· of the treasurer w1::s...

'l i ,, I '!' ., : ... - _ _......... - .-. ---·--. i- ,.,__. ( REENBELT iNDEPENDENT -----------------------------------------·-------------- NEWSPAPER Published Every Thursday Vol. 17, No. ].s;; By The Greenbelt Cooperative PUt1lishing Association, Inc. 14 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland Greenbelt, :l\Iaryland, Thursday. December 18. 1952 ·-------------;:,...;..----·--.;_-- ..... :---=5 t cen.s Council ,Approves Budge:l For 1953, Asks $190,539 From PHA Pending Sale ALout a dozen citizens witnessed city council approval of the 1953 budg•3t, calling for an expenditure of $259,391. Mayor Frank Lal5t,1Cr was authorized to negotiatE:: with Public Housing Administration for a "payment in lieu of taxes" of S190,539. (If the expected sale of homes to Greenbelt Veteran Housing Corpora- tion is completed by January 1, the federal government's pa::;ment will be made only for htose apar_tments it will continue to operate. GVH will not have any "control" over the budget .. The tax rate for real property was estnbli.,hed at $3.5141 per $100 assesseci Yaluation, and the per- sonal proJ;crty tax on local busi- nesses continues to be $1 per $100 evaluation. No cuts or r.dcitions to the budg- c:·t were made during the hearing. Alt.hough this year's figure exceeds hoth last ye&.r's $247,659 and the 1951 total of $226,556. much of the is due to added costs from ownership of adGitionai property 1Jy dedication from the federal government. Reyenue and costa of the water system are not included, since the utility's owner- ship is 'still in doubt. Figures for the main departments are - legis- iative and $22,807; pub- lic' safety, $42,115; roadways and highway lighting, $28,62R; sanita- tion and waste removal, $38,307; recreation, $64,381 <this includes Community building, 1nunicipal parks, library, and organized rec- reation). A(ld Taxes? One citizen urged the counci) to raist:' the property tax. He !'ta ted that the $2,334 derived from t).rct:'!lbt:lt Consumer dne:;:: not pay fer the services the vrovides that businc•ss. Businesses ps well as residen;;s should hear the burden cf taxes, he added. In rPp1y, Mayor Lastner declared that raising the tax would be' unfair to GCS "ince other comn-;unities lower t-:J.x rate;;. Also. he stated, future businesses . in Greenbelt would he' rlriven by the hm-- clc>n of taxatiou. He cited instances of small industries milking inquiry about locating on Greenbelt prop- , crty; only the diffidence' of PHA has prc;;cntcc! many of ti1<::m ffom themselves County Services Duplication'> of county •xr::·e p:-otc;tcd by 1nany spectator:;. Policc- protection, library. health rccrf'atiua \Vcrc tcrraed the should be gt·ttin!:; frc.m the county in return for ta)CD'i r:· to the county. T[•<' !"wimming- ;:-.ool. the lake ;,·c cr<:?to;, the' fireworks. dis- are serYicf'S GrecnbPlt for from '·:hlch citizens rJf the en- tire: c·c·nnty derive be-nefit. Tho c·"ltmc-'1 wns urged to press for bet- te-r sC'n'iccs the county so that (:,;·C'enbelt':> may be Jcs-> costly, r:lther th:m diminishc;d. An-)thPr effort ':o raise the salary of the treasurer w1::s dcfc,'.3.t.ed by a t:c Yote. . Cour.cilman Steve Con;.- ings has resig:rwd.) Lastncr pr0po!';ec1 a .<:;259 raise, as s1•gge"t.ed 1-.v Citv ::\.hn:lge-·r Charles :l\-IcDon- ;:;\d. l:,'l'cDo!'!ald ·wp_s absent due tn iliness_) There wets no seconu to his rr-.otic.n. Councilman Ben moved for a :)100 in- to bring the o;alccry even tllf' c:hi<.if of public safety. Gold- faden mainta;ned the head of nublic safety acts as city-manager ;,.,, :vrcDonald;o' absence anrl would :1ot lk p!·oper to 1: ave hiE f'a!ary lowPr than R. subordinate'!'. Th' was dcreated. Both the treasurer's and police .::hief'E s:tlaries arP at thE' top of th£- grade and ·pan only raised by legisla- tion. t:'tilit)· Sale ::O.t:ayor L_qstnr,r disclos(·d Ine:-tns r,f stonping the· sale of th•2 f:icctric uhlity to PEPCO by PHA are being investigated by the city solicitor. An injunction may be 'Barbecue' Smith New Councilman; Taxes His Meat JamE'S Smith, 4-H Southway, eiected Monday to the city council last to replace Steve Comings SMITH who resigned af· ter moving frorr Greenbelt. Smitl· is a career em· ployee with thr Navy Depart· ment and oper- a nevv and used ear businesf on the Ealtimon Boulevard. He has two chil· dren, both grad· uates of the University of Mary- land. His son is now a Naval Air Cadet in Pensacola, Florida. One of the "original settlers" in Green- belt, moving here in 1937, Smith has ::>e'en active in Boy Scout work the Citizens' Association, and i::: now on the board of the Lions Ciua. Ht: fer cnu:-1, in t"".":C.' earlier elections; one of them haci 19 candidates! · Smith is particuh'.rly interested in the tax 8tructure' in Greenbelt and hopes to devote much of his time to investigating Greenbelt tax ]Fublcms as cmnpared to ether communities in the county. Term- ing- him<·elf a "fr<:'e' enterprise' man, Sm!th states that Greenbelt has great promise for future de- ':clopment Although not ;my group \Yorking together i_n busines::;, lw feels that all individ- u:;l:; shot!ltl be given freedom of opportunity. "\Ve should examine l'C'; iew, a:1.d perhaps ,analyze what is going on around us tax--..vise," he Je-'clarccl Smith spent four years in eounty -tax departn1ent · 'Nh!le in Xcrth Carolina. Post ()ffice Hours N'c:w office hours are an- '".fhomas R. p0stn1astcr. They arc: Friday, December 19, 8 a.m. tc.. 7 p.m. Satur.jay, Dec.,mhcr 20, 8 a.m. to f) p.m. Sunday, Dccemtcr 21, 1 p_m. to 6 p.m. Monday. December 22, 8 a.m. tc 7 p.m. Tuesday, Decembe-r 23, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. \V•,dn.,sclay, December 24, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Christmas cards. unseale:l, may be mailed fo:- two cepts, bvt must !tot confa:in \-Vriting, acccrding the postrn3.stcr. used; the ::ouncil feels th'1.t the sale to PEPCO violates the of Public Law 65, which tiefmes th<C method of disposal of Greenbelt including the utilities. The. part of the meeting wa: devoted to the of an add!· tiona! ·'?Ot:nci! member to replac.: Ste'..'e Comings, who thi: week. .I·3 mc..; Smith, 4-H SoCitil- way, was ,., lected on the sixth lot; a majDrity v:as needed to eiect Other n1' submitted for nomi- nation ·,vP!e: ::Vt:rs. 0. Zoellner, Ear· ThoMas, E:dgar Swisher, and Aller l\-!:orrison. The Gre(>nbt:-lt Coo!,)t>rator ,,_.ill it:<; publication date from Thursday to \Vednesday for the next two weoeks. Ail news items tor the \Vednesda;\·. Dect>mher 24 issue ltlld for the U'ednesday, December 31 issue lnust he in the Cooperator of- iice at 14 Parkway b)' 10 p.m. \fONDA'\' preceding the dates of publications. WHAT GiOES ON Thursday, Dee_ 18 - Staff meeting; home of ::\Irs. EolPt, 11-Q Ridge·. Sunday, Dee. 21 - 3 p.:n .. St Hugh's Schoo! C'J ristmas pro· gram; 2-5 p.m., American LP- gion chHdrcn's party; 5 and p.rr .. , C::>mmnnity Church pageant. :Vfon<'h:v .. :.>cc. 22 - Santa Clam. !s .:omir.g to town! Tuesday, Dec. 24 - Boy Scot.:t Cn.-istmas party. December 24 to January 5 - Li- orai.-y closed. GCS Bc•ard Ent:e1rt:ains At: Par,t:y For Em1lloyees Four employees of Greenbelt Ccn<mmcr Services with ten years of were honored at a gala Christmas party given by the board of direc:tom for employees at thP American Legion Home on South- WfW :as:: S<mday night. AddiP So,,·ell. an office· employe·<'. ar::;-1 .Tc:rr:v l_"; of t'h,.::-· department received gifts prcse:nt- ul i;y \Va.lter Bierwagcn. GCc president. Dan Livingston. Ta- lwma n1eat manager, and Paul J\cfi- 'asi, of :he shot: repair were not present to recci\·c gifts. The err1ployees danced to U'r· nlu- sie of Van Camp in -an a·:mos!)hPrc: of candlc>!ig-1'1t and G"-ris:mas dr'c:- orations:. .A. buffet \Yith punc!-1 coffee was provided b:; Gr•org.- DaYi0s<·n's comm:ttce. Bier\\"2.g<.n. srJcaking for and the beard. Lhar:kC'd the fo1· their faithL1l and .... ic:--. and i.!l ·)f r·":T:p=l;:, ... ('es· al:pre.-:-::.:_;:,IoP of i!l Jc alf. Atttc::1da;-,c, at the anr-..:al lhf· la:·p c·Y€.:r. as tLc cf s w2-s i:1::!rcascc1 s:nc:·: of the s:'"lrt·-s. The a ... vo: cc-:1 opinio!: t>; a :\Ion--lay· \\ ... Ju>J br•,>n in err ( :·_ Relnt Raise G\lHC Members Ki,ll Clause, C) K LCJrnd Purchase By Harry l\1. Zubkoff A qt,orum showed up at the meiJlbership meeting last night promptly at 8:30 p.m., an unprecedented occurence i:P- Greenbelt. The meeting moved along rapidly, and the last item of business was concluded shortly after 10:30. President Mike Salzman, in his opening addres£, allayed the fears of members with regard to the rent situation, assuring them that there was no danger of any financial loss to the corporation or to members insofar as subsidizing unsold units is concerned. Yes- terday afternoon, he announced, the Office of Rent Stabilization had signed a rent raiise for Greenbelt which would be sufficient to carry all the unsold units without loss to the corporation ... Non-Union Emitloyees Of IGCS: Get Raises A c:ost-of-living increase fo:· Grcenbc:lt Consumer Services em- ployees nol ccvered by a union con- w.J.s approved by the Cooper- r,_ti·.-.-·'s board of dir?ctors at its reg- t:lar meeting last Friday night. Acting on the suggestion of Bas- s<'tt [<'prguson. who substituted for Sam Ashelman at the meeting, the board voted a wage :increase- for lhc non-t:.nion employees, to be bascci on the increase in Bureau of Labor Statistics figures for the pe- riod of November 15, 1951 to No- vember 15, 1952, and to become rective on the release of new index. He-nry vV·alter's motion to place on notice for one year a change in lhe State c-l::a rter reducing the quo- rum was tabled until legal opinion is obt'•.'d. p:·o'·" tile quorum situation, Henry \\'alter suggested that the boarrl tak(· now the steps necessary to :-educe the quorum requirements. He: would change the q·calrum fron1 the: :c'lresent 5 percent (which is 176 mPr:1 1 l(·rs) to 5 percent or 100 nwmbPrs .. ,.·hichPver 1s smaller. To n1akc a ehange, 'Walter said, it \\·c ulC: fir:;t a. motion by th· bo-n(; to change the State lh.>n a two-th:.rds vote of :ill r:w s:od;: ho]ders !involving mu:tths J or eollec:ting enougl: prr;"i:·s •. c.ft'-'r \Vhkh the by-laws c-:1:: ,,,. nm.-:nded. r:: '.'::ts \\'alter'<; feeling that the L:<·m:;r-:·:; would have cne year to cr:·!:sider the c1 that the proposal be sub- to legal coansel for opin- J(.:J. ,,u_1 considered at the next t>n hst quarterly meeting n1cmhcrs attended; a good r:-(Jjlcrti.op_ were either boar'J J·:r·:':''"'" or No Ta- l:·::i:a 1:'.crk P.Y:'mbc:rs v;ere present. l1:ent Raise For All Furthermor0, duri11g the first year of operation, all residents-- - buyers anrl non-buy2rs alike--will be paying monthly charges in ae- ccrdance with the maximum rent set up by ORS, rathe::- Lhan the monthly payments .origi- nally scheduled by GVHC. This i:; b<'ing taken because PHA has granted a moratorium on principal< payment for the first- year, which the corporation is pass- ing :-:long· to thp members. rent increases will range from about 20 to 30% and wlll be ap- 95% of the figun ·which GVHC sci1eduled for month- ly payments. <PHA is expected to post the :new rent schedules in the next few days.) ehangeover Ready Meanwhile, now that the last hurdle has been cleared, Salzman reported ! hat the coz·poration 1s ge<ued to take over on .T•anuary 1 as planm·d. Delivery of fuel nil i::; assured, and arrangem(mts have been !..o y)urchase and supplies from PHA ai. costs not to exceed the costs to the gov- ernment The genpra.l managez- anct the maintenance staff have been hire.-! to start January 1. Ne- gotiations arc underway to buy insurance; a firm of accou:1tants is pn·-paring to move in to ctudit the and to set up a book- keeping system. No Loyalty Oaths A lettr'I' from Jo!'ln Tctylor F:gun, Commissirmpr of Puhlic informrd the cr,rpor·:-ttion the govcrnmc·nt was withdrawing its clr:mand t'l inse:t a 1 oy·llty dausc in th<· I-Iowcvcr, tht! brx> rd ndopt('d a nolky w.llich would prohibit thP corporation frcn.1 acc('pting as m<'rnbers or n•si- dcnts allyon(' arcns0d of activiti,_•s hy a law c:-:t.forr·•-'m.-:nt ·a;;cncy. boarcl action. mPt '-'· ith :r.Pmb!'rship al- lhough !1(1 formal mcmbr:·rshi'> ac- tion \vas rPcjuircd, or taK(ln. /.. --------·---------------------- SCJ.lzmnn took the city ('Ot•ncil to tnsk v:ith n·garrl to the utilitir:!; l-lP accused the council of ing a n1;trkecl r.-:luctance to coop.,r· ate with GVHC, and of o. g-r!nr•r<J.I apathy with regard to tnr, s:lle. Thr :v had no faith. hP .':aid in effect, ; n thr: even turd C·)l".Sllln- mation of Pte sale, and •consr'- qu0ntly madP littlr' effort trl help, althcugh there v;as much that the-y could hnv.-, d.-,ne !The· Cooper-ator· ncx:: wr-r·k will carry a story of the utilitir·s ith part:Cular r•·gard to thr! city council.) He eoncllldr:;i his adcln·ss by pointing ont thac many difficult. !::ty ah,·ad, and ::tpp,·aled to memb(·rs to thtlln anr] solve th<:"m. For lr•!n Years Of Service Prc.'-eilted a1card;; fr,:· /r'.i yerus s<:r,:ice at Sunday night's Christmas pady fo:· GC3 r::·; p!o;;cs ire,-e Addie S01·.·ezz f'lld .Jen·y Goodin. sh-: ;c;z aboce n·i,'h Er, ... ,.. l P,·e·;i•inzt l'>'alter Biencagen. r..-ot p1·esent at rhe :"•":·-:: tc;:-yc·ru employees Paul !Jfllasld and Dan Liring<;ton. GCS e:; plr,;:u> rue ho;;-r;.-·cd mli;ually by the board of d;recton at the Cht·istli<r!s seosr:>i?. Sold So fa.r 1126 units h·ave b('en sold 'Ir<:'asilrer Tern Hitchie rr'porU,fl, :n2 of ·.vr,ich wPrr:· old Gre,·nbr:lt hnusps and 754 def('n'H: honsl's. This rcprc•,:ents a total dollar valuP of $4,283,(.00_ Already 995 down payments have hecn re<cr:Iverl, :-tmounting to $483.756. Unsold ar(' ·149 units, repres.-:nting a dol- lar value of $1,890,3.')(!_ Ia othr:r words, ::ust under of the llol- lar va.luc has berm <;old. Resident buyers nutnumbl·r non-r.-:si6cnts by 2 to 1. Dnr: ahout f\5<i( of t!1.-. tot:ctl arP V('tc-r<ms. The 1126 sold units rPpresent :,·lJr;ut 71.5';{ of the total number of units for sale. r PH.\ HOUSI:-.JG, Page 2 --, I r. .)

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REENBELT iNDEPENDENT -----------------------------------------·--------------NEWSPAPER

Published Every Thursday Vol. 17, No. ].s;;

By The Greenbelt Cooperative PUt1lishing Association, Inc. 14 Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland Greenbelt, :l\Iaryland, Thursday. December 18. 1952 ·-------------;:,...;..----·--.;_--.....:---=5 t


Council ,Approves Budge:l For 1953, Asks $190,539 From PHA Pending Sale

ALout a dozen citizens witnessed city council approval of the 1953 budg•3t, calling for an expenditure of $259,391. Mayor Frank Lal5t,1Cr was authorized to negotiatE:: with Public Housing Administration for a "payment in lieu of taxes" of S190,539. (If the expected sale of homes to Greenbelt Veteran Housing Corpora­tion is completed by January 1, the federal government's pa::;ment will be made only for htose apar_tments it will continue to operate. GVH will not have any "control" over the budget ..

The tax rate for real property was estnbli.,hed at $3.5141 per $100 assesseci Yaluation, and the per­sonal proJ;crty tax on local busi­nesses continues to be $1 per $100 evaluation.

No cuts or r.dcitions to the budg­c:·t were made during the hearing. Alt.hough this year's figure exceeds hoth last ye&.r's $247,659 and the 1951 total of $226,556. much of the is due to added costs from ~1cquirir.g ownership of adGitionai property 1Jy dedication from the federal government. Reyenue and costa of the water system are not included, since the utility's owner­ship is 'still in doubt. Figures for the main departments are - legis­iative and exe'cutiv~?, $22,807; pub­lic' safety, $42,115; roadways and highway lighting, $28,62R; sanita­tion and waste removal, $38,307; recreation, $64,381 <this includes Community building, 1nunicipal parks, library, and organized rec­reation).

A(ld Taxes?

One citizen urged the counci) to raist:' the pen~onal property tax. He !'ta ted that the $2,334 derived from t).rct:'!lbt:lt Consumer Rf:orvi~t?S dne:;::

not pay fer the services the ~ity vrovides that businc•ss. Businesses ps well as residen;;s should hear the burden cf taxes, he added. In rPp1y, Mayor Lastner declared that raising the tax would be' unfair to GCS "ince other comn-;unities ~ave lower t-:J.x rate;;. Also. he stated, future businesses . in Greenbelt would he' rlriven aw~y by the hm-­clc>n of taxatiou. He cited instances of small industries milking inquiry about locating on Greenbelt prop-

, crty; only the diffidence' of PHA has prc;;cntcc! many of ti1<::m ffom c~·tablishing- themselves h·~re.

County Services

Duplication'> of county s~rvicc>' •xr::·e p:-otc;tcd by 1nany spectator:;. Policc- protection, library. health ~-Pr\·ic-c rccrf'atiua \Vcrc tcrraed .;orvicc~ the c~mmunity should be gt·ttin!:; frc.m the county in return for ta)CD'i r:· to the county. T[•<' !"wimming-;:-.ool. the lake ;,·c cr<:?to;, ~,rpa anc~ ·~ven the' fireworks. dis­;)1:~~:..' are serYicf'S GrecnbPlt pay~ for from '·:hlch citizens rJf the en­tire: c·c·nnty derive be-nefit. Tho c·"ltmc-'1 wns urged to press for bet­te-r sC'n'iccs ~)Y the county so that (:,;·C'enbelt':> S~'rVices may be Jcs-> costly, r:lther th:m diminishc;d.

An-)thPr effort ':o raise the salary of the treasurer w1::s dcfc,'.3.t.ed by a t:c Yote. . Cour.cilman Steve Con;.­ings has resig:rwd.) Lastncr fir~t pr0po!';ec1 a .<:;259 raise, as s1•gge"t.ed 1-.v Citv ::\.hn:lge-·r Charles :l\-IcDon­;:;\d. l:,'l'cDo!'!ald ·wp_s absent due tn iliness_) There wets no seconu to his rr-.otic.n. Councilman Ben <~oldt-adcn moved for a :)100 in­e-n.-::.:;;~ to bring the o;alccry even tllf' c:hi<.if of public safety. Gold­faden mainta;ned tha~ the head of nublic safety acts as city-manager ;,.,, :vrcDonald;o' absence anrl i~ would :1ot lk p!·oper to 1: ave hiE f'a!ary lowPr than R. subordinate'!'. Th' r:-~otion was dcreated. Both the treasurer's and police .::hief'E s:tlaries arP at thE' top of th£- grade and ·pan only b~ raised by legisla­tion.

t:'tilit)· Sale

::O.t:ayor L_qstnr,r disclos(·d Ine:-tns r,f stonping the· sale of th•2 f:icctric uhlity to PEPCO by PHA are being investigated by the city solicitor. An injunction may be

'Barbecue' Smith New Councilman; Taxes His Meat

JamE'S Smith, 4-H Southway, wa~ eiected Monday

to the city council last to replace Steve Comings


who resigned af· ter moving frorr Greenbelt. Smitl· is a career em· ployee with thr Navy Depart· ment and oper­

a nevv and used ear businesf on the Ealtimon Boulevard.

He has two chil· dren, both grad·

uates of the University of Mary­land. His son is now a Naval Air Cadet in Pensacola, Florida. One of the "original settlers" in Green­belt, moving here in 1937, Smith has ::>e'en active in Boy Scout work the Citizens' Association, and i::: now on the board of the Lions Ciua. Ht: r~.n fer cnu:-1, in t"".":C.' earlier elections; one of them haci 19 candidates! ·

Smith is particuh'.rly interested in the tax 8tructure' in Greenbelt and hopes to devote much of his time to investigating Greenbelt tax ]Fublcms as cmnpared to ether communities in the county. Term­ing- him<·elf a "fr<:'e' enterprise' man, Sm!th states that Greenbelt has great promise for future de­':clopment Although not agc~.insi ;my group \Yorking together i_n busines::;, lw feels that all individ­u:;l:; shot!ltl be given freedom of opportunity. "\Ve should examine l'C'; iew, a:1.d perhaps ,analyze what is going on around us tax--..vise," he Je-'clarccl Smith spent four years in tb~ eounty -tax departn1ent · 'Nh!le in Xcrth Carolina.

Post ()ffice Hours N'c:w r;c,~.t office hours are an­

nr~unccJ ~)Y '".fhomas R. ~~rceraan.

p0stn1astcr. They arc:

Friday, December 19, 8 a.m. tc.. 7 p.m.

Satur.jay, Dec.,mhcr 20, 8 a.m. to f) p.m.

Sunday, Dccemtcr 21, 1 p_m. to 6 p.m.

Monday. December 22, 8 a.m. tc 7 p.m.

Tuesday, Decembe-r 23, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

\V•,dn.,sclay, December 24, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Christmas cards. unseale:l, may be mailed fo:- two cepts, bvt must !tot confa:in \-Vriting, acccrding t~) the postrn3.stcr.

used; the ::ouncil feels th'1.t the sale to PEPCO violates the provi!!'on~ of Public Law 65, which tiefmes th<C method of disposal of Greenbelt including the utilities.

The. ! part of the meeting wa: devoted to the electio:-~ of an add!· tiona! ·'?Ot:nci! member to replac.: Ste'..'e Comings, who resig:-~ed thi: week. .I·3 mc..; Smith, 4-H SoCitil­way, was ,., lected on the sixth ~Jal·

lot; a majDrity v:as needed to eiect Other n1' submitted for nomi­nation ·,vP!e: ::Vt:rs. 0. Zoellner, Ear· ThoMas, E:dgar Swisher, and Aller l\-!:orrison.

The Gre(>nbt:-lt Coo!,)t>rator ,,_.ill chan1~e it:<; publication date from Thursday to \Vednesday for the next two weoeks. Ail news items tor the \Vednesda;\·. Dect>mher 24 issue ltlld for the U'ednesday, December 31 issue lnust he in the Cooperator of­iice at 14 Parkway b)' 10 p.m. \fONDA'\' preceding the dates of publications.

WHAT GiOES ON Thursday, Dee_ 18 - Coopc-~atoi·

Staff meeting; home of ::\Irs. I~o EolPt, 11-Q Ridge·.

Sunday, Dee. 21 - 3 p.:n .. St Hugh's Schoo! C'J ristmas pro· gram; 2-5 p.m., American LP­gion chHdrcn's party; 5 and

7:~;c, p.rr .. , C::>mmnnity Church Chris:m:l~ pageant.

:Vfon<'h:v .. :.>cc. 22 - Santa Clam. !s .:omir.g to town!

Tuesday, Dec. 24 - Boy Scot.:t Cn.-istmas party.

December 24 to January 5 - Li­orai.-y closed.

GCS Bc•ard Ent:e1rt:ains At: Par,t:y For Em1lloyees

Four employees of Greenbelt Ccn<mmcr Services with ten years of ~ervic<:> were honored at a gala Christmas party given by the board of direc:tom for employees at thP American Legion Home on South­WfW :as:: S<mday night.

AddiP So,,·ell. an office· employe·<'. ar::;-1 .Tc:rr:v l_"; of t'h,.::-· "''~~t0d'·?.!

department received gifts prcse:nt­ul i;y \Va.lter Bierwagcn. GCc president. Dan Livingston. Ta­lwma n1eat manager, and Paul J\cfi­'asi, of :he shot: repair d~:partn1ent, were not present to recci\·c thci~­gifts.

The err1ployees danced to U'r· nlu­sie of Van Camp in -an a·:mos!)hPrc: of candlc>!ig-1'1t and G"-ris:mas dr'c:­orations:. .A. buffet \Yith punc!-1 a~1cl coffee was provided b:; Gr•org.­DaYi0s<·n's comm:ttce.

Bier\\"2.g<.n. srJcaking for ~1an­::~gC'mcnt and the beard. Lhar:kC'd the emplo~ecs fo1· their faithL1l and lo~·-:-~d ~c·r· .... ic:--. and i.!l r~·t·.~~·:n \\·:·~..:

t.t}~d ·)f L~"lc· r·":T:p=l;:, ... ('es· al:pre.-:-::.:_;:,IoP of t>~(· ;~o~rd·~ c-~:o~~:~ i!l :~:·'~!~ ~'.:·~"'-Jc alf.

Atttc::1da;-,c, at the anr-..:al ~,:Y;

~:-::L.:: lhf· la:·p c~_;t c·Y€.:r. as tLc ~-J.Llrnt.l~!:'

cf c:np~oye, s w2-s i:1::!rcascc1 s:nc:·: t:·~c ~3c~:).iti.rJY of the T;::kon:~t s:'"lrt·-s. The P~"t~:..y .\,.~L.· 5~tch a SU:"Cf..'3~ t}~a': .so~11c C!np.o~ ... :-,r~.s vo: cc-:1 tl~ c· opinio!: t>; ~ a hc~:r3~j~·: :\Ion--lay· \\ ... Ju>J 11:::..~:~~ br•,>n in err ( :·_

Relnt Raise ~ssurE~d, G\lHC Members Ki,ll S~O% Clause, C) K LCJrnd Purchase

By Harry l\1. Zubkoff

A qt,orum showed up at the meiJlbership meeting last night promptly at 8:30 p.m., an unprecedented occurence i:P- Greenbelt. The meeting moved along rapidly, and the last item of business was concluded shortly after 10:30.

President Mike Salzman, in his opening addres£, allayed the fears of members with regard to the rent situation, assuring them that there was no danger of any financial loss to the corporation or to members insofar as subsidizing unsold units is concerned. Yes­terday afternoon, he announced, the Office of Rent Stabilization had signed a rent raiise for Greenbelt which would be sufficient to carry all the unsold units without loss to the corporation ...

Non-Union Emitloyees Of IGCS: Get Raises

A c:ost-of-living increase fo:· Grcenbc:lt Consumer Services em­ployees nol ccvered by a union con­t~ac<: w.J.s approved by the Cooper­r,_ti·.-.-·'s board of dir?ctors at its reg­t:lar meeting last Friday night.

Acting on the suggestion of Bas­s<'tt [<'prguson. who substituted for Sam Ashelman at the meeting, the board voted a wage :increase- for lhc non-t:.nion employees, to be bascci on the increase in Bureau of Labor Statistics figures for the pe­riod of November 15, 1951 to No­vember 15, 1952, and to become ~f­rective on the release of th;~ new index.

He-nry vV·alter's motion to place on notice for one year a change in lhe State c-l::a rter reducing the quo­rum was tabled until legal opinion is obt'•.'d.

p:·o'·" tile quorum situation, Henry \\'alter suggested that the boarrl tak(· now the steps necessary to :-educe the quorum requirements. He: would change the q·calrum fron1 the: :c'lresent 5 percent (which is 176 mPr:1 1l(·rs) to 5 percent or 100 nwmbPrs .. ,.·hichPver 1s smaller. To n1akc s:1c~1 a ehange, 'Walter said, it \\·c ulC: r~qui:~e fir:;t a. motion by th· bo-n(; to change the State C~1a•·v-r. lh.>n a two-th:.rds vote of :ill r:w s:od;: ho]ders !involving mu:tths J or eollec:ting enougl: prr;"i:·s •. c.ft'-'r \Vhkh the by-laws c-:1:: ,,,. nm.-:nded.

r:: '.'::ts \\'alter'<; feeling that the L:<·m:;r-:·:; would have cne year to cr:·!:sider the cha~Jgc. ~\i\Tincgardcn

~'-.":v·st• c1 that the proposal be sub­--,,i~:.·:i to legal coansel for opin­J(.:J. ,,u_1 considered at the next

;~: t>n hst quarterly meeting o'·.~y ~-n n1cmhcrs attended; a good r:-(Jjlcrti.op_ were either boar'J J·:r·:':''"'" or rn~~.n'lgement_ No Ta­l:·::i:a 1:'.crk P.Y:'mbc:rs v;ere present.

l1:ent Raise For All Furthermor0, duri11g the first

year of operation, all residents-- -buyers anrl non-buy2rs alike--will be paying monthly charges in ae­ccrdance with the maximum rent sc:hedulP~ set up by ORS, rathe::­Lhan the monthly payments .origi­nally scheduled by GVHC. This r~.:--tion i:; b<'ing taken because PHA has granted a moratorium on th,~ principal< payment for the first­year, which the corporation is pass­ing :-:long· to thp members. Tl~c rent increases will range from about 20 to 30% and wlll be ap­proximat,~ly 95% of the figun ·which GVHC sci1eduled for month­ly payments. <PHA is expected to post the :new rent schedules in the next few days.)

ehangeover Ready Meanwhile, now that the last

hurdle has been cleared, Salzman reported ! hat the coz·poration 1s ge<ued to take over on .T•anuary 1 as planm·d. Delivery of fuel nil i::; assured, and arrangem(mts have been n1~1i!' !..o y)urchase mc~tcria!;:; and supplies from PHA ai. costs not to exceed the costs to the gov­ernment The genpra.l managez­anct the maintenance staff have been hire.-! to start January 1. Ne­gotiations arc underway to buy insurance; a firm of accou:1tants is pn·-paring to move in to ctudit the hook~; and to set up a book­keeping system.

No Loyalty Oaths A lettr'I' from Jo!'ln Tctylor F:gun,

Commissirmpr of Puhlic Housin~·. informrd the cr,rpor·:-ttion tha~ the govcrnmc·nt was withdrawing its clr:mand t'l inse:t a 1oy·llty dausc in th<· ·~ont:·act. I-Iowcvcr, tht! brx> rd ndopt('d a nolky w.llich would prohibit thP corporation frcn.1 acc('pting as m<'rnbers or n•si­dcnts allyon(' arcns0d of suhv•~r<;ivc activiti,_•s hy a law c:-:t.forr·•-'m.-:nt ·a;;cncy. 'Thi~· boarcl action. mPt '-'· ith :r.Pmb!'rship approv~tl, al­lhough !1(1 formal mcmbr:·rshi'> ac­tion \vas rPcjuircd, or taK(ln. /..

--------·----------------------SCJ.lzmnn took the city ('Ot•ncil to

tnsk v:ith n·garrl to the utilitir:!; l-lP accused the council of displ,ty~ ing a n1;trkecl r.-:luctance to coop.,r· ate with GVHC, and of o. g-r!nr•r<J.I apathy with regard to tnr, r·ntir·~ s:lle. Thr :v had no faith. hP .':aid in effect, ; n thr: even turd C·)l".Sllln­mation of Pte sale, and •consr'­qu0ntly madP littlr' effort trl help, althcugh there v;as much that the-y could hnv.-, d.-,ne !The· Cooper-ator· ncx:: wr-r·k will carry a story of the utilitir·s ·~ ith part:Cular r•·gard to thr! city council.) He eoncllldr:;i his adcln·ss by pointing ont thac many difficult. prob~ems !::ty ah,·ad, and ::tpp,·aled to memb(·rs to fac'~ thtlln anr] solve th<:"m.

For lr•!n Years Of Service

Prc.'-eilted a1card;; fr,:· /r'.i yerus s<:r,:ice at Sunday night's Christmas pady fo:· GC3 r::·; p!o;;cs ire,-e Addie S01·.·ezz f'lld .Jen·y Goodin. sh-: ;c;z aboce n·i,'h Er, ... , .. l P,·e·;i•inzt l'>'alter Biencagen. r..-ot p1·esent at rhe cc,·emon_~t :"•":·-:: tc;:-yc·ru employees Paul !Jfllasld and Dan Liring<;ton. GCS e:; plr,;:u> rue ho;;-r;.-·cd mli;ually by the board of d;recton at the Cht·istli<r!s seosr:>i?.

~r'\'Pnty Pen~ent Sold So fa.r 1126 units h·ave b('en sold

'Ir<:'asilrer Tern Hitchie rr'porU,fl, :n2 of ·.vr,ich wPrr:· old Gre,·nbr:lt hnusps and 754 def('n'H: honsl's. This rcprc•,:ents a total dollar valuP of $4,283,(.00_ Already 995 down payments have hecn re<cr:Iverl, :-tmounting to $483.756. Unsold ar(' ~·till ·149 units, repres.-:nting a dol­lar value of $1,890,3.')(!_ Ia othr:r words, ::ust under 70~1, of the llol­lar va.luc has berm <;old. Resident buyers nutnumbl·r non-r.-:si6cnts by 2 to 1. Dnr: ahout f\5<i( of t!1.-. tot:ctl arP V('tc-r<ms. The 1126 sold units rPpresent :,·lJr;ut 71.5';{ of the total number of units for sale. r PH.\

~(·e HOUSI:-.JG, Page 2

--, I





1. To report Greenbelt news fully, fa.irly and accurately. 2. To Rervp l:he best interests of the ~ooperative movement.

Juanita Ch<~;ndl~ r. B'·tty C'?l~·man, E. DonBu! ion, Keith GamblP., Sonia Garcn, Marian ,Hatto?· Mir;?~ 'G .. J:>hnson: L. A. Lee, Joe- Macchio, Dorothy M<;Gee ~oris M~dmck, B11l Moore. Lydalu Palmer, George Reev';s, David' R~zmknff, El:1el Rosenzweig, A:mpe Slyc·, Miriam Soiomon Morr1s J. Solomon, Mary .Jt<tne 7.ust '

Jennie Klein, !Business Man~er Pau! Kasko, Staff Photographer

.Sidney. Spin~el, phone 6346 Jim O'Neill, phone 4657 Advertising . :Rep~~ntatlve Subscription Manager

Jun 0 Ne11l, phone 4657, Circulation Manager EDITORIAL BOARD

Ralph G. Miller, Isadore Parker, Eleanor Ritchie .Janice Snlet, Harry Zubkoff. '

Ralph G. MillE'r, phone 2617, News Editor The Gree~belt Cooperator is published every Thursday by the Green­

belt Cooper~bv~ Pub. As.s'n., Inc., 14 Parkwa;;, Greenbelt, Md., .,., non­proct orgam~atwn. Produced by a volunteer sta'ff since November, 1937.

Su~ription rate, $2.00 per year by mail. Delivered free in Greenbelt. AdvP.rtising may be submitted by mail or delivered to the Greenbelt

~obacco ~tore or T'ne Cooperator Office, phone Greenbelt 313L Editorial dffi~~~ oprn after 8:30 p.m. Mo!l.days, Tuesday, and Wednesdays News ea ne 10:30 p.m. of the Tuesday preceding publication. ·

VoL 17 Thursday, December 18, 1952 ---N-o-.-18-


PROTESTANT Eric T. Braund, M:nister

Thursd·ay. Dec~rnber 18 - 7:30, Boy Scout Charter Night, social nall

Friday, Deceml)(>r 1fl - 7 p.m., ~ub &oul Christmas party, socia.i hall.

Saturday. DccE·mbcr 20 - 7:30, Full reh?.arsal :::~f Chriitmas Pa­gcant 8:30, I>iscussion Group Christma3 party , 'lt Virginia Hor­ton's, Univccsity IPark. Husbands invited.

~unrh.v, De.'. 21 - Church School H, 10, and 11 a.m. - Nursery through Adult Morning \Vorship, 9 and 11: Sacrament of Baptism. Third in series of Ad .r(·nt or Christmas :>crmon.!: by Mr. Braund, "Good News - Emrna.nuel !" At 9, Cloister and St. Cecilia Choirs; at 11, Adult Choir will sing "And the glor.r" by Handel. 5 and 7:30 p.m., Annual Christmas PagM.nt.

Tu£>sday, Dccc!llber 23 - 7 p.m., Junior Depa,-tmen: Christmas par­ty, social hall. ~Vedncsr!ay, Deeember 24 - 11

p.m. - Third Annual Christmas Eve Holy Communion, Music by Adult Choir and Cloister Choir

Thursday, Decetnber 25. - 11 a.m., Christmas day carols and com­Jnunion.

Friday, December 26 - 8:30 p.m., Christmas holiday party by and for the young peoiple.


Sunday, Dec. 21 J 9:45 a.m., Sun­day Sc!wol a:-td A(!ult Bible Class. 11 a.m .. Divine Sc:'Vit:e. Sermon: .John 1:22. '·\'oicc in the Wilder­ness." 7 p m .. Children's Christmaf:! so: rvic..:c.

\\rrdn•:srby. Dec. ?-l - ·11 r.m., Chr;stmas EvP car.dlclight service.

Tnw·srlay. Dec. 25 11 a.m., ( hristmas morning service.

!11 '::.::::.·"" v


(~(~~~ PRill!~ WilfE OR DIDr !II TODAY ill:~

.\..-,TitO:Xl' .!\f. MADDEN

Ct'l•tt>n>a:• - <JRan!te 3-41ll

-\:==· =·= ... ~.r,."'::,·:,~.·,.·.·.!.·:·'',•:.«.~.::.i<~ ~=:-{:L~~==· ..:· :. ~



. .r.·;·:{:?" ... :-·;·{.w.;:@r· .. - ::::- . Z~;ze:' '*i~r"'~"' ~~ £ff# ..sf . •


Sunday, December 21 - 10 am Combined Sunday School ~ci Church Services with special Christmas progm.m at North End School. 7 p.m. Kiddies' Christmas treat with visit by Santa Claus at chapel on Woodland Way.

Spee!al Christmas Program

Christmas Carol, "Away in the M:anger" - Kindergarten dept. Par.­tomime·, "The First Christmas Night" - Prim~ry dept. Choric reading. ''The Christmas Story" -Junior dE;pt. Dramatic present'l­tion, "The Story and the Star."

Special music: "Gesu Bambino" -Senior Choir. "0 Come, 0 Come, .E::manuel" - Senior Choir. "God Eless Ye :\ferry GeP.tlemen" - Jun­ior Choir.


CATHOLIC CHURCH Ember Days: Frid·ay and Satur­

day, December 19 and 20 - a day of fast and abstinence for all Catho­lics.

Saturday: Confessions 3 to 5:30 'for children and 7 to 9:30 in th~ evening for adults.

Sunday: Masses: 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Nursery care for pre­school children during the 11 a.m. Mass. Holy Communion Sttndav for childre:'l of the Parish. -

Baptisms: 1 p.m. Anyone wish­ing to ha V(' a baby baptized should notify Father Dowgial!o before. hand

Tuesday:, Novena Services - 8 p.m. Confessions will be heard after the Novena, in preparation for the Christmas devotions

Confessionf:: Wednesd·ay .after­noon frJm 1 3 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7 to 9:30 p!m. Christmas Eve.

::\IidnightiMass: A High Mass will be cckbr::.i:ed at midnignt ThP

J • -Cl:urch Will open at n :3!} p.m. There \.,-ill


bc singing of carols anc lTIUSiCa] S€ lee tiOnS pr0C2ding thL' :vra~s .:1t niidnig"lt. This Mass is for adu]ts ~mly.

Christmoj; Day: Masses: 7:30, 8::1') and 1li a.m. The 9:30 Mass is c :>peci?.lly for c!oilclrcn. whPn they v.·i!l sir.g j] hdr special Christmas hYrn.ns

.Chri~tmaj; Vacation: St. Hugh's School ·.vil) c!ose :l\Ionday after­,n0on. Decf:'rnbPr 22. Pupils will re. turn l:o sc~•ool on ~fonday morn­ing, Jan11a~y 5.

I ____ _

HEBREWI SERVICES ::·.E:Ivices ~.-ill be held in the socia:

room of jthe Greenbelt Center l"t'!v.Jol Fri lay evening at 8 p.m. T:1is i:; the last day of Chanukal-t. Candlelight! ng time, 4:23 p.m.

~-------- ·---, PROGRAM

All menlJ,•rs of tllP Senior 3.nd Int~:rnv;dil.L Greenbe!I ~jands ar·e 1 requ~·;;ted to be ct.t tht· Ci'nt•"r s~Lo.')l vn ::\Ionday, De­cember 22J not later than 5:15 p.m .. c;res~cd in warm clothing.



SOS BAI~D A Chri~tmas pwgram pr~­

~ented by i,J! ::;.upils of St. Ht.:gh's Catholic S·~hool, will be held on Sunday, Pcc0ml:·cr 21 at 3 p.m. _.~I! !Jarishioners as well as fri£>n:ls of the pupils will be \'ery welcome.



.. ------·------...,

HO{'-.;I::'\G from pa.gP I

rcquireme:~:s called for . , , or 1053. of i.he ·:n ts ~o he sold. •

Ritchie •c::l.Utioned members t.o b'C· sure> to sign a:'!d retur,1 to PHA the registrat;on ·::·ertificates rer.e.,\·ing leases on the ne'••;; rent sc~edulc. •·:h!ch PH A will be sending out tr, all residents in the nr:-ar :uturc.

An interesting disclcsu ~e was the information that GVHC houcs to be able to take full title to the r<:'­frigerators and ranges 'It the end of the first year of operation. after which members will be able tn trude them in or new ones or not, as they \'1. ish. While this is not certain, it wilt be rlone witnin two y(!-:lrs at the most.

Percentage (.,"'!i:ed

A motion was adopted, at the board's re~ommendation, to abol­ish the 907:0 dollar limitation which thr- membErship had imposed at a previous meeting. This limitation would hav(· prevented the ce>nsum­mation of the sale until 9•J% of the dollar \·aluation of the tc.tal hous­ing property sold. It was imposed said Salzman, at a time when all the factor.3 were unknown, and was intended t•) safeguard the mem­bership frc·:n taking a!l. undue risk. Now, how.··~v£>r, since these un­known factors have been r:csolved, the board r~commc-nded that the sale be costmmated sub]ect only to the limitct.tion that the J::oard de­termiHe to :ts satisfaction that the c>orporaion would hav,:, enough working C3.pital to proc•~ed. A!l amendment by board mer.lher Bernani Bordenet i'urther required that this c.e~ermination ·:Je made Ly a 2

.: majority of the board. or 6 of the 9 board members. inste2rl of the u ~;ua.. ~najority of 5.

Den"lopment Pbn

Salzman :~cported t~at the cor­poration h2cl entered into an agree­ment with the People's Develop­ment Corporation, whi•~h had been approved by PHA, to purchase a!l ROO ac~es of uncleveloned land. This will b~ d:me at r{o liabi!it\· whatsoeve-r to the corpora.!:ion o-r its members, a requirement whkh the lTIPmbcnhip had laid down at a previous meeting. Under the tetrms of th .:> agTeement, PDC will lend G VHC $150,0('0 for the down payment c..;n L'f:le undeveloped J.and. In return, ::='DC required that il~ 1f.l53 a mas1.2r plan be d1;.velope'd for the USP of the land, and that every effort be made to start a housing prc:j'ct as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, the Coopera­tive Housin:; Fedemtion has al· ready started to develop such a mastec plan, and will unde1i.ake to have it approved by the prope,­Z'lning auth )rities. A subsit:iary corpc1·at;on ;.•:ill be organ' zed l:;y

GVHC to take title to the land awl to de:velop it. Tilis co•·porat:on 'Nil! st:<rt solicit: ng members in the ver;.· n0:1:r fu :ur<:>, :>inc£> it i;; hopc-'d thAt ground can be broken in the ~:nring. GVHC mc>mbers will b::: ~r:•·.~·~-: p:--0;~~r~'~c-:· in p:1.rticipc-.. tin;~· i!, ~::e pur~ 'h.-: SC' nnrl dnve1 oprnc-n~ ~yf ~~-.-, '.-~ca!"!t :r,.nd. The loa:1 f!'Cln

PJ)C ~·T 1 t~t h~""~ rcp' in 5 yo::·:_t~.::. r:t~!·.~ thr• tcr:·1L 0f th~· -:lortg:J..go? is fr;~ fS.r·~r·n:-:: y~<lr..: T!le ::-l~_embz· ..... ~:,ip fr,!·:n·dly ·?..utl:orizt:c! the b(\c~~(: tJ r-n~·,,er; with t;-,r·s~ p:ans.

.Tvs<::p!-1 Fitzmaurice was electerl t0 fili a ...-ac:E1CY. of the bc·ard of d~rcctors.

=··-~--------· - -~-==~~

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.::,·Mffi . '·''':llllj J;t!k

,iiJ~:~~:~I ·::ill!

rill ct?l

Gl'tEF.m'~ ~6~!-s;.a any (JC~ College j~ de-livery., '!i! Me• VI Jre, Frei ·\nywher Express,.,:

TELEVfil and sel'Ylc:i antennae i il CAL G,.,.:j: PLIAN~ii, BLVD .. ~ ('r 9-9668 •. ~'li

CA~ CHINE ~All lomatlc ~ expertly . ~~\ Guarante~; GR. 3-4{)6$!j:

TELE~ ed Profe~ nee:os wiU:j vert all €1:11 vision .'e(il service ~1$1: 6632. -AI~

'rELEVISt( factory-trai: manship an• Evening an yotu conv,!l charge_ Ker T E :L}IW "'.f.S"iG tory-trained f>hip and E:vt·ning an~

your conve charge. Ken

6l:'LTIVAT'i! ~rainPd voic1 :ing is a per .~et. We tell LYDALU P

GREENBEI more Avenut IDine.r. Used bought e.nd ~: .. 4466. .

J::.EAL ESITJ M. Goode, G i\rouTON c good condat; B-2771.

(jANARIE~'T - all colors. able. Will l ~~ifts. Apt, lt . C:ommun lro Prese 1rw!'=e d.

Or Sunda3 ty Church ~ Christm::t..S F public is in t .vo iderotical fi p.m. nnd t under the' d:l Mitchell, wUil D s art ·jirect'·

Participant lweP cwlPctcd groups lfl tt well as thf• t

It's C-C-Co A minimul

rl• ·gr""5 F. W d: ty, I.>C'centbt U ,,r Bureau·, ~tatinn on F bd~. This iii ture thits far· "'"athr·r is pr tr·z· ends, ac~ I\:ldn, statiQt

Olol-..... ............ ~



t Rl


f. ll • Kln.: fl!. ~ ._. ...... • I •• : .. i.

ClASSIFIED <JREE:-.oBEL'T ]',fOTOrtS your nean:>st used, car dealer, GR 3-4466.

FOR FRESH FLOWERS to suit any occ11.sio:"J call Bell Flowers, College Parll, UNion 4-1300. Fre~ dC'Iivery.

M:OVIXG & STORAGE - FURNI­.Jre, Freight, or Expre-ss. Anything. 3-nywhere, a!l yt.irne. Bry~n Mot0r Express, Call GRanite 3-8341.

TELEVISION A.~".-lD RADIO sales and service d1N ALL MAKE SETS: antennae inhana:ion. YOUR LO­CAL G.-E. dealer. QUALITY AP­PLIAXCE CO., 8137 BALTIMORE BLVD., COLLEGE PARK, TOw­<'r 9-9668.

CALDWELL "S WASlnNG MA· CHINE SALlDS & SERVICE - Au­tomatic and conventional models expertly r e :;>aired. Reasonable Guaranteed. l"ree Estimate'. Phone GR. 3-4063

TELEVISION SERVICE: Licens­ed Professiohal Electronics Engi­neers wil! rebair, ov2rhaul or con· vert all type!> and models of tele~ VISIOn receivers. Radio Repair service also. CALL GRANITE 3-6632. -Also 4082.

'fELEVISION SERVICE By factory-tra!n·~d engineer. Work­manship and materials guaranteed. Evening and weekend service for your convenience at no extra charg-e. Ken Lewis TOwer 9-5718. TELEVISTor'rSERVICE-:-By fac­tory-trained engi:r..eer. Workman­!>hip a:1d mat~rials guaranteed. Evenir.g and weekend service for your conven iencc at. no extra charge_ Ken :Lewis. WEbster 5-571F

{::ULTIV ATE THE VOTCE - A well traineJ Yoice for speaking or sinl5-ing is a pr:rsonality and social as­set. \V,~ tea-ch these things. Call LYDALU PALMER, GR 3-5201.

· GREENBELT MOTORS · Balti­more Avenue, next to College Park Diner. Used Cars and Trucks­bought and solct. Phone GRanite 3-4466.

REAL ESTATE ALL KINDS. H. 1\.L Goode, Greenbelt 3111. MOUTON O::>AT - si'_z_e---.,1'""'2,.....-v-e-ry good conrirt. $75. or best offer. GR 3-2771.

c.ANA.RiEs ~--·Guaranteed --singers - all colors. Selling out - reason­able. WBl make nice Christmas gifts. Apt. E - 52 Crescent Road.

Community Church To Prese11t: Pageant: Twice Or• Sunday

Or Sunday afternoon Communi­ty Church will Pl"E'Sent its annual Christrn::ts Pageant. The generai public is im·ited. There will be t·,vo iclePtical prf's'"ntations, one at ii p.m. ~nct ti1e other at 7:30 p.m., under the direction of Mrs. Lillian ::\1itchd!, wit!:. :\Irs. Elizabeth Love a::; art •_iirf'ct~•r.

Pa!·tidpanh lrt the pageant have bee!' s•·~ected fr,;m the v·<rhus age grc:·ups m th': C'l: urch Sch.:>ol, as well as thP Luec children's choirs.

It's C-C-Cold! A minimur:-t temperature of 1·1

degrers F. W3.S recorded on Mon­d:~v. DcccJ:·.h(Jt· 1"i .. 1t the "C. S. \Vea­tilc·:- Burc;:,u Cooperative \Veather Station on F:·;dgc> Road in Green­belt. This is; th.• iowcst tPmpcra­ture thiL·~ LJ.r 1.!1is ,.,inter, but colder ,-,·pat!lo•r is proh.J.bk beforp tiw win­t•·r end~. r•ccording to \Yillian1. H. h:ki1~. statim·. OD::>·:·r\'cr.

Band, City ()fficers, Small Fry Tc0 Greet Santa Next 1\1onday

Santa Claus is cc·ming tv town Monday, December 22, to greet Gn:c-:-1belt children. He will ar­rive at about 5::50 p.m. His route in ti1e city will be as follows:

Up Crescent and stop at Crescent and Ridge,

Stop at 11 and 1-1 F!idge, Stop at 17 and 18 Ridge, Stop at Gardenway and Ridge Stop at Eastway and Ridge Stop at Northway and Ridge Stop at Pleateau and Ridge' Stop at Laurel Hill and Ridge,

then go up to 15 and 14 Laurel Stop at top Research and Ridge Stop at bottom of Laurel and


The Greenbelt ba.nd will greet him and e'Scort him to the Center, wher·~ City officials and the chil­dren can meet him and share ::r. thP carol singing.

At the end of his tour around town. Santa Claus will help i~ lighting the Christmas tree at th':! Centc·r and give' out candy to th~ ehilriren.

Local Post Office Business Bt,oming

Thesr: are hectic d·ays at the Greenbelt Post Office, according tc P.:>stmaster Thomas Freeman.

Last Monday th·~ post office truck picked L'lJ 90 bags of mail "tt Br--rv:yn ~ the usual haul is 4 bags: Th0 railway mail clerks didn't have: time to unload a 11 the "bags at Ber­wyn before the train pulled out, S'>

the Greenbelt men were picking up rna il bags pushed off the trail:! along ·the right-of-way from Ber· wyn to Beltsville.

Over an eight-day period the Greenbelt post office sold over 170,-· 000 two-cent stamps and 90,000 three's, Mr. Freeman reported.

As of yesterday, the normal staft of 18 had been expanded to forty with mail deliverie's being made "all day" by twelve carriers instead of the· usual three.

"\Vrap your pack3.ges securely" is the post office's re-minder.

Legion Needs More Books For Veterans in Hospitals

You still have a few days tc w.:t some of your surplus books together for The Americl:Ln Le­gion bo-"Jk drlve for veterans in the ~1.ospital. The pocket--book type is preferred, but th~y will also accept the regular "book­of-the-month" typ,O!. The Le'gion can also use a few good toys. Contributic,ns may be left at the polic<: station or the Legion; O!'

call the chairman of the drive, "For," Bell, at 4486. Monday of th•) coming week is the dead­line, so please get busy at once

Annual Christmas Party The local AmPrican Legion.

under the command of ClarencP EHders, is m2.king plans for the annual party for Legion mem­ccrs' children at the Horne this corning Sunday from 2 till ~; lJ.m This affair is looked for­~·.·etr.c( to by rn·:1ny of the childre!' :1.nd a. s·Hcl! time i3 promised all. You c~~n caH the LPgion any evcn:ng for ~ore paitic:1lars.

1-··-·--· .. ·--.. ---- ···-·-·--·---------··-····•-... · .. -·-·---.............. -.................................................. ---~

lrOR CHRISTMAS ~ i AND A LIFETIME i · Seabrook Acres i

+ i

I f




I i

Com-pare the !Price! f Compare the 7Jalue! f

l3t t:Section $old Out! J J)irPf'tions: .Just off Route 564 ~lt Seabrook, :\I d.




' ! i I

T ~

I VITTORI REAL ~STATE f 1!:> SOUTH F.-\.l&F.-\X ST., A~.EX.AXDRI.-\, V.-\. • Kin~ 8-1142 'til ~ p.m. ' King 9-5444

! + ~ ~ t ................. I ·~

,-~--------------~--~--- lJ<.-ct•mber lS. 1952 GREENBELT COOPERATOR ~ ~TARTL"'t'G SA'IrRD.-\Y

DEC. 2()

Sale of

CHRISTMAS TREES ; ro:- the Building Fund


! ,; ~ !

~ ,;



LOSTINE NICHOLSON '·!'7 :r-iASH - 4-d.r. ..... $663 '4t DODGE .. $239 I .

-.:::~:~::_~~:=~~~:::_::_! '46 CHEVROLET .. . .. . ............ $693 '46 STUDEBAKE Coupe ...... $f33 ,._.,_._.-............ e-4 ..................... _ ........... __........._.


GReenbelt :!222

FRI., SAT. DEC. 19-20

Bud Abbott & Lou Costello



Big Cartoon Com,edy Show featuring

Torn & Jerry, Bugs Bunny

SVK .. MON. DEC. 21-22

Bing Crosby Jane V\'yman Ethel Barrymore in

JUST FOR YOU in Technicolor

The employees of the

GrePnhelt Th·~atn wish ;\'OU a Yery ! :Herr;\· Christmas li HappJ-~


;;-e:- Year

............ 1···--··•··•··•··•·· ..... ·-···•··•·· ...... -.._ .............. .

'-16 PLYMOUTH - 4-dr. like new $6'72

Your local Chevrolet dealer· for 28 years.

Sales, Service, U I> eel Cars 5710 Baltimore Ave. on Route No. 1 Hyattsville, Md.

WArfield 7-7200 ~·... ~b~~

""a:s=;al~~~~.a~~~~~~~~)~~~)1:!$Ji)1:!$Ji~~~~-7~ ~ f1

~ Season's !l'leetings I Vi from ~

V- ~

~ BUDDIE:'S ,~ I I ~ RADIO, TV & APPLIANCE CO. ·~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 5602 Edmonston Rd. 11118 Balto. Blvd. :~ V: :~ ~ Riverdale Beltsville ;~

~ UN 4-2458 WA 7-8180 i~ I :tA ~ ~ .~'l:~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~!l1;;:.{~~~~~"'

IDerrlJ C~ristntas Sale Half Gallonls Vanilla Ice Cream

99~ thru

December 24th


Get the family-size, party-size half­gallon package of Sealtest Vanilla Ice Cream, on sale to help you cele­brate a j\lcrry Holiday Season!

S"n·e u·ith mincerr,.eat pie-lruit cake-other lloliday aesse1"1:s



) .... ~

('-f-1 '



; ,''


'--~~J1fY~n Decer::1ber 18, 1952

·--;?r· '&lf)llfftJt,~


I Hi folks, !this is Rae Algaze

pinch-hitting for Dotty :J\.fcGce who at pres€ nt is busily engaged in the procei;s 'of moving. Their new addrc~s is 7-D Hillside.

Was there evcr a busier week this year! 'Ihe joint celebrations of ChanukaH-and-Christmas offer challenges to U3 almost daily, but there is de<>p i satisfaction to b~ de­rive<:! once t~e task of importanc<" is accomplislted. However, hoH­day season l')r not, life goes on bringing its iusual share of more happiness for1 some, less for others l.A:t's start >j'ith the joyful news first: ,

Announcement is made of th£ marriage· of ~aayton S. McCarl, so1: o! Dr. and N.rrs. J. W. MeOarl, w :\!iss Jane D~u~· :'\looney, daughte1 of 1\.1!'. and ~l[rs. Howard S. Moon­t>y, t.f Univeri;ity ]•ark, on Novem· h~:>r 26. The ;~remony wa..c;; held at St. Andn-w's Church in College I•ark. A reC£·ption followed at th€ .-\lpha Omicrim Pi sorority house The hride aJ•d groom ,~·ere both g:raduated fr(•m the University o1 .:uar!·land last Jum~ .. Jane is ~'l­ing first grad~· at College Park, anJ Claytcn is ~ ttending the Balti­more Coll•~ge lot Dental Surger;~• o1 the Universitj.· of :\lar)·land. Th(· couple is rcsiiling in an apartment iu University City.

Miss Delph~. W. Daniels, daugh­ter of Mrs. Nellie Daniels, 24-C Crescent, was married on Decem­ber 16 to Gordon E. Benson of Wa.~hington, D. C. Reverend Eric T. Braund performe'd the cere· mony whic.b. was held at the Green­belt Community Church. A re· ception took place at the home of the bride's l]lother. The couple will live in G:'e.?nb~lt after a short honeymoon iJj F\;1 Hda.


f'Ons.l aged 7 and 2. ~lrl1 ;. S. \\'. l\lanle;\ has returned

to he~ fa mil;\· in Squanturn, :\la..ssa­<·hus,tts.' after spending several days \nth her pan·nts, 1\lr. r..nd :'\Irs. I .J. M. Rielle~· who recentl:v celehj-a.ted their gollden wedding anni~ersary.

F:::-i~~nds of Mrs. H.ebecca Epter, 54-F Ridge, were dee·ply grieved tc learn of the death of her son, Je­rome~ on December 3. He died un­expectedly while undergoing treat­ment: at Percy Poid Hospital in Baltiinore. Jerome' had spent three year~ overseas C!uring World War II a~ a sergeant in the Army Air Corpl;· He was bur:'ed in A~·l~ng­ton d~emetery on De·~ember 8 with full ~1ilitary honors. We' or Green­belt i ake this means of expressing our lieepest condolence~; to Mrs. Epte1··

Mri;. Lee Fink is convalescing at honte after undergoing surgery at ChevPrl;\· Hospital last week. Best· '-Vishes for a speedy recovery, Lee.

Mrs. Harry B. McNeel, 14-S Hill­side, iis coming along nicely after a bol1t with pneumonia for which she Vj·as hospitalized recenCy. Her daughter and son-in-law, lVIr. and l\·Irs. lw. J'. Andrusic, have moved from 113-T Ridge to their new home, 8503 Ptomac Ave., Berwyn. Their ne-w phone number is TOwer 9-6362.

An unfortunte accident occurred to Henry C. Hart, 13-B Laurel Hill, while he was building his family a new home in Chalk Point, Mary­land .... Mr. Hart spent several days at Arunder General Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hense'! ldt hurri£>dly for Pittsburgh this Tues­day to attend the bedside of Mrs. Hense·l's mother, who is critically ill. !

I Th~ new address of the Sam

:\Iintz' is 1-C Westway. That of the L. M. Tierneys is 2-F Laurel Hill, J)hone number, 5686.

:\Irs. Ro~e lR.osen ·-of New York l'ecdved the sup~eme Chanukat gift when he: son a.nd daughter- . in-law, :1\lr and :!\Irs. Isadore Roser uf 9-E Ridge,1 became th~. parent!' of an s lb. 6 >oz. daughter, 1\larthu POLICE BLOTTER :\nne, who \\":l.S born on necemhe'J l.ittie John of 41 Ridge reported 12. H:>r arri\"al was also a hirth- n missir!g wagon; still missing as tlay pr«'sent for her daddy whc to this date. <'f>lebrated his birthday D?cembeJ Rt:>po:::t of a disturbing dog -16. Grandpa B.oser:. is visiting herf Animal Rescue League secure'd ioo, and h~lped entertain hi~ same. ~rand ... on '\Vhile waiting for his 1-a!.t weel.: ~lothesline was cut at rnnther and 11ahy sis~r to return from Prin<"e George's General Hos-

. I I Jutn . 1

Citristmas titis year will also b9 merrier for uie family o:f E'.·a ani Jim D:1ly whc


increased their fam­il~ to t\·c wi~h the birth of their daughter, Sh~ila Su'e, on Decem­her 8 Th: ])alvs also have two

3 Ridg~, while misbehaving boys v:ere re:portcd from 1 Northway ar!cl 32 C':'•'sccnt. Dis~ip1inary ac­t:on carried uut oy police; also dis­pc~rsed by police were disorderly children at variety stDre.

A drh·er la<;t Thursday damaged :1. parked car at 26 Ridge; no on0 was b.urt.


LIBI~ARY HOURS .:vr:r". :\[-arjorie ::-.ruir. librarian.

an no .1nces that the Green belt libra:·y will be dosed from De­eem'Jer 24 un·:il January 5. X J

oook:; will fall riue i :1. this peri­od, she said. They will eitrer be rl.atcc. fer return bcfon or aft~~ ' the ~cbJvE' dates. I


~--- ........ ,._ ... _......._._.._._........._.........._.. ........... ~ ..... ---···-·-···--·•· ........................................ .. f !JfJ,~d£~(,, f!_q;a:/n1e/e f . c7 ' J TE!acher of Singing and Speech l t Gree!'i ~It 1-D I:astway f ~ Washin.gton * :?hone GH. 3-5201 ! "'---- .. ............-.....,_.__ ~

t ········-·-···--N~v-i.UNcH ___ siERVI<:E-········ -······-···! i 11 A.M.--2:30PM. i ! MONDAY THRU SATURDAY • ! + ! 171 the Grem1belt Bo z· Alln_l! ' ; . u; mg " f

~'·------~--------·-- • I ·' Gc:s CO-OP SUPER MARKET

\Ved.-9 :00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thurs.-Closed all Day Fri.-10 :00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.


\Ved.--10 :00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thurs.--Closed all Day Fri.-10 a.m. - 6 :1)0 p.m.



Why Buy a L'sed Car

Get a Brc,nd New Car for

Less Money down.



Wed.-8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Thurs.--12 :00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Fri..---8 :00 a.m. - 10 :00 p.m.


Wed.-8 :00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Thurs.- Closed all Day Fri.--8 :00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.


down $445 V-8's

-RES. GRANITE 3-2471

Bcawman Motor Sales Inc.



11620 Bait. Blvd. EleltsviiiE~J, Md. FREE DELIVERY


Bottled .. In-Bond WHISKEY

~S35. case or $3.09 fifth I 1 Delivered '2.99 fifth at store



$3 . .19 fifth or 3 fifths $9.49 BY THE CASE $38




$35 case Delivered 2.99 fifth a.t store

Cas.h & Car1~y Only


$2.49 gal. 4 gallons $9.96

Deli:.·ercd at Regular P1ices

100 PROOF'

$3A~9 fifth - lim. amnt. only



$2.99 ca:se (not iced) Gush and Can·y Odly

Dc;irered at Regular Prices



(not iced;. rmd Cu t"t'.LJ only

CARRY-~~UT SHOIP ForT-Bone Steak F~ood Boxes 1AI ............................................................. m..a .................... IIIP¢-==---~Aac~.-•cc~t•I~SA-.. ga~.=-,. .. ••=-.. ~--am•~;NBmma. .. ~C¥~I ........ ~IIU. ............. ~



. l: h! !'

; I

I . i j i ( i

; 1 ! '' ; ~

rr ' ·'

r •·'·



-:::::_~Yui December 18, 1952

L~~r~.A~~·~rj~~~~~;r. librarian.,

~-~---·--...·--··•·.._...... ............... ..._.._... ........... _._ ............ -···•··-···-... ·•·· .......................... ......_ ' (7J / (R) / 1


.sons: aged 7 ~nd 2. ::\Ii·s. S. \\". Manley has returned

to hi·r family in ~quantum, l\las!>a­dJu~etts, after spend!ng several da;~--~ with her parents, ::\lr. and ::\Irs~ J. l\1. Rielley who rccenti;~-· ePle orated their golden weddin~ anni!versar;\'. , F~iends of Mrs. Rebecca Epter,

54· Fj Ridge, were deeply grieved t•• lr:•arn of the death of h2r son, Je­rome, on December 3. He died un­expectedly w:1ile undergoing treat­mPnt at Perry Point Hospital in Baltimore. Jerome' had spent three years overseas (luring World War JI as a sergeant .in the Army Air Corps He was buried in Arling­ton Cemetery on December 8 with full military honors. We' or Green­belt take this means of expressing our deepest condolences to 1\1:rs. Epte!'.

M1·s. Lee Fink is convalescing at homb afteer undergoing surgery af: ChE>:verly Hospital last• w~k. Best· \".'is11es for a speedy recover)-, Lee.

Mrs. Harry B. McNeel, 14-S Hill­,sidl!, is coming along nicely after

.. a bout with pneumonia for which she was hospitalized 'recently. Her daughter and son-in-law, l'vir. and 'l\Irs. W. J. Andrusic, have moved from 1.3-T Ridge to their new home, 8503 Ptomac Ave., Berwyn, Their new phone number is TOwer 9-6362.

An unfortunte R{!Cident occurre<l to Henry C. Hart, 13-B I..aurel Hill, while he was building his fami~· a new home in Chalk Point, Mary-

' land .... Mr. Hart spent several days ~~ t Arunder General HospitaL

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hense'l left hurriPdly for Pittsburgh this Tues­day to attend the bedside of Mrs. Hensel's mother, who is critically ill.

The new address of the Sam Mintz' is 1-C Westway. That of the L. :M. Tierne~·s is 2-F Laurel Hill, phone number, 5686.

anna:.mces that the Grccr.bel:. library will be •c!oscd frorc. Dc­cern'•er 24 until Jan ..1an· 5. X J I oooks will fall due in th1s pcri­od, sjc said. They \''ill either be I elate(! fer rcturn befon or after the abovf' elates.



t J/ydr,·tte /!r~~,~.Jie/t f . . f Teacher of Singing and Speech ! ~ Greenbelt 1-D I:astway i t \.Yashington * PhonE' GR 3-5201 Z ... _ __........._____ i

I -----NEW-WNCH-SERViC_E ____ ···--I t 11 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. I ~ :MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ~ ! ~ r ~ z In the Greenbelt Bowling Alley • l



\Ved.-9 :00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thurs.-Closed all Day Fri.-10:00 a.m. - 9:CO p.m.


Wed.-8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p .. m. Thurs.-12 :00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Fri.--8 :00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.


\\'ed.-10 :00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thurs.-Closed all Day Fri.-10 a.m. - 6 :00 p.m.


\Ved.--8 :00 a.m ... 6:30 p.m. Thurs.-- Closed Hll Day Fri.-8 :00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

VALET SHOP OPEN TILL 9:00P.M. MONDAY & TUESDAY Wed. 8:00a.m.- 6:00 p.m.-Thurs. closed--Fri. 8 a.m.-6:00p.m .

-~··~!!!!~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~ ~~..qx.c;-~~.c;n~...q..~~?"~<:Qx.!;r~,

Better Buys t-'~ '?t-vt 7~ '?Vta





FREE DELIVERY 11620 Bait. Blvd. lle!tsvillej, Md. FBEE DEUVERY


Bottled-ln·-Bond WHISKEY :$35. case or $3.09 fifth

Delivered $2.99 fifth at store



$3.19 fifth or 3 fifths $9.49 BY THE CASE $38


I .



$35 case $3.09 fifth DelivE·red 2.99 fifth a.t store

Cash & Carry Only


$2.49 gal. 4 gallons $9.96

Delit·crcd at Regului· ?1 icr::s


$3.4'~9 fifth .. lim. amnt~ only



$2.99 case Gush and Cat'ly only

Dclirered ut Rc~;ulu.r Prices


~J 199 (net iced) Cu:-:h rmd Cu ,-:·y only ~· .. case

CA.RRY-O~UT SHOJP ForT-Bone Steak JF'ood Boxes

'AI ............................................................ ~.a ...... I .............. I .. ~ .. .-~:Y•c~~~·;~l~ .. am~~~ .. mwc. .. ~.saaEa~ .. ~ .. •~a~.-...................... ~


J ' \