recording q1

Recording Q1 (page 1) Date Activity Thoughts: What did you do? Problems encountered? Successes? Feelings? Ideas for next time? Approxim ate number of hours involved Portuguese Class Introduction class. Not much learned but the entire course was explained. I am the youngest person in my class which is a bit awkward but hopefully it wont be for long. 2 Portuguese Class We talked about why each person in the class wants to learn Portuguese and learned to say that phrase. All the class came today and turns out there is another person of my age. 2 Portuguese Class We listened to some recordings of Portuguese people talking basic things and we needed to figure out what happened. Apart from that we learned basic vocabulary involving pronouns. 2 Portuguese Class We continued our work with pronouns by making basic phrases in Portuguese with different pronouns. Al so this class the teacher announced that from now on we will have class only in Portuguese and Spanish and other languages are forbidden. 2 Portuguese Class This class we were divided into groups and each group was designated a particular common scenario and had to come up with a dialogue and present it in front 2

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Recording Q1 (page 1)

Date ActivityThoughts: What did you do? Problems

encountered? Successes? Feelings? Ideas for next time?

Approximate number of

hours involved

Portuguese Class Introduction class. Not much learned but the entire course was explained. I am the youngest person in my class which is a bit awkward but hopefully it wont be for long.


Portuguese Class We talked about why each person in the class wants to learn Portuguese and learned to say that phrase. All the class came today and turns out there is another person of my age.


Portuguese Class We listened to some recordings of Portuguese people talking basic things and we needed to figure out what happened. Apart from that we learned basic vocabulary involving pronouns.


Portuguese Class We continued our work with pronouns by making basic phrases in Portuguese with different pronouns. Al so this class the teacher announced that from now on we will have class only in Portuguese and Spanish and other languages are forbidden.


Portuguese Class This class we were divided into groups and each group was designated a particular common scenario and had to come up with a dialogue and present it in front of the class. My groups were a situation of a group of friends deciding what to do on Friday night.


Portuguese Class This class we focussed only on vocabulary we learned the names of the members of the family, the days of the week, the numbers up to ten and also to name each letter in the Portuguese alphabet. It feels like a childish thing but it was actually hard memorising every thing


Portuguese Class We continued with the vocabulary of last lesson and the task after this was to write two paragraphs about a experience you had with your family. If we needed help we were instructed only to use a


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Portuguese- Spanish dictionary. It was challenging but I manage to hand in a good enough story.

Portuguese Class We were given the grades of the piece of work we handed in last lesson and I got 7 out of 10, which is ok but I keep mixing Portuguese and Spanish words. We corrected the task. Finally in the last minutes the teacher mentioned that in this course we are supposed to do two presentations and we should start diving ourselves into groups.


Portuguese ClassThis class we practice dialogues from basic scenarios but these dialogues were more extensive because they included Portuguese common slang. Some of the word learned has a similar meaning to Spanish but still they sound as fake slang words.


Portuguese ClassToday’s lesson was focused on the map of brazil learning was the most important cities are and learn some characteristics about the main regions.


Portuguese ClassWe were handed a series of exercises today about vocabulary. It was a 10 page exercise booklet which includes vocabulary about the family members, colours, parts of the body, numbers and names of cities of brazil. We are supposed to finish this over the course of today’s and tomorrow’s lesson.


Portuguese ClassWe continued doing the booklet, due to the group being mostly made up of university students the teacher told us that we were allowed to go to work in the restaurants nearby or anywhere as long as he hand in the booklet by the end of the class. Me and some other people went to this nearby cafeteria, its great that the group is so inclusive even though I am much younger than the rest of the students.


Portuguese class Today we were told that for our mid-course review a test about everything we have learned so far. For review next week we will focus on text book work and also we were told to watch some videos on you tube to help us memorizing. The test is four lessons from today so we were told to start revising in our own time.


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20/03/14 Portuguese class This class was focused only o the test coming up soon, watched some videos and had some time at the end of the class to talk in partners to make some exercises.


21/03/14 Portuguese Class Since we have our test next class today we answered some practice questions and also we revised all the vocabulary with the help of our teacher. At the end we played a short game about remembering vocabulary in groups


March 22th 2014

Portuguese Class We had our test today, although it was long I think I did alright because I felt comfortable taking it. After the test me and some other went to eat at a cafeteria nearby and talked about the test. The common opinion was that the test was easy except for the last two questions that involved making a short text for both questions.


Recording Q1 (page 2)

Date ActivityThoughts: What did you do? Problems

encountered? Successes? Feelings? Ideas for next time?

Approximate number of

hours involved

Portuguese Classes Since our teacher didn’t finished marking our test yet today we corrected the answers of the booklet filled with exercise of vocabulary. Also today we decided the groups for the final presentations but the topic of the presentations is still to be decided.


Portuguese Classes Today we got our test results back and we went through them in detail to understand the mistakes made. Overall I did ok on the test but my grade was dropped significantly due to the last section of the test which dealt with creative writing. We have an opportunity to raise our grade by doing writing a 3 paragraph long situation for next week.


Portuguese class This lesson focused more on exicerse work from the text book. Before going on onto the next part of the course the teacher told us we must first comprehend the last section completely. At the end we order pizza as a class because we had the promotion of 2 for 1 and we finished the class by watching a small documentary about the life in brazil

2 hours

Portuguese Class 2

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Today we learned new vocabulary about more common objects such as napkins, forks, tables, chairs, etc. As well as easy vocabulary of food. We managed only to go through completely through the vocabulary focusing on common items. It was challenging to understand the pronunciation of certain words due to the difference in the symbols from Portuguese to spanish

Portuguese Class Carnival is coming soon and due to this each class must present a short presentation about a different region of Brazil. We were given the south region of Parana and Rio Grande. For the entire class we were divided into different groups and each one had a different task. In my group I had to investigate a type of famous celebration of the south so we can use it for our presentation.


Portuguese Class We were told that any further work on the carnival presentation would be done after class but since I won’t be able to attend to the carnival I have to submit the things I found for next lesson because I won’t be able to help the class the day of the presentation. At the end of the class we finished the vocabulary started 2 lessons ago and then we were divided into groups to practice us using the words.


Portuguese ClassUsing the vocabulary recently learned we had to construct a different series of sentences with a variety of pronouns. After doing this we correct them in partners and finished this work by each group reading out loud at some of the sentences we had done. I also presented the information I got and I found out that there is a version of the October Fest in the south of Brazil. This was of great help because it gave the group a theme to follow but they still haven’t decided yet whether or not to use my info because they want something more national


Portuguese Class Since we are done with the course in two weeks time our teacher explained that our final grade is going to be based on three aspects. A short acting scene we must do in groups about a group of friends going out to dinner and talking about how their day and a festivity coming up, a oral exam lasting 5-10 minutes and test. We were given time to get into groups and start planning the presentation


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Portuguese Class We came back to vocabulary today and we learned different professions and some slang for some professions like pedreiro for construction workers. After this we listened to some recordings and finished the class with some textbook exercises about the different professions our members of our families have.


Portuguese ClassWe only have two lessons, counting this one, of regular class left. So today we spent the whole lesson revising past vocabulary and we also focused on writing again because the final test will also include a long writing section


Portuguese Class In order to prepare for the oral exam the whole lesson we spent going through dialogues and talking amongst partners using only known vocabulary. Every 5 minutes or so we were given a different topic and we had to talk the full 5 minutes or there was a punishment like singing some Portuguese music infront of the class.


April 24th 2014

Portuguese ClassToday was the oral exam, so we were called one by one and the rest of the time we had time to be in our groups for the presentation and keep planning and preparing for the presentation coming up. I think I did well on the Oral exam but the first minutes I was very nervous, luckily my examiner was nice enough to give me second chance and reset the recording because the first minutes you could barely hear me. Apart from that the presentation is going well and I think we will do great.


April 24th 2014

Portuguese Class Today was the test, I felt a lot more confortable with the writing section but I still felt I could have performed better. The grades will be posted tomorrow after the presentation. When the test finished we were reminded of the presentation tomorrow and we were told that if we wanted to know our final grades we had to wait atleast 1 hour till the grades are added.


April 25th 2014

Portuguese Class Today was the presentation and my group did really good, we even managed to get some jokes going which got our grade up a level or two. After class I stayed until the final grades were published and turns out the grade I got in the presentation was what raised my grade enough for me to pass without doing


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any extra work. Over all I passed with a 7.78 over 10. The second level of the course starts in 2 weeks time but they will still offer talking courses and writing practice session over these two weeks.

28th april 2014

Portuguese Class Even though we had our last lesson yesterday we were told to come in today so our teacher could explain the reasoning behind our grades. We were also told of ways to improve our grades if needed but only a few people were obligated to do it in order to pass. Finally I signed up for the next level and had a chance to speak with my next teacher Paula.


Recording Q1 (page 3)

Date ActivityThoughts: What did you do? Problems

encountered? Successes? Feelings? Ideas for next time?

Approximate number of

hours involved


JB Planning We planned a activity called “Ice breaker” Since we are started the new JB year we thought it would be a good a idea to get all the old and new Jbrs together and make just for Fun activities. We divided up the tasks, I am in charge of facilitating a activity and helping out with the food for the day.



Ice breaker activity

The activity was a success with 25 participant attending and 2 activities done. The participants had a good time and the Jb groups seems very united and outgoing. Hopefully this friendly community will last for the rest of the year .However, we still need to improve a lot in organization of resources because we ran out of paper and markets really quickly for a activity were these were essential.


December 1st 2013

Jb Planning We had a intense planning session for a Christmas activity in collaboration with Xtreme Response. The activity is to help around 2000 homeless families over the course of 1 day with around 300 participants. We had to plan for transport of the JB group, responabilities of each participant coming and also made shirts to distinguish our group from the rest


December 21st 2013

XMAS EventThe event was successful but we only had a total


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of 17 people attending which is a letdown because we expected around 25-30 coming from our group. However, the participants who did come had a great time and we did manage to help a lot during the activity. For next time we know we need to try to make sure more participants attend.

December Mosaic Activity Although I could be part of the planning of this activity I did manage to participate actively in the activity. We went to a poor school in Quito and helped the kids by teaching them about different things such as conflict and resolution, human rights, diversity, and sustainable development. All of these things are the four pillars in which CISV is based on. We worked with them for a entire week but due to school I only managed to participate for a day.


January 4th of 2014

Planning JB For our next activity we decided to follow a world movement called a cookie for a smile. For this we will go to parque la Carolina in a weeks time and give cookies in exchange for smiles. We will cook the coockies in my house in a week and then Sunday next week we will go to the park. We made a facebook event invited lots of people.


January 4th of 2014

First CISV TrainingToday was the first CISV training of the year and it was a completely different experience than before. Now that I am a junior counsellor I have a bigger role during the trainings and have to take on bigger responsibilities’. The whole training went smoothly and it was great to see lots of old CISVers return to trainings. Apart from that I was added to the Leaders group of CISV so I’ll be informed of the next planning session for the trainings.


January 11th 2014

Cooking for the activity

The members of the directive board came to my house to bake the cookies for the activity tomorrow. It was a great bonding experience because after baking all the cookies everyone stayed over and we talked all night. We managed to make about 200 cookies but sadly around 50 were burnet.


January 12th 2014

A cookie for a smile.

Due to a family event I was able to attend for the complete activity but in the time I was able to attend I saw a great improvement from our last activity in terms of the organization we had and the amount of people we brought.


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January 7th of 2014

Planning CISV Today was the first planning for CISV trainings I have ever attended to. It was a great experience to be a part of the group and also it was great being in the other side of the activites of CISV where instead of doing the activites you plan for them. I learned a lot about planning and different ways to get participants engaged.


January 10th 2014

CISV Training The training was a great experience because I got to enjoy it in a different way. Managing to make participants enjoy an activity and reach the goals you set for the day is a great feeling and it helped understand a lot about planning. This training ran more effectively than the Jb activies and I will try to implement the knowledge I gained here in the next JB planning session.


1st April -4th April 2014

Andinos Workshop The workshop was a very different experience

from everything I’ve done with the JB till this point. We discussed problems of regional importance amongst the participant countries of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Problems such as the education barriers due to economic differences, the treatment of women in society and how incorporated is the LGBT community in our countries.

We also learned a lot about planning activities and sharing best practices amongst countries. Amongst the activities which I enjoyed the most there was an activity about how simulations can cause the best activates. We learned how to make simulation games to make participants understand in a greater depth some problems and this is something that I found very important to implement in both JB and CISV activities.

Finally, having spent a complete 3 days with JBrs from Colombia and Peru I learned a lot about their JBs and found lots of new ways to improve my own JB. Their perspectives are very different from mine and due to this they could provide answers to different problems I was having with the Jb. The interesting part about this experience was that even though they come from different countries their reality is so close to mine that we understand our points of view with ease.


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4th of April 2014

AJBM The activities done in AJBM were more globalized than in Andinos or our national Jb meetings. There were a total of 150 participants all from different countries of the Americas. Each we focused on a different aspect of JB development. The first day was individual development, this means that each Jb exposed their problems and successes and as a group we try to solve them. There were a series of activities of this sort but by the far the most impacting was the last activity of the day. In which all of us were given a little section of the room which represented our country. Then we were told to drawn or build our JB and show everything we have done this year. It was impressive that even though we were one of the smallest delegations there and we are one of the smallest JBs in the Americas we made more activities than any other country and we showed he had the most active Jbrs.


5th april 2014

AJBM The second was focused on development by neighbourhoods. World wide it is known that the Andinos neighbourhood is the most united because its participants have always shown a closer connection to one another and due to our similar realities we are able to understand each other more than other neighbourhoods. The activities of the day started with seminars explaining the reason behind the neighbourhoods meetings, a discussion of how the meetings went this year and the different measures that are going to be taken for next year. The last activity we were told to present our neighbourhood to the entire AJBM and present our projects. When it was time to present we thought we could try to do something different from just standing in front of the crowd and talking. We instead made a body of a dragon and a small head. In the sides of the dragon we wrote what we did during our meeting, what we thought about it, our successes as a neighbourhood as well as our failures. When it was time to present we all got inside the dragon and walked around the conference so everyone could see whilst music from our countries played. Due to the fact we were 40 participant we body was long enough to walk for a solid 10 minutes .


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April 6th 2014

AJBM Today focus on our development as a region, AMERICA. We talked about the importance of this meeting and the significance that this was the first year the meeting was open for common participants and not only to our nation representatives. Working as a region we have more opportunities to engage in bigger project because we have both more people and more money. There were several motions put forward of possible regional projects such a JB app for our phones in which we could save activities and have discussion forums, we also though of other things such different sources of media to get the AJB news across such as a monthly magazine or a radio station. Finally after voting the new project COLORES was introduced. The project consisted having a monthly magazine which did not only talk about the AJBs but also about our countries and celebrate the differences of culture in the streets, methods of transport, festivities, food, etc. I decided to take part of the collectors of images of this project so hopefully I can be the official representative of Ecuador in this magazine letting the JB world know about us.


7th of April 2014

AJBM Today was the final day and as a final activity in the morning all the participants gather in the auditorium and we had a final talk from one of the staff of the event. Afterwards we were told to go outside for a surprise of a buffet of all traditional Colombian food and Colombian music with national dancers perfoming. We all left in the afternoon. Overall I can say with confidence that I am now a lot more prepared to put myself as a candidate for National Representative of Ecuador. This workshop defiantly open my eyes on a lot of stuff not only on JB knowledge but about how to address yourself to a group of 150+ people.


Recording Q1 (page 4)

Date ActivityThoughts: What did you do? Problems

encountered? Successes? Feelings? Ideas for next time?

Approximate number of

hours involved

1st of March

Gym Today was my first day at the gym, I was very nervous because I have never attended a place like this and the only physical activity which I am familiar with is futbol. The place is very nice and the


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people seem friendly but it was a disappointment that I am the only person my age that attends the Gym at the time I go. Other than that I was accompanied by a trainer the whole time I was there. First I had to go to the nutritionist to ran some exams which took longer than expected but everything turn out fine. When I finally got to the training I had little time left so the instructor made me follow a quick routine which is usually to warm up but for the first day it was very tiring.

Saturday 3th March 2014

Gym Knowing that I can only attend the Gym Mondays and Wednesdays during school days because Tuesdays and Thursdays I have liga classes I decided that whenever possible I will come in on Saturdays. Today there were a lot less people than the first time and I was able to use the machines I needed freely. I follow a routine which my trainer gave me but he told me that starting Monday I will start following a weekly routine to gain rhythm and muscle. Today I just focused more on cardio so I ran on the treadmill and did some other exercises which the trainer told me will help me ran for longer periods of time in matches


5th March 2014

GYM My routine started today and for the first time every I did arms. It seem fine at first and I felt comfortable using 5kg weights, during the whole time in the Gym I was able to more or less keep up with my trainer. The routine was based on short repetitions for long period of time. So for each exercise I did 5 sets of 15 repetitions. However, when I got home I couldn’t move my arms and they are very soar. Since I decided I won’t take any protein drinks or especial supplements I have to wait until naturally my arms stop hurting. However, I am excited about the next routine and I hope that by the end of the month I can go up a level in weights.


6th March 2014

Liga LessonToday liga’s lesson was focused on skills and short passing. As always we had to ran 5 laps around the the field before starting training. Then the group was divided into 2 one of the first team and the other of 2nd team players. I was able to enter the first group but I was too tired from the gym so they lowered me to the second group after an hour or so. However, I still felt the class was very productive and hopefully in a few weeks time I will be able to


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fully handle the gym and the liga lessons.

7th of March 2014

Gym Since I am doing leg work at the ligas lesson today we focus on working back and chest. Today I required lots of help because I had never done exercises in neither of these areas. By the end I felt comfortable with the routine but I still feel very tired by the end of each session. Noticing this my trainer switched my routine so I could first gain more stigma and cardio so I can handle better harder exercises later on.


8th of March 2014

Liga Lesson As always we started with doing laps across the fields but luckily today we had a friendly match amongst ourselves. The first team vs the second team and since last lesson I was dropped I had to play with the second team. However, we managed to pull of a good match and I scored two goals. Hopefully I will be able to join the first team again next class. On the negative side I was only able to work at full potential the first part of the lesson. I am still not able to handle both the gym and futbol but my mind is set on managing to perform both to the highest standart.


12th march 2014

GymComing back to training today I felt I had my forces again thanks to the long three day rest. I manage to do the full routine and I do feel that I am handling better the effort put in the gym after each session, although I am still very tired by the end of each session. Also my trainer adviced me to drop all junk foods because those are the main reason why most people don’t progress as they should. I will try to stay away from them but I wont go as far as eating salad on Fridays.


13th march 2014

Liga Today we did basic exercises on first touch passing and finishing. Today we were not divided into groups so probably some places between the 1st and 2nd team will switch and hopefully I am amongst them. By the end of the lesson we played some 5-a side matches.


14th march 2014

Gym Today we focused on triceps and biceps for the first half an hour of workout. Most of the exercise done during this period involved me sitting down so I handled the gym better than other days. The last half an hour we focused on abs and cardio. Each


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time I find less difficult to keep up with the trainer. However, if I get to confortable he will step up the routines so I am always trying to push myself to advance at a faster rate.

15th march 2014

LigaToday we started with some games such as futbol tennis and passing the ball only with our heads for the first half and hour. The rest of the time we had to ran some drills to improve our performances for the matches next month. The field was divided into 4 sections each section dealt with a different part of the game. There were: finishing, defending, crossing and short passing. Each one of us had to go through the drills at least 3 times. At the end we finished with some abs work.


19th March 2014

Gym Back in training today after a long weeked of eating lots of pizza due to a CISV event I had. I felt I lost some of the rythim I had adquired over this past weeks. I got tired really quickly and had to stop more often than in other trainings. I plan on letting myself eat junk food but only once a week and drop the colas. This training was one of the most difficult ones due to this.


20th march 2014

Liga Today we focused on physical work and upper body strength. So we did a series of games and each time you messed up you had to do push ups or a exercise of this nature. I felt that I managed to handle the training better that if we had done this before I joined the Gym but I was still very tired. On the positive side I was told I would join the first team again during the next training and I must not drop my game to keep my spot on the team.


21st march 2014

GymToday was my first day without a trainer, by now I know my routine well enough to work alone and it feels a lot better. I worked on my back and chest and kept using the same exercises I was taught me over the past lessons. Also by the end of the session I managed to raise the weight I am using to 7 kg which was one of my goals. Although I only managed to do 3 series it felt like a major improvement.


22nd march 2014

Liga Today we had a friendly match between 1st and 2nd team and it felt great being in the first team again. We won 3-1 and although I didn’t manage to score I did manage to get one assist and the coach was


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please with my performance. After class he told me he wants to make me play as a midfielder which I is a new position for me but I am exited cause I will get to see more of the ball during matches.