rates of fees charged by swedbank, ab for its services … · 2018-11-20 · 6. swedbank internet...

1 RATES OF FEES CHARGED BY SWEDBANK, AB FOR ITS SERVICES AND OPERATIONS Approved by the Board Resolution (Minutes No. VALD-48) on 27 th of June, 2017. Effective as from 1 st July, 2017. HANDLING OF ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1. ACCOUNT AGREEMENTS. HANDLING OF ACCOUNTS ..................................................................................... 2 2. INFORMATION ON ACCOUNTS............................................................................................................................. 3 AGREEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 3. SWEDBANK GATEWAY .......................................................................................................................................... 4 4. NOTIFICATION MESSAGING SERVICE (HTTP) ................................................................................................... 4 5. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING FOR BUSINESS CUSTOMERS .................................................................... 4 6. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING......................................................................................................................... 4 7. NOTIFICATION CENTER ........................................................................................................................................ 4 8. BALANCE IN MOBILE.............................................................................................................................................. 4 9. BANK BY PHONE FOR NATURAL PERSONS ....................................................................................................... 4 10. IDENTIFICATION TOOLS USED IN ELECTRONIC CHANNELS....................................................................... 5 11. BANK LINK........................................................................................................................................................... 5 12. E-INVOICE SENDINGE SERVICE AGREEMENTS ............................................................................................ 5 13. FEES COLLECTION AGREEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 5 14. INTEREST COMPENSATION SERVICE ............................................................................................................ 6 15. SWIFT SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................... 6 16. TRUST (GROUP) ACCOUNT SERVICE PROVIDED TO LEGAL PERSONS ................................................... 6 17. LIMITED USAGE ACCOUNT FOR NATURAL PERSONS AND ALLOWED TRANSACTIONS ........................ 6 18. SEPA DIRECT DEBIT.......................................................................................................................................... 6 NON-CASH PAYMENTS/SETTLEMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 7 19. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS TRANSFERRED TO CUSTOMERS ACCOUNT(S) ......................................... 7 20. PAYMENT TRANSFERS IN EUR ........................................................................................................................ 8 21. PAYMENT TRANSFERS IN OTHER CURRENCY ........................................................................................... 11 22. GIRO PAYMENTS IN EUR ................................................................................................................................ 13 23. ADDITIONAL SERVICES RELATED WITH MONEY TRANSFERS ................................................................. 13 OPERATIONS WITH CASH ........................................................................................................................................... 14 24. OPERATIONS WITH CASH .............................................................................................................................. 14 25. WESTERN UNION CASH TRANSFERS........................................................................................................... 14 SECURITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 15 26. INVESTMENT FUND UNITS’ TRADING AND SAFEKEEPING SERVICES .................................................... 15 27. SECURITIES TRADING AND SAFEKEEPING SERVICES .............................................................................. 16 28. LITHUANIAN REPUBLIC GOVERNMENT SAVING NOTES............................................................................ 17 DOCUMENTARY PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES..................................................................................................... 18 29. DOCUMENTARY PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ....................................................................................... 18 OTHER SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 30. CHEQUES.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 31. RENT OF SAFE-DEPOSIT BOXES .................................................................................................................. 20 32. OTHER SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................... 21

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Page 1: RATES OF FEES CHARGED BY SWEDBANK, AB FOR ITS SERVICES … · 2018-11-20 · 6. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING 1. Swedbank Internet Banking agreement signing fee Free of charge 2. Swedbank



Approved by the Board Resolution (Minutes No. VALD-48) on 27th

of June, 2017.

Effective as from 1st

July, 2017.

HANDLING OF ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1. ACCOUNT AGREEMENTS. HANDLING OF ACCOUNTS ..................................................................................... 2 2. INFORMATION ON ACCOUNTS ............................................................................................................................. 3 AGREEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 3. SWEDBANK GATEWAY .......................................................................................................................................... 4 4. NOTIFICATION MESSAGING SERVICE (HTTP) ................................................................................................... 4 5. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING FOR BUSINESS CUSTOMERS .................................................................... 4 6. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING ......................................................................................................................... 4 7. NOTIFICATION CENTER ........................................................................................................................................ 4 8. BALANCE IN MOBILE.............................................................................................................................................. 4 9. BANK BY PHONE FOR NATURAL PERSONS ....................................................................................................... 4 10. IDENTIFICATION TOOLS USED IN ELECTRONIC CHANNELS....................................................................... 5 11. BANK LINK........................................................................................................................................................... 5 12. E-INVOICE SENDINGE SERVICE AGREEMENTS ............................................................................................ 5 13. FEES COLLECTION AGREEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 5 14. INTEREST COMPENSATION SERVICE ............................................................................................................ 6 15. SWIFT SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................... 6 16. TRUST (GROUP) ACCOUNT SERVICE PROVIDED TO LEGAL PERSONS ................................................... 6 17. LIMITED USAGE ACCOUNT FOR NATURAL PERSONS AND ALLOWED TRANSACTIONS ........................ 6 18. SEPA DIRECT DEBIT .......................................................................................................................................... 6 NON-CASH PAYMENTS/SETTLEMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 7 19. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS TRANSFERRED TO CUSTOMERS ACCOUNT(S) ......................................... 7 20. PAYMENT TRANSFERS IN EUR ........................................................................................................................ 8 21. PAYMENT TRANSFERS IN OTHER CURRENCY ........................................................................................... 11 22. GIRO PAYMENTS IN EUR ................................................................................................................................ 13 23. ADDITIONAL SERVICES RELATED WITH MONEY TRANSFERS ................................................................. 13 OPERATIONS WITH CASH ........................................................................................................................................... 14 24. OPERATIONS WITH CASH .............................................................................................................................. 14 25. WESTERN UNION CASH TRANSFERS ........................................................................................................... 14 SECURITIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 15 26. INVESTMENT FUND UNITS’ TRADING AND SAFEKEEPING SERVICES .................................................... 15 27. SECURITIES TRADING AND SAFEKEEPING SERVICES .............................................................................. 16 28. LITHUANIAN REPUBLIC GOVERNMENT SAVING NOTES ............................................................................ 17 DOCUMENTARY PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES..................................................................................................... 18 29. DOCUMENTARY PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES ....................................................................................... 18 OTHER SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 30. CHEQUES.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 31. RENT OF SAFE-DEPOSIT BOXES .................................................................................................................. 20 32. OTHER SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................... 21

Page 2: RATES OF FEES CHARGED BY SWEDBANK, AB FOR ITS SERVICES … · 2018-11-20 · 6. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING 1. Swedbank Internet Banking agreement signing fee Free of charge 2. Swedbank




Natural persons Legal persons

1. Opening of a Swedbank, AB (hereinafter the “Bank”) account (except as

provided in paragraph 2) - -

2. Opening of a Bank account for non-residents natural persons* EUR 200

3. Opening of a Bank account for non-residents legal persons**

3.1. registered in an EU member state (including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland)

EUR 200

3.2. registered in another country EUR 400

Note: transactions via Bank accounts can be carried out in the following currencies: AED, AUD, BGN, BYN, CAD, CHF, CNY, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, HRK, HUF, ILS, ISK, JPY, MXN, NOK, NZD, PLN, RON, RSD, RUB, SAR, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, USD, ZAR.

3. Minimum daily services fee, which includes EUR 0.70 /month***

EUR 3.50 / month***

3.1. Opening of a Bank account (except as provided in paragraph 2), closing, administration

3.2. Administration of funds transferred into the customer's accounts within Swedbank

3.3. Administration of EUR-denominated funds transferred into the customer's accounts from Swedbank Group banks****

3.4. Administration of EUR-denominated funds transferred into the customer's accounts from other banks incorporated in Lithuania

3.5. Administration of European payments’***** funds transferred into the customer's accounts

4. Interest rate if the allowed bank account credit limit is exceeded 36 %

5. Account balance fee (ABF) for legal persons ******

5.1. ABF for account balances exceeding 1 000 000 EUR ECB deposit facility rate / 360

5.2. ABF for account balances exceeding 9 500 000 SEK Sveriges Riksbank repo rate / 360

5.3. ABF for account balances exceeding 7 500 000 DKK Danmarks Nationalbank

Certificates of deposit rate / 360

5.4. ABF for account balances exceeding 1 000 000 CHF Swiss National Bank

rate on sight deposit / 360

6. Document verification fee for opening an account via Swedbank, AB

6.1. in Swedbank Group banks*** * (for legal persons in all listed countries, for natural persons only in Latvia and Estonia)

EUR 60

6.2. in other foreign banks Note: accounts can be opened only in foreign banks with which Swedbank, AB has signed cooperation agreements.

- EUR 150

7. Fee for the verification of documents regarding accounts opened via Swedbank, AB, agreements, agreements on the provision of extra services as well as signature and stamp samples card change

- EUR 15

8. Issuance of a chequebook (Service is not available since 1

st of August, 2017)

EUR 7.24

Bank account-based transactions are carried out in accordance with the valid Bank’s rates of fees. From 1 January 2018, cash payments according to the issued cheque of Swedbank, AB cheque book will not be executed. * Non-residents are all natural persons, except for those who are regarded as residents. A resident is a natural person who legally resides in the Republic of Lithuania or another Member State of the European Union or European Economic Area, i.e. a person who in observance legal acts of Republic of Lithuania or another Member State has the right to reside in Republic of Lithuania or such other Member State, respectively. ** Non-resident is a legal person whose residence is registered outside the Republic of Lithuania. *** Fee applies to every account held by the client.

Page 3: RATES OF FEES CHARGED BY SWEDBANK, AB FOR ITS SERVICES … · 2018-11-20 · 6. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING 1. Swedbank Internet Banking agreement signing fee Free of charge 2. Swedbank


**** Swedbank Group banks:

Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDSESS), Sweden, Stockholm Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDFIHH), Finland Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDDKKK), Denmark Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDNOKK), Norway Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABAEE2X), Estonia Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABALV22), Latvia

**** * EUR-denominated transfer from the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, if terms are acceptable, in this case the Payee’s bank SWIFT (BIC) must be indicated; the Payee’s bank account must be indicated in IBAN format; and the payment type is designated SHA ****** ABF applies only to legal person which the Bank informs individually 30 calendar days in advance. ABF is calculated at the end of each calendar day where the sum of balances in all bank accounts of one legal entity exceeds the pre-set ceiling in the respective currency multiplying by the rate indicated in the table absolute value (i.e. module). No ABF applies when the central bank interest rate in the respective currency becomes positive or zero. ABF for the previous calendar month is debited from the account by the 10th day of the following calendar month in accordance with the procedure laid down in the bank account agreement.


Natural persons Legal persons

1. Statements of accounts

1.1. Sending of statements of accounts via the Bank e-channels Free of charge

1.2. Issuance of daily statements of accounts over-the-counter at the Bank office Free of charge

1.3. Printing out of a one-time statement for a period indicated by a customer over-the-counter at the Bank office:

1.3.1. one day* EUR 0.29 EUR 0.58

1.3.2. one month or a period from 2 to 31 days* EUR 1.45 EUR 2.90

1.3.3. one quarter or a period from 32 to 92 days EUR 2.90 EUR 5.79

1.3.4. one year or a period from 93 to 365 days EUR 11.58 EUR 23.17

1.4. Preparation and issuance of periodic statements over-the-counter at the Bank office (Service not available from 1st of January, 2017)

1.4.1. as of previous day EUR 0.29

1.4.2. as of previous month Free of charge EUR 1.45

1.4.3. as of previous quarter EUR 1.45 EUR 5.79

1.4.4. as of previous year EUR 7.24 EUR 23.17

2. Sending of periodic monthly/quarterly/yearly statements of accounts by post within Lithuania

EUR 0.55 EUR 1.45

3. Sending of periodic monthly/quarterly/annual statements of accounts to foreign countries by post

EUR 2.90 EUR 2.90

* If a natural person does not use Swedbank Internet Banking, and periodic statements of their accounts for the previous month are not prepared and issued at the Bank office, once per calendar month a statement for a period of no more than 30 last days or for a past calendar month is issued free of charge.

Page 4: RATES OF FEES CHARGED BY SWEDBANK, AB FOR ITS SERVICES … · 2018-11-20 · 6. SWEDBANK INTERNET BANKING 1. Swedbank Internet Banking agreement signing fee Free of charge 2. Swedbank




1. The Swedbank Gateway agreement signing fee EUR 57.92

2. The Swedbank Gateway monthly support fee EUR 37.65

3. Fee for a sent notification message via Swedbank Gateway EUR 0.10

4. Fee for a sent current day account statement via Swedbank Gateway EUR 0.87

Transactions conducted via the Swedbank Gateway facility are charged according to the applicable Bank rates.


1. Agreement signing fee EUR 86.89

2. Fee for a sent notification message (HTTP protocol request) via the internet EUR 0.10


1. Agreement signing fee Free of charge

2. Monthly support fee Free of charge (Valid from


3. For customers who opt for “Price Package 1” (hereinafter – PP1)*

3.1 Monthly support fee Free of charge

3.2 Group transfer presentment Free of charge

3.3 Group transfer within Swedbank, AB (SHA) Note: the fee is applicable to money transfers to each separate beneficiary natural person indicated in the group transfer.

EUR 0.23

4. For customers who opt for “Price Package 2” (hereinafter – PP2)

4.1 Monthly support fee EUR 7.24

4.2 Group transfer presentment EUR 0.29

4.3 Group transfer within Swedbank, AB (SHA) Note: the fee is applicable to money transfers to each separate beneficiary natural person indicated in the group transfer.

Free of charge

Other Transactions / operations conducted via the Swedbank Internet Banking for Business Customers are charged according to

the Bank rates Ref. chapter “Payment transfers in EUR” and “Payment transfers in other currency”. *Valid for agreements, concluded until 13

th of March 2017.


1. Swedbank Internet Banking agreement signing fee Free of charge

2. Swedbank Internet Banking support fee Free of charge

Transactions conducted via the Swedbank Internet Banking facility are charged according to the applicable Bank rates.


1. Agreement signing fee Free of charge

2. Support fee Free of charge

3. Sending of a message by the subscriber of the Notification center facility EUR 0.13


1. Agreement signing fee Free of charge

2. Monthly fee Free of charge

3. Fee for a balance enquiry over the phone Free of charge

9. BANK BY PHONE FOR NATURAL PERSONS (Service only available to natural persons, who have ordered it until 31

st of December, 2016)

1. Bank by Phone Agreement signing fee Free of charge

2. Bank by Phone monthly fee Free of charge

Payments available by Telephone Banking : money transfers in Euro and foreign currency within Swedbank, AB, ordinary transfers in Euro to the banks incorporated in Lithuania, payments under the Utility Bills Payment Book and other payments. Fees of a respective payment transfer in Bank branches apply

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1. In those cases when at least one of the electronic service (Swedbank Internet Banking, Telephone Banking or Notification centre) agreements envisages that a user can conduct transactions via his/her account exceeding the established daily limit of EUR 1,160, such a user will be issued a PIN generator only. 2. In other cases not specified in the Section 1, a user may choose either a code card or PIN generator at his/her discretion.

1. Issuance of code card Free of charge

2. Replacement of the lost code card EUR 1.45

3. Issuance of PIN generator EUR 8.69

4. Replacement of PIN generator EUR 8.69

5. De-blocking of PIN generator Free of charge


1. One-time registration fee Free of charge

2. Monthly support fee Free of charge

3. A fee charged for the direction of users of Swedbank Internet Banking for Business Customers to an internet shop website

Free of charge

4. Fee for every identification of a customer via the Bank link system EUR 0.10; VAT* EUR 0.02 (included)

5. Fee for an operation carried out via the Bank Link system 2% of the amount (sum), max EUR 2.03, min EUR


*Value Added Tax


Amount without VAT VAT* Total with VAT

1. E-invoice Sending Service subscription fee EUR 30 EUR 6.30 EUR 36.30

1.1. when E-invoice sender is a multi-dwelling apartment owner's association / residential construction association / gardeners' society

Free of charge

2. E-invoice Sending Service agreement amendment fee EUR 15 EUR 3.15 EUR 18.15

3. E-invoice Sending Service monthly fee EUR 20 EUR 4.20 EUR 24.20

3.1. when E-invoice sender is a multi-dwelling apartment owner's association / residential construction association / gardeners' society

EUR 5 EUR 1.05 EUR 6.05

4. The fee for submitting an intra-bank (when payer‘s account is in Swedbank) e-invoice (per invoice submitted)

EUR 0.23 EUR 0.05 EUR 0.28

5. The fee for sending a domestic (when payer‘s account is not in Swedbank) e-invoice (per invoice sent)

EUR 0.23 EUR 0.05 EUR 0.28

6. Collecting of e-invoices applications Free of charge

7. Fee for the first implementation of company‘s design template in the e-invoice

EUR 120 EUR 25.20 EUR 145.20

8. Fee for each subsequent change in the company‘s design template EUR 80 EUR 16.80 EUR 96.80

9. Reporting about E-invoice automated payment agreements concluded by Payers monthly fee

EUR 9.50 EUR 2 EUR 11.50

10. Reporting about payments made by E-invoice automated payment agreements concluded by Payers monthly fee

EUR 9.50 EUR 2 EUR 11.50

*Value Added Tax


1. Fees Collection Agreement signing fee Free of charge (Valid until 2017.03.31)

EUR 30 (Valid from 2017.04.01)

2. Fees Collection Agreement amendment fee EUR 15 (Valid from 2017.04.01)

3. Fees Collection monthly support fee Free of charge (Valid until 2016.12.31)

EUR 20 (Valid from 2017.01.01)

4. Fees collection and administration:

4.1 when fees are collected to Payee’s account in Swedbank, AB EUR 0.43 for a fee accepted

4.2. when fees are collected to Payee’s account in Swedbank, AB and information on the collected fees must be provided in an electronic file (service available until 31

st of March, 2017)

EUR 0.58 for a fee accepted

4.3. when fees are collected to Payee’s account not in Swedbank, AB (service available from 1

st of January, 2017)

EUR 0.43 for a fee accepted

4.4. when the Payee is a multi-dwelling apartment owner's association / residential construction association / gardeners' society and fees are collected to Payee’s account in Swedbank, AB*

1.1% of the received amount (sum)

* For agreements, concluded until 31st of December 2016

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1. Interest Compensation Agreement signing fee EUR 399.68

2. Monthly agreement support fee EUR 14.48

3. Monthly accountholder’s fee EUR 4.34

4. Agreement amendment fee EUR 49.24


1. Agreement signing fee EUR 20.27

2. Monthly fee for the operating of customer’s bank account according to messages MT101 and/or MT940

EUR 31.86

3. SWIFT MT941 – account balance statement to other banks EUR 1 per advice

4. SWIFT MT942 – account operations statement to other banks EUR 1 per advice


1. Opening of a Trust Account Free of charge

2. Annual fee for the support of a Trust Account EUR 202.73

3. Monthly fee for the support of a sub-account under the Trust Account EUR 14.48

4. Issuance of the certificate of balance of a sub-account under the Trust Account EUR 5.79


1. Opening, closing and maintaining of the limited usage account Free of charge

2. Depositing of cash to the account for credit repayment or administration of credit at the Bank branches

Free of charge

3. Withdrawal of cash from the account at the Bank branches:

3.1. withdrawal of the deposit paid in cash; Free of charge

3.2. withdrawal of the balance after full credit repayment.

Ref. Item 4 in „Operation with cash“

4. Administration of funds transferred to the account for credit repayment administration of the credit:

4.1. in the credit currency; Free of charge

4.2. in currencies other than the credit currency. Ref. in „Administration of funds

transferred to customers account(s)“

5. Payment transfers for the purpose of i) the use of credit funds; or ii) disbursement of the balance after full credit repayment at the Bank branches:

5.1. transfers within Swedbank, AB and transfers to banks registered in Lithuania, in euro; Ref. in „Payment transfers in


5.2. transfers within Swedbank, AB, in foreign currency. Ref. in „Payment transfers in

other currency“.

Limited usage account for natural persons* - payment account of limited functionality intended for: i) saving of the credit proceeds being repaid and/or administration of the credit (when the account is indicated in the credit agreement or other credit documents); or ii) for saving / disbursing of the deposit proceeds when the natural person is not willing to have a deposit servicing bank account with the Bank.


1. SEPA direct debit agreement signing fee EUR 6

2. Fee applied for one debit transaction in accordance with SEPA direct debit order EUR 4

* SEPA direct debit product is provided to customers - payers subscribing to the SEPA direct debit agreement for the debiting funds according to SEPA direct debit order presented by Creditor.

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1. Transfers within Swedbank, AB Day

1.1. Administration of funds transferred within Swedbank, AB T0

Ref. Item 3 in „Account agreements. Handling of


2. Administration of funds transferred from Swedbank Group banks* T0

3.1. Administration of EUR-denominated funds

Ref. Item 3 in „Account agreements. Handling of


3.2. Administration of FX-denominated funds EUR 1.45

3. Transfers from other banks incorporated in Lithuania

3.1. Administration of EUR-denominated funds T0

Ref. Item 3 in „Account agreements. Handling of


3.2. Administration of FX-denominated funds: Note: if a transfer from another bank incorporated in Lithuania has passed through a correspondent bank in another country, fees specified in items 4.1-4.3 shall be applied.

3.2.1. in currency of EU member states or EEA (European Economic Area)** states

T0 EUR 1.45

3.2.2. in other foreign currency T+1 EUR 1.45

4. Transfers from foreign banks

4.1. European payment*** T0

Ref. Item 3 in „Account agreements. Handling of


4.2. In SEK or RON currency**** T0 EUR 1.45

4.3. In currency of EU member states or EEA (European Economic Area)** states (except for cases specified in item 4.1and 4.2)


EUR 5.79

4.4. In other cases T+1 EUR 5.79

4.5. Return of funds (received from foreign banks) to the Payer’s bank account EUR 14.48

Day shall mean a period within which funds will credited to a beneficiary, where T0 means that funds are to be credited to the

beneficiary’s account on the same day when Swedbank, AB receives the funds and all information required for crediting funds from the payer’s bank; T+1 shall mean that the funds will be credited to the beneficiary’s account no later than on the Bank’s business day succeeding the day when Swedbank, AB receives funds and all information required for crediting funds from the payer’s bank. Bank’s business day shall mean a day where such a day is neither Saturday nor Sunday, nor any other day-off or holiday defined by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. Note: On Good Friday EUR-deniminated transfers are not received from other banks incorporated in Lithuania. * Swedbank Group banks: Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDSESS), Sweden, Stockholm Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDFIHH), Finland Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDDKKK), Denmark Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDNOKK), Norway Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABAEE2X), Estonia Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABALV22), Latvia

** States of the European Economic Area (EEA) are Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.

*** EUR-denominated transfer from the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, if terms are acceptable, in this case the Payee’s bank SWIFT (BIC) must be indicated; the Payee’s bank account must be indicated in IBAN format; and the payment type is designated SHA. **** SEK or RON denominated transfer from the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, if terms are acceptable, in this case the Payee’s bank SWIFT (BIC) must be indicated; the Payee’s bank account must be indicated in IBAN format; and the payment type is designated SHA.

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Fees shown by payment channels indicated in payment instructions Transfer delivery and


Swedbank Internet Banking for Business


Swedbank Gateway for Business Clients

Swedbank Internet Banking

Over-the-counter Hour Day

1. Transfers within Swedbank, AB (SHA)

1.1. to one’s own bank account Free of charge Free of charge Free of charge EUR 2 T0

1.2. transfer to other persons’ bank account EUR 0.23 EUR 0.23 EUR 0.23 EUR 2 T0

1.3. Group transfer presentment

Free of charge (exept in cases

specified in chapter 5 item 4.2)

Free of charge - - T0

1.4. Group transfer Note: the fee is applicable to money transfers to each separate beneficiary indicated in the group transfer.


1.4.1. to natural persons’ account

EUR 0.23 (exept in cases

specified in chapter 5 item 4.3)

EUR 0.23 - - T0

1.4.2. to legal persons’ account EUR 0.23 EUR 0.23 - - T0 2. Transfers to banks incorporated in Lithuania (SHA)

2.1. Ordinary EUR 0.41 EUR 0.41 EUR 0.41 EUR 2 16:00 T0

2.2. Urgent Note: sent to the beneficiary's bank without delay

EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 29 16:00 T0

2.3. Group transfer presentment

Free of charge (exept in cases

specified in chapter 5 item 4.2)

Free of charge - - T0

2.4. Group transfer Note: the fee is applicable to money transfers to each separate beneficiary indicated in the group transfer.

EUR 0.41 EUR 0.41 - - 16:00 T0

3. Payment of E. invoice

3.1. Within Swedbank, AB

3.1.1. by automatic payment Free of charge - Free of charge - T0

3.1.2. by payment transfer EUR 0.23 - EUR 0.23 - T0

3.2. To banks incorporated in Lithuania

3.2.1. by automatic payment EUR 0.41 - EUR 0.41 - T0

3.2.2. by payment transfer EUR 0.41 - EUR 0.41 - 16:00 T0

4. „Small payments“ * (SHA), made via the registered mobile device using Swedbank Application or Swedbank Internet Bank mobile version

4.1. Transfers within „Swedbank”, AB

4.1.1. to one’s own bank account - - Free of charge - T0

4.1.2. to other persons’ bank account - - EUR 0.07 - T0

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Fees shown by payment channels indicated in payment instructions Transfer delivery and


Swedbank Internet Banking for Business


Swedbank Gateway for Business Clients

Swedbank Internet Banking

Over-the-counter Hour Day

4.2. Transfers to banks incorporated in Lithuania, ordinary - - EUR 0.41 - 16:00 T0

5. European payment **

5.1. Ordinary EUR 0.41 EUR 0.41 EUR 0.41 EUR 2 16:00


T0 - to Swedbank

Group banks**

T+1 – other instances

5.2. Urgent EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 29 16:00 T0 6. International money transfers (exept in cases specified in Item 5)

6.1. Ordinary (SHA) EUR 13 EUR 13 EUR 13 EUR 16 22:00 T+2

6.2. Urgent (SHA) EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 29 16:00 T+1

6.3. Very urgent (SHA) EUR 57 EUR 57 EUR 57 EUR 60 15:00 T0

6.4. Additional fee, if Payer undertakes to pay foreign bank charges (OUR****)

EUR 15 EUR 15 EUR 15 EUR 15

7. Recurrent transfers

7.1. Execution of recurrent payment according to corresponding ordinary payment price in tha Internet bank 8. Debiting of funds when executing instructions to debit funds by force (without customer’s consent)

Note: fees are applicable to the payer for each debit transaction EUR 0.87

Hour shall mean an hour until which the payment order delivered on the Bank’s business day is considered as received (the countdown of the term of executing such order starts) on

the same day and shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of the day of delivery of the order. Payment order delivered after the specified hour on the Bank’s business day or on the day that is not the Bank’s business day shall be considered as received (the countdown of the term of executing such order starts) on the next Bank’s business day and shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of such next Bank’s business day (for example, should it be specified 14:00 in the ‘Hour’ column and T0 Day in the ‘Day’ column, a payment order delivered until 14:00 on the Bank’s business day shall be executed on the day of delivery of the order, while a payment order delivered after 14:00 or on a day that is not Bank’s business day shall be executed on the next Bank’s business day). Should nothing be specified in the ‘Hour’ column, payment order delivered at any time on the Bank’s business day shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of the day of delivery of the payment order. Day shall mean a number of the Bank’s business days within which a payment order shall be executed. Countdown of the said term shall be started on the day of the receipt of a payment order,

taking into account whether the payment order is delivered on the Bank’s business day and/or until the set hour on the Bank’s business day (see ‘Hour’ explanations provided hereinabove). For example, T0 - the payment order shall be executed on the same Bank’s business day if delivered until time specified in the ‘Hour’ column. Bank’s business day:

- transfers within “Swedbank”, AB – on each calendar day; - EUR-denominated transfers to other banks incorporated in Lithuania, to “Swedbank” Group banks**, European payment – on a day that is neither Saturday, nor Sunday,

Great Easter Friday, nor other day-off or holiday defined by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania; - Other transfers – on a day when “Swedbank”, AB intermediate bank and beneficiary’s bank performs transactions under the respective payment transfers (credit transfers). “Swedbank”, AB, performs such transactions on days that are neither Saturday, nor Sunday, nor other day-off or holiday defined by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. * Low value payment - is regular domestic transfer up to EUR 15 limit per transaction made via the registered mobile device using Swedbank Application or Swedbank Internet Bank

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mobile version and confirmed according to the rules described in the agreement between Bank and customer, i.e. without additional identification code entering.

** EUR-denominated transfer to the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, if terms are acceptable, in this case the Payee’s bank SWIFT (BIC) must be indicated; the Payee’s bank account must be indicated in IBAN format, and the payment type is designated SHA. *** Swedbank Group banks: Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDSESS), Sweden, Stockholm Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDFIHH), Finland Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDDKKK), Denmark Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDNOKK), Norway Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABAEE2X), Estonia Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABALV22), Latvia ***** OUR transfers shall be available only in certain cases when the transfer is executed: a) in currencies of non-EU member states and non-EEA (European Economic Area) states; or b) in currencies of EU member states or EEA states to the other state which is a non-EU member state or a non-EEA state. States of the European Economic Area (EEA) are Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. If the transfer is made in the currency of the EU member state or EEA state to the EU member state or EEA state and you (as a Payer) select the OUR transfer, Swedbank, AB may refuse to carry out such transfer on its own discretion (the payment order shall be considered not received) or proceed with the transfer after changing it to the SHA transfer. Explanations of OUR and SHA payment transfers OUR. OUR payment transfer means that when the funds are transferred to the Payee, the Payer (you) undertakes to pay all charges applicable by Swedbank, AB (hereinafter referred

to as the Bank) and other banks’ fees established for this type of transaction. Where your payment of such a charge to the Bank for effecting the payment order does not fully cover the charges stipulated by your Correspondent bank and the Payee's bank for effecting the payment order in question, you are expected to additionally cover the difference of the charges set by the Correspondent and Payee's banks. Note: if a payment transfer is denominated in USD, other banks’ fees can be additionally debited from the Payee's bank account. SHA. This type payment transfer means that the Payer (you) covers the transfer-related fees charged by Swedbank, AB; fees of the other banks are to be covered by the Payee

(meaning that the Payee may receive not a full amount).

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Fees shown by payment channels indicated in payment instructions Transfer delivery and execution

Swedbank Internet Banking for Business


Swedbank Gateway for Business Clients

Swedbank Internet Banking

Over-the-counter Currency Hour Day

1. Transfers within Swedbank, AB, (SHA) EUR 0.58 EUR 0.58 EUR 0.58 EUR 3

2. Transfors to other banks

2.1. Ordinary (SHA) EUR 13 EUR 13 EUR 13 EUR 16

To banks incorporated in Lithuania: - USD - Other currencies

15:00 14:00

T0 T+1

To Swedbank Group banks*: - SEK, USD - DKK, NOK - Other currencies to banks in

Latvia, Estonia - Other currencies to banks in

Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway

16:00 15:00



T0 T0



Other instances 22:00 T+2

2.2. Urgent (SHA) EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 26 EUR 29

USD 16:00 T+1

Other currencies 14:00 T+1

2.3. Very urgent (SHA) EUR 57 EUR 57 EUR 57 EUR 60 USD 15:00 T0

2.4. Additional fee, if Payer undertakes to pay foreign bank charges (OUR**)

EUR 15 EUR 15 EUR 15 EUR 15

3. Recurrent transfers

3.1. Execution of recurrent payment according to corresponding ordinary payment price in tha Internet bank

Hour shall mean an hour until which the payment order delivered on the Bank’s business day is considered as received (the countdown of the term of executing such order starts) on the

same day and shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of the day of delivery of the order. Payment order delivered after the specified hour on the Bank’s business day or on the day that is not the Bank’s business day shall be considered as received (the countdown of the term of executing such order starts) on the next Bank’s business day and shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of such next Bank’s business day (for example, should it be specified 14:00 in the ‘Hour’ column and T0 Day in the ‘Day’ column, a payment order delivered until 14:00 on the Bank’s business day shall be executed on the day of delivery of the order, while a payment order delivered after 14:00 or on a day that is not Bank’s business day shall be executed on the next Bank’s business day). Should nothing be specified in the ‘Hour’ column, payment order delivered at any time on the Bank’s business day shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of the day of delivery of the payment order. Day shall mean a number of the Bank’s business days within which a payment order shall be executed. Countdown of the said term shall be started on the day of the receipt of a payment order,

taking into account whether the payment order is delivered on the Bank’s business day and/or until the set hour on the Bank’s business day (see ‘Hour’ explanations provided hereinabove). For example, T0 - the payment order shall be executed on the same Bank’s business day if delivered until time specified in the ‘Hour’ column.

Bank’s business day:

- transfers within “Swedbank”, AB – on each calendar day; - Other transfers (international transfers, transfers to banks incorporated in Lithuania in other currency than EUR, transfers to “Swedbank” Group banks*) – on a day when

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“Swedbank”, AB intermediate bank and beneficiary’s bank performs transactions under the respective payment transfers (credit transfers). “Swedbank”, AB, performs such transactions on days that are neither Saturday, nor Sunday, nor other day-off or holiday defined by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

* Swedbank Group banks:

Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDSESS), Sweden, Stockholm Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDFIHH), Finland Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDDKKK), Denmark Swedbank (SWIFT code: SWEDNOKK), Norway Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABAEE2X), Estonia Swedbank AS (SWIFT code: HABALV22), Latvia

** SEK, RON-denominated transfer to the EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, if terms are acceptable, in this case the Payee’s bank SWIFT (BIC) must be indicated; the Payee’s bank account must be indicated in IBAN format, and the payment type is designated SHA.

*** OUR transfers shall be available only in certain cases when the transfer is executed: a) in currencies of non-EU member states and non-EEA (European Economic Area) states; or b) in currencies of EU member states or EEA states to the other state which is a non-EU member state or a non-EEA state. States of the European Economic Area (EEA) are Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. If the transfer is made in the currency of the EU member state or EEA state to the EU member state or EEA state and you (as a Payer) select the OUR transfer, Swedbank, AB may refuse to carry out such transfer on its own discretion (the payment order shall be considered not received) or proceed with the transfer after changing it to the SHA transfer.

Explanations of OUR and SHA payment transfers OUR. OUR payment transfer means that when the funds are transferred to the Payee, the Payer (you) undertakes to pay all charges applicable by Swedbank, AB (hereinafter referred to

as the Bank) and other banks’ fees established for this type of transaction. Where your payment of such a charge to the Bank for effecting the payment order does not fully cover the charges stipulated by your Correspondent bank and the Payee's bank for effecting the payment order in question, you are expected to additionally cover the difference of the charges set by the Correspondent and Payee's banks. Note: if a payment transfer is denominated in USD, other banks’ fees can be additionally debited from the Payee's bank account. SHA. This type payment transfer means that the Payer (you) covers the transfer-related fees charged by Swedbank, AB; fees of the other banks are to be covered by the Payee (meaning

that the Payee may receive not a full amount).

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Fees shown by payment channels indicated in payment

instructions Transfer delivery and execution

Swedbank Internet Banking Over-the-counter Hour Day

1. Giro payments within Swedbank, AB

1.1. Giro payments paid using “Payments cart”

EUR 0.23 for payment - T0

1.2. Other Giro payments EUR 0.23 per payment EUR 2 per payment T0

2. Giro payments to banks incorporated in Lithuania

2.1. Giro payments paid using “Payments cart”

EUR 0.41 for payment - 16:00 T0

2.2. Other Giro payments EUR 0.41 per payment EUR 2 per payment 16:00 T0

Hour shall mean an hour until which Giro payment delivered on the Bank’s business day is considered as received (the

countdown of the term of executing such Giro payment starts) on the same day and shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of the day of delivery of Giro payment. Giro payment delivered after the specified hour on the Bank’s business day or on the day that is not the Bank’s business day shall be considered as received (the countdown of the term of executing such Giro payment starts) on the next Bank’s business day and shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of such next Bank’s business day (for example, should it be specified 16:00 in the ‘Hour’ column and T0 Day in the ‘Day’ column, Giro payment delivered until 16:00 on the Bank’s business day shall be executed on the day of delivery of the order, while Giro payment delivered after 16:00 or on a day that is not Bank’s business day shall be executed on the next Bank’s business day). Should nothing be specified in the ‘Hour’ column, Giro payment delivered at any time on the Bank’s business day shall be executed within the number of the Bank’s business days specified in the ‘Day’ column, counting as of the day of delivery of Giro payment. Day shall mean a number of the Bank’s business days within which Giro payment shall be executed. Countdown of the said term shall be started on the day of the receipt of Giro payment, taking into account whether Giro payment is delivered on the Bank’s business day and/or until the set hour on the Bank’s business day (see ‘Hour’ explanations provided hereinabove). For example, T0 – Giro payment shall be executed on the same Bank’s business day if delivered until time specified in the ‘Hour’ column. Bank’s business day:

- Giro payments within “Swedbank”, AB – on each calendar day; - Giro payments to other banks incorporated in Lithuania– on a day that is neither Saturday, nor Sunday, Great Easter Friday, nor other day-off or holiday defined by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania;


1. Cancellation and correction of payment transfers

1.1. Cancellation of the local EUR-denominated payment transfer EUR 2.90 1.2. Cancellation or correction of the international payment transfer Note: any amendment to the payment order data shall be considered as correction thereof. Note: in the case of cancellation of an international payment transfer, its conversion transaction is not revoked.

1.2.1. when the transfer has not been sent out from the Bank EUR 8.69

1.2.2. when the transfer has been sent out from the Bank EUR 43.44 plus fees applied by foreign


2. Confirmations, notices, issuance of information

2.1. Issuance of Swedbank, AB confirmation on executed international payment transfers or a SWIFT copy

EUR 5.79 for a confirmation

2.2. Investigation of execution of an international payment transfer operation at the customer’s request and issuance of the resulting information Note: the fee shall not be applied if a transfer from a natural person’s Bank account has been executed in the currency of the EU member state or EEA* state to the EU member state or EEA* state, and the customer’s request is reasonable, i.e. the said transfer has been failed or has been executed improperly.

EUR 28.96

2.3. Additional confirmation of a transaction Note: the fee is applied only in the case of an instruction for the conducting of a domestic or international money transfer operation presented via Swedbank Internet Banking , Internet Banking for Business Clients or Telephone Banking facilities. The fee is charged upon both the receipt and non-receipt of the customer’s confirmation.

EUR 0.87

* States of the European Economic Area (EEA) are Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.

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1. Depositing of cash at ATMs of Swedbank, AB Ref. “Payment cards fees”

2. Depositing of cash at the Bank office:

2.1. in banknotes to one’s own bank account* 0.1% of the sum paid; min EUR 3

2.2. in EUR to another customer’s bank account 0.3% of the sum paid; min EUR 3

2.3. in EUR-denominated coins** 4.5% of the sum paid; min EUR 3

3. Withdrawal of cash at ATMs Ref. “Credit cards fees”

4. Withdrawal of cash from one’s bank account over-the-counter at the Bank office***

4.1. Cash withdrawal from account (exept in cases specified in Items 4.2. and 4.3.) Note: no fee is charged in the event if the balance of account denominated in EUR and worth less than EUR 3 is paid out to the customer following the closing of the bank account in question. Note: no fee is charged when cash is withdrawn from a bank account opened with the Bank before 1 December 2001 and the sum is returned to the account upon the expiry of the maturity of the deposit in question

1% of the sum; min EUR 3

4.2. Withdrawal of cash (EUR, USD) from a Senior account if it has been held with the Bank for over one month Note: a 1-month condition is irrelevant if such an account has been renewed.

4.2.1. If the amount or its equivalent in EUR, when the withdrawal is denominated

in USD, does not exceed EUR 8,700 (inclusive) Free of charge

4.2.2. If the amount or its equivalent in EUR, when the withdrawal is denominated in USD, exceeds EUR 8,700

1% of the amount exceeding EUR 8,700, min EUR 3

5. A fee for the cancellation of an advance order of cash or because of a post- due taking-out of cash Note: the customer is supposed to order cash against a written confirmation. In branches, sizes of sums to be ordered and periods thereof must be set by the Branch Managers.

0.2% of the cancelled sum; max EUR 289.62

6. A fee for buying/selling currency in cash over-the-counter at the Bank office Note: when a customer sells or buys currency worth in EUR 2,500 equivalent, the Bank may apply an individual currency exchange rate that is lower than the standard rate.

EUR 1.5

7. Exchange of cash into other denominations of the same currency**** 4.5% of the sum paid; min EUR 3

8. Exchange of worn-out banknotes

8.1. EUR-denominated banknotes Free of charge

8.2. FX banknotes (when agreed beforehand with a Bank office) 5% of the face value

9. Re-counting of banknotes without carrying out other bank operations EUR 0.03 for a banknote

10. Checking of banknotes without carrying out other bank operations EUR 0.03 for a banknote

11. Administration of collected EUR-denominated coins***** 0.6 % of the amount

*The fee does not apply when the payment order to transfer deposited cash to one’s own account in another bank or to another

customer’s account in any other bank is presented at once. **The fee does not apply when the sum does not exceed EUR 5. ***Cash is paid out in national and foreign currency banknotes and national currency coins. Where a partial payout in FX coins is impossible, the payable sum is converted into EUR. **** The fee does not apply for the exchange of EUR-denominated coins when the sum does not exceed EUR 5. ***** The fee is applicable to customers whose cash is delivered to the bank using collection services provided by third parties

25. WESTERN UNION CASH TRANSFERS (Service is not available since 1

st of October, 2017)

Fees for Western Union cash transfer services are set by the Western Union Company. These fees are available on Swedbank, AB website www.swedbank.lt; however, Swedbank, AB is not entitled to establish and (or) change such fees.

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1. Trading in units of investment funds** Fee*

Subscription Redemption

1.1. Trading in units of fixed income and money market funds

1.1.1. “Swedbank” Group funds*** 0,5 % N/A

1.1.2. “Franklin Templeton” funds 0,5 % N/A

1.1.3. “East Capital” funds 0,5 % N/A

1.1.4. “Julius Baer” funds 0,5 % N/A

1.1.5. “T. Rowe Price” funds 0,5 % N/A

1.1.6. Funds managed by other management companies 0,5 % N/A

1.2. Trading in units of equity and balanced funds

1.2.1. “Swedbank” Group funds *** 1,5 % N/A

1.2.2. “Franklin Templeton” funds 1,5 % N/A

1.2.3. “East Capital” funds 1,5 % N/A

1.2.4. “Julius Baer” funds 1,5 % N/A

1.2.5. “T. Rowe Price” funds 1,5 % N/A

1.2.6. Funds managed by other management companies 1,5 % N/A

1.3. Trading in units of hedge funds 1,5 % N/A

2. Investment fund units' transaction fee Fee*

Subscription Redemption Switch****

2.1. “Swedbank” Group funds *** EUR 5.79 EUR 5.79 EUR 11.58

2.2. “Franklin Templeton” funds EUR 10.14 EUR 10.14 EUR 20.27

2.3. “East Capital” funds EUR 10.14 EUR 10.14 EUR 20.27

2.4. “Julius Baer” funds EUR 26.07 EUR 26.07 EUR 34.75

2.5. “T. Rowe Price” funds EUR 26.07 EUR 26.07 EUR 34.75 2.6. Funds managed by other management companies EUR 26.07 EUR 26.07 EUR 34.75 2.7. Hedge funds EUR 110.06 EUR 110.06 -

3. Subscription to units of investment funds using a regular investment facility**



3.1. Fixed income and money market funds

3.1.1 “Swedbank” Group funds *** 0.5%, min EUR 0,43

3.1.2. “Franklin Templeton” funds 0.5%, min EUR 0,72

3.2. Equity and balanced funds

3.2.1 “Swedbank” Group funds *** 1,5 %

3.2.2. “Franklin Templeton” funds 1,5 %

4. Monthly fee for the safekeeping of securities***** Fee

4.1. “Swedbank” funds’ units 0,005 %, min EUR 0.43 per month

4.2. Units of funds managed by other management companies

0,013 %, min EUR 0.43 per month

* The subscription of units shall be subject to a subscription fee (expressed as %) calculated from the price of investment funds’ units being subscribed to and, additionally, to an investment fund units’ transaction fee indicated in point 2 of this section. Upon subscription of investment funds using the periodic investment service (see point 3), the transaction fee shall not be charged. The redemption or exchange of investment funds shall be subject only to the investment fund units’ transaction fee indicated in point 2 of this section. ** The Bank shall receive a fee from fund management companies for the distributed investment units. The amount of the fee for the distribution of different investment funds may differ. More detailed information about the fee received by the Bank is available on the Bank’s website: www.swedbank.lt/mifid, “Fee received by Swedbank, AB for the distribution of investment funds”, or shall be provided to a client no later than within 5 (five) business days as of the day of a written request of the client. Clients may submit written requests for more detailed information personally at the Bank’s branches during its business hours.

*** Funds managed by Swedbank Group are investment funds managed by Swedbank Investeerimisfondid AS and publicly offered in Lithuania. **** Provided that the switch of funds of the same fund manager is possible.

***** Calculated on a monthly basis according to the market value of investment funds held in the securities account on the last day of the month. The fee shall be debited from the bank account linked to the securities account. The minimum fee for the safekeeping of securities shall be charged for securities kept in the same securities account and shall apply to each securities account separately. If the securities account is empty, the fee shall not be calculated.

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Fee amount (if expressed in percentage, calculated according to the deal amount)

Over-the-counter at a branch, at LC&I Markets Lithuania division

Via Swedbank Internet Banking

1. Opening a securities account Free of charge Free of charge

2. Trading in shares *

2.1. Lithuania 0.45%, min EUR 5.79 0.3%, min EUR 1.45

2.2. Latvia 0.45%, min EUR 5.79 0.3%, min EUR 2.90

2.3. Estonia 0.45%, min EUR 5.79 0.3%, min EUR 2.90

2.4. Ireland 0.30%, min EUR 23.17

2.5. UK 0.30%, min EUR 17.38

2.6. Australia** 0.50%, min EUR 98.47

2.7. Austria 0.50%, min EUR 28.96

2.8. Belgium 0.30%, min EUR 23.17

2.9. Bulgaria 1.00%, min EUR 110.06

2.10. Czech Republic 0.60%, min EUR 37.65

2.11. Denmark 0.30%, min EUR 17.38

2.12. Hong Kong** 0.50%, min EUR 72.41

2.13. Spain 0.30%, min EUR 28.96

2.14. Italy 0,30%, min EUR 28.96

2.15. USA 0.25%, min EUR 17.38

2.16. Canada 0.30%, min EUR 23.17

2.17. Croatia 0.80%, min EUR 28.96

2.18. Poland 0.30%, min EUR 26.07

2.19. Norway 0.30%, min EUR 17.38

2.20. Holland 0.30%, min EUR 23.17

2.21. Portugal 0.30%, min EUR 31.86

2.22. France 0.30%, min EUR 20.27

2.23. Romania 0.60%, min EUR 37.65

2.24. Russia (when a minimal order sum stands at USD 25,000) 0.60%, min EUR 72.41

2.25. Singapore** 0.50%, min EUR 110.06

2.26. Slovenia 0.90%, min EUR 83.99

2.27. Finland 0.30%, min EUR 17.38

2.28. Sweden 0.30%, min EUR 14.48

2.29 Switzerland 0.30%, min EUR 26.07

2.30. Hungary 0.60%, min EUR 31.86

2.38. Germany (Frankfurt exchange)** 0.50%, min EUR 20.27

2.39. Germany (Xetra exchange) 0.30%, min EUR 20.27

2.40. Other foreign countries** According to a separate agreement

3. Trading in debt securities

3.1. Lithuanian***

3.1.1. Primary market 0.02%, min EUR 14.48

3.1.2. Secondary market Free of charge

3.2. Other foreign countries *** Free of charge

4. Monthly securities safekeeping fee****

4.1. Securities issued by Lithuanian companies*** Up to EUR 144,810.00 – 0.006%

From EUR 144,810.01 up to EUR 289,620.00 – 0.005% From EUR 289,620.01 – 0.004%

4.2. Securities issued by Estonian and Latvian companies 0,007 %

4.3. Securities issued by Central and Eastern European (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia) companies

0,03 %

4.4. Securities issued by Russian companies 0,07 %

4.5. Eurobonds*** 0,006 %

4.6. Securities issued by companies of other foreign countries*** 0,013 %

4.7. Depositary receipts (ADR, GDR) 0.013% plus other party’s fees, if applicable

5. Transaction fees

5.1. Securities issued by Lithuanian companies***

5.1.1. Transaction against payment between Lithuanian sub- EUR 7.24

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5.1.2. Transaction against payment between Estonian and Latvian sub-custodians

EUR 13.03

5.1.3. Free of payment (FOP) transaction to other Lithuanian sub- custodians or shareholder registry level (outgoing)

EUR 4.34

5.1.4. Free of payment (FOP) transaction between Estonian and Latvian sub-custodians

EUR 10.14

5.2. Transaction against payment and free of payment (FOP) transaction of securities issued by Estonian companies

EUR 4.34

5.3. Transaction against payment and free of payment (FOP) transaction of securities issued by Latvian companies

EUR 7.24

5.4. Transaction against payment and free of payment (FOP) transaction in the case of securities issued by other foreign companies***

EUR 10.14 plus other party’s fees, if applicable

5.5. Registration of an OTC security transaction (gift, inheritance, sale-purchase, swap and others) between clients’ securities accounts opened at Swedbank, AB *****

EUR 7.24

5.6. Repurchase (repo) deal / pledge of securities administration EUR 34.75

5.7. Repurchase (repo) deal / pledge of securities termination fee Free of charge

6. Other services

6.1. Securities account statement (received personally over-the- counter)

Free of charge

6.2. Securities account statement (sent by mail) In Lithuania –EUR 1.45; abroad –EUR 2.90

6.3. Reclaim/relief of taxes paid to a foreign country (the service cannot be provided on every market)

EUR 57.92 plus other party’s fees, if applicable

6.4. Client representation in Lithuania in case of corporate actions EUR 115.85 plus other party’s fees, if applicable

6.5. Other services According to a separate agreement

* On foreign Stock Exchanges, securities can be traded in lots, i.e. according to the established minimal quantities of shares and their multiple. Commission fees shall be debited in the transaction currency. Specified minimal Bank fees shall be recalculated into the corresponding currency according to the currency exchange rates established by the Bank of Lithuania on the day of conclusion of the transaction. Stamp duty fees, financial transaction taxes or similar levies may apply on some markets. Their amounts, calculation methods and payment processes are regulated by the laws of the respective country and/or regulations of trading venues.

** Orders on the marked markets can be placed only by contacting LC&I Markets Lithuania division, the phone number is 1884. These markets could have additional third party costs that are not included in the commissions.

*** Debt securities issued in Lithuania and securities issued by Lithuanian companies are the securities registered with the Central Securities Depository of Lithuania; debt securities issued in other foreign countries and securities issued by other foreign countries’ companies are the securities registered with the Depositories or settlement systems of those foreign countries. Eurobonds are debt securities which ISIN code starts with the letters “XS” and which are cleared and settled through two clearing houses Euroclear or Clearstream.

**** It shall be calculated each month based on the value of the portfolio on the last date of the calendar month. The fee shall be debited from the bank account linked to the security account. Debt securities and not-listed equities shall be evaluated at face value. Securities issued by Estonian companies shall be evaluated according to the Estonian Central Security Depository (AS Eesti Väärtpaberikeskus) price evaluation methods. The minimum securities safekeeping fee is EUR 0.43 per month and it shall be applied for each securities account separately. If the securities account is empty, the fee shall not be applied.

***** The fee shall be paid by both parties. In case of inheritance of securities, the fee shall be paid by the beneficiary.


1. Purchase of Lithuanian Republic Government Saving Notes Free of charge

2. Monthly securities safekeeping fee for Lithuanian Republic Government Saving Notes Free of charge

3. Withdrawal of funds received for Lithuanian Republic Government Saving Notes in cash over-the- counter at the Bank office during 60 days from the coupon pay, premature redemption or redemption.

Free of charge

* Upon the expiry of 60 days, funds received for Lithuanian Republic Government Saving Notes in cash over-the-counter at the Bank office shall be withdrawn at standard fees indicated in clause No 4 “Withdrawal of cash from one’s bank account over-the- counter at the Bank office” of the chapter “Operations with Cash” of the part “Operations with Cash” of these “Fees Charged by Swedbank, AB for Its Services and Operations”. Investors Lithuanian Republic Government Saving Notes for services and operations which are not indicated in these “Fees Charged by Swedbank, AB for Its Services and Operations”, part “Securities”, chapter “Lithuanian Republic Government Saving Notes”, pay standard fees for services and operations.

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29. DOCUMENTARY PAYMENTS AND GUARANTEES (Note: fees are charged in EUR or respective values in other currency

calculated on the basis of the official exchange rate)

1.1. Import collection

1.1.1. Payment under a certain document or a bill of exchange 0.15% (min EUR 36.20, max EUR 217.22)

1.1.2. Advice of the amendment of collection instruction EUR 23.17

1.1.3. Advice of the collection EUR 23.17

1.1.4. Return of unpaid documents or release of documents “free of payment” 0.15% (min EUR 36.20, max EUR 217.22)

1.1.5. Documents handling fee (in case of non-payment or non-acceptance within 15 days after the Bank’s advice to a client about the received collection)

EUR 28.96

1.1.6. Custody of accepted bills of exchange until the payment EUR 34.75

1.1.7. Protest of the bill of exchange EUR 72.41 (notary fees and commissions are charged separately)

1.1.8. Query or data preparation at the client's request EUR 17.38

1.1.9. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post within Lithuania EUR 14.48

1.1.10. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post to foreign countries EUR 55.03

1.1.11. Documents handling fee (in case of non-payment within 15 days from the date of payment)

EUR 28.96

1.2. Export collection

1.2.1. Collection of documents and bills of exchange 0.15% (min. EUR 36.20, max EUR 217.22)

1.2.2. Amendment of the collection instruction EUR 23.17

1.2.3. Custody of accepted bills of exchange until the payment EUR 34.75

1.2.4. Query or data preparation at the client's request EUR 17.38

1.2.5. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post within Lithuania EUR 14.48

1.2.6. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post to foreign countries EUR 55.03

2. Documentary credits

2.1 Import documentary credits

2.1.1. Pre-advice of the documentary credit EUR 14.48

2.1.2. Issue of the documentary credit* EUR 86.89

2.1.3. Deferred payment fee* EUR 28.96 (per set)

2.1.4. Amendment EUR 28.96 (per amendment)

2.1.5. Checking of the documents ** 0.2%, min EUR 86.89 (per set)

2.1.6. Payment under the documents EUR 28.96

2.1.7. Unutilized documentary credit (not applicable to standby letters of credit) EUR 28.96

2.1.8. Return of unpaid documents EUR 28.96

2.1.9. Query or data preparation at the client’s request EUR 17.38

2.1.10. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post within Lithuania EUR 14.48

2.1.11. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post to foreign countries EUR 55.03

2.1.12. Preparation and/or alignment of documentary credit draft**** EUR 57.92

2.2.13. Release of goods to the buyer (the Bank stated as a consignee, to order of the Bank or endorsed to order of the Bank)

EUR 28,96

2.2. Export documentary credits

2.2.1. Pre-advice of the documentary credit EUR 14.48

2.2.2. Advice of the documentary credit EUR 28.96

2.2.3. Advice of the amendment EUR 28.96 (for each amendment)

2.2.4. Checking of the documents ** 0,2%, min EUR 86.89 (per set)

2.2.5. Payment under the documents *** EUR 28.96

2.2.6. Transfer of the documentary credit 0,2% (of the transferred amount), min

EUR 86.89

2.2.7. Checking of the documents substituted under the transferred documentary credit

EUR 28.96

2.2.8. Confirmation of the documentary credit By arrangement

2.2.9. Supervision of the deferred payment EUR 28.96 (per set)

2.2.10. Return of unpaid documents EUR 28.96

2.2.11. Advice of the assignment of proceeds EUR 43.44

2.2.12. Cancellation of the advice of the assignment of proceeds EUR 8.69

2.2.13. Payment under the documents prior to maturity EUR 43.44

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plus interest rate by arrangement

2.2.14. Query or data preparation at the client’s request EUR 17.38

2.2.15. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post within Lithuania EUR 14.48

2.2.16. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post to foreign countries EUR 55.03

2.2.17. Pre-checking of documents: Set consisting of less than 5 documents 28.96 (per set) Set consisting of more than 5 documents 43.44 (per set)

2.2.18. Preparation and/or alignment of documentary credit draft **** EUR 57.92

* The obligation under documentary credit commission is applied if the documentary credit issue is not secured by a cash collateral. Cash collateral is not interest bearing. ** If Swedbank, AB is the issuing and advising bank of the same documentary credit, and documents are presented directly to Swedbank, AB, the fee for checking of the documents is 0.1%, min. EUR 43.44. *** This fee is not applicable if the documents are paid up prior to maturity.

**** If the documentary credit is issued/advised, the fees applicable to documentary payments and guarantees under the clause “Documentary Credits” will be decreased by this fee.

3.1.1. Amount of the guarantee is equal or less than EUR 1, 448.09 (or respective counter value in any other currency)

EUR 57.92

3.1.2. Amount of the guarantee amounts to EUR 1, 448.10 – EUR 2,896.19 (or respective counter value in any other currency)

EUR 86.89

3.1.3. Amount of the guarantee is equal or over EUR 2,896.20 (or respective counter value in any other currency)

0,5%, min. EUR 101.37

3.2. Issue of the guarantee under the counter guarantee By arrangement

3.3. Amendment of conditions EUR 28.96

3.4. Advice of the guarantee or the amendment EUR 28.96

3.5. Query or data preparation at the client‘s request EUR 17.38

3.6. Claim administration under the guarantee 0.1%, min EUR 144.81

3.7. Handover of client’s claim 57.92 and courier post costs

3.8. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post within Lithuania EUR 14.48

3.9. Preparation and dispatch of documents by courier post to foreign countries EUR 55.03

3.10. Urgent issue or an amendment to the guarantee ** Agreed on case-by-case basis (min

EUR 43.44) plus the guarantee or the guarantee amendment commission

3.11. Garantijos / laidavimo projekto parengimas ir derinimas*** 57,92 Eur

* If the guarantee issue is not secured by cash collateral, the obligation under the guarantee commission shall be applicable. Cash collateral is not interest bearing. If the guarantee is issued in a non-standard text or in the foreign language, an extra fee could be charged if agreed.

** Urgent guarantees or guarantee amendments are issued within one working day after the signed and correctly filled in application is presented at the bank counters and all other guarantee issuance or guarantee amendment conditions are fulfilled. *** If the guarantee is issued / advised, the fees applicable to documentary payments and guarantees under the clause “Guarantees” will be decreased by this fee.

4. Escrow accounts

4.1. Escrow account agreement * 0.2%, min EUR 173.77

4.2. Preparation and/or alignment of an escrow account agreement draft ** EUR 57.92

* Extra fee shall be charged for non-standard agreements.

** If the escrow account agreement is signed, the fees applicable to documentary payments and guarantees under the clause “Escrow Accounts” will be decreased by this fee.


Issue of the guarantee*




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1. Acceptance and dispatch of cheques issued by other banks incorporated in Lithuania

Note. Service is not available since 1st of January, 2018.

EUR 0.87


1. 1st

group of fees in euro

Rent period

Capacity. dm3

6 dm3* Up to 32 dm

3 (10 dm


From 32 to 50 dm

(12 or 16 dm3*

) Over 50 dm

3 (23 dm


Amount without


Total with VAT

Amount without


Total with VAT

Amount without


Total with VAT

Amount without


Total with VAT

24 hours 4,31 0,91 5,22 4,79 1,01

5,80 5,98 1,26 7,24 7,18 1,51 8,69

1 week 5,98 1,26 7,24 9,57 2,01 11,58 16,99 3,57 20,56 19,39 4,07 23,46

2 weeks 9,81 2,06 11,87 14,60 3,07 17,67 24,17 5,08 29,25 29,20 6,13 35,33

1 month 12,21 2,56 14,77 19,39 4,07 23,46 33,99 7,14 41,13 36,38 7,64 44,02

2 months 24,17 5,08 29,25 36,38 7,64 44,02 60,80 12,77 73,57 65,58 13,77 79,35

3 months 36,38 7,64 44,02 53,38 11,21 64,59 87,60 18,40 106,00 97,18 20,41 117,59

4 months 48,11 10,10 58,21 70,37 14,78 85,15 114,17 23,98 138,15 128,77 27,04 155,81

5 months 56,97 11,96 68,93 84,97 17,84 102,81 140,98 29,61 170,59 157,97 33,17 191,14

6 months 66,78 14,02 80,80 99,57 20,91 120,48 165,39 34,73 200,12 187,18 39,31 226,49

7 or 8 months 81,38 17,09 98,47 119,20 25,03 144,23 194,60 40,87 235,47 219,01 45,99 265,00

9 or 10 months

93,59 19,65 113,24 136,19 28,60 164,79 221,40 46,49 267,89 255,39 53,63 309,02

11 or 12 months

105,55 22,17 127,72 153,19 32,17 185,36 248,21 52,12 300,33 292,01 61,32 353,33

2. 2

nd group of fees in euro

Rent period

Capacity. dm3

Up to 32 dm3 (10 dm


From 32 to 50 dm

(12 or 16 dm3*)

Over 50 dm3 (23 dm


Amount without


Total with VAT

Amount without


Total with VAT

Amount without VAT

VAT** Total with


24 hours 2,87 0,60 3,47 3,11 0,65 3,76 3,35 0,70 4,05

1 week 5,74 1,21 6,95 8,38 1,76 10,14 9,57 2,01 11,58

2 weeks 9,09 1,91 11,00 11,97 2,51 14,48 14,36 3,02 17,38

1 month 11,97 2,51 14,48 16,75 3,52 20,27 19,15 4,02 23,17

2 months 21,54 4,52 26,06 28,72 6,03 34,75 35,9 7,54 43,44

3 months 31,12 6,54 37,66 47,87 10,05 57,92 52,66 11,06 63,72

4 months 40,69 8,54 49,23 52,66 11,06 63,72 71,81 15,08 86,89

5 months 50,26 10,55 60,81 78,99 16,59 95,58 88,56 18,6 107,16

6 months 57,45 12,06 69,51 90,96 19,10 110,06 102,92 21,61 124,53

7 or 8 months 67,02 14,07 81,09 100,53 21,11 121,64 119,68 25,13 144,81

9 or 10 months 76,59 16,08 92,67 107,71 22,62 130,33 143,61 30,16 173,77

11 or 12 months 86,17 18,10 104,27 119,68 25,13 144,81 162,76 34,18 196,94

3. 3rd

group of fees in euro

Nuomos laikas

Capacity. dm3

Up to 32 dm3 (10 dm


From 32 to 50 dm

(12 or 16 dm3*)

Over 50 dm3 (23 dm


Amount without


Total with VAT

Amount without


Total with VAT

Amount without VAT

VAT** Total with


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24 hours 1,44 0,30 1,74 2,39 0,50 2,89 2,87 0,60 3,47

1 week 2,87 0,60 3,47 4,79 1,01 5,80 4,79 1,01 5,80

2 weeks 3,83 0,80 4,63 7,18 1,51 8,69 7,18 1,51 8,69

1 month 4,79 1,01 5,80 9,57 2,01 11,58 9,57 2,01 11,58

2 months 9,57 2,01 11,58 16,75 3,52 20,27 19,15 4,02 23,17

3 months 14,36 3,02 17,38 23,93 5,03 28,96 28,72 6,03 34,75

4 months 19,15 4,02 23,17 31,12 6,54 37,66 35,90 7,54 43,44

5 months 23,93 5,03 28,96 35,90 7,54 43,44 43,08 9,05 52,13

6 months 28,72 6,03 34,75 43,08 9,05 52,13 47,87 10,05 57,92

7 or 8 months 33,51 7,04 40,55 55,05 11,56 66,61 62,23 13,07 75,30

9 or 10 months 38,30 8,04 46,34 67,02 14,07 81,09 71,81 15,08 86,89

11 or 12 months 43,08 9,05 52,13 78,99 16,59 95,58 90,96 19,10 110,06

4. Services related to the rent of individual safe-deposit boxes Amount without VAT VAT** Total with VAT

4.1. Change of a safe-deposit box lock in case a customer has lost its key

EUR 48.59 EUR 10.20 EUR 58.79

* Safe-deposit boxes of the new design ** Value Added Tax

Note. All rent fees of individual safe-deposit boxes are specified Value Added Tax (VAT) included. The specific group of fees and specific fees applicable at respective customers’ service locations are approved by the Region Manager. If all safe-deposit boxes of lower capacity have been rented, rent fees lower by one level may be applicable for safe-deposit boxes of larger capacity at the discretion of the Branch Manager.


1. Repeated printing of the document that proves execution of the transaction over-the-counter at the Bank office

EUR 0.29 per document

2. Executed transaction search request in the Bank information system EUR 2.90 per search

3. Processing of documents:

3.1. sending of documents by fax:

3.1.1. within Lithuania EUR 1.45 per page

3.1.2. to a foreign country EUR 2.90 per page

3.2. sending of documents:

3.2.1. within Lithuania by regular post EUR 0.58 per page; min EUR 1.45

3.2.2. within Lithuania by registered post EUR 0.58 per page; min EUR 2.32

3.2.3. to a foreign country EUR 1.45 per page; min EUR 5.79

3.2.4. by courier EUR 5.79 plus the courier’s fees

4. Certification of specimens of signatures and seals Free of charge

5. Producing of copies of documents:

5.1. producing of copies of agreements EUR 5.79 per copy

5.2. producing of copies of documents and issuance of duplicates EUR 1.45 per copy

5.3. copying of other documents EUR 0.29 per page; VAT* EUR 0.05 (included)

6. Acceptance of the customer’s request to conduct search of documents in the Bank’s Archives:

6.1. for natural persons EUR 4.34; VAT* EUR 0.75 (included)

6.2. for legal persons EUR 14.77; VAT* EUR 2.56 (included)

7.1. Issuance of references about the opened or closed accounts and balances thereof:

7.1.1. in the Lithuanian and English languages EUR 5.79 per reference

7.1.2. in the Lithuanian and English languages (drafted within 1 business day)

EUR 11.58 per reference

7.2. References/permits/consents about the granted/repaid loans

7.1.1. in the Lithuanian language

EUR 14.48 per reference (Valid until 2017.07.31) EUR 20 per reference

(Valid from 2017.08.01)

7.1.2. in the English language

EUR 28.96 per reference Valid until 2017.07.31) EUR 40 per reference

(Valid from 2017.08.01)

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7.3. Reference issued by Swedbank, AB to auditors (an audit/consultancy company)

EUR 28.96 per reference

7.4. Reference issued by Swedbank, AB for the declaration of personal income and property

Free of charge

7.5. Reference about starting accounts Free of charge

7.6. Reference on the balance of a loan granted to a natural person regulated by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Credit Relating to Real Property

Free of charge

7.7. Recommendation (in the Lithuanian and English languages) EUR 28.96 per reference

7.8. Other references and notifications/notes/notices EUR 14.48 per reference

* Value Added Tax