ramirez-goicoechea, eugenia

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  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia



     JEAN PAUL VAN BENDEGEMVrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumandDIEDERIK AERTSVrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

    2006 Sprn!"r


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    Table of Contents

    Pr"#a$" %& '(" "d')r* +A$n)-."d!"/"n'* ++Introduction to evolutionary epistemology, language and culture Na'(a." G)n'"rPART 1 E).3')nar& "p*'"/).)!&Evolutionary epistemology: The non-adaptationist approach 445ran M1 73"''*"Lie cats and dogs: !adical constructivism andevolutionary epistemology 89A."+and"r R"!."rThe biological boundary conditions "or our classical physical#orld vie# 69

    O.a# D"''r$(Is the real #orld something more than the #orld o" our e$perience%!elations bet#een &eo-'ar#inism, transcendental philosophy andcognitive sciences :;Adranna 7)naUniversal 'ar#inism and process essentialism 0:D"r" T3rn"rPART 21 E).3')nar& "p*'"/).)!& and .an!3a!"'ar#inism, traditional linguistics and the ne# (alaeolithic)ontinuity Theory o" language evolution 2Mar) A.n"The e$tended mind model o" the origin o" language and culture 8:R)%"r' K1 L)!an*rom changes in the #orld to changes in the #ords 6:


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    Bar' d" B)"r/imulating the synta$ and semantics o" linguisticconstructions about time 809

     J)a$(/ D" B"3."Evolutionary game-theoretic semantics and its "oundational status 82:A('

  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    Cognition, Evolution, and Sociality 1

    Eugenia Ramirez-Goicoechea

    Dpt. Social Anthropology

    Universia !acional e Eucaci"n a Distancia# U!ED.eramirez$%so%.une.es

    Eugenia Ramirez-Goicoechea

    Dpt. Social Anthropology. U!ED

    Sena el Rey &

    2'()( *ari. S+A,!

    Astracthe aim o% this paper is to uil up a theoretical %rame/or0 %or a more comprehensive unerstaning o% humancognition as an evolutionary an evelopmentally comple process constitute through social relations.

    Sociality an cognition are part an parcel o% ecoming a human an a person. han0s to Dynamic Systems

    heories# a non-linear# non-ualistic nor eterministic approach is ta0en %or the unerstaning o% theheterochronic mutually speci%ie processes encountere in evolutionary an evelopmentally systems. ,n light o% neurophysiological evience# emoiment theory an situate cognition# !eoar/inist accounts o% cognition areiscusse an revie/e. Special attention is given to ialogic relations an socialisation in ontogeny# y /hich0no/lege is re-create an emoie in ne/ generations. ast ut not least# some consierations are mae /ith

    respect to the eternalisation an oectivisation o% 0no/lege as recursive meiators4ampli%iers %or %urther cognitive evolution that allo/s# in turn# %or more social compleity.

    5ey /ors6 7ognition# Evo-Devo# Sociality# Dynamic Systems heories# 7ompleity

    1 Research /or0 /as one uring 1889-188& an 2((2-2(() in the Social an +olitical Sciences Dpt.#Dpt. o% Social Anthropology an +emro0e 7ollege# University o% 7amrige :U5;# than0s to %inancialsupport %rom the Universia !acional e Eucaci"n a Distancia :*ari; an the Spanish *inistry o% Eucation :Direcci"n General e ,nvestigaci"n 7ienta/thorn an +ro%. 7. >umphrey %or their 0inness ancontinuous support uring my stay in 7amrige. , am also grate%ul to !athalie Gonthier :7entre %or the

    ogic an +hilosophy o% Science# ?ree University o% =russels# @U=; %or organising a 7on%erence onEvolutionary Epistemology# anguage an 7ulture :=russels# 2((); /here , ha the opportunity to get intouch an echange ieas /ith colleagues coming %rom other %iels an isciplines.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    1. Introduction

     !eoar/inist theories o not allo/ %or a comprehensive evolutionary theory o% 

    cognition. Socioiology# Evolutionary +sichology# Gene-7ulture coevolution#

    +opulation genetics or *emetics# all o% them are limite y their unerlying paraigms6

    1. 7ognitivism# as the preceence given to cognition over other mental activity6 2.

    ,enti%ication o% cognition /ith in%ormation an algorithmic computation 3. Bectivistrealism ). Rationalism an methoological iniviualism 9. ,naility to reconcile

    sociality an culture /ith cognition# an C. Stress on genetic inheritance# in etriment o

    epigenesis# ontogeny an evelopment.

    ,n this paper# , /ill try not only to uestion# some o% !eoar/inism %avourite

    tennets# ut also inten to contriute to the Evolutionary Epistemology eate regaring

    the importance o% the sociocultural as uilt an live in human phylogeny an ontogeny

    an its environments.

    ?rom an epistemological perspective# my /or0 relies heavily on Dynamic

    Systems heories 6 Autopoiesis an sel%-organisation theories# compleity# criticality#

    an chaos theory 2. hese theories %avour a non ualistic an non eterministic

    epistemology# paying attention to the emergent properties o% systems an theirreversiility o% some processes.

    , have %oun these approaches particularly relevant /hen trying to unerstan

    mutually constitute processes as those /e encounter /hen stuying evolution an

    cognition. *any evolutionary :as /ell as evelopmental; processes are structurally

    couple# sharing a co-ontogeny, a history o% mutual in%luences an interactions# in

    /hich the-many-to-many relations among them :Sh/eer =ourne# 18'); allo/ %or 

    variaility in attractors  :+rigogine# 18'(6 28; in the evolutionary ynamics :i.e.

     piggybacking 3; /ithin i%%erent rythms an time :heterochrony# c%.Goul 18&&;). !on-

    linearity means that cause-e%%ect lin0s cannot e trace nor preicte :helen 18'8;

     ecause o% the ynamicity o% the system an the multiple traectories o% its parts among

    i%%erent attractors. @ariales may e epenent or inepenent in respect to scale an

    level o% compleity :Goo/in 188);. Sensitivity to original conitions :Forenz 18C3;

    may e necessary ut not su%%icient6 many evolutionary phenomena can e consiere

    as emergencies o% sel%-organise systems that# at some critical point# reorganise

    themselves to/ars viaility an sustainaility :Gnti 2((3; in relation to sel%-

    etermine environments.

    *y approach is oth evolutionary an evelopmental. As +. Gri%%iths puts it

    :2(();# evelopment a%%ects evolution# /hile changing over the course o% evolutionary

    %orces. ,n this , ahere to the Evo-Devo programme %or 7ongnitive +sychology.

      As it /ill e clear# , claim the importance o% sociocultural %actors in cognition.

     !ot that the other /ay roun is not true :c%. in%ra;# ut cognitivist 7ognitive Stuies2 *y main re%erences on autopoiesis are *aturana @arela# 18'( *orin# 18&& =ateson# 18&2 uhman

    :1889;. ?or Dynamic Systems theories# , rely on +rigogine :18'(; !icolis +rigogine# 18'8;# e/in:1882;# *aore ?reeman :18'&; =a0 :188C;# 5au%%man :1883# 1889;# Gellman :1889; an 7ramer :1883;.3  Piggybacking  happens /hen an evolutionary process ta0es avantage o% the %orce# rive an spee o% another that someho/ opens the /ay %or the other to %ollo/ or ust helps ma0e the /ay uic0er aneasier.) 7arneiro :F7arneiro# 18&3;# /hen iscussing Ste/arHs an IhiteHs multi-linear approach to cultural

    evolution# use the metaphor o% culture as a icycle /ith its set o% gears# some short# some long# someuic0# some slo/. he set moves as a /hole ut its parts have i%%erent rhythms6 some processes mayspee up others y means o% catalysis# or the opposite# slo/ them o/n. ,t is clear that# the stratigraphic

    moel o% time :the geological level uner the iological-organic one# then the psychological# then thesociocultural; oes help unerstaning compleity in homini evolution :c%. Sinha 188C Shore# 188C;.


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    ten to %orget the %irst. , tal0 aout the  sociocultural, as a uali%ying %eature. his is

     ecause , o not /ant to rei%y culture6 /hat it is important is the ynamics# the

    relational. =esies# there is no /ay %or humans to e social /ithout eing cultural an

    viceversa. , unerstan this concept as the comple# non-linear process y /hich

    human eings create# reorganise# escrie an reescrie# personally an collectively#

    their conitions o% eistence :incluing meaning;. his process emerges %rom theynamics o% an evolutionary history o% emoie an relational an engagional

    capacities rought %orth in the li%e cycle y a sociocultural environment.

    Another milestone in this paper is a non-monaic conception o% the iniviual. he

    iniviual oes not pre-eist his4her conitions o% eistence# as a is-emoie astraction.

    Society is not an aggregate o% iniviuals it is a gloality that emerges %rom the comple

    relations an ynamics /ithin its parts;.

    hat is /hy /e support the concept o% person as a conscious intentional agent that

    incorporates a lige process in continuous evelopment# in a local an historical contet9

    >uman eings as persons can e thought o% as co-ontogenetic creatures that organise their 

    lives an are mutually constitute /ith an y other persons /ith /hom they relate in

    multiple /ays an roles. he iniviual is alreay socialise an share memership /ithcategorial an interactional groups# even at the demographic level.

    2. Modularity, Domain Specificity, Cross-modality

    ?or !eoar/inist accounts# i.e. Evolutionary +sychology :E+;# homini

    cognition evolve to aapt to the living conitions o% +lio-+leistocene hunter-gatherers

    :=ar0o/# 7osmies# an ooy 1882 *ithen 188C;C. hese aaptations consiste o% 

    genetically incorporate cognitive evices# moules# an unpreicte conseuence o% 

    ?oorHs moularity o% peripheral perceptual evices. :c%. ?oor 18'3 also 7homs0y

    189&;. !o general intelligence as in +iagetHs psychology &. Each moule is omain-

    speci%ic in that its encapsulates a particular omain in the /orl# in the /ay o% 5antian

    synthetic apriories# giving structure to the in%ormation that comes %rom i%%erent sensory

    evices y means o%speci%ic algorithmic computations '. hese moules evolve in their 

    speci%icity as %ine-tune capacities %or aapting to speci%ic challenges o% the

    environment. Relying on the Iestern mecano4lego paraigm :Shore 188C611C-139;#

    moules are pieces o% an articulate structure /ith no centrality an no neighouring

    interepenence o% elements6 the /hole is the sum o% its parts.

      Evolutionary psicologists elieve that all humans share a universal intuitive

     psychology that /oul e evo0e :=oyer 188); uner particular conitions8. here is

    not prolem accepting that some cognitive ailities may e universal in homo/femina

     sapiens sapiens. =ut# as %or all other universals# they can only eist in their local an

    historical incarnations. *isunerstaning /hat may e universal /ith genes# cannot

    9 7%. ,ngol 188( an 1881 7arrithers 18'9 Sh/eer 18') oren 188' Golschmit 1883 Roertson188C.C >o/ to maintain the continuity o% this +sychology in sociocultural an ecological contets as i%%erentas in the !eolithic an hierarchical systems is another matter. 7%. =oy an Richerson 18'3 =oy 2((1.&  ,t is not clear /hy general capacities shoul to e less %unctional than speci%ic ones. 7%. 5armilo%%-

    Smith# 1882.'  *oules or omain-speci%ic mental capacities have een rename as  scope-regulated abilities :c%.7osmies# an ooy 2(((;.8 Accepting some 0in o% universal cognitive evices %or particular sets o% phenomena is not a prolem.

    his oes not entail ignoring the cultural iversity in the ounaries# semantics# practices an valuesattriute to these y /hich they are uilt up ecologically an cognitively. 7%. Descola an +alsson 188C>viing 188C.


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    stan up to inspection anymore. ?uertermore# iversity an generality can e %oun at

    any empirical level6 it epens on scale# perspective an scope1(.

     !ooy enies that# at some level o% system compleity# speci%icity can e

    a0no/lege 11. =ut instea o% an innate given# speci%icity can e thought as the result

    o% specialisation# the outcome o% either punctual or ynamic :cycle; attractors that# %or 

    some tas0s4eperiences# uner certain chronotopic conitions# ecome evices %or centrality# coherence# :isorere; orer an irectiveness.

    +. Gri%%iths :2((); istinguishes et/een i%%erent 0ins o% mules6evelopmental#

    %unctional a virtual. All o% them mean i%%erent %or Evolutionary +sychologists an

     !europsychoogists. *ental moules o not have to correspon necesarilly /ith

    neuro%unctional moules. Ihat may appear as a speci%ic moule may e only an aspect

    o% the per%ormance o% a %unctional neural system. =esies# it is possile that i%%erent

     parts o% the rain may elong to the same %unctional moule that# not/ithstaning# is

    the outcome o% i%%erent evelopmental moules. *oules can e semi-ecomposse as

    susystems /ithin a hierarchical superior system /ith /hich it relates as it oes /ith

    other susystems# eing that their inner ynamics is the principal motor o% evelopment.

    =rain ynamics in terms o% istriution is very comple. Some corte areas may e poly-moal# elaorating in%ormation %rom various or i%%erent sensory-perceptual

    evices. 7ognitive activity may epen also on multisensoriality as in holistic

    eperiences :as in flow# c%. 7si0szentmihalyi 18&9; an con%lation :Johnson# 7. 188&;12. ,n evolution# as in evelopment an in rain reorganisation a%ter neurological

    amage# some parts increase their connectivity %or multiple tas0s. he superior coliculus

    an parietal corte sho/ poly-moality. ,n congenitally ea% chilren# parietal an

    temporal areas normally engage in speech elaoration an comprehension are invae

    uring evelopment y visual nerves responsive to peripheral vision :!eville 1881;.

    =lin people# olphins an ats process soun an eco-location in the same rain area

    /here seeing people elaorate spatial in%ormation# /ith epths# istances an shapes#

    almost li0e in 3D. 5inesic an haptic eperience in lin people K as in =raille reaing -

    are also mainly processe in the visual corte area :*aturana an @arela 1882;.

    /o processes that are live eperientially together may share some common

    neural paths. Short-sighte people hear etter /ith their glasses on an people hear 

     etter /hen they can see peopleHs %aces :5uhl an *eltzo%% 18') 5hul# 18'9; or their 

    lips moving :not ecause they 0no/ lip reaingL;# in /hat has een calle the  McGurk 

    effect  :*cGur0 an *acDonal 18&C;.

    7ross-moality is another 0in o% mental property. ,t coul e thought in terms o% 

    the non vertical relations et/een omains in /hich attractors in one omain capacity

     ecome the same %or another one. 7rossmoality has to o /ith 0no/lege that is

    applie %rom one moule to another# ecause a 0in o% lin0 has een estalishe et/een omains# as in metaphor an conceptual lening.

    1( ,n cognition# universals have to o also /ith esign an taskonomy :Dougherty an 5eller 18'2; , asthe limite possile /ays o% 0no/legeale practice ue to evolve4evelope4learne capacities#technologies# cultural a%%orances an physical constraints. 7%. also Dennet 188'6 =ates an Ellman 1883Muinn 1881. J. +iaget :18&(; use to say that N/hat is inevitale shoul not necessarily e innateO.

    echnological convergence in cultural evolution is aout this. as0onomy may have to o also /itheaptations.11 o give an eample# referential open /ors :names# vers# aectives; are processe y i%%erent neuralsystems than closed ones :connectives# pronouns# eterminants# avers; :!eville# 1881;# inepenentlyo% %urther recursiveness an4or co-ontogeny12 R. lins :2((1;# stuying consciousness# spea0s o% mental states in /hich /aves o% the same

    %reuency crisscross many parts o% the rain# integrating i%%erent neurological structures. he integrationo% i%%erent rain parts through connectivity o% neural systems is an outcome o% evolutionary process :c%.Ramirez-Goicoechea 2(();.


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    he role o% metaphor has al/ays een ear to social anthropologists. @ico alreay

    mentione that our capacity %or specialisation is limite :?ernanez 1881; ut /e have

    enormous possiilities %or comining ol things in ne/ contets. 7ross-moality is one

    o% the main sources o% creativity an innovation. ,n %act# cross-moality is at the ase o% 

    symolisation an implies an increase in the connectivity o% neural systems an systems

    o% systems. ,n evolutionary terms# it may have meant a step %urther in humansapientization13. A SD or seuential learning evice :=runer 18'1; evolve %or motor 

    control in ipealism an manipulation may have een eaptate %or communication

    :ieerman 2((2 Green%iel 1881; ecause o% structural esign aeuacy /ith the ne/

    capacities. Social intelligence :Jolly 18&2 >umphrey 18&C Ihiten an =yrne 18'';

    may have een eaptate %or language :Aiello an Dunar 1883; in that the neural

    connectivity it entails may e viale enough %or language reuirements. 7ross-moality

    is not automatic an epens on types an possiilities o% eperience# incluing cultural

    eperience. 7ultural moels may give pre%erence to some metaphors over others in

    accorance /ith sensorioperceptual eperience# institutionalise meanings :=runer 

    188C Muinn 1881; an eco-ieographic relations o% societies1) .

    Evolutionary stages may e seen as i%%erent moments o% %unctional specialisationo% some neural structures together /ith the openness that cross-moality o%%ers %or 

    creativity an innovation. *any evolutionary outcomes epen on the local an

    historical reorganisation o% capacities# /here culture is symiotically emee /ith

     iology in the irection in /hich cognitive ailities an action lea. >ence# it seems

     etter to tal0 o% a  soft  mental architecture o% the rain /here there is speci%icity /ithin

    %leiility as /ell as crossmoality.

    3. Structure In-te-Ma!ing" te #rain as a self-organised dynamic system

    Bur rain# an especially our neocorte# is a comple sel%-organise autopoietic

    system :7hangeu 18'C Eri 18'' aughlin et al. 188(;.

    Although neural structures vary in %leiility %or re-organisation19# constraints are

    not rules an cortical neural reorganisation continues in i%%erent egrees uring li%etime

    :Eelman 1882 Drey%us 18&8 5ostovic 188(;. he phenotype epens on the comple

    relationship et/een evolutionary an evelopmental systems an the local an

    historical reorganizations o% capacities. he i%%iculty /hen stuying the rain is

     precisely that its essence relies on its ynamics. Ie cannot euce ehaviour %rom the

    map :Ste/art an 7ohen 188&6 191;. he rain is the outcome o% a phyletic history o% a

     potential mae actual.he human rain corte is the thic0est o% all animal corte

    :Dunar 1882;. 7ortical neurons start to evelop %rom the 1(th /ee0 o% gestation. hey

    are all that there /ill e aroun the 1'th /ee0. At that point# epigenesis starts. !eurons

    emigrate to i%%erent places %ollo/ing structural an regulatory genes in relation /ithchemical echanges o% attraction an repulsion /ith neighouring cells :Eelman

    18'';. Aroun the thir month an once neurons have locate# enrites an aons start

    to gro/ an sprea in the %oetus rain :Scheiel 1881;. Synapto-genesis# neural

    connectiveness in synapses# alreay starts e%ore irth# as sho/n y EEG eperiments.

     !evertheless# most o% synapsis as /ell as neural eath ecause o% inactivity happen a%ter 

    13 S. *ithen :188C; argues that only /hen evolve capacities are eaptate %or other omains# such as the

    technical omain# o /e see the rapi emergence o% our %ull cognitive ailities.1) otemism an animism may e eplaine as a speci%ic case o% crossmoality in the classi%icatorysystem the %irst attracting social categories uner the gravitational %orce o% natural categories# the secon eing the other /ay roun.

    19 !eural connections cannot e any 0in o% thing6 the esign# /hat neurons are involve# ho/ they %iretogether# /hat net/or0s ecome a net/or0 are all implicate :+in0er 2((26'3;. 7%. Recanzone 2(((# cit.in +in0er 2((2683 a/rence !ohria 2((2.


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


     irth :5elman Artererry 188'62&;. *ental evelopment is cross-cultural in the

    human species :5onner 1881 Rogo%% an *orelli#18'8;. *any o% +iagetHs

    evelopmental stages have corresponence in myelinisation an neurological change

    :Gison 188C;.

    =et/een 2 an C months o% age# synapto-genesis multiplies y ten than0s to the

     pro%usion o% enrites. At this time# the numer o% sinapsis oules that o% an ault.Aroun 12 months o% age# enrites an connections that have not een stimulate an

    rein%orce start to isappear an there is even neural eath :>uttenlocher 188) ;. Stuies

    in visual an motor eperience con%irm this :5ellman an Artererry 188' Iiesel an

    >uerl 18C3# cit. in !eville 1881;.

    he %rontal loe is the area that has gro/n most in homini evolution# representing

    29P o% the human rain instea o% the 3P it represents in cats. ?rontal an pre%rontal

    corte an their sucortical an limic connections are the areas most relate to

    eecutive# ecision an motivate actions. ,ts maturation in terms o% synapto-genesis#

    neural eath# myelinisation an the presence o% opamine is later than other rain areas

    an coincies /ith the cognitive an ehavioural evelopment o% in%ants et/een C an

    12 months. he myelinization o% seconary cortical areas is contemporaneous /ithcross-moal capacities an the elaoration o% multi-sensory stimuli an the aility to

    elaorate more comple totalities. ?urther myelinization o% associative cortical areas#

    such as in the %rontal loe# correspons /ith the aility to manipulate various concepts

    at the same time an to organize them hierarchically an synthetically. 7onceptual

     lening# integration o% space an time# action an conseuence# coincie /ith the

    neurological evelopment o% this area an have een ethnographically contraste in

    i%%erent cultural settings :Ierner18'2 Dasen an >eron 18'1;. Another ig

    neurological change ta0es place aroun the age o% & :Super 1881;# precisely /hen most

    societies start treating the chil as a moral agent /ith responsiility %or his4her oings

    aroun this age. !eural ynamics continue throughout li%e# although main structural

    net/or0 uiling in the rain K connectivity an structuring o% corte - %inishes in

    aolescence /hen the myelinisation o% all nerve %ires is complete :?uster 18'8

    Gison 1881;# an it coincies /ith seual maturity1C.

    *oularity an omain speci%icity elieve in an inherite %unctional geography o% 

    mental processes. 7ommunication ailities seem to e lateralise in irs an mammals#

    incluing primates :>e/es 188C 7orallis 2((2; the same %or %acial recognition

    :!icholls et al. 1888; /ith even evolutionary implications :@allortigara 1888;.

    e%t hemisphere is igger than the right hemisphere in primates# although oth

    sho/ neurological reunancy at irth. Severe impairment may even concentrate mental

    ailities in only one hemisphere :c%. =attro 2(((;.

    he min4emotion ualism has relie on a rain geometry as /ell6 le%t rainhemisphere %or cognition an language# right rain sie %or emotion :7acioppo an

    +etty 18'1 uc0er 18'1;. ,t is true that there is some 0in o% locality %or the epression

    an a/areness o% emotions that may e evolutionarily more ancient than other mental

    localisations. !evertheless# le%t hemispheric specialisation %or language starts aroun

    the %irst year :Scheiel 1881; so oes emotional corte structuring in the right

    hemisphere :Davison 18');.

    ,n %act# oth hemispheres are emee in multiple mental processes :Ross an

    *esulam 18&8;. *ost ailities are comple enough to e istriute in oth sies. Sight

    alone implies the intervention o% more than 3( i%%erent rain areas :5ellman

    Artenerry 188'6 2(9#2(8;. =rain areas may also e share at some point %or i%%erent

    1C *ost societies ritualise this stage y means o% i%%erent %orms o% symolic practices that# nevertheless

    aopt the %orm o% the /ell-0no/n rites de passage.


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    mental activities :7alvin 188&;. here is evience o% the le%t hemisphere moulating

    neurological right sie activity as /ell as organising some social mani%estations o% the

    emotional sphere. Rea%%erent neurological connections o% perceptual areas in the corte

    are connecte oth to the pre%rontal evaluative corte an to the limic system :eDou

    188' +ans0sepp 1882;# /hich is a trait o% sapientization :Reyna 2((2;. *any cognitive

    structures in the corte are triggere y the limic system# /hich# in turn# is%unamental %or memory# mental processing :c%. air et al. 18'2; an ecision-ma0ing

    :Damasio 188);.

    $. % neurosocial mind

    he social an the 0no/ing are part an parcel in human evolution# a heterocronic

    co-ontogeny# /ith i%%ering rythmes an mutual attractivity6 one can pull the other at

    one time# in some aspects# the other /ay aroun the net time or %or other matters.hey

    may also e non homologically interchangeale in terms o% system4environment

    relations :Ram

  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    historical-political relationships o% the iniviual in his4her li%e cycle 1&. he capacities

    o% organisms result %rom the emergent properties o% evelopmental systems :Byama

    18'9 1882; /hen engaging in on-going processes /ith the environment# a scenario

    that# %or humans# is al/ays social1'.

    .&. 'ocialisation# $ecoming Human

    his eperience is shape in a particular4universal sociocultural milieu to /hichthe chil is engage. >uman ontogeny can e thought o% as socialise iology# capture

     y a cultural process :Sinha 188C; it is the locus  an tempo  /here iology an culture

    meet each other in the iniviual :Gooy 1889 Green%iel 2((2;.  ,n our species# there

    is not a human nature prior to a sociocultural conition  sapiens sapiens is not a given6

    there is not a natural man4/oman on top o% /hich culture is place li0e a hat. Ie

    shoul see homo sapiens sapiens an humanity as the result o% a socioiological process

    instea o% vie/ing cultural evolution as starting %rom a terminal point o% iological


    >uman ontogeny sho/s some particularities. Animals /ith high ence%alisation also

    have a long chilhoo an youth# uring /hich synapsis structure comes to e than0s to

    social interaction an play. All primates sho/ an elongate ontogeny :in terms o% seualan cognitive maturity as speci%ie y myelinisation;. +arental investment in terms o% 

    nurture# care an socialisation is also ig. his situation correspons to long-li%e

    species# /ith ig rains# %e/ o%%spring an less %reuent in%ant mortality. +rimates have

    a long ontogeny# perio increase continuously throughout homini evolution :?oley


    >umanity is the result o%  socialisation, the teaching4oserving4learning process to

     ecome a proper recognisale memer o% a social group. Socialisation ta0es place along

    ontogeny# especially uring in%ancy# chilhoo an youth. During ontogeny# everything

    starts ane/6 all iniviuals have a long an /ining roa to go e%ore ecoming human.

    D.+remac0 :18'(; tal0e aout an upgraded contet %or primate cognition in the

    la contet. Ie can spea0 o% the same %or the evolve contet o% humans6 one that

    inclues the 0no/ing an oing o% many generations as in etene an eternalise

    0no/lege# /here the history o% the group is re-presente an re-incorporate in

    arte%acts# practices# communicational systems# rituals an symols. hese are calle

    cultural affordances :Sinha 188C Shore 188C;# oects an /ays o% learning :Rogo%% 

    an *orelli 18'8;# proceures :Gentner an Stevens# 18'3; an emoie 0no/-ho/

    :i.e. =ourieuHs habitus;# incluing collective canonical use :normative# evaluative#


    Ihat J. =runer :18'3; calle the scaffolded /orl /e live in# %ull o% rei%ications

    an social arte%acts# constitutes the scenario %or chilren to uil up their o/n /ay into

    a selecte environment# the %rame/or0s they /ill eplore %or meaning :=runer 188C;

    1& 7%. *agnusson 7airns 188C 7airns# 7ostello an Eler# Jr# 188C Roertson 188C oren 188(#1883. ,n !eo-Dar/inism# ontogeny has no place. Bntogeny an phylogeny are mutually constitute anspeci%ie /ithin the organism itsle% :Goul 18&&;. Bntogeny provies continuity /ithin the species an

    iscontinuity /ith respect to the rest. Evolution also epens on ontogenetic processes that are gooenough %or the viaility o% the organism# li%e an reprouction# as iscusse in the evo-devo eate:Gerhart 188&;.1'

     ?or humans# all ecological relations shoul inclue those perceptions# ieas an values through /hich

    they try to ma0e sense o% their o/n actions. 7%. Descola +lsson# 188C >origan 18''. ?or theethnography o% appropriation, trans%ormation an representation o% nature# c%. Ellen 188C18

     5no/lege goes /ell eyon the limits o% our o/n s0in an capacities.7ognition is also social in that it

    is emoie an store in arte%acts :Donal 1881;# practices an rituals# relationships :Strathern 1888;# proceures# schemas# systems o% truth an po/er :?oucault 18&';. 7ognition is socially istriute alongother structural alignments.


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    an :more or less; coherence# in a never-ening process o% re/or0ing the legacy o% their 

    elers2( an the choices K /ithin constraints - o% their generation-mates.

    7aregivers ring %orth an structure chilrenHs ailities than0s to6 :1; the ialogy o% 

    care-giver4chil contet :Scha%%er 1882 =utter/orth 188C;21 :2; oy language an

    inirect communication :Schie%%lein 188( >enry an Iatson 2((1;# an emotional

    saliency :?ernal an *azzie 1881; :3; in%ant irect speech :,DS#aytal0# motherese;:?ernal et all. 18'8;  22# eploratory tal0 :*ercer 2(((;# proper speech styles :*iller 

    an Garvey 18');# an appropriate commentaries to the situation :=runer 18&9; :);

    alternate participation as in turn-ta0ing :>oson 2((2 *ea 18C&; :9; guie#

    eucate attention :=utter/orth an Jarrett# 1881 +alsson 188); :C; anticipatory

    cognitive an emotional stimulation as in inter-mental developmental (one  /here

    chilren learn to ecome inter-thin0ers :*ercer 2(((61);.

     7aregivers socialise proviing the %ocus# the clues# the saliency23# the %ormat an

    ynamic repetitive an stanarise structures %rom /hich the chil /ill creatively uil

    a share /orl o% his4her o/n. he eucation o% attention %ouns shared rules :*ercer 

    2(((6)(; aout /ays# contets an relevance# o% /hat goes /ithout saying# o% /hat /e

    trust our /orl to e aout an o% /hich /e have intuitive# sel%-evient 0no/lege#/ithout concious trace o% its origins. ,t is y means o% guie iscovery an

    oservation4imitation :DHAnrae 18'1; o% routines an emoie practices that

    chilren are taught eterities :+alsson 188);# as sho/n in /or0manship learning

    :=loch 1881 Rogo%% 188( Dougherty an 5eller 18'2;. Ihat you learn is to aopt a

     perspective# /here an ho/ to loo0# listen# etc.# ho/ to uil up ne/ 0no/lege# ho/ to

    creatively re/or0 ol pre-eisting resources# accoring to a sociocultural an historical

    environment. 'ymbolic play is the laoratory /here chilren put in practice an re-/or0 

    the manipulatory# linguistic an social s0ills learnt in in%ancy :=retherton 18');.

     !. 7homs0y /as right6 all chilren learn to spea0 aroun the same age. =ut not

     ecause /e have genes %or spea0ing :5upiec Stoanovi0 2((2;. Rather# language is

    the emergence o% many micro-ynamics in systems /ithin systems# that epen on6 1.

    evolve4evelope specialise4amoal4cross-moal capacities# incluing neurological

    an anatomical %eatures 2. an autopoietic rain open to the /orl an the eperiences it

    may provie# an 3. a sociocultural lanscape that provies a structuring contet %or our 

     oy to evelop.

    ?or humans# an someho/ %or some other primates# /e soul tal0 o% a  socially

    engaging/engaged  intelligence.

     .). *hildren+s evolved/developed capacities

    2( ,n social evolution# the etension o% the li%espan in hominis contriute to oler aults ecome livingevices %or the accumulation an teaching o% 0no/lege.21  ialogy oes not mean total shareaility or complete acuiescence# ut interpretation# multivoicenessan contrast :*atusov# 188C =a0htin# 188(;# not to mention a goo ose o% trust. !eoar/inistanthropological :primatological; pessimism even sees cooperation as an intereste ehaviour ecause# asgame theorist say# it pays off to be smart .22 inguistic an cultural contets vary :Bchs Schie%%elin 18') >ar0ness Super 18'3 Sagi et al.18'9 +ye 18'C;. Although ,n%ant Direct Speech is the prevalent case in the maority o% cultural settings#

    chilren o not nee to participate irectly as communicating agents /ith their caregivers to learn ho/ tospee0# ut only as vicarious ones :revarthen 18''; it is enough that they are present in an interactivelinguistic setting that# nevertheless# allo/ them to e a/are o% agency# perspective an intentionality inothers# /ith /hich they may ienti%y through empathy an role assuming.23

     Something ecomes relevant not ecause it roaens our in%ormation aout the /orl as in Sperer an Iilson :18'C; ut ecause it appeals an a%%ects us ue to /hat /e have ecome as persons anmemers o% sociocultural groups.


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    >o/ o chilren come to e engage in this social /orl %or them to gro/ as

    epistemic agentsQ 7hilren have socioiological engage4engagional capacities.

    ?or a given species# an uner similar conitions# the pattern o% evelopment is

    common %or all iniviuals# possily ecause o% /hat Super :1881; mentions as

    canalisation# the integration o% a genetic guiance /ithin an epigenetic lanscape that

    gives rise to similar outcomes :Johnson an *orton 1881;. Some processes aneperiences /ithin suitale conitions have to happen then an there %or proper 

    evelopment. ,% not# permanent negative conseuences may come# epening on the

    threshol passe or the local opportunity misse :Jaco 18&&;. Gottlie :18&1; spea0s

    o% cognitive windows %or learning# that are active at speci%ic stages o% evelopment. Ie

    all 0no/ the case o% singing irs that are not ale to contact %uture partners# there%ore

    to reprouce# i% they have not learne ho/ to sing at the right time in evelopment#

     ecoming barbari in their o/n species.

    >uman in%ants come to the /orl uite /ell evelope in terms o% neural re%lees

    :Eil-Eies%elt 1883; an percepto-sensoriality :5ellman Artererry 188';# /hich

    eplains in part their active# uic0 an intense responsiveness to the /orl an to

    themselves. ,n%ants are sensitive to some prenatal acoustic clues o% prenatal eperiences:De 7asper an Spence 18'C;. =ut ailities epen on percepto-sensory eperience that

    is culturally emee an socially triggere. Sensory potential reuires interactive

    learning an %ine-tuning uring etra-uterine evelopment :Ste/art 7ohen 188&61)(

    an %%.; 2) 

    Emotional epressiveness in chilren appears uite early# than0s to evolve %acial

    muscles :E0man 18&3 18&8 ,zar 18&&;. 7rying an social smiling are speci%ic human

    evices %or communicating /ith their conespeci%ics :Eil-Eies%elt 18'36)1-)2

    5illrie 18&9; an estalish the typical human oning :=o/ly 18C8 Ains/orth

    18'3; has important emotional conseuences %or caregiversH engagement in parenting

    :5onner 1881;. his tenency an openess to/ars others is calle intersubectivity y

    7. revarthen :18'( 18'';. =aling is the linguistic :+etitto an *arentette# 1881

    +etitto 2(((;# evelopmental seuel o% this aility to communicate.

    7hilren sho/ early interest in /hat surrouns them# /hich is compose mainly

    o% %aces# voices an oily practices. ?rom the age o% t/o months# they li0e %aces /ith

    all %eatures K nose# eyes# lips# ro/s - correctly place :*aurer 18'9; 29. ,% zeras

    recognise their mothers y their %ace stripes# so o human in%ants :=ushnell et al. 18'8;#

     pre%erring them to others :De 7asper an ?i%er 18'( Johnson an *orton 1881;. hey

    also pre%er their caregiversH voices to those o% others. =y three months o% age they

    istinguish i%%erent voices an even phonemic contrasts in language :Eimas 18&';. At

    %ive months o% age they alreay recognise iniviual %aces an aroun si months# they

     perceive gener i%%erences :5ellerman an Artererry 188'62&)-2&9;. he aility toestalish emotional lin0s continues in another attachment stage %rom C to 12 months# as

    sho/n in the strange situation :Ains/orth et al. 18&';.

    Autistic chilren have a e%%icency in emotional oning # eing later impaire %or 

    empathy an social re%erencing # proto-imperatives an proto-eclaratives# recognition

    o% intentionality# perspective-ta0ing an social cognition to various egrees :Iimpory et

    al. 2((( =aron-7ohen 1889;. earning# memory# language e%icits an other cognitive

    isorers may also e the outcome o% amage in the lymic system :=achevalier 188);.

    2) 7ats cannot istinguish horizontal lines i% they have not een epose to them early :7%. Ste/art

    7ohen 188&;. ,n a carpentered environment # %ull o% angles an straight lines# /esterners are much moresusceptile o% optical illusions than other people in other ethnographic contets : Eil-Eies%elt 1883;.29 *aye ue to the human pre%erence %or symmetry :c%. Eiel-Eies%elt 18&9;.


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    *uch has een sai aout early human mimetic capacities :7%. *eltzo%% +rinz

    2((2 !ael =utter/orth 1888;. !e/orn aies# only )9 minutes ol# have een

    reporte to stic0 their tongues out in imitation o% a human %ace :>oson 2((26 3( %%.;.

    ,t seems there is an aility to connect an event# map it neurologically an o%%er a motor 

    response to it. *irror neurons have een %oun in other primates :Rizolatti et al. 188C

    ,acoonni et al.# 1888 !ishitani >ari 2(((; an may constitute precursors %or humanimitation.2C. Ihen humans imitate# they also attriute intentionality to the interactor 2

    ienti%ying /ith his4her perspective in a continuous movement o% proimity an

    istance :>oson 2((261(&; that is ho/ a perspective is gaine :omasello 1888; as

    /ell as the capacity %or eternalisation o% sel% an ienti%ication /ith others. >uman

    imitation is not replication# nor re-prouction ut re-creation6 it is the copying that 

    originates0 :Geertz 18'C63'(;.

     ,n conclusion# than0s to the sensory an mental openness o% the chil# /e can spea0 

    o% an ecological rain :=ateson 18&2; that is sculpte :=ates 18&8; than0s to socially

    elicite an upgrae capacities uring his4her co-ontogeny /ith other persons.

    &. 'e em#odied and e(periential mind !eoar/inism# in accorance /ith a rationalist conception o% a isemoie

    epistemic agent cannot provie a comprehensive theory o% 0no/lege an ho/ this is


    *in is the emergent outcome o% rain neurophisiological activity. =oy# emotions#

    action an eperience are asent in neoar/inist accounts o% cognition. 7artesianism

    eliminate passion an sensoriality %rom rationality# ecause they elonge to the lo/er 

    instincts an oily humours :c%. Shilling *ellor 188C; that con%use the min. *in

    is not only cognition as in 7ognitivism. 5no/ing is also aout suective eperience as

    in esires# motivation# intention# memory# %eelings# senses# actions# /hich are all

    corporal /or0ings that imply i%%erent egrees o% neural compleity. Ie o not ecoe

    in%ormation an then process it :Searle 188(;. As e/ontin :18'2# 18'3; suggests# /e

     put much more o% ourselves into it. So oy# emotions# an practices are relevant %or 


    1.!. $ody

    Bnly through our oy can /e really prouce 0no/lege# as the intert/ining o% 

    cognition# memory# an emotion in an ecosocial environment.

    Emoiment theories o% cognition :Johnson 18'& a0o%% 18'& Johnson an

    a0o%% 1888 +utnam 1888; spea0 o% cognitive structures that emerge %rom recurrent

    sensory-motor patterns that allo/ %or action to e perceptually guie :c%.in%ra;. ?.

    @arela :188161&3;# says that cognition epens on the 0in o% eperiences that /e have

    than0s to a oy /ith sensory-motor capacities# these capacities eing emee in anencompassing iological# psychological an cultural contet 2'.

    1.&. "motions

    2C  earning ho/ to pronounce is one not only y listening ut also y /atching ho/ souns arearticulate y lips# tongue# etc. :S0oyles 188&;. +honetic classi%ication is not ase on souns ut onmotor /ays %or proucing souns an consonants. *irror neurons :c%. in%ra; /oul easily imitate vo/elmovements than0s to categoriality an contrastivity# i.e. tas0onomy.2&

     A/areness o% irectionality o% gaze as a sign o% intentionality is a phylogenetic trait humans share /ith

    other animals such as irs :Gri%%in 1882; an mammals# than0s to specialise visual neurons :*aunsellet al. 18'& +erret et al. 18'2;.2' Ie o not /ant to ecome too  feely/touchy. Emoie cognition oes not preclue in%erence# astractor %ormal thin0ing# as relatively autonomous an sel%-organise mental processes suectivelly evoi o% 

     oy a/areness :c%. eer 188(;# than0s to recursivity an reescription# re/or0ing an reorganisation inthe rain. %ot everything   nee to e previously eperience. ,n%erence may /ell e unerstoo as anemergency o% previous eperiences mentally re/or0e an re-elaorate.


  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    7ognition an emotion are mental activities that have een split in Iestern account o% 

    /hat is the min# ecluing the last one :Ram

  • 8/20/2019 Ramirez-Goicoechea, Eugenia


    means o% an operational closure :as in the cell memrane;# they actively  select  an outer 

    omain o% speci%ication :@arela et al. 1881;# an environment # through /hich they uil

    their o/n inner space. han0s to this relational closure# a constituted order   K less

    comple than the environment - is create %or the evelopment an %uture viaility :not

    optimality; o% the system. ?or any organism# there is an enacte an signi%icant

    environment# allo/e an propitiate y the organismHs o/n a%%orances :Gison18&8;. As in accounts o% niche construction organisms an environments are mutually

    especi%ie :e/ontin# 18'2 ythgoe# 18&8 *aturana @arela# 1882 alan et


    7. +eirce :18'&; sai that thin0ing /as acting in a chain o% thoughts an actions.

    Ethnomethoology propose a practical-theoretical agent :Gar%in0el 18');. . ,ngol

    :18836)3); criticises the unerlying ichotomy et/een the technical-practical an the

    cognitive sho/n in most social intelligence theories :i.e. Ihiten =yrne# 18'';. ?or 

    the sa0e o% their intrinsic relationships# he istinguishes et/een thin0ing as inward-

    directed  action# an oing as outward-directed  action. hin0ing# classi%ying# ecision-

    ma0ing# planning an rememering# oserving# eing# are alreay actions4eperiences#

    i% only ecause something happens in our rain-in-the-oy3( . Bur /orl is perceiveto e enacte an live %rom i%%erent eperiences o% engagement31 an sensory-mental

    states :>alton 1889 amiah 1882 ;. here%ore# it seems etter to tal0 o% an

    e3periential realism :+utnam 1888 a0o%% an Johnson# 1888;. hings are not more

    real ecause they %it our mental representations more or less ut ecause they are live

    through eperience. Bur ualitative :DHAnrae 18'1 7halmers 188&; an ecorate

    version o% the /orl :system an environment; is# someho/ virtual# a  figment  o% reality

    :Ste/art 7ohen# 188&61'8;.

    &. )eturn 'ic!et" 'e recursivity of cognition.

    ,n this paper , have supporte a non eterministic approach to cognition# /hich#

    nevertheless# oes not preclue %or a leaing role over other omains at some

    evolutionary4evelopmentally point. A property o% autopoietic systems as the human

     rain-in-the-oy is# is that o% recursivity. his means that mental activity may e

    /or0e an re-/or0e itsel% than0s to connectivity o% systems o% neural systems

    to/ars other graes o% compleity# as in 5armilo%%-Smith :1882; re-description,or 

    SpererHs :2(((; meta-representations. =ut not only up4sie/ars. Autopoietic systems

    may also re-create compleity /ithin themselves y means o% susystems :an their 

    micro-environments; that ecome relatively autonomous# oscilating in et/een a

    epenently inepenence :7airns-Smith 188C6)8; an a lieration %rom sensitiveness

    to initial conitions. his allo/s %or these susystems to ecome po/er%ul triggering

    %orces on their o/n %or %urther outcomes an onto other omains.*otivate 0no/legeale human practices ecome oecti%ie :hence aritrary; y

    means o% rutinisation4ritualisation# typi%ication an institutionalisation# that introuce

    ne/ ynamics an emergencies /ithin the system. hrough this e3ternalisation#

    0no/lege ecomes oecti%ie# communicale# structure# memorise :Donal# 1881;#

    knowable %or others to evaluate# iscuss# agree upon an re/or0. Becti%ications coul

     e unerstoo as attractors that orient# irect an capture human activity in its

    3(Action# meaning an communication are relate in chil evelopment# sho/ing unerlying analogies:not homologies; in categorisation# en-means relations# agent-action-patient lin0s# tas0 constraints:=ates# 18&8 Rivire# 18') Green%iel# 1881; .31

    Action# participation an eperience are not reuce to actual agency. ?or instance# epening on

    i%%erent sociocultural an historical contets# chilren are i%%erently immerse in the pragmatic /orl o% their caregivers# in a stage4lanscape /here things happen :an o not happen; to themselves :chil-rearing practices# participant4non-participant oservation# co-presence# etc.;.


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    gravitational space# in its %lues an echanges as /ell as in its more consoliate an

    structure %orms.

    he eternalise rei%ication processes /ere starte y hominis through social

    relationships an their mar0ers# environmental selection4appropriation4trans%ormation

    :i.e.oect prouction# technology;# ritual enactments - incluing oily /or0.

    Eternalisation allo/e %or a ne/ 0in o% recursivity that may have spe up othcrossmoality an especialisation as seen in the eponential cognitive an social

    compleity o% homo sapiens sapiens in the late +leistocene. Devices that /ere selecte#

    invente# eaptate# than0s to socioiological cognitive ailities ecame sel%-organise

    an relatively autonomous as ne/ attractors that catalyse some o% these very same

    capacities# giving them ne/ strength an ne/ irection. Bnce in motion# as in

    omaselloHs :1888; ratchet effect # or @icoHs history in spiral# there is no /ay ac0.

    anguage nees some cognitive evolve capacities as its necessary :although not

    su%%icient# c%. Rol%e 188C; environment  ut once emerge :=ic0erton 188(; an then

    %ully evelope# it may have pulle the cart o% cognition %urther on# /ithout ontologic

     prevalence as in the Sapir-Iol% eate. echnology may e also the case :oc0

    Symes 188C;# as in notation an /riting as /ell :Gooy 18&& Blson 18'( 188C;. Asevices to 0eep trac0 o% an recor 0no/lege# things :oects# people# practices#

    rituals# time# events; ecame countale an hence controlle in a ne/ /ay# %ouning

    ne/ /ays %or people to relate to one another an /ith respect to etensive material

    oects. !or less as communicational evices eyon local place an time. his

    change social relationships. Social eperience ecame structure an %ormalise y

    means o% accountaility# iscourse# classi%ication an %ormalise representational

    systems# proceeings# rules an meta-rules as /ell as corporative specialise 0no/lege

    an the po/er it entaile.


    im ,ngol has as0e on i%%erent occasions %or a ne/ agena in evolutionary stuies

    that /oul %ocus on Nthe sel%-organising ynamics an %orm-generating potentials o% 

    relational %ielsO. , thin0 that ynamic systems theories o%%er a more encompassing

    approach to the multi-level an multi-moal relationships o% emee processes in human

    socio-cognitive evolution. ,% Evolutionary Epistemology /ants to o ustice to the

    comple process o% /hat it is to ecome a human as a relational organism /ith its

    environment# it is necessary to pay attention to the over/helming role that the sociocultural

    has in speci%ying /hat an ho/ these relations are. , trust that all o% us intereste in human

    evolution an evelopment /ill ene%it %rom the e%%ort.


    Aiello# eslie an Dunar# Roin. 1883. !eocorte size# group size# an the evolution

    o% language *urrent 2nthropology 3)6 1')-8).

    Ains/orth# *ary. 18'3. +atterns o% in%ant-mother attachment as relate to maternal

    care ,n6 *agnusson# Davi an Allen# @ernon# es# Human development# an

    interactional perspective. !e/ Tor06 Acaemic +ress.

    Ains/orth# *ary et al. 18&'. Patterns of attachment# 2 psychological study of the

    'trange 'ituation. >illsale# !.J.6 Erlaum.

    Aleaner# Je%%rey. 18'&. Action an its environment. ,n6 =erhar Giesen# Richar

    *nch an !eil# J. Smelser :es;# 4he Micro-Macro 5ink . =er0eley . os Angeles6University o% 7ali%ornia +ress.


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    =a0# +eter. 188C. How %ature works. 4he science of self-organised criticality. !e/

    Tor06 Springer-@erlag.

    =a0htin# *ichail. 188(. he Dialogic ,magination. ?our Essay ,n6 *. >oluist :e.;#

    Austin6 University o% eas +ress.

    =ar0o/# Jerome# 7osmies# ea# an ooy# John. :es;# 1882. 4he adapted

    mind#evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. !e/ Tor06 B%orUniversity +ress.

    =ates# Elizaeth. 18&8. ,ntentions# 7onventions an Symols ,n6 Elisaeth =ates an

    colls.# 4he "mergence of symbols. *ognition and *ommunication in 6nfancy. !e/ Tor06

    Acaemic +ress.

    =ates# Elisaeth an Ellman# John. 1883. 7onnectionism an the Stuy o% 7hange ,n6

    *ar0 >. Johnson. :e.;# $rain evelopment and *ognition# 2 7eader . B%or6

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    =ateson# +atricia. 18''. he =iological Evolution o% 7ooperation an rust.,n6

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