redefi ning workplace design for maximum e˚ ciency and ...workspace design to the long-term impact...

Main Conference: 2 – 3 December 2014 Workshops: 2 – 4 December 2014 Venue: Novotel Sydney Central Redefining workplace design for maximum efficiency and increased productivity EXPERT LED SPEAKER FACULTY: Natalie Slessor Head of Workplace Lend Lease Heidi Smith Partner Gray Puksand David Goldsworthy Program Director Medibank How you will benefit from Activity Based Workplaces 2014: Discover a holistic approach to ABW and beyond Shape your ABW workplace design according to your needs and size Learn to design and set up your agile workspace Understand how to manage the culture change of an ABW implementation Find out how to effectively measure and monitor your workplace to maximise productivity Upgrade your attendance with the interactive workshops and masterclass! WORKSHOP A: Translating business drivers into physical space WORKSHOP B: Assessing technology readiness and preparing for an ABW journey MASTERCLASS: Planning and implementing innovative workspace designs Researched & Developed by: Organised by: Ed Cortis Head of Solution Delivery Bankwest Pete Carstairs General Manager – Research, Investa Property Group Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting, Victoria Jones Lang LaSalle Amanda Stanaway Principal Woods Bagot Lino Caccavo Divisional Development Manager, AMP Capital Alice Drew Workplace & Change Strategy, Lend Lease Amy Wild Director, People and Performance The GPT Group Craig Wiseman Workplace Strategic Planner, Westpac Sue Wittenoom Director, Strategy+ AECOM Martin Wright Corporate Services & Facilities Manager Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Australia Sarah Kay Principal Woods Bagot EARLY BIRD OFFER! Register & pay by 19 September and save up to $1100 Monica Parker Managing Director Work360 (UK) INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE Consulting Partner

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Page 1: Redefi ning workplace design for maximum e˚ ciency and ...workspace design to the long-term impact on o˛ ce space demand modelling Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting,

Main Conference: 2 – 3 December 2014 • Workshops: 2 – 4 December 2014Venue: Novotel Sydney Central

Redefi ning workplace design for maximum e� ciencyand increased productivity


Natalie SlessorHead of WorkplaceLend Lease

Heidi SmithPartnerGray Puksand

David GoldsworthyProgram DirectorMedibank

How you will benefi t from Activity Based Workplaces 2014:• Discover a holistic approach to ABW and beyond• Shape your ABW workplace design according to your needs and size• Learn to design and set up your agile workspace• Understand how to manage the culture change of an ABW implementation• Find out how to e� ectively measure and monitor your workplace to maximise productivity

Upgrade your attendance with the interactive workshops and masterclass!WORKSHOP A:Translating business drivers into physical space

WORKSHOP B:Assessing technology readiness and preparing for an ABW journey

MASTERCLASS:Planning and implementing innovative workspace designs

Researched & Developed by: Organised by:

Ed CortisHead of Solution DeliveryBankwest

Pete CarstairsGeneral Manager – Research, Investa Property Group

Andrew BallantyneDirector, Research and Consulting, VictoriaJones Lang LaSalle

Amanda StanawayPrincipalWoods Bagot

Lino CaccavoDivisional Development Manager, AMP Capital

Alice DrewWorkplace & Change Strategy, Lend Lease

Amy WildDirector, People and PerformanceThe GPT Group

Craig WisemanWorkplace Strategic Planner, Westpac

Sue WittenoomDirector, Strategy+AECOM

Martin WrightCorporate Services & Facilities ManagerSpecial Broadcasting Service (SBS) Australia

Sarah Kay PrincipalWoods Bagot

EARLY BIRD OFFER!Register & pay by 19 September

and save up to $1100

Monica ParkerManaging DirectorWork360 (UK)


Consulting Partner

Page 2: Redefi ning workplace design for maximum e˚ ciency and ...workspace design to the long-term impact on o˛ ce space demand modelling Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting,

Dear workplace management professionals,

Over the last fi ve years the rise of innovative technology has allowed organisations to successfully implement new and exciting workplace design concepts.

Industry experts agree that workplace design is about to change even further, as it will have to adapt to the changing way individuals perceive and perform their work.

One of the most adaptable and e� ective workplace strategies is activity based working (ABW). Organisations that have implemented it successfully have demonstrated great results, including:

• Reduced lease costs (given the e� cient use of o� ce space; hence the reduction of required workspace)• Reduced electricity costs• Reduced paper consumption and expenditure• Increased employee satisfaction and retention• Increased appeal for recruiting• Increased interdivisional co-operation

How e� cient is your workspace design?

This conference will provide you with the following learning outcomes:

• Using ABW to reduce cost and maximise the use of o� ce space • Redesigning workspace for increased interdivisional collaboration and productivity• Managing the change - securing senior management buy in and engagement • Selecting, adopting and integrating innovative technology into workplace design• Downstream cost savings and productivity gains from superior project management • Lessons learned - exploring workspace design best practice to avoid costly mistakes

I look forward to seeing you in Sydney.

Yours faithfully,

Domenico PintoConference DirectorNext Generation Activity Based Workplaces Summit 2014

Who will you meet at the Next Generation Activity Based Workplaces Summit 2014? Professionals involved in setting up or improving their workplace design, including:

• Head of Operation / Operation Manager• Head / Director of IT Strategy• IT Infrastructure Manager• GM Commercial• Project Manager

• Group Operations Manager• Head of Workplace Design• Head of Workplace• Business Analyst• Head of Solution Delivery

Industries: • Financial Services• Real Estate Development• Utilities• Logistics

• Retail• Healthcare• Telecommunication• Education

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities Activity Based Workplaces 2014 will unite leaders from across all industries who are actively planning or carrying out a transition to ABW. Senior executives in charge of workplaces and facilities will be attending along with general managers, operations managers, project managers, IT managers, communications managers and HR managers to gather the information they need to ensure their ABW projects run smoothly.

The Activity Based Workplaces conference is your opportunity to present your organisation’s products and services and network with key potential clients to secure future projects in this competitive market.

If you supply any of the below products or services, this unique opportunity is not to be missed:

• Construction and o� ce fi t-outs • IT communications hardware/infrastructure• O� ce AV equipment• Interior design services

• Interior architecture services• O� ce furniture• Change management tools and consultants• Lighting systems

For specifi c details of sponsorship and exhibition packages, please call us on (02) 9229 1080 or email [email protected]

BOOK NOW! T: +61 2 9229 1000 • F: +61 2 9223 2622 • E: [email protected]

Veldhoen + Company is the leading consulting fi rm specialising in Activity Based Working, having fi rst introduced ABW in the Netherlands in 1996, and to Australia with Macquarie Bank at One Shelley Street in 2008. As leaders in this space, with over 20 years of experience of over 200 projects worldwide, Veldhoen + Company o� er clients something that no one else can; breadth of experience gained from real world implementations and the real story behind what it takes to make ABW successful.

Page 3: Redefi ning workplace design for maximum e˚ ciency and ...workspace design to the long-term impact on o˛ ce space demand modelling Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting,

Sam Jordan Director – Flexible Workspace Solutions The GPT Group

Craig Wiseman Workplace Strategic Planner, Westpac

Pete Carstairs General Manager Research, Investa Property Group

Lino Caccavo Divisional Development Manager, AMP Capital

14.40 Expert Presentation: The Impact of innovative workspace design on tenant demand – the analyst’s perspective • Analysing the impact of ABW on the o� ce sector demand • Comparing sector specifi c needs and adoption of ABW like concepts • Linking the technological advancement, innovative workspace design to the long-term impact on o� ce space demand modelling

Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting, Victoria Jones Lang LaSalle

15.20 Afternoon Tea and Networking Break

15.50 Capitalising on your existing ABW to further improve and adapt to your ever evolving workforce • Establishing a culture of continuous workplace analysis and improvement • Using technology and analytics to continuously improve your o� ce space • Maximising the ROI of your existing o� ce space by ensuring optimum use and allocation

Amanda Stanaway Principal, Woods Bagot

16.30 Networking Session: Workplace design pub quiz (followed by Networking Reception)

The pub quiz, or quiz night, is a popular tradition that has been adopted around the world and has newly come to the IQPC conferences. Attendees will work in groups of 8 to answer a series of questions – some focused on workplace design and some more on general knowledge. The objective of the game will be to see how many questions your team can get right, and there will be bonus points on o� er for the team with the best team name (to be decided onsite!) The IQPC pub quiz is a fun and light hearted way to get to know your fellow attendees in a relaxed environment, as well as see how your general and ABW knowledge compares with that of your fellow delegates!

Prizes on o� er for the winning team!

08.00 Registration and Co� ee

09.00 Opening Remarks from the Chairperson

09.10 Case Study: Adapting ABW principles to your workforce • Shaping “your” ABW strategy • Analysing ABW principles and assessing their applicability to your business needs • Lowering operating cost by adopting a smart workplace design

Ed Cortis Head of Solution Delivery, Bankwest

09.50 Case Study: Setting up the ABW journey successfully • Analysing organisational requirements • Selecting, adapting and shaping “your” ABW solution • Understanding the technological requirements and opportunities of an ABW implementation

David Goldsworthy Program Director, Medibank

10.30 Speed Networking Session An e� ective structured interactive session designed to help you expand your network through one-on-one focused conversations

11.00 Morning Refreshments and Networking Break

11.30 Expert presentation: Running out of room - Calculating the optimal desk ratio for your workforce Often accelerated programs, lack of understanding about how much space is required, clash between the desired new culture and old habits – these can all contribute to a misallocation of space and time, and ultimately a missed opportunity for making real change, with real results for the bottom line. • Analysing strategies to determine the required desk ratio according to your business needs • Considering techniques and strategies for correctly setting up your workspace design • “Sticking to your plan” - Avoiding costly mistakes and minimising the risk of unsuccessful ABW implementation

Heidi Smith Partner, Gray Puksand 12.10 Event Partner Session: Involving HR to ensure successful transition into new workplace era • Considering the role of HR during an activity based working (re)design • Ensuring the early buy in of HR • Developing a strategy to successfully integrate HR into your project management

12.50 Lunch and Networking Break

13.50 Panel Discussion: Where to from here? What are the new trends and next generation of workspace design? • What’s out there? Analysing new innovative concepts • Virtual o� ces – a costly trend for large enterprises or the future workplace? • Flexible workstations and decentralised o� ces – a “cheap excuse” or potential for further employee engagement? • How can you identify and select the right technology provider to drive productivity?

Natalie Slessor Head of Workplace, Lend Lease

BOOK NOW! T: +61 2 9229 1000 • F: +61 2 9223 2622 • E: [email protected]


Page 4: Redefi ning workplace design for maximum e˚ ciency and ...workspace design to the long-term impact on o˛ ce space demand modelling Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting,

08.00 Registration and Co� ee

09.00 Opening Remarks from the Chairperson

09.10 Case Study: The Impact of the Freelance Economy on Workplace • How the Freelance Economy is driving changes in the psychology of work • What this means to organisations and the design of the workplace • How we can target the evolution of organisations and the nature of work in this context, through focused change

Alice Drew Workplace & Change Strategy, Lend Lease

Natalie Slessor Head of Workplace, Lend Lease

09.50 Case Study: Communicating the benefi ts of ABW to employees • Driving a smooth transition through a complete communications strategy • Including and engaging the workforce to create ownership of the changes • Leveraging a variety of techniques to explain how the workforce will benefi t from ABW

Amy Wild Director, People and Performance The GPT Group

10.30 Morning Refreshments and Networking Break

11.00 Expert Presentation: Measuring results: a structured approach to understanding the impact of workplace change The Strategy+ team has developed a post occupancy toolkit that blends quantitative analysis, user feedback and a range of on-site observation studies to develop a rich picture of change. • Understanding productivity and performance • Establishing a baseline and agreeing targets • Pilots and beyond - verifying the results and setting up the next learning cycle • SBS Case Study

Sue Wittenoom Director, Strategy+ AECOM

Martin Wright Corporate Services & Facilities Manager Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Australia

12.00 International Keynote: Creating an innovative workplace • What types of workplace culture drive innovation? • What is innovation and what isn’t it? • How can the design of your o� ce foster innovation?

Monica Parker Managing Director Work360

12.40 Lunch and Networking Break

13.50 Expert Presentation & Discussion: Considering future expansion in an ABW environment • Incorporating future growth while planning a cost e� ective ABW implementation – dream or reality? • What are some of the anticipated challenges that growing organisation can expect to face? • Productivity gains through ABW – myth or reality? • Customer centric design - What does the customer really want?

Pete Carstairs General Manager – Research Investa Property Group

14.30 Case Study: Beyond ABW – Selecting, adopting and integrating innovative workspace solutions • Where to from here? The GPT Group’s plans to move beyond ABW • What is fl exible workspace? Finding alternative solution to attract and retain sta� • Analysing the ROI of adapting innovative workspace designs

Sam Jordan Director – Flexible Workspace Solutions The GPT Group

15.10 Afternoon Tea and Networking Break

15.40 Roundtable Discussions: Sharing, benchmarking and addressing challenges specifi c to your industry In industry focus groups delegates will have the chance to discuss in more depth the main trends, challenges and opportunities related to strategy and implementation of innovative workspace design for their specifi c sector and organisation. Those interactive roundtable sessions led by industry experts will include following industries: • Financial Services • Government • IT & Telecommunication • Manufacturing

• Retail• Healthcare• Education• Energy & Utilities• Transport & Logistics

16.20 Identifying, benchmarking and analysing your industry adoption stage • Where is your industry standing compared to other industries? What are the key challenges within your industry? • What are the tools and methods used by your cross- industries peers? • How successful are this solutions and is there scope to implement them in your industry?

Panellists will include the facilitators from the industry roundtables and would present the main outcomes from the discussions

17.00 Closing Remarks and Close of Conference

BOOK NOW! T: +61 2 9229 1000 • F: +61 2 9223 2622 • E: [email protected]


Page 5: Redefi ning workplace design for maximum e˚ ciency and ...workspace design to the long-term impact on o˛ ce space demand modelling Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting,

MASTERCLASS:Thursday, 4 December 2014 • 08.30 – 16.30

Planning and implementing innovative workspace designs

Aligning organisations, people and technology to increase productivityMain drivers of innovative workspace design are reduction in cost and increased workforce productivity. What are the key steps to follow? How can I measure or assess the ROI of innovative designs? This part will allow you to consider all aspect that you need to consider for a successful assessment and planning of a workspace design program.

Covered in the masterclass:• Setting the agenda - assessing the fundamental steps that you need to consider• Analysing benefi ts for aligning people, organisation and technology • Presenting and positioning the problem vs. opportunity through the adaptation of ABW principles• Where is the evidence?• Learn about the emerging tools to gather meaningful workplace data

How you will benefi t:• Understanding the value preposition for ABW• Capitalising on o� ce space and culture – simple steps to improve employees engagement and sta� retention• Understanding evidence-based design – why is it e� cient and how to implement it• Understanding human analytics principles: the combining of big data and technology, is changing the way business understand their employees

Change management for ABWABW experts and professionals that have gone through an ABW (or ABW like) implementation agree on the importance of managing the culture change correctly. In fact change management accounts for a signifi cant part of the projects budget. This workshop is designed for workplace professionals that are embarking on an ABW implementation and will allow delegates to consider vital aspects that can lead to a successful or unsuccessful ABW implementation.

Covered in the masterclass:• Analysing techniques for successful change management• Addressing ABW specifi c culture changes and scepticism (e.g. status symbol “my own o� ce”)• Overcoming resistance to change• Understanding why urgency and fear based communications don’t work

How you will benefi t: • Learn to manage change e� ectively• Learn to proactively plan and include change management into the overall strategy • Maximising the success of change management during an ABW implementation and ensuring the post implementation success• Learn how to build a concrete change management programme that will keep people engaged

Facilitator:Monica Parker, Managing Director, Work360

WORKSHOP B:Wednesday, 3 December 2014 • 17.00 – 20.00

Assessing technology readiness and preparing for an ABW journey

The selection and integration of technological tools plays a vital role when embarking on an ABW implementation and can account for large part of the projects success. However ABW project managers and workplace designer rarely have an IT background. This workshop will allow you to consider key aspects that need to be reviewed during the planning phase of an ABW implementation.

Covered in the workshop:• Understanding the technological requirements of an ABW implementation• Increasing the improvement success rate through strategy alignment• Ensuring your property software will support your overall workplace strategy

How you will benefi t: • Gaining a clear understanding of key steps of an ABW journey • Learn to evaluate the technological requirement of for a successful ABW implementation • Peer to peer lessons learned and challenges encountered sharing • Avoiding costly mistakes by aligning people, process and tools

Facilitator:Craig Wiseman, Workplace Strategic Planner, Westpac

BOOK NOW! T: +61 2 9229 1000 • F: +61 2 9223 2622 • E: [email protected]


WORKSHOP A:Tuesday, 2 December 2014 • 17.45 – 20.45

Translating business drivers into physical space

The design stage of innovative workspace implementation (e.g. ABW) plays an important role to ensure that the result refl ects the values and business drivers of an organisation. This workshop will allow you to consider key aspects that need to be reviewed during the planning and design phase to ensure a successful implementation.

Covered in the workshop:• Understanding the link between design and physical space• Gaining a clear understanding of key steps of an ABW design planning • Analysing case studies and encountered challenges of workplace designs

How you will benefi t: • Learn to evaluate physical requirements of your workforce / organisation • Avoiding costly mistakes by understanding how organisational values and culture translate into design • Increasing the improvement success rate through accurate pre-project analysis and evaluation of design

Facilitators:Amanda Stanaway, Principal, Woods BagotSarah Kay, Principal, Woods Bagot

Page 6: Redefi ning workplace design for maximum e˚ ciency and ...workspace design to the long-term impact on o˛ ce space demand modelling Andrew Ballantyne Director, Research and Consulting,



































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o REGISTER ME for Next Generation Activity Based Workplaces 2014 PLUS: Workshops: oA oB oMasterclass


WHERE Novotel Sydney Central169-179 Thomas Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000Tel: +61 2 9281 6888Web:

WHEN? 2 - 3 December 2014

ACCOMMODATIONThe Novotel Sydney Central is the offi cial hotel for the Activity Based Workplaces 2014 conference and they have negotiated event rates specifi cally for attendees of this event.

To take advantage of these rates, or for a unique HotelMap that showsour discounted hotel deals at nearby hotels, go and click on the Venue & Accommodation page.


TELEPHONE +61 2 9229 1000

FAX +61 2 9223 2622

EMAIL [email protected]


MAIL IQPC, Level 6, 25 Bligh Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000


Register Early & Save!To speed registration, please provide the priority code located on the mailing label or in the box below.

NOTE: PAYMENT IS DUE WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM REGISTRATION TO SECURE YOUR PLACE. Registrations received without payment or a Government PO will incur a processing fee of $99+GST = $108.90 per registration. Payment prior to the conference is mandatory for attendance. Payment includes lunches, refreshments, a copy of conference presentations via FTP website or workbook and all meeting materials. If payment has not been received two weeks before the conference, a credit card hold will be taken and processed. This card will be refunded once alternate payment has been received.

PRIVACY - YOUR CHOICEAny information provided by you in registering for this conference is being collected by IQPC and will be held in the strictest confi dence. It will be added to our database and will be used primarily to provide you with further information about IQPC events and services. By supplying your email address and mobile telephone number you are agreeing to IQPC contacting you by these means to provide you further information about IQPC products and services. From time to time IQPC may share information from our database with other professional organisations (including our event sponsors) to promote similar products and services. Please tick the box below if you do NOT want us to pass on your details.To amend your current details, advise of duplicates or to opt out of further mailings, please contact our Database Integrity Maintenance Department,Level 6, 25 Bligh Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000. Alternatively, email [email protected], call 02 9229 1028 or fax 02 9223 2622.

¨ I do not wish to have my details made available to other organisations

IQPC CANCELLATION AND POSTPONEMENT POLICY: FOR DETAILS OF IQPC’S CANCELLATION AND POSTPONEMENT POLICY PLEASE VISIT:© 2014 IQPC ABN 92 071 142 446 All RIGHTS RESERVED. The format, design, content and arrangementof this brochure constitute a copyright of IQPC. Unauthorised reproduction will be actionable by law.

Workshops = 1 module each, Masterclass = 2 modules



*Register & pay before19th September 2014

EARLY BIRD*Register & pay before

17th October 2014STANDARD PRICE

All Access Pass (Conference + Masterclass + 2 Workshops)

SAVE AUD $1050$3949 + GST = $4343.90

SAVE AUD $500$4499 + GST = $4948.90

$4999 + GST = $5498.90

Conference + 3 Modules SAVE AUD $1050$3749 + GST = $4123.90

SAVE AUD $500$4299 + GST = $4728.90

$4799 + GST = $5278.90

Conference + 2 Modules SAVE AUD $1050$3449 + GST = $3793.90

SAVE AUD $400$4099 + GST = $4508.90

$4499 + GST = $4948.90

Conference + 1 Module SAVE AUD $1050$3149 + GST = $3463.90

SAVE AUD $300$3899 + GST = $4288.90

$4199 + GST = $4618.90

Conference Only SAVE AUD $1100$2499 + GST = $2748.90

SAVE AUD $300$3299 + GST = $3628.90

$3599 + GST = $3958.90

IQPC recognises the value of learning in teams. Take advantage of one of these special rates:

� Register a team of 2 to the conference at the same time from the same company and receive a 5% discount� Register a team of 3 to the conference at the same time from the same company and receive a 10% discount� Register a team of 4 to the conference at the same time from the same company and receive a 15% discount or a free pass for a 5th delegate� Ask about multi-event discounts. Call + 61 2 9229 1000 for more details

Please note: Only one discount applies

Main Conference: 2 – 3 December 2014Workshops: 2 – 4 December 2014Venue: Novotel Sydney Central

¨ Please send me _______ set(s) of AUDIO COMPACT DISCS and PRESENTATIONS CD at $878.90 ($799 plus GST) or $603.90 ($549 plus GST) Presentations CD only

¨ Please keep me informed via email about this and other related events


Book early for HUGEEARLY BIRD savings.

Book as a TEAM,save & benefi t as a team.

* Payment not made at the time of registration will be subject to a $99 service charge.

* All 'Early Bird' discounts require payment at time of registration and before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount.

* Discounts do not apply to vendors/solution providers. IQPC reserves the right to determine who is a vendor.

* Any discounts offered (including early bird and team discounts) are subject to availability and require payment at the time of registration.

* All discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer.