reflections: district 82 midyear update

Streamlining Processes Education New Initiatives District 82 Mid Year Review | 2015 Page 04 Page 27 Page 16

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This is an insight to what went on in District 82 in the first term.


Page 1: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

Streamlining Processes


New Initiatives

District 82 Mid Year Review | 2015

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With years of experience and growth, some of our expenses at

the district have grown. This year, on common consensus, we

have decided to negate the expenses driven towards some

flamboyant district events and practices and eliminate un-

resourcefulness while we divert those funds to better every

member’s experience.

Bigger budget but different spending focus.

Having created a mark thus far in District 82, we now aim to

reach out to the most deserving – the students and the youth,

who can benefit from our wonderful movement and capitalize on

the excellent program we have early on & to anyone and

everyone who wants to overcome the fear of Public speaking.

Reaching out to remote areas and aiding sick clubs is one of the

top most priority this year.

With empowering, out-of-the-box and customized training

programs for our leaders and member’s and an increased

budget to promote Toastmasters, Open New Club’s and sustain

the sick one’s, we wish to transcribe the potential of the ME into

the WE.

This year for the first time we are introducing procedure’s to

various programs. I urge you to look at these as guidelines that

are developed to make your toastmaster’s journey more

pleasant because you now are guided by some principles and

need not reinvent the wheel. Think big, Innovate and be bold

but remember these guidelines.

“To make the universal Toastmaster’s brand, a common

brand in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka and outreach ourselves

into the 2nd and 3rd Tier Cities.”

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Streamlining Processes


New Initiatives

• Outstanding Area Director/ Division Director Awards

• Golden Gavel & Golden Gavel+ Awards

• Brand Presence

• Encouraging web presence & club level PR activities

• Remote Club Assistance

• Voice of D82

• Club Mentoring & coaching, Coach Excellence Programme

• & Report from the District PQD

• Realignment

• Procedure booklet

• TLI and the Automated Registration/ Payment Gateway

• CGDs Report and Details of the CEOs Breakfast Meeting

• Reverberation 2015

• District Team & Newly Appointed Special Committees

• District Calendar

• Ovation 2016

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District 82 has planned to establish Toastmasters

Leadership Institute (TLI) from the

forthcoming year (2015-2016)

• The Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) is a

premier educational opportunity for Toastmasters’

club officers, as well as the membership at large.

• TLI is where Toastmasters from across the district

come together to network, share ideas, and be


• It’s where newly-elected club officers receive

training on how to best serve their clubs.

• It’s where any Toastmaster can expand skill sets as

a communicator and a leader with additional

educational sessions.

Another initiative of the District during the year was to

draft all procedures into one booklet: these include;

• Details on district awards

• Timelines

• Guidelines

• Instructions for District Officers etc.

A first of its kind, the booklet is expected to collate all

information required for District Officers to fulfill their

roles into one resource for easy reference.

District 82 started the new Toastmasters year with a

change to the Areas: we are now realigned according

to geographical location of Clubs. Main objective in

this move is to facilitate Area Directors (AD) to visit

their Clubs more frequently by allocating clubs located

within close proximity to the AD’s home clubs.

This initiative was not without its share of opposition

from members as well as officers. However, it has

proven to be a very effective initiative.

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• This would also streamline district level training programs such as JTPs,

Emergence, Prominence, etc.

Objectives:• Standardized program features; central coordination

• Proper training will ensure proper performance, which will make sure that all our

clubs reach ‘Distinguished’ status as a minimum standard

• TLI will also enhance the image of Toastmasters within the district through the

workshops that will present

• Quality control

• Increased awareness

• Stability – TM knows where to go to get training done for division

Benefits:• A resource for clubs, areas, divisions and district

• Meeting a need for a standard based body

• Providing quality training designed specifically for TM

• Variety of skills are offered to maximize the TM offering

• Central point for training & communication thereof

• TLI will ensure there is a certain standard in the Toastmasters in District training

programs. This will be due to increased effort put into training sessions and the

capability enhancement through a pool of qualified and trained trainers within


Club Officers Training ProgrammeThe primary activity, to begin with, from TLI would be conducting all the OTPs across

the district with a central syllabus and methodology. However, it is the Divisions that

would coordinate and host those OTPs but still under the umbrella of guidelines

provided by the TLI. Centralised training material and centralized coordination for

fixing OTP calendars, registration and geographically distributed venues would be

supported by the TLI office. A set of 14 trainers, recommended by Division Directors,

would be picked and trained as trainers. Only these accredited trainers would

conduct the OTPs.

The process would be as follows;• 8 trainers would be selected for each role to support the 4 divisions in Chennai.

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• Similarly, TLI team in Sri Lanka will select their own trainers.

• The trainers would be picked only from the previous 3 terms of officers. This would

ensure sharing of latest trends and practices in clubs as well as will give rise to a

new set of trainers.

• Current (2015-2016) term officers will NOT be selected as trainers, for the reason

that they may not be able to attend the programme themselves.

• The sessions for each officer role is tentatively planned for one hour in parallel

break-away sessions.

• It will be followed by special sessions on various much needed topics district

leadership challenges, guidelines, club success planning, etc.,(yet to be


• Two (02) hours for officers training; one hour for special sessions 45 minutes for

division’s agenda with a break of 15 minutes is the tentative plan

Your contribution:• You will be working in coordination with another set of Trainers from Sri Lanka

• Coordinating and creating a centralized content for OTPs – one member each per

officer role.

• We will ask all of those nominated trainers to send their content for the training of

their respective roles.

• You will review, evaluate, edit and prepare a crisp and clear, standard presentation

that would be used for ALL OTPs across the district.

• Hence, each one of you will get 8 different contents from the prospective trainers,

which you will streamline and submit to TLI for final review and execution

• You will train your respective trainers on how to conduct their sessions using the

standard presentation and teach them about using their own examples, case

studies, analogies in the training without deviating from the central syllabus.

• TLI office would have a team who would receive all your inputs, collate the content

and provide it to the trainers)

A Train The Trainer (TTT) was conducted for all the 32 trainers containing a schedule

of 4 hours with ½ hour sessions for each role and 15 minutes general discussion for

a typical half a day session. The program would give a general idea on how the

content is organized and how to conduct the training. However, it would not present

much tacit information useful for trainers which is covered in a general instructions

and discussion session in the training.

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The Toastmasters Leadership

Institute (TLI) was formed under

the vision and guidance of the

District Director, DTM Sastharam


As a District we had many things

we were striving towards this year

and Quality Education and

Training was one that was high on

priority. So the Toastmasters

Leadership Institute was formed

as a premier educational

opportunity for Toastmasters’ club

officers, as well as the

membership at large.

TLI’s have been established in

many districts across the world

and the role varies from creating

basic educational & leadership

programs offered by TMI, to

conducting advanced training

programs with Keynote speakers

from around the globe. TLI in D82

is aimed to ensure there is a

certain standard in the

Toastmasters in District training

programs. This is done through

increased effort put into training

sessions and the capability

enhancement through a pool of

qualified and trained trainers

within district


1. Consistency & Quality• To maintain consistency of the educational

training programs such as COTP, JTP &

Emergence, that are conducted

throughout the district

• To maintain quality in the program and

equal learning experience, irrespective of

division and location the training is held in

2. Affordability• To make these basic trainings more

affordable to members, thereby enabling

more members to attend

3. Accessibility• To spread out the trainings on several

dates, so that members will have more

options to choose from

• To publish dates in advance so that

members can plan their agenda’s

Programmes and Initiatives at

a Glance• Train the Trainer

• Club Officer Training Program Syllabus

• Judges Training & Chief Judges Training


• Emergence – Contest Planning and


• TLI Shop

• On line Payment Gateway

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Train the TrainerTLI has already concluded a few projects since its

inauguration. The first being a Train the Trainer Program

which was conducted to train resource personnel for the

Club officer training session which were hosted by the

divisions. TLI also introduced a central syllabus for the

OTP’s and created standard presentations to be used

across all OTP’s which the trainers were trained on how

to use. With this we ensured that the program content

delivered throughout the District was consistent and that

all members experienced the same training and

educational experience, irrespective of which OTP they

attended. Cost for OTP’s were also standardized

making it affordable and more accessible for members

to attend without much financial burden

Judges Training & Emergence

Program The next project was the Judges training and

Emergence Programs aimed at getting members trained

for the upcoming contest season which would also in

turn raise the quality standards of contests conducted in

the District. The judges training portion of the program

concentrated on preparation for judges, specific to

judging Humour and Evaluation Contests. The

Emergence portion of the training consisted of a

Humour Speech and Evaluations Speech workshop and

a segment on contest management for contest officials.

There were three such programs conducted in Sri Lanka

with one being in Kurunegala, one in Colombo and the

last one concluded at the University of Moratuwa. In

keeping with the objective to make training affordable

and accessible, all three programs were subsidized by

the district with a cost of just Rs 300/- being charged for

entrance, while spreading out the trainings to cover

geographically, as many clubs as possible.


Volunteer Trainers

Presidents Role:

Chrishanthi Emmanuel

VPE Role:

Mahesh Jayasinghe

VPM Role:

Trishma Pinto

VPPR Role:

Zameen M Saleem

Secretary Role:

Ajitha Goonawerdene

Treasurer Role:

Hiranthi Ratnayake

SAA Role:

Raj Vijayasiri

Judges & Chief Judge


Niroshan Nadarajah

Humorous Speech:

Arfath Saleem

Niranjan De Silva

Evaluation Speech:

Sandun Fernando

Michelle De Silva

Sridhar Ranganathan

Contest Management:

Niroshan Nadarajah

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TLI ShopWith the introduction of the TLI

Shop, members of D82 were

awarded the much awaited

online booking facility to

register for District training

programs and conferences

from the convenience of their

own homes.

On line Payment

Gateway Not just register, but through

the online payment gateway

members could also make

payments online and secure

their seats for these trainings.

The option is also available to

pay to a SPOC, should you

choose to opt out of paying


Future PlansYet to come in the TLI plan is

trainings for resource

personnel and conducting of

Speechcraft, Leadership pool

trainings and of course we

have an entire plan for the next

contest season. We also want

to listen to our members and

see what areas training is

required in and cater to these

needs as well. It’s going to be

an exciting year for TLI and

District 82. Testimonial from satisfied members

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TLI Team – Sri Lanka

TLI Chair – Sri Lanka

Scerena Dirckze

Program Quality


Niroshan Nadarajah

Program Logistics


Sashi Ratnayake

Division Coordinators

Division A: Sliema Gunatunge

Division C: Varuna Ratnaweera

Division E: Nishantha Hettiarachchi













Division F: Sivatharshini Supagar

Division H: Lawrance Madapatha

Division J: Shiham Nawaz

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Train the trainer program:

Train the trainer program has been initiated and

conducted on 4th July 2015. 53 Toastmasters

have undergone the TRAIN THE TRAINER

Certification. Subsequent to the training, TLI

certified trainers have

Trained at OTP – Chennai, Vellore

TLI’s primary responsibilities include;

• Content standardization

• Train the trainers

• Agenda preparation

• Support for registration

Master Trainers

Presidents Role:

Rahul Shankar

VPE Role:

Sudha Rajesh

VPM Role:

Sundararaman Chinthamani

VP PR Role:

Alex Jacob

Secretary Role:

Rajesh Natarajan

Treasurer Role:


SAA Role:


Online webinar :


Contest Management

conducted by Rajaesh


15 Toastmasters



How to conduct Club

Elections by DTM Nina

John 10 Toastmasters


Emergence 1 Emergence 2

Judges & Chief Judge


Vijayalakshmi S

Humorous Speech:

Susheela S

Evaluation Speech:

Roshantha Thushara


Contest Management:

Rahul Shankar


93 Toastmasters attended

Judges & Chief Judge


Navaneeth V Ganesh

Humorous Speech:

Jayan Narayan

Evaluation Speech:

Sridhar Ranganathan

Contest Management:

Rahul Shankar


143 Toastmasters attended

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TLI Team – Tamil Nadu

TLI Chair – Tamil


DTM Guruprasad

TLI Co - Chair

Alex Jacob

TLI Secretary

Kruthika N

TLI Admin Support



TLI Coordinator

Lakshmi Guruprasad

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Leading the efforts in building the membership of Toastmasters, the District 82 Club

Growth Director, DTM Ajantha Jayawardena, has carried out several initiatives during

the last 6 months. In this section, we detail the progress made in new club

development, club rescue efforts, club membership promotion, and membership


Events;1. CEO Breakfast Meeting, July 2015: This was an initiative led by the CGD and

coordinated by DTM Padmini Samarasinghe. The main objective of this event

was to take Toastmasters to the corporate sector by meeting with CEOs from

leading companies in Sri Lanka who do not yet have Toastmasters Clubs. DTM

Arunasalam Balraj, 1st Vice President – TMI and World Champion of Public

Speaking 2014 TM Dhananjaya Hettiarachchi addressed the gathering, sharing

their experience followed by the CEOs of two leading organisations in Sri Lanka

who shared their views and reasons to support thriving Toastmasters clubs in

their own companies. More detail on this event can be reviewed in the following

article (Page 15).

2. CIMA Toastmasters Quiz, November 2015: this is a routine event spearheaded

by the CIMA Sri Lanka (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Sri

Lanka) Toastmasters Club which brings Toastmasters from different clubs in a

different platform. The CIMA Toastmasters Quiz 2015 was held at the BMICH for

the 5th consecutive year with 25 clubs and 125 members/ non members

participating from across the country. Dialog Toastmasters Club emerged

victorious while SLT Toastmasters Club secured 2nd place with HNB

Toastmasters Club coming in at 3rd place. Toastmasters Round of the quiz was

won by IESL Toastmasters Club.

3. Road Show, December 2015: With the aim of taking Toastmasters to remote

areas, a team of Toastmasters conducted a programme in Badulla, Sri Lanka.

Badulla is location in the ‘Uva Province’ in Sri Lanka and is over 200km away

from the commercial capital of Colombo. This is the first time a Toastmasters

programme was held in this region. Participants included employees from

organisations with branches in Badulla including Hatton National Bank, and NTS.

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Goals Target




















payments Growth11,032 166 657 4,890 5,624 5,861 6,017

Club Growth 15 1 3 2 3 3 1

Paid up clubs to

date192 178 181 183 170 172 178

Zero Payment







available13 10 9

Club base less

than 20 Members0











District PQD DTM Sudash Liyanage, Past District Governor DTM Zameen

Saleem, TM Chandrasiri Wanasinghe, TM Punsirimewan Kamburawala, TM

Shehara Dissanayake, TM Arshad Nizam, TM Moditha Sendanayake travelled to

Badulla for this programme and conducted sessions about Toastmasters, the

benefits of Toastmasters, the Club environment, and rounded up the session with

a model meeting.

CGD and the extended team has been successful in opening 13 new clubs and

hopes to open another 15 clubs before the end of the term. This will bring the

total number of new clubs opened to 28. Unfortunately, the team foresees loss of

about 8 clubs which will bring the net gain to 20 clubs. The CGD and the extended

teams are currently focusing on building the membership through ongoing efforts.

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In an effort to take the Toastmasters programme to

more organisations, District 82 organized a breakfast

meeting for CEOs and Managing Directors of leading

organisations in Sri Lanka that do not yet have

Toastmasters clubs. The event was chaired by DTM

Padmini Samarasinghe.

The event saw DTM Sudash Liyanage – Programme

Quality Director District 82 and DTM Ajantha

Jayawardena – Club Growth Director District 82 and

other District Officers in attendance.

Twenty five leading organisations were represented at

the function Held on the 24th of July 2015 at

Kingsbury Hotel in the heart of Colombo. The event

was graced by Chief Guest DTM Arunasalam Balraj –

First Vice President of Toastmasters International and

Guest Speaker CTM Dhananjaya Hettiarachchi –

World Champion of Public Speaking 2014.

The resonating message of the morning was that fear

and inhibition of public speaking in corporate

executives is universal and more organisations realise

the value of the Toastmasters programme for their


The importance of investing in skills development of

people and the role of Toastmasters in achieving that

was reiterated at this event by the distinguished panel

of speakers. This panel included the three Special

Guest Speakers Mr. Aravinda Perera, Managing

Director of Sampath Bank PLC and a Director of the

Colombo Stock Exchange, as well as Mr. Rajendra

Theagarajah, Director/ Chief Executive Officer at

National Development Bank PLC (NDB) and former

Managing Director /CEO of Hatton National Bank.

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The growth of District 82 is now dependent on the

remote clubs and areas that have been seeded in the

last few years. It is the mission of district executive

committee to expand and grow the Toastmasters

movement in the tier-2 cities and towns. The district is

keen to support and grow the Toastmasters movement

in these areas to grow the district base and add to the


This section highlights the initiative and framework for

providing the financial support to the well being,

growth and sustenance of the remote areas and clubs

of the district 82. This document supplements the

district club chartering guideline and the mentoring

program. Though the initiative earmarks the

stakeholders for finances as the area and division

director, it is in most cases marked to be used for the

mentoring, coaching, membership and quality

improvement of the clubs and areas in the district.

This is the first time the district has formulated a

support framework for remote clubs. The framework is

expected to evolve in future based on feedback by

adjusting the monetary assistance and / or other

criteria. The initiative is a means to provide token

support, encouragement and motivation to the area

and division directors who go well and beyond to

support the remote clubs.

Criteria for remote club:It would require area director to travel at least 75 kms

in each direction to attend a live face-to-face meeting

at the registered club location. The distance is

calculated from the home club / residence / office

location of the area director of the area to the

registered club address, whichever is the nearest.

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Criteria for remote area:It would require the home club of the area director to be at least 100km away from

the home club of the division director. The home club of area director should also be

at-least 30km away from home club of another area director of district. Based on this

above criteria to identify remote clubs and areas, the financial assistance is provided

for periodic visits to the remote clubs and areas. The table of currently approved

travel + accommodation limit for the stakeholders is as follows:

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Remote area


Remote club

[USD] [for AD]


AD~ To DD Existing New


[Area + club]50 NA NA NA

2 terms inclusive. only for remote judges


Officer installation NA NA 50 50 July, January inclusive

MoT visit NA NA 50 50 August, February inclusive

DD visit NA 50 NA NA September, March inclusive

Educational session # NA NA # Mentor / coach budget from CGD

District team travel NA NA NA NA75 USD budget for remote mentor, coach


Division contest^ NA 300 NA NA Division contest in remote area


^ - Cannot be used for contest / conference expenses.

To be used only for travelling to conferences and improvement of remote areas

~ - To be used on behalf of Contest chair and Club mentor / coach

* - The amount is split 50:50 for travel and accommodation

Sample workout of finances for remote areas in the District:

• Division X having a remote area X1 which has 2 remote clubs

• Division Y having area Y1 with 2 remote clubs and Y3 with 1 remote club

• Division Z having 1 remote area Z2 with 1 remote club

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X1 Y1 Z2 Y3Any new remote


Remote club count : 2 2 1 1 -

to AD 275 275 175 175 -

to DD 50 - 50 - -

**from district team to coach / mentor # # # # #

Total 400 350 300 250 #







* - New club budget will be given fully if chartering guidelines are met before January

Will be 150 USD if it is before March; 100 USD after March

** - Applicable only if club coach or mentor is appointed remotely.

# - Covered by mentor / coach budget

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

In the Toastmasters calendar, a normal club member

gets to meet the area director fairly regularly and

division director couple of times. The district 82 boasts

of many senior toastmasters, distinguished

toastmasters, eloquent speakers, inspiring leaders

and mentors par excellence. The Voice of D82

initiative was started to bring out and share the wealth

of experience from these toastmasters to the district


Voice of d82 is a podcast program that is released

once a month by the district PRO team to social

media. The flavor of the podcast for every month is

predominantly set to be the flavor of the toastmaster

calendar with the aim of bringing about awareness of

TMI procedures, providing insightful tips for contest

preparation, management and about vision of the


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The first of the kind initiative in the district has so far

hosted district contest winner to give contest

preparation tips, nuances from past district chief judge

on how toastmasters supplements career goals,

district club growth director on the vision of the district

and WCPS#2 about toastmastering. The initiative has

set itself ambitious goals and the district aims to have

the voice of D82 as one another means to establish

the connect amongst toastmasters far and wide within

the district to reach out and listen to the leaders in


District team will form a pool of mentors to assist

Clubs that need the additional support. Senior

toastmasters who have taken roles as Club Presidents

and VP Education are eligible to be mentors. Each

mentor will be given 1 or 2 clubs to assist.

• Eligible members: Interested members can send

nomination to be mentors. A mentor is required to

visit clubs at least 04 times each quarter and

guide the clubs on completing Club Success plans,

Toastmasters branding, Moments of Truth,

submitting payments to renew membership, check

on DCP progress etc.

• Mentors will be required to submit Review Reports

to District Trio and to the respective Division

Director of the club.

Division Directors are to send a list of Clubs that need

mentoring, e.g. Clubs with less than 12 members /

less than 5 DCP points. Awards for outstanding

mentors would be announced based on the

performance of the clubs. Get in touch with the

Chairpersons of the Mentoring Programme for Tamil

Nadu and Sri Lanka for more details.

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The district 82 club mentoring and coaching initiative was started to aid the ailing

clubs and to improve the club quality in the district. The club coach appointment

follows the TMI guidelines and the club mentoring is governed by the district


We request district leaders to spread the word to get more volunteers to become club

mentors and coaches. The district as a whole, needs 50+ more club coaches /

mentors for its clubs.

The following table gives an overall summary of the current status of Tamil Nadu

clubs to which club mentor / coach is needed and has been assigned.

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Area Club Toastmaster Position Status

B4 Amazon ChennaiMyneni Lakshmi Coach Amber

Praveen Manohar Coach Amber

I3 HCL Speech Weavers Badhrinath Coach Green

G2 Verizon Chennai – RMZUmamaheswari Coach Red

Jayapriya Coach Red

I3 Wipro ChennaiNarmadha Coach Green

Alex Coach Green

B3 HCL Pinnacle Samuel Whitefield Coach Green

I5 Barclays Chennai Manoj kumar Coach Amber

B1 CSS CorpSriram Coach Red

Navneeth Coach Red

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District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Area Club Toastmaster Position Status

D2 Thirdware chennai Karthikeyan Mentor Green

I3 Tech Mahindra Sundarraman Mentor Green

G5 Infosys Shols Muki Mentor Green

I4 InfotrellisRajaprabavathy Mentor Green

Narita Mentor Green

D4 TCS Orators toastmasters Manikandan Mentor Amber

D4 TCS Infinity toastmasters Lesly vinod kumar Mentor Amber

B2 Ford India AD working on prospect Coach Red

B2 NSN Oragadam Awaiting AD response Coach Red

B3 FSSC Work in progress Mentor Amber

D1 BIM <Need support> Coach Red

D3 DOW IEC Awaiting AD response Coach Red

G1 Syntel AD working on club Mentor Amber

G1 Nokia networks AD working on club Mentor Amber

A 2 Central Bk Thusith Gunawarnasuriya Mentor Red

A 4 BOC Keerthi Sumanadasa Mentor Green

C 1 SLPA (NEW) Niranjan Gunaratne Mentor Green

C 1 ITIVaruna Ratnaweera /

SrianthieMentor Red

C 3 Sabaragamuwa Mahinda Karunakara Mentor Amber

C 3 SeethawakeMangaleshwarn R

/SrianthieMentor Red

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District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Area Club Toastmaster Position Status

F 1 Polytex Veena Jayawickrama Mentor Red

F 2 Linea Aqua Niroshan Motha Mentor Amber

F 3 Holcim Ajitha Goonawardena Mentor Red

F 4 Commercial Bk Shadiya Zakariya Mentor Red

H 1 HNB Central M N M Munawara Mentor Green

H 2 MAS Slim Line Chethiya Subasinghe Mentor Red

H 2 Nestle Sudath Fernando Mentor Red

H 3 Athugalpura Neelakanth Wanninayaka Mentor Red

H 4 JaffnaPirabakaran

KanapathipillaiMentor Green

J 1 Attune Dushyanthi Adikari Mentor Green

J 1 APIIT Mario Wickramarchchi Mentor Amber

J 2 Fusion Shiham Nawaz Mentor Green

J 3 U o Moratuwa Sanjeewa Fonseka Mentor Amber

J 4 KDU Srianthie Salgado Mentor Green

C4 Mount Srianthie Coach Amber

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A member who has served as a VP Education or

above would be eligible to be a Coach. Any member

who wants to volunteer as a Coach should understand

the commitment in time that has to be devoted to the

Clubs they would be coaching: A Club Coach would be

expected to work with struggling clubs to maintain at

least 8 members or build membership by 5 members

above the club base, achieve at least 5 DCP points,

ensure at least 02 officers from the club attends the

OTP and at least 02 members of the club attends a

District Conference.

Any member who is interested to take on the role of a

Coach should send their nominations to the District

Club Growth Director before 15 July 2015. The list of

weak clubs will be published by 1 July 2015. A

selected Coach would serve for 11 months

commencing from 1st of August 2015.

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The Programme Quality Director of District 82, DTM Sudash Liyanage, and his team have been

focusing their energy on facilitating quality growth in clubs. The Golden Gavel Award and Golden

Gavel Plus Award were introduced in the past to encourage Clubs to work towards specific goals

that will strengthen the clubs and also secure DCP points. The section on pages 32 to 34 detail

the requirements to secure these awards which will are meant to also encourage members to

attend conference and to improve participation in organised educational programmes. At the

moment, 62 Clubs are working towards the Golden Gavel Award.

In addition to the Golden Gavel/ Golden Gavel Plus Awards, the PCD’s Team also introduced

the Quality Club Award this year to ensure Clubs do not lose focus on the quality of the club

experience in their rush to secure awards. Currently, 57 clubs are working towards the Quality

Club Award. As of 1st January 2016, the DCP points expected to be achieved by the clubs in

District 82 are as detailed below. The targeted number of clubs required to achieve 5 DCP points

in order to secure the President’s Distinguished District is 89 clubs.

• Number of clubs expected to achieve 5 DCP points or over = 52

• Number of clubs expected to achieve 4 DCP points = 35

• Number of clubs expected to achieve 3 DCP points = 26

• Number of clubs expected to achieve 2 DCP points = 39

Another effort of the PQDs Team is to provide a platform to the leaders who aspire to contribute

to the success of the Toastmasters movement by establishing the District 82 Leadership Pool.

President and VP Education (Past or Present) can volunteer for this programme.

• What is on offer? The basics of leadership would be explained through workshops and

training sessions

• Role of the pool: Trained members of the pool will be requested to visit clubs and share the

knowledge, train other Toastmasters, organize leadership events, conduct Speechcraft

programs, conduct District sponsored events, etc.

• How can members join? Club President can nominate members to the pool through the

Assistant Division Directors (Program Quality)

• Activities: The first activity of the Leadership Pool is a workshop which will be held on 23rd

January 2016. This workshop will cover the benefits of Toastmasters, the benefits of

mentoring, and basics of how to conduct a Speechcraft programme.

The Team hopes these efforts will guide the Club towards sustainable growth

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MarksEvaluation Method

DCP goals20 (2 marks per

DCP point)Through TMI dashboard

Preparation for additional DCP goals such as

future educational goals of members:

• 5 CC speeches completed – 6 members

• 5 AC speeches completed – 3 members

18 (2 points per


Through updated club

success plan, certified by the


Club quality presentations made at the club

meeting by a club member or by a visiting

Toastmaster. The presentations are:

• Evaluate to motivate

• Club meeting roles

• Mentoring

• Going beyond the club

8 (2 points per


Meeting agenda and the

presentation evaluation form

Theme meetings:

Conduct 2 theme meetings and conduct 1 additional

meeting outside normal meeting environment /


9 (3 points per


Meeting agenda certified by

the Secretary

5 meeting photos

Joint meetings:

Hold 2 joint meetings per year and the other club

can’t be the same.

6 (3 points per


Meeting agenda certified by

both the Secretaries

5 meeting photos

EXCO meetings:

Hold one EXCO meeting per quarter.

4 (1 point per


Meeting agenda and the

minutes of the meeting

EXCO sub committees:

Appoint shadow / subcommittee for EXCO positions

except for the President. Committees should

be appointed before 30th September

6 (1 point per


Confirmation by the


Details of committees

(members, action plan)






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MarksEvaluation Method

Visitors from other Toastmaster clubs:

A visiting Toastmaster should play a meeting role,

deliver a speech or a presentation, one per quarter.

Visiting Toastmaster should not be the same

4 (1 point per

meeting with a



Meeting agenda certified by

the Secretary

Feedback by the visiting


Area Director quality check:

Through Area Director visits

25 (25 marks

per visit and

averaged for 2


Area Director report

Area Director club quality

check list (refer below)

Total 100






District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Criteria Maximum Marks

Meeting start and end on time 4

Display of club banner as per TMI brand guidelines 3

Attendance of more than 50% of paid members 3

Display of communication, leadership and DCP charts 3

Usage of proper, precise, clear and neat agenda 2

Display of club ribbons 2

Display of club charter 1

Warm welcome for guests and invite them to speak 1

Availability and usage of guest book 1

Availability of club and Exco meeting minutes 1

Availability of name tags for members and guests 1

Availability of sign / notice board for meeting 1

Recognition of best speaker, evaluator awards 1

Usage of gavel 1

Total 25

Area Director’s Quality Checklist

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The District will reward Area Directors for outstanding

performance based on the following criteria and


• Officer List submitted by all clubs: Due by 30th June


• 20 members maintained at all clubs:

• 1st Term: 15th September

• 2nd Term: 15th March

• 100% AD reports submitted:

• 1st Term: 30th October

• 2nd Term: 30th March

• Area Director to open one club: by or before 30th


• No Club loss: By 30th April

• Distinguished Clubs (5 DCP points) achieved by all

clubs: By 30th April

The District will reward Division Directors for

outstanding performance based on the following

criteria and timelines;

• Officer List submitted by all clubs: Due by 30th June


• 20 members maintained at all clubs;

• 1st Term: 15th September,

• 2nd Term: 15th March

• 100% AD reports submitted:

• 1st Term: 30th October

• 2nd Term: 30th March

• All Area’s to open one club each: by or before 30th


• No Club loss: By 30th April

• Distinguished Clubs (5 DCP points) achieved by all

clubs: By 30th April

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District 82is a conglomeration of Clubs from Tamil

Nadu (India) and Sri Lanka. The legacy of district 82 is

quite a fascinating one. District 82 has been world

number 1 district in the past and has always been at

the top of the table from inception (World #2 in 2014-

15). When it comes to creating a 5 year plan for

District, we don’t make one because District 82 splits

and creates new districts, at most once in 4 years.

The rapid growth of Toastmasters in District 82 is not

because of the growth in membership & Clubs, but

due to the overall development of clubs.

A Club develops with the all-round development of its

members. To aid that, District 82 has always thought

beyond the walls and challenged the clubs to explore

beyond the traditional boundaries.

A strong Distinguished Club Program (DCP) set by

Toastmasters has been the main bloodline for each

and every Toastmasters club around the world &

District 82. Yet District 82 wanted to achieve more and

give the members, the best experience. To make it

more challenging, District 82 has awards named

Golden Gavel and Golden Gavel Plus.

What are Golden Gavel (GG) and

Golden Gavel Plus (GG+) awards?

These Awards were created to make it challenging for

the clubs to achieve excellence in all avenues of

Toastmastering, say it Membership (or) Education (or)

Public Relations. Golden Gavel and Golden Gavel

Plus awards have extra criterion set by the district to

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the clubs apart from the DCP points. The criteria will help the clubs to

• build and retain members,

• achieve membership awards,

• build the Brand “Toastmasters” ,

• administer the club in a better way,

• do contest management,

• create new leaders

• build rapport with other clubs and

• do quality meetings.

The base criteria for the Golden Gavel and Golden Gavel Plus is to score 10 /10 in

the DCP (Distinguished Club Program). This criteria makes sure that the clubs aim

for the President Distinguished status, by default, helping the district to perform

better by creating more communicators and leaders.

Specifics of Golden Gavel and Golden Gavel Plus

1. Administration& Training:

Club Administration is very crucial because Toastmasters International has to keep

record of all the major things that happen in the club in order to facilitate the District

leaders with Real Time Data.

To ensure the administration part of the club is taken care of, District 82 has set

criterion in Golden Gavel and Golden Gavel Plus Awards with respect to the below


• Annual General Body Meeting& Club Officer List

• Club officer Training

• Club Success Plan

• Moments of Truth

a) Annual General Body Meeting & Club Officer List

District 82 encourages clubs to hold Annual / Bi- Annual General Body meeting(s) in

order to pass club amendments and to hold club elections. This gives more power to

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the members to decide the club constitution and have a say in the club executive

matters. This General Body Meeting also provide a platform to conduct the Club

elections for the next term.

In order to facilitate and encourage this, District 82 has a criteria set for holding the

general Body meetings and submitting the officer list, way before the deadlines

provided by the Toastmasters International . This makes sure that most of the clubs

finish their elections on time and submit the Officers list before the deadline to avoid

last minute hassle.

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Criteria Golden



Gavel Plus

Annual General Body Meeting & Club Officers List

Conduct the AGM of the Club and submit the Officer List by;

• Semi Annual Clubs: 15th December 2015 and 15th May


• Annual Clubs – 15th May 2016

Required Required

b) Club officer Training

Pencils are efficient when they are sharpened and so as our club leaders. GG and

GG plus awards extend the mandatory training of 4 officers required in DCP to much

more. This makes sure almost all 7 officers are trained for their term, which makes

the club efficient in all avenues.




Gavel Plus

Club Officer Training (OTP) – 1st Term 07 officers 07 officers

Club Officer Training (OTP) – 2nd Term 04 officers 07 officers

c) Club success Plan

Well Planned is half done. So District 82 encourages clubs to create a strong club

success plan. Area and Division Governors are equipped to help the club Executive

members to fill the club success plan. Special sessions were held in TLI

(Toastmasters Leadership Institute) programs on how to fill a club success plan.

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More than 80 % of the clubs have done their planning and the Program Quality

Director office have received the Club success plans via online submission thru

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

d) Moments of Truth

Moments of Truth is one of the best ways to evaluate a club and District 82 has

made it a criteria for the GG and GG+ awards to encourage the practice of doing

Moments of Truth once in every 6 months

2. Contest Management:

a) Judges Training

Contests are fun and every contest deserves a fair result. In order to create a league

of judges to support contests from club till district, District 82 has guidelines for clubs

to produce as trained judges once in 6 months.




Gavel Plus

Attendance in Judges Training – 1st Term

(District Training - Toastmasters Leadership Institute, TLI)3 members 4 members

Attendance in Judges Training – 2ndTerm

(District Training - TLI)3 members 4 members

b) Contest Training ( Emergence)

Emergence is a district sponsored program that enables toastmasters to understand

more on how to participate and write scripts for the upcoming contests. It also

enables toastmasters on how to run a club contest.




Gavel Plus

Attendance in Emergence

(District Training - TLI)2 members 4 members

b) Membership

Members are the backbone of any Toastmaster Club and we at district 82 strive to

add more members into our clubs to benefit more and more people in our


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communities. District 82 not just guides its club to add members, but also to retain its

members. To add new Members, District 82 has set goals for the clubs to win

Membership awards provided by Toastmasters like Smedley, Talk Up Toastmasters

and Beat the clock awards.

Also, to retain its existing leaders and communicators, Golden Gavel and Golden

Gavel plus motivates the clubs to renew members 15 days before the official

deadline of Toastmasters. This ensures on time payment of dues for almost every

member of the club.

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Criteria Golden GavelGolden Gavel


Membership Awards

• Smedley membership building award

(1 August - 30 September)

• Talk up Toastmasters membership building award

(1 February - 31 March)

1 out of the

2 awards


Both awards

Membership Renewals

• 1st Term: Before 15th September

• 2nd Term: Before 15th March

Minimum 20


renewals to be


Maintain base

membership in

both terms

4) Education & Leadership

Apart from the education goals set in the DCP( Distinguished Club Program), district

82 believes that the club can offer more on the education & Leadership perspective.

To accomplish that , the clubs are encourage to do the following

a) Conduct Educational sessions

The clubs are encourage to conduct periodic sessions from Successful Club Series,

Leadership Excellence Series & Better Speaker Series with the help of senior

Toastmasters. This enables the club members to learn more about public speaking

and Toastmasters.

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Gavel Plus

Successful Club Series

A session from the Series to be conducted before 31st October Required Required

Leadership Excellence Series

A session from the Series to be conducted before 31st March Required Required

Better Speaker Series

A session from the Series to be conducted before 30th April








b) Leadership Pool

A good District thrives on its leaders and for a District with exponential growth, it is

necessary to groom Leaders in the district. District 82 has created a Leadership pool

to facilitate the continual availability of leaders to lead the district with respect to

District events and TLI events

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Criteria Golden Gavel Golden Gavel Plus

Leadership Pool

1 Member to participate

VP Education, President, Past

VPs of Education or Presidents

2 Members to participate

Either VPE or President (Or Past

VPE’s and Past President’s)

5) Public Relations

District 82 is one of the pioneers in public relations and the exponential membership

growth can also be attributed to the rigorous PR campaigns the clubs do. The clubs

are guided to produce newsletter and also to maintain web presence in the form of a

website (or) a social media page to reach out to the public. Newsletters have been

one of a productive tool to market and sell the idea of Toastmasters to public and

social media pages, especially Facebook has brought lot of interested members to

the club door steps

Criteria Golden Gavel Golden Gavel Plus

Inform, educate and engage via

newsletters and a ‘Club Tabloid’ (a

snapshot of the club’s events)

1st Newsletter : 30th


2nd Newsletter: 31st January

1st Newsletter : 30th


2nd Newsletter: 31st January

Tabloid: 30th April

Web Presence / Facebook page:

Clubs are to submit page insights for

review to the PR Team

1st Term: 1st October

2nd Term: 1st April

1st Term: 1st October

2nd Term: 1st April

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Requirements of the Golden Gavel Award;

• 10 DCP Points: by 30th April

• 20 Active members or +5 growth in members over base

• Officer List submitted to TMI: Before 30th June

• Club Success Plan: To reach Programme Quality Director by 15th August

• Membership renewals: Minimum 20 renewals to be completed by:

• 1st Term: 15th September

• 2nd Term: 15th March

• Membership Awards: Win any 1 (one) of either Talk Up Toastmasters or Smedley

membership building programme awards

• Newsletters: 2 newsletters to be submitted (See more details on page 49)

• Web presence/ FB Page: Insights to be submitted (See details on page 49)

• Moments of Truth: Complete first round of MOT by 15th August with either the

Area Director or a senior toastmaster

• Judges Training: 3 (three) members to be trained as judges and the names to

reach the District Web Master by;

• 1st Term: 30th August

• 2nd Term: 28th February

• 07 officers to attend the Officer's Training Programme OTP) and at least 4 officers

to attend the Second Round

• Attendance in TLI events: At least 2 members to attend events

• Leadership Pool: 1 Member to participate, either VP Education, President, Past

VPs of Education or Past Presidents


• A Successful Club Series Session (other than MOT): Before 31st October

• A Leadership Excellence Series Session: Before 31st March

• Minutes of the sessions to be communicated to the Asst. Division Director,

Program Quality of respective Divisions with clear indication of the sessions

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• Conduct the AGM of the Club: Officer List to be submitted by;

• Semi Annual Clubs: 15th December 2015 and 15th May 2016

• Annual Clubs – 15th May 2016

• Attendance at District Conferences

• At least 01 member to attend the Ovation Annual District Conference

Requirements of the Golden Gavel Plus Award;

• 10 DCP Points: by 30th April

• 20 Active members or +5 growth in members over base

• Officer List submitted to TMI: Before 30th June

• Club Success Plan: To reach Programme Quality Director by 15th August

• Membership renewals: Maintain base membership in both terms:

• 1st Term: 15th September

• 2nd Term: 15th March

• Membership Awards: Win both Talk Up Toastmasters and Smedley membership

building programme awards

• Newsletters: 2 newsletters + a Club tabloid to be submitted (Details on page 49)

• Web presence/ FB Page: Insights to be submitted (See details on page 49)

• Moments of Truth: Complete both rounds of MOT with either the Area Director or a

senior toastmaster

• 1st Term: by 15th August 2015

• 2nd Term: 15th February 2016

• Judges Training – 1st Term: 4 (four) members to be trained as judges and the

names to reach the District Web Master by 30th August

• Judges Training – 2nd Term: 4 (four) more members to be trained as judges and

the names to reach the District Web Master by 28th February

• OTP – 1st Term: 07 officers to attend the Officer's Training Programme (OTP)

• OTP – 2nd Term: 07 officers to attend the OTP

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• Attendance in Training organised by TLI: At least 4 (four) members

• Leadership Pool: 02 (two) members to participate; either VP Education, President,

Past VPs of Education or Past Presidents


• A Successful Club Series Session (other than MOT): Before 31st October

• A Leadership Excellence Series Session: Before 31st March

• A Better speaker series Session: Before 30th April

• Minutes of the sessions to be communicated to the Asst. Division Director,

Program Quality of respective Divisions with clear indication of the sessions

• Conduct the AGM of the Club: Officer List to be submitted by;

• Semi Annual Clubs: 15th December 2015 and 15th May 2016

• Annual Clubs: 15th May 2016

• Attendance at District Conferences

• At least 01 member to attend both the Reverberation Semiannual Conference and

Ovation Annual District Conference

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Detailed criteria for the Golden Gavel and Golden Gavel Plus can be found on the

District 82 website

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In line with our Vision of expanding the Toastmasters

programme to the 2nd and 3rd tier cities, the District

Officers are working to make the Toastmasters brand

a more common brand. Our focus is on ensuring more

brand visibility by tackling popular forms of media

more strategically.

Presenting awards to clubs based on their web

presence, efforts to build awareness through flyers are

means utilised to encourage clubs to promote the

toastmasters brand within their own spheres of


The District PR Team will recognise the best flyers

created by clubs each month. A link is available on the

District 82 website to submit the flyers for judging.

Winners of each month will be recognised at the

District conferences.

The PR Team will also monitor web present of Clubs

routinely. Clubs are to submit page insights for review

for Golden Gavel/ Golden Gavel + points by;

• 1st Term: 1st October

• 2nd Term: 1st April

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D82 PR Team was able to successfully implement an online form to capture the

business meeting attendees. The requirement was came from the District Director

DTM Sastharam Ravendran as follows.

• Presidents must be able to select whether they’re attending in the business

meeting at Reverberation

• Else they must be able to select an attendee from his/her club from a list

• If none of the club members are registered for Reverberation, a form must be

appeared to fill the details of attending person


We reused Reverberation registrations details received from the conference chair &

reused Clubs & Club Presidents database tables. New table was created to record all

the responses of the form.

Database table structure

Then we added a new page to D82 site to display the dynamic form. We used PHP

to develop that page in order to be compatible with the current Wordpress installation

of D82 site.

After that we generated unique links for each president and saved that in the

database. And we used MailChimp mail merge to send unique links to each


Once a president submits his form, the link is automatically removed from the

database, which prevents presidents from altering details nor re-submitting another


Finally we’re able to generate a report directly from the database which contains

attending people’s details.

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Flow of the process

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page


Case 1 : President is attending in the

business meeting

Once a president opens the link, he can

select whether him/herself is attending

in the business meeting. If President

marks as Yes, an internal check

confirms whether the president is

registered for Reverberation he/she can

just confirm it by clicking “Confirm”

button. If the president is not registered

for reverbs, he/she can still fill the form

& submit his/her details.

Case 2 : President is not attending &

they want to assign a proxy

Presidents can select “No” in the Step 1

& then they’re prompted to select

whether they want to assign a proxy

who has already registered for the

Reverbs. If they select “Yes” there,

they’re prompted a list of members who

have registered for the Reverberation

from the same club. If they select “No” in

the 2nd step, they can still fill the form &

fill the details of their proxy.


We could have worked with TLI Shop

development team to retrieve

registration details directly from their

databases rather than creating our own.

Response rate from Presidents is low &

we must have created a proper

communication channel to inform

Presidents about the form & how it

works so it will make more sense to


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District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page 41

Reverberation 2015, the much awaited

mid-year conference of District 82

unfolded in the historic city of Kandy, Sri

Lanka over the weekend of 27th to 29th

November 2015.

Led by the Conference Chair, DTM

Noorul Munawwara, the organising

committee of Reverberation had left no

stone unturned to ensure the members

experience the glory of Toastmasters

without the frills usually associated with

conferences in District 82. While the

changes may not have afforded our

toastmasters the comforts of modern

conference locations, it certainly brought

them back to nature and in touch with

treasures that Sri Lanka has to offer.

The conference was taken away from

the commercial capital Colombo to the

University of Peradeniya in Kandy, the

historic hill capital of Sri Lanka. This is

the first time a conference of this nature

and scale was organised at a university.

University of Peradeniya nestles in the

foothills of the Hanthana Mountain

Range in Kandy, Sri Lanka. The

mountain range has 7 peaks, the

highest of which is at 3800 ft. (i.e. over

1000ft taller than Burj Khalifa, the tallest

building in the World) and the Hanthana

conservation forest is rich in biodiversity,


much of which is endemic to Sri Lanka.

The mountain range was declared as an

environmental protection area in

February 2010 under the National

Environment Act of the country.

Day 1

The conference began with the hike in

the Hanthana mountain range and the 6

Masters Cricket tournament.

The Hanthana hike was the first of these

two events. District 82 Toastmasters

packed their bags and were Hanthana

bound in the wee hours of the morning

on 27th November 2015.

Starting from the University of

Peradeniya, the Toastmasters brave

enough to take on the adventure were

led by experienced guides on a quest

along the Hanthana mountain range.

From the fresh mountain air to the

colorful and amazing views, Hanthana

Mountain Range was no doubt a

memorable experience for


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The ‘6Masters Cricket Encounter’ followed lunch

to round up day 1 and all teams and their

cheering squads gathered at the sports grounds

of the University of Peradeniya to witness the


The tournament was organized by Awakening

Toastmasters Club and saw a team

representing each Division in District 82.

With the conclusion of the tournament, the

festivities of the day came to an end.

Needless to say, Reverberations 2015 had an

interesting start with these 2 amazing networking


All efforts were successfully carried out with

volunteers from the University of Peradeniya,

toastmasters from different clubs who

contributed their time and other organisations

whose support was amply extended to manage

the excursion in Hanthana and the cricket match

at the university grounds

Day 2Day 2 began with the Business Meeting which

was held at the University of Peradeniya Arts


The District Executive Meeting commenced first

and all Division Directors and the extended

teams presented their mid year performance

reports. With the conclusion of the District

Executive Meeting, the District Council meeting

commenced where pressing matters for the

coming term discussed with the Council


At the conclusion of the Council meeting, DTM

Sastharam Ravendran announced that the next

District 82 Council Meeting will be held on 27th

May 2016 at the Ovation conference in Chennai.

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Concluding the Business Meeting, DTM

Catherine MacGillivray joining us from District 73

in Melbourne, Australia took the stage next to

speak on best practices from her home District.

DTM MacGillivray is a Past District Governor of

District 73.

DTM Sastharam Ravendran presented the first

copy of ‘Reflect’ the Mid Year Progress Report

of District 82 to DTM MacGillivray and the first

copy of the District 82 Procedure Booklet to

DTM Kenneth Wang, Region Advisor - Region

13 for 2015/ 2016.

The formal Opening Ceremony started with the

flag march. Chief Guest, Ms. Radha

Venkataraman - Assistant High Commissioner to

India in Kandy, and Keynote Speaker TM

Palaniappa Subramaniam, one of the World's

Top 3 speakers in 2012 took the stage to inspire

the audience.

Registrations officially opened for the Ovation

2016 Conference at the opening ceremony and

all members registering at the Reverberation

conference received a promotional offer on the

fee and over 190 members registered during this

conference weekend.

Wrapping up Day 2, all Toastmasters partied the

night away at the historical Queens Hotel

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Day 3The day began with the contestants’ briefing at 8

am. Once the rest of us took our seats, Day 02 had

officially begun. We saw DTM Sudash Liyanage -

Program Quality Director, District 82 take the stage

first and deliver an inspiring speech on challenging

the status quo.

DTM Kenneth Wong - Region 13 Advisor and Mrs.

Gowri Rajan, Executive Director of Sun and Asoka

Group of Companies, and the first Lady Governor of

Rotary International District 3220, Sri Lanka and

Maldives took the stage next to deliver educational


The prestigious Distinguished Toastmaster award

was presented to DTM Shanthi Silva, DTM Ranmal

Goonetilleke, DTM Bernadine Jayasinghe, DTM

Pranav Vinod Kumar and DTM Rahul Shankar.

Humorous Speech contestants had the audience in

stitches and proved that District 82 is home to some

serious entertainers! The Evaluation Speech

contestants were also out to prove their skill and the

Division Champions gave tough battle to claim the

District Champion title. The Mid-Year Conference

concluded on a high note with an invitation to District

82 to meet again, in May 2016 in Chennai at Ovation


The Reverberation 2015 conference certainly made

its mark in the historical city of Kandy.

If you missed the conference, catch up on the details

through the scripts of our live blog (

from the hill capital of Sri Lanka.

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page 41

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Best Division (2014/2015)

Division I

Division governor of the year (2014/2015)

• Rahul Shankar - Division G

Area governor of the year (2014/2015)

• Ira Shukla

Highest membership retention

• Great lakes Chennai Toastmasters Club

• Phoenix VIC Toastmasters Club

• SLIM Toastmasters Club

Areas with best retention

• Area F2

• Area I1

• Area C2

Membership growth

• HNB Central Region Toastmasters Club

• Sabaragamuwa Toastmasters Club

• Phoenix Toastmasters Club

PQD awards: Maximum and dedicated

participants in TLI awards

• Wayamba Toastmasters Club

• IESL Toastmasters Club

• AATSL Toastmasters Club

• TCS Chennai Chapter

• Ford Chennai Toastmasters Club

Area Accolades

• Area I1

• Area I2

• Area G3

Flyer of the month

• Farhan Immamudeen - SLIM Toastmasters

Club (July)

• Sreekar Reddy - Clima VIT Toastmasters

Club (August)

• Himanshu Grover - Phoenix VIT

Toastmasters Club (September)

• Charindi Ranasignhe - COYLE Toastmasters

Club (October)

Best Facebook Presence

• NDB Toastmasters Club

Best Newsletter Award

• APIIT Toastmasters Club

Best Newsletter was selected on a few criteria;

• Visual appeal/ creativity

• Thematic concept

• Innovative thinking

• Correct use of TMI branding

• Educational value

• Awareness building on Toastmasters events

• Engagement with members

Accordingly, newsletters from 12 clubs were

shortlisted whose newsletters best met most, if

not all of these criteria. They are, in no particular

order, CLIMA VIT TMC, Voice of Colombo TMC,

Brisa VIT Toastmasters, APIIT TMC, Pinnacle

Advanced TMC, Awakening TMC, Nuvens TMC,

TCS Maitree Champions TMC, IFS TMC, SLIM

TMC, Rising Pillars TMC, and Thirdware TMC.

A panel of judges voted based on the above

mentioned criteria and the Top 5 newsletters in

District 82 in the 1st Term were;

1. APIIT TMC – Winner

2. Awakening TMC

3. Voice of Colombo TMC


5. Pinnacle TMC

*TMC - Toastmasters Club

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District Director DTM Sastharam Raveendran [email protected]

Program Quality Director DTM Sudash Liyanage [email protected]

Club Growth Director DTM Ajantha Jayawardena [email protected]

Administration Manager TM Akshaya Mahalingam [email protected]

Finance Manager TM S Sateesh Kumar [email protected]

Public Relations Manager DTM Arshad Mohideen [email protected]

District Chief Judge TM Vijayalakshmi Soundarajan [email protected]

Assistant Programme Quality

Director – Sri Lanka TM Ranishka Wimalasena [email protected]

Assistant Programme Quality

Director – Tamil NaduTM Vidiya Prasanth [email protected]

Assistant Club Growth Director

– Sri Lanka TM Punsirimewan Kamburawala [email protected]

Assistant Club Growth Director

– Tamil NaduTM Arun Kumar Sridhar

TLI Chair – Sri Lanka TM Scerena Jansen Dirckze [email protected]

TLI Chair – Tamil Nadu TM Guruprasad Padmanabhan [email protected]

Mentors Pool Chair – Sri

LankaDTM Srianthie Salgado [email protected]

Mentors Pool Chair – Tamil

NaduTM Badhrinath Soundararajan [email protected]

Assistant District Finance

Manager – Sri LankaTM Ishani Kuruppu [email protected]

Social Media Chair TM Nisal [email protected]

Twitter: @_Nisal_

Webmaster TM Gayantha [email protected]

Twitter : @gayantha

Newsletter Editor TM Yasangi Randeni [email protected]

Co – Newsletter Editor TM Hingston [email protected]

Twitter: mehingston89

Blog Master TM Mazin [email protected]

Twitter : @mazin_hussain94

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Page 64: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update


Division A

Division Director TM Hussain Moosajee [email protected]

Area Director A1 TM Saliya De Silva [email protected]

Area Director A2 TM Sarmaa Mahalingam [email protected]

Area Director A3 TM Koshal Krishnakumar [email protected]

Area Director A4 TM Milan Padukka [email protected]

Division B

Division Director TM K.V.Yuvaraju [email protected]

Area Director B1TM Santhanalakshmi

[email protected]

Area Director B2 TM Subhadip Banik [email protected]

Area Director B3 TM Samuel Whitefield [email protected]

Area Director B4 TM Vamsi Sridhar [email protected]

Area Director B5 TM Lavakumar Mudduluru [email protected]

Division C

Division Director TM Ranmal Goonetilleke [email protected]

Area Director C1 TM Muhammed Sheikh Ahmed [email protected]

Area Director C2 TM Imalee De Silva [email protected]

Area Director C3TM Tharindu Navodana

[email protected]

Area Director C4 TM Keerthie Wijekulasooriya [email protected]

Division D

Division Director TM Pravin Mani [email protected]

Area Director D1 TM Mythily Ramanan [email protected]

Area Director D2 TM Prashant Sree [email protected]

Area Director D3 TM Saravana Kumar [email protected]

Area Director D4 TM Nishit Raj Jain [email protected]

Area Director D5 TM Vinutha Vivek [email protected]

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

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Division E

Division Director TM Daya Shantha Senarath [email protected]

Area Director E1TM Munidasapathiranage Ananda

[email protected]

Area Director E2 TM Manjula Samarasinghe [email protected]

Area Director E3 TM Mohamed Minfaz Hilmy [email protected]

Area Director E4 TM Dilrukshi Rajapakse [email protected]

Area Director E5 TM Darshika N Koggalahewa [email protected]

Division F

Division Director TM Bernadine Jayasinghe [email protected]

Area Director F1 TM M H M Z Marzook [email protected]

Area Director F2 TM Shazuli Raheem [email protected]

Area Director F3 TM Prialal Desilva [email protected]

Area Director F4 TM Suhitha Karunanayake [email protected]

Area Director F5 TM Dilusha Gamage [email protected]

Division G

Division Director TM Vikram Nagaraj [email protected]

Area Director G1 TM J. Antony Jerald Anand [email protected]

Area Director G2 TM Sunil G Baffna [email protected]

Area Director G3 TM Lavanya Adapala [email protected]

Area Director G4 TM Sundaresan S.T [email protected]

Area DirectorG5 TM Vejey Subash Gandyer [email protected]

Division H

Division Director TM Padmajith Jinadasa [email protected]

Area Director H1 TM Asitha Koshala [email protected]

Area Director H2 TM Gamini Fernando [email protected]

Area Director H3 TM Priyankara Dias [email protected]

Area Director H4 TM P. Bandula Perera [email protected]

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

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Division I

Division Director TM Karthick Mohandos [email protected]

Area Director I1 TM Rajat Chandra Mathur [email protected]

Area Director I2 TM Navaneeth V G [email protected]

Area Director I3 TM Manickajamin.K [email protected]

Area Director I4 TM Kush Tripathi [email protected]

Area Director I5 TM Ramalingam K [email protected]

Division J

Division J TM Namini Gunasena [email protected]

Area – J1 TM Moditha Attanagoda [email protected]

Area – J2 TM Mohamed Inshaf [email protected]

Area – J3 TM G. Thilini Weerasuriya [email protected]

Area – J4 TM Udeni Gnanaweera [email protected]

52District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Page 67: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

Six more special committees were appointed at the Reverberation 2015 Business Meeting in


District 82 Leadership Committee


DTM Yusuf Jeevunjee

District 82 Realignment Committee

Chair - Sri Lanka

DTM Srianthie Salgado

District 82 Realignment Committee

Chair - Tamil Nadu

TM Arun Sridhar

District 82 Reformation Research

Committee Chair

DTM Saravanan Velrajan

Page 68: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

District 82 Procedures Committee


TM Manoj Sharath

District 82 Research Member & Club

retention Committee Chair

DTM Zameen M Saleem

Head of Project on Research of the

Scope of Expansion in Tier II and Tier

III Cities

TM Vardarajan S.

Page 69: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

Text Timelines for Membership Awards

Text DCP Goal related timelines

Text Division, District and International Conferences


Timelines for MOTs, DOTPS, OTPs, Emergence, Submission of Officer

Lists to TMI, Timelines for Area Director’s Visits, Submission timeline for

Area Director’s visit report,

TextTimelines for Membership Renewals/ Memberships dues/ Club Officer

Election timelines/

Text PR Awards Submission Deadline Windows, Newsletter submission deadlines

TextDistrict Timelines – Notice of meetings, timeline for District Officer

nominations, submission of reports, District newsletter etc.

Text Timeline to release results of District PR Awards

TextDistrict Council Meetings, TLI events, Documents due to be sent to world

headquarters, deadlines for district officers

Text Golden Gavel/ Golden Gavel+ related material

Other points given in detail that are not marked on calendar


The events in the District 82 Toastmasters Year were integrated into one calendar for

the ease of reference of District Officers. The events are colour coded into the

following groups of event types. Events are further listed by the month. Commitments

of each Division for educational goals as well as conference dates were noted at the

District Officer Training Programme at the beginning of the year.

District 82 Mid Year Review 2015 | Page

Page 70: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

Beat the Clock Toastmasters Award:



We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu







Div. B


Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr

Smedley Award:






Div. ERR

EM –



Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo

Smedley Award:



Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We

Due: TMI Grace Period for Membership-renewal dues

for DCP credit

Div. D




Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa



Div. H Submission: Best

FB Page


Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo


2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Page 71: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu

Membership Building Programme



We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr



Div. I


Div. H,

D & I(Vellore)


EM –




Div. A

Div. G


EM –


– SL

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo

Membership Building Programme



EM –


Flyer JTP




Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We

Membership Building Programme

Due: Membership-renewal dues for DCP creditDUE



Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Div. B Div. G

& I


A, E

Div. C,

F, J


Flyer DUE

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo









Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th



DC Flyer DE

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Page 72: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th


Div. D (Remote)


Div. B (Chennai)

Div. D (Remote)

Div. D (Chennai)

RM –



Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

Talk Up Toastmasters Award:



Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo

Talk Up Toastmasters Award:



Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th


Due: Membership-renewal dues


WebDiv. A PRM Div. D


Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Beat the Clock Award:


Notice of Business Meeting for Ovations to be




We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu

Beat the Clock Award:

2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su



RM –



EM -



Div. E


Div. H


Div. G (Chennai)

Div. I (Vellore)


Div. I (Chennai)

Div. F


Div. C

& J


Div. A

Flyer NL2

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo

Membership Building Programme



EM –


Flyer Dues JTP



Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th

Membership Building Programme

MR Flyer Deadline: Club Renewals LE

Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa



NC1Div. I Div. B




AD1 Div. G Div. E Div. H FlyerDiv. C,

F, J

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu

Membership Building Programme


Ovation ‘15 DD



We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th

Membership Building Programme


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Page 74: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

2015 Colour Code Details of the deadline


Beat the Clock:30th – End: Beat the Clock membership-building programme (started

in previous term)

DOTP – SL 13th & 14th – DOTP Sri Lanka

DOTP – TN 27th & 28th – DOTP Chennai

TLI - TTT 28th – TLI: Train the Trainer for Sri Lanka

GG 30th – Begin: Golden Gavel/ Golden Gavel + Award Programme

DCP: 1030th – Due: Club officer list to World Headquarters


30th – Clubs to complete a Club Success Plan


DCP 1st – Begin: Distinguished Programmes

DNL 1st – District newsletter due

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

EM - TN 9th – Emergence: Chennai

OTP: Div. B 12th – OTP: Division D (Chennai), Division I (Vellore)

OTP: Div. C, J 12th – Joint OTP: Divisions C, J


Due on the 15th;

• District leader list

• District calendar

• Area and Division alignment charges

• District Signature Firm and bank signatory card

OTP: Div. I 18th – OTP: Division I (Chennai)

OTP: Div. H 19th – OTP: Division H

JTP/ EM – SL 19th – JTP & Emergence (TLI Event) (Kurunegala)

OTP: Div. F 25th – OTP: Divisions F

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

JTP/ EM – SL 26th – JTP/ Emergence (TLI Event) (Sri Lanka Tourism Institute


OTP: Div. G 26th – OTP: Division G (Chennai)

OTP: Div. A 26th – OTP: Division A

Page 75: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

2015 Colour Code Details of the deadline


Smedley Award: 1st – Begin: Smedley Award membership building programme

OTP: Div. G&D

(CBE)1st – OTP: Divisions G & D (Remote)

OTP: Div. E 2nd – OTP: Division E

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – flyer

EM – TN 9th – Emergence (Tamil Nadu)



12th to 15th – The 2015 International Convention to take place at

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

JTP/ EM – SL 16th – JTP/ Emergence (TLI Event) (To be held at Moratuwa


CSP15th – Club Success Plan to reach Programme Quality Director for

GG/ GG+ points

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

JTP30th – A minimum of 3 (three) members to be trained as judges and

the names to reach the District Web Master for GG/ GG+ points

DCP10 31st – End: First-round club officer training for credit in the

Distinguished Club ProgramOTP


Due on the 31st:

• End: club officer training for DCP Credit

• Year end Audit Report for previous year

• Previous year’s financial records

• Fixed Asset Template and Accrual Template


DUE Due on the 1st: District leader list for Advanced leader credit

Dues Collect and submit membership renewal dues

Plan Plan and publicize upcoming speech contests

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

MR15th – Minimum 20 renewals to be completed by 15th September for

the 1st Term

Due: September – Membership renewals due for DCP credit

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

MOT 30th – Last Date for submission of Moments of Truth report

NL130th – 1st Deadline to submit a newsletter for Golden Gavel points

(requirement is for 2 newsletters)

Page 76: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

2015 Colour Code Details of the deadline


Due on the 30th

• First round club officer training reports

• Division and Area Directors’ Training Report

• District Success Plan

• District budget

Smedley Award: 30th – End: Smedley Award membership-building program


DUE 1st – Appointment of the District Nominating Committee Chair

Due: Grace1st to 10th – Due: TMI Grace period for membership-renewal dues for

credit in the Distinguished Club Program

FB 1st – Deadline to submit nominations for best Facebook page contest

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

Div. D 11th – Semiannual Conference: Division D

Div. B 17th – Semiannual Conference: Division B

Div. G, I 18th – Joint Semiannual Conference: Divisions G & I

Div. A, E 25th – Joint Semiannual Conference: Divisions A & E

Div. C, F, J 31st – Joint Semiannual Conference: Divisions C, F & J

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

SCS31st – Organise a Successful Club Series Session (other than MOT)

for GG/ GG+ points

DUE 31st – Quarter 1 Profit and Loss Statement


Club Officer Election (for Semi Annual Terms)

DACA 1st – Appointment of the District Audit Committee

DNCA 1st – Appointment of the District Nominating Committee

Div. H 1st – Semiannual Conference: Division H


Best FB Page2nd – Submission window for Best Facebook page award nominations

DC 3rd – Deadline for completion of semi-annual Division Conferences

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

CO 8th – Final call for all Divisions to communicate winner notifications

Dues15th – Dead Line for Semi Annual Dues for Distinguished Area


Page 77: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

2015 Colour Code Details of the deadline


TR15th – Submission of Treasurer’s Report for July 1 – September 30 to


RR 17th – Release results of the PR Awards – Best FB Page

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

DECM 28th and 29th – District Executive Committee Meeting

Reverbs 2015

28th and 29th – Reverberation 2015 Conference (in Sri Lanka)

29th – Registration Launch of Annual District Conference, Ovation

2016 – CHENNAI

Fin. 30th – Submission deadline for 2015 – 16 Financial record


30th – Dead Line of Area Director’s Visit Form to TMI (Online)

• End first round of club visits

• First round of club visit reports

• Changes to first round of club officer training reports


OTP 1st – Begin: second-round club officer training for DCP credits

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

DC 15th – Nominations open for next District Council

AGM15th – Clubs on semiannual terms to conduct AGM and submit officer

list for GG/ GG+ points

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

DE 31st – District Election – Nomination Committee Appointment.

OL 31st – Due: Club elections to be held and Club officer list to reach

World Headquarters (deadline for DCP goal 10 and clubs holding

semi–annual elections)DCP10

31st – End of first Term

Page 78: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update




Div. A• Joint Semiannual Division Conference (with Div. E) - 25th


Div. B • Semiannual conference: 17th October

Div. C • Joint Semiannual Division Conference - 31st October

Div. D • Semiannual conference: 11th October

Div. E • Joint Division Conference (with Div. A) - 25th October

Div. F

• 30th September – All Clubs to finish Club Contests for 1st


• 11th October – All area Contests to be completed for 1st


• Joint Semiannual division conference - 31st October

Div. G • Joint semiannual conference: 18th October

Div. H • Semiannual conference - 1st November

Div. I • Joint semiannual conference: 18th October

Div. J • Joint Division Contests - 31st October

Division OTP

Dates (1st


Div. A • OTP – 26th July

Div. B • OTP – 2nd August (Vellore)

Div. C • Joint OTP – 12th July

Div. D • OTP – 1st August (Divisions G & D Remote)

Div. E • OTP – 2nd August

Div. F • OTP – 25th July

Div. G• OTP – 1st August (Divisions G & D Remote), 26th July

(Division G – Chennai)

Div. H • OTP – 19th July 2015

Div. I • OTP – 17th July (Division I - Chennai), 12th July (Division I

– Vellore)

Div. J • Joint OTP – 12th July

Page 79: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

Pulse | January 2016 | Page 79

2016 Colour Code Details of the deadline


AD Begin: Area Director’s Visits (2nd Term)

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

PRM 5th – PRM 2nd Quarter Report Submit to District Director

TLI – TN 8th – TLI – Chennai 2016

OTP: Div. B 9th – OTP: Division B (Chennai)

OTP: Div. D 9th – OTP: Division D (Remote)

RM – SL 10th – District Review Meeting (Sri Lanka)

OTP: Div. D 10th – OTP: Division D (Chennai)

TR/ DN15th – Monthly Treasury Report for November 2016 to District Trio

15th – Deadline to submit nominations for the next District Council

RM – TN 16th – District Review Meeting (Tamil Nadu)

JTP/ EM – SL 17th – JTP/ Emergence (TLI Event) (Location TBC)

OTP: Div. E

OTP: Div. H

17th – OTP: Division E

17th – OTP: Division H

OTP: Div. G 23rd – OTP: Division G (Chennai)

OTP: Div. F 24th – OTP: Division F

OTP: Div. I23rd – OTP: Division I (Vellore

24th – OTP: Division I (Chennai)

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

OTP: Div. C & J 30th – Joint OTP: Divisions C & J

OTP: Div. A 31st – OTP: Division A (2nd Term)

NL231st – 2nd Deadline to submit a newsletter for Golden Gavel points

(requirement is for 2 newsletters)


Talk up 1st – Begin: Talk Up Toastmasters Membership Building Programme

DTAP 1st – District Treasurer Audit Preparation

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

E - TN 7th – Emergence (Chennai)

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Pulse | January 2016 | Page 80

2016 Colour Code Details of the deadline

JTP/EM - SL 21st – JTP/ Emergence (Colombo)


Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

Dues 27th – Club renewal window open (till 31st March)

JTP28th – Judges Training to be completed for GG (minimum 3 members)/

GG+ (4 more members) points


End: Second-round club officer training for credit in the Distinguished

Club Program

31st – Last to submit Club Officers’ Training Report to TMI

MOT 31st – Last day to submit MOT report

31st – Names of Division Contest winners to be sent to District

Education office


RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

Due15th – Membership renewals of minimum 20 members for GG/ GG+


Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

Dues 31st – Deadline for Club dues renewal

LE31st – Session from the Leadership Excellence Series to be conducted

for GG/ GG+ points

Talk up 31st – Talk Up Toastmasters Membership Building programme closes



1st to 10th – Due: Membership-renewal dues for credit in the

Distinguished Club Program/ Dead Line – Semi Annual Dues

Remittance by Clubs for Distinguished Club credit

Div. A 3rd – Annual Conference: Division A

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

FB/ Web

1st – Deadline to submit nominations for best Facebook page contest

Insights for best website to be submitted to the PR Team by clubs for

Best Website Award

PRM 5th – PRM to submit 3rd Quarter Report to District Governor

Div. D 10th – Annual Conference: Division D


15th – Monthly Treasury Report for February 2015 to District Trio

15th – Nominations Committee Report to District Director

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Pulse | January 2016 | Page 81

2016 Colour Code Details of the deadline


AD215th – Area Directors’ Club visit report to be submitted to District


Div. I 16th – Annual Conference: Division I

Div. G 17th – Annual Conference: Division G (Sangamam 2016)

Div. B 17th – Annual Conference: Division B (Separate conference)

NC220th – District Nominating Committee’s report to be circulated to the

District Council

Div. E 23rd – Annual Conference: Division E

Div. H 24th – Annual Conference: Division H

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

BSS30th – Session from the Better Speaker Series to be conducted for GG+


AD2 30th – Deadline to submit Area Directors’ club visit report to TMI

DCP10 30th – Clubs to achieve 10 DCP Points for GG/ GG+ Points

T30th – Deadlines to submit the Club ‘Tabloid’ for Golden Gavel Plus

points (Details will be disclosed at the OTP)


Beat the Clock: Begin: Beat the Clock Membership Award (May 1 to June 30)

RR 3rd – Release results of the PR Awards – Flyer of the Month

CO 8th – Cutoff date to submit Winner Notification forms from each Division

Flyer 25th – Submission deadline for ‘Flyer of the Month’ PR Award

GG 15th – Deadline for Golden Gavel/ Golden Gavel +

AGM15th – Clubs to conduct AGM (annual and semiannual clubs) and

submit Officer List for GG/ GG+ points

Notice of… 15th – Notice of Business Meeting for Ovations to be circulated

TR15th – Deadline to submit the Quarterly Treasurer’s Report for the

period of 1st July – 31st March to TMI

Ovation ‘15 28th – 29th: Ovation 2015 Conference

Page 82: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

Pulse | January 2016 | Page 82

2016 Colour Code Details of the deadline

May DD

31st – District Deadlines: Late date: Area Directors’ visit report to TMI

31st – District Deadlines: New District Officers List to reach WHQ

31st – District Deadlines: Proxies for International Convention to reach

District Director

JuneBeat the Clock 30th – End: Beat the Clock Award (May 1 to June 30)

DCP End: DCP Programmes




Div. A • Annual Conference - 3rd April

Div. B • Annual Conference: 17th April

Div. C • Joint Annual Conference - 30th April

Div. D • Annual Conference – 10th April

Div. E • Annual conference – 23rd April

Div. F

• 27th February – All club contests to be completed for 2nd term

• 15th March – All Area contests to be completed for 2nd term

• Joint Annual Conference - 30th April

Div. G • Annual Conference – 17th April (at PSG Tech, 9am to 5pm)

Div. H • Annual Conference - 24th April

Div. I • Annual Conference – 16th April (Separate conference)

Div. J • Joint Annual Conference - 30th April

Division OTP

Dates (2nd


Div. A • OTP - OTP – Sunday, 31st January 2016

Div. B • OTP – 9th January (Chennai)

Div. C • Joint OTP – 30th January

Div. D • OTP – 9th January (Division D – Remote)

• OTP – 10th January (Division D – Chennai)

Div. E • OTP – 17th January

Div. F • OTP – 24th January

Div. G • OTP – 23rd January (at IITM Research Park, 9am to 1pm)

Div. H • OTP – 17th January (Kurunegala)

Div. I • OTP – 23rd January (Vellore), 24th January (Chennai)

Div. J • Joint OTP – 30th January

Page 83: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update

Organising Committee headed by the

Conference Chair, DTM Jayan Narayanan, is

clearly gearing up for the conference year,

Ovation 2016, the Year End Conference of

Toastmasters District 82.

The conference was officially launched at the

Reverberation 2015 conference in Kandy, Sri

Lanka, and garnered 190 registrations during the

weekend. By now, registrations have exceeded


District 82 will head to the hills of Chennai, Tamil


Nadu, this time with Ovation 2016; the

conference will be held inside the Mahindra

World City at Infosys Limited. Mahindra World

City is India's first operational Special Economic

Zone and India's first Integrated Business City

and is on par with the World’s best business


Ovation 2016 is bound to be an experience of a

lifetime for our toastmasters as we select the

next District Champion to represent District 82 at

the World Championship of Public Speaking.

Page 84: Reflections: District 82 Midyear Update