record all data in enb!

Record all data in ENB! 1. Using the materials on the table, create a representation of the Earth’s layers. Work with the person next to you! --Try your best – you aren’t expected to know this yet!! --Be frugal with the supplies *No more than 2 M & Ms *No more than 2 marshmallows *No more than 5 krispies *No more than one pour of syrup *No more than one oreo

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Record all data in ENB!. Using the materials on the table, create a representation of the Earth’s layers. Work with the person next to you! --Try your best – you aren’t expected to know this yet!! --Be frugal with the supplies *No more than 2 M & Ms *No more than 2 marshmallows - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Record all data in ENB!

Record all data in ENB!1. Using the materials on the table, create a representation of

the Earth’s layers. Work with the person next to you!--Try your best – you aren’t expected to know this yet!!--Be frugal with the supplies

*No more than 2 M & Ms*No more than 2 marshmallows*No more than 5 krispies*No more than one pour of syrup*No more than one oreo

Page 2: Record all data in ENB!

Okay, this is what you SHOULD have done!1. Place one half of an oreo on your paper towel

with cream filling on top.2. Add a small amount (about size of a penny)

of chocolate syrup on top of the cream filling. 3. Place one M & M on top.

**Compare your first creation to this one – were you close???**Draw a diagram of the real one in your ENB.

Page 3: Record all data in ENB!

Let’s Add Some Labels!Label the food parts, writing with lowercase

lettersLabel the actual layers, writing with CAPITAL

LETTERS and surrounding with a BOXTIME-OUT – take a bite of your masterpiece.

Under your diagram, describe how each layer reacted to your teeth! EXAMPLE: The cookie broke into tons of pieces

when I barely bit it, and got all over the place.

Add characteristics of the layers, underlining with squiggly lines

Page 4: Record all data in ENB!

Exit Ticket 9.201. Label the layers in the diagram below:

2. Which layer is the MOST dense?




Page 5: Record all data in ENB!

8.17.12*Be sure to write QUESTION and ANSWER!!1. Why is the Earth divided into

different layers? What makes them different?

2. Journeying to the center of the Earth seems like the ultimate adventure! Is it possible to journey to the core? Why or why not?

Page 6: Record all data in ENB!

Basic Layers of Earth

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How Is The Earth Layered?1.Chemical Compositiona. What it is MADE ofb. Different Elements

2.Physical/Mechanical Propertiesa. What it DOESb. Consistency and texture

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Chemical Composition Layers

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DENSITY is the Key!Elements have different densities

Golf ball vs. Ping Pong ballAmount of matter in an object

Earth’s gravity sucks in dense elements!Which layer is the most dense?Which layer is the least dense?

The less dense compounds make up the crus and the mantle, and the dense compounds make up the core.

Page 11: Record all data in ENB!

Physical PropertiesLayers also feel and behave differently!

5 layers based upon physical properties

Page 12: Record all data in ENB!

To Make Foldable1. Color all layers different colors!!

*****Be sure to color the layers inside the layers different colors too!

2. Cut out all layers and all LABELS.3. Dispose of garbage.4. Set up diagram and labels on paper – NO GLUE! Use

textbook to help – pages 392-393.5. Raise hand to get checked.6. GLUE IT DOWN following Mrs. Cook’s directions.

**Labels ON TOP of layers.**Layers with a glue tab so they can fold up

7. Add the following information UNDER tabs for each layer:*What is the layer MOSTLY made of?*How thick is the layer?*What state of matter is the layer (solid, liquid, gas)

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Crust and Upper Mantle

Rigid, brittleBreaks easily

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MantlePlasticSolid that flows

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MesosphereLower Mantle


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Outer and Inner Core

Outer CoreLiquidMoltenSurrounds Inner

CoreInner Core


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Can You…Find the layers based on composition?Find the layers based on physical properties?Match the physical properties with their layers?Add the locations to the physical properties?Put the layers in order from the outside of the

Earth to the inside?Put the layers in order from MOST DENSE to LEAST

DENSE?CHALLENGE – Categorize ALL the cards in a logical


Page 22: Record all data in ENB!

8.20.121. Why is the core the most dense

layer of the Earth?2. What are the layers of the Earth

based on composition?

Page 23: Record all data in ENB!

8.20.121. What are the two ways the Earth is

divided into layers? What are the layers based on?

2. Use the diagram below. How are the two layers different? What do you observe?

Page 24: Record all data in ENB!

When FinishedOn back for extra credit…1. What does REPSQ stand for?

2. Draw a comic/picture about the EDP. If it makes me laugh, you earn Extra Credit!

3. Complete other HW, sit quietly, read a book, etc.