rainforest mitch


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Page 2: Rainforest Mitch

In a rainforest you can clearly tell that it rains a lot because of the name. Each year at least 1500 to 2500 ml of water will come down. In a rainforest there is no dry season so if you are planning a holiday and don’t want to get wet than you better cancel.

Page 3: Rainforest Mitch

In a rain forest it pretty much stays the same. During the day the temperature is between 30 to 35 degrees celcius. But during the night it is between 20 to 25. The reason rainforests are hot and wet is because they are found near the equator. Which means the sun directly hit the water and the land. The reason it rains so much is also because of the equator. It makes the water evaporate because of the heat and then it slowly cools and makes rain and that is why it is always humid and some times raining.

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Rainforests are located in many places. Such as Africa, Latin America, Brazil, Southeast Asia, pacific islands, Norway, Japan, Southern Australia, New Zealand and the united kingdom. If you don’t know where that is than look at the picture behind the text.

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The reason they are located in these places is again because of the equator. The sun hits the water directly and the water evaporates into the air. Then the moist air makes the plants grow so that is why I is always so much greenery.

Page 6: Rainforest Mitch

In the rainforest there are many trees and plants even some of the vegetation you eat for dinner started growing in the rainforests. For example tomatoes, corn and even peppers are growing in the rainforest. Some of the stuff that grows in the rainforest is shrubs, coffee, rice, coconuts, corn, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potato, bamboo, mangrove, strangler fig and lots more.

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Mangroves are amazing trees that have adapted to their surroundings. Mangroves need four things to survive salt water, specific soil type, climate and tidal movements. There are more than 50 species of mangroves which include the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)

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Strangler figs got their name because they grow rapidly and wrap around other trees and squeeze them to death. The reason the strangler fig kills other trees is because they are always in a competition for the sun light so they don’t just kill for the fun of it. The strangler tree doesn’t just squeeze the tree it also squeezes the roots of the tree with its roots.

Page 9: Rainforest Mitch

In the rainforest there are many animals such as Spider-monkeys, Macraw, toucan, tree snail, poison arrow frog, morph-butterfly, sloth, rhinoceros beetle and many more. All of them are different in many ways and are unique. Some of them are at extreme risk of extinction or under threat. The smartest animal in a rainforest is a chimpanzee. Chimpanzees are also under threat so you may only see them in a zoo.

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The Rhinoceros beetle you think would be small because it is an insects. They are 6cm which is this big.

The rhinoceros beetle is found in south east Asia, Indonesia , Australia and in tropical places. When they are disturbed they make a strange hissing noise by rubbing they’re abdomen against they’re wing covers. If you find one and it has horns that means it is a boy and it will be smaller than a female rhinoceros beetle.

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The spider-monkey is a very interesting animal. They can be in Central and south America from southern Mexico to Brazil. They’re genes have 7 different species of monkeys. Both of the black headed spider-monkey and the brown spider-monkey are under threat. The spider-monkey is one of the largest new world monkeys and are only found in rainforests. The spider-monkey only forage in the high canopy of the rainforest.

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Food chains are a great way to know what animals to avoid unless you are an expert. For example the squirrel eats the nuts and then the tiger eats the squirrel. It all works out well for the tiger but the squirrel had a bad day.

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Food webs are all joined. The anaconda would not just eat monkeys it will also eat the squirrel . So all of the food webs you see are actually all one big one.

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The problem with rainforests are that every second a part of the rainforest that is the size of a football field is being destroyed for paper.In the rainforests Giant bamboo trees grow 9 inches every day. Sloths are so slow that algae and moss grows in their fur. 80% of the plants found in Australian rainforests are not found in any other rainforest. 1 out of 4 of our medicines are made out of rainforest plants. An approximate guess is that half of the animal species in the world are fund in the rainforest.

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An interesting fact about the rainforest is that 57% of the rainforests all over the world are located in Latin America. The reason that they are located in Latin America is because of the equator. The equator makes the sun directly hit he water which makes it evaporate into the air. When it is in the air it helps the greenery grow. So slowly the greenery will absorb some water out of the air and the left over water turns into rain.

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www.brisbaneinsects.com www.wikipedi.org/wiki/spider-monkey http://www.amersol.edu.pe/ms/7th/7block/jungle_research/new_cards/32/card32.html http://w3.shorecrest.org/~

Lisa_Peck/MarineBio/syllabus/ch11_ecosystems/ecosystem_wp/2008/vince/cool.html http://www.gondwananet.com/tropical-rainforest-food-chain.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strangler_fig http://www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/krubal/rainforest/Edit560s6/www/facts.html http://www.rainforestanimals.net/ http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/ http://cooltext.com/

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