reality check for online marketers : scale the 5ive levels

 MARKETERS Scale the 5ive Levels Reality Check for nline

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 MARKETERSScale the 5ive Levels

Reality Check for


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Table of Contents


1. The New Paradigm for Winning -- The Sci-Fi Pizza........................................................* The New Paradigm Shift --- Why your business should take this Big Leap?

2. Rules for The New Paradigm of Marketing.......................................................................

* No honking! Just engage your prospects* There are no ‘Gatekeepers’* Keep It Real

* You don’t control your brand anymore....Your customers do* Leverage social media for post-sales funnel

3. The BIG Social Media Question?.............................................................................................* What is social media?

* Where do I start on social media?* How would I know what people are talking about my brand?* Should I go for a public community, or build one of my own?

* What does the term ‘Go Viral’ mean in the social media parlance?




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4. Are you ready for the New Paradigm for Winning?Introducing M-Cube Model

* Level 1 Mirror-Mirror on the Web....* Level 2 Multi-Platform Branding* Level 3 Share 2 Succeed

* Level 4 Listen and Engage to Influence

* Level 5 Reach out to the Cloud

5. Strategies for the New Paradigm for Winning.................................................................* It’s time for a “Reality-Check”* Everyone needs an “Expert Advice”* “Agility” is the key here

* Post-recession Period - it’s time to reinvent your organization





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The New Paradigm for Winning --- The Sci-Fi PizzaBefore treading into the realms of the New Paradigm, let’s take you through a story

about the New Age Pizza...

It was a small celebration in our office and we all agreed for an on-the-floor pizza party.

The crunch was that none of us had contact numbers of any nearby pizza deliveryoutlets. So, one of the members of our creative team took her android-powered smartphone

out and used its Google voice search feature to find them out. The phone transmitted the

speech query into the Google cloud where it got converted into text. And we received allthe relevant information along with location and whether the given stores were open ina matter of few milliseconds. Though it wasn’t a pre-planned celebration, we were notin a mood to compromise on anything at all. So, the onus was passed on to our social

media buffs to find out which one was the best of them all. They hopped on toFacebook, food directories, and gourmet blogs for the purpose and came up withsome real gems. Our efforts eventually paid-off, and the party truly rocked!

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This may seem to be a regular, not soextra-ordinary story to you. Now, justgive a little more thought to it, and give ita technological angle. Let’s tread into the

lanes of nostalgia and recall some sci-fithrillers of the 70s and 80s, where theprotagonists were portrayed as super-

humans. They had smart gadgets; able totalk to anyone, anytime at their wish,blessed with super memories, could make a

virtual screen and take directions from theirmasters, could network with hundreds of theirallies simultaneously...and a lot more. All that hadbeen confined to the imaginations of sci-fi

directors during the past decades has now becomea tangible reality with technologies like cloud computing,smartphones, social media, and apps - all well within ourreach.

Technically speaking, we’re living at the helm of what was labeledas science fiction a couple of decades back. Coming together of 

all these robust technologies, such as smartphones, cloud,

applications, and social media is what we tag as the

, and our aim is to help businesses

fetch the most out of this blend.


Paradigm for Winning”

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The New Paradigm Shift

Why should

 your business take this leap?

All this noisesurrounding the New

Paradigm might sound far too

geeky and a pricey affair at the first glance.And by the time, you might’ve even bred the ‘

’ attitude towards it. Let’s clear this misconception in thefirst place. Remember, embracing the New Paradigm isn’t technical, or

expensive for that matter. Besides, the entire concept of switching to

the New Paradigm pivots around

How Does That

Matter To Me

easing and energizing

 your work in a cost-efficient way.

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When it comes to online marketing, most of the

businesses generally believe their job is done by havingan interactive website, or at best creating a Facebook and a

Twitter page. Placing ‘Become Our Fan’ or ‘Follow Us’ buttons

has become a cliche in present businesses, and they don’t lurevisitors at all. We have to shun this attitude in order to harness the

benefits of everything, from cloud computing to social media, that’s on offer.

A vivid presence on smartphones and tablets is another critical element thatshould be there in your business development drive. Go for having a mobile

and tablet-optimized website for your business. This would enable you to

keep your targeted audiences engaged while they are on the move.

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Rules forThe New Paradigmof MarketingLet’s go back to those business school days and recall some of the widely established

marketing principles and processes. By now, you might be lost in a flock of traditional

concepts, such as Branding, Positioning, 5P’s of Marketing, Labeling, and many more.However, the New Paradigm of Marketing has largely moulded these concepts to suit

the existing business scenarios and thus rewritten the old business school marketing


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Some of its reformed rules are:

Let’s rewind the clock to a couple of months back and assess how you were approaching your target

audience. You might be coughing up huge amounts of money inbuying advert slots in TV, or in newspaper classifieds. If  you’re amongst the proactive businessmen, you might’ve

even hired a PR agency to take care of your online businessexpansion.

But, after shelling out bucketfuls of 

money and efforts in business

development, are you exactly satisfiedwith the results? Don’t you think you

have been interrupting your potentialcustomers by ad pop-ups while they’rebrowsing the web or when they are inthe mid of their daily entertainment dose?

Even the attempts from PR agencies attimes appear exaggerated and highly mundaneto your audience.

However, you might argue that these marketing methods have been performing wellon the basis of the conventional business-school ROI scale. Owing to the changingconsumers habits and marketing environments, your vision of making it BIG couldn’t

materialize with these traditional techniques. You have to think out of the box and becreative than ever to convince the modern consumers instead of pelting them with jargon and hype laden product information.

1. No honking! Just engage your prospects:

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2. There are no ‘Gatekeepers’: We’ve entered into an era where

the might of an organization isn’t judged by size or volumes, but by thenumber of fans or followers it has. Each and every being with the accessto the New Paradigm technologies is empowered and can create amass awareness with the help of a

single review, a tweet, or a viralvideo. We have one interesting

(1)story to share with you thatcreated the wave on the

Internet in almost no time.

It involves a

dissatisfied customer

who used YouTube andTwitter to propagate a

video describing United

Airline’s mishandling of his

$3500 guitar, and subsequently

refusing him to pay back for the

same. The video song, tagged “United

Breaks Guitars”, went viral with morethan 3 million views in a span of aweek, followed by considerable print

and electronic media coverage of the issue.

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Blogs or

FLOGS 3. Keep It Real:

BEWARE : The power of social media has redefined

feedback and review processes and hence taken a shot on

such practices.

With people making

connections at a rate and scale the mankind hasn’t

seen before, it’s high-time businesses should stop pretendingand crowing about their products and services. Some companies even

use fake blogs, or ‘flogs’, as they are known among netizens, to create an


Wal-marting Across America blog, for instance, has been(2)a subject of case-studies , where the company reportedly paid bloggers

to burnish its image. So, just “keep it real” and pour your efforts in

improving the quality of your offerings, instead of giving awaymisleading information to your prospects.

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4. You don’t control your brand

anymore....Your customers do:


heed to every single comment or a review about your

offerings on social media, and act accordingly.

Social media has brought upon a huge

paradigm shift in marketing techniques,

changing it from ‘word-of-mouth’ to ‘word-of-mouse’ marketing.


social media has simplified the idea of customer feedback by creating adirect channel of interaction between businesses and end-users.

The impact of social media in making or breaking any brand can(3)be instanced by the GAP logo story. It all started with GAP

announcing its new logo on Facebook and Twitter pages. The newlogo got a cold response from its fans, with the announcement

meeting torrent of criticisms and suggestions. Later on, thecompany backtracked from its decision and decided to stick with itsoriginal logo.

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5. Leverage social media for post-sales funnel:

It’s a critical juncture to realize that you can’t buy the modern consumers’ attention

or coerce them into going for your brand anymore.

Cost-effective accessibility of the

Internet on the go on these powerful handheld devices has made things a lot simpler for businesses.It’s not just about spreading the word, you can leverage the New Paradigm for addressing multiplebusiness requirements, ranging from post-sales requisites, such as customer service andtroubleshooting, or keeping your operational costs in check, to mention a few.

(4)One fine example of this is the way Indian food and beverage company Parle Agro used themicroblogging site Twitter to keep track of its stocks at various local stores across the country. Thecompany, in a bid to reinforce its sales and distribution network, turned to Twitter to check stocks of 

its signature snacks brand Hippo. Started in February 2010, Parle Agro asked its Twitter followers to

send a tweet whenever they couldn’t find Hippo at their nearest stores and promised to replenish thestocks within few hours. The initiative enabled Parle Agro to find empty racks at a faster pace, andeven helped the company to explore potential markets. Success driven by such a distinguished

initiative prompted the company to set up a distinct cell to keep responding to tweets of its followers.

Adopt rather interactive methods to

influence and engage your customers. Try to strike conversations with them instead of making noiseabout your business.

In short, just hinge on to these new rules that would prove to be instrumental in encouraging online

users to contribute genuine ideas that the users find interesting and worthy enough to share onnetworks to set off conversations about your business.

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The BIGSocial Media

Question?The power of social media in deciding a brand’s image can’t be questioned in today’s

scenario.People now have their own say about the virtues and shortcomingsof the product, and can even influence the decision-making at the topmostlevel in any business vertical. However, there are certain key questions

that might keep cropping up in your mind whenever someone talks about

using social media for businesses. These questions could be:

 In simple words, social media is all about using web-

based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogues. Basically, thisinvolves Web 2.0-powered applications which enable creation and exchange of user-

generated content. Modern day social networking sites, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, etc areconsidered as notable vehicles of social media.

What is social media?

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Where do I start on social media?

How would I know what people are talking about my brand? 

Should I go for a public community, or build one of my own? 

What does the term ‘Go Viral’ mean in the social media parlance?

 This largely depends on where your target audience is.

Owing to the number of their daily active users, Facebook and Twitter score over other social networking

platforms. You can start with setting up an account with Facebook, as the social network wires more than500 million users across the globe.

Setting up social

media accounts doesn’t solve the purpose alone. Besides, it brings upon the responsibility of listening to

what the online folks are talking about your brand. You can either do it manually, or opt for some effectivebrand-monitoring tool for the purpose. If your social media campaign has a substantial penetration, then afully-featured brand-monitoring tool is highly recommended.

This hinges on to

the popularity of your business. If you’re a rookie to social media and want people to know about yourbrand and what you do, then you should obviously go for some popular social media platform. Besides, if  you’ve already garnered enough popularity among the folks, then building your community could be a

smart option.

Virality is a

social media phenomenon that includes spreading around of content on social media sites to create massawareness. This can be best explained by the awe-inspiring story of Ted Williams, popularly named as

(5)“Golden Voice” , who got job offers after his video went viral on YouTube. Williams, a homeless man, got a job after a video of his street-interview received more than five million views in a span of around a week.

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Winning? Are you ready for the New Paradigm for 

Having poured in all your efforts and time in onlinemarketing, you might be inches short of qualifying for

the New Paradigm for Winning in full swing. Just a few stepsfurther can do the trick for you. In a bid to simplify your readinessfor the adoption of the New Paradigm, we have designed a logical

scale comprising of five levels that map your maturity level. Dubbed

as, this interactive scale assists you

to gauge where your business actually stands in terms of 

assuming newer technologies.

“MediaAgility Maturity Mapping Model”, orsimply ‘M-Cube’ Model

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App Economy The New Paradigm for Winning



Adopt Cloud BasedInfrastructure

Recommendations - GoogleApps, SalesForce, AdvancedBrand Monitoring Tools

Web Property; Presence on major Social Media Networks

Brand Monitoring Tool

Recommendations - UniPlayer

eBooks, Videos, help articles, forums, private community platform,

social apps, games, mobile apps etc based on your industry.

Web 2.0 Upgrade; Mobile Website / Tablet Optimized experience;

Intelligent SM Integration; Social Media Presence

Blog Site;2




M-Cube Model

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Level 1

Mirror-Mirror on the


An appealing web presence doesn’t simply restrict to

having an appealing website anymore. But, now the

idea extends to getting on to the social media

platforms, as well as blog sites and forums, to

achieve the all-important goal of customer-


These days businesses need to be present on a widerange of web-connected devices from mobile, tablets,

Internet TVs, Netbooks, Laptops, PCs, and more to come. Itstarts with having a website that spells out your product orservices in the most interactive and commonsensical way.

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Level 2

Multi-Platform Branding

Your website should be

mobile and tablet-optimized to help your

audience have anytime, anywhere access to YOU.

Once you register a fair presence on the web, uniform

branding is the next thing in the line of things to be done. For this, you should an

interactive Web 2.0-powered website thatensures high interaction quotient and

augments the appeal of your onlinecontent.

Additionally, one important elementunder the universal branding theme is

ensuring presence on all popular web-

connected platforms.

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Level 3

Share 2 Succeed

We’re living in the age where people’s discourse is no longer driven by

company’s size and revenues, but by agility and their adaptability to

changing business environs.

The content you offer would serve as

triggers that would prompt your

prospective customers to discuss about

 your brand on social media portals

and blog sites.

So, don’t remain closed or reluctant to sharing

information with your customers. Avoid throwing information overload on them andkeep away from bragging about your product range and services. Instead, try to use

diverse media and come up with suggestions that can help your customers resolvetheir business-related issues.

All depends on how well

 you engage your customers into discussingthings surrounding your brand and

business interests. Come up with engagingcontent, such as e-books, videos, help files,

blogs, write-ups, private or open communities,social apps, games, mobile apps, or any other thing that you think would aid in influencing your audience.

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Level 4

Listen and Engage to Influence

The power of the social media isn’t anymore restrictedto getting useful feedback and generating leads only,

but you can exploit it to perform a range of 

functions too. Companies are already using them

for various purposes, such as servicing, branding,

sharing expertise knowledge, social co-creation


There’s very little you can do about building your brand on social media sites. Yes, you

can however influence the online users to discuss about topicssurrounding your business interests. Success in this level lies in howresolutely you monitor various social media platforms scattered across

the web.

(6)Dell , for instance, is already using its Facebook page

to provide technical support to its customers.

Visit blogs and forums that are related to your businessand contribute there with handy solutions and businessideas. All in all, this level includes effective use of the triggers

 you’ve created to set up a two-way human-face communication with your audience.

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Level 5 

Reach out to the Cloud



computing infrastructure ensures real-time collaboration and coherence

between different units of any organization. 

Businesses might conceive that an imposing web presence with Web 2.0-poweredwebsite, and harnessing social media tools with interactive triggers would serve their business

development needs. Somewhere in the hotch-potch of things they might miss out on one critical

factor -- Yes! Though it might sound a tad abstract in the first place, but a

little brainstorming would help you quantify this in real terms.

The fifth and final level of the M-Cube Model includes reaping the benefits of the cloud

computing to ramp up the overall productivity and efficiency of an organization.

In addition to paving the way for

free flow of information across the organizations, cloud architecture also helps

in checking operational costs.

MediaAgility [email protected] 1-(866) MEDIA-V1

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Strategiesfor the New Paradigm for Winning

Whatever has been discussed in the preceding sections

under the concept of the New Paradigm for Winning isn’t

 just another revolution in words. But, it can very well beput into practice and can be harnessed to attain high

productivity and profitability in the rapidly changing

business environs. You just need to have a set of well-

defined strategies for it. While you might have developed your own schema of things by this time on how you would

reap the fruits in the New Paradigm, let us augment your plans

with some useful suggestions:

MediaAgility [email protected] 1-(866) MEDIA-V1

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It’s time for a “Reality-Check”

Everyone needs an “Expert Advice”

Conduct a thorough evaluation of where your organization presently stands withreference to the M-cube Model. Make your evaluation as detailed and broad as it canbe, as an in-depth study would automatically finish half of your exercise. Focus on each

and every aspect to check if it’s aligned well with the Level 5 requisites.

However, during the course of the evaluation if you find that your organization is at

Level 1, then don’t lose your heart. In fact, there’s a linkage between all the levels andit would be a matter of a month or so when you could advance to embrace the NewParadigm. You just need to stay positive and open to usher in this all important changein your business style.

Yes, that’s true! Engage an expert who can take you through all these levels andguide you on subject-matter subtleties to make the most out of this emergingidea. Go for the professional outfit that can

guide you on tapping into Smartphones

Social Media, and Cloud Power - thethree pillars of the New Paradigm. Start

with a free evaluation on the M-CubeModel :

MediaAgility [email protected] 1-(866) MEDIA-V1

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“Agility” is the key here

Post-recession Period - it’s time to reinvent

 your organization

We’re living in the ‘Internet age’ where wecan’t undermine the importance of bringing uponthe essential changes in tune with the rapidly changingbusiness conditions. In other words, what you need is a

big vision with small steps. Change management is

something that holds huge significance in the currentsituation when newer technologies keep hitting the floor

every passing day.

The global economic meltdown has exposed the industry’s

preparedness to deal with big shockers. In fact, it has called forsome fundamental changes in the way businesses are done

across the globe. While the global economy is still in the recoverymode, opportunities for the businesses that take up the New

Paradigm would be immense.

MediaAgility [email protected] 1-(866) MEDIA-V1

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MediaAgility [email protected] 1-(866) MEDIA-V1

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for more information please visit:

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Our BrandAgility suite of services is designed to enable you build a robust yet engagingbrand. Being a New Paradigm company, we know what it takes to catch the eye in the modern

environment that’s largely driven by customer engagement and comprehensiveinclusion of consumers at all levels. We offer subject-matter expertise in Web 2.0 andsocial technologies and empower you to make the most out of the social media buzz.

We also offer efficacious brand-monitoring services to help you keep a vigil eye onwhatever is being said about your brand on different social media platforms.

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How well do you ride the

Social Media Wave?


Are your

Web 2.0 initiatives

New ParadigmAre you aware of the

Marketing strategies?

Answer a few questions about your company and check your level in theMediaAgility Maturity Model for Marketeers!”

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MediaAgility Global Reach MediaAgility USAMail: [email protected]: 1-(866) MEDIA-V1Website :

Administrative Contact -Mail: [email protected]: 1-(866) MEDIA-V1Fax: 1 (866) 633-4058

MediaAgility EuropeMail: [email protected]: +

MediaAgility IndiaMail: [email protected]: + 91.124.470.7814

MediaAgility SingaporeMail: [email protected]

Phone: + 656.323.2004

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