reading transitions words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of...


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Page 1: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs
Page 2: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

READINGTransitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas.

Page 3: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

EXAMPLESRelated = And, but, clearly, besides that, also, consequently

Contrast = However, on the other hand, yet, nevertheless, on the contrary

Options = Or

Opening Paragraph = Assuredly, certainly, granted, to be sure, true, in general, obviously

Ending = Finally, lastly, in conclusion, to summarize

Argument = First, second third, generally, furthermore, finally, basically... similarly... as well, to conclude

Restate in another way = In other words, specifically,

Sequence or Time = After, afterwards, as soon as, at first, at last, before long, finally, meanwhile

Page 4: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


“Succeeding in college often is a challenge for students. Most colleges provide services designed to help students. They include peer tutoring and personal counseling. Colleges need to provide more services to help students succeed.” Look at the following paragraph: “Succeeding in college often is a challenge for students. Therefore, most colleges provide services designed to help students, such as peer tutoring and personal counseling. However, colleges need to do more to help students succeed.”

Page 5: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


Dialogue is basically a conversation that happens when two or more characters speak to one another. We experience dialogue in our everyday lives. Here’s some dialogue that you may have heard today. "Hey, dude. How are you?" Elizabeth said."I'm really good. Thanks for asking. And you?" Mark said."Good, thanks," Elizabeth said.

Page 6: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

Your Task: To write a dialogue between these two characters.

Page 7: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs
Page 8: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


Here is a short paragraph for you to read:

Yesterday I went walking. I don’t walk in the mornings. The sun was shining and I felt like some exercise. I saw lots of different animals such as birds, squirrels, butterflies, and rabbits. I decided to walk further than usual to see how many more I could spot. I reached the pathway which would take me home. I was enjoying myself so much I decided to carry on. The weather was still warm, although the clouds were beginning to gather. I was quite far from home when the rain came down. It was only a gentle shower, but it soon started falling more heavily. By the time I got home I was wet through and quite cold.

Page 9: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

WRITINGDialogue: “What's the capital of Canada?" Jerry asked, pausing over his crossword puzzle.Susan looked up from her book and rolled her eyes. "Ottawa, duh.""Why are you so sarcastic all the time?”Jerry slammed his pencil on the table. He looked like he was going to cry. “I don't think I can take much more of this."

Dialogue is basically a conversation that happens when two or more characters speak to one another. _______________________________________________

Page 10: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

-Dialogue is basically a conversation that happens when two or more characters speak to one another. -The exact words they speak are put between quotation marks.-

"Excuse me young man," Marksaid, awkwardly. "But what is thatthing you're pressing into your ear?Is it some kind of futuristic robot?"

Greg, who was talking on his cellphone, looked up at Mark, annoyed.

"It’s my phone, dude! Whatplanet are you from?"

"I am from planet Earth," Marksaid. "I never saw anything like it. Iam from the year 1401."

Page 11: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

"Captain, we've spottedsomething on the horizon!" Pirate Willy yelled, pressing the binoculars to his eyes.

The Captain ran up to him,snatching the binoculars out ofWilly's hands. "That's impossible!"

The Captain immediately sawthat Pirate Willy was right. There was something on the horizon. 

-Dialogue is basically a conversation that happens when two or more characters speak to one another. -The exact words they speak are put between quotation marks.-Helps readers get to know your characters-

Page 12: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

The phone rang, and Jerry picked it up."Hello?"There was a moment of silence on the other end."Is this Jerry Simmons?" a male voice asked."Yeah. Who is this?"The man paused. Jerry could hear him take a deep breath."Jerry, my name is Dave. I’m your brother”"If this is a prank, it isn’t funny,” Jerry said. “My family died a long time ago."“Not your whole family,” Dave said.Jerry hung up the phone.

-Dialogue is basically a conversation that happens when two or more characters speak to one another. -The exact words they speak are put between quotation marks.-Helps readers get to know your characters-Helps move the story forward-

Page 13: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

• Dialogue is basically a conversation that happens when two or more characters speak to one another.

• The exact words they speak are put between quotation marks.

• Helps readers get to know your characters

• Helps move the story forward--


Page 14: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs




Dialogue Tags Other Than“Said”

Page 15: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


Create a conversation between these two characters.

Page 16: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs
Page 17: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


Flashback—a character thinks back about something that has already happened. (He remembered the first time he saw snow…)

Flash-Ahead—a character thinks about something that is going to happen or might happen in the future. Writers often use flash-aheads when a character is trying to make a decision. (She thought about going to the new school. What would it be like? Would she have friends? …) 

Internal Dialogue—a character thinks about what is happening at that moment. (He thought about what the teacher had just said. His mind raced, but he didn’t know the answer. Why did she call on him? …) 

Page 18: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

It is important to keep in mind when writing thoughts not to use quotations. If you must write a direct thought, always italicize what is being "said" within the character's mind.

"Hi Tony."Tony looked down at his shoe, dug in his toe, and pushed around a pile of dust. "Hey," he replied.Katy braced herself. Something was wrong.


Page 19: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


Page 20: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


Do not use dialogue simply to convey information. Dialogue should set the scene, advance action, give insight into characterization, or create tension within the scene

Don't use too much slang or misspelling in order to create a character's voice. Also remember to use speech as a characterization tool. Word choice tells a reader a lot about a person.

The first thing to remember is that punctuation goes inside quotations."I can't believe you just did that!"

Page 21: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs
Page 22: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs

Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four

Things to Remember: -Stay away from any negative words such as “can’t,” “doesn’t,” “won’t” -Use words such as  - most, some, at all times, able, limited, sufficient, clear,  many, few, little, really, 

Page 23: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


• The sun was setting; • It would be completely dark; • The little rabbit didn’t go out at night; • Tonight was different; • She had found a nice carrot patch; • She had spent a long time enjoying the carrots; • She noticed it was getting dark; • It was too late to get back to her burrow; • She started looking for a place to shelter for the night;

Here are 9 separate sentences. Link them together into one paragraph. Underline your transition words.

Page 24: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs


• afterwards, • also, • as well as, • at last, • at the same time, • before, • first, • for example

Now choose five or more of the transitional words or phrases in the box below and write your own paragraphs. Use the transitional words to link your sentences. 

• immediately, • in fact, • later, • meanwhile, • next, • not only, • once, • otherwise, • previously, 

• then, • therefore, • too, • usually. 

Page 25: READING Transitions Words - are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs