vocabulary idioms & phrases reading~ paragraphs 6-10 post-reading

Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 6-10 Post- reading

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Page 1: Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 6-10 Post-reading

Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases

Reading~Paragraphs 6-10


Page 2: Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 6-10 Post-reading

Listen to paragraphs 6-10.


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Page 4: Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 6-10 Post-reading

Waving goodbye to Joe, the old lady started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but Joe’s spirit felt uplifted as he headed home, slowly fading into the twilight.

→ After she waved goodbye to Joe, the old lady started her car and drove offhead在此作動詞,表示「 (向特定方向 )出發,駛往…」之意,例:‧Where are you heading for?‧The ship headed south.

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A few miles down the road, the lady saw a small dingy-looking café. She went in to grab a bite and take the chill off before she embarked on the last leg of her trip home.

grab a bite表示「匆匆吃一點東西」,其中 bite作名詞,表示「少量食物」之意,例:‧Let’s grab a bite to eat on the way home.take...off … …去除 ,脫去‧Your clothes are soaking wet. You’d better take them off immediately.

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The waitress came over and brought a clean towel for her to wipe her wet hair.

come over 到來;從遠方來‧Will you come over tomorrow?‧Annie came over to Taiwan from Germany to see me.

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She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet the entire day couldn’t erase.

one在此為同位語代替前面的名詞 (a sweet smile)。that引導的關係子句修飾 one,其中主詞為 even being on her feet the entire day。on one’s feet 站立‧I have been on my feet all day and need to take a rest now.

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The lady noticed that the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant. She wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Joe.

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She finished her meal, and quietly slipped out of the door, while the waitress went to get her change from a hundred-dollar bill.

slip在第三冊第一課表示「滑落」之意,在此表示「悄悄走」之意,請注意, slip後面根據不同的需要,可搭配不同的介系詞。例:‧The customer slipped out of/away from the restaurant without paying.‧The burglar slipped into the room during the night.‧The prisoner slipped past the guard easily.

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She finished her meal, and quietly slipped out of the door, while the waitress went to get her change from a hundred-dollar bill.

change在此當不可數名詞,表「 (找的或兌換的 )零錢;找零」之意,例:‧Keep the change! 不用找了!

‧ Can you give me change for a ten-dollar bill?

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When she returned, the lady was no longer in sight, but the waitress noticed something written on a napkin, under which there were four more one-hundred-dollar bills.

no longer = not...any longer = not...any more 不再‧The lady was no longer in sight.→ The lady was not in sight any longer/ any more.

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When she returned, the lady was no longer in sight, but the waitress noticed something written on a napkin, under which there were four more one-hundred-dollar bills.

in sight 在可見範圍內,看得見相反詞: out of sight = beyond one’s vision‧After we walked for two hours, the castle was still in sight.‧In the twilight, the boat gradually sailed out of sight.

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When she returned, the lady was no longer in sight, but the waitress noticed something written on a napkin, under which there were four more one-hundred-dollar bills.

...something that was written on a napkin, and under the napkin there were...bills.written on a napkin為由限定用法的關係子句簡化而來的分詞片語。under which...bills為修飾 a napkin的非限定用法關係子句。

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Tears filled her eyes as she read it. The lady wrote, “Someone once helped me out in the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, don’t let the chain of love end with you.”= Her eyes were filled with tears....關於 tear的用法有: shed/weep tears「流淚」, be moved to tears「感動地落淚」,keep/hold back one's tears「忍住淚水」,draw tears from sb「引某人落淚」, burst into tears「突然哭起來」, with tears「含著淚」等。

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Tears filled her eyes as she read it. The lady wrote, “Someone once helped me out in the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, don’t let the chain of love end with you.”

help...out 幫助,援助• Joe fell into a hole, and I helped him out.• My family helped me out when I lost my job.pay back 報答;償還;報仇• How can I pay you back for your kind help?• I’ll pay back my debts tomorrow.• I’ll pay back for what you did to me!

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Tears filled her eyes as she read it. The lady wrote, “Someone once helped me out in the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, don’t let the chain of love end with you.”

end (up) with 以…做結束‧The meeting ended (up) with the chairman’s closing address.‧The dinner ended (up) with some very nice cheese.

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That night, after the waitress returned home, she lay awake in bed thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could she have known that they needed money?

→ ...she lay awake in bed and thought about the money....lie awake in bed表示「醒著躺在床上」之意,相關用法尚有: lie sick「臥病在床」。此句含有省略對等連接詞 (and)而來的現在分詞構句 (thinking about...)。

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With the baby due the next month, it was going to be hard. 此為with + O + OC (Adj)的用法,受詞為 the baby,受詞補語為 due。例:‧Don’t speak with your mouth full. with + O + OC中的OC也可以是分詞或介系詞片語,例:‧Ted slept with his head resting on his arms.‧Eddie began to work with his sleeves rolled up.‧The man was reading with a pipe in his mouth.it在此指「生活」,例:How’s it going with you?

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Her husband, who was sleeping beside her, was worried sick. She gave him a soft kiss and whispered, “Everything will be all right. I love you, Joe.”

be worried sick = be very worried 非常擔心‧The mother was worried sick when her son didn’t come home last night.


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Page 21: Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 6-10 Post-reading

Reading for Main IdeasCheck ( ) the main idea of the reading.□ 1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.□ 2. Heaven helps those who help themselves.□ 3. A good turn deserves another.□ 4. No pain, no gain.□ 5. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

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Reading for DetailsChoose the best answer for each of the following questions.( ) 1. In the reading, who first started “the chain of love”? (A) Joe. (B) The old lady. (C) The café owner. (D) The waitress.( ) 2. Joe helped the old lady out of _____. (A) pride (B) kindness (C) necessity (D) embarrassment



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( ) 3. Which of the following is NOT the reason why the old lady gave the waitress money?(A) The waitress was kind to her.(B) The old lady wanted to continue the chain of love.(C) The old lady knew that the waitress was Joe’s wife.(D) The old lady thought the waitress was in need of money.


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( ) 4. How could the waitress repay the old lady?(A) She could treat her customers better.(B) She could return the money to the lady.(C) She could let the chain of love end with herself.(D) She could help the next person she found in need.


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( ) 5. Which is correct about the characters in the reading?(A) The old lady was the owner of the café.(B) The waitress was mean to her customers.(C) Joe was the husband of the waitress in the café.(D) Joe stayed home and did nothing after the Levi’s factory closed.


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Page 27: Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 6-10 Post-reading

Discussion 1:1. What were the three characters’ problems, and how were their problems solved?

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Problems Solutions

Joe 1. He lost his job after the Levi’s factory closed.2. His wife was going to give birth to a baby, but he did not have a job to support his family.

1. He kept trying to look for a job and never quit trying.2. The old lady that he had helped decided to help the

next person she found in need. She gave money to the waitress, and that waitress happened to be Joe’s wife.

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Problems Solutions

The lady She had a flat tire on a snowy evening.

Joe stopped to help her out.

The waitress

She was eight months pregnant, but she did not have enough money to raise her baby.

The old lady gave her a large sum of money.

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Discussion 2:2. What would you do in each of the following situations?(1) Someone ahead of you suddenly passes out on the street.(2) A drunken homeless man says he is hungry and asks you for some money.(3) Someone is crying for help somewhere near you.

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(1) I would call an ambulance immediately and see what else I could do to help that person. I would keep him or her company until the ambulance arrived.(2) I would buy some food for him rather than give him money because he might use the money to buy liquor.(3) If there was a bad guy beside the person, I

would call the police. Before the police come, I would hide nearby and shout, “Police! Police!” If I had a whistle with me, I would blow it, too. Back