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Post on 17-Nov-2021




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8:15 – 8:30 Morning Routines / Work

8:40 – 9:25 CE

9:30– 10:30 Math

10:30 – 11:00 RtI

11:00 – 11:45 ELA (Guided Reading)

11:50 – 12:20 Lunch

12:20 – 1:05 Science/SS

1:05 – 2:05 ELA (Modules)


•NYS common core aligned modules


• ELA Core HW and Book Bags

• Guided Reading & Book Clubs

• Student Grammar Books


• Units of Study include: Personal Narrative, Opinion, Descriptive, Friendly Letter, Mini Research Projects

•Students Revise and Edit

• Published pieces may not be perfect

• April 5-7 all third graders will be taking the New York State ELA assessment.

Spelling• Houghton Mifflin Spelling and Vocabulary program. • Our spelling program is a component of our Tier 1 ELA instruction. Tier 1 instruction is the key

component of tiered instruction. During Tier 1 instruction, all students receive instruction within a core program that is aligned with our ELA core curriculum.

• If, at times, your child’s list seems “too easy,” please keep in mind that we are not only looking for students to spell these words in isolation, but to carry over the pattern into their daily writing as well.

• Our instruction will focus on specific spelling patterns that the students are expected to learn as opposed to simply memorizing the list of spelling words each week.

• Each week, your child will bring home a spelling book. The homework schedule will be the same each week and the page numbers in the book will correspond with the spelling pages that will be written in your child’s agenda mate each day.

PARP - DodgecraftWhat?

. Year-long, home and school reading partnership

. Encourages increased reading across multiple genres

. Enhances library and early research skills


. Students in grades K-4

. Parents (as reading partners)


. Fosters lifelong reading

. Research suggests time spent on reading correlates

positively with reading achievement


. Students in grade 3 will complete the reading log in the front of

their agendas. Upon completion of 3 books within a given genre,

students will be given a pixel to add to our Dodgecraft figure.

• Our students will be instructed on the NYS Core Curriculum using the Math Modules.

• All third graders will be taking the New York State math assessment April 13-15.

• Visit for math module lessons and homework

• Links to Problem Sets, Homeworks, and Homework videos are available in WITS.

• – pre-teaching/re-teaching videos, fact fluency practice

Memorization of math facts is required and is a part of New York State expectations.

Addition and Subtraction Facts

25 (+) in 1 minute/ 20 (-) in 1 minute

Multiplication and Division Facts

25 (x) 1 minute/ 15 (÷) in 1 minute

* We will have regular fact tests and math sprints to increase speed and accuracy.

Our units of study will include:

Maps and Globes

Communities Around the World (embedded in our ELA module instruction)

* Students will have unit packets from which to study and review. They will take assessments at the end of each unit.

Soil and Erosion

Solar System


Plant and Animal Life Cycles


Homework Assignments are written in Agendamates.

Agendamates should go home each night and be returned to school the next day.

Please sign your child’s agenda each night. Signing the agenda will let me know that you are aware of the assigned homework and have read any notes written/attached in the agenda.

A pink Homework Notice will be sent home to let you know if your child has forgotten his homework.

Please remove notices and completed papers brought home in the Take Home folder each day.

If your child has trouble completing his/her homework, please return it to school with a note.

Example of a Typical Night’s Homework…

• Math homework page that correlates with the lesson taught that day.

• Homework that correlates with the ELA module lesson taught that day.

• Spelling – study list and/or complete assigned pages

** Students should also be practicing

math facts each night (flash cards, WITS



Birthday Celebrations

• Party favors (bouncy balls, pencils, erasers, stickers, etc.)

• Come into the classroom and read your child’s favorite book

• Play a game. Come in to the class and play your child’s favorite game with the students.

• Listen to your child’s favorite song.• Show-and-tell

You’ll find a “paperless backpack” on our school website for all district and school flyers.

Directions for accessing the following sites are in your child’s agenda.


Raz- Kids

Xtra Math

Math fact practice

Cursive Practice

Report card access (create parent account)


• Allow them to become responsible citizens; children learn by doing, not by watching you do it for them.

Be Safe Be Kind Work Hard