reading around the world in eight hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational cd-rom around the...

Reading Around the world in Eight Hours

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Post on 19-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

ReadingAround the world in Eight Hours

Page 2: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

1.good news

2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours

4.come out

5.sound interesting you learn English and geography at the same time

7. be designed by Nancy Jackson

8. the designer of

Page 3: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting travellers

10.the main character of

11.a thirteen-year-old boy travelling day

14.lie on the grass (lying/lay, lain)

15.look at the beautiful blue sky

16.fall asleep/get to sleep

Page 4: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

17. have a strange dream

18.a golden cloud written on

20. those big clouds of different colours with questions

21.get a point every time you answer a question correctly

22.get enough points

23.come down

Page 5: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

24.carry you off to a place you have never visited the role of26.have eight you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary28.a lot of useful information about that place

Page 6: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

29 .for example30.many other interesting places31.pass a level32.a map of the marked in bright purple34.pass all eight levels35.find of the best games on the market37.get sth in all computer shops and bookshops38.sell out

Page 7: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Around the World in Eight hours

It sounds interesting, _______ _______ ?doesn’t it

Page 8: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Para1. 1.What can it help you to do?

2.Who is the designer?

3. Does it sound interesting?

3.How is the game “Online Traveller”

To learn more about English and Geography.

Nancy Jackson.

Yes , it is.

It is a favourite CD-ROM.

Page 9: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting


1What does he like doing?

2What was he doing when he fell asleep?


Lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky.

Page 10: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Para3,4,51.How can you get a point?

2.What will happen if you have got enough points?

3.How many levels does the game have?

4. How long does it take you to finish the game?

By answering a question correctly.

A cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.

Eight levels.

Eight hours if you are smart.

Page 11: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

5. What do the questions test?

6.What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place?

7.What can you learn about when you reach London?

8. What will you see when you pass a level?

Your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary.

A lot of useful information about that place.

About the Museum of London and many other interesting places.

A map of the world.

Page 12: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

9.What happened to the places you have visited?

They are marked in bright purple.

Page 13: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Read again and find the main sentences in each


Para1.A new educational CD-ROM called ‘Around the world in Eight Hours’ has just come out.

Para2. The main character of this game is Itchy Feet.

Para3. When you have got enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.

Page 14: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Para4. This CD-ROM helps you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary.

Para5. You can get it in all computer shops and bookshops.

Page 15: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Name of the game

No. of levels

Main character



Area of study


Sold in

Can you design a profile for this new educational CD-ROM ?

Around the World in Eight Hours

8Itchy Feet

13 years old

Different countriesEnglish and Geography

Nancy Jackson

All computer shops and bookshop

Page 16: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

1. Learn the new words by heart2. Read the text three times3. Translation:1) 同时 2) 过一关3) 扮演…角色 4) 光盘的设计者5) 一直广受欢迎的游戏 6) 得到足够的分

数7) 睡着 8) 英语语法和词汇9) 在你的屏幕上 10) 检验知识11) 在市场上 12) 例如13) 掉下来 14) 售完4. 一课三练第二课时


Page 17: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

What do you use your computer for/to do?

Page 18: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Making flash

Watch films

Page 19: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

What is the favourite game among the students?

Page 20: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Who is the main character?

Li Xiaoyao

What is he like?

He is an eighteen-year-oldboy who loves drinking wine.

Page 21: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Where is it set?

It is set to the north of the Long River.

Page 22: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

How many levels does the game have?

It has six levels, and each level will take you about 2 hours to finish.

How do you play the game?

You will play the role of Li Xiaoyao.

You have six enemies.Every time you pass a level, it meansyou must beat an enemy.

Page 23: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Who designed the game?

It was designed by Leiming.

Page 24: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

Name of the game:Number of levels:Main character:Age:Goal:Setting:Designer:


sixLi Xiaoyao

18fight with different enemies

different places to the north of the Long RiverLeiming

Page 25: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

1.educational(line2) ________ a of any time2.designer (line5) _________ b all the items sold3.all-time (line6) _________c a person in a book, film game,etc4 character (line8) _________ d get5 fell asleep(line 10) ________ e related to education6 earn (line14) _________ f began to sleep7 knowledge (line22) _________ g information and understanding the mind8 sold out (line39) __________ a person who plans and draws something will look





1.When you read the passage ,you must meet some new words. Now let’s do the match exercises(P42 B)

Page 26: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

2. Translate some sentences and rewrite some sentences

1) A new educational CD-ROM called ‘Around the World in ‘Eight Hours’ has just come out.

2.)When you have earned enough points , a cloud will come down And carry you off a place you have never visited before.

Page 27: Reading Around the world in Eight Hours. 1.good news 2. a new educational CD-ROM around the world in eight hours 4.come out 5.sound interesting

3)This CD- ROM helps you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary.

4)The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.