta.

WU.&.T.l L""'RNKO ...T OK. nR.r..NDIUtTU'S

Almost 91'ery m.n "h08ie own m,ilor has been a failure is quick toIneer aC Inccellll in othon at Iln loci·dent or ufool'. lllok." Last week III" • promi3inlltull1 (or thill clano( sickly cJnics., DO bUli·nlla i, 10 .eneralt, beli ...ed to he(ound.d aD pure luck .. the- manu·(acture of pilll and plasltrtj yet chi,waa the subjeci of nty.tudy, lind i'taugbt me .leNnn wbic. it wcrewen (or mary anoth.r man to lelm.

S.lectin~ Brandretb'l Pilla andAllcock'a Plasten •• my IItudy, Iwent to Sing Sing eo learn. if J c:uuld,tb. lecrec of their commercial suo­C'I8. A bUlIllred ruen aflU "omMare enraged in their m.nufacturoj260 to 300 pnulld, of pills Ir. 1I11111.up dailYi on" pieee oC maeh:ucrylIon. rolll out


• yard wide. ner1 w.ek. hal received oYer 8600,000 (orre",nue stamps upon th••• cWD pro·duc"'. Tbe Bnndroth Works areIn undenia~le aucceSl. Now _by'Old Dr. Brandreth Itumble o.,.r aluckyaecideut.lI11 pi"k up a (ortun.'Noc at all.

Many yUrI 1111'0 biB medical e.p.·ri"nc. alltisti.d him tbat tbe Ireatu·er.C or heltltb i. Rood blood-tba'Utbe blood i. thelife. 1t A(ter yeatlo( patient stud1 and nperim.,ot, the com~und b.arini bllnam. 00" 10 "Idely ua.d o...r It is purel, Yertable, aDdits great offio. il Lo e.pel all impu.riti •• Cram the blood aad tbul rentlerordinar, dinu. impo••ibl.. Itprol'dd last yeu, when taken in time,• certain pr...entive o( tbat. tnrful,caliri', yellow r'1'er, Slowly butluroly it "on ita way, IS it did itswork oC healing, till the bUllnusarew to iu present immen88 propor­tions. Yet., tbis "ealth, doc·tor .ad bit 100 personall, mix ....ryOUDe. oC drug. used in lb. pill.;tb,y w.iltb oue. ch iDirediea.t. uponI bug. marble, and perform chem·.elle. tbe manutl labor oC mixing'bem thoroughl, tOi.lber befoletb.y pua into rbe (aoLory to be rolled,dried, eountf'd. and labell,d. Like·wile e"ery Itrip o( porous plaster isspraad undtr the penonal oC Col. or c~. Gener·al Superintendent. Et'try parI oftbl factory buildings i. kept witb •lurpriling and immaculat. n.aenel r ..

I bave aeeo many worklbop" lIutDuer Ia" such .orupuloul puricy of8oor, Ibllf, table Ind counlor. E1'eryIJirl il required to be II neat andtidy II C.minioe ingeuu:tland tutecan make ber-and every band. mtleand (emal., rec.i .... II bigb ••g.,II during tbe "Bulb" times or tenyean ago. EYer, oC berwork abinea and in iCI clunoline.. and puricy. Ind

NO HUM..." .1NQE&

toucbel a Rrandreeh Pill iu tb. wbolecour.. o( it. manuf.ot.ur.. Enn lb.countiu~ and boxing are dOlle by aIbiniol :ittle metal iUltrument. Tberooms ar. light and pl....nt. DOC a, of dirt or r.(u.e lies on cb.poJiabed,llippery Boor.,alld betw.enrha "indowl bug painting•• Iicbo·graph., eogr&'lingl, ebon:lOland mot·toel by tbe score. a-i.,ing .. molt at­traoti.e aDd obeerful llpeel to tbe"bole.

No" do you wonder lucee.. Col·10'" luoh manag.m.nt? Dir. an,grulIlbhtr at bia own luckltll (al.eall ehe IUCONI .Web (0110'" sucheonditionl an ....cIea" The lenonil a nlu.ble Doe CO meo imp.tieucoC the tlrdineuo( Iif.'I.uere:tl. Fe'"men ".r atruck che royal road to(orcun'j but almost III' aun can"io an bODorable compet.ocy bl do·ill; or disco1'C!ri.c IOmechi D8 of real.,.lue to hi. (ellow men, and thencarryiDK a cool but bUI, beld. anhan." h.arc, and. conliderue .Iler·e1 into hi cbolen work.

'MDRLn'." LmER. fROM • WTORl.

1'I'OID OD~ ~lI'nlllr eom·tpoadent)

"Otrome 10 rich'fhAt h. IQI,q:ht~ lentti1 I ~·lwl.borollihIllto lolrUlmellt:'

Srnllllr,;, to Parliament by.n meanl.S'·I1.1 him to tbe p.nitemiary i( be'1'on'e"u eu Parliam.ntj off.r bim aI,riz., to lliaco1'er tb.lOurce o( the~il"j Il'll11 him any_here l offer himMll),lhill$l. but dOIl'cJec him bring tbatIhiu~ lill.'k here!

Uut. ir Ihe wor,t mUlt come, tbenlliUhOlit that New York hili bad itt,lutrl,. You take ie, Chie.,oj-or~.,Y yUlI ••nt i' Ind thus g.c St.l."lIi" til Krab it I 'We .coad b,yoUlit I h'.. tillle o( che 1"1Il Gre. You1,;1111 o.lllnee Ibe wbolo account no",A, .. I it u.edn'c COlt you a oen\. Phil.IJrllJhill. you take h, and unt.. rpri.. ud brotherl,love.tUll" awoop. \\'on't you ha.,. ii, Sac.r:aIIWlleo. d.... 1 You klJo" bow tolUllu.l':e Ke.mey, and be idea youhit1"tt a .'rocaa eon,t.icut.inn, jun mad.111 II(l!ftr. &ad you an abl. co It andIn Ire (blln lbe rest of us. \\·ho oCIll" .. ill take &be belt.' Do,,'t. all·I".tc a' onn!

A friC!nd deprecatel the (ortsroinlt.lId .... " b. t.bouabt I w•• I>ltriolic.I 'hl/tlltht 10 too, but iC pllirioci81ReOin I". III bumbing bee.ulie th.caklll of •. aanD,·,c.t i. C\Jwilll' blci10 m",'a. .....0 I .Int III he f.ued".t1 lb 1M ..ti..t.. m t \,dnOIOOu,ultloo'llplt,bMd tt.., ..,er 11IsHd acovr lI,ral ..UODai trade mark. eopy." hi N<>:uNd, ret." NTb. AUI.ricaa"'Jel"

NEW' YORK. June2i'. 1879.Tn"T A8HLKY BELT

W" B.-lit i' a..ay acrOl1 tbe Ha arOft' ,."rk! aiD, and her. it comesbll(,lc lI~pl;n. Sir John Ashley, 11l111lllimllu::tly .,nle 'OU I nuisanoe,ruclIllllitlur \he vote, and lay tbe mo­tioll tu rcculIsid.r OD tbe t..blll-and~ every plLrliamentlry rill. 10\1

o;lght.tu luh.ide t \Ve don" wantYOllr Ipan~led goat akin. It b.. ai­reatly dOli. roore tp demorali* N.wYork thtln ..ny o\ber ,ard anll·.·quar,Ler o( I'at.her tb., wa. e"er taun.d.h COlt u. over .isty thou..nd dollanh.rd .ulled mOlley; it .mpti.d ,reatlalutl of ", and wbole ,ulClofbeer do"" our people's tbroaeli ithall alroiltly ruin.d Iplendidly wademell. nod cut off teo yean (rom tbelife t>f ueltrly our1 oOlltestlDt; night rowdiea 011' o( reapetablehUlblwJ. It.lld Catherlj h ongellderedfl:Jlrll"agIIlC bopes in tbe brellt oCour y(lung lDen, and-".Il. wbat b..AmeriCII ever don. to YOU, anyho" IrOil lire a pacriotic Englilbmao, 1httli'\'lII? \ ou "ant th.t bell to llayin Brila.n? Allow me, (rom tbelho f8CUlIea oC my magnanimoush"art. to IUieelt tblt W••ton haslllJ\'I

rcRd lit (\\'0 ~1I1ll.r lIleetlllgt previoUi tothe oue "bell It II voted uron.

YOllr committee lurtlmr recommends as(ollo""ll:

1. Tblt "ner tho luloptlon o( tb. Coo.Illtulloll ancl Br Ll\w(l., Ille Soclecl a'OIlW IUooted co .k't:t oUl.~fI tor lbe eolullll yrar.

i. That the mOlt I«ulbfe pltn tor dt.JellllllalhllC Inrmnltrlon ,..Iltll" to She "'"1OI1rl'f\l 01 ch.- l'OIIIUIt! "Ill be by thepubli....."tloll of II Jml*lI pmnphlt't. contain·III~ a m.p. ,mc) Propt'rl1 ~fCripth.. orthem. (ur rree ulstributloll.

8. 'rblt the 101l0",lu. oommtU..illollld be Ippolnted:

A t.'Oll'Imltt4'u Co lIuperlntend 1110 collec­tion or tho Ilt.......5il.rl mQterlltllor Iho pro·poAftl pamphlet, Illld CAUff'< II 10 be (}oneat the c:&rll~itc.I.y poslble. anti Coo reportprogl'tM at nery meetll1K.

A oollllnittee to llM..'I:J'tlln the probableco·e. or 1,000 ooplea or a thlrt)'-Iwo pageralllphiet.

A conllolUte to IOi1cit pecuniary akl, byMII\1Allllbscrlption Cit olbtlrwlle, U ma,btl ueemed beir, Ind to H'Cllnl the co-ope"""UOll or r,he Pf'Ople u( the t.'Olnties 01 [al-­

IUlll. Clllllam. &n ,I Win nud WhatClOm.

Very l\'!l~'lrlllly lfubUllrtcd.

to. W. SXITII.

COlli. 'l'nOll, PIIII,LIPS.AI.u:s WEill.


Irlhntlooil. lint.! Ilnc.1 or membrl'll, keep(' 'r""'t nl"'Otlll UI betwccn e"ch l11l.'tllbeJ' .ullth,' 10'0..1 t.l"l rCUller IlllllllRllr IIml "' 1'I'(11I1r"l!t1 1111 IIl,,'Ount or tho 1I111lneliliJlII\ll1UlIg or the 8och:ty. Ilho\\'lllg 1'lM'\!lpt:1null "XIH'llllllllrei. Illtd pny Olll the mOllt}·III Ill" :-M'lClll')' onlr all OHI~1'!l 1:':1lec.1 byIll~ I'l"t"'hlellr IUld N'ft'!tllrr.

1\ lOT. IX. Jt~o...·.u.a ,,~u \''''C<uiCtU.

AllY l~lI''P.r llIJ1y he nttllO"""lllr ""y 1'fI-IIII1r 1II...·I1ul: tlr IlIfI So"lert'. 1M ... use"howII. lilt. r dn~ /llllk", AmJ' Ol'llOrtlllll~y10 be Ilt.'Itnl. A 'haUl" III all)' olU...-e lIlal~ l111etJ IlC 1111)' rra:lIlllr II1tetlllK' 10 fill anIlll~sllln!tl term.

AICT. X. Qt;OU\')I.

ii llll'mlx!rs ,11.'11 ...·oll~tllllttlll (luorulI1.

At:T, Xl. Allt:Sm.ll:ST~.

·l'liI.i COll~llfiltlOtl U1B)' be.' 11IlICtltl.'t1 ftt!lll.__ rt!t!ultr llIeetlllS(. by t"'o-thh'll~ orrllllO(' Ilr_'lIt "Ollllg (l>r h; Lilt rile ~r()o

I",~t! ItlUeUlllllt'nt illall be Itlill ftC t"o"·gll:.r Illl,·t1Ug IlftovloUJ to the oneI\' hen: It i.. vo~ 11 poll.


So IWtllOlI tli»11 "e dl'tllh'Cl " memberur Ih~'" ICier), nlltll he or Iltt' .II,dl 11''CflJtIUltllllll''1' 1ft clllilktrt thl;l ClJu."JLlulllull. by.111111111 tht' !Unlf'.

JJY LA 11"5.AUTICLf. I. )1i:Y.fIS05.

~t:GTIOS 1. Tile 11'1l1l1:tr ll1!.'t'IIIIJ[l urrhl.<l Slocl..I)' IiIUIII tlt'1lf'1t! nn tht! t!rclllutIlr t1~ lll'l-t 'l'1tt:..dMI or tllch 1I0mh.

:-:l:C. 2. 'l'llllluullllll nH'ellllr-" .<111.,11 Ill'I:e'" 011 till:' It~ 'l'1~hIY In Jllir 1'( t.dlYl·Jlr. lit "'hlch time till' ~1~Urlll vr otl!l't'tj"IIAII like Illart. ftutl dte bwilletli or the)·l'~r"'l"!~.

St:C. 3. SfM!clftl 1nf'l'fll1lP nUl)' be Il('ltlnt nllY tllllp npon IJllluallur tiM' Pn·.. IIt1ll1twho lohall C:Illoltl II wrln"l1 lllJlk1! o( rhe~IIU! to IX" 1)I~lflllll II t.'OII_ll1'·UIIII. Ill'll'\.'111 thu PUllr Ottkt.'. tit Ivtl~r 2:4 IIUlll'l prl"rto .~t1l.:h 1I1('t'flllg; "lid l'''lYlcltICl. Ill/It MO

budm.. thAU be Ira/lMefl'C1 at 1111\'11 ttll'f't­1/lJ[ tls""'llt chnt (or which cho clllI Wit ..UIB;'"

SF..c... Tho fl.... Illd bonr or nlftflllJ[·h3i1 be II tho ukJ COllrt 1I00M. 1I1l1.'!',(l111II:r." 'JI'fClIfttod. br 1fl"\'111 uOIk'\'. at" r .... 'rOlQ April he to Oc:tober 1IIt. lull1I1 T. P. M.• from 0l.1.r 1'" ro A~nl J>lr.~\UT. II. ArI"I.ICA,T10l' FOR ),11018051111'.

.' t)ECTIO!'l 1. AlJl,lIl1lUnn 1M l)l~l1Ib.!r­

~llll' mll~1 ho mille In ,,·rllhlltwhll'!l. Afl"rht'lll~ rtRII 1",loNl tilt! ~",·It·ty. Ih:lll lieitllllllll'iIIlIMIII, l\lltl tilt! Al'lJlknnt'\:tl'tl. IIlllt'" 3 nr IlIllre tll~""lltlllit ,·oteaapllI!llr. III ",1111,11 Colll.' tilt) 1I(1lll1~.. lIflll ,hnnbe tIKlltret.lI'l·Jt."'11.'t.1.

the.;I. All Avplh.. nt. tln11 f':'PCIf'I'.Itt_II be IIllmlll.d to (ull IIU'II1bt.·NIIIII Itt

till.' lllie IUl~rlug. "'ltbout l'l'rtmnu,' Jllr·cher Ihnn aigllllilt tiM! Couilitulion alII IpIIrlng the IUcmbtrshlp rt!l".

ART. 111. )Jf.». F,,~ .lXD Ut::U.

8lt:CrIO~ I. 'I'll" lnt!lohllnhlll ti.. ~hnll

be tl, 1~Yllblb 011 prt*lItl1thm u( 11'1,11.ClitiOIi.

SEC. ~. Each memool Jhnll J'IIf 1111t>J.:'JalulIlllllr.Oll 1I"" dHt 'J'u0<itL&1 lu .llllr,tlild. lr III tlcrlllllt, II'" lIam. Inll)' bt! nrL<ll!CI1t.1b the roll. or 110 WAy be IUI~Utlftl. uthe l::lodct}· war tktrrllllnit.

SEC. 3. Nn member In "l'I'l'\l'lflllhr f'mahlU hOltl nftll'8 or YOl!', or .a' IIJlOUall)' (ll.'llllinll rut...."....

AICT. IV, or O"IC~llfl.

'11~ lk'Cn'tlr, .lId 'rn"AlI~r ~hllll no--t.'t:h-c "ncb .'OtnIJlJlIfIUlou (lit __nil"",.... the :;o..lelY lIlay lWlU MlIImlllhle.

AliT. V. tin MKMkIo:UiI.

The l"lIymenl or '10 ac Olle 1I1l1U byall1Ilt"r~ll' h.Ul'olllllluce "."1 flt"tl'll'IU.lrtt'lU·

btr lor IIw. with II." U~llIptklll ("tin .11lJllff- or I 't.,.-ItM!lIt••

AIn'. VI. Ull'01.'Tll n,. COlilJHTT':£ •

All ""potU or l'IfIIUlIIl hall I", lIIltlleIII ,,":1111[. llcu~1 b,· lu wwubrnr. 'I~

dlt." _lIh Ul('.' :nur,.,\ • VH.

AUT (oIfto!.r _ho ·11 II .'..nt hl"~11

(rom , 'u l..'flt....,·'ulve "'Iular 1I-....lh'I''" II Nlclt!f)·. "1'huul A!l .. "rtltlt. oQII_

(;k-'l;)f'1 rn'l rlM'tl... '-tl.... IU'11 bit"....",..1rl ...rt· ...r: lu,1111II ""~lk' 11111".. eJ~llA.llbekIrt.L itJt,a~,-,ILl ..,,~.II •.



At the first !n('8tilllC h,'1eI ill till:'

city, Cor dlfl l)lIq)ll'~ III or~I'lIit.ill:.r

llOCie:ty unller \h~ ahm'c eai";""' •eommiuett " •• aplJUiuu·,1 tn ,lrl(1 _

p1&D or orj:11niZlllinn. UII T~lIrflll1)"

wllbey preaenlPt! "pl"1I wha·h WlloC.

,rttl beinj! ili~htl,. lnu/IiS\'II, UIIWlli.

mellily adoptf'll..SPOIIT til! TilE t'U!l1IU-rJ:I:'

)lit. CUAIR)tAJ( "SU 11 V.STU:lU:l" 0.' Til":8OOIm:_Yonrl.'l.llU'1l1IlttU nil "r;':,lllli':'­1101: b,,\'e the honor to I'W"U1I1lI'11I1 rI,IUUIO ~·Iot'· be or..rllll7.~llItllll·r tll;'mfllifu.tIM 01 "'n~ l.,ll\'~. 111111 "uhmlt IIIU

~11o ...IIlJt (or }'.lIIr nl'II:"IWi4 l:

COXS'I'ITl: 1'10 X.ART. I•.

T'll. Soto{fo'~' bf' cnllf"l tl~ 1)1'11·OLUI", AID 8oc..:TY Ot· XOUTll·Wt~"­

,...,. WAUI",mo", 'ft:ttIllTonl'. IUlIl IT ..

!MId ont...-e Jh.U ~ hi rhe dl1 01 J"'lltTowD~lIll. w. ·r.

AliT. II. 3IIWRt:l1(lIU'.

The !:lol.:h·l~·.hlll bu l'1ll1l)41~ t1 fir IIII'llJltrtOrl-1-nlllltl or r,llI.h·-U\·llr lilt' .,~•.• ,(to Jr'ltll. a' mil)' bt! ,·}t!Cr...1 lll"'lIh..r~ Ill>­

tortlln« rn U~ Cn:\I.(IUlIloll. n.r 1.:1"'10 llmlIqtllatloili.

AlIT. 111. EXI!TKSCF..

TltfJ f!tlt~lf ,1l,,1! flxllol'" 1(11)( III 11",'eII '""'It rorli. wUhln tlw 'C'IIC" or lilt! 011.):dl ~r "hh:'h II , .•• f'I1t:llllz II.

AlIT. IV. O".n:cT!·11M obJl:\1" 01 IIlll llOCl.. ')' ~hll\l 1111 tn

d1f1't@e, h'( ~lIch mCftllll •• 'hfO Knelt-If Illil)'MID beit. IlIlIlnUJP: Ihe,. ~\lldIlJt hnlll"~ lit

ICUnKtlUr nJloldeUl'f!, nr l'Olltnml,htllllllemt,nlllrm In ,hl~ 'I'('rrltnr.r. rellnhl.. I!'.__auulolll'tlltl't'rnln:c the 1It111lT'll! rtUHII'\··... cllmatt. Illtlll~trl~, lKlc1f'f~·••tc .•t(·..tllM ~'01I1I1Ie<'nr .'to"t'U'!II. Cl:tUJlI1I. 1·1.Inll. s"n .IIIAlIlIlld'fllll. III Wluh­-,roa 'rerrllorr.

81c. 2. To nld. III (III' ftl m., hi' III Ih,.,...., nr the Snl,'lllt)·. Ihna!' "'IJhlll,r In

~lll~ .nle In In1 0' tlM"4' l·l\I111·.... to 'ffll'I1N chcotP yet l'OlIl(orr"blt .11.1"Iraniportatlollio rhf'lr 116lhlRtlclll.

81:0. 8. 'fo ....111 'hem, un .,rlml. IneIIl:tln, t~I"'bJe hom. III Iny of lh·~

_11M. 1m) III l\1oh oUlI'r WRp III til.IDriety mil)' til' .ble alld f'eelll prolwr.~.... 'rn 'I\e _uch nth-'r nt('ft."U't'1

.... &lme to tlule. lor the Idr.ulleml.'IU nr

......""'1I 01 the pfOlllc nr tl~ fOlIn·

.... Itthll8ol.oJet,. mlY ll.!cm UIll.·dlrut.

AlT. V. Or"'CEIl~.

'Be omc.r1 nt ttwo So...·I,," shall he eh~1I1II11l1-,1I,.. rronl Ilunng ItI m..m1.ll"1"lI. hyIIhoc. U .lell rim!.' aliI I Il'&l.-.s u IIl~ Or.... "'IKnltf'....nt! I I1\JlJnril)' 01 IlIIl..... eut I'hAII el,-,:f. '1'111'1 01lk.,\·111 ~h,,11

,,:. P,....l1lellL. Ylc.'e Pre-hlp.. l. 8l'e~

..,.. T"'t1II1~r. IUlll llucll ~'OllIlultkU .1

... Society n~)' ernl•.

A.1fT. VI. DI,;'TU or I'R.· WEST.

1'he r'I't!tIlcI~lIt. nr. III hUl llboenl'('. the'- rm5lleuL or '''n",lticur ..teO TO..... prakkt IC.U nttellu#c Of (be KIl1f'II.

....". oro"'r. ".Mlte It. L,"'" allll JM!r­

.... fU(h Ofl. r 'hillel III mJ, Ier.hl eo

....... or Ule 81 JA"'P~~,4.Ir. VII. 1Jt,'"T1 Ot'Rrn:aull'.

"" Strrte.". U ~~p. lnle "..Vln!

" .. ~Iul"lo n( the ....'dec.1-h.Of Irl ~'"~petIl"" ~P~IV-~ .11

.".oe" •• "II' or.n "'tler.aM l<t'rfOnQ c, 'It ncllt1" dllll ..

Co .... 0".... II. 111 I.." er.. fit( It... ~ If' ,"~I1",

&It. \'111 lATU: l ~lIu.

1 .n 0(

..... "". ,100 '"....


....."..MnI••14•••. -.a.ou11f'rftll•••in .dnu('(!: ..JO.

.ATES OF '\IWl::nTI:-l~H:

oa.lnl'll. nl"'t IIl"Crlhl~I , ,,1.:,0IIdlI~UPllt 111~rt'ltll.......... ..~

T...n~'tJlt ,ul\1'rtl;;{"llI(,llr~ tn III tnf"Lnlertloll muH be 11"I.'OIIlI\/UlIC\! II)" "'I"lI.

"..11 AC'H...... fIie.' .... JI..atll')·.~

u rwnLIllIIED J:,',;ltY TIICIli'DAY AT.

ren T01fD!eud, \VI1SblugltJll 'hrritory.

A.LI..~N 'Vl'~ln.

IOITon A:-OI) I'llvI'1l11·:Toll.

Page 2: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,

"OIUlG~ XElfS•

Well Done!

Compliments, or nprneions of civility,respect, or regard, are ntade manifest innrioUi forms of _Old•• but the follo"ingcompliment paid b, a sailor 10 a hand­lOme lad,. il u prell' a thing oi the kindu we ewer read:-

A cOIllJlllment, trae lind aenuine, "aspaid b, a sailor "ho WII sent by his cap'tain to carry I Jeuer 10 the lally of hilIon. The sailor, hawing <teliwerrd hismea_e, sloLld guing In lilent admirationupon \he lady, lor she WIiS very beau I·CuI.

"Well. nty good man," Ihe pid, "for_hal do you waill There is no answer10 be returned."

"Lidy," replitd the Slilor, with hum·ble deference, "U you plelse ("'ould liketo kno... l'our name,"

',Did 10U not see il on the Il'lterl""Pardon. lad,-1 never learned to read,

Mine hu been I hard, rough life,""And for what reason, mJ good man,

coold you know my namel""Because." anlwered tbe old tar, look·

iog honestly up, "in a Iiolm at tea, withdanger Irore me, 1 would like to call thename of tbe brightest thiag I'd t,er my Iile. There'd be lunsbine in it.Uta in the darkand"

f'.\CI FIC WAlt'J·.

In nine cuu out of ten, one wholacka energy to make &,., carpet willDot have the Ineua to buy & Itore carpete"en at 50 ceat.a pet' yuod, wben it. muttbe cub in lwld; and then, if purchMed,it il .. poor thing, and .ill nOl...itb thebeat of care, endure the wear of everyday ute ror one seuon. But even that.

......,. .11:"1...... would P:lY hy giving the bOUle a moreS,U. Pu.."'moo.lulJ 10.-A Bodi.ditpatcb br.bit&ble a,)lVIarance, for. Louse with

111': A &enlble esplotioD of a powder Dl&fl- I~dlae. uear tbe old titaadard maeblneworu, bare Boon, tbouGh it. be ncr 10 well rur­b.. blowa to &toma , ..rytbin. in that "lcin. niAlied othurwiae, lookl naked and barn~ill. Tbe Sammll Wor••, a Ibort dilltaace like. But a rag carl\f!t. pay. better inoil, were abaltered to pl.lo:fJI. lIauy men an ordinary rarm bouse, because it. Well",wer. killed, tb. number Dot belDg known" be d' be I 0_.'thi'1fritlng. About ~ wounded mea b..,. an· III tter &( 1Ip'H.'U to the cir-bHa fouud tbD' (ar. It II not known bow cumatnliceti of tbe ranuly, and corre·tnan,. If an" bn. baen IIIJared in tbe.b ft aponds Yo'ith the uIlI811y plain furnitun!.aDd nlldergroltud wor". Th. tOp of tbe It IIAya by subduing tbe noise CBltMd.bAft III tb. old intlinell now on fir. bu, by the tromp of bootll, the lnoving 01tf:o .ur..11 be pat out. 'Cbe billa are black h' d hWltb J*)ple. Th. iho departlDeu' II dolog C 1\1rK, th~ rattling of is el, alUl ingood worll:. I,rne. 81tlle" foreman o( tb. loftening the tones of voices. [mJeoo &

miDe, I••UgbtlJ bort. M tbl. time ao elt!- rag carpet hloll .. softening &ad refinin.':matt Cia be mad. o( tbe Dlimber killed vr illOuem:u ullDn every member of the"onndtd. r '1•• f., .. ,.. be I _. h 'liD! y. E\'eo thQije rollgb boy" forbear

1 e.raC\ll at pre••nt, I e to lB' h h •._-- . '11 .followtaa 'r" killt': }o~rallk F,1e, Tbomu . acu e In t e ollae, a WI In­F1aberty, William O'Brien Iud .e..eral Jure the carpet that mother workc<l "0othen wbDM Dam" ba... llnt ,.t hHu ob- bard to make. and thfl1 hate to see thetaiaed. ProhablJ mall.J were blown Ilito tbe pleuant room arnw .blbby. Bo1~"air aall rC!maiDI aeauered broadeul 11 'I 11- h h .Erer)'tblai I. belnR dOlI. tlut killd he~ we .. gtt I, I ~ to. a~e t etr hOJleand wild_" b.lld. caa do. Th. KIDen' look cheer1 amI etyhab, and thus theVDioa baUdlDg bu betn luned. a bo.. rag CArpet. Wet.r1l much longer than thepitaJ, &lid th. MUODI &ad Odd Fellow. u. matron imagined it would.

E...U"b t'ro," ....d M.rk..g.

LollDOs,Jul,.S.-Tbe Mark LaaeElpreu,in iLl ri!lTiew o( llie DriliMh ~iQ trad, fortbe PUlt ...edt. "}'l&: The egricnHnnl prOli.Pf'Cla e.IIM "err i;"&"c &pprebeDlloUl,BbouM tbe min ('ontlll1le the ba, erop willbe uselctlii elIt'el't ail Wllllurit. Tb. eonditionof "'beat iii uuiulpro\·~1. Darley ill bea..,lond is lIearl, ruined. Sotblnil: but tbe.p«dlod"ent of .nullbinll teD prnent enalwGI\ General f"Uar. of tbe priaclpal eropJ.lacon~n..e, of tb. weath.rand liabt aup­pli" in l:nalaad wbeat bll imprond a abU·libg per quaner la a maJorit1 of lb, ClD.DtI'Jmarkete. but detlpite tbe drao... of bohlerlIt hll befa di.ftleuU to lIItabliah anI ad"aDceof bom.lllowa iD LoDdob iD the face nf 1I~

enl arrhaJs aDd iow pricet of foreip. n·rieU!t. Pre"toDi nt... bow.".r, ha•• Menwell .upported. elpet:lal.l,lor clloice parcell,and tbe t.ndancJ I. ntber toward aa ad·'fance than a decliuc. Larg. foreign 1UT1,,1li•ba.. not censed • acardtJ or granarT room,1M &larllt portion bll gon' direct to millenwbo bought fre"ly to arrl"e, tran..elloDa oa.pot blnlng IRtely been confined 10 the r.tailWAutll of .mall willen.

?Ita!ze blUl v.ried little, but i. rAiber agaio.'aeUen. Arrival. at port. or call baYe ~nIWOn, or eOlUll whelt wall tlrm, at IlIgbtlyImpro.,iug pricel. particularly toward. tbe0101ll. MAize ..nil steadJ lad nncbanged.A good buline.. \1", doue in tbe forw~rd

wbeat, particulariJ for Red Wiater JulJ,Angult aad Sept~lDbflrsblpmlnl., anD prio..hnprond ad per quarter. Maize " .. notfreelJ offered, thollgb III. cbeAp purcbuelcould not bo repelttd, The d.mantl i. It111.Iack. LalIt week'...lei ot Ecgll.h wheatmounted to 33,004. (J.u rlen at til:, Cd perquarter. Ig&inll 18,~J l,luute.l'Ilt 4GI perquarter for tb...m, period I..t ,ear. 1m.port. luto the United KWlIdom for the weekeawaglnae 28tbawouDIed to 1,tICi,942cwtao( wbellt, and 214,:Ul8 ewte of 80ur. A'Uark Lan. to-daJ (lfon~J) tb. lupplJ ofEngU.b wbeat... apln .mall, and prlcetadnuoed 11 to ,. per qWlrter. Tt..e .opplJof foreigu wheat wa. fair, nil It adnJloed a.hilliDg. Flour adnuetd 8d per qurte..r.Malu and barleJ weN .Ieady.

r,••e.ll r .........PUllI, JolJ IO.-Pfnnlatlou bu bela re­

fUNd Manbala CtrtaiD, Oanrobtrt and Leoboffo aDd AdQllnl LaGrniue to attead th.fnaeral of tb. Piaoe IlDperial.

LMoII....Il....'·I...' ..I .....Prince lerome BoDaparte bn alreadJ rir­

tuallJ NIUJIl,ed tb, attitDd, u ebid of theImperilidta.

OI U. E .ST, PC11I aao, lul,10.-Tbo1lUJ:ldl of

..orkmu h _II. en,apd .....reJ ....boa ...orb deelgned to cau.. 'be DIU rinrto return to Itt aDdeDt bed, .0" to ..t.bliab'UJ water commDllicatioa beh'HD tb. Cu.plaa See aad tbe regioDJI bordering 00 Af.ahanbtaa• o.n .

Tbe Ruti~DI ba.. Mat a foreeof 200 eo..each apiaallb, CbilleM ralden at Kuldja.Tb. Ooetacb. bowner, be&riIlS of the ...Hmbltp of a ....U, euperlor force of Obi­D.... retreated. H I. DO' doabted thal theCbinne '" about to de"elop a lIIillt...,. a.­IOOnemUoD toward the KaldJa froaUer oa I.el'J 1a.rg:e ace1••

m........ v..... a.I....LOJlDOx./aly IO.-J'obo 10Mp" Meehl, a

noted ,00'D"lo alllicultarltt, write. to tbeTime' u foUowe: Another week 01 60od.­ia8 .tonn. aad low temperatnre bu put tb•Aa!lbinS .troke to tb. a8riollltuni di....tor.It 1. DO" too late for orope to reco"er. TbeJare DOu.lderably Impaired eYen on wellta.rmed lad dnlntd land.. ...bU. on illfarmed and undrained laud. tbe .torma b• .,.been t1mplJ ralaoD'. Wb..t will.d.r leu!bon BerlD8 ttOpi. b bopeteu,aad an eta w, get th. promlaed bOl, drJweAther D:l&ll' Krall and eloTer cropt udpeu wOl rot nnpthered•

A&.UIII .... 1'(....

A dl.peteb from 0..,. Town, IUlle ~I&JI that General Sir Garnet Wot&eIJ Ilr:ri.,ed 1o-daJ aad ImmediatelJ 1lU1ed. forN...,.

T.lerram' r.etind It Oap' TowD .tat.tbat the DriUah foren are "ithla 25 mil..of OttanJo'. kraal. Ill. oouaequeDe4 o(,.. ata.t.e of trAlllpottati!)a, GeaenlW~,.bu aBJDlOOraed a mMl11lfl: o( naU.,•chief. at Haritab& 011. the 30th of deYiae DlMIIe for uanaportioa bJ n&ti...<Uri""

Zula priaonen ,tate lut e«e""o.ill at.10... ou troopl .. ad"AIloe ratu Uluadl &lidthen attack them.

A diJ;pateh from Rork'a Drif' la•• ItLb..,. that the dedeloa of tll. tOart martial i~tbe e... or Liea&. CaNJ baa bem Hilt toEDglaad for cOdrus&UOD prior to pubUea.Uoa.


.&LLENWEI" : : 1:(litOrlDdProp,letor,

THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1879.


If.uaDlO1OX, JWI 9.-'rb. de­,.tIDeD' deddM " I*bae of tobaeco bnr·fII.D iDttrul re"eDU. l&amp e&D ill throogb..maUl .. fourth-clua matter.

"17 ...'!'be NCn&ary of the tnul1t1 bu dedded

., ~. acl ne.pth~, qllialD. bom dU\J.~ look dec&'1nlJ lat. did Dot dlOl; im,­JOIIadou • .d. 'before that date.

La•• .:.11....Xsw You, JulJ 9.-ID Ib.Hlbrew COD·

....Uon the cb"lrman of the eommitt" OD1M»tb qUUtiOll to-<la, pre'.Dted a ,.­:tort penauliq to the pruernUoD of theI.bbltb lDllItuLion., whl.:b wu adopted. AIeUer WII reeeind from n·Go... t)e1Dlour• 'ring hie Tie.... on tbe .ubJect of I.nd cal·..,.. U. Mid: H. bad watched with In~

..., th. plue of the Catholio Church iD

.. II. peoplo lato the country aDd to maketbeir bOIDei OD farml, n. deemed It &wi••)OlioJ, &lid wi.Je to ha.. tboee of dlll'erent:faith 10 plaeed.t the oullet Ih,t tbcy canhep np !heir retpeeti"e olacfl of wOrlhlp.HI bad no id'& but whalth' Hebre... wouldlleoome~ f&rm.n.

••u ()e......el•.W......oTO)f.lulJ IO.-The receptioa o(

.,opoea1I for pllrformlog mail aemoe on_e 1300 routM tb"uabout aU tbe State.-.l Tenitoritl uDder wbAt iI kaown .....m.o.llulOU. I.Uilli'," w.. cloud at th.J'OIt oflae dcpartmeat at So'c1ock thU &Iter­MOD. Tile rua," are a~.rlJ an DewiT H­

e.bIlahed &Dd lacilld. a Damber o( larae 1m.port&DoII to IroaUer Statee aDd moet of the.aiDiDg T.rritori... ..iII be made., Uae HtOad ....i.tant poItmuter lteneral_ or Mfort lb. SJ.t, IDd tbe ne.. lel'riceyiU go tato operation by tbe ht of Octo~r.... 10,000 bidl ha". bHn reoei" theIII& ..ill be lb. qe&l of tbe milee!laDe­_ eluI \bat bu enr bella bown ta the-.vaet oaae.

y ..... r ••U' •••_ ......

IbDmI, "'" IO.-Th. baud of h.altr..aoniq laud the following order:

To iMpenpl. ef Ul. OtIJ of Ilemphi.: W,-.&4.." qcieU, remonr0ut familia to.... o( utlKJ Datil w. O&n at leut .cltI~ ".I.w e..- ofJ.llaw frter wiU ...

" ... aD epld.mio form. To the lin.. 0( the d1tftreat nl1ltel of

_nl...., then call. be DO poMibl.lIa-.n ol hlJedioa for manl dafl to come.

rf•• Dew caMe an reponed thil momi.D.g_ oa. d."th. tile lu.fa.n' olladge E. R.-.,., of abo erilD1u1 eoUl'\, ~lherwith uoUa. "D, tl PfOIuu..d with the 4._. ...,.,tct Maal", of dtlUDI 11 in......... Ille bUDe beiD.g DUbla to t'U'1'1""'1 ll. budndl wbe are read, to I......

t P. K.-n.. hu bet., chao.. in lbe....... n.1f'&l deli,. 01 ...." ,11.. it....... belon u.. f...... IpIMdI. PbJeioiau....,.,.. .. 10 ala. t.huII, bD' the R&m~

... 01 eUUnlluIe lImoM..aID"" pulo1Iaa. on.. WiD 1lI0t be OlIn eaoqh....t 10 0UfJ ptopl. away. Buin_ ia... 1.1 u unel b1lt In a Umited man·_.

..........a......., Jat, IO.-Tl>oalgbt more bope­

til t..u.S edatl. Th. paille of l4Hl'J bu.-....uJ Rbllded, aDda t.horoagb in,,"t1~....011. lIloft the rGlI.dition 01 to beWala.. are oDl, two penou iD th. eltJ...-trMeet wUb 'be 14y aDd~'IIOIl. Of the e.. I1.... t .... reported to..Mud _f beUtla. UpoD elaminatioa bJ.. preIIidaId, tluM wen declared ritk witb.... 4i...- tUa J.llo... fner. Two.-.u.. Ita.. OC!'CGrred, Pruk lblbrandOD.. a .. of lad«e Re,.

~""""""-".~. 11l1J IO.-Dr. lhmUioIl. n........ ..,..oa .-.nlof the DW'ia, .to- - -:e a repetitioo of the:JIIIM' lent' of 1Mt 1ear ta tU.... lie lUl then "J be IpOrad~Ie-._I ClOOIIia.n that pnet.1Itlou tUeD.m , apr_ 01 the &-.

- "'J,::" ......uabI.W80tecl laiD • Dri and L.Da.a.. ll eome euea of ytilo.. f..... in--........... AU .........

...... 0auuI, 11IIJ 10.-~,'" a meew,. of....... Board of Bultb tl>oaigbt a ,.mu­.... w.. adopted MUlD. forth that. N.... Or~.......'ttr hHJthicr. beta,'Dtirelyfru... ,..uo... leftr.


......TOti. IDIJ IO.-n. ooublelCGll neewalwoa br Alhlet1ea of New York io ~:18:~;'Wallwahtam. MCOad; i~"X; MJD.lle.Dta~. ,:2.5. Th. ant trial hut of the jeD..... aco.u...... WOD bJ Burt Brown, of UniODIpriDgl. time 1.08. The ant trial bMt offou oen wu wou bJ Wahwwllm.. timeI:«X: Mutua) aecoDd. 8:t7){: SaUBertl",third, 8:60)(. Tb. NeODd trial hut for'oar oan wu yoa by the Sbmwarametta iD1:36:;; EUube1b IteOnd, 8:37; 01ymplrll..hoi, 80><",

Third trial fOI rour out multed iu • "ic­lot)' for HUladllie of tbla State; time, 8:t1 1:.

."led.T.o'l', N. Y., JnII10.-D. T. Vallie, e••

)ll'Mlde.nt o( tb' Htcbanta' and Mecba aiCl'I.ok. lind pruiJent o( th. Troy • BOlton..d, Iu& ,,,enlns made a leuent auigum~at.., tb. belleflt o( tredlton.

1" oe...d fa...... e.....X You.lulJ IO.-Tb, Tribune reriew-

.. Earopean cropl ..)'elbat ."a if tbe &eo

...u. are approlimt.tell comet, the demand

... tAil OODIIU'J wOl be far greater than

.,.Wore.___S' _ DeI."N.

J. pdft&e recej at WaahiaRiOD...Orul.,. lW 1M will def... hi8 retarn..... tlDUtr7 tW .I.. lila Btpv.b1le&n DOIll-

1~1."rERX ST1TE"-


Page 3: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,


_ASO or.:'(r;ltAL-

Stoves, Tin~PUllP:!, }_. {JJ\ON PIP!\,l'U1IPS, - IRON PIP!\,PUMI'S, - mON PIP!\,

_1:.II'ORTY.Jt 06-

V.-elI DilchaJ'l,'ed,FnlighlA r..II"<I..~

TI"Mminl: of ,,11 kind,~At reuona!J1(J mtttslUul satidMetw.

~1lM';.n tef"tl".r.anll".. ""tI ,,-'__1.1 _

pr""I"U", au....tI ....

Good Dry nnd Green Wooda1wayloll hllnd Also, good Bart:.

T..OT.'Y"AY.ALw,n.s .......

-AGENTS FOR­Steila.ooom Beer,

8e&tLle Bee., &nd Le,'Y _ ..Soda WatA!r ""d lloat ...


urI han. GREAT REVERE1Ic.for Ouh OUltomen.



ArctIc OYer-Shoes.Otat's, Ladi..', :MiIeeI' and Chilclnl*

Rubber OYer-Shoes.



To Lb. ".rcbaaw or Port TOI'I'II...Qd _ .....,tba&nneet...'1 y"~rlt .....I~Jl.d 14__Ibll cola ror your rMhtb~ I,ll, •• t", wl.ld"

~r:ldnill:s~yrl?~I.r.l't~~\·::;..t:i'J"~llri:'=1"'" rood.lur many yell,.. Pllt.

\VII are.LllI Prtr,IUtd 10 t.lo ..UYfII.t ••ft.tlOlt !lUll n!lUUllllb Illrtoot••

II. L. TI.""'.!t. "...,Pori. TOWllMGd. W.~

House-furnishing Hardw...Pttt.MB QUAJ.l1'Y,

,,~., ,\ "-AU' ,.AuxaT • .­

", • e,ery lU'\ic!t' Ul.-WC or ....



And Repairing executed u UI'tlBI."II\tiafo..ction gu~r&nteed.

" ..aI........~~*=r~....P.-.

This is the 1argcIt and Deat ael~IIt.cxk of Boots and Sboel oa

Pu~"etSound, compri,illl

."........11. D ' •••....... n.II alaeII'..,

......Il.IH ...••~.- r ......-.

....1•••1111 .ad ...• ... FI••••p .,....,. -.

1Un" .. _ _ ......& &1..

A completo auortment of,,-MlSOELLANEOUS STOOK••

Men'lJ, Boys',lAdiea', Mi.ueI',


Boots and ShoesOf the very I.telt qulLlitietl and of ..

Latest Pattern&.

Port TOWDsend

IWilliitsh:: ~ I!~

The Lowest Prioes.

Port TowDsend.W.T.

The Finest 8tocic of

C. C. BIRTLm, Prop'r.





Alao n fino LW)rtment of

Vlocks, Solid andVlock., PI"ted

:peetacles, llUJerllpeetaeles, Ware,

..,.. Eye. Field and Marine Glaaea,.MUlical Instrument&,

Etc-.• Etc.

Goods Warranted as represented.


Cleaned &nd l'epaired by • 6nt clwworkman a.nd warrutted

for one year.

Cenl.rB1 Hotel building,Het\d of Union Wharf,

Ship ChaDdlelT.Crockery,

Crockery, C'rockf'ry,<.'roc:.hl·.".,Bard...a~ Hard...are,






Wholesale and Relail-DE....UR Uf-


TOBACco;lCigarsllToBlccO,Doors an.a ff'llttlou""

Farn&'l1J" Im,pltm.enls,.FItrnituJ'e,

Wall Papet',

Plo",.,ADd • Lull" _eDt 01 Gooda no<

enumerated, which wewill aeJl.t









People who haye .....arm friends are btalth·ier and blppier than Ih-"5e who have none.A single real friend is a Ireasure worthmore than lold or precious stones. Mon­eJ can bay maoy things Itood and ewil.All lhe weahh of the world could not buya friend or pa)' vou lor the loss of one."I have wanl~ only one IhinK to makeme hapP)'," Hasliu wriles, "bllt wantingthai, baye wantd eyervlhing, and again,my beart, ShUl up in a prison of Ihis rudec1af, has ne,er found, nor will it find, aheart to speak to." We are the weakeltof spendthrihl it we let one friend drop offthrough inauenlion, or let one push awayanolher; or if we hold aloof from one forpelty jealoulY or heedlessllia:ht ,n rough.nefS. Would you throw "way a diamondbecause it pricked you? One good friendis not to be weighed againstlbe jewels ofearth.

Nothing is more vulgar tban finery andjewelry out of place.

The report that Senalor CarpeDter i.killing himself with nic:otine by .moklOltwo:nty cigars a day is a reminder thatothers are suffering from the lime IOrt ores.ctsJ. Most of the smokers in CODlreusmoke too much. Some or them carryci,.rs in their mouths all the time. Thereare Senaton and representativel whonever walk down the avenue .ithout theSlump of Q, cigar between their Gngen.One prominent man in COnan5S is npidlykilling himself with opium, and one of IheDoorkeepers of the House is al the pointof death from Ihe same cause. The pub­lic man I rder 10 is a popular and re.spected man. whose strange W:1y' havelong been a wonder 10 those .".ho do notknow ?f his lecret habit. He is a kindaud genial genlleman. but he is liable topass his best fliend with a blank stare halfan hour after he has met him pleasaotlrin conversalion. His 611 of ab5IJaetionand depression amount almost 10 crazi­ness. At limes he is 50 odd and queerIhat his atsociates are puuled by his COD­

duct Opium is taling up his lire, andhe will not last long. It is a pit" for hisilone uf Ibe bcst intellects in Congress,and he migbt render much useful publicKnice if he would.-WasbiDgton Corarespondence Boston Herald.

Booton and Uhloqo BOIpitallty.

Stage LIte.

IlDowD rIDe."

Bookle.. Home•.

How mADy of you IItra.ightrfacedladies, who 10 savagely condemn theact.reu without. recommendation to mer·cy, would pa88 scatheleu through thoonleal w which abe it l!Iubjocted, thetemptations by which she is aurroundcdlTo be bomely in mind IWd face, withoutbeauty or wi', to be born and reared a.ndcoddled in all the l"tIIJpectabilitiet andconventionalitielj to be watched 10 care­fully thAt you coulll never find an €IV­portunity of going utray, even if youdesired itj in ahort, to develop into animmacul.te matron, is not such a mar­vellous matter to oongratul.tB younelfu(lOll.

Bnt to be bonl altogether out of theortl.odoxee, left to your own wild will .to be poor, beautiful l\nd brilJia.nt, to&00 the haudsomest men righine; ue. yourfeet, doing hOlDAge to YOlll' .tnlenta uweU all to your face, fnul then to comeout of the lire ulUlCt\lJlt:d, AI many llnactress bas done nnd will do-Lhen,lal)Y. )'Olt lu\\'o the right to look dO'Nnupon one who haa hOt. been blelllet1 withyour power of reailtlmcc.

BigotC41 llICetislU revels in thOles;tloomy lIictures in which tile shadowlal't unnaturl\ny deepencU a.mltlie lightsare omitted; but gentl~r morala mightdraw fnun tbat Ilune "ouree the brigbt.­eat examples of noble self-de\'otion, un­daunted perseverance find divine charity.

Dancing muten Beldom ha\'e .nymoney, but they're al....y. takina attp'to raiIe lOme.

B.lton'. merchants are entertainingtheir brethren from Chicago right royallythill wet\k. uys the Bolton TranKript,and t.lle gllClJla wiJi remm home con·vinced that hospitality is Dot 1\ 101t luion the l!IeGboord. So it will do no harmto tell this story, whi::h Q.uluer bean1recentt.f, but n?t in the \Veat-a atorywhich Beeton may we1l1Xlnder o\'er, forthou~h she hall a WArnl helu"t Bnd opensit wide on occasions, ..he doea not l:eepit. open always. A DUUlY years IJ:O men, John and JaUlelt Bot!tonboya bolh. were fello....elerka on KilbyItreet., Jobn went to Ghicag? 10 iUlmuddy dayw, prorpered, married, laiMda family, and ere thia bis hair was gray,became &, subltantial citizen,0llen·hAnded and open.hearted. Jamttlremained at home. He, too, lU'Olpered,married, ra.iHed " family, and becameolle of IOlid men of Bo8too.

No.... it fell out that when Jobn'a old­eat IOn-they called bim Jack-was 21 J

he \'ililed Boswn bearing a letter to bilJfather'R old friend, whom he found in II.

dingy Pearl·stre!:t counting·room, deepin the Advertiser. Jack presented t.heletter, lind stood, hat in hand, while tbeold gentleman read it twice. II So you'reJohn'. lIOn I" he said. II You don't look• bit like your fatller." Then there W/UJ

" paule, Jl\ek still ltanding. II Wbatbrought you to Borton f' he WIIS uked­u Well, lir," uid Jack, II father thoughtl'd better see his old hOlue &lid get atute of salt air." II Going to be ht:rooverSund.y1" llYell,lIir." liMy pewi, No. - at Trinit.y. Hope to see yOIlthere. Glad to have met you." Andthere the interview ended.

It chanced that, not long aftel·, Jamet'SOli, ro"ing tbrough tJie Weet, reachedOhie.'l.go. Be remembered hill father'afriend by name, and huntetl him up inhis office. II Well, my IOD," uid apleuant voice before he bad cloeed thedoor. II My namea is James __, air,

A dre.ry place is a bookleu hol1lloO. and I thollght-" II What' ,..u don'tSee that, in founding a home for your- mean to say that.- Of COUrM you are;Elves, you tlo not neglect the houlJebold I might have known il Where'l yourlibrary. \Ve rejoice in pretty fumiture baggage f' "At the hotel, lir." 'I Atand artistic pictures, but we w.nt to see the hotel 1 We'll go and get. it and takea ne.... book sandwiched in between:.......Iot up to the boUle," antwered loheevery two purcbalCl, and Dewlpapen~ old gentleman, dosing his deuIUld magazines drifting around 10 thickl,. .n•• vigorous IIam.. II We'll go right.that. the "ery order of the aitting-room up now. Tbere'a plenty of time for ait imperiUed. \Ve never knew allY- drivo tbi. afternoon. ThiJ evening 10U

tbing · t.ha.n intelligent l!IOns ~~ can go to the theatre with my girb, anddaughtertli to grow Ollt of .uch untnlt· l<>morrow you and I will take a run outneflllr,. To p;o to housekeeping without a on the C. B. and Q. a.nd have a look bible 4lld an ulI.brid~ ~iction: the count~y. Then'I ....ant to take youAry ought. to be. elected n cr~~ of out to the stock yard!., and have. tripfenBe. Here hell the begrnmng of on the lake and-" Ie But sir" brokewilldom. Then v,'e should add modern in tho over~hehDed young ~au 'Ill muat.hiltory to tulcient, poeU)· to science, go home l<>morTOw." "Tut,' tut, myScott, Thackerarr, Dickf'08, ](a.v,'thorne boy, don't talk that. way. You ca.n't.alld Hollll~ ~o tJu~ology. We .should begin to see thiB city under a week, andknow thA 0lllnlOns of .the U1:wds. of you're ~roing to ata,. that long, Anyhow."to-<Ia.y, upon all (I"estion, of IOCUU hfe, Anti he did. In fact, he'. there now.philolOpby, of agriculture. \Ve bvekuOWll famous bualne8ll lDen, keen tinan- Effitota of Opium aDd Ntoot.1De.ciel"ll, to gro'" out of the bookleu hODlM,but never the great-hearted IUld tende....lIOulcd. So, parenta, rememberillg tbilt,glance over rour libraries to Bee if therebe not some vacancy to fill 'Ill ..ith a't'olume wbich will Ildd to tho cheer oftho windy Winter nightls. Got for theboy a book of hilltory or tmvelsj tor thegirl a copy of Tennyson, or Longftlllow,or Drowning-lSOllltI ifwoot \.1001., whosin8" a10uS the quiet valCR of ife in IfLO­goago we all can understand. Win themto I"Cf\(llllou\l around the evening 11l11l1),Ilnd m08t unoonscioualy their young lOul8...iIl be drawn out to follow after thosewho call-to follow and Bing and be glad-ftlr gnat is the power ot infillell(.'C.

"Get your tb.rough ticketa at.," lCrea.JPed the doorkeeper of thecircus to a young man with l\ girl on his1lr11l who had a ha.ndful of small chnge.'''Thia ill third time you have comehere without ticke"", wh{!TI )·ou know)can't take the money."

The young man and his sirl fell book,and a" dley did not go near the ticket,.w&b'On, and )'et. 6P.emetl \'ery anxious tol!ICe the circus, a curinu~ mioJt"ll citi7.etla1goo ILt'Ound and inquired of the youngUllin:

fi\Vhy don't. )'ou LilY ticketa if youw.nt to go in 1"

"'Canso I'm abort f' Vo'alI the whimf>"~~ reply. IlJ diun't 'low enough formCldental1 wben 1 WlLB tiggering on theCOlt of this thing. but I don't. want t.h,gn1 to know it. II

CIHow mucb are you Ihort 1"1o0nly five cent&. I 6ggered that ten

shillings would pay an expcnaea, hut Igot left. We apent ten cent.a for pealnuta, ~n cents on the Itreet. cars, aoJfive in candy. I had jUlt. doUar I ft00 pay our way in, when the go.l l,'"Ot apeanut shuck in h r tbroat. and I had tobuy Q, glt'Utll of lemonade to wMh itdown. Didn't do it, though, till I hadpounded her on the back IDore'n fiftytimcs and tried to pull one 0' them firehydranta up Ly the root&t'

11)'11 lend you five CfIntll 00 make upYOUl' dollar/' said tho citizen.

"You will1" By ,(l:OlJh I but that letsme out I I'd made up my mind to telldie pi that the tigon hlt.d got. looee Milthe hyenas had run mad, but IIbe'a long.b6lLded and miiht not. hav~ believed it.Thankee, air; And the fust time I'm infown I'll pay it. back. Hang it I J orterfiggered on 'Ieven shillinga 'atead of tftn,but you\'e made me hallpy for life.Come, Beta !"-Detroit Free Press.

A crotchety old Yorklhirema.n about• century ago left direction. that the-, of !lill funeral .honld be ulhered in~th. great public the townwhere ho nught. die j lh.t the coffin,Ihllg upon towell knottal together.~d be borue "long by relaya of men~ buml>ed three timOi upon a particu­, heap of Blones; tbll.t. tho II lamenta­

tion of "Biuner" lJhould then be Rung,&lld that every man, worn"n and child~bOentcred the churchyArd with or after.11 procelJlion Ihould I'Ci:ClVe a dole of

IItpenee. Never, we mllo1 lairly believe,~ tbat particular churchyard before or~ eo plentifully filled with living~; mournen only in tbil»enle, that-I tongM for a l!Iucoeuion of men who~ order their funerall in limil..,

oD.-Cblmbe.n' Journal

He"'&11 R. bald·headed bachelor. whOlehet.rt for tho lint timo had boon movedby the t,flUler p&lition.

II Then you oonfcs.ll," ho laid, in a_bling voioo, to tho Obj60t of hilt r&­

pM, II that you like me R JitUo-tbat1011 Aumire certain qualities of myIIood Y'

IIY8," IIhyly 11!spondec.lj tho youngIoly.

II And mllY llUlk," ho oonlinuoo, in a'oiee of emotion, IIW)Il,t thoae qualities...r

II)' can hardly expll\in," Mid the young1IIIy buhfully; II but. I think it. ift ..tIU& your head is 10 melliftuent-I_Itt exprea it. moro clearly."

IIAnd you can never bow ho... I ap­Jl'lCiate your hiHh opinion," exclaimed~happy bachel.r, &II he pr'fJISOd her

a'didn't knoW' juat what IlmelliSuent"IMI.nt, but he wu auro it wu the Iyn­"YIn for IOmething grand and enno­~, and when he bade her good night.. rushed eagerly home, excir.edly tookw.wn the dictionary,' and feveriJhly~ to the endeared word His blood-ged to ice ... be read :

"Smooth, 10ft, mellow."

A Funeral Bn'aldUt.

:e-J.oIIIl&uon AplDot Trampe­

'lbe State of NtW Hlln1~.bire a year~ a ~ramp law, which Wu found

If'be .ery effect;,c. It W68 I6nrely-.ticiJt'd at the time, on &ccounLof wh&~:.e deemed nry llanb proviaions. Not.IoOi afterward H1inoia It{lopted A trampIt.lOme....bat. lIi,,?i1Ar to tbe o~o in .NewHampshire. OhiO followed lUlL with a.... which takes effect on ~tl.]8t of Jul.y.tbe folloYo-ing are the proVlllons:

Section 1. Be it enacted b)" the Gen­ert! AIlIC-mbl1 of tho tate of Ohio.nat aD}' person not being in Lbe count.y. ..hich he u.!luaJly lives or II&! hi,~ who U. lo~nQ going abou~ begging-" &&king IlUhlllltenco by chanty, shall.. t.a.kell and deemed as a tramp.

gec. 2. That any tramp who sball.ter any dwelling.boule, or shall entertile yard or enclosure about anf dwell­ilg-hoult, against the \\;!t or withoutdie permiJsion of the owner or occupanttkreOi. and .boll not, when reqUetlt.ed,iauaedi&tely leave luch plnce, or shall beIDaDd carrying fire-arms or other danger­(101 'Weapons, or shall do or threnten todo In.y injury to reAl or personlll clltnteCl'propert)' of "nother. sh"U, upon oon·fiction tbeleo(, be imprillOned in thepeoiteotiary not. 1C8I than ol1e year or..ore than throo Jeans.

Sec. 3. ThAt Boy person, uI)OO "iew ofthe offense described in this act, ma.y 1l.1l­

lI"IheDlI the offender a.nd tBke him be­lore • Justice of tho PeQt:8 for eumina­lioD.

Sec. •. This &Ct shnll not Apply to BoT&male or blind penon.

The OlevellUul Lcadel' dedarct tho.ttHr8 ill work enQugh (or every man inOhio who want1l honestly to eArn hisbrwl And yet. there are 20,000iruIlpi in that State. There must beJOIte fueination about the life of &.

tramp or 80 many would not fall into&hat way of livillg. A rul tramp is aoimpottor, lUld when he takea to the roadwithout ... neceuity for it, he g.:1eraJlybecomea a. criminal. Ue bu determinedto live witbout work-to forage on thecommunity, to beat his "&y along byfaIIa pretensee. Tbil c1ua of men hu.rapidly incl"Paled in California. TheA...ber is IIOe. much diminitbed evenwhere work is plent)·. A gt'eftt ,..·.ny01 lite outnges commit-tOO in the farm·iac dutlida are by trampe. In lOmePaces thoy are 10 bold th.t they intirui­a. farmen llnd otht'!J1L They are in­dent in their dema.nds, and nlutt.erWall if t.hey are denied time i, coming h re when 10100 leg­illation wil! be DetCl5ary to 1)t'Otect com·IIllDitiea against. t.he t.ramp' wbich in­fell Lbe country. An hODDSt man lOOk­iq ..c.rk and willing to pay for what beNeeivee by Li. labor, is 1I0t a. tramp.Bett tho ngabond who takes to theroad and beatll his way, tJu"el\tcning un·proteetcd people, hM already begun ncrictinal life. The legillation whichOiIio and ot.her 8t.atAll have Mopted mayye$ become Dl"OOIIary in California.-S.~. BllIletin.

Bow-=8Il:--e-De~-"-'''''lbe:-7d II.

Page 4: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,

.L.xt:l:uttlJ at the AJ10US O,rlcs.

NOTICEOf Sheriff's Sale of Real

Estate. f


Ship Wright and Caulker"ATe.ITltF.ET,

Port Tc~'W'nl"lO'l'l. 'V. T.

rHOS. PHILLIPS,OOLLEOTOR,In.u~anceAnd Real Estate

.A. G- m'N' TMonev loonod, nnilloon" lI('lI'flllllled. rr....~rortluil, lind Urnll l.'tlll.'f"'''', "" bUlln..



AI.w t/l'1I1l'!'lt til /til klnd~ of

Sole agenn (or I.Ambert ,\ SOn'i1t.:clcbmll.'tl



BACON, DU'rr~R,&C•• &0,

Wharf, N:a limo, Btillu Coillmbla.

~ 1.lbera' Ad"""",, mal, ooCOu"Cn· PLAIN at FANCY JOB WOIlKIDIOts.

Oregon and CaliforniaFruits and Produce.

FICHU', ..Feed. (;il'oln Etc., ]~lc.

So, 10.1, }'rOllt IIl1tt TlIJlor IIll"l'Cll,U:t( l'uttTI."SI), Ol~lton.

Green and Dried Fruits

PATE~'I':-; IIwl hilI\' III 01,111111 them,I'fllllplll,·' 01 tiu pUJ,:,cs II'Ct', nl)(Jll 1't'(.'('lpt01 SU"IlIl~ llir I'U-III):.C,,, AI!I!n'S$

GILW,J1n.. s~1I I II. .t CO..SollcitotlJ of }JlI.llllltij, Umc H,

Wli!lllugton, 0 e,


.I. H, Lamt.crt. .I. N. laubach.

LAMBERT'" LAUBAOH BY "JnTUE 010' AX' l:XECU'I'IOX-lIL ~ """",1 u(,~1 Ollt orUle nl~lrlct Courl 01 tim

;J,"l1ldlll lJl;:trlt:t Or \\'1I~h,I~KtOll ,.1 CI'rltorr.' Ill~hliltg It:rm'l IHlort I OWII~CIll • In Iltt:l Milit rJ\l1I~hn1J UIIIIIl 1I/:I1II1_t n, p, Oclllll;:,.,;'11~!~' aU~ll'lllhtJ 7th dlly u( JUI)'. A, Il~:Id D, { ha\l.l IcvlelI upou 1110 loI!OI'l'hlj,!' ,II ...t:rllx>t.l BellI Ji~~tllto hi .Jetfcr_1.I1l CUllI,ll'10 wit: ' '

Tho E III o( N~: qr 01 St.'c, 5 1'1) ~O:o-; H1 \V COlltlllllllll: 13 ncrClJ,

W h( 01 X W qr s.-c .. 'I'll :10 NUl \•..SE 'Ir o(SE '11·St'!..:li 'I'll :J1 X H I W' 1I:I.iI~ot ~ St!c :1:1'1' 31 ~ H 1 W--t.1lHrlli'lIll."1,,003·]00 IICI't!..'l, ~

The pto(Jt'rl)' or n. F. Dtol1lll<:or..N"otll'C hllJel'\'b)' :z'l\',mthat 011

8!.'turday, 9th day of AL:gu.t18,U, lit lilt: IlUlll'O!' I,wou'dod, 1',)1. ItIhe lloor ~I till' \'Onrr IloU_l' ill 1"111 'l'm\' ._"~I1lI, ,len... rQoll'·o.. \,...'1'.. 11\ i 1~"! r.r J ,,'fIlc 1IIIl'I1ull rh,· :tl'k'\'t' II''':~I'U....~I 11"1 ...1, 'h. thc 111J!ltc.-r Illd""r I;., 1'11..h. II' ,,:.. 1-1\­rll!' "al,ll'lCl,t'lIIloh nf tilt' :11""11"1 .. ' "Imllllr.'ti all,! cll"ClI UlI.IOO :~n 1." ~ ' _1111'·, with IIltt'I't:"' ut IIM'MI1" III" 1)'1't~llt. IN'I.~IIItJllrlllr"IIIIII!' IIrh II,I,\' "I ,Ill ,"A. I'. Ie,,,, 1llIlUllllllll,lr tu Ihrl'u 11.... 11\' IfllIIl ::bcry...~b ml,lOU If:!tilUIDI ,,,,lIn 1'_' 111l'Pt."\"ol:' 1'( ·nh :lllllltll,lllllo: tv U!II (fHlI .Iul oil'",1I1l11 11I\'rCltil,d \'U!iti.

n. S. )lIT.U:U.Sh,'rHI' O( ,Ittl'el".!nu ((IUllt"" \\'. I'.

Port 'I'''\\II~lUl. .Iuly 1.1879', :n

AI'1'1l0Vl-;n SOt.ur.:tt·S AlmITION,\I,lIo~n:sn:,\llS ClllI lll! IOI'/Ill'll npl)ll lUI)'1l\I1I.1~, I'Hhl!r Iilu/lClc ordouhlc 1I1111hulIIIIhml1.:l. &lIlJJ<'t:t to 1"-'1I11I'~lclld whethcr lim·bc~t..I or hot. lIUlI Illl\'lug' tim ollly UtilicltI~ papct' til the ."'IIIlItr.\', h:I\'C 11I11lle a,-·rr1l1J'i.'llICllf. with 11m 1011uwlll& gt:lIllo:nll'lIIn W~tcrn "'n;:!llu:J,lnll:

A. Ml\ckllllo.~II, ~:lttle,

,lol:ll H, Wlll'II[. OI~'lIIpln,

0, Morll~ IIlIlle.·. l'Olt '1'01\'11 ('1111.Illmry ,lnukSOIl. SIlOllllllll~h (;Ir\'.

Who will 11:1\'0 fill hUIIII. lit nil tlIIlC~. Ill)'1I.l.'1'11) for Ihl! 1lt.'\.'OIIIOllullou of IIiNk' dt,_'Irina: 10 ,ltlldulile, lit Illtt /lite l\f f.;:,:!,jper 11(',., ror 8O.~ 1II111 I:.!O~, Iliitl ~J.iu JIU

ncro lor 10::; lIHellOIl!! illll'Clnl. AlIulht'rItlllll"llcntcllb8n,' "crl~)t "knowlI r_ IIt):I!::'c:ln1Jfl 1{011t.'11 lit mill'll k"lll filII';: ;,11, 1111title CtIIl be IlI\,clI. untll'l, 01 \'Oll~'. nOll§O"ItIU:lblc, A 11t.'l.:tll."llI be ~ont:1I Irnlll 1111'orlglllill RIJI)IIC:lIlf ()I rIllY 11I1U11oc,lll~1 ,IVseript 11II"Chnltl'll 00 lUll, I'!' 1111 Illlt',lllCbll\'Irom ot!tflr I hllll I lIt! til I,!hml 1,/IIII(,~h"'I)e~,I'lul.lkllOw 1\'III'n.' ,0 a,II,rc~Q ;Ihll lOt· J' 11t.'t~1

II one be I"l"'nln.'11. Filii :;I\'U.~II,,'th)ll II!liked that lhe worLh 0: \lI1' ')11111'1' 11Il1}' beknowlI, eMil upon or Wll,e 1111)' nr tliegcntlemell llIlIUl'lIKOOVe, who will !'clI )'011tho '('811lot lullllllllllni hom~l.l'lul ~"TII)

whldl will CII.ule )'011 I&. IllttClIt to yotlrIRlld Itl ",ell :UI B perrt.'Ct lItle. Illld alao ucheap III yOll \'IUI lJu I' It or mo.

'0. I-I. 'I'ALCOT,Oen'IL'llll.l.!I(rlpllml WRrrllllf Croker.

Sioux Clly, Iowa,

w~ hav.aleo OIMIned a'Ir.-.ola..

RESTAURANT,And wlllserYu UIC II1Ibllc with Meal.

to order at aU hours.GIVE U" A OALL.

W Opposite Central BeteL he ,d 0Unloll ,,"'hnr(

~OIlT TOWNSEND, IV, '1', [6

Oommission AgentsAnd Dclleflill

M, &ttlJte DeltlltnnK, Tonsorial ar­tI!lte o( Port 'l'OWIlIeUl.I, ,VllShlollton '!'cr­rltory, ooa:s to In(orm hla llumerollll ptI.tronl anti the ptlblll' genert\l!y, 'hat he hnslu'eparl'll (rom the oilKllIl&.1 ret.'elpt o( Pro­(t!lsor MOlltlllembcrt, tho oelebrated chem·t!t of Parl~ antJ (rom chemical extrt.~ orrare mallclnlll plants found only on theNorth·wett l.'Out 01 Amorll':'l. " 1ll0il ele­gant audition to the U~1I1 toilette urth:11'tIII the IJlIIpe of an IllvlJto lalo and rcjurl­nator otthe Imlr. 't'llll (!"IIjl:lltlul prel)llr­aUon CItlIl!81 the from 1111 hnputltlct;Ilreventl dlndnltf, hClIls all.klll 1I1~ali6 (11the helld, Im;.tllrts It ~1\Wl nIlI180(lIu'!'i 1\1111beAutiful cotor to tho hnir; rt!ILom Ittlgrowth by Itl healthv Rlld tonlo netlon,and prnollw Itl fll)lhlR orr, In III 0

Dat't..t.'. Hnlr [nvJirO.....torII thl l 'lln6 qua nOli" o(allthe Invention.(or the hllprunluent, beautlfylllg anl!grorlth 01 the IIlllr, The lIiluerlal ofwhich It lJ oolupolltlt'are hnrmit'llllllld ClllllJp 1l~1l'rce1)' f1«ordlnll: to dlrt\:tlolllli..,.l.'tJIUII3I1VlllJ( ellch bfltlw. EveI')' Indy de·II rotlS eli' hllvlug bettltllul hair JhoultJ !..'OIIMI,lcr I~r tullotte tallie table IIlCOllll>lttewllhollt II hottle o( this dellDi'te Rm) t\e·RlIlIll.'OIlllt!tk. Prepart:!tl alld t>r anle "y

llAT'I'ls'rE DELA1'l'ANO,At hl- 701llOrll\I ,.loon,

Water .treet, l'ott '.rownsenll, W,T.



Foreign &: Domestic FruitCANDIES,




o. ::EE. 2il:OLOODr.ll:D,Prop..Jotor.



TIl];: PJ<:·TUn:E.

Pilot Notice.

Ot.'O, Bll1'lbrop, Jlou;e, blgn Painter,

To Pleaflure seekers.CA I~'I'AIY WlC. BLACK, Master o( lhe


lltlllll)' ijleell o'er the Hllll i~ broodingE,cn the bird willt lht: golden Wing.!!.

Mltbt the t(olLlcll Icaws whtre the aUII­!"hltle'l:! Ilootlillg,

Pllll~S In sHell':!! IJcfOl1l he &ll1g$.SetO.:

~:lIlllroIlClIIII II c1l'dc ..r goM, rCJl9~ln~

\\'rIlPIIl't1 with fI Will' 01 fhe nzure Ilkl!'''rrollt tli,' vel\'(!t slu:l'lI o( 111'1' t'Vueh ulli­


Dllllllll1.1 hu::u! alIt! bewitching eyes,

\\' 1-lffS ro IUIlOtlllOO that 1'1 h"" e!toroulCh.I)' rellllll\tl.l nUll repaluted hlJ yllcllt. lIudI~ u..\\' r~lllly lor l'harter bv t1lO11U wildliliCII r.1~t ~IIIHII¥ IUltl UOlllmG,JJollil built, SheI~ 1\'\'J1l1l1aIJrcd (or Ull'I8I who wl~h 10 Illne(I"'·ul,,' I'XI.'tU'iIOIiI ami eveiling rlllCll.ChUIVl~ Qult;c l\l'od~..nlc.

t;8" POI'lilvely no cook CtIrrlcd, :JApl!ly 10 lite Captl\llI ou boll til 01' to

Cllll~. ),. Gerrlih. Agent,Pur' ·t'ownllflllll. Juno i'i, 1S7(), {lm:18

a;v- 'I'lle Natlon,,1 Goiol Mcdill watr!WI'lI,It!(\ to Brlldley & Rulol80n for thebenl'IIolographlln tlie Ulllled tutu, alllitile \'I(lIl1a:MIltI,,1 (or thelM.'Itt ill fhe wo,ld

.tiI llonllOm.ry I"'"" t:au Fraucllco

Til.&,; &:llmoll t~tUUur)' lilt Hoko luI.; com·.ocucetl wOl'k ng:llu, Kill.! thtJ CllLlU callilerylit St.'qllim will .0011 stll.rt up.

OUIl trll) III' till! 8011I111 Inst week WIUI~ndl'J'l't1 \'~&'Y pl~ll~ftllt by the rehewII or1Il11l1)' Ilt:lllllllul:llJt.'e1l SClIrl.'IJ (oliot.

Mil. llel'bJlt llnrktll!. of Olympln, hill!bctu In towu a few dll)'1 011 IL "islt, lie IIOlltl o( the "01)'1111111\ 1111lU" tllllt beat thoSt'nttlc OOy5 Ilt ba~c b:lll 011 thu Fourth.

0\"'1' rllo IJright, clear brow lIAre!I!lngLuI\' ~weep the masses or t1llrk lIrown

hlllr,limier the lxuom white seems pI'CS81ng

.... siglllll5!ioh'el.l in :~ tin)' prll)·er.

l'roln pH. rlt.'tl Jlp§ (1'011I where cl1pll.l's bow

"Tile plmrl)' whIte that would mock tile8110W

8ct \,ith ~ garland o( buds of rosesLIke IYOr1 gllsumsln e\'ell vow.

Ue.~lde the t.'OlIch In 11."Cllscr 8whlglng,Ot.Jcrs SI'I.'cct RS II ~1I1ll1ll.r'8 1Il0rll,

IIlt:ensc cver l() heltvcn sprln~lllg

Iii crysl:ll ch:lll,,:~ frolll Afric' born,

O...·let-: OF PUGET SoUND Pllm CO"'S'll'lII't TIIW'IU4!I,d. w:r" JUII~:l8, '19.~U'l'Il:.: Iii herebYII"ell to lI11llten of

;It'll guhl;: \'cliilt'l(I requlrlna.:: pilots, and all..lht'l1l h,rerutt't1, Ilult tile III.~use QI E.H.)h'Alullllld "" one 01 tilt! I,Uull 01 PUKctsOlllld \\'I&~ Ittvoket1 by order or the bolli'll"I 1'1101 CoIIIIII'tttlollt:J'iI 011 tlltl gell dlyot:\'u\lllIlIllCr, 1~i:t, 11Ild luts IIOt IIlnoo beeutI'IIl'\\'\'lI, 'l'JtIl only pllOli now boWluJt11111'\:\1'11.,..11Irt'llie' lLre Peter '1'!I(1mplOli~"'I'OIl r, Ollrer. all'l JlIm~ DaIKardno:'uld 110 /ltllt'" 11I!I'JoOll nr persons are legll·I)' 'PI:JJ\II~IIIO pilot vf'Q6I, to nud lrom...·II.I)tI rhe "'Mel'S 011 Puget Sotlud,

8)' ortler ll, E. }IORGAN',l'n:I't Ifc.J PlI,,"'t &uud Pllnl Com.

Allcal: JAJlU O. SWAN,:m:1 III !'3ecreu.ry•

I hllVe, thll day, tllken my IOn, Daniel.II, 1Iltl, Illto ~artllerlhlp with me III theDrull. PIllnf. Oil, Olasa I'lnd Book busllltNIn p()u'I'tlwtl&t'IllI, W, '1'. Style o( 8rwIIttln~-S. 0, Hili & Scm,

NA'l'll, D, IIILL.Port Towllsend. July 7th, 1879.

CnllhlK atteutlon to tho Mbove Iiotloe,wc t\'oufillUlk (or tho lIllW nrm a l'DUtiIIU.lUll': ul tilt! IJIl~ronlj(e!lO Iiltolll bfoIIto....etI111.011 11ll: 0111 house. It will 00 our con­1IIIIIIt cllllcl&vor to keep II lull BUlJply ot1&11 klllll (If Drugs .... Mttllcin~ needed,togclher with the Standnrd Plltellt Kedl.elilel :lIld ,lC11\If4\\'Rre, 1):llu18 und olla, aud~rlttlolll'r)' aod nllu cutll'rr, whleh Wfl"'\II !It!1I tit rtaiOUllblt:1 rf\tH, I'I'holtlill1clllld rtUIIl.

Wc tire al!lO .genls (or the lIew lerlelfit iChou! books. Dclllel'll can be .u»pllcd.

4w :N, D. IIfLl~&SON.

:lIft, J... Kuhn. ollr worthy "llllge ofProlJlne. hu JUll retllrued froln au ~x~

tClithttJ .lil~ ,IUOlllllt tMihUII Wub11l'110nlie Reml much p!elliKi with hll Irll';P)" lie ''Ill'' the ftn ...t 1.'OI111try hu cVt:r.'t.),('1 on, " Inll he 1ulA bt:eu III c\'el'yTerritory In tile Union t':IQI'llt Alntkll.lie ..y, tbere I .. len tholuaud (lltllU, o(180 al\ltt .l'h, In WhltlUlin l'OIIIII)' "lOUt!-Mlid that ollttlde 01 allY leul.'·, BII(1111tItitle to) W~leh lJ I!tlll IlIlhe ~O\·erllilltml.

lie Ullnki Ihe ()I)uutrl .o'·l!r III",., 1111'11)11.

h1" ot lll'Olluclnjt llIore bl~lIlt III vropor­nUll t.o II, Il&e Ihllll II 1111)' olllt'r IlOrlioll1,(lhe &dlle (,'(),.~ti 1:1)'" It III wdl ",,,.wn1.I,olc,


, fIt bi.1 i,lt'lllil':d witll dll.' ,'otllcd lJill,1t'!!~ its item 01 ~(jOOIOOO Cnr Cccs of1', ~. IIlltTslud:. Iwd their deputies,its bI:I'olill sClltioll. Alill tbe last ~OI1'

(Cllen ('If its first section d.rl"rillj:IhM! "1l0 pllrt uf the lIlolley ht'l TC h)·3pprl1priat('tl is apprOjll'inll',1 In I'll,\'

1111)' sill aries, cOlllpell~lIlioli. fpt's or

expenses IIf1ller or in \·jrtuo (,I' tille:!t.i of tbtl RC\'lscl! Statute:!!." ThesitcomI !i'llctioll of the ,'alolld billpro\'ideu thllt 110 Department or om·ccr of the Governlllent should, uur­ing the next fiscnl yell.T, nlllke allYcontract or incur all)' Iiahility undel'lift}" oC the provisions of title 20, au­ the IlPJlQllItlllt'lit or pay­ment of gl'neral or sp<,cial deputymarshals ror scnict' all cloction da)'sill advlLnce oC nn Rppropriation sur',liciellt to meet. Iweh Clllllrllct or paysuch lilluility, Sccohd, it proposesIt hill CIllI~i8ting SilO'ply o{ tho *Goo,OOh it,'m and Ihesecour! Ileoti,," IIhO\'1I sll11llll8rized,togctht>r with 1\ clKlIse prescribil1~

• penalty oC not l'xceedil1~ 85,000

llr imprisOlllntnt !lilt ('xceedin~ 5yeu.. The finn hill rl'p'tMI!l the ju·ror,' telt oath law only fir the first.~lispllted legislation. Nritllor thefint 110r ..cond coulKins RII),thingrclati\'(~ to supervisors, ami thl'rerort'that liuhjaot;1 dropped. The billswert illtroduced in the J-!lllllie yos·torda~', and tho first one w"~ pnsserltho rtlpuhlicans opposing iI, urterh:\\'ill~ attcmplr.ri It) amend it Btl Pitto illchlde the Illllrllhlli claus.. The &C,' (21 )'ellrs IIllJong )'ou) asks (roOl the

81lCouJ on. will plllill tlldll)' IlrohaLI.v, UIIIJrt'judi~1!I.t. &h:\re lJ( pRtron-rei and

But nHlr. time "ill hpdemRlldcd Cor thallu lillllll}lltrollll for tho p"st,tJi,euSlioll in Iho Sl'nalf', Mild "I,

IhOlljZh thft bill. lIIay pMIK, the IWl"OnU

o"e. ~,;,,~ l~enti,,1 ..Itb l~e ubj-e- S 100 R E WAR D•,ionable put. or th~ veto~d hill, ellllhardly rail or the Prl.illt"llt'~ t1iSllp, WI' wllllJaypronl. Then the qllt!lIlillll relurnll, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS

h '11 h .' Itl:Wllrd (,Ir the Itrnst IIml I:ollvlctlon of••, WI t 0 maJorll! UO, IIlId ",htlll Ihll p"rly or partlell who kl1l~t1 our CMttlewill they adjtlUrll? ) ICllrll thlll ab· It~ ticnlY !Jay. III ,h:lfutsOli Ccl" W, T. 01sent. m_mhars oC ClIfltrrelS" 011 buth Ihe 1Il1111 U1ttlu II work ()l( wa, lilllt!lI AbotU

1"1 t"·o wt.'t:k, IIgel, two lJlt:tr8 aud Il t:ow Wt'"'lid.. Ire beinll IUlIllllullad to rwtutn kllll"lllu D't't:ember Iu!t, IIlld thu other-aapnar"nlly in anticipillion o( april lill I,:OW-\~'lta killt'11 011 abollt ,1111)' .1.1l~73.

,. JAM.E~ NIOUULLL,Irllettd oontroyeriY. Olle thin{l AX S NIOHOLLS.Itternl 10 bo lIIul.d Ity th .. lut veto: POit 'I'ownselld, July 17, l~7U, ~,-'thl democrus aro 1I0t rully to 1,1,journ without completinll' Ihe MppFO.

priations. Thcy hM"e hellN) fromIbe coulltry at Ilrge, lol.lId it is flpposed to reyolution.

Tho new' Cram M;aiuf' is IS l:!1f'f'r·

inK" it i. from Ohio. Thl'r"pul,li.

eallS .te united Ind h.rm{lniuulI, andman,. sec,d!!rl of lalt ye.r .re com,

ing llick wbile tbe q1llrrela oC thedemocrats and lfreenblekorl IreequIIIJ Ipplrent .lId f.yorahlQ, The

extra IeNiol lUll hlld I wonJt!rrulh'lood effeot II al! ."(ul w.tnir,~•1,lilllt democratic domilllliinn,

Clpt. Jal, n. Elld.. WI. l~II,Ji'ted

hy thlt President a place 011 tllft Mis·lilliplli Riyer 'Jmptot'flmf>nt Com

minioo, but declined bec.ullo hi'

thillk, ,b. billiubordinitu tIle ci\'ilto tb. military eTllilleltrl 011 IhI'Commillion. Cilpt. E:ultl rj~hl hjudge. that prhate .nterprilA ill he;ter thin omcill red tlpe, Ind thero

il no '''lIOn wbllucb a gn'lt ei\'ilwork IhoulJ b••iren to Irmy Offit:IH I,

Ex,S.c'y Borie has jUlt returned(rom bil t.o Alia, with Gell.Grant, IUd 1l000U1l0" that ,hi Gl'n­.ral il 0ppolld to a third terRI (or

himHlr and will not Ilice it.

oua lUlIHUQ1'01I LETTER.




Da, Hill Ilnd !h'lur Eilt!nheilhue elch dOll, the blnllllllune thingb, preaelltill~ thfl Fire Co, .. ilh '20.

CO.!fG&~hu adjourneu l alld thePrelident hal gOlle out o{ the "etabUlin," "util better tiule••

As will be SCl!ll by tho constitu­

tion anti hy,III"~' publisht'd all our

fir!1 pAge, t.he Kbowo llilmul orgllli.

zalioll is now ill good \vorking nrJ~r,

011 TuesdAY evening'" meeting wosheld, Ilt which the followi IIg perlllil'nent ollicel'1 wcre lilecteu: Presi·dent, Dr. Thos, T, Minor; Vice,President, Gen, D. W. Smithj Sec,

retary, Prof. W. H. Rubert!>; Trells­urer, Dr, N. D, Hill, COllllllittl't!l'••re al80 ap~oillt"d as (olbtv$:Com, to collect rnlteril\l ft>r pllmphlet, Btlt"urs. AlIl'n \\'~ir,.J. A. Kuhn

and Thos, Phil:ijls-thc execuliYI'officers llao heillK IlI!lil·l!. 011 motion,u n.officio mt".ohlin; COllllllittt!u 011

printing, Meimll. II, C. II. Baths,

Clhild. G. M,lhlier.uuu N. n, HilljCom, to solicit "id, Mt!lsrs. T. PldJlips, F', A. D.rdett lIIud Allt'll W(,ir.S,,',rll conunulliclllions Wt're rent!,

Imlllil wllit·h w.. Olle frum SUIYI'YOI

General MdJickllll, ill IIlIM"er tcJ IIpetition CIOIII tlleMucit'lJ! ill rcflir~no

to the IlUrl"'y of I pllrdttll U! 1h,Quillyhule n!l...", alld Ktlllillg thlll

Mr. SboecraClo hllld .In.!ull}' h"l'U illstruClled to sliney 1IIlinll h)' llff·~el1fi,

(rom th. Sountl to ,aid "lIlte).. andthat I pnni,'n uf tb" nllll'y ~·tllltd

b. luney~d duting till! I'n''''lll SIIHI

m.r. Mr. Kuhn .1.. M/JPlliutl,J II

commiu•• or 0118 to uctlr'Kin i( reodueled rltel ""old be l,IlHllill~1 fll'emiput. cllminJ( (rlllU 'Fri~COl II'

•bie pllce. Au ill\'itllioQ "., ..xt'Ddld co JlldKe Swall, uf N'eMh BJ.\',&0 bfl P'IHllt at Ihlll AtI~lllt lOo11tllliland read I papt"r fitivillr: ,uti.Il(·1 rl,lId~. to Port Towlltend', "rolui"'DCO II a lJruhalll. railruad ."rminliL Ao inyitltion "III; II~n Ult'lldod 10 Clpt, Slrlllon, of Purt All~e,

JeI, &0 be preHnt It. ~he ..mfl 1111'ut

fog, aoull'ive hil upl'rieuce rtolatin·

io PUlet Sound tisherit'li. We 1,:1II11'

Dot deiailllllhlt ••s dOIl~, bu~ IIIMJlay tblt ,he.oci"ty il in a f1uurililliugooodition.

Surrl.1t bill done tht: 1I.lld.mlll'

t.bin, by follo..-illK Port Tuwutielll.l'.example-decidiuK UpOIl III~r o:lIIdidale {llr Alayor lllld tll"n ~ivill" himI un&lIimoul ,"ule, Hun. 0, Jllcolnl" ...I,cted up \her. ,hil .,('k.

Wa .ere comp"lIed tu lUI'" outa Ion, edilorill correlpondnce thilwellk. It.iII appear in our nu,iuue.

W....UDlOTOlf D. 0" JUlie ~7. 1879,Tbe democrltiCl tumbl. dowo i.

I••,flll 10 Clontempl.t., Ind with wryf.oe, tb.y ar. pruceediujf to tnllke

the beN of & "ery bad lIituatioll.Th. fourtb "eto .al aeru.her. h "u an aLle dooumentn illolfi lod, laken in connecticlII

witb lbe IInteoablen... and di.hoR­"\1 u{ tb. d.mocratio VOlitiolit h.force WN inrinoible. The Pre.i­ w.. obliged to the bill or• bdica\1 legitimate authority Ind al­a" lh. U. 8. courtl to be yirt.ually

cloted. Nev.rth.leu tb. dtmoor&t'are nr1 mad becatll. hI exeroisedhi. t.gitima,e authurit1, and Ibowedtbat be il tbe Encut.ivtI of tbe na.lion u .eU ... IteadClit republicllI

Tbeir 6rlt impul...u to tin." lb,.taning out policy. But upon 1ICl.ond tbou~bt the lelilderl ool'lolud.d'bat ditcr"t.ion w.. the b.u,r part,,.. they II ulull re,orred to 1)11, l.ltldjlt!y, 01 Pnrtllllld, will 00 h:lck

Ibe calleu. (or comCort_ 10 tbat III Port 'fownlfelld IIWlIIi III IIbullt lI~','w,~l,;lI-at which lime he will Ilnlllllbly

bodl the impl.cable lIourbOOIl.bow. J'e1l1l&lll OWlr:;,ablllllh lllltl pl1:l&ch I'tlr our

td t'" thel bad ',maj.ority o( Bouse ptflVte. All the lJrll1ltltf (""CII the hili")DI.mbtra but. a mmoraty 01 ..nllorl cnferl:lln a "lIrm frlll,'rn II (('1'1111': rot Ille.a.denl to turo Us" IO&le, A plln IDoctor, as he I~ l'One of tlte (Or. It...w. tbell adoptld bl lb. caucus, lit!, And 11 r.i, O"dlcltle, of Dlllla:elltU.bioII JWOPOMd an" tbe p&IUIe of. I~ lu t.oWUj .11iO Mr, Celby, of Hoke. •

Page 5: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,




YI,.tnla ..,. W.......,

FroID Rk'.mDiI, Va.. drreatflo-. tbecJII..111-.

lIook Cov. aourbon,..181hnd l81e,

Mill., llewart.-OnNle.

Du,"am Old YI'alnla It,aWblobr-'813.

17 For .." by ROTHSCHILD" Co.

EQUAr, In twry tflIIIlf'Ct tn ,he hP-tL1verllOOl 8alllor all pnrpolltfll n.r wlalrha.~ whltfllfllllt 110& rtCJ.ulred.

t7 Bllye,.. will In() .. ."""1'"' .,.,ctw..~r thao eny oltwor ~ c.llIn.. tbr

16 ,..,,,.. 1 1WI'D8CII1LIl" 0:0.

H. RQtlt~chitd,



J"":>rc TbwuRnd, \V.I'l, 'ftry

323 Fl'OClt It., Seu Frandl4>o.


Petuylan Salt





Bmll8lllarl Liltl.NEtTOR TAil CAPTADr NOR TO. U.­

tie,.. "'ned. ..ell ta 01 the llbo•• named. v..::~~~r:,.,=~~"(or ~bca aonU'lWlted. by

J A O'BRIEN.........-.ROTHSClnLD .t (lO., ~II.

Port Town.lld. ApI'U 10, 1871.

---0 ........D D~&U L\( 0---

Exchange Bought and Sold.


o. F. OLAPP, _ Proprio.or.

Liberal Advances made on Consignments,

TlUS FsrARUSIIUEST nA~ .JUs·r OPEX£D WrnI A FU'.L A)iOComplete St.oc.k of C.neral Merchandl••• oolllkdlli In pIIrc of

H(£l'dware, Groceries, PIYJvisions, Crocltel'y,Boots, (Uul Shoes, Dry Gorxls, Notions, !S'c., ~~'c.,

Whloh will be eoId at Port Town.."" Price" tore-ah.


,,, 0 O·L II r D.I;; ""'. It' IS"';. AN]) (> I L

for whieb tbo big-helt mlrket price will bo paid. Farme,. _ill lind il to

their intt!relc to c.l1 and eumine goods.t this .stlbli.bmeo,

UoCo,. .I....b.r.. 1m "1l0UIlLE TO SUOW GOODS,

ROTHSCHILD & co.Port Townsend. Narc'" l'l, 18'19.

Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots and shoes,

Shipohandlery, Hardware, Groceries,Tobaooo, cigars, Wines, Sliquors



The Highest Price Paid for Woo~ Hides, Fursand Produce,

'.11 CIIIIPfi II RIIIWIt • ce. D. C. H. ItOTIIICHILD.==''=::===:~======~=Ieoa..1ar ....1 01 ........;elll Ricu WJ IaIliIU. ••• Pav;

Vi... ea.•• l of • NICA....UA;N W W Uuou.&.".

CALIFOR~I'" W'NES, POR'r. SfTERDY. ANDELICA. Alito MUSCA'n:T.Ill/I Wine Vlnelar, Irnporterl d11'!d by ualrom dIIt YIn.,...... pi,.. ad b.

Nlit and lor ule " Sau Fraoc1lco tal. ~ I r·


One S 1- 1; inch FISH. walon fo1' 8ale at a bar-lam bTl


Admiralty BlanksDistrict Court Blanks

Justice T~ Peace Blanks


Am, Un Jillart IRdlett.NE1TIIt:U T1l¥ CA.PTA.L,« NOR TU UX·

t1.,.lJrnect ~ftU of' lbe above UbHId._lwUllJft ~D.lblllrOJ'Gob"_~~by tlllt ome." orere.. •

1.8. MAPL" Kuter.IlOTII8CHlLU & 00., ......u.

rort 'l'u..J)~d• .luI.)' 10 lm.

:En. D1aUo1o. oo~S(I)UIOYS-wltb approftd 6berlre ....


WR"rs OF ATTACIUn:NT.TIM" ",ueutlon of matrlfta II plrtlcularly

\...1 l'lI 10 tbe Mviulol lAbor hi "",klul\''1,11.11:::1

:En. oTu.Uoe oourtl; X J) Po R ']' A K' ~ 0 S IX AT'fACLI.





AlIlJrlutedoll leg.leAl) width.


~ Por GOOlI dpl'1. go to Holcomb'l

LrA ........UICD' CIt IrpI'..

Go 10 WOlo.-o .. Eola lbr Il1o _carpeu.. a'..-..... .....17"" A_'''''1It fur ooIt, __

1ar11. a, Ilr. Hokomb'l VIIIel, ......17' Two ....... ..... 7 tn.,

a ",Ueon Inda 81n~••aw, ... IIIe.Apply a& U. A.oI .....

rr 5a"'~r111a Ilocl 50dlI WMer, Ibrthtllullllon, III Holcomb'. VarId, .....

Also Every Kind ot' JWltlceEI~ ..nk_

rltlNTED TO OKUEIt.t,y 'fhe aUentlon of JmllL'e.1 ur 'he

111'1 .lrtlcl,1 ady CAlJet.I 10 Ih~ "hovt!

We have on hAuoJ It 'hit omce (or ule,at n:IUIOII"ble meet, tho orl,loall carefully

preparetl b!, eUllueliC oo\lDIeI, 'largtla.tor.lnelll of le",1 bhlllid. 10-_1,:

In Ad7D1ral.~

Ll~EL."t IN RE3II-Nt'atlJ printed on1tl"IrHII'3p paper with blank Ip&tle lor tbeIIUltlllg partl tbef'fOr





,\11 pril:led ou abe 01 It'pl e&p end Ileltl,back..r.



10 the mlUflr ot til. n&ate of'fhonlRl&nlt. dK-eued, O~r lor pie of rell

61.iA.! gr:tlltetl.IlItllll ftlRtwr.r tb. ntAte 01 on"er F,

Gcrrl"h. deooaMd. Onter fbr pie 01 luielltRte eod personal propertr ,..anted.

III the matter 01 the _tate of Kary F.

Hunt,~. Order ot .UIeDMIDt and.-oldlllrl__,

Nest rqular tmD, Jul,., 1879.

FORT TOW1t!DI'D, J.:y1" 1879.EmOR AllOtll;-

SIR:-Tbe memben 0' tbe Fon Town..Jelld Rue BaU Club dell~ throulh thecolumnt Ollhe AOOUS, to tender a 'ote oftllallks to "P. Q. Blse Ball Olub, 11 uf Port·!'ownlCnd. for the klllll rel'eptlon recel.ed.anti ror the m.niacr In whl/,:b they enter·

tallied thPm ar~r th. ~me plaretl. ontheir IrOllodJ the!Jt1l 111"1.

'l' lire allO tendt:n.<d to Dr. T. T.)lIoor klr bis ("Ir and lNlillrdal dedlioolthroulllOul the pme.

Ver,. rell)f!tMnlly.Yuur oW't &el'Yllnt,

'r. FAY,&!fret.r,. F. T, Baee BaU Club.



8I!rrklMwtu btl beltt in 8t.....Q1"1ch.reb on:otInda)' u A. •• &lid. 7 P. •• SUndavICtaoolat t P... "'Yenhal' ~)'er OIl W.d._·~Iil..t 7 o'clock. Lltan1 0Il1'iide1 momlll••

rruclJlnl nut !ltlndAy t" tbe •• &. lo'btlrCIbwomlng aoll evenlnIC. "7 a.•. a. J.. 8e&rr,PII"0r, tr.blMlla ICltoot .t 1:1b. p•••-& A.!Jtlln, llupl. I"na)~r ID/;)l!llnl: on TbaNd.a1.vemn••, 7 o"\:lol:k.

_ntar le"tCDIln the PNlbytulllD lo'b\lrcb:"t~g·l'::tu~.:r: 1.1. W..... peMOr.

~1A.1U1lr.D.-At &·lIb1lclc••'111)'1" 1879.Ily HeY, ft,1. EeIJIl, Mr.• 11~'lle.'l JI""1I1011 orCoIIll'l11 btl)", lutl &IN. L. J. Nt4;on , or~·.lJ,d,;.

Ol,;llIO\1'II'IIIItn. )fro A, R. IInl1"tnln.hal gunc 10 ";'hCUIi \\·,,"hlllgfllll. We

\l11I1~N'.lIlllh:lt lit! wllJ be III the "IIIIIIoJ'urlllt:~. J•• n, R. Co.

OCH )'Ollllg Irlt'utl, Frank :&11~IL I.IWIlle 1oI;.;"lu, Illfculllu,lf 10 hi. ('lltlumnrydtlll"". JII, (aLl",r I 11II1,ro\'IIII.:. btl' ~'1I1

IIOt be homalor .all~ wtea 11'1.

CAI""OnIllL hue ware 011 Loftrd theSorth l"al·ItI'1 hili fliell Cept. 11m'.1,lace on 1i~ Alhl:\. "1111 ~. C. ,...,wu hpUNCr aud mate 011 Ihe I.tln oo.t.

COI.o"n 11.11~r .. UIlel.'I.f'II Iwte III are" day. A rf!l"t~n " l:allotd or III hon.or 01 thll ~lltlerD.n. Ind wuu:tllYtl ..lul,.bet II flulul UpneNOli 01 Ihe .....lItlu~l.uf hi!! rril"UtJ...

WOUK: 011 lhe rnillt WlIlflll IllJ IIJ::".Iwlll,"oummeul. I" .boot "wt't'k. tAln.t:'l1l'10r 1I0it .rrlftll a r~w till)" 'Ju. I'ortTOI'l!. 'Itd I.bor will be ~mIJloyt'll. "II"''''II Olltll'OrunlClidablllt'llIl11n;: III the ullllh:r.

'1' liE city elertloll ..'cut oft' Vt'rf quIetly.

H~'''D 111. :s'lchoU.' "lle".nJ" .d",.tbement.

C"PI'. n.•:. )fofgan 113:i been to Port-.l:lull within the pail Wttl.,

:i~:"EUL l'Oll1l11ullk'atloll~htl\'o n::ll~ItU

II, tl)() la:e lor tilt I ne.

801lll1' or OUr "'IlI;QlUJ ,,"fltlt out IVhlngla.!L weoek, but they Clulllt UION rai.ll thanIn1thllli tlte.

3I'ESiiKS. Wyckon' and Drummolld haftput lIr. Chll!. Bartlett's howe, 00. the bllt,in gootl

Mr. Waterman met wllh In accllJeotyesterdll)', by l..'Uttlng hli bawl while band.ling a :>c)' the.

TIHt AI.Gt! t1d,el tor mnulclpal om·,,<tl'$ ~'IU ell'~It't! by. I.~ majority, notIt IIlln 011 It bt:lrl¥ lJIe.tell.

IT I. "'1 tuuch learel llld! the UOlS­·h'e rlIill, thli 11111 Iller \fill rulu IIII! atalncrops 1111 I·ujtet Souud.

'I'm: 1'111:111 ool''' lum; C:llIght the baseIlltlll",·t>r. 111111 It will IUlhit IIkel, h"e \0I'un It \,.'QIll'H.' ,,1111 1I1l.'1U.

CO)lI'••AbT 11:1" 1A."t"1l IIIltlk: lh:lt !!ome ofour )"llIll~ "hUUllhllIlS'! \."tdl hltl'«l thltare "mlllu, nut 1,1O"t·. IIml rille them.

'1'1ly.r IUlYt: ~,llltl 1Ij1 tilt! Sonml. nndrlwtc III"C rl!tll'llilmt nur IJulluhnllltl will berllhll.'C11-br 1Il111ing 1\\11 til, IllIlt they Ire11110.


• D"".AB~LL;ICro."c'",:n.

, ,

- '~~~


TM Tidl..~ __•

Tor )llror •• Charles Elleubtll .. S4 yote!.

For VouncU:ntn:

J" U' l'ucl;er , R'i "Olr.,SAloh. U. 11111 ill ..D. C. II. noUL.:t:hlkl 6~ ..For City MI~h:l1: Clift.'!. Fin II .. H ..For SlltChal 'I'ItX ' .. 49 ..

'J1Ie.('OtlIHtml MOIIIII·Y. which l'('auU.11lnllM! ,1t'\.1ioal 01 llie [lhMe IIcl;rL \\'Il~

ontt ",'hldl 11I"IIrt'i. Wt IIIJlnt'. ·~tl·rll{'tor}'

t'lURJottilllcnt or 11m mutllclp'll ulllllt'!l dur·.... tiN: !$tllllul( )'car.J_ wet:k ""e n.......lmllI'1IIWtII\HI f'l"'~Itl(.

tIM /)1 ""yor I-:Ikll'-I.... OOllll\'lImCIl 111111",1 KothS\:hllll, "lid ~hu'h:ll 10'11111, UII

8111111'1111)' CVl'lllllll. lit llit! \I'llllll 1Il.'C'rllll(,tl~ ICIIIII'1I11'11 were 1111 1I11111111111l'11. In,

,e1lM.'r with )Ir, ,\, II. 'l'neIoN-llI 1111,11.."UClllIl'Y ClIll-I,1! hy rllu flh.:l·ul'C IIr ~I r.NewIou-fllIIl. 011 ~fllllll:IY lIn· "Iltlrt! Ilck­n \'I'lll!Icll~fo'll b.\·llimlld-uhll· \'''11'. '1'111'1\,,'eru 1111 ,'un,II,llllt" III "1'I"hlllnll I"

)It'4II'', 1':1""1llJl:1. ltllli ·l'uckl· Ill"CUlU1t. ror Iheillir«.. V'll" IIl1'y n'1..·il'l'll­btl' thell.lm.. nr )lc-~1"'C, .1. "', SIII,.. hltll

.IW I., Smith, ror (;oUltdlm"Il, IUI,1 Curt,Wm, Dhlck. 1M ~1N,..htl1. wcn' pllt U(lII"

theOPI~ltlnll 11ck'lr. TIll',' "'l'l!n',~l ml,,_D kaHo"" : 8ho't'hMU. SMi Bmhh. :l5 .ltdBlack 4~.

1'he )lrllle-I._1 l""lIlt1t· \1':\4,1 l\'n~,,1 11111Irllltieu ettun Ittclcr«talllK! ""'jill_II Inti 14'k'1IlIptda.lllxof :1l1llll.lIIll1ltl 1:.. 11111

lOr purp(*" ~ aWllIl{ ··n"",·t'" ":111(111"

Co." In ~u'Cl"tllI' a llM' ..lIahle I..r llwdt,. The Sltll"bl, er~llllli ao.... U1""I... ftllcall«l b1 th~ lr'elld••, lll4'''IIeCIMIlaS. -rectall, Cur &btl PUrlllMle M h..rlil"lIndt IIIdto1 of 1M qUdlloll. The mt't'lllI)E

".. "'1'1, .Uetll .....L 11111 w.· IIt'f'\ll1l1ftl0", bf Dr.". T. 111110r. Celli Itwr"'blrd1lcuN6ou alldarl(tUlwlIl. proIlIMh.'UIl. WIl"4!UriteJ oYer t1lfllltollOo'lIlou. but 11M' ~n·dWllt 01 Ihe fnef'l!lIIJ ""U ......~rl ..lul'tltll1Ieltro,IIIyln ll~ ~vur; .n..r willi'll IInm·

""lIloUlI \U'n! 111:1\..•• II. I~. 'I'lIhltl" 1111111·

la,adillt Mr••:I"III~I, rjlr )hHlr. \\ hk.'hf10mltllllloll ,,'., RWlIll,,,1 II)' i,r. ),Illlnr '1'IIE IOkllt'rI nr "'ort 'I'OWII. Itil II~lD. brwt \"OI11ltllllltUlnr)' "111......:11. IIml JooIIIIlIg alJovt lb. bll~ tun lIorl1.'11I a.ctrrlrtl 111Ianhullt_ty. At lhll 1101l1l. • ,llIra Or tilt! ll~t lIulgultnil"i Ih"y wH wIt_ totf'l IlJCllllhllllo lilt! 111""'1:\1 IllS. from ••..tfal'l,;~.. IIgnlllllvUu, ho\\t\'"r, lJJ'lheprinciple. bP.hll: nlll~1 In All. "IM'I'\II) POri TU'fI"llKlid lillie'.

_.: M.I~ Olllll~llt. OOIH:h·lIflou·I~·. 1J.UHlUID.-11l 'frluir, ClllIn'h. ursl'lt-­fOr Tlrll,u'f "'D"OlIlf; lulll...1 III t1WIIt' ,,,,t.. tie. UII SUlIllllY e\'\'IIII.g. JlIly 1:1111. I,y Ih"the "I)emncralit' "rt'il#." with lIa 1111- I'f'Ctor, It(,y. C, II. Wa':·OIl, )Jr. JaWeI~Uf' (1) crfHnl nf Inlll$C"~Il. .1ll1 tilt' IInr)C1t1i anti !itt. 1,0Ill.;a GlIIlIt. Our"-t ulln,.IIIOI'lhlllhlll. by It.. vo""erfbl (1, rrll'UlI, 11.1'. llol'l.lI, 1111,. lk-I'II rur II 1\H11Ilnftnem."" ' ....'4Jft'ik."1 In ",wdllll': the ."n.... Iluae clIIplo}'«I u chler ellghlftr ur Itt(,',.ttl ..Ole .1ll\III.'Ilo Ihe ~11I'I'lnl IllS to lhe Dbpllicb. lie 11 w.U IIlIJ JIl\'orablj' ilU'\\1l

e!lummll_jP) uumber f,r-t"'I'lIly, Wt· 011 the &ulld.

aun}' Itdll thAt th~ "0. P." 'lll.'1'1l\'lll'Il III VlllAtu.tD,-l'he sle"mer Dispatch Ill"llt'UlliliC II. eulldltllll~('1l-lhfl~ \\'!lo WWl'l~ III rlvl.'1I"" thll ~rt flit Sllllilay Iftt:rIlOOIi.eltc1l1.h·e 1I0\nhll't'lt-lloont III Ij.l:llllllllll- ht'z boiler iIlMkllll very IHttily. On }lou­IOll~I)' II~rl·Ah.' lk'l'll Ih ClllllOlU In lilly the .ttlll1lt'r A,Wle II.I\\'t"ll lilt. rormt'rIhe pUI. °tt_ cOlllhlllf'll boll-l 111111111 hll\'llIl to 6elltt!l". where /lile will t>tJ I"'I,lIh'td.IIIl1 "1·r.OI·U:"llt II... IJ,lck lu lhc COlitrarl The ,,'uortttlluUo IdiCIl Iht.· rllll'l ur the

notwUI~tII11tliItK· llIo1lll1tl'll. Rlltl will l'e1llll.11l 011 lilt! rOUlt'I'he ,'"te \\'u!llIllhl, 11111)' m IIn1l'11· bt.·lnl uutiltllu Illuer I, 1I)(lIln 111't!11R1'\.~1 r,'r IlllIJ'.

ralt. WU'OlIgl'ltllllllltl I'ur 11I.'1)plll 11,..011 'J'm:lIle.mcr )la'1 'J'Mylor \\111 ICM,'lllllllll tlectlon of 4!ftlclel,t Ilntl WOIIII)' lUt!lI. IhiJ purt c\'ery )Comilly 1II0"hhllC nf 10-

TIIK U:Ht::rUDf.. .rtt:.r tbe Irrlnl orllte u.,..k1lllld IIIt:.lllll~r

011 MOlld.,. l'I\'tnlna. Ilttlr I~ "nlc w... aud 1)1'Ol.'l'«l10 Sftul.luooo"1111 "'IJ'I)OI'I'iOOUllcetl. Ih. melnbcN u' lhe t1rt ,'OII1 I" I - n:tllrnlll¥ will .rrlve hero on W~hle.OIljlrDy.. It'OOml>anled by the bal\ll. t'lInn nut In .\'tulllA" .'or rrelghr or p.'~A:e "1t1'1}' hIdfteI paratSe Iud 1l11n.'ht'll to Ihe rf'!kJfl1oe§ t;.pc. CI.rk, 0'1 boanl. or to 11""",r". Wut_ot the 1I1yor allli Coullcllmell t'leI'c. who "Iusn 4: JUIZ, ot Iblt plll.'I:l.were III tllnl."lI1IO" "lIh 1Illlile .ull haSirctaee,.., 81WfCh matln« .ml l'Ol1gratul". JJ.UY. BUL.-Dttwl!fn Ihe ""~ntt Tuwntlon. "'ere lurtnlgl.'tl Ill. Ur. 1111101 ""fl_ ffllll." Ind "Aetl,e" l'IIb-. A IIlM(chalto cllt.'t'rN, III n!UJtJ"lrlon or hi. "rfOt" In «Kille o( bu. 0011 W.. 1I11l)" 11.1 Cllhll:lt1Ull

bdaI' 01 thupechlltu. Ikturlllllg IroN lI§t Sundl.'. between tho aoon nllllM"!t'lite hilL the l:oOlI)fln1Illan'llt'Il Ilrotilltl In whk"h the so:,I1o'''' Wl'I'1! .~ltll1

hontt)rtheAROl: ,""t"e. rormf'lJ In IIlle vktorluu·. s...'Ore-iS to 17. l;ml'll'I·.and "!lit tho air with th~ toIl"llll d"'i1" LI~ut. U.ekniJ. f'ott ·1·u\\II....I.,I. The "le­for the PAller al\llltll allror. We "re ,r1I{,o tOri wOI.1111 like to I.... r fhlllJ tl~ PunI.., to lIoell'tl liNt WIlfUl .1'Ilt6.iatIOll 01 GamlJlcl ellA\,t.Ollr ftKtblflltJfl,-rllllutl to the l'fl1lIpa"1, bllt To MEnIOS. In tlellll1. Ihe f!llcert:tlll­-.Ire 160 btutufIlC I'ort 'l'OWIlAelllll'an boAtt menlo a1v.1I by the lrlllllllU- IIntc"'""f'lI., ,"I"y publk: ,plrltal 10un, mtl1 who 6111111y In thl' ell}" fill "rMar I'\'culllrhaTe llIrlletllhelr t'llt'1CII't 1(\ 1'\,'I)IlIlllo III l1_r. wunltJ be but to reltcnHI' lilt! IIIIUIY

.11 orxallhuulnu tor Ihe Iltola.'1ioll of Jlrop JU.lly·td ellcolllum.. 1.lI1IIU,,"f!lIIIIIllhert1. LOllI m.,. Ihur 1I0llrllh. lhem b)' the rublh:r","'C1"Crlh~c'l\Il1lrr,

Altoct<thet. Ihll dl.'Ctloll 1.-",,"..1oR' v~r, lll~ 01111"1 be rtgrclll,1 thlll 11I1·h· a.~I1·

'llaIeU,. cou-kJorh,« the 10lCI'1:!i'11 at 1t8lw. elll'" w/t.t &mall. TI~ nahl 110\1,....1 \1o"'n50 that It wu a _ollliet ASY llUll l':lIl1b ....ut

SVUOI>;!'f DUTil. - StllMl1t1 IlIurnlllK.whUe lIuhl, at tiM! b!'tlll;lIm tIlLI", lit III~

nl-"Illenl'e In :Sew 'l'IIl.'OIIIII. elpt. GI'Ilr,:eBro\vlIer I'C"UII"IH'1I1 10 t1H! ulilcr l:alll!The Ctlilile of iii. IInd.lllll 11"lull 1\'11.\ Ill'lIrldl,lClItt!. Cllll'. '-Gell'll!!.·· II~ Ito WIU t\·1lI11harly 1.'R11et1, lUI. 111."'11 1111 till' lSoUIlIl lurl/ltl I'II' len year" RIIII Will woll tlllli ra.vorlll,lo known, IIftCllfcn1111lu :O;lilrr ,'Ill.

Illuy In ",.tchll1an 011 (lIlt! or tim oo:ltS

wll~1t ch.y a,...t muted 011 tho ::ioUllII, I Ie"n..r,,"Il"I.. bt..'CIIIIl" UlIlIl,!. RlIll lllcn IIUl1hlr.havlllr hlUI OOlllllllllltlul tltt Alltl:. lut llle

II&.;I. runr or dYe 1ta". lilt I~ll\·et ")'0\1111( wUo Ind Oillf IOlJ to mOtU'1) bit-,

FOIt OUIt IJUDIJO BcIlOOL!. - Kr. C,B. Phllnllwr, thtl well kllown 1l1l(1 ptll'ullrelOClltlonl1l. will eull'rt.ltl our pearle lhll'.-allnJ. at 00011 'remplars' hltll. with Iprogra.IQtntl mltl&c tip lrom ~ptodal .Iee·till/II ror thc 0I't:ll..11l1I. Tlcketl IUIIY beobtalnoolu the IlOI'tlUr ~Ir. C. aI. Oerrl~h.Ihey l.'O$t \,tllt:tO ""llllt'!&ch alld lhe 1lI01lt'yrl'lll17.Ct1 will btlllptlrnWlltlCt.1 ror the billle­ftt or our IChool_. '1'h~ who IlllVtl reoUflltly ,IVI'II Yflll' hJ I!lIch llbenlleutl·1be11i1lelMl80 much "nxlely In lIt!hftli orOUr tehOOI. will now IIn\'c lUi upponullU,

to tleOlo'UI,1'lI1t! t111J11' Mlul.'8rltl. It. Ila1U«lit, anlll"uJoy "n """lUi be.ikM. Brill.III 'OUr r'r1tmclt.



Page 6: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,

Stock f








TAylor'l Sulky lIlIkc,

Mi~Jlell'8 l~urlll Wllgon,

SwccpataklJ Plowll,

lIainCll' HetLder,

Mcline Plowa,

Etc., Etc.,


QTCome Early and Oftenm

Bros. & Co.•eattle, : : : W. 'l.

Will make allowlUl.titl on all CIUIh l' iDthe nbovo Hnll of gocxIK.


Pomade.,Roi, ()ill,

ADd 011 Artid....00 £0' \he To~






Quiol< Sol.. and Bmal1 Ptolil&

Oarefllll, Oompounded.

--WboICMle and Hetail--


lJl~Ull'llI.. W, T.


N. D. IIII.L, Port 'rowDsend, W. T.

Of extra Quality.



--D&ALERB 1)(--

Ceo. W. Harris,(Suc:c:essor to J. F. Morrill.)


!liT BY EXPHESS OR tuIL.Prowl'Uy Ifotttlllded to.


N. S:~.PO=RT~E~R~.~~~~E~.~N~~.;;O;U~IIII~.~TT=I,=~ArTlJl~NF.\'-i\T-I .. AW, IJWet lUll k, ..

IIll\' 00011 ANllllU,lNERre- M ...... Iln.ll Of,..., .. '. '



SEATI·LF, 11', T. SC hwabacheL ••, • .la,.o", 1~ I ,.••nlllT... r"'ree COI(II WI &"d hum t~ llUUIC..

-Wholesale and Retail Dealers in--


Gonofal MOfChandise


UOllRe and Ship ClU1>cnwn' Toole,

~bil) Chantllcl')',



Boots a..d Sh....







Complete Stocklionlo .. Boa~_







and TroJIe.J.Paten~ Medicine- of toll kinda.





£II....... W~..I ....lIe'-1.01'10011', July 1) - Floating car80n,

tOrD dearer.Cargoes OD plssage and for Ihipment,

demlUld falr, Vrlc., ahade bigher.llarlr. Lane, activo and l.llndJllI up,Quotations of good cargOM off coa.t, t80

Itl lea damage lor I18l1tlra' account, Ie...U1tuRl ~y. per cent, c:ommluion: Mod. Ch.or Mil., 4.31: Red Winkr, 451; ella,.500 lbl" 46s.

00&<1 shipping: Oala. whelt on pUllage,per 000 !bs Queenltown for orden, jUltIhipped or to l>e prompUv shipped, (01;nearly due, "'611; Orogoll for Ibipment,.7•.

Fair o.vero.Re Ohica"o or Milwaukie, forIhlpmen\ during pre8llDt month and follow­Ing one, (MJr (80 inri. Am. termll, 41••

Importa of whea\ into U. K. during pu'week. 250,000@~5,OOO qra.

ImportfJ of flour into U, K. during putweek, 80,()()(J@ti5,UOO bbls.

LIVJ:iI'OOL, July O. - Wheat, on Bpot,

Weather ia Easlaad, be.... ' nin.Red Winter, 011 IXI.Whlto Michillan, lJI Od.No. 1 Mlan{llU'f1, 9fl 10<1. No. ~ Itaadard.

O.6d.Red Am. Sprin8, No. S to No.2, Ibippiaa,

per cenW, 71 lld(lif81 9tf.Stock! of !lour in. London, 2OO,OOO(j340,­



s .....'( FB.lXOIIJOO, Jul,. 9.WHEAT - Market strong for ehhloe,

Quolable at tl 70@1 75.~ARLEY-Otlll. Quolableat6O@700for

feld.OORN-Large y.lI<o" Ind white sold It

7Oc.F'I.QUU-Oboieo flTadot Inn. Demaud

fair.WOOL-No demand. Market dead and


WHEAT-Demlnd ill Ter,. good, lupplJesof choice are TllrT light and market &trang,Ca1itomi.. choice to extra choice milling,II 72Y.@1 75. Same qualIty shippiag,!l filJ@J 70, I..Uer an e:ltremc.

l'LOlnl--Demand good for local COli­somplioD. Market II strollg in .ymplltbywith the wheRt market, Locftl mills quoteestras ftt l~}i'o higher. Orllg<ln ftnd W..UaWalla brand. aro firm and quotable Ilt It 50@5 00, laUer for standard Orrgen. Late re­ceiptlof good Willi. Walla lOrd at ti 50 onwhllrf.

OATi-Nowel of feed reported. U.,kdTery dull.

CBle.lOO M.nET8.CBlC.lOO, July 9.

WBEAT-,' OIl', paid fo, A....'.DACON-Shon ril;) .idel, ,( 95.LARD-$6 17y' Isked for August.PORK-tO 12y' paid f.r Auplt.

NII:W' IO.I> .A.Kn-.NEW YOOK, July O.

WHEAT-In good demand ..ntI pricea Id-T~nced to $J 10@1 20 p" bu.

FLOUR-StrODg:.WOOI..-Ia quiet, Prices finnl)' held.nIDE~Qoict,

COTTON-Quiet.Whale and Il)trw oil, quiet.

II:~OLJSJB OO'M'Olf luaUT,Ln.aPOOL, Jul,. 0.

OOTTOW-In moderate inquif'J, whicb isfreely supplied. Upland•• GYed. Orlean.,7 15·UI.

Senlltor Sbaron WIUl not prellent duroing the ")>ecial BelIIion of Congrcu, henceit is l1llnounced that if he .ppliCtl for bitsalary it will be refulled by SecrtltaryBurch, unleaa the Comptroller of tbeTre&llury oroCMI it po.hl.

Au.IIman Liberal. hive lu8'ertd d.rColt in re<:ent electiol1&

A Poet'! Wife.

Ilaw m. Error.

The following incidenr. ia relatod oftbe late Judge Hanard, who, thoughsometimes irritable un the bench, re­gretted rpore than Ilny one cIllO his hutywonls and doods at such times. A younglawyer, since then elected to Congress,when 6 young mtUl just &ITived in thocity, onco laid some papers before thoJudge. He glllnced at them a.nd tossed'them back to tJle young lawyer.

"YOIlr Honor, what is the wit.hthese papers'" ll.8ked the lawyer.

''Theire not properly drawn up," snidIhe Judge.

uWhat is wrong about thom 1" theyoung lawyer inquired.

IlJf yOll don't know, I can't toll," thoJudge reaponded. uIf I h&d a tyro inmy office who couldn't draw up betterpapers than thOBe, I'd throw him out onthe sidewalk."

The wOrdll were heard by B crowdedcourt·room. Much mortified, the lawvertook his leave. A week afterward -hewas sitting in thA Mme ootl~r()()m, amIthe JudResaid: liMn __, WillYOllstepto> the bench ror a moment., if you ple&llCf'Tho gentleman did 80, and the apcct.a.torswondered what W88 coming, ULastMonday," the Judge began, lIyou laidsome papers before me, which I orrone­~UIlly pronounced incorrect>, and I actedhke & .coundrel. I am ashamed of it,and as I grossly insulted you in open~tl.-t, I want to tender you an Ilpologym open court. .1 beg your pardon."

•New Proverbial PI1IIOlIOptiy.

'Vhat cannot be cured must be en­dured, but first try Dr. BottiewaslJer'sMagic Liniment.

The hindmost dog mllY catch the hare,but never bet on it.

A drawing man will catch (I, "trawbat. .

A close mouth co.tcbCfiI no fliOll, but;nobody but II. dog wBDta to catch a fly il.bis mouth anywny,

.Better hnlf a lOll! dum u. whole dllyspent in idl('DeSll.

Belter an empty house thlW a ba.dtenant, untell8 yOIl mnke him lign a tightlea.llC.

l'? forget ~ wroni is t.ho best ro\'ongo,particulllrly If the other felloW' is biggerthan you.

Wale not tl brift c1otbes-hoMill in thejoints. not. th~ clonk «> mllke when itbegin. to rain, unlC$S ,'ou know ",11Crtl

JOu can borrow an um~rell11.

~ King's ChCCll8 b'OC8 half .,,·ay inpanll!t", because it is out of tho questionfor the Queen to be in the kitchen allthe time.--Cincinllati Enquirer.

11 il the pla:e of tte one introdlced toma\e Ihe firlt rtJDUl.

A Juot View.

Home KiDdDe88,

So numerous and shocking are the :\ .,iter In l'lt Lentlan :\lhen:l'um,poMible disabilities which :\ mnrrigngc referrin~ to the recent dnth of lhe wid·would entail upon n 8('nsitl\'e Rlhl Jligh ow of Wallcr Savage Landor, SiI)'S: "Lan·8piri~1 W(lmlln lInller the law of po, dor could nc\'cr rcalh' ftel lhat he waslygamy, tlUlt it. is hard to bclic\'c 11l1~'1 Did or genius: old; Ihis. yen' likel)'. is thewonHLIl ",'culd marry umler such cirelll1l- peculiar pri\'llegc 01 geniuJ!.sIAne'eR, exccpt when dupc\l b)' Il f/llse The good are Cl'er l'oung, sa,.!; M:uiescnliC ()f religious obliglltion. A pl1l.L'- de Melanie 10 Philip AuguSIU!!, in Dr.tienl c"illenco or the IOSH of wiCd)" ill.1{'+ :\bmon's fine pia)', BUI, unfortunatel)'.J"Cndenco i .. shown in the fAct Ihat. thr relt)' sirls,:ls a rulc, arc precisely lhoserightof do\\'cr hM already rn.'C1l nbolislll'c1 who nc\'er (',10 lake that \'jcw of Ulall, where n wife ill'S no claim Landor and his wife hall the inevililblewhate\'er on tho J>roPCrtf of her Jill!!' family quarrel! and made them up. In­band. lIenco hundreds of l< plUlll.l deed, seeing how little of Irue sympath\'wives" of mtln in comfortALlo circlllll- there ,,'as between them, they really seemstances do in Utllh li\'o lllono nml sup· to Jlave been, for a long time, exceedinglyport themseh'cll by their own ut1D.ll8istcd forbearing with f! other. Most peo­efl'ort& No wonder tho priesthood 1111\'0 pie who knew !\Irs. Landor as a )'oungfound it nccesaarf to teach the "'omen woman speak of her amiability and sweetthllt earthly Dlarriage is eIlSentilll to charm of manner. '1 mUlt do this littleeternal felicity I wife the justice,' said Robert Lander in

In Utah, I'l8 1\ partial remedy for the one of his leners, to say that I saw muchsocilll conflicts CAUSEd by thi!l infernal in· or her about three years arter her mar~fititution, m~rriAges can be dissolved by riage during a long journey throu~ht'ither party At fl nominal cost. But free France and Italy, and that 1 left h~r witht\\voreo is almost ecl"lLlly injurious to regret a?d pity.' An~ ~v~n Armitagewomen. .For if marriage is dissoluble Drown. In the letter Jusufylng Landor,n.t the will of the wifo it. must be cqunlly written ,to ~ando~ at I..a~dof's request,so at the will of the husLand. But, to and whIch IS manifestly bIased. speaks ofwomen marriage mellns maternity, h~r kindness 3?d, grac::IOU! hospitality 10mawrnity mcans a lifo dc\'oteU «> tbe hlmlelf. liut It IS a pity thilt women can­nurture and care of children which is a not, for .he comron of men who neverlife incompatible witbthe8u~S8orprose- gr~w old, rc~ai~ pretty girls durinl{ Iile.cution of any other industrial pursuit Shll, tbe ramlly Jars seem never to hneTo aU. moLber to earn the means of betn serious d1l1814. when Landor, con­IUpport ior henelf and her children is liderillg it n~emry to <I,eparl ~ro~ Eng.simply to uk bel' to do double duty, to land, and bem~ m~t With objections tobe in two placet at tbe samo time. As a ~he step fr~m ~.s ~lfe. a quane) ensued,rule abo cannot do both, The majority lD which ~.s Wife, In the prese.nce of herof men and 'Women, hAving in !.heir younger I.ster, struck bo,:"e., lmld of bl~wyouth Jittle or no aecumuJatod property, lhH was sur~ to rankle lR ~IS bre~t ulla married woman in moat cues mutt re- tb.e day of .hls ~eath; she tWIl1~Eplc~ru .•oein her support either from one man wllh tbe dllpan~y belw~en lhelr ages. Itor from the pubJic. If her is was .bsolu~eI1 Imposslble thai Landor.under a. pf'rm.uent ud exclu.ive legal whose paSSIon for youlb wa~ so ~tronJtand mONt obligation to provide that lnd 10 ~eep, coull! ever forgive thlsj hesupport, t.lm ."ife still remains an ind~ never did, They ,afterward, ,to be sure,pendent penoll, OOcaue she is a nner cilme together &gaIn, and chIldren werein the mAtrimonial firm. His :- rt born 10 them, but such uore co~ld never• j' bl I h ill P p! Y be healed. and, after Quarrels lnnumer~III 18 e or er Illle&j II aocumwaholUl .bl • - ~ I fi h d 11thif ah . h' 1.___' h e, .ldn.or e t er, at not a e per~

e 8Ur\'lve un, ~'\,lme ID part er suasions of such kind and considnate:i~d the remainder goes to her friends as he had could indo!:e him 10 lee

her again. The iaue o( the marriageconsisted of one daughter and three sons.The eldest of these, Arnold Savage Lin-dar. is DOW of !splc, Court, WaroNick..hlre.

Wily B~ Wu Io8aDe.

The JlldUlIi\rial E.hibitioD C:OD~m­

plated a' MOK'UW' iu 1880 baa beenpGl&pontJll Cor one y.T. Buaineea de­',...xm it th~ eaUlt,

Page 7: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,


J. A. e'l.'.uO,V.JJUIUG&Dlncll.ponfr ..4 0.)., I"


!!Ii.. lit P..... »........tla.~. 0 ..

'" a>= '"... '"ll!'=C) ~

~Ig=- '"~z=-. =~I£:C) == == =Moo00 (T)

W. call "I*'al alt.nflon fo OU, N.lIIand "'''eoted

2' Z "l' "l'. "l'•••••••,CUUI' 'r C:)21'

DAWLEY,OODD Ie 00.,PeitIe.., ......


Sol. Ag.nt, for the

BUCKEYE MOWER ~ REAPER,Tbe Leadln. ua"'UUa...ach.tne or Ibe World.

10 1arp • perlIoa ., til. 0 ...0raJa Cl'OpI of u.. P.ctI. eo-t ...... ftt ., til. ......r Ja'N ............. 01 Itli .wlteIer N4lUN ..,....•• to ClO1lriaoe Ilia ...t. _perledt'l .. It la too .en aU ........W7 ..... to __to It ..:: c::::::.~ or .II P .u 11_-

{'EI!Jl, E E M 0 NTH S~

Portland, : Orego.~


Will apare no paiDl orexptnse to make thia

bOil. t.he belt ho-tel in Portland.".U

New I. deta" ...d ~.....~••re. DI..rI:NCTl'TE• ....£«:111.· .a.a, aDd It ........... lb••

t11IPIOI !I8£SHU Of lIE IOBlD.n,.....••Iao ............_~""'",,",Ie .,ftr.Ia.., aU 1l&Ite Ia tenU':rtaa.... Ua.,. .... th GILt I'iIrdr..-. Dr III: It .......... 1NlIt~ 0...-u. WuJd,apn. ~ • .........u,~ ~t. 01 t1a. __tl7, ... t...........te ...w. e ...p ..... fbi'

Hal.Ea' (B.nulae) ".BLE BURED HUDa,Specially Improved for thl. Seaton-Ten or Twelve tNt out.

sou AlE"" FOR THE OLD f1EL1AallkhuQI•• F..... F..I,ht, .nd Spring Wagon..lud.b.II••••'0••, Studebaker 4 Spring HacuRegulator, Wind MUI., The mOlt complete windmill in ue.EIw.rd H......I.... Vastly superior '0 any other band biadIr

Harvester in m3l'ket Will handle lodged or fallen grain,and eIefttIit better than nny known machine of its class.

T.,lo. "'11I, 11.11... Self and\PIain.

.onllor and._ ...1., II.'gmes.

.... 'or ...,c~:, c........, ......... t:~, I PItM DeL

65 CEN'TSSent to our Office. we will send

The San Francisco


Spnd for eireular and !Sample ('opy. !Sent .'ree OD .pplle.t1oe.TERMS-WEEKLY 'HRONICLE, ~.60 p.r year; DAILY CHRONICLE

86,iO per yoor, pO!lt.age paid. AddreM(;IJI\I. De Youa•• ce., P.ltll.~en,


w. U. II INa.

Look Here.

'IRt:..\T HF.'ll":TlUS l\ IJllh':~';;

Ad'Van<.U Ma4!eou Coalillra_entll.

III WASIlISQTOS!:IT.. 109 Plto:,,>,. 8T,!kn "":IC:ltco. 1'01'11.,11I,

1DIll. OuBOllt"


Wholesalo nn,l lIetall Dealen In

General Merchandise IGood. [kilt by Mail 0,. WellA


Orders from the Country SolicitedAll kllY.hl ot an4 Sold

ur Sold OD Comml"IUD.


Wool Commission Merchants,

Centennial Block, the Middle StoreNo, 169ana 171jSecoll(l.St,

'D"'" Comstock &Pfluger,

lJlltrs promplly atUWtrtll. OJunlr, /'to'­ph WIll ra!'t 6y (orrtrpondinc ftll'h Ill.

IlOU:Am:,T'K tUIl Tilt: l;>olUVALl,t:O~T,\Sl)J\ltU "'HI t:~TE" ?'UIA~S,

IJ. ". I'Ky,snCt;" cO\In.-·\I~wtl.n't. ""1111


\·,nllOu.u, w. T.,

II nO.... m""UfJ.eI.urinl from the v'f7 belt IllAl.erial Intil, IIl.rtrol,oomblnll ",lth Iht !atoll Illll'/'OUlDtnWIn vulClllllalnlf know" to Ih, Art.

lUn> HUBBEll !I'rAUpS

~tY:I~~; ~t':r:nju\'~r;:~~t'~.d ~"r~n'l~lf~:Vl'"e:~hwtnted.

'I'hl' .r. Uti t1.u])OjllllelhOll 01 tdvetlilhljf for th,pro'.lona! nIln, man:htnl.oll, mtnufac:luren .lId lilt.chanlot, :,)f a1IIIUblic or pri.ate bUII,,_.

W. manufacture !btlnK, Hualn_ .lld Name Starn",.~~~~~:'.~~~;;cl";::,Ifl> !rpl Inti Sodtt7~,Alfentll W.rJled r Tr, lIt' 8'lIll for C.taI.Jw. r

C. 0, MASNISO.juHm H. O. FUNK.

Du.:UO:J:& .., :KZN'G,General .l;:entl,

Commilll!ion Inll "·or.ardlne }(t!rtbanlS,lal ..··v:::I~~~:T.tOc,,_ 41l ~__~~I~~~r:;'~JaI

Apeelt'atleQ!lon 11'1""0 to I~' 11>41, o( Wool.)'Iour, Of1l.lD aDd Produce 10 Porrlaoll.nd a.n" ...nlllaeo. reb II-1m

The Best Spring Medicine andBeautifler of the Complexion inuse, Cures Pimples, Boils,Blotches, Neuralgia, Scrofula,Gout Rheumatic and MercurialPains, and a:1 Diseases arisingfrom a disordered state of theBloed or liver.

,"n." H'" A'.• I. I)IU'tHH"rN.'1\11~lm

J' SIMON & CO.•l,..,", ill

lJoor)il, WilldO\fH, Ulind"! dUll GlaSAW110111'9. CURDS ""YO I'..u.zn,

In r_.1 "L...... t. "'••bl...I •• '* All'.r.... ,. PQRTU.ST'. I)lltoOY,

A Royal Gift.

A DI.Illnoed PolIce.

The pohce oeicers of New York atejust oow tbe IQbject of tome cnticiam.They ba•• bte1l clot", a C'tl' dtll 01Ie.trt cloblwnzl&ltl), oae 01 the ncti••btlng aetD1l11 bealrn to dC'l1h, T'beThne also faUen IDto d nee bKaue 01tbtlr OmltltOQ 10 aa, dew u towb. mordmd Mrs. HolL Th. 1llt1·men of thl' lad had bten robbtd, and1ft they n ltcted wbat woo.!d OCCQf tothe OrdUllfJ mind as b:u'i tbe iii'll tpi.the diJcba'le ofth 'Ir duty, yt.l, to rebin the pawobroke • hops to l.ICettIin IIthey had come IIltO on of theproperty and from whom lhq- ObtalOed1I_ A reporter d tbe lJoslon Herald,with more Agaoty. having read a dacrip.lion oltbe artlclet itolm, instil.ted tbekiod of sea.rcb which the New York poo.lice had omlUe.d, found .bere Inertlnhl&bles belonaing to Mra. Han at thetime of the murder had been sold. IndthrOUlh the informatioD thas obtainedwas enable to track and cOile the urest.of the murderer, who had .old or pledRcdsome of the stolen jewelry to a New Yorkpawnbroker. which fact the New Yorkpolice onl, ascertainetl afler the Irrutedmurderer had made a confealon,

Quam Victoria', p~nt. t.o the Em­poror nnd ElIlJlrc8fl of Gernu,"y on theoccflsion of their golden wc,.hling wtut IL

beautiful IUP,jolic'l tmy t.wo feet. in diam­eter, described M follows: The is compoacd of gold of lIucll ricb­nesll that. the CUl'i1l8 Ilml floral emblems,which 11r<l ,minted au nnlurol, look I\.S ifL1lcy wel'e raised. on a bnt:kground o£bellton gold, Tho ccn~ral port .£ thoplatcllu ill fill(,l(l with tho armlJ, on aepar.lltc oval shield!, of tllo Em)cror andEmpre8M, surrounded by the huporilllcrown. '('he bonier i3 CODlllOBCd of n

,. f C 'd lid' I.' r C1n:ul&l1 Uld olhtr Inrotm&tion nprdll'C' ttHI Woolwrcatu 0 IIpl S 10 Ing gar anWll 0 M&rkt\".&mw.eo.Iolt.JlPllcUklntotlllrPorU&ndIJ~•orange 80wcn I.lId myrtle tied togcther l" ...:m;.~II;.;.I;m~ ':wit.h t.urquoi.!l ribbon!!. These &eem to Ii.pring from. """ted Cnpid ~olo.., bold· Benson'o Capclneiog ill biB nnn•• t••let, 011 whicb ;" in· "~Poro u~Plasterscribed the date, "IUNI 11, 1879,"while in the ccntro of tho wrcoth abo\'eare entwined the initials "W. A.," A 'Vonderful Remedy,,wnted in forget-me-nota and roseI.- re k no -P&rl-l "'Weal II &ad lhe 00llI

N. Y. Peel ow~~,:.r:~ 1~:J:.~i:J -lr=y I.llll lb. -e&Ufd el....rk:LI aoo:J.-. I

Lal.. II..... medkb.1 t1tmellt••blm"h, com....oa willil rubbtt,.-. UN molt u&nordl..,.,-

~;.::~~:~~;~".=l,~:aur~r.rt&ei..::a.'W'::;"~:~~~~eedQour~~~n:.rli ..'2r~~c\ Coqh

~:,&=~I'J:~~~~~pt=-~'o olber 80ld h, all dnJUiN rno. t5 1*1-'

l'l:~'::I~.:'~, b, tMabllr1~~~, II

II In IlllIk'"1f aUl I,urcb_' or I_wrIU... In re....wtfl tt,! a.7 ruIYerU""• ••• I. 'hl" I"'pt!.r )'nu .1l1 plf'a!Ole ".n.lIou 'be 11.,..e.f tbe paper.

DAVE YOU 'l.--'lU::


8...."'"1 T"~.I" Y".f1I.II 1 ha\'f\ Buffered for twentr ytan

wit.h itching lllld ulcemtcd piles, havingused every remedy that t:8mc to my no­ without benefit., until [ urtetl Dr.Wilham's Indian Oint.ment and receivedimmedinoo relief,"

J.uu:s OUROLL(An old miner) TecolllB, NC~Bda.

If you are b'Oing to Jllunt. your bou3e,barn, WIIl,"01l or machinory, tho wonderfullmperi'lhl\blo Mixed Paint is Ilurelyt.ho bo8t, for it L. warranted by their"gent.8 in your own town not to chalk,crack, peel or blisterj t.o cover lIettor and"o,k Ulilllr thlua RO' othllr pal III, TIIII !mPtr.l.habl.l"aln\ .1. "ward.d the nr~t premium,0911r ILl I otbllr plllnl.ll, At tbe CIiUroral" 8t..te'Illr, 1m. nUll till' Quill Met.lal at the O~r:onI:4I.&te ".Ir, 18711, U"t a circulAr from their"lCea~which Illl, .tllld~rrull1t~l.­ery, -JT)' tu" plIlllt 11011 )'OU cenalll')' .ouldb".eDt)olh.~'~"-:__-: _

ne n '1'1'110111 Inl, '''.In••I, h Dr. ..... r.....7 IU•• lWIll" .... ",........"., bl.lelllrd.IIr .llIItrwlJle l,h'.II.IIN co..plr.I."" ".1'"lin Ille filllll.I"AI.arm"nrll-1Il1l1 I,. ",..III Ilorl\lin .I"d "lUll 1111 UIP. .tll,"etI of th·.lInl ~.I·

'."_111I111 h "1'11..1" 1,'1 III .." p.11I1I ",,11.11,.',IlWr.f't .""",- "'111,"11 h belli .f IIU. "'1111 ""11

~I~::~II:~,~I:,,~~r~I ..:"1Ir-'::'·PI~~~~~, ,!ll.~C~.,...". 11IfMId rarJAu. by 1« a"""1 tll,,*,l·tle"aJlla. p"~,U.., .....m.'''. "II 1,IOltllt••,"", "Ir.. "".m 111I" ~1i'n.I"II" IIIlIIat p ....... aa"rb'e-IUI.f' 11.1 ."d b"IUI...., ."nilltlll adnalrrll b, IlIItl fa'r ""'x.

'a a'ae rll!ltll •• t .f",up 1....t:•••IL•••·.llhand C'"I"rrlI p'urrtd .....11I ".d orl.I••le I.Ibtl !j1••" ..1II ." Mow,I... .........,', ...ra••a."",,1 r.rlau h" 4:trlallll,

'l'be 1argeIt cultinted "hoat. fnrm unit globe it Mid to be the Grondin farm.lit ,.,. from the town of Jo'argo, Dakota.h embra.cea lOme <10,000 acres, both~,nnDtnt. and railway land, ami tics.. to Uie Red ri~er, Divided into.., part., it hu dwellinlfll, granaries,llIdaine Ihope, elevators, "tablcs for 200~ and room for Itoring 1,000,000....b of g.-in. IIeoid.. lb. wheal-. t1.erc ill IL dock rarm or 20,000... III scoding time, IeYenty to ei~hty

.. Ire ('lIIployOO. !lud t1urins 11I,,'v('llt150 to 300 IDf'n. Seeding beginll IlboutApril 9th !lud continu(,'. tltrough, and ill done very M)'ltclIl&ticall)',Ute llIachilletl (ollo..·ing one IlDothe.r-ntl IJll' tielll tIOlUO rour rodll "purl.OIwnl; IW.l;illll lllJOUt. Augu t. 8th 1.11I1... the lorcllllrt o( ~lliU'lIIbfr, .ut>~ by tho thrPhilllt with flight.... thraMhcl'lt Aflt'r thn&"hillg, the"\blo grolllld ill 1)lowftl with J{n'Rt...., dnlwn hy lilretl hont'tltltul CUllins;Ito furto".... Rllll tJli.,lJO('a on until....t. ~o\'eIllLfor lilt. 111t'r" tlr many..... Iarg~ faraaa in the T('tTitory, '111e, yi Id of the l)a~OI" wilt"" f.. ttil• hi. "wentr CO twent.!·(iye buah I... krt._ pirh of KI.I11tM,

~ Co.~ of Son lJ"wl. I'....... to the UniUMl StaLM • ( u-

nl IUpr aod tob&cco .pin t aur... pnxIUC'LI 01 dae I(u~r COUll"".

-~ I'UDU&1 OnUoo.

(loI. Rob<" I noll d i.tft<l lb...... toU(hin .ddrtM at the fu.neraJ"I» broth«, II... Eboo . I~I,...itd • [e" • U .JK'e in \\' Ing....

Du.a .~lliC'[I8: I am g 10 do.. • hid> tbe ,I I ort p""" ioN be-'d 1Io ror ,

The lo,fd a,ni.Il .' In 'lr6lht'T',bu I ~.f.tDrr (ritlld. ,betl WM manhoo.:l.

.~ .ll'AOlt toa b noon, &nJ .bil~:'"aUdO.... luU',n're ( liang to... ttl the

we;- _llIot I ..I l·tl hr.' high..-.,... :one Utal runks the highctt l"IOint;Mit bftDg WeAI"- for. mom nt, be laiden by tbe WIIy.atJe, and. twna- bil bUl'­.. fot' pillow, fell into thaI. drMwlw

Lbt' down bit ~yelid.a Itill~il. yet in lo\'C!I with life, and rap­tared with the .·otld, be pauotl to~ and pathetic dUll

Yet, after all, it tnl'Y be best., JUIt. in~ hlppiest, illonil'St hour of all the

wbile eager winds M'O kiMing~ill to duh again.s' lhe UnJ(lCnrock. Iud in on iU!lumt bear lhn billowsro&I' ,oo,'c l\ liUllken Ilhip. f'or whet.herin mid«a or umong tho urellkcn of thofarl,her shore, 0. wreck nL 11111 must. marL:\he end of cnch Rnd atl. AnJ C1'crrlife, no rnl~ttcl' if ita overy hour is 1ielltUh !QV(,', "ml evory moment jeweledlith a joy, will, at it.8 close, become Q.

trag!dy 1\8 IULJ luul deep nnd dllrk M OUl

be ..oven of tho wJrp nnel woof of tIlys­tery and dCllth. Thill hrtl\·., ami touderJD&D in every Htorlll of life Willi ook amir'Ofi i but in the SUl1Sllir.o he Wi\., vineIlld dower.

He WlUJ tho fdond of llll horoic tlouill.lie climbed tho heights, lind left Alllilpel1tition far below, ..",uilo 011 hillfoft!he&d fellihe golden llav.'nillg of tbu....derd.y.

He loved the bcnutiful, and WfUI .....ith• f';'rID, and DlUliIic touched to tears.H. ~ded with tho wea.~, and with awilling baml b'IWO .lms. Witb loyalMlI't and wilh tho ,)uren lllUlda he fait.h­fUl1 diJchafl:,.w. all)lUblic tnlllt.,

He WAI Go wOr'llbil>per of liberty, nfria of t.ho oJlpl'C83ed, A thousandIzuI I have heard him quote thesewardI: "-For jUltioo all plAces" LCmple,ad alllIC&lIOnll Summer," Ho belio\'oo~happinCIIJ wu tile only good, rcaaonde only torch, jUltioo t.he only worship,bllWlit.y the only religion, antllo\'c theaa11 Illiett..

He added to the IHlIIl'of hmrum joy,lid were every ODe to whom ho did a10\ ing &er.ioo to brinK" blOMOIIl to hiapve he would sleep to-nigltt amid uwildemeal of flowers.

Lil. ia a hArrow yulo bet.ween tho coldad barren veab of two etcrnitit,'s.We Itrive in nin to look beyond t.ho.,btl. \Vo cry aloud, tho ia the echo of Ollr WAiling cry.1rom ~he voictllcaa lil)fl of tllo unreJlly... de.-d there cornea 110 word, hut indie night of death hope secs a' RlldlilkninR love can Ilear tho rustle of 0.

~ ,..He who sleep!! horo, WhOlll 'lIlg, 1lI111'

tliiug tho approach of death (01' tim no·km. of health, whillperOll with Ili!l IMtbreltb: HI nm better now,"

Let Ull believe, in Ipite of doubtH Ilndl.... of fcal'!l nnd teRna, that t.hf!80'*" woros are true of all the colllltleSll4<od.

And now, t.o yOll, who hnvo beendlolen from "mong thn mUlIY IlIOIl hoioTed to do t.he last 8lI.d office for thl)dead, we give hia sacred (htllt.

Speecb cannot contain our loYl\ Tim",~ Utero ia no gcntler,IlLrollger, Ulllnlier....

Dotota'. Great Wbeat Farm.

Page 8: ren is - WA Secretary of State · f' &,., & ~ &(& ~.. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~"""""-".~.....--, &-.-•..... ~.... \,
















U. S. Mail Steamer01 SPA T C H,

Con'tanU, on Hand the

Ohoicest of Meats

A !.AnGE STOCK 0,·


Pioneer Bakery,POlrf '1'O"'XSJ=:~D, 'r. w.

(;A..··rA.lll' IIOl'lRU£,

WltIll'lnfl Port Townsend f1't ryThu~IIlY mOrtling, atlline o'clock, (,If

Ban Juan and Lopez Islands,8ehama, 8emlahmoa and

BaamlshHctllflllllg 011 $atll"IAf ncol,,&,. Will

.110 IcuePort Townsend for "'ee8h

E:3Y, and way porta011 II. r utornill/;" .t ulne, rdurtlluJ

"fue.dar, 1


Ve..e~ble•.AI80, CornCfI Beel RlId Pork, Smnkf"11

MClltJ!. Pork .ml lJologull!:JAlI.;Inges,Hend CheellC, 'I'rlpe, ltc" &u.



Whl('11 "to Olll4le tit


Opposite Wa'hfneton Hots!

The Lowest Rates for Cash.


~rchal dis

Consisting in p rt of




Oompany's Express

Facilities for Purchasing Inthe Leading Markets are

Superior to any.

I(eep t01/.stalltllIon Ifctlul




Foreign &: Domestic Fruil(;A.NUlESo





We have al,o OPened a Flr.t-el•••

RESTAURANT,And wlll8en'e the ImbUe with Meals

to order at all houl'lJ,(U,"E U A CAI...L.

tV OppnlIlte Celltrnl Hotel. hrad 0Uulon wharf

POUl' 'l'OWN8EXDI W. T. (8

Nonce or ADDllcation to Purcbase Tim·ber Land.

We will (j'i've altd take Exchange 011

SAN FRANCISCO AND NEW YORKAt the most Iiibe1'al Discount.




STl't:o STATf.:s.1DISTRlOT LA. U o.'neE.

CU)I1'IA. WA.8111NGTOS TE.·Y.:N'ot\oo I~ ht!Nby jrtt'CIl thnt, III colII~ll.

au\'e with tho rro\,\jIOIi orthe Act o(Con·Ilft'aenpproYCf, JUlle 3. I is. entltlt.'d "AnAct for the pic or Timber Land! In thoStateurCnllrorula. O~n, Nuadl\ .m)Wl_hlngton Territory. WIlIlI\OI PIIJlle,orCI.l11un count!. Wu.hlnKlOll Territory,11M tlllt (I11y1Unlln tbk ofllOe hit applh:a­lIoll to PUrclllL~ the Jo;f~ or ~w~ o(!e(.'­lion No. 28, In 1O"nlh p No. at 'North,JUnge No.8 welt ot the WIIII.mctteMerldlln.

Any andllll personA clnlnllng Idvcraelythollal() t1CfK;'l'Ibt.od IRIIlI. or MIl1 portionthereor,lIrc hereby I't'flttlretl to llIe thclrclall1ls In this oflloo w tblu elxty (001 lin)'!(roDi date hereof.

0lv6n limier Illy hllnd, at my oRlce. InOlyml1"l. W. T., tb" 18th dll)' or JuneA, D, 1870.

J. T. BROWS",19:10 Regllter O(tlle Land ORlee.

c;'. D. QlUO.u;, A. A, THO.'"....Ie Regllltlr.t

Klr"io, SAu...

Gihnore & CO.,ellI9 F at.WAIHINCTON. D.C

WILL PRAC"fICE DEI·OR'; "fIfEGeneral Land Oftk'Cl office of Itltil:m Af­(llirs. Dep:lrtmellt o( the Interior, theCourt or Claims. 'lId UIIIlc\J StAte! Su·preme Court, Cllllln! or all kinds llrl!lnguntler laWi gm'crllilli the dlil)()!.1 or pu~lie land, or the f1IUuJlmcnt or lo"nJllch, \8palll~h, .lId Mexh.'Il.1l JrfBntl, Ot ollterpriVAte laud Clllhul. 8pecl1l1 IItlemloligiven ttl CIlllell Irl\'olvhlj{ titles to Krulltlands ""1.1 mlnlllll cllllml. '.!lull wllr.rants uml hlllli lIcrlp bought. ClUlh I)Rldrf'lr soldiers' 1Ll1111tloll holllettClU.I r1ghtl.Semi W"lIp lor circular or InSlruct{oll"Thf'C(l8L1UII/J5 til pR)". polllllgt' If you WMlItftllllet o( b ankll .ud Inltrut'tlolls.

Wells, Fargo &


Furniture, Lumber, Doors, and Windowll,W.1.GONS, 0' All T"iud8 (If Blliltliu rl J1Ta'/w'i"l

FlU'Jning ltnplemenls, Saddlc/'v, !S'l!.And will Sell

CHEAPER l!'OR CASH,Than any House on Puget Sound



Jot,.!llAnI( It

" OJieI''' to

JulJ to" ..Au••

!cpt 10•• OJ""

Jnl,.lllAuI'••....8eflt 11






'l'he~Jlteam!blplleaViVictorilltl.t noonOl! III\! Illl)' ad'tlrtl.'lCl.I. 'f1Cklltil are good('Illy 011 thtl !tetlmet ror which they arePIII'\:1LlIsed. 1I111I11re 1I0t tran!ferable.r=",ra Irtlm Port Towftlllld to San Francisco

Firat Cabin. SilO.It••rag. SIO

!hhetlon III Fretght. - lJerethe.r therl'f'l~ht!! whIch. II! per larln'. haft been fOjlet Inn wiD bet'h'rJN It ~ I"r too,:'7 From and .ner thlJ date 1111 BAG­

(;.\I'}>:: of ruxet Sound pll.~II~", by P.)1. S. S. Co'. J,teamen wb VIl"toria. will~. lIt1t~r emtom UOUK lUI. and willX0 r loe fubJf..'Ct to eSlltDhulllon by Ctll'tom Jlou!e authoritle!l III S~1l Itralll':lico.

For rrelght or P"JPae apf1y on boI\nl,or [0 U.'... 1' UnAL~1

General Agent. (or Pugct Sound,Port TO\lfIl;:eIll1.

1,1.00 t..-. PETER. lU()KlE, COXJLUCDlta


The .plendkl lWewbMl

Stecc1tlsMp DAKOTA2100 Tone. n. G.IIOasE, CoIU.UDIR,

WH.1, LEA\'~ ON' TJlE DATES mill:"lwr mentlonetl:



:So. :Slime 01 Lotht'e I'ottotrk'e Lodge Delllr' ..or..-ard .•.•. ~mltlt1ll1no ....Annle t:"''mlgI ~uun' Adana••Uollk!ndaJo. W A Xct·.rlanil

: ~;:'~:)'::::·.::~l,~~~~~~);::::::~~ ~b8'~1ift l'!lRtlle 'Ot..t1kl Jobn Wefilier'1 t~"llIh!\ .••.••.•.. l'aIRII"....•.. Jill Mel\lInlMt8 Etlrekll WIlIIA W.UJI W P lI.rlOfti. nJulln SIInJolln .... Rll,..TJWfe.k~10 It'llllnu:'0II1 )itnfllf. S II X.MlnIi Jt:~l'I!On orl To..n.H:nll •.••.. S J) nluIII l.tldlow ....•. Port I.nalvw•••... Lew" Pooill

:~ 1,1f~~II~~.:::~~~~~;.I;r:,:~~:::~~I. ~,~,~u:~11 .·Ol<lnloln Tenino.•..••... 8 N \Vltk"III U\Connor .•.•. J.. Cnnl1'-r ••• , ••rw Ill1l1fOOn19 flhllketll"IC,u'tI •• Porl )11111111011 .. 0 McDcnnolh;~I ~rlll~~~'fo'r:.· ~.~~~l';:~n:::::::~I\) :II~:~~'loi 1'\\ CaJk"'lIl 8 8 JOIl~,:,lllOllCOtI., ..Sew t1unll'Cl1l1tli1.....•;S I'nctu~r

1111 orhlllt Whlto Uh'cr ... AlN 0 \\'lltlcl·nc'l ,\lTfItI..... Clm'" T Ih1l11!l'y411l:olfau .•.•.•.• COlfllJl', ••••••••Atlrllm W\ilOer

OUIOt,lnJlYA.,liIF.S. O"YlCU, P.o. A.UDRFJIll,:-. I). lilli, . G. , C. T. I'ott Totm8l!lltJ w. TSlott I. t: ~I,·ct1 Ii W \' T ..••SCnltltl. ..W II Uo!Jerhl..1i WTreml .. I'ott Tetwn;tenll ".\lIcn Weir (l W flcel'r .. l'orl Town-end ..100 S I·nrlor ,.(; A SOOI·)·..... I)I)·IlI\lln. "t·. Kcnnedr..O SJll\' Tum..•. KIlmllchle••,Ito\' n J Shllrp..G 1..111\1' Whltu niver, l<

W Jl:olktllt ......G W )I!,r (;tlUllCVlUe, "Bliti. Uc.\lmond ..H U M .••. UlIIl/fcnCM, ..Shu ,\ M Irlntlil .• 0 Ullllrlt, .I'·t 'l'owuB6nd 'I

Jno II (,'lIrr r. )IUllilOtllCcr ..•. 1A)Il!lz, ..E Cl\lvert G Sentlnol , 8eflttle. ..W. ItA)'bould ..G. (,;'Ollll :s.ut\lwo. D C



U........D utDUE u;-;A."nl~GTO~ ."D IBBlTL'U1 ('OI.I:•.8IA.

lind tl,er, Wert no churclies with"hi('!l tl) conn.ct tbeolsel,es. How

10lltt bt:fore they "auld "ant to reolU III to tho "pleasur.s o( lin (or.Sfll5ion." Right h"r" the cbureb be·gin! its work or training tbe loul"in tho nature antlsdmonition of theLord." So "be:l the Good Tem·pl.r ttlke. tb, pledgel b, i. but GO·

tering the primary department of Il

school in wbich he is first instructedill the rudiments, than in tbe most!I(]nnced principles of tomperllnce.

p~1rI' t~ y:!', 'lllllions, auJ debate!!.U" Ihci!lo melllS a li'-ely is"r~:I1"J aul111ll tained. So one re­luru (rolll II sC'"i!lioo 1'fithollt feeling

1I,NI':dh' lhlllrfiu('cJ. Each carriesaw:&\' ~UII:: lIun' tbought or sugges·

tion' whirh comrOrls Ind stimulatesbit ht!itl~. In l'.,~ry ht!lrl is born" zeal to lend Il belpiag band inrll8cuing the r.llen. In nery 80ulplnul_11 a 110\1' tcmpcTance l1;crmwhicu will bl05so111 forth allli ballrlhe preoious fruit of sobriety, frugal­ily, oud happines!!, and nil aro Jeu tothink, as ~Iiltoll hall well said: UOh!IIlluluu to tLink use of stronge51\,inrs and strongest drinks our cbiefsupport of hClllth. when God, withthese forbidden, made cboice to rearHil Tlli~hty champion s~ron8 abovecom~).Ire, whose drill!.': ,,"3S ooly fromth. liquid brollk." Ag~in, many1.~lg"s prtpue drlllllluic utertain.,"Cllt" (or IIID l'uLli~'. Support.d bybUlIlp. ,alent, lhfly lire I"rllely andIih~l'Idly ;Jatrollized. 'l\'mpirancetruths Il' prflllentN] Wilh drllm31icvi.,ic1lleu. BeprtllClllatiullsof drunk.e UlltU Illldllb8,infln\'1:' IU'~ so truth.lully picturedilull IhC' lIIind~ (If "II aredecllly imprellltd. WIIl~1 Il tVlIIlJor·"TIC, educltor might be tIl'l aotorllllli c.'.uicaturilt if :bl!ir ,hilitiel weremrt"~ (or thi".u,e. O".o(th. Snbordinate Lodie DirectonmOIl. impnssi1'O temperance leuonlis ;::iven '-11 the famous Fl1Inl> Uenrdill his "chllk u,lk." ne dra.~ dUI

oullin,., of " huy tnkin!: hi 6r16tI;la~s o( lil'Juor at tho hltr. Th"lI,withuut eli. ullin): Ihe outlines ~Iro.d...

drawTl, hI' qui(·kly lIdds murn Iinoswbieh trllOI(orms the hnYI a~ if bymllgio, illl\> an old lot. YIIU e~1I ~oe

th6 boy a man-but wlllt a wteek.

Our order has acuip,t>d U1u,.h forth'Jood of humanity. Dut it IlhtlUIcinot be content wilh wha.t hua heendone, or the Iltilldard thllt has beenattain.d. "Ther. are hoiR'hts hft.\·ondthe beiihta," thltfl .re posllihilitielbe(nr. h .. au instructor, whidl, ifrSllliud, .iII m.k~ it 0118 of lb,mi~hti"lt ",nll in ,h. pro,;""ss o(

the SliM. In tbe third- plllC"', ourlodge ,urn. mighty mor.1 inRuenuThe life o( a Good Temdl., hf';l;nS"ilh a oompl.te renunciation of Ii·I'Jllorl a, a bueraR" He tlltC'1 rh pl.d~. or tot.1 .bsti,,,',,•• SUMMER ARRAMCEMEN'.froOl the,I.le, Ilnd u!le

of Itimulants. B..#inuill~ "ith th(,lI8sterll. thouJth kind, autpiccl, he findshis path ,tre"n with blo.loms ofkindu... o( the rar.llt beauty anddchl'.t (raRrano.. Kind (ri.nds Iftl'lain him with Imilet .nd·ment. About him il tbrC'wn a great lJA:<f "RA~Ct600. PT. 'tOW.IUo. VICTOau..

t.nlpe'lne. Ibifld. wbich, if con Ai It·ently u.od, will prottet him a~JliRlt

all th. adroitly throwll mies.ilu o(bi, .nemy. The !olurphy morenllmtaDd tbe lIIany otb., t.mpe:r:ul(·e reoformll before bi, tiD'l., hue raCCllIlIplilb.d uAtold «000. Th.y llU pre·Hoted the horrorl of int"mpenncl!that m.ny p., to .i.11tb, ple<4:' Ina to Ii.. a lob"r Iif, went tb. poor wuk inebrillte. burden.d ,..ith I n~w ,"!Ill.IU.lion added to the many pro.,iClulll~

broken, into a b.anlf's" worlll flf finand temptation, About 111m "11.1'6

thrown no brotbtrl, IIrms tn "'Itchlilt! keep. .0\1.. ! too often hili .p'p3tiiO mute red bitn, .lId he 1I.;Illin

f.lI, unphied, perhaps, and liner 10

bl! r.deemed. 80w Jill'err.llt i~ thewurk of the loogtt o( Guml Templar•.The phn1i' is not the oml. It i. onlytb. Itep in • lif, o( temp.r:lIlCf1. Af·htr••rd, tbe Toice bf'cOlllt!l (amiliarwitb imlnort.1 temperauce llncbillgl.

Grlldu:llly .ro thtly incorl)()... tod illtohiil we', uill.llee. LonginJl lo n·turn to bit old si. at lallt die~ mH.In shurt, bG is lut'd, plucked u abrand ftom a blnin, lir., Ollr ('Irder is to temperance "hill Iho oburchi~ to.. rttligion. .&len In.y bo Chris·,i." .,,~ belo"Il'ono churoh, mo· 01I EESE FA. 0TOR Y"i~. nl.1I may L. t(,llli .hstal.illen _~IIU b. members or 110 tCllIp4IrltliCe CHIMACUM, W. T.,IIllt'il'ty. SllOh e~c('ptiullii, ho ... .,ver, 'Vm. UIAhop 'Pl·Ol)rlotor.

dIn It militate .ulI.illst 11111 nncc"sitv ~,. We O\lrctw.'t'!O lobe'FI,~~ • Cia••; In ihctlL 11 ol'Ullerlor lluaJlty 10.0)'

II( the cburch or ltmlte,:lltf'(t Hrt!:rni. III 111.1 IIl1lrktll... 1.I···r: 1'b ' -'- ,.. M &o ..8

Z",IIl.lllI. "lOW IUslguhlcauL \tOll U '" i - •

tbe "orll: (,I( our eUIlJ{eli II if the AdlJreMAU orders to Wm. BISHOP., ,,!the.. PUIIT LtlDWW _ POIt1' Tg,,,',,.

converls Itood a.ou( (ruUI eacb otber, SOD. lilt



'l'ALRS 011 'l'i>MPER';Il:J::,


Our Ixlge hnlt duublf' miuion:

I. ,flTUIS" ITIlt:I.I'.

Here it bllil 110 100la1 ill811ent"e in·ra!cul.ble. Cities allJ I.rlte 10..,n5mllY not as gre.tly lI~fld lIucb hl'llJsto th. aoei.llif.. Uut wtf'r,f WillllZOwhich has. lod~p, wttll stl5l1illed. illble~..d beyond d~Striplion. A t"I'Ill'

plete soci.1 re1'OIUlinn has takenplae.. Th. 5On••nd (Jlughter& offumcrI, who before hilt! intlul"~t!

their uwn inclinlltion., and, th.,re·

fOri, bad enjoyed f,,, advtllltllgcli 01

,oci.lllltt'rC(IUr8f', Ire o(tln brOllihltogeth.r io tbe work of the h.dG'.In thil.a, i. culti,,,,,d tho true.the p;ooJ••nd tha heauti rul in tbeirburt I. J p.nonal kllo_led"eo( thllS biltury of .ucb a loJ"e. Be·for, it wu organlz(!d the bor' wholonged for society, were wont tolounge in the h01l1 durin" the !ona"inter "".ninjE.. l'bil b.bit "II in..,.riabl,. (allowed hS another ruinoushabit, tbe use of liquor5. A lodgf'l"" organized. They were imlucedto join. hi bnutiful thnujEhu andprinciple., cnrubined "itb their pl-.s·ant .ocial relationA, J:"'Idullly roorl!dout of tbeir mind••1I10oJlinKI to rn·tura to the old life. UOntli ihouldbe aboTe all a plac. where in tho(ulltlt m....ut. dw,lI. eon6d.nce,', and Ion. Hnw (.wtruly reacb this ideal. SUPPO!ll.hom. witb e'en tho.. alint"ges,Are the,. enuurch? No. The IOnand daughter .bould mingle in othersociety. EApecilll, in will_j[f'S ourorder has a grend lOCial influence.It luimulace. the people, impro..ea1'000 maUD'rs and .fforJ, I recr.:tl.iouitnperatiw,l,. dem.nded. Wben w.unit. in our itt.piritt,ir ternpe .... nc.

IOngl, not onl,. 10 m.ny hellrts bealin unilOD, but. grellt .!flIp..thizin~temperance HntimellL ailently pleatb

with w.ak hum.nity to firmly,..nounce alleKianc. to the ugod m.·lighn." In the ..coull phlc,. ourlod,. hIS. h'arll:ed inteliectulil influ·.oc.. Unlike mallY O:ther orglni1.lf,.tioaa,tc doel Dot .tOI) ",ilb soci:allt,..Norbll it a mere Dlg.ti" illt.lI'CIII~1

power. h i•• potiti'e etlUf'lllor.Wbile il". itl rich Ind ,,10'"iDa id.... it ,lie:t.• the biliU thought.of ill lIIemblr.. Tbfll y"UII&U .:on·

lrib.te declamationl, recitations, di........ ud Iiolin.. Tbe older pre·

II)' I~llll t·, ~ ·urrr.1The mission .of our glorious Mtler

is u.s ....,ilic u the ,.urld, 1I1l11 a2i fnr·ro.ching as the evil ,,,hich it com·bllts. Our principles tolerllUl COil'trariet., 'o( opinions, hilt dlllllnnJ

unnet1 ser.ic~. They are ia the h.'Il'derest sympathy with tho t11'5f111f1~

be.rll, bleeding b..caUSI of 6lron~

drink; but wag. an .ttrn.1 wu

~.illst e..err 'iclloy of the rumtraffic. W to do 1I0t crmtclld with

person" bltl wilb .. pla,!:ue whosBIOru and ulcers .0 di~liJluro thp.bod)' politio thlt, ulllrs5 rhflckol!,I111hlililen goveruulIlIlt lIIult 1il)tll~ lim.b.l.leslro\,ed. To luch a rmngs:lc

lut no on; 10 lIe Ilrllffl!d, Lut.nbt.)·ill' lhe loud ~1I1l flr cunlOr,iencI·."itb", 11'11I trult in tho u\'vrt't1lil1~

powl'r of On,J, Jlladly \·j,lnlltr'flr.Much miscouceptiun uiSIS as to theIl"tute, objcoll, lind I~"I iulltlenc<'or Ollr orj'lI.lIi1.atiun. S<Jm. thillk itunnece_rYi .00l~ declare ihH·I£Jlrtll

puerile; albers d~mlullee Ilf Jimpl~'

iKollre it, b,C,U4(l uf lupin. ilulilf... r·.oce III the c"rrible IrlHh!l IIf i111 ... m·per.nce. Wt!J desir'll !hd Mil wl10

r••d and think shculd kllOw illl truemigaioD. We ftl.1 cnllfidflnt th.t i(thasrand work which GOllcl Tum·fila,. ..,..'no" t1llinK, lIud mirlfht .1".witb'b. help o( IIthllfi who pro(el>lIt.mperane. principJu, WI' lIoJ,.r·llood, a ..ietor,. o... r intemp"rll.llceia tI. Uoited SIlICI cuuhJ be,"ily

, h" MIII"I... or 'hf' IACtI'fI .r oOOfl T...III.MI.

,."._ •••• ,,1.lh.' al,elh 111... "1'1,,11·bOrdrlu....

