rail bhawan report.doc

DETAILED ENERGY AUDIT REPORT Study conducted at R AI LBH A V AN , N EW D ELH I REPORT NO.: BEE/EA/02/2002  JANU AR Y , 2003 Study conductd !y Consortium of Energy Auditors formed by BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY, Govt. of India, INI!"RY OF #O$ER, %a&& no. ', ( nd )oor, NBCC to*er, +, B-ia/i Cama #&a0e, NE$ 1E2%I 3 ++4 455. 1

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Study conducted at


REPORT NO.: BEE/EA/02/2002

 JANUARY, 2003

Study conductd !y 

Consortium of Energy Auditors formed byBUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY,

Govt. of India,

INI!"RY OF #O$ER,%a&& no. ', (nd )oor, NBCC to*er, +,

B-ia/i Cama #&a0e, NE$ 1E2%I 3 ++4 455.


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REPORT NO.: BEE/EA/02/2002

!"U1Y 6 1etai&ed Energy Audit of   RAIL B"A#AN, NE$ DEL"I






C#RI, ERC, "rivandrum"-erma9 E#! 2td., #une1!C2 Energy !ervi0es, Ne*


"ERI, Ne* 1e&-iN#C, Ne* 1e&-i


 JANUARY, 2003


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%a&& no. ', (nd )oor, NBCC to*er, +,

B-ia/i Cama #&a0e, NE$ 1E2%I 3 ++4 455.

#-one6 (5+: ;5;;< Fa96 4++=(5+: >?:


The Consortium of Energy auditors and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE),

Govt. of India, New Delhi are thankful to the anagement of !ail Bhavan,

New Delhi for extending their valuable co-operation.

The excellent co-operation, extensive support and valuable help provided by"hri. #noo$ %umar Gu$ta, Director-Electrical Engg. (PS and "hri. N. C. Gaur,

""E -Po!er supply  and "hri. "omnath, Ele. "u$dt. #nd "hri. Chote &al,

'echnician and all other Engineers "taffs  of !ail Bhavan, New Delhi,  in

carrying out the study is gratefully ackno!ledged.


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Contents PageNo.











Executive summar



Energy source and distribution

Study +esults

D setighting syste)

  ater pu)ping syste)


  012/ syste)

  Energy usage pattern


 2nnexure * 3 Electrical single line diagra)

 2nnexure ** 3 4onthly energy consu)ption for last

  $ years 5 energy consu)ption pattern

 2nnexure *** 3 *nventory details at +ail 6havan

 2nnexure *1 3 Electrical po!er in various D6s

 2nnexure 1 3 4easured po!er of pu)ps

 2nnexure 1* 3 Perfor)ance of 2/s

 2nnexure 1** 3 Saving calculation

 2nnexure 1*** 3 451 protocol


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E!EC"T#$E S"MMA%& O' SA$#NGS #N %A#L ()A$AN

The 6ureau of Energy Efficiency 76EE8 has entrusted to consortiu) of energy

auditors for conduct energy audit at +ail 6havan. /onsortiu) of Energy auditors

conducted the study during 9ov. $##$-:an. $##%. ;ollo!ing are the )a<or 

energy saving potential, identified during the study.

*.+ Lig,ting sstem

The present energy consu)ption in the lighting syste) at +ail 6havan is

&,',### kh=>ear !hich translates to +s. $?.#' lakhs per annu). The

anticipated energy saving due to the reco))ended )easures are ",'#,&@&

kh=year (replace)ent !ith electronic ballast 5 high lu)en tubes and de-

la)ping, !hich translates to a saving of +s ?.'? lakhs per annu). 2bout %% A

saving are envisaged in the annual cost of the energy used for lighting syste)s.

-.+ Canteen

Presently about %# P cylinders ("& kg capacity each are used only for !ater 

heating and $B,$" kh of electrical energy for !ater heating reCuire)ent in the

canteen=2nnu). *t is proposed to replace this P and electrical heater !ith

solar !ater heating syste), of capacity &,'## PD. This !ill lead to a savings of 

$.?B lakhs per year 7".$% lakhs fro) P 0eating and ".B& akhs fro) electrical

heating8. The invest)ent on the solar !ater heating syste) !ill be around +s.

@.# lakhs and the pay back period is $.B years.

.+ Pum/ing sstem

The present energy consu)ption for the pu)ping syste) at +ail 6havan is

$&,### kh=>ear !hich translates to +s. ".'% lakhs per annu). The anticipated

energy saving due to the reco))ended )easure is ',#?% kh=year 

(replace)ent !ith a ne! )onoblock pu)p set, having a syste) efficiency of #A, !hich translates to a saving of +s #.%$ lakhs per annu).


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0.+ )$AC sstem

The present energy consu)ption 012/ syste) at +ail 6havan is ?,%,###

kh=>ear !hich translates to +s. '?.$ lakhs per annu). The anticipated energy

saving due to the reco))ended )easures are &,",### kh=year (introductionof central 2/ syste) 5 roo) heating, through hot !ater generated fro) D,

!hich translates to a saving of +s $.' lakhs per annu). 2bout && A saving are

envisaged in the annual cost of the energy used for 012/ syste)s.

The su))ary of overall saving is given as a Table belo!.



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Summar o1 Energ Saving

Sl. Area Saving /otential 2 &ear Ca/ital investment3

No 5W, %s. La5,s 6 %s. La5,s

" ighting ",'#,&@& ?.'? %% $&.@'

$ Pu)ping syste) ',#?% #.%$ "? #.%#

% /anteen P heating ',#&# kg of P ".$% $'

@.#& /anteen electrical heating $B,$" ".B& 'B

' 012/ syste) &,",### $.'# 7a8 && "%#.#

8 Total 93:;3;; <

93+0+ 5g o1 LPG

:.; -9 *8.*9

7a83 2nnual running cost for D (",??@ kg=year 5 electricity are deducted.9ote3 Energy cost +s. .%B=kh 5 P cost +s. $&.'=kg.

By o$timiing the loading $attern o$erational time of various loads,a*out +-+ / yearly energy consum$tion can *e reduced0controlled.


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*.+ P%EAM(LEDuring 2ugust $##$, honourable Pri)e 4inister has announced in one of the

)eeting (organised in 9e! Delhi that all ovt. rganisations should bring do!n

their energy consu)ption by %# A and private organisations by $# A, over a

period of next ' years, by conducting co)prehensive energy audit studies in their 

pre)ises and follo!ed by i)ple)entation of the suggestions=reco))endations

arising out of the study.

 2s a first step to!ards i)ple)enting the above, 6ureau of Energy Efficiency

(6EE, 9e! Delhi !as given the task of identifying and executing the above

study in "#-"% ovt. buildings and also high security buildings. *n this

connection, 6EE has for)ed no. of tea)s, consisting of energy auditors and

Energy service co)panies (ES/s to conduct the co)prehensive energy audit

study si)ultaneously in the above buildings. +ail 6havan is one of the building

identified for the study.

-.+ #NT%OD"CT#ON

+ail 6havan is the office building of 4inistry of +ail!ays !here planning,

decisions regarding operation and control of entire +ail!ay net!ork in the

country are carried out. The built-up area of the building is $,?"# sCuare )etres

and there are about &,@'# e)ployees. The regular office ti)ing is ?.## hours to

"B.## hours and five a !eek operation.

*t is highly appreciable that the officials of +ail 6havan have introduced '"' nos.

of "" /;s for corridor lighting and also )odified the passenger lift syste)

!ith )icroprocessor-based syste) as an energy conservation )easures.

.+ ENE%G& SO"%CE AND D#ST%#("T#ONThe Energy de)and for the facility is )et fro) Electricity, P and diesel. 4a<or 

source of energy is electricity and P is used for cooking in canteen. Diesel is

used to run the e)ergency enerator set. The total connected load in the facility

is $,"@B k and the load distribution is sho!n belo!. The sanctioned load is

",$"# k.


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Distri4ution o1 connecte7 loa7






+oo) coolers












Total loa7 is -*;= 5W

The load distribution during su))er and !inter seasons !ere analysed and

given belo!.

2oad distribution during summer



Computer, etc.






Room coolers








 #otal loa$ is 15! &'

Loa7 7istri4ution 7uring >inter 













 #otal loa$ is 75 &'


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6ased on the operating po!er 5 duration of running of various loads, the annual

energy consu)ption for various loads !ere established and depicted belo!. *t is

seen that 2/ accounts for %$ A.







 2f ter off ice

hours 5





"?A /o)puter,












 2nnual energy consu)ption is $& lakh units

>early energy consu)ption for various loads

The ;acility is getting electrical po!er supply fro) 9e! Delhi 4unicipal /ouncil

(9D4/ at "" k1 and also having t!o Diesel generator set of '##12 5 "12

capacity as a back up supply. The po!er is distributed through three step do!n

("",###=&"' 1 transfor)ers of B'# k12 each. Presently t!o transfor)er are

!orking and one is standby. There are five interconnected T bus for distribution

of po!er, out of !hich three are for po!er and t!o for e)ergency loads like

lighting and lifts. 9or)ally all five T bus are energiFed fro) 9D4/ po!er supply

and in case of failure of po!er supply, the D sets are started and only the t!o

e)ergency panel are energiFed. (2nnexure G" - Single line diagra)

The )onthly energy consu)ption details for the last t!o years are provided in

 2nnexure **.

The daily energy consu)ption pattern for last the t!o years is sho!n belo!

(raph G ". *t is evident fro) the above graph that energy consu)ption is

al)ost double during the su))er period 4ayHSepte)ber because of cooling

need (2ir conditioners, fans and air coolers. The usage pattern is al)ost si)ilar 

!ith slight up!ard variation of %A for the last t!o years except for the dip in the


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)onth of :une #$ !hich is due to increased usage of e)ergency po!er fro)

Diesel generating sets due to po!er cuts.

Study has been conducted during !inter season hence there !as no 2/ load.

During the study period, the electrical po!er !as )easured over a period of $&

hours and it !as found that the peak de)and of the facility in !inter is around

''# and the )ini)u) de)and is % (during night ti)e.

Po!er consu)ption and po!er factor variation plot for $& hours (graph G $


*t is very evident fro) the graphG$ that average load during !orking ti)e ("#24

to P4 is around &%# k and peak de)and of ''# k occurs during lunch ti)e

("$.%#P4H".%#P4 this is because of heavy usage of lift by the staff and heating

food articles in the canteen.


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raph G$ also sho!s the variation in po!er factor fro) lo! loads to peak loads

and it is very lo! at light loads. The average po!er factor during the night ti)e

fro) BP4 to B24 is #. and during the !orking ti)e (i.e. "#24 to P4 it is #.B?.

0.+ ST"D& %ES"LTS

The study results are presented in the follo!ing sections.

0.* DG set

The plant has t!o D sets (" k12 x " no. 5 '## k12 x " no. !hich are run

only during 9D4/ po!er failure. . During the course of the study, it !as

observed that the loading of the t!o D sets !ere less than '#A and the '##k12 D set is sufficient to cater to the load reCuire)ent during !inter season

(loading pattern during su))er has to be observed. Trials !ere taken and the

plant authority has taken the decision to run only one D set hence opti)iFed

the D loading.

The 9D4/ po!er supply is Cuite reliable and the D sets are operated

occasionally for s)aller duration hence further study on D !as not reCuired.

0.- Lig,ting sstem

 2deCuate and proper lighting contributes both directly and indirectly to!ards

productivity and safety, and to!ards providing an i)proved !ork at)osphere. *n

fact, all these are inter-related and co)pli)entary to each other. There are

several factors !hich contribute to!ards proper lighting and it !ould be very

difficult to deal !ith all of the) !hen providing general illu)ination to a large

area. 0o!ever, all efforts !ere )ade to study and include these factors.

To study, analyFe and identify energy conservation options in lighting, a study of 

the plant lighting load !as conducted. The purpose of the study !as to deter)ine

the lighting load and its distribution in various sections of the 6uilding, deter)ine


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the Cuality of illu)ination provided, and reco))end )easures to i)prove

illu)ination and reduce electricity consu)ption.

 2 high Cuality and accurate digital lux )eter !as used to )easure the

illu)ination level at various sections of the building during !orking hours. ther 

perfor)ance indicators such as type of la)ps used, type of lu)inaries, )ounting

height, physical condition of la)ps and lu)inaries, use of day lighting, etc. !ere

also noted do!n.

0.-.* Lig,ting inventor an7 lux level

To deter)ine the total lighting load, a physical count of the nu)ber of light

fixtures provided in different floor of the 6uilding !as carried out. *t !as found

during the survey that )ainly t!in &#- fluorescent tube light have been used in

the building.

The illu)ination level !as also )easured pri)arily at !orking planes at various

roo)s of the building. /are !as taken to reduce the effect of day lighting !hile

taking the )easure)ents. The recorded inventory and )easured illu)ination

levels in the facility are provided in 2nnexure *** along !ith the list of nu)bers of 

light fittings installed.

6ased on the )easured lux levels, it !as found that about 'A of the

)easure)ent points sho!n ux level of less then "## and the lighting level

distribution is depicted belo!.





'# '#-"## "##-"'# "'#-$## $##-$'#

lux level

   l  u  x 

   d   i  s   t  r   i   b  u   t   i  o  n

*t is clear fro) the above ;igure that about '#A of the )easured illu)ination

level falls in the range bet!een '# to "## lux. *t is evident that )ore than 'A of 

lighting points have lux level less than "## and %'A )ore than "## lux level.


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Therefore i)prove)ent in lux levels !ould be one of the )a<or thrust areas of 

i)prove)ent in the illu)ination syste).

*t could be seen fro) Table 2 of 2nnexure *** that the second floor accounts for 

the highest nu)bers of installed fitting as !ell as highest lighting lux level in the


4a<or reasons for poor illu)ination levels are as follo!s

• Poor reflectors = no reflector installed for the tube lights

• arge height of installed fittings fro) the !orking plane

• +eduction in lu)en due to ageing

• *)proper design of furniture and seating arrange)ent

0.-.- Setting 4aseline in lig,ting sstem

4etering and )onitoring are the )a<or activities of any energy audit and the

results of energy audit are based on the Cuality of data collected and

)easure)ents carried out. ;or realiFable energy savings care should be taken

during audit period so that after i)ple)entation of energy saving )easures

saving should be )easurable.

*n +ail 6havan, the electrical distribution (2nnexure H* of ighting load is in

e)ergency bus along !ith the lift loads. ;ro) e)ergency bus bar, it goes to each

floor and each !ing then further distributed fro) Distribution board. Total lighting

load )easure)ent at single point and floor !ise !as envisaged but due to lifts

load and so)e !ings of ground floor and second floors are getting supply fro)

"st floor lighting circuit, the circuit could not be segregated fro) lift loads. *t !as

also infor)ed by the +ail 6havan authority that possibility of s)all )ixed loads

like co)puter, 2/ )ay also be there in the circuit .

The po!er distribution in each floor !as )easured and given in 2nnexure *1. To

arrive at per tube light po!er consu)ption, )easure)ents at follo!ing different

points !ere carried out .


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". ;loor !ise (ground,"st and second floor )etering at different !ings at

different D6Is

$. *nco)ing feeder of e)ergency bus

%. lighting D6 of conference hall

&. Single tube light

Particulars Po!er in

9o. of  

tube light

Per tube


in !atts


round 5"st  floor '' ""$ &@.@ 4ostly lighting loads

E)ergency panel $#? -$@#J %&%@ " - @" ift loads included

/onference hall &.&' ? &.& nly lighting load

Single tube light #.#@# $ &# nly lighting load

J1ariation is due to lift loads.

*t is clear fro) the above table that variation in the consu)ption is fro) &# !atts

to &? atts (excluding the <erk fro) lifts fro) the e)ergency panel. *t !as

infor)ed by +ail 6havan authority that apart fro) lift load, s)all load of 2/,

co)puter and fax )achine are also connected. 0ence, if these loads can *e

segregated from the emergency lighting $anel, the total *uilding load can

*e measured at the incoming feeder of emergency $anel. 1ariation in per 

tube consu)ption fro) &# !att to &.& att in pure lighting circuit is because of 

poor po!er factor of #. and nu)ber of tube-lights.

6ased on )easure)ents in pure lighting load circuit, po!er consu)ption per 

tube light of &.& !att can be considered as base line and savings can be

)easurable by slightly changing the present circuit for )etering. 6ased on &.&

!att, the total lighting load (&# ;T for %,''# tube lights is around "&.B k.

0.-. O/tions 1or im/rovements in lig,ting sstem

The conventional fluorescent tube lights (;Ts for) a )a<or portion of office lighting. There are al)ost %,# ;Ts and

'"' /;s. ighting syste) accounts for %,### kh per )onth of energy consu)ption. 6ased on the

)easure)ents and observations )ade during energy audit, the follo!ing options


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have been evolved for reducing energy consu)ption as !ell as i)prove)ent in

lux levels in lighting syste).

a. The tube lights energiFed at the outer !indo!s in each roo) )ay be

put off !hen sufficient day light is available. The savings are difficult to


b. *n a fe! of the roo)s (+oo) no. 4S+ $&', $&%, $&B, $&?, $'" 2 5

$'$, tube light is energiFed (total "? nos. on the top of t!in tube

fittings to illu)inate the ceiling. *t is suggested to re)ove such fittings.

*t is also suggested to replace each &# tube light (standard ;T

!ith high lu)en tube light (% !ith electronic ballast. This !ill

i)prove)ent the lux level substantially, !hich in turn )ay i)prove the

!orking efficiency of the e)ployees because of better !orking

condition. *n order to i)prove the lux level further and to avoid

stroboscopic effect (as tube is above the fan, it is suggested that

fittings !hich are ceiling )ounted should be transfor)ed to suspended

one. This care should be taken during the i)ple)entation of the


 The capital cost reCuired for the )odification is +s. $&.@' akhs and energysaving envisaged is ",'#,&@& kh=year and the pay back period is $.'? years.

0. Water /um/ing sstem

 2t +ail bhavan, )a<or portion of !ater is received fro) 9D4/ at pu)p house

!here three pu)ps (" x "# 0P sub)ersible3 %-& years old 5 $ x B.' 0P

centrifugal !hich are )ore than %# years old are installed to pu)p !ater to

overhead tanks fro) !here it is distributed to various end use points. *n additionto the above, t!o tube !ell pu)ps (one at exit gate 5 other at 9ursery are

installed to supple)ent the !ater supply.

*nitially, there !as another B. ' 0P centrifugal pu)p (in pu)p house !hich !as

later replaced by this sub)ersible pu)p !ith casing being there and other piping

circuit re)aining sa)e. e brought to the notice of the +ail 6havan officials that


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the casing is stagnating the flo! 5 affect the perfor)ance of the pu)p


The electrical po!er consu)ption of various )otor-pu)p units are )easured and

given in 2nnexure 1. The perfor)ance of the sub)ersible pu)p at pu)p house

is evaluated and presented belo!.

Sl.9o. Particular 1alue Knit +e)ark

" +ating of Pu)p B.' k

$ Electrical consu)ption @.@' k 4easured

% ;lo! rate &?#.& P4 4easured

& Delivery head $@ ) 2fter Pr. auge

' Delivery head ".' ) 6efore Pr. auge

Total head $?.' ) /alculated

B 4otor-pu)p efficiency $.B A /alculated

*t is seen fro) the Table that the overall efficiency is lo!. 0ence, it is suggested

to replace the pu)p !ith a ne! )ono-block pu)p set !hich !ill have an overall

efficiency of # A. The annual saving expected is ',#?% kh. The invest)ent is

+s. %#,###- and the pay back period is #.?$ years.

Since the other pu)ps are run for "-& hours=day, further energy saving potentialis negligible.

0.0 Canteen

 2t +ail 6havan, canteen facility (located at third floor is provided for e)ployees.

n an average @,### visitors (no. of visits of each e)ployee avail the facility, out

of !hich ",### visitors take lunch daily. 4a<ority of the ite)s in canteen are

being cooked using P. Electrical heaters are also being used for heating

!ater !hich in turn is used for various applications like tea=coffee !ar)er, for 

)aking tea=coffee, plate !ashing, etc.. The details of loads at canteen in given


Sl.No. Location A//lication

Po>er Consum/tion


O/erating)rs /er 


Wor5ing7as /er 


" Third ;loor /anteen Tea !ar)er $ B '

$ Third ;loor /anteen /offee )aker (% no. $ each B '


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% Third ;loor /anteeneyser for plate!ashing ($ no. $ each "$ '

& Second ;loor - Pantry /offee )aker $ "$ '

' Second ;loor - Pantry 6oiler - )ilk heating $ @ to "# '

Second ;loor - Pantry 6oiler - ater heating $ @ '

B Second ;loor - Pantry 6oiler - ater heating $x$ 9o. @ '

@Second ;loor - 1*Pcanteen ater 0eater $x$ 9o. "$ '

Since the reCuire)ent for heating is Cuite high, it is suggested to introduce solar 

,ot >ater sstem on the terrace of the building. #t is esta4lis,e7 t,at eac,

*++ litres ca/acit solar ,ot >ater sstem can save eit,er *9++ 5W, o1 

electricit /er ear or *:9 5g o1 LPG /er ear   (Source3 49ES, "??@. The

capital cost for &,'## litres capacity syste) is +s. @.# lakhs, and the saving

envisaged is ',#&# kg of P and $B,$" kh of electricity per year. The pay

back period is $.B# years.

"se o1 electricit 1or ,eating a//lication is not an e11icient route. 0ence, hot

!ater fro) solar syste) )ay be used to the )axi)u) extent in place of 

electrical heating. Even for heating of 4ilk, etc. P, is a better option than


0.9 )$AC sstem

 2/ and roo) heaters are the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (012/

provided in the facility.

0.9.* Air con7itioning sstem

The plant has installed &"# no. of ".' T+ !indo! air conditioners (2/ of various

)ake=)odel at different locations. There are also ".' T+ x ? no.L &.% T+ x "# no.

and B.' T+ x & no. of split package units to cater to the cooling need. n an

average, these 2/ units are used )onths in an year.

Sa)ple )easure)ent !as taken on a fe! of the 2/s and the results are given in

 2nnexure 1*. Since there are lot of 2/ units in "st to 'th floor of the building and

air cooled 2/ syste)s consu)e )ore specific po!er, it is suggested to go for 


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centralie7 AC sstem !ith chilled !ater as secondary refrigerant. The plant

can be either installed on the terrace of the building or on the terrace of the M;I

!ing. The chilled !ater line can pass through the existing ducting in the verandah

of each floor. ;an coil units (;/Ks !ith )odulating )otoriFed valves can be

installed to replace the existing units. *n 4inisters roo)s, the existing 2/ units

)ay be retained so that the units )ay be run !hen the central plant is not

!orking, if reCuired. $x $## T+ scre! chiller, !hich has better energy efficiency

both at full load 5 part load (#.&-#. k=T+ is reco))ended. The feasibility

of the proposed syste) is to be considered in civil angle also.

0.9.- %oom ,eaters

+ail 6havan has &%' nos. of roo) heaters of co)bination of $ 5 #.B k capacity

to use during !inter season. n an average, these heaters are used for $

)onths in an year.

"se o1 electricit 1or ,eating a//lication is not an e11icient route. 0ence, it

is suggested to install a light diesel oil (D fired ,ot >ater generator  on the

terrace of the building. The hot !ater can be circulated through the sa)e !ater 

circuit (of centraliFed 2/ syste) sothat individual roo)s are kept !ar). Thecapital cost of the syste) is +s. '.# lakhs and the annual net cost saving is +s.

'.# lakhs.

0.8 Energ usage /attern

The energy consu)ption for different days in various )onths !ere collectedL

plotted and depicted belo!. *t is seen that there is "#-"$ A variation in daily

energy consu)ption. This variation can be )ini)iFed=controlled by opti)iFingthe running of loads like lifts (operating )ini)u) no. of lifts by increasing the

load factor, exhaust fan in toilets (through ti)er, etc..




+ 4 1 5 2 6 3  

days may 7une 7uly oct nov 7an


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The saving calculation for various syste)s are presented in 2nnexure 1**. The

proposed )easure)ent 5 verification (451 protocol are provided in 2nnexure


'.# /9/KS*9S

Presently, the average annual energy consu)ption is $& lakh units. The possible

saving by i)ple)enting the proposed )easures are '.?@ lakh units of electricity5 ',#&# kg of P used in canteen !hich co)es to about $' A reduction of 

annual energy bill, at a capital invest)ent of +s. "%."' akhs.

Ksage patten3"#-"$A variation in consu)ption


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Annexure ##B Mont,l energ consum/tion 7etail 1or last t>o ears.

Sl.9o. 4onth ;ro) Tokh

/onsu)ption 2)ount, +s. +s=k0 4h=)onth

" 9ov. $### $B-"#-## $B-""-## "$#B% B"$$$ '.?# "$#.B%$ Dec $##" $B-""-## $B-"$-## ""%&## ?" '.?# ""%.&

% :an. $##" $B-"$-## %#-#"-#" "BB%## "#&$&B '.?# "BB.%

& ;ebr $##" %#-#"-#" $-#$-#" ""$@# @"'% '.?# "".$@

' 4arch $##" $-#$-#" $B-#%-#" "#'# $@@$$ '.?# "#.'

2pril $B-#%-#" $B-#&-#" ""&## ?'$$B? '.?# "".&

B 4ay $##" $B-#&-#" %"-#'-#" $?#"?# "B""?#? '.?# $?#."?

@ :une $##" %"-#'-#" $@-#-#" $'#@?# "&@#"#? '.?# $'#.@?

? :uly $##" $@-#-#" $B-#B-#" $B%# "'BB$'% '.?# $B.%

"# 2ugu $##" $B-#B-#" $"-#@-#" $$B'@# "%&$$$ '.?# $$B.'@

"" Sept $##" $$-#@-#" $B-#?-#" %$%$'# $#'?&"% .%B %$%.$'

"$ ct $##" $B-#?-#" %#-"#-#" "??&B# "$B#?%& .%B "??.&B

"% 9ove. $##" %#-"#-#" $B-""-#" ""&# B&%%#B .%B "".&"& Dec - $##" $B-""-#" $@-"$-#" "#''$B B$$? .%B "#'.'$B

"' :an -$##$ $@-"$-#" $@-#"-#$ "&$$ "#&?%#" .%B "&.$$

" ;ebr $##$ $@-#"-#$ $-#$-#$ "$B&B# @"$&?& .%B "$B.&B

"B 4arch $##$ $-#$--#$ $B-#%-#$ "#$$"# '"'@@ .%B "#$.$"

"@ 2pril $B-#%-#$ $-#&-#$ $"@&# "%@"B@" .%B $".@&

"? 4ay-#$ $-#&-#$ $-#'-#$ %#@%"# "?&''" .%B %#@.%"

$# :une $##$ $-#'-#$ $@-#-#$ $&BB&# "'B@'?? .%B $&B.B&

$" :uly $##$ $@-#-#$ $?-#B-#$ %&B@@# $$"'# .%B %&B.@@

$$ 2ug $##$ $?-#B-#$ $?-#@-#$ $B'#"# "B'$%$% .%B $B'.#"

$% Sept $##$ $?-#@-#$ %#-#?-#$ $&#$&# "'%#@%? .%B $&#.$&

$& ct $##$ %#-#?-#$ %#-"#-#$ "@"'# ""'B$" .%B "@".'


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Annexure # B Single line electrical /o>er 7istri4ution 7iagram. 


PE+*0T 5 *;TS







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 #nne8ure I9 

Measure7 electrical /arameters at various D(s 1or Lig,ting.

Sl.9o.;loor ing 1oltage, 1 /urrent, 2

Po!er factor Po!er, k

" round floor D $%$ $$.B #.@@ &.B

  $%' $.$? #." #.%$

  $%& '.?$ #.'? #.@


$ ;irst ;loor D $%$ #.%@ #.?@ #.#@

  $%$ $'.' #.B$ &.%

  $%$ $@.? #.B &.B


%round 5;irst ;loor / 5 D $%" $.% #. &

  $%' #."? #.B #.#%

  $%' "'." #.@ $.&


& round ;loor / $%" #.#@ #."B #.##%

  $%& #.% #.?B #.#@"

  $%' #."" #.B' #.#"@


' ;irst ;loor / $%% $#.& #.& %  $%% $B.$ #.B& &.B

  $%& $%.$ #.B$ %.?


round 5;irst ;loor 2 $%" $$ #. %.&

  $%% %? #.' '.?

  $%% &%." #.B$ B.%


B Second ;loor 


0all $%% ?.$B #.'" "."  $%& @.' #.'" ".#%

  $%% "'.$ #.'$ ".?


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Annexure $

Electrical /o>er consum/tion o1 various motor/um/ units.


Sl.No. Location Pum/

%ating3 KW

$oltage3 $

Current3 A P.'.


" Pu)p 0ouse Sub)ersible B.' $%B "?.B #.& $.?'

  $%B $# #.% $.??

  $%B "?.@ #. $.?


$ Pu)p 0ouse Pu)p 9o. " '.' $%' .'" #.B$ ".#?

  $%& .'" #.B' "."'

  $%B .@ #.B "."$


% Pu)p 0ouse Pu)p 9o. & '.' $% @.B$ #.? ".@'

  $% ?.&' #.@' ".@?

  $%@ @.@ #.B ".'?


&Exit ate

Pu)p Sub)ersible $.?@ $% '.B #. #.@"$

  (6ore ell $%' '.&B #.& #.@$%

  $%$ '.B #. #.@@


' 9ursery Sub)ersible '.' $%& "%.$ #.&@ ".&B

  (6ore ell $% "$.@ #.&& ".%&

  $% "%." #.&$ ".$?


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 2nnexure 1*

+esults of perfor)ance evaluation of 2ir conditioners.

Sl.9o. ocation +oo) $$% Tel. Excha. - +oo) $% -

" *denti. 9o. T %#@ T $?' T %'@ T &B" T "%"

$ 4ake /arrier 2ccaire 2ccaire /arrier Ksha

% /apacity, T+ ".' ".' ".' ".' "

& *nco)ing 2ir 

Te)p., / "#. ".' "$.& "%.& "%.&

+0, A B#.& '% B'.& B.% B%.%

' utgoing 2ir 

Te)p., / '.? '.$ %.@ ' .'

+0, A @" @? @&. ?# @@

2ve. velocity )=s ".B& ".B& $."? $.%% ".@@


Suction area,


ength %% '# &?.' % &

6readth &' $% $&.' &" $?@ T+ delivered #.' ".#% ".&% ".'" "

? Po!er consu)ed, k ".@% ".% ".$ ".%B #.?

"# SP/, k=T+ $.@$ ".'@ #.@@ #.?" #.?#

 2verage =T+ ".&$

SP/ - Specific po!er consu)ptionL 2)bient (condensing condition3 "' deg. / 5 B.% A


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Annexure $##

Saving calculation 1or various sstems

Saving Calculation 1or Lig,tingSl No. Parameter $alue "nit %emar5

?A@ Present status

" Present rate of electricity .%B +s

$ /onsu)ption for existing tubelight &.&

% Total no. of &# atts tube lights in roo)s %'" 9o.

& perating hours=year $'## hour

' &# atts tubelight in staircase %&9o.

perating hours=year @B# hour?(@ Pro/ose7 Mo7i1ication B  

"+eplacing each ;T !ith high lu)en T 5Electronic ballast %#

$Dela)ping the single ;T !hich illu)inates theceiling "?9o.

?C@ Saving B  

" Saving on account of replacing ;T in roo)s "&@$B?.?%kh=year

$ Saving due to dela)ping $$#&.$@$" kh=year

% Total energy saved due to lighting )odification "'#&@&.$" kh=year

& Total a)ount saved due to lighting )odification ?.'?+s akhs

?D@ #nvestment B  

" /ost per high lu)en T !ith electronic ballast B## +s.

$ Total *nvest)ent $&.@'+s lakhs

?E@ Pa4ac5 $.'? >ears


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Saving Calculation 1or /um/ 

Sl No. Parameter $alue "nit %emar5?A@ Present status

" Present rate of electricity .%B+s

$ +ating of pu)p B.'k

% Po!er consu)ption pu)p @.@'k

& Present efficiency of )otor-pu)p unit $.BA

' +unning hours of pu)p during !orking day hours

+unning hours of pu)p during holiday $hours

B 9o. of !orking days=)onth $"days

@ 9o. of holidays=)onth ?days

? Pu)p running )onths=year "$)onths

"# 2nnual energy consu)ption "'$?$.@ kh

""?(@ Pro/ose7 Mo7i1ication B  

"+eplace the )otor-pu)p !ith a )onoblock pu)pset B.'k

$ 4otor-pu)p efficiency of ne! pu)p #A

?C@ Saving B  

" 2nnual energy saving due to replace)ent '#?$.'kh=year

' Total a)ount saved due to replace)ent %$&%?.$& +s

?D@ #nvestment B  

" /apital invest)ent for the )onoblock pu)p %####+s.

?E@ Pa4ac5 #.?$>ears


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Saving calculation 1or canteen

Sl No. Parameter $alue "nit %emar5

?A@ Present Status B


" 2verage consu)ption of P cylinders per )onth.

"$# 9o.

$ /ylinders used only for heating !ater. %# 9o.

% /apacity of each P cylinder "& kg

& Total P consu)ption for heating !ater &$# kg

' /ost of P per kg $&.' +s.


Po!er consu)ption of geyser used for plate!ashing (hot !ater

& k $kJ$9o.

B Po!er consu)ption of boiler in pantry k $ kJ"9o. 5

$kJ$9o.@ Po!er consu)ption of boiler in 1*P pantry & k $kJ$9o.

? +unning hours of geyser and boiler in 1*Ppantry per day

"$ 0rs

"# +unning hours of boiler in pantry per day @ 0rs

"" 9o of actual !orking days per )onth $" Days

"$ Total kh consu)ption for ? )onths per year $B$" kh /alculated

"% /ost of electricity per kh .%B +s.

?(@ Esta4lis,e7 1acts B  

" "## litres of solar hot !ater syste) can save

electricity per year 

"'## kh

$ "## litres of solar hot !ater syste) can saveP per year 

"?' kg

?C@ Mo7i1ication B  

" 9o. of "## litres capacity syste) reCuired toreplace the %# cylinders=year 

$'.@' 9o. %#J"$N%#cylinders

$ 9o. of "## litres capacity syste) reCuired toreplace the $B"$ kh=year 

"@."&& 9o.

% Total 9o. of collectors reCuired &%.?? 9o.

& 9earest standard syste) capacity available &' 9o.

?D@ Saving B  

" Saving due to P replace)ent ".$% +s. akhs

$ Saving due to electricity replace)ent ".B% +s. akhs

% Total saving $.?B +s. akhs

?E@ #nvestment B  

" /ost of &'## PD syste) @ +s akhs

?'@ Pa4ac5 /erio7 $.B# years


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Saving calculation 1or )$AC sstem

/ooling 2verage SP/ of existing air conditioners ".&$ k=T+

Present condensing te)p. (!inter season "' deg. /

 2verage condesing te)p. during su))er %' deg. /

*ncrease in SP/ of co)pressor due to higher condensing te)p.(Taking that for every " deg. / rise in condensing te)p., there is$.# A increase in SP/ of co)pressor &# A

Expected SP/ of air conditioners during su))er ".?? k=T+

Presently installed capacity of 2/ !ith a diversity of $'A &## T+

/apacity of central 2/ syste) reCuired &##T+

*nstalled !indo! 2/ %'@ 9os

*nstalled 2/ load B'".@ k

Present 2/ running load fro) Energy bill ##

Presently delivered T+ %#".@" T+

oading !ith /enetral 2/ plant !ith B'A %## T+

Po!er reCuired by central plant=T+ "."# k

consu)ption of central 2/ plant !ith B'A loading %%#

Po!er Saving $B# korking 0rs =day "#

orking days =year "$'

orking 0rs =>r "$'#

Energy cost .%B +s

Energy saving kh =year %%B'## kh

Energy saving +s. =year $".&?@@ +s akhs

0eating +oo) heating load for t!o )onths=year &## k

Energy consu)ed for roo) heating =>ear "@### kh

Energy cost=yr "#.B# +s akhs

EFuivalent 5cal ?ca/acit o1 ,ot >ater generator@ .00 La5, 5cal

0ot !ater flo! reCuired to carry the above heat (%'=&# deg. / B$ 4%=0r/alorific value of D "#### kcal=kg

Ther)al efficiency of hot !ater generator @'AA

 2nnual D reCuir)ent "??@ kg

/ost of D=g $# +s.

+unning energy cost for pu)p5;/Ks=year $.%# +s. akhs

D cost=year %.&# +s akhs

 2nnual savings 5.00+s akhs

Total syste) Total saving 26.50+s akhs


/entral 2/ plant "$' +s akhs

0ot ater generator ' +s akhsTotal "%# +s akhs

Payback period 4.91>ears

*t )ay be noted that the existing !indo! 2/ )ay be sold out to reduce the net capital investe)ent.


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Annexure $###

M<$ /rotocol 1or various sstems

Saving calculation protocol for Lighting


#tem 'ormula "nit %emar5

" 9o of running hours per day 0 0rs 2s per baseline

  $9o of actual !orking days per )onth D Days

;ro) actual )onthcalendar 

% 2verage consu)ption per existing tubelight " atts 2s per baseline

& Total no. of &# fittings 9s 9o. %''# no. as counted

'Total no of single fittings for ceiling illu)ination 9d 9o. "? no as counted

+ate of electricity + +s=kh+s .%B per kh (Duringthe study

B 2verage consu)ption per tubelight after )odification $ atts

;ro) actual)easure)ent after )odification


4onthly saving due todela)ping of tubelights !hichare for ceiling illu)ination

Sd N9dJ"J0JD="### kh /alculated

?4onthly saving due to)odification of single fitting

Ss N 9sJ("-$J0JD="### kh /alculated

"# Total )onthly saving S N SdOSs kh /alculated

""Total )onthly a)ount saveddue to lighting )odification 2 N SJ+ +s. /alculated


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Saving calculation protocol for pu)p



#tem 'ormula "nit %emar5

" 9o of running hours per )onth 0 0rs 2s per baseline

  $ Present po!er consu)p. f pu)p P" k )easured

% Present !ater flo! rate ;" 4%=sec. )easured

& Present head developed 0d" 4etre )easured

' Present pu)p efficiencyE"N?.@"J0d"J;"J"##=P" A /alculated

+ate of electricity + +s=kh+s .%B per kh(During the study

B Po!er consu)p. of ne! pu)p P$ k

;ro) actual)easure)ent after )odification

@ ater flo! rate fro) ne! pu)p ;$ 4%=sec. )easured

0ead developed by ne! pu)p 0d$ 4etre )easured

9e! pu)p efficiencyE$N?.@"J0d$J;$J"##=P$ A /alculated

Energy saving=)onth


E$="## kh /alculated

""Total )onthly a)ount saved dueto the )odification 2 N SeJ+ +s. /alculated


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Saving calculation protocol for canteen

Sl No. Parameter 'ormula "nit %emar5

"Total P /onsu)ption for heating!ater 9cyl 9o. 2s per base line

$Total energy consu)ption for heating !ater Et kh 2s per base line

%P /onsu)ption to achieve thedesired te)perature if reCuired 9(cylfut 9o. ;ro) current )onth

& +ate of electricity +# +s.=kh 2s per base line

' +ate of P cylinder +" +s.=cylinder 2s per base line

& Saving due to redundancy of boiler and geyser SeNEtJ+# +s. /alculation

'Saving due to +educed usage of P

SlpgN(9cyl -9(cylfutJ+" +s. /alculation

Total Savings SNSeOSlpg +s. /alculation

Saving calculation /rotocol 1or )$AC sstemSl.No. #tem 'ormula "nit %emar5

?A@ AC sstem

" 9o of running hours per day B 0 0rs 2s per baseline

$ 9o of actual !orking days per )onth B D Days;ro) actual )onthcalendar 

% Total no of !indo! a=c units B 9!ac 9os. 2s per baseline


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&Specific po!er consu)ption for indo!a=c unit B SP/!ac k=T+ 2s per baseline

'Energy consu)ption for 9e! Scre!/hiller  B Psc kh

;ro) actual)etering

Total T+ developed by 9e! /hiller. B Ttr Ton-hour  ;ro) actual)etering


4ini)u) Ton-hour developed by ne!chiller (based on the current runningpattern 5 B' A loading=)onth B Tr)in.N%### Ton-hour 2s per baseline

@ Ton-hour considered for calculation BTcal N 4ax. of (Ttr or Tr)in. Ton-hour 2s per baseline


Energy consu)ption by auxiliaries like/h. pu)p, /ond Pu)p, /T and;/Ks. B Paux kh

;ro) actual)easure)ent after)odification

"#Total energy consu)ption by ne!/hiller Syste) B Ptotal N Psc O Paux kh /alculated

""Specific po!er consu)ption of 9e!/hiller  B SP/sc N Ptotal = Ttr k=T+ /alculated

"$Esti)ated consu)ption for existingsyste) for future running hours. B

Pexis N SP/!ac JTcal kh /alculated

"%4onthly saving due to )odification of

 2./. Syste) B S N Pexis - Ptotal kh /alculated

"& +ate of electricity B + +s=kh ;ro) current bill

"'Total )onthly a)ount saved due to 2./)odification B  2 N SJ+ +s. /alculated


?(@ %oom ,eating sstem B  

" Total no of heaters B 9h 9os. 2s per baseline

$ +ating of each heater  B +h N $ k 2s per baseline

% +unning hours per )onth B 0 N "B# 0rs 2s per baseline

& Energy consu)ption per )onth B Ph N 9h J +h J 0 kh /alculated

';uel consu)ption for hot !atergenerator  B ; it

;ro) actual)etering

;uture rate of fuel B +f +s=lit 4arket rate

BEnergy consu)ption for pu)p and;/Ks B Pp kh

;ro) actual)etering

@ 4onthly energy cost for heating syste) B/ N (; J +f O (Pp J+ +s=)onth /alculated

?Total )onthly a)ount saved due to0eating Syste) )odification B  2 N (Ph J + - / +s=)onth /alculated