rvol+23+(1867... · oc ali tbese m.tches here ... cllllillg at the store where the ... a \oluntaty...

, GEORGE BUTTER SABBATH OF TIIE LOIt1} THY GOD' VOL UYE XXIII -NO 7 LL-",JnY, FEBRUARY 14, 1867 do fol "With regards, I am yours pressed by the same very trllly, JOHN MILl s are called by the same Your Executive, thmr report '£he cordml and ChriS quently relative, and one year ago, recommended, (and tIan fraternal regard evmceil through defimte' the AssoClatjion adopted the recom out thiS whole letter IS truly refresh- tense of the mendatlOn ) that we make an effort mg, apd none the less so when we plesses general truths, to establIsh a "fnendly JOU1'I1al; reflect that It IS from one holdmO' actIOns as, 'VICe to secure an agent to so With us no eccleSiastICal conneetlOn'" 'She often us lICit the pecumary means necessalY The' prospectus to whICh Mr m speakmg of persons to place thB miSSIOn Inlaatlve opem Mills refers alludes to the changes but whose works Iemam, att;Sen.e- tlOn which have tak!\n place In !alestme, reasons w.ell ' In regard to a ]ourn I frwndly to showmg the lDcreased e courage That Christ s sheep hear 4V(IICe b',I§bceri,1I the objects we have III \lew, we ment fOI missIOnary effort ere, and and follow him, are say w!,\ hav/3 only Issued one mdlrectly exhibIts the re customary actIOns I"litlmlh",. of the :Absszonahj RecOl d, With sponslblhty of ChrIstians t n regard done so m the past, at the tUJIle that another puttmg forth renewed and more and they always THE LITTLE !lATOH GIRL "" many centUrJes, (Du .. ,h-from tie story '" prose, by 4nd".",) Throngh lee cold ram and Twos dark-no hemg near- a perJoQ 'of so many years- Journal anrll:fes'le1Jger Tottered along the street Benumbed WIth cold and fear A child WIth rulhmg reet No llvlDg soul had thonght or her the lIve long day Her matehes none haa: hought _ In her weary way No kind hand gave her ought The snow fell on her hOU' And froze npon her breost Her limbs so thln and bare Showed through tbe tattered vest Wh,ph flnttered In the all" The teors rolled down her cheek And froze before they CeU " AS G09D AS MY WORD ' The head Glerk of a large firm ID Charlestowa promISed an old custom er, one day, haifa bale ofRllss18duck, : to be on hand preCISely one 0 clock, wlien the man was to leave town With hiS goods The firm were out of duck, aud the clerk went over to to buy some Not findmg a truckman, be hIred a man to take It over lD hiB wheelbarrow wonId be IssHed ere thIS, bot VIgorous efforts for diffdsmg the so lD the future But we for the want ot thet necessary means, knowledge of the Savlouir among told, that the ,t has nott been done, and God, In tbat people: We extract follow whICh Christ gIVes, IS Her honda were an too weok To wipe "way the hail _ She felt her heart would break FIDlshmg otller busmess, on hiS return to Charlestown, the clerk found ,",,",-", .•• the man not halfway over the hIS mSCl'lltable prOVidence havmg mg the world to COl Ie and you taken our Presldent l from mi on 'Palestmc tliongh peculIlllly Iii text that asserts that ,It IS Homeward she dared not go For there a father stern Wonld meetJier WItb a blo 9ltting on lllS harrow r h .. lf d .. ..a. ." the heat whom wei rehed mOfe thau auy terestmg as the land of the Bible, th,s present t,me' The Verb!!\ person to aid thiS enterprise, has, notwlthstandmg all tlie ChriS told, and" IS reeen ed, ' cannot say when we wIll Issue tlan enterprIse and activity of the tence Just penned, al'e And drIve her ont to earn What brought them botb to "oe "\Vhat was to be done' It was then half. past twelve, and the goods were promised mane Thele was not a moment to lose In spite of the heat, the dllst, and hiS fine hght Bummer clothes, the young man selz She tottered to a seot another We agaIn commend thIS I h If t t b ast a century, been strangely neg presen euse, ut one enterprise to jom favorable con sid lected by the Protestant world Al what Jesus said "hen here on As bard and cold a, man The blood flowed from her reet T It thickened as It ran eratIon h h though ItS JeWish mhabltants DI:m- t e ot er to what wIll take It was the mtentlOl'I of your Com ber less than twenty thousand, the the world to conte And oze on th ).ey street The ligbts from wmdows near Where 1111 was bright nnd wnrl(l mlttee to send out Bro Jones to country 18 tenanted by a lace whICh ThB illustratIOn I used IS cam ass the field for but m IS also of the seed of Ablaham-the POlDt and stuctly parallel My have combmed 1.A.ralbs,"-a I'''·VI'J''' whose phySICal and obeys me When? Always Fell on her baIr " And on her cowenng form __ None thougbt of her out there cd the wheelbarrow and pushed on Pretty soona rIch merchaut, whom the young man kllew very 'well, rId mg on horseback, overtook him "What said he, "Mr Wilders I!I hiS gomg thus far We qualIties would adapt has. lD the past he does now, however that he may be able them, when once ImbtlPd With the Wlf! lD the future I give him the field lD Au"ust next or prIDClples of <J:hllstHlmtJ:. to become homestead When 7 Is he m Oh could I kindle some OC ali tbese m.tches here lIe would not know at hOlDe _ And yet I hardly dore tnrned truckman fanherest early In atrtumn I 'a great natIOn FOI many ages past, sessIOn No, but he IS It IS With regret that we me the Whole land seemed to lie under cene It when my WIll IS For father yet may come She nrew match .eross the stone Tbe ligbt slione ciear ond t lD Its llgbt-oh Joyful slgbt :\. wondrous YlSlon shone " Yes, answered the clerk "The goods are promised at one 0 clock and my man has gIVen out, and you see I am determmed to be as good as to reptlrt more as accomplished curse and ItS hundreds of thou So the good Shenheld has g <en carlymg forward the objects we of Arab mhabltants wele left beg tealhed to hiS sheep eternal my word m view Vauous me the dIfn the deplessmg pall of Moham Ha\e they rccelved IP No '''U'L'''S With whICh we have to con edlsm any effort bemg made has expressly appomted the For sce That dork colI street Was light as Summer s d. , Good, good t said the gentle man, and started on the greatest of whICh IS the to brmg them lUtO the hght of the fixmg tbe event of ItS receptIOn J:!e,neraI apathy eXIstmg In legard to Gospel Tho sangnmary.law whICh the world to come Sbe felt the genIal be.t Thronl(h ev IT fibre pIn _ In ev 1',) b.ort throb heat Cllllillg at the store where the young man was employed he told hiS employer what he had " And I want you to tell him, said the gentleman, ' that when he goes mto busmess for himself, my name IS at hIS serVIce for thirty thousand mISSIOns, and an ImplesslOn mfhcted the penalty of death on But I need not repeat I preyaIlmg m some quarters, that every Musslemau who fOlsook hIS said enough-more than I Intended I orgamzatlOn IS a r valone and faith, and whICh for ages snlotheIed I am perfectly satIsfied With what I work 11n OppOSltzon work winch all spmt of InqUIry, has been re s81d before, to whICh I agam refer She saw the snow WhIte grottlld Was eball!(ed to loveh Thousands of IIgbts arounll LIt up tbe glorious scene _ TI e for homo wns fonn I 'I nnwlse aud uncalled for pealed, and religIOUS hberty conced you and the reader R F ConUELI we wIll have to ed to all creeds m the Tmklsh Em From heal n tbere fell a st .. I.eaHng a tmII of fire And round her far nnd near Sbe heard au angel cbo r S ng ng of love for her dollars tartllE!f explanatIOn by plre ded m regard to It "The Gospel thel efore has (fI ee For II e Sabbath Reeor leI Reachmg the store, whICh he did lD time, yoo may be sure the high puce set on hiS conduct made amends for the heat, anxiety aud fatIgue of mentIOn III tlus con course In Palestme as m the other ljIecti'on, that a few spontaneous sub ces of the empne, and THE LITTLE LAME BOY Thmkmg that perhaps the httle cluldren who read the Rf connEn would hke to have a story I \"\ III tell them one that IS stnctl) true about a httle bo} by the namc of Wilham II "r eeden 1\ ho hved III RIChmond Rhode Island several years ago \, d from the clear blue sky Tbere came a form so brIght nnO'el from on hIgh _ have been added to the IS at lIberty to ,dopt what IDstallment_, and that a few glOn he pleases At the same Her heart vas I ght- 0 She felt I r motber m,1 the Job ],eel' 9 h. tLOrd You see how Important It IS regarded It IS tlpilthiren m and Scott have a gleat change seems to be passmg a \oluntaty subscllptlOn to the o\er the Moslem mmd, the old fa for outfit and passage, amount natlClsm appeal s to be dymg awaJ, about one hundl ed and sixty and a spmt of rehglOUs mquny rap Tbe ell loved form near The eh Id stretehed out her arm _ Ob take me mother denr of the best kmds of capital a S:;n: e me from cold nlld 1 arm "Ith tltee [ hM"e no Cea "V"" ... 0, Idly spreadmg abroad May we therefore not hope, that the time to Thts httle boy was a smart, active eh ld uutll he was two years and a half old he then took a oeHre cold, that "ettlcd m hiS limbs whIch cauocd him to be Sick and lame tho remamdel of hiS hfe For the II' In the buovant (ur \ Up to the I gl t so mild Far above want ond core ness mau can have To be worth much t{) anybody, a boy must form a charactar for relzah,l,ly JIe must be depended upon And you Will hkc to know, perhaps, that thiS young man became one of the most emment us Tuals wI! had to meet, bereavements we suffered, but no amount of one or the other should have effect to turn out hearts from the we have espoused Trials are by ollr heavenly Father a discouragement, but that we find our confidence and stl'ength holy arm. The cause IS God 8 bas great thmgs In store fO! gave me Mrs pleasure to hear from you, to know that you and yoors al e I ought-to have wntten to Palestme the The motber bore her child _ How "arm nnd hoppy there I of the time durmg hiS SICkness whICh lasted hetween se, en and eight All.<fh gher hIgher hIgher yet and chIld fie v on - 1.)el care illlgone-theirsoul'q\ cone- TM,. sIt of ChrIst 8 0\\ n reet G merchants of hiS day, known far and Wide, both lD Europe and thls coun try HIS name was S V S Wilder operatIOns to the tues 'MI Youhannah El Kasey a young ChrIstIan Arab, and natl\ e of Palestme who was fm some tIme re ceIVmg educatiou at Ponty pool Col lege, and IS now at Regent sPark College, IS approved by the Commit tee as a most fit person to open the miSSIon among hiS people and IS ready to proceed to tbe sphere of hiS labors It IS also contemplated to send out a native of thiS country With him But the SOCiety wIll have m \lew the employmeut of native agenc) so fal as IS practIcable and the formatIOn of self'Sllpportmg na tlVe chmches iVlthont assummg that one effort of evangelIzatIOn IS better than an other, or dearer to the heart of Christ than another thiS effort has a pecuhar !Dterest to us as bemg m a gI eat measure the frlllt of Olll former labors m Palestme, and as mSlgrufi cant as we may have legalded the lesult of our Jaoms thele, they yet may be, Uy God S blessmg, of meal clllable benefit to mankmd May we all be rIchly Imbued With the Holy SPlllt If we 81 e thus highly favored, the good 1.01 il will gUide us to HIS glory, and If It be HIS good pleasure He will eventu ally succeed our offorts In behalf of the ExecutIVe Com H C HUBBARD he sufi'eI cd ,elY He aud he was the first PreSIdent of the WHO WROTE THE BOOK? American Tract SOOlety 'J..O\ild _ • , or r EVENINGS AT HOME nClther eat um sleep for several days at a time and sometimes he would appeal to be dead Once he lay nearly seven hours without showlDg any Blgns of hfe, and hIS friends all and some thought that he was dead, but, to fisJ:iermen, some of them written m thAlr astonIShment, he reVIved and German and some In EnghBJi, lived several months afterwards some 1U Europe, and some m } rIends, how do you apend the Thou«h Ilt'le WIlliam SU"" led so long wmter evemngs In Wisdom s 0' ue America, and yet, these different mnch he was never heard to mnr little books sMuld so agree waYS-In rea<lmg, treas U and complain 0 t h urlng up useful knowledge scienltifi,o:" m I r 0 WIS toeethel, that It would seem as If they th t h a 11 b t I b h historICal, sCrJptural 'Ve may a e w s we, u a ways ore IS belouged toeethel, and ought to be k h d - cnlate on thl ee hours at least be SIC ueos Wit great patIence an was m one great book iVould It not be I t t rd th h h d tween the closmg of ont of. door over p easan olVa S ose W 0 a thought a remarkable fact! v es , Just I h f Ii H k d d -" work and em y bedtime IIow1lhall t e cal e 0 1m e was 1D an suro a "e have m the Bible t h b th d t we spend these-three preCions hours generons 0 IS ro or an SIS etS, Do aU the children l.now that h h I d t d 1 d I .,..-., The bright fire In the fireplace grate, w om 0 ove en eI y an a ways are tlVO Testaments 1D the Bible, and t d t k th h f: olt open stove gives an lUI" of cheer ne 0 rna e em appy, as ar as that the first of tbese the Old! Testa I h F I fuiness and comfort to the famIly ay m IS power ee mg more un ment IS made up of 39 books and 1>11 th I' t h t Id slttmg room Are you fatigued With W r an usua a, one Ime e 0 the New Testament of 27 bOOKS so the labors of the day Is not thIS hlB mother he thought he should not that there are 66 m all? Y If. e the place of all others to the lIle long and he wauted she should Book IS a great many lU one we'lry Illnbs or bram Do the brmg him hiS box of toys. She Some of the!:» were WrItten as long f b h d t h d h tl II d - 0 US1TImlS press eaHly upon Cl1rlle It 0 1m an e len ea e ago as 2 000 yesls before ChrIst and h b h d d h "\Vhere may you throw them IS rot er an sisters =lIoun IS some of them neally a hundred years ... b a d h I II not bele ?-where seek sympathy e an ga\ e t em us toys to mg after the birth of Cbust So that h h h t I th counsel1 yv ould you/ind relaxatIOn t em t at e was gOIng 0 eave IS between the wrItmg of the Book of Id d h IIld t th and Improvement at the same tlmp, ,,!or ,an s 0 not wan em Job, and the wntmg of the Revela H h f m familiar conversatIOn? What IS auy IQ!lgel e was very muc a t10n of John the DlVlne, the! e was a t d h II more charmmg, or more Improvmg, ecte <in seeIng t em a weepmg perJod of 0\ er 9,000 years d h d h b h d to mID or eart) thnn the rIght kmd aroun 1m, ut e soon wipe away The Book of Job was WrItten m of home his tem s, and deSired them to be , Damt'l and Esther In Baby good childl en and to 10" e one au Of all the spots th.t Heaven lias ble.t " Some pf Paul B letters were The dearest place i. home otMr and not forget him He then wntten at orne The RevelatIOn TstherJ,thefondheartlo,estore.t laId hiS head down upon hiS pillow was written n Patmos, an Island In '\nd n [Vel loves to roam tli h fh h d Vi IIil5t I ,eplaYB round the smiling hearth WI as muc composnre as 1 e a the .LEgean Sea, or at Ephesus m Tis own lJII.s enJo ed on earth been a man m'-y ears , and lay very ASia Mmor d fOI some time After that, If yo I nee rest and he expressed a Wish to see an uncle The Pen teuch was written by take It, rt all means, In the hIS who was a mlmstel When Mose-, who was for forty years a yonr ow* homes, but With most uncle armed he looked at lum shepherd m Mldlan The Psalms by our readels, especmllymthe country, For the Sabbath ReeortleI very earnestly, and asked him to KIng DaVid The Proverbs, Eccle these long evenmgs should be sea MAlf THE al1BJEOT 01' REGENERA and after player, he seemed and the CantICles by Kmg sons of mtellectnal, socml, and moral TION much comforted When hiS uncle Soioroon Damel by the PrIme activity 'Ve have not. heen aeeus Em V Ht:I [ had he called hiS father: to of the Persian EmpIre tomed to put snfliment value upon Dear of :(tECOR bedSide, and told him that he Gospel by a JeWish Tax home as a school, or to avail ourselves IlER Jan 24th, IS before me You found Jesus Christ, and upon Luke s and the Acts by a of half of ItS The work eomplam that I did not meet the mother s entellng the room soon af. John s Gospel and of educatIOn, m both the young and h I f d I 1 tl h d d by a Gahlean Fisherman, the old (for who is t old to learn ?) texts yon quoted to prove your plO ter, e I te np IlS It e an, au Most of the Old Testament h ld pOSItIOn that matt 18 the subject exclaimed, Oh, mamma, I have """ s au now utrg()lllgj0n. regeneratlliti The reason was I found Jesus ChrIst to be i ood books were wntten m Hebrew, and did not Intend to controvert that to my poor httle soul, and db, mam mast ohhe New Testament books III NIGHT AND I SLEEP Some were WrItten when pomt, but admit It But I could not ma how I do hve Jesus, he IS 80 Dr Bnshnell, m hIS pleasant artl see the proprIety of your laymg such good to me, and so lovely Would were po hOI I fllghItlves m the cle upon" Night and SIFep," m the emphaslll on man, as though you you hke tt, know how I found w let ey were a January number of HOlJrs at Home, "mILl!!;"'.'" that the whole man, the sus' Well I will tell you My un powerful natlOn_ome speaks thus m the concludmg p",aseQ UOQ 1'0 form poor Ned mmd "'" unreasonmg bo) u".",,"u beeu unkind Old Sarah loved her helpless cbIld Whom helpleBOness mnd.e dear And hfe w.s everythmg to hIm Who knew no hope nor fear She knew hIS Wllnts she nnderstood half artie late call For he wos everythmg to her And 51 e to him If os nIl An" GO for many a yeor they lIved, Nor knew n wIsh beSide But nge at length on Sarah e.me And she Cell sick and died He tned m Yam to waken her He called her 0 er and 0 er Thoy told him slIe \\ as dead tl e wont. To hIm no UDport bore Tbe) closed her eyes und ,hrouded her WhIlst he stood VI ond nug And when tbey bOle her to the grave He followetl Bllent! Thev Imd her m the nnrro r- house '\ud snng the funeral sta.,.e \n 1 when the mournful tram d pcrscd He lOItered b) the grave Tbe rabble boys that nsed to Jeer Whene er they .aw poor Ned Now .tood and wntched hml at graTe t\.nd not a "Word was smd The) came nnd went nnd came nga.lD And mght at la.st drew on Yet stIll he lIngered at tI e I lace Till every one wns gone '\lld when he found hImself alone Hc qUick removed the clay And rn sed the coffin m his arms And bore It SWIft away Straight went he to hls mother i5 cot And In d It on the floor WIth tl e engernes. of JOJ lIe bn.rrcd the door tl.t once he plaeeu his molber s Upnght' thm the chnlr \Dd then he benpcd tbe heorth nod blew TI e klDdl ng fire ",th eore OF TIlE the tIme of our Lord It was aIJ:nlEIOf She now Ifas in het eha " the synagogue It was her wonted I lace b glit the fire blazed and flashed on the Sabbath for from her face the poor The J Then beOOin$ down he d feel her hands do thiS, aud ID Anon her lace behold h I WI, mother dovoulook.op.le- mig t a ways wh, are you so cold ( they kept at theIr IiOli8EIs, And when the nClgbbors on nro:t morn denomlDRted "the Hod. forced the eottlllle door alme" In thIS purse Old 80mb: s COrp.e ,,"j, m'the chaIr And Ned. was on the Hoor weekly a proportIOn It had pleased God from thIS poor ho\ mgs, ana took from It I HIS onh fnend to calI bath before gomg to the Y t God \\ lIS not unkInd to hIm ThiS custom was'BO For dea h restorea him all al/ool In/el/ gene,. might be MEN OF GENiUS 1 , .. asso s conversatIOn was neIt'1 er a short time m .. JournR gay nor brilliant Dante was ex"lted by an taciturn or satmenl Butlet h d h d e!llher sullen or bltmg Gray seldoln 0 illIJIijry,' talked or smiled Hogarth and SWIft learnelthat th r f.w:o!pockt*", were absent-mmded ID compauy b k th fie e il were. Milton was very unSOCiable and unt e s lD d e am y, able when pressed lUtO conversatioD v ;' t: n for the Ku wm though COplOllS and eloquent me ct P:; f f' one en 0 wSs heavy In com elSatlOn La Fon tame appeared heavy coarse and stu he could not speak and deSCrIbe I ' he had Just seen, but theu he the model of poetry Chaucer s agreeable than hIS c, Dryden s con versa slow and dull, hiS humol sa- reserved CornelIus lD was so lUSlPld that he lD wearymg, he did not conectly that language he was sucb a master Ben v!',",vU u.ed to Sit Silent II'! company slk hiS WlDe Southey was sedate aud wrapped up m acetl- Addison was good company hiS mtlmate frIends, but m 'Company by a stiff sooner than thiS 1\Iy only apol IS III health I wlote to you, eighteen months ago, With re to vour mtended miSSion We ISSUed our prospectus, havmg well as the mInd was regen cle helped me to find him when he captiVIty m Bahylon, graph or created anew at so earnestly for me to-day and 80me while they were mled and " We look on a good man If sleep,+llla!le or that the body was no have found Him, and every oppressed by the Romans Yet m and there IS nothmg so beautIful from It, a provlS i, We have had one ... , .. , but InfiUent131 meetIng on ItS b,etlalt, the Earl of Shaftsbury m The 8OCletf, however, IS only IUnts,tive.' Oat present Idea IS to a medlCalryonng man, at all eVlmtA.; we mnst send two or none heen a mISSion With whICh have. co-operated, It mIght commenced otherWIse, but 'T.ho,.., IS not From what I have you fully comprehend our 10' man I referled you to anum thmg now looks new and beautIful, all these books tkere IS the same IS Luther who has worn out hiS ber of texts to profe that the mmd and I love every body very mucb, trath 80:1 the same SpIrIt iVhen powers m some great fight for God, 18 regenerated at and the but I love Jesus more, and 1 want to brought together they fit to each or It IS W sshmgton half deserted by body at the resurrection Thus I go to heaven, blessed heaven, where other like the branohes of a tree hIS country when bearJng ItS bur admitted that man In the broadest I can live With Him always' .A We don t thmk of them as written den!!, and now, forgettmg all, he has sense, IS the subject of regeneratIOn lady then came m, and mqolred of so far apart, aud by so many fallen back mto God s arms, to for And hence, takmg no Issue with) 00 him how he was I feel well, and di1ferent persons, but It seems to U8 get al80 himself. There he hes un on thiS, I headed my al tICle, 'Eter feel happy, he rephed He then as if one person wrote them all canng, and recelvmg back, from nal LIfe-When Given?' ThiS was requested hiS mother to read to him And thIS IS true One person did God s gentle fomentatIOns, the pow thc ISSl1e I need not repeat my She took the Testament, and turned write them all That one person IS ers that shall furnish another great proofs and arguments I refer the to the thIrd chapter of Acts, and read God He used Moses and Isa18h to morrow Stsndmg at the open door reade! to that artIcle 10 the RECOR the story of the lame man and DaVid aud Paul and John, Just of his chamber, and lookmg on hIS DER of Dec 6th, 1866 I am wiI healed When she had use, now a gold peA, and now,a deal', still sleep, It IS as if the eter hng to rest the qaestlOn m contro readmg he saul, am like the snd now a qo\iJ, and now nal, eve!' faithful Goodness, had hIm versy on what I there set forth man, bllt I feel that I am 1t IS all my wntIng, thongh now to Himself I .Aud yet more the candid reader re examine, and and he then shouted," not all exactly alike touchmg and closer to the tenderness then Judge to Jesus Chnet, my dear .About thirty five mcu wrote the of mercy IS the very bad man s sleep Bot you ImaglDe yon find me con- heaven Little Wilham books of the Bible But, He haB drunk the cop of guilty plea tradICtlDg myself, because I say the to be very happy, and spent "holy men of old wrote" as sure dry HIS tongue IS weary of text, "My sheep hear my VOICe, and time m player for hiS were moved by the Holy Ghost." blasphemy HIs deed of crime, per they follow me, and I gtve them until hiS death, whICh took all ScnpturelS glVen by mspIra haps of blood, IS dOlle, and the chap eternal life,' aces not the tIme when he was ten years and one of God' InspIratIOn means ter of his day 15 ended Havmg when eternal hfe 18 while I"wum,u old And now, my young breathmg Into God breathed fllP'ent the power God gave hIm for OeIIaary that m frieods, I want tq say to yon, that I mto all these wnters, and hence It IS a violation Of hIS throne, lie hope yon will be little William, tbat their wrItmgs can be put mto to hiS hed, aud and learn to love the SaVIOur, and one bogk even hiS remorse But wlien you die, He will take you "Of the not forget him or toss hIm live WIth Him m heaven, where you nlmself the world, bot be rests enClr- always be fMlti tbat IS one tbe gOodOel8 of God, nonr- S W Irwritt,en"tiy 80 many hIS patience, to be rn6tted IJ'!iI!liD,r; ''' •• :tti ... N ORIGINAL

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Page 1: rVol+23+(1867... · OC ali tbese m.tches here ... Cllllillg at the store where the ... a \oluntaty subscllptlOn to the o\er the Moslem mmd, the old fa




'h~i~",~~~_l'." do fol "With regards, I am yours pressed by the same tenl8e~lr

very trllly, JOHN MILl s are called by the same Your Executive, thmr report '£he cordml ~ympathy and ChriS quently relative, and sOI~es

one year ago, recommended, (and tIan fraternal regard evmceil through defimte' the AssoClatjion adopted the recom out thiS whole letter IS truly refresh- tense of the mendatlOn ) that we make an effort mg, apd none the less so when we plesses general truths, to establIsh a "fnendly JOU1'I1al; reflect that It IS from one holdmO' actIOns as, 'VICe pr'9du~c~iserv"' 1£ po~slble, to secure an agent to so With us no eccleSiastICal conneetlOn'" 'She often ~"1$1ts us lICit the pecumary means necessalY The' prospectus to whICh Mr m speakmg of persons to place thB miSSIOn Inlaatlve opem Mills refers alludes to the changes but whose works Iemam, att;Sen.e-tlOn which have tak!\n place In !alestme, reasons w.ell '

In regard to a ]ourn I frwndly to showmg the lDcreased e courage That Christ s sheep hear 4V(IICe b',I§bceri,1I the objects we have III \lew, we ment fOI missIOnary effort ere, and and follow him, are

say w!,\ hav/3 only Issued one mdlrectly exhibIts the me~eased re customary actIOns I"litlmlh",. of the :Absszonahj RecOl d, With sponslblhty of ChrIstians tn regard done so m the past,

at the tUJIle that another puttmg forth renewed and more pr~sent, and they always

THE LITTLE !lATOH GIRL "" many ~erent centUrJes, (Du .. ,h-from tie story '" prose, by 4nd".",)

Throngh lee cold ram and slee~ Twos dark-no hemg near-

a perJoQ 'of so many years­Journal anrll:fes'le1Jger

Tottered along the street Benumbed WIth cold and fear

A child WIth rulhmg reet No llvlDg soul had thonght

or her the lIve long day Her matehes none haa: hought _

In her lon~ weary way No kind hand gave her ought The snow fell on her hOU'

And froze npon her breost Her limbs so thln and bare

Showed through tbe tattered vest Wh,ph flnttered In the all"

The teors rolled down her cheek And froze before they CeU

• " AS G09D AS MY WORD '

The head Glerk of a large firm ID

Charlestowa promISed an old custom er, one day, haifa bale ofRllss18duck,

: to be on hand preCISely ~t one 0 clock, wlien the man was to leave town With hiS goods The firm were out of duck, aud the clerk went over to ~ost,()n to buy some Not findmg a truckman, be hIred a man to take It over lD hiB wheelbarrow

~ulml)er wonId be IssHed ere thIS, bot VIgorous efforts for diffdsmg the so lD the future But we for the want ot thet necessary means, knowledge of the Savlouir among ~n'"A_~lv told, that the ,t has nott been done, and God, In tbat people: We extract t~e follow whICh Christ gIVes, IS

Her honda were an too weok To wipe "way the hail _

She felt her heart would break FIDlshmg otller busmess, on hiS

return to Charlestown, the clerk found ,",,",-", .••

the man not halfway over the UL1id~f~!lJi~~~~~c]~~~~Jj~~~~~~~~.ff.~~~ hIS mSCl'lltable prOVidence havmg mg the world to COl Ie and you U~"'~"l taken our Presldentl from mi on 'Palestmc tliongh peculIlllly Iii text that asserts that ,It IS

Homeward she dared not go For there a father stern

Wonld meetJier WItb a blo 9ltting on lllS harrow r h .. lf d .. ..a. ." the heat

whom wei rehed mOfe thau o~ auy terestmg as the land of the Bible, th,s present t,me' The Verb!!\ air~ person to aid thiS enterprise, has, notwlthstandmg all tlie ChriS told, and" IS reeen ed, '

cannot say when we wIll Issue tlan enterprIse and activity of the tence Just penned, al'e

And drIve her ont to earn What brought them botb to "oe "\Vhat was to be done' It was

then half. past twelve, and the goods were promised mane Thele was not a moment to lose In spite of the heat, the dllst, and hiS fine hght Bummer clothes, the young man selz

She tottered to a seot

another We agaIn commend thIS I h If t t b ast a century, been strangely neg presen euse, ut one enterprise to jom favorable con sid lected by the Protestant world Al what Jesus said "hen here on

As bard and cold a, man The blood flowed from her reet T

It thickened as It ran eratIon h h

though ItS JeWish mhabltants DI:m- t e ot er to what wIll take It was the mtentlOl'I of your Com ber less than twenty thousand, the the world to conte

And ~ oze on th ).ey street The ligbts from wmdows near

Where 1111 was bright nnd wnrl(l mlttee to send out Bro Jones to country 18 tenanted by a lace whICh ThB illustratIOn I used IS cam ass the field for fun~s but m IS also of the seed of Ablaham-the POlDt and stuctly parallel My

11~~:~~:ea!~~tdIfHcultIes have combmed 1.A.ralbs,"-a I'''·VI'J''' whose phySICal and obeys me When? Always

Fell on her IC~ baIr " And on her cowenng form __

None thougbt of her out there

cd the wheelbarrow and pushed on Pretty soona rIch merchaut, whom

the young man kllew very 'well, rId mg on horseback, overtook him "What said he, "Mr Wilders I!I hiS gomg thus far We qualIties would adapt has. lD the past he does now,

however that he may be able them, when once ImbtlPd With the Wlf! lD the future I give him the field lD Au"ust next or prIDClples of <J:hllstHlmtJ:. to become homestead When 7 Is he m

Oh could I kindle some OC ali tbese m.tches here

lIe would not know at hOlDe _ And yet I hardly dore

tnrned truckman ~

fanherest early In atrtumn I 'a great natIOn FOI many ages past, sessIOn tlow~ No, but he IS It IS With regret that we me n~ the Whole land seemed to lie under cene It when my WIll IS execl~te\j

For father yet may come She nrew • match .eross the stone

Tbe ligbt slione ciear ond brI~1 t ~nd lD Its llgbt-oh Joyful slgbt

:\. wondrous YlSlon shone

" Yes, answered the clerk "The goods are promised at one 0 clock and my man has gIVen out, and you see I am determmed to be as good as to reptlrt more as accomplished curse and ItS hundreds of thou So the good Shenheld has g <en

carlymg forward the objects we of Arab mhabltants wele left beg tealhed to hiS sheep eternal my word m view Vauous me the dIfn the deplessmg pall of Moham Ha\e they rccelved IP No

'''U'L'''S With whICh we have to con edlsm wlt~ont any effort bemg made has expressly appomted the

For sce That dork colI street Was light as Summer s d. , Good, good t said the gentle

man, and started on the greatest of whICh IS the to brmg them lUtO the hght of the fixmg tbe event of ItS receptIOn

J:!e,neraI apathy eXIstmg In legard to Gospel Tho sangnmary.law whICh the world to come

Sbe felt the genIal be.t Thronl(h ev IT fibre pIn _

In ev 1',) b.ort throb heat Cllllillg at the store where the

young man was employed he told hiS employer what he had see~ " And I want you to tell him, said the gentleman, ' that when he goes mto busmess for himself, my name IS at hIS serVIce for thirty thousand

fO!"ei~!n mISSIOns, and an ImplesslOn mfhcted the penalty of death on But I need not repeat I preyaIlmg m some quarters, that every Musslemau who fOlsook hIS said enough-more than I Intended I orgamzatlOn IS a r valone and faith, and whICh for ages snlotheIed I am perfectly satIsfied With what I work 11n OppOSltzon work winch all spmt of InqUIry, has been re s81d before, to whICh I agam refer

She saw the snow WhIte grottlld Was eball!(ed to loveh g"e~1l

Thousands of IIgbts arounll LIt up tbe glorious scene _

TI e lon~ed for homo wns fonn I

'I nnwlse aud uncalled for pealed, and religIOUS hberty conced you and the reader R F ConUELI we wIll have to ed to all creeds m the Tmklsh Em

From heal n tbere fell a st .. I.eaHng a tmII of fire

And round her far nnd near Sbe heard au angel cbo r

S ng ng of love for her

dollars tartllE!f explanatIOn by plre ded m regard to It "The Gospel thel efore has (fI ee

For II e Sabbath Reeor leI Reachmg the store, whICh he did lD time, yoo may be sure the high puce set on hiS conduct made amends for the heat, anxiety aud fatIgue of

mentIOn III tlus con course In Palestme as m the other ljIecti'on, that a few spontaneous sub ces of the empne, and

THE LITTLE LAME BOY Thmkmg that perhaps the httle

cluldren who read the Rf connEn would hke to have a story I \"\ III tell them one that IS stnctl) true about a httle bo} by the namc of Wilham II "r eeden 1\ ho hved III RIChmond Rhode Island several years ago

\, d from the clear blue sky Tbere came a form so brIght

~n nnO'el from on hIgh _

have been added to the IS at lIberty to ,dopt what IDstallment_, and that a few glOn he pleases At the same

Her heart vas I ght- 0 ll~bt She felt I r motber m,1

the Job ],eel' 9 h. tLOrd You see how

Important It IS regarded It IS tlpilthiren m DeI~llJter and Scott have a gleat change seems to be passmg a \oluntaty subscllptlOn to the o\er the Moslem mmd, the old fa for outfit and passage, amount natlClsm appeal s to be dymg awaJ, about one hundl ed and sixty and a spmt of rehglOUs mquny rap

Tbe ell loved form dte~ near The eh Id stretehed out her arm _ Ob take me mother denr of the best kmds of capital a S:;n: e me from cold nlld 1 arm

"Ith tltee [ hM"e no Cea

"V"" ... 0, Idly spreadmg abroad May we therefore not hope, that the time to

Thts httle boy was a smart, active eh ld uutll he was two years and a half old he then took a oeHre cold, that "ettlcd m hiS limbs whIch cauocd him to be Sick and lame tho remamdel of hiS hfe For the

II' In the buovant (ur


Up to the I gl t so mild Far above want ond core

ness mau can have To be worth much t{) anybody, a boy must form a charactar for relzah,l,ly JIe must be depended upon And you Will hkc to know, perhaps, that thiS young man became one of the most emment

al~lne:lrtI3n us Tuals wI! had to meet, bereavements we suffered, but no amount of one or the other should have

effect to turn out hearts from the we have espoused Trials are

m~nded by ollr heavenly Father a discouragement, but that we find our confidence and stl'ength

holy arm. The cause IS God 8

bas great thmgs In store fO!

gave me Mrs pleasure to hear from you,

to know that you and yoors al e I ought-to have wntten to

Palestme the The motber bore her child _

How "arm nnd hoppy there

'~c;~;~r;t~'do;~~Jr I of the time durmg hiS SICkness whICh lasted hetween se, en and eight

All.<fh gher hIgher hIgher yet ~lothcr and chIld fie v on -1.)el care illlgone-theirsoul'q\ cone-

TM,. sIt of ChrIst 8 0\\ n reet G

merchants of hiS day, known far and Wide, both lD Europe and thls coun try HIS name was S V S Wilder

operatIOns to the tues

'MI Youhannah El Kasey a young ChrIstIan Arab, and natl\ e of Palestme who was fm some tIme re ceIVmg educatiou at Ponty pool Col lege, and IS now at Regent sPark College, IS approved by the Commit tee as a most fit person to open the miSSIon among hiS people and IS ready to proceed to tbe sphere of hiS labors It IS also contemplated to send out a native of thiS country With him But the SOCiety wIll have m \lew the employmeut of native agenc) so fal as IS practIcable and the formatIOn of self'Sllpportmg na tlVe chmches

iVlthont assummg that one effort of evangelIzatIOn IS better than an other, or dearer to the heart of Christ than another thiS effort has a pecuhar !Dterest to us as bemg m a gI eat measure the frlllt of Olll former labors m Palestme, and as mSlgrufi cant as we may have legalded the lesult of our Jaoms thele, they yet may be, Uy God S blessmg, of meal clllable benefit to mankmd

May we all be rIchly Imbued With the Holy SPlllt If we 81 e thus highly favored, the good 1.01 il will gUide us to HIS glory, and If It be HIS good pleasure He will eventu ally succeed our offorts

In behalf of the ExecutIVe Com H C HUBBARD

he sufi'eI cd ,elY He aud he was the first PreSIdent of the

WHO WROTE THE BOOK? American Tract SOOlety 'J..O\ild _ • ,

or ~s, r EVENINGS AT HOME nClther eat um sleep for several days at a time and sometimes he would appeal to be dead Once he lay nearly seven hours without showlDg any Blgns of hfe, and hIS friends all and some thought that he was dead, but, to fisJ:iermen, some of them written m thAlr astonIShment, he reVIved and German and some In EnghBJi, lived several months afterwards some 1U Europe, and some m } rIends, how do you apend the Thou«h Ilt'le WIlliam SU"" led so long wmter evemngs ~ In Wisdom s

0' ue America, and yet, these different mnch he was never heard to mnr little books sMuld so agree waYS-In rea<lmg, treas

U and complain 0 ev~n t h urlng up useful knowledge scienltifi,o:" m I r ~ 0 WIS toeethel, that It would seem as If they th t h a 11 b t I b h ~ historICal, sCrJptural ~ 'Ve may a e w s we, u a ways ore IS belouged toeethel, and ought to be

k h d - cnlate on thl ee hours at least be SIC ueos Wit great patIence an was m one great book iVould It not be I t t rd th h h d tween the closmg of ont of. door over p easan olVa S ose W 0 a thought a remarkable fact! v es, Just I

h f Ii H k d d -" work and em y bedtime IIow1lhall t e cal e 0 1m e was 1D an suro a £~ct "e have m the Bible t h b th d t we spend these-three preCions hours ~ generons 0 IS ro or an SIS etS, Do aU the children l.now that

h h I d t d 1 d I .,..-., The bright fire In the fireplace grate, w om 0 ove en eI y an a ways are tlVO Testaments 1D the Bible, and t d t k th h f: olt open stove gives an lUI" of cheer ne 0 rna e em appy, as ar as that the first of tbese the Old! Testa I h F I fuiness and comfort to the famIly ay m IS power ee mg more un ment IS made up of 39 books and

1>11 th I' t h t Id slttmg room Are you fatigued With W r an usua a, one Ime e 0 the New Testament of 27 bOOKS so the labors of the day ~ Is not thIS hlB mother he thought he should not that there are 66 m all? Y e~, If. e the place of all others to the lIle long and he wauted she should Book IS a great many boo~s lU one we'lry Illnbs or bram ~ Do the brmg him hiS box of toys. She Some of the!:» were WrItten as long f b h

d t h d h tl II d - 0 US1TImlS press eaHly upon Cl1rlle It 0 1m an e len ea e ago as 2 000 yesls before ChrIst and h b h d d h "\Vhere may you throw them IS rot er an sisters =lIoun IS some of them neally a hundred years ... b a d h I II not bele ?-where seek sympathy e an ga\ e t em us toys to mg after the birth of Cbust So that h h h t I th counsel1 yv ould you/ind relaxatIOn t em t at e was gOIng 0 eave IS between the wrItmg of the Book of

Id d h IIld t th and Improvement at the same tlmp, ,,!or ,an s 0 not w an em Job, and the wntmg of the Revela H h f m familiar conversatIOn? What IS auy IQ!lgel e was very muc a t10n of John the DlVlne, the! e was a

t d h II more charmmg, or more Improvmg, ecte <in seeIng t em a weepmg perJod of 0\ er 9,000 years d h d h b h d to mID or eart) thnn the rIght kmd aroun 1m, ut e soon wipe away The Book of Job was WrItten m of home talk~

his tem s, and deSired them to be , Damt'l and Esther In Baby good childl en and to 10" e one au Of all the spots th.t Heaven lias ble.t

" Some pf Paul B letters were The dearest place i. home otMr and not forget him He then wntten at orne The RevelatIOn TstherJ,thefondheartlo,estore.t laId hiS head down upon hiS pillow was written n Patmos, an Island In '\nd n [Vel loves to roam

tli h fh h d Vi IIil5t I ,eplaYB round the smiling hearth WI as muc composnre as 1 e a the .LEgean Sea, or at Ephesus m Tis He~en. own lJII.s enJo ed on earth been a man m'-years, and lay very ASia Mmor d qUl~tly fOI some time After that, If yo I nee rest and relax8~tioni he expressed a Wish to see an uncle The Pen teuch was written by take It, rt all means, In the qUI~t

hIS who was a mlmstel When Mose-, who was for forty years a yonr ow* homes, but With most uncle armed he looked at lum shepherd m Mldlan The Psalms by our readels, especmllymthe country,

For the Sabbath ReeortleI very earnestly, and asked him to KIng DaVid The Proverbs, Eccle these long evenmgs should be sea MAlf THE al1BJEOT 01' REGENERA and after player, he seemed ~18stes and the CantICles by Kmg sons of mtellectnal, socml, and moral

TION much comforted When hiS uncle Soioroon Damel by the PrIme activity 'Ve have not. heen aeeus Em V Ht:I [ had ~one, he called hiS father: to of the Persian EmpIre tomed to put snfliment value upon

Dear Brotler,~Yours of :(tECOR bedSide, and told him that he Gospel by a JeWish Tax home as a school, or to avail ourselves IlER Jan 24th, IS before me You found Jesus Christ, and upon 'ihh;I;~s·t1:atltel'ler." Luke s and the Acts by a of half of ItS PllvIl~es The work eomplam that I did not meet the mother s entellng the room soon af. John s Gospel and of educatIOn, m both the young and

h I f d I 1 tl h d d by a Gahlean Fisherman, the old (for who is t old to learn ?) texts yon quoted to prove your plO ter, e I te np IlS It e an, au ~." Most of the Old Testament h ld ,,~ pOSItIOn that matt 18 the subject exclaimed, Oh, mamma, I have """ s au now utrg()lllgj0n. • regeneratlliti The reason was I found Jesus ChrIst to be ~erJ: i ood books were wntten m Hebrew, and ~ did not Intend to controvert that to my poor httle soul, and db, mam mast ohhe New Testament books III NIGHT AND I SLEEP

Some were WrItten when pomt, but admit It But I could not ma how I do hve Jesus, he IS 80 Dr Bnshnell, m hIS pleasant artl see the proprIety of your laymg such good to me, and so lovely Would were po hOI I fllghItlves m the cle upon" Night and SIFep," m the emphaslll on man, as though you you hke tt, know how I found w let ey were a January number of HOlJrs at Home, "mILl!!;"'.'" that the whole man, the sus' Well I will tell you My un powerful natlOn_ome speaks thus m the concludmg

p",aseQ UOQ 1'0 form poor Ned mmd

"'" ""u,~, unreasonmg bo) u".",,"u beeu unkind

Old Sarah loved her helpless cbIld Whom helpleBOness mnd.e dear

And hfe w.s everythmg to hIm Who knew no hope nor fear

She knew hIS Wllnts she nnderstood E~eh half artie late call

For he wos everythmg to her And 51 e to him If os nIl

An" GO for many a yeor they lIved, Nor knew n wIsh beSide

But nge at length on Sarah e.me And she Cell sick and died

He tned m Yam to waken her He called her 0 er and 0 er

Thoy told him slIe \\ as dead tl e wont. To hIm no UDport bore

Tbe) closed her eyes und ,hrouded her WhIlst he stood VI ond nug b~

And when tbey bOle her to the grave He followetl Bllent!

Thev Imd her m the nnrro r- house '\ud snng the funeral sta.,.e

\n 1 when the mournful tram d pcrscd He lOItered b) the grave

Tbe rabble boys that nsed to Jeer Whene er they .aw poor Ned

Now .tood and wntched hml at ~he graTe t\.nd not a "Word was smd

The) came nnd went nnd came nga.lD And mght at la.st drew on

Yet stIll he lIngered at tI e I lace Till every one wns gone

'\lld when he found hImself alone Hc qUick removed the clay

And rn sed the coffin m his arms And bore It SWIft away

Straight went he to hls mother i5 cot And In d It on the floor

~nd WIth tl e engernes. of JOJ lIe bn.rrcd the cott~e door

tl.t once he plaeeu his molber s eorp~e Upnght' thm the chnlr

\Dd then he benpcd tbe heorth nod blew TI e klDdl ng fire ",th eore ~'Tm:JGIlSE OF TIlE .dlL!!I~'"":.'-1

the tIme of our Lord It was aIJ:nlEIOf She now Ifas in het ea.~ eha " the synagogue tOi~ak;~e;~a:;~5i~ It was her wonted I lace ~nd b glit the fire blazed and flashed on the Sabbath for RetIc~ted from her face the poor The J

Then beOOin$ down he d feel her hands do thiS, aud ID Anon her lace behold h I

WI, mother dovoulook.op.le- mig t a ways ~nd wh, are you so cold ( they kept at theIr IiOli8EIs,

And when the nClgbbors on nro:t morn denomlDRted "the Hod. forced the eottlllle door alme" In thIS purse tJ.~;~~~~W Old 80mb: s COrp.e ,,"j, m'the chaIr And Ned. was on the Hoor weekly a proportIOn

It had pleased God from thIS poor ho\ mgs, ana took from It

I HIS onh fnend to calI bath before gomg to the ~YlBa~:og:n~"

Y t God \\ lIS not unkInd to hIm ThiS custom was'BO

For dea h restorea him all ~_ t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~+l~ _~ al/ool In/el/ gene,. might be MEN OF GENiUS 1

, .. asso s conversatIOn was neIt'1er a short time m .. JournR :~::~:::~i:~~~: gay nor brilliant Dante was elt~er ex"lted by an

taciturn or satmenl Butlet ~ h d h d e!llher sullen or bltmg Gray seldoln L~rdD8er~~~e~:ol 0 illIJIijry,' talked or smiled Hogarth and SWIft learnelthat th r Jl~ f.w:o!pockt*", were absent-mmded ID compauy b k th fie e il were. Milton was very unSOCiable and unt ~o e s lD d e am y, able when pressed lUtO conversatioD ~h v ;' t:n ~:e for the Ku wm though COplOllS and eloquent me ct I~r e~ P:; f

d~rr~:I~Olr~~~:td~s::s~seagrvI::~ ~ec~lv~~ f' one en 0

wSs heavy In com elSatlOn La Fon tame appeared heavy coarse and stu l-IDorJlinl~,

he could not speak and deSCrIbe I ' he had Just seen, but theu he

the model of poetry Chaucer s .~'~i;~:~s~w~ja~s,,!:more agreeable than hIS c, Dryden s con versa

slow and dull, hiS humol sa­reserved CornelIus lD

cOI~ve'rsa,tio~n was so lUSlPld that he lD wearymg, he did not conectly that language

he was sucb a master Ben v!',",vU u.ed to Sit Silent II'! company

slk hiS WlDe Southey was sedate aud wrapped up m acetl- Icl'oc~,s

Addison was good company hiS mtlmate frIends, but m 'Company

by a stiff

sooner than thiS 1\Iy only apol IS III health I wlote to you, eighteen months ago, With re to vour mtended miSSion We ISSUed our prospectus, havmg

well as the mInd was regen cle helped me to find him when he captiVIty m Bahylon, graph or created anew at "''''''~,,.- so earnestly for me to-day and 80me while they were mled and " We look on a good man If sleep,+llla!le

or that the body was no have found Him, and every oppressed by the Romans Yet m and there IS nothmg so beautIful tt:~~e:~~~~~~:,e~8ee from It, a provlS i, We have had one ~I, ... , .. , but InfiUent131 meetIng on ItS b,etlalt, the Earl of Shaftsbury m

The 8OCletf, however, IS only IUnts,tive.' Oat present Idea IS to

a medlCalryonng man, at all eVlmtA.; we mnst send two or none

heen a mISSion With whICh mll~nt' have. co-operated, It mIght

commenced otherWIse, but 'T.ho,.., IS not From what I have

you fully comprehend our 10'

man I referled you to anum thmg now looks new and beautIful, all these books tkere IS the same IS Luther who has worn out hiS ber of texts to profe that the mmd and I love every body very mucb, trath 80:1 the same SpIrIt iVhen powers m some great fight for God, 18 regenerated at ~onverslOn, and the but I love Jesus more, and 1 want to brought together they fit to each or It IS W sshmgton half deserted by body at the resurrection Thus I go to heaven, blessed heaven, where other like the branohes of a tree hIS country when bearJng ItS bur admitted that man In the broadest I can live With Him always' .A We don t thmk of them as written den!!, and now, forgettmg all, he has sense, IS the subject of regeneratIOn lady then came m, and mqolred of so far apart, aud by so many fallen back mto God s arms, to for And hence, takmg no Issue with) 00 him how he was I feel well, and di1ferent persons, but It seems to U8 get al80 himself. There he hes un on thiS, I headed my al tICle, 'Eter feel happy, he rephed He then as if one person wrote them all canng, and recelvmg back, from nal LIfe-When Given?' ThiS was requested hiS mother to read to him And thIS IS true One person did God s gentle fomentatIOns, the pow thc ISSl1e I need not repeat my She took the Testament, and turned write them all That one person IS ers that shall furnish another great proofs and arguments I refer the to the thIrd chapter of Acts, and read God He used Moses and Isa18h to morrow Stsndmg at the open door reade! to that artIcle 10 the RECOR the story of the lame man and DaVid aud Paul and John, Just of his chamber, and lookmg on hIS DER of Dec 6th, 1866 I am wiI healed When she had use, now a gold peA, and now,a deal', still sleep, It IS as if the eter hng to rest the qaestlOn m contro readmg he saul, ,,~ am like the snd now a qo\iJ, and now nal, eve!' faithful Goodness, had hIm versy on what I there set forth man, bllt I feel that I am 1t IS all my wntIng, thongh now to Himself I .Aud yet more the candid reader re examine, and and he then shouted," not all exactly alike touchmg and closer to the tenderness then Judge to Jesus Chnet, my dear .About thirty five mcu wrote the of mercy IS the very bad man s sleep

Bot you ImaglDe yon find me con- heaven Little Wilham books of the Bible But, He haB drunk the cop of guilty plea tradICtlDg myself, because I say the to be very happy, and spent "holy men of old wrote" as sure dry HIS tongue IS weary of text, "My sheep hear my VOICe, and time m player for hiS were moved by the Holy Ghost." blasphemy HIs deed of crime, per they follow me, and I gtve them until hiS death, whICh took all ScnpturelS glVen by mspIra haps of blood, IS dOlle, and the chap eternal life,' aces not the tIme when he was ten years and one of God' InspIratIOn means ter of his day 15 ended Havmg

pit"f'tllat~ when eternal hfe 18 while I"wum,u old And now, my young breathmg Into God breathed fllP'ent the power God gave hIm for OeIIaary that m frieods, I want tq say to yon, that I mto all these wnters, and hence It IS a violation Of hIS throne, lie

hope yon will be hk~ little William, tbat their wrItmgs can be put mto to hiS hed, aud and learn to love the SaVIOur, and one bogk even hiS remorse But wlien you die, He will take you "Of the not forget him or toss hIm live WIth Him m heaven, where you nlmself the world, bot be rests enClr-

always be happr-~ fMlti tbat IS one tbe gOodOel8 of God, nonr-S W Irwritt,en"tiy 80 many hIS patience, to be rn6tted IJ'!iI!liD,r; ''' •• :tti ... ",~,:,,,,


Page 2: rVol+23+(1867... · OC ali tbese m.tches here ... Cllllillg at the store where the ... a \oluntaty subscllptlOn to the o\er the Moslem mmd, the old fa

\ I

, ..,...",.

THE ,,,-,~ ............. ~ ... ~r'n-r.,. RECORDER,

pel, I~ connectIon With the of the Marys to the septilchre, if we ex­cept tbe single phrase of MattHew "I h ' ate m t e Sabbath," go to show that they :were descnbmg the sailie VlBlt, whICh occnrreJl at the s~e time-" very early m the mOl Dlng

the first day of the week" We mu.st conclude, therefOle, that

OUI SavIour arose some tIme between sunset after the Sabbath, and sunrlse the next morningc at what -1" eCl.e time, It is not said, but undoubtedly when the eartliquake occurred, which was probably not long before the women VISited ;the sepulchre That

arose ou the first day of the week, there Can be 'DO questIOn; for Mal k says, 1G 9-" And haVID" . ~

rIsen emrY on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mmy the Magdelane," &c

",Ve thInk It can also be conc1u-

to main­tam any othe!) VIew, m hiS otherwise admIrable articles in the RECORDER on thelHIstory of the Sabbath, over the signature of "Gleaner" And more recently, we regretted to find that hIS able COmmUDlcatIOn to the Clms/Jan Secretary was VItiated by the same COUise of reasoDlng We be­heve that attemptmg to mamta\D these and slmil31 err oneous VIews has to some e'1tent prevented som.rom embraclllg the Sabbath of the Bible When we assert thIS, 'll\e speak from per.onal expenence Suppose the editor of the Cltllstlan. Seci etary, and others, claim that the'resurrectlOn of ChlJst occurred on th~ filst day the week, we admit the claim and ask them to show where we ale manded to observe this day as a bMh C IT T

slHly shown, that OUI Lmd was laId SAllBATH DISOUSSION. III ~he tomb on the evemng .of the On Fourth-day, January 23d, the Sixth day, • some tune after I egular semI-monthly class debate o'clock, and befOle sunset For Mark took place at the Umon TheologICal

'~ifs(~ffiifil~iiif;fif,~m:~if~~~ffi1i.iI~~l~~;~r~ -42-=47. L-,' And ... v,,,,,ing~_,,e~_!WIl! m N ew York SIX students, na'vm~ now come, smca It was the two from each class, took pary lU the preparatIOn, (whwh IS the day befOIe debate The resolutIOn was as fol­th~ Sabbath,) Joseph asked (Pilate) lows fOl the l!ody of Jesus" And he gave "Resohed, That the Fourth Com­the dead body to Joseph Luke as- mandment aplthes to the LOId's Day, sert.~ the same thing, and adds, (23 under the gospel dispensatIOn" 53-56,) And he (Joseph) took It The pClpetmty of the command­down, and wrapped lit ID lmen, and ment was assumed, by mutual con laid It III a sepulchle And It was sent FOll! of the regular speakers tbe day of piepalatlOn, and the Sab suppOited the resolutIOn; the othrr tilth dlewon Aud retmlllng they two, and one ,0IundlCr, opposed It pI epared splCeb and ollltments; aud The claims made lU favor of the reso­on the S~Dbath tbey rested, accord- lutlOn were, mmnly, ScriptUlal ex­mg to the ,commandment J~uke ample, and tho history of the. ob.etv­mllst lefel to the w.,<;ekly Sabbath, ance of the First-day SInce the time as there 18 no commandment to rest of the resmrectlOn The OppOSItIOn on any other to the 1 esolntIOn was based; malllly

too mll .... Q';n_ afterward contInued lefIecti~and. It makes mU!'~'3n,:h ., l'lrst-(la:S' BaptIst Church,

very werelJiitally;and I might say lIterally, mmd much better er" '

Hi;,er";l1i'Q that succeed . The llNCKf AEN

adaptDd, -ttr 'luahty Ln<CKL.\E", NY, Jouuury 27, 1867

to the purposes of wor- Se, enth-day Baptist '-'I1UHm

tihiD3Jlntric:ate and undevotlOnal 1D Lincklaen are now mtlsP:!S often been the cause of L fh,VOlCP.ct WIth the earnest and faIthful

F.Ii BHU \~l 11, 1867

LET&:RSFROMPROFESSOR KENYON. V _ where congrega- of Eld A W Coon, and have

FORSll, Nn<Dy.R LAUSITZ, PRUSSU,} has been attempted abollt the "01~b."o£.:lSfo'V.elincl Dcc 96th, 1~66 ~,

Cl1tRCR SERVICES I.. of selectmg the ..... As we have been especially pleased tunto snng, as well as the lD Lonclon With tl:.e services of the IUn, usually leave the lattel Ber­Dlssentmg Protestant churches, we 'IC, choristers These too often stl'erun deSIre to mentIOn and commend those mal-heir selectIOns lD VIew of the elements of worshIp that have forci- art5J skill demanded of the smg- [se.asqn, bly Impressed us Onr OppOi tUllitles er~lther than in VleW of mspmng

been lImIted, but we mfer that d118n And hence, It often hap­we have seen and heard, IS a P'r that lor weeks together congle­

fau average of the usual relIgIOUS g~ns ar~ tl eated to musIC mnch servICes of thIS class of chmches b'l SUIted to operas or seculal 'Ve will partICularIZe tha~ to the WOl ship of the

request of tpe General Confer~ I have written and

of the General Confe:r~

my own expense, and em to the dIffelent SO(lIeI;IeS

Havmg been engaged lahors m the farJW

smce, I have lehed upon of the churches for

expectmg that tbey would them, flOm the interest

m Conference HIStOI y. I pnce so as to cO\ er eXllem;esl

giv'{ng In my time and labor m lw"hllration and publicatIOn I

sell It at a lower price If I can bardly beheve any-one wish to buy under cost I

appomted to wrIte the History Conference, and not of the

DeliolninatlOn, and have not there­met the deSIres of many m the

deJ~onninati'Dn fOI a more general his­I hope some one well qnalIfied

m due time write our full.hi!ltor'y:j

chm cb-hfuse "Ul"IJ1\:~~U, has be~n occup,lld

of December

It IS tlue, that JollIlsays, In 14, upon the Idea, that the Seventh-day It was the 'preparation ot the Pas.- mnst contlllue to be the Sl\bbath, 01

01 el, and about the Sixth hour llut else some llldefimte day, wl4ch would It does not follow from thIS, that the be Vll tually no day Up.der thIS next day was a passo\er Sabbath, head, a mcmbel of the J lIDlor Class, and not a 1cee!.ly S"bbatl" fOl, 1D the fOimerly a member of the New YOlk 3 I st vel se, It says, Smce It was bal, made 11 strong pomt, shOWIng It the plepma.lOn, that the bodies to be a unn ersal pllnclple, that no not remam upon the (lOSS on the Sab law could be modIfied 01 ablOgated bath, (fOi that Sabbath day was a by any powel other than the law­great day,) &c It was called Ii great makIng power Auothel speaker day, beclluse that day the fenst of the made a strong pOlllt, bJ showmg that PassoHr happ~ned to commence on the day mentIOned III the com the Sabbath FOI tho sUllie TBason, mandrnent mnst contlllue to be the Olll eh Istmas mlgbt be saId to be a 01 else any mdefimte set entlt "great day," when It OCCUIS on the day mIght be tuken, whICh 1\ould be, Sabbath PI:J.ctICully, no day, there belllg equal

1 These churches eVIdently pos- s uary I Such tunes cannot lll­sess a VCly healthy splrituahty The t t a people as worshIpers, how­piety o£ theu clel'gy seems deep, ' they bay lDterest some of them earnest, practICal Theil Be! mons vel'S of good music Agam, If are clear exhlbitIOhs of tl'Utb, en- ne has been mtroduced that IS forcea by powerful and pathetic ~_ Clently_slmple and devotIOnal, peals to the undelstandmg and con- the time It has been well mastered sCiences of their hearers Many of the chOir, It must be hud aSide, them are among the plofoundest the d1esses of ~e belle that had scholars of thiS or any other age othinglto wear" FamlilW tunes They are men who ha\ e spent t11mr e no more to be. tolerated than last In es among the largest and best h- ar's bonnets Old tunes, like branes III the wOlld, and In close m- er' "are to be passed by as unworthy tercourse With the most scholarly f notICe; or, if they are used at all, men And theu studies and hter:l!yihey mu~t be clothed With a new labors are plOdiglOUS No othe~ress, that IS a.~ cold as II snow storm plofessIOn whatever can boast of Buchn June. ·1 We hke pI ogress; but the numbCls of hard workers But, co Bpreadlll~ oak, that has shaded suc­tt ary to what we had been taught cessll e generatIOns of Villagers, IS our youth, much lealDmg has uJ saCled 1\Ve repeat It, III these thlee " made them mad," nOI damped the partICulars lies the chief obstructton aldOl for tlten mmistenal dUties, n to cong\egatIOnal smgmg-muslc extmgmshcd their VItal pIety Th that IS Iq.tncate, undevotlOnal, and entm theu desks WIth hearts I\ar changeful These plactIces are m by de\ otlOnal lIlSpITatlOn', and II I bad taste~ and cau be refOlmed Any then mmds enllched hy tlungs n mllllster ~an effect the reform, who and olel flom the volume of Go s resolutely deCIdes to do so Let him Book They deal \ cry httle In f- select the tunes as well as the hymn. StllIct and speculative doctlloes, ,at The combosltlOn and Splllt ofa tune nCI C1 h:l\ e ally lIlfluence for goid, neeels to !imrmoUlze WIth a sermon, as but they lay open the gland prll<tl- well as the words of a hymn Famll­pIes of the gospel, that pi obe e la! and old tunes, of emment merit, hem t, and conVlDce the Ilndersta - may the~ have a place in worshIp, mg of SlD, of Ilghteousness, aD of and the ~eople WIll delight to smg Judgment to come Tnen mflu ee them Appropllate new tunes Will IS commanilmg, secullng a hIgh re be easily learned, and cooglCgatlOnal speet and holy reI erence fO! th gs smgmg be reInstated In Its dlgmty sacred and dlvme We have ~een and ItS power Hymn books, pro­no wntten sel mons used, lind yQl Y \lded With a suffiClont nllmbel and seldom notes In a hterary POllll;: of vallety of de~ otlOnal tunes, after the

these explanations m an'SWI!r Ii:Wl','~lL to ilettCl s I eceH ed flOm

, theIr diSCOUlSCS are often roas- manner of the Plymouth CollectIOn, and eloquent productlOn~ But may aId m effectmg tlll8 deSirable

IS the pre\ alhng element ref 01 m W C KENYON awakened hy the blellsin/il

I am greatly oblIged to bn!thl~en "ho ba~ e. kmdly aided me

~ellmg the Hl:story, and shall be ~ atefnl to the br ethren: who

buy them and relIeve me froml

debt. of pubhcatlOn I must rely lJ::>om,e iIJroPc1,sedl. others to sell, as I can not leave

But It may he said, I tltat If OUI anthOllt} fOi the filst or the fOUith Lord \Vas l31d III the tomb on the The leading featUi e of Illtmest III

afternoon of the SIxth day, and rose the case IS, howe,el, found III the cally on the first {lay of the week, remalks of the Professor of Ecclesi­he \VIIS in the gl3ve but two Dlghts astlCal Ibstory, who was presldlDg and .. part- of three days, conse- officer at the d.ehate,Jn his" summing

qnently, these declaratIOns III !\latt up" He c\almM-l h~~~~~~~'I,;tJg[kr~tril!m!lmi,fi-;~'~lr[L~;:::': 12 40 andIG 21, ana: l\Iark 8 31, are two elements III C' NE~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~m~18~~~lo~n~t:o~s:e~1l~b~0~O~k~S~B~re~t;hr~e:n~'~~~~~~~~~~;;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%~r~~~~t;~ New l\Iarket, N J ,IS noted, amon~

other good thmgs, for the kmd at- J BHrEl 10 l.he sanctu- tentIOns of the people to th~lr pas

'FMf!~~~I~~~;~~~~~~~~~=~~:~;~~~~~~~~;~~~t~~~~~~~~~~!E~d~~,~d~s~~~~~e~~ ~, was laborIOus efforts m clothlDg tM aes Sabbath keepmgportIOn, so, at least, 23t! 186,


and flSe from the dead, was ofunn'elsal oblIgation Concermng tltute, feedmg the hungry, mstruct- the pnstOl thlDks And these "at- I am recel\mg a gleat wany to be the sign of hiS Messlflhshlp, the l//Story of the Sabbath, he stated, mgthelgnOl3nt, leclalwmgthe way- tentlOns" I elate to thmgs both splr- from ,allons persons and and not the exact number of days and 2 THat the gennsl.clUlm that all II aid, and comfortmg the llflhcted Itnal and tempOlal Thepeoplel'T<lY qnarters, I propose to ar-D1ght~ that he remaitleu th6le Nor n,atHlUs had a 8eptenn~al dlllslOn of Flom thIS stand pomt, we appreCiate, and pay, two thmgs whICh God hath and ansll eI them throngh the IS thIS all We are inclmed to thmk, tIme mto weeks, could not be 8US- better than ever before, the blessed 'Jomed together," and whICh "let of the SABB~T!l HECOllDEll

th1:lt the numberpf days thnt he pre- tal ned StIll, the absence of the eVI- lllfluences of a leal ned ana pIOUS no man put asnndcr'/ The pastor's may be those who may stIll be I.mres:,ed w.ur:m dICted frat he 81)'Ould he III the tomb dence. lit the plesent time, did not mlUlstry Povery and decay must "salmy" IS small, but It IS lalely 1n1endl11g to "rite to Illquue after wa~ ful~led, III accordance" Ilh the PIOI e that such mIght not ha\e been mevltably be the lot of that people that he lacks fOI temporal "good thiS VICIUlty If so, they wIll hal e Je ..1.1sh metIlod ofl reckonln!! time the case The umehableness of the neglect to 0 d 1', h H I I I d t d 1 h w. ~ pr VI e ·,or a oucces- t lOgs" elves among a peop e no nee so 0 0, un ess t ey may The Jew~ In computmg tIme, Jeck general claims made m falor of the SIOn of sucn mlUlstelA Neglected" chlCfiy agrICultnral, and the products ha\e personal matters In YieW onkd a p\:;t of a day as a whole filst day as the Sabbath of the early fields Will SOOll be overl1ln lI!th bllars of the farm, usefnl to a mlDlstet'S INSII EUS Thew al~ \pany mstances on record, church, by modern wuters and speak- and thistles Whatever IS wort'h larder, leeJl comIng til Not satIsfied, 1st Natrow flack wagons, of me-("ee 2 Chron 10 5, 12; Gen 42 was clearly set forth He stated, havlOg upon tIns em th, must be howevel, WIth mdlvldnal benefac- dlUm SIze 17, 19; Esther 4 16 and 5 1,) that no mentIOn was made of the sought for and labored fOi The tIOns, the people have a \\ av of occa- 2d Farmmg utenSils of all Sizes, whel e In eaclt case a 1'31 t of three Chll.tlan Sabbath by any of the rIChest vems of 51h er are m the dcep- sIOnally com 109 m company, qualities, vanetICs, and pr.lCes, nearly, day" IS reckoned as three whole days Apostohc Fathers EuseblU&, aloose est mmes God works no more mys- makmg what they call a can be had at BrownVille and other At all e\ ent<, It IS eVident, that what wIlter of the fourth centmy, was the tellously III the spllltual and Intel- YlSlt Th,s IS "klllmg two birds places along the fiver OUl: SaVlqUllitfelldel!by hIS pledlCtIOn, only one who had applied the lectunl, than III the phYSICal world WIth one stone," only that no one ls 3d We break plaule with cattle WIlS fulfilled Iillot, he would have term Sabbath to the fh.t day of the 2 FOlms may hli\e no silClcqness, kllled'Oi st'!rlOuslyhurt; but the peo- and horses

accused bythc Jews as bmng a Iveek, lind he III only a smgle Ill- theyhil\eappropriatenes. And pIe ha\e a good time, and help the 4th We use lod and moleb~ard prophet For they Wei ewell st.ance The urea of the "ChrIstIan appwpriate fOI ms, some are more pastor and family to have II good IP"O,VI'S for tUIDIng sod

aware of thIS prophecy, lIatt 27 63 Sabbath,' and the applIcatwn of so than othel8 The httle cOUlteliles tIme also A VI.lt of thiS kmd oc 5th Cottonwood lumber can be But no I such accuSatIOn was e~ or these terms to thr. filst day of the of hfe sllloothe life's aspentle~, ,as curred lecen\Iy at the Se~ enth day had at from $15 to $25 per thon.and brought agamst him week, were unknown until aftel the pohshing powders bllghten the tar- BaptIst palsonage III New Market lIard wood from $30 to $50 pel

Thel~ IS dno~her fact, whICh mnst Re/Ol lIlatlOll The filst day and the Dished sllvel They lighten lIfe's It followed closely on the heels of thousand, flOm 4 to 40 miles dIstant Mnot\C~d IOn the first day of t,he I-severltli· day were both obselVed bmdens, as the sweettmted VIolets by the Great Snow StOlm, when roads 6th Some government land yet, week, (jI.Jukif 24 21,) as two of for at least three centunes m the the waYSide chem the weary travelCl were but partly and pOOlly broken; from two to SIX mIles distant from

~alob!~tb,1 diSCiples wele Journeymg to a earlyc..!lllrch Nevertheless,he deetp- God loves the beautlfulm natule and for the Committee of Arrangements church house Second hilDd laud, lage calledi Emmaus, (verse 13,) ed ~e pleemmence of the filst day m art,or henever would hav e so mul- endently did not consult With the at flOm $2 50 to $8 00 iPer acre, Oh)lst mad~ hiS appearance to them, the seventh, dunng that time, tlphed beautiful objects III the heavens clerk of the weather in fixmg the timber on the dearest priced land but they knew hIm not One of them, demonstrable, both from the In and upon the earth, nm w'luld he -tIme of the Visit Bnt the people TImber confined to streams Timber named Cleopas, began to tell him and uDlnsplred hIstory There have formed mmds to com~teb.end woul<1come,whetherorno, somecom- can be bought now from $25 to about Je8Il~ how he was condemned however, no command for the and Imitate beauti£ul forlll$f' 'Ther~ mg a conSiderable dIstance, through pel acre, from 3 to 12 miles-distant

death, a~, crUCified (verse 20) of the Sunday In the beauty in actIOn as witt' -n-m- penTous adventures With snow drifts 7th Pnces of stock rate nearly as "BeSIdes all thIS," said he, "to-day IS and Its observance must I'sc,enllry. Kmd words and gcnerous The ladles of the-congregatIOn served follows Horses, $75 to $125 each;

SUIlppsej the thlld day SlDce these thlDgs '~tllerl~fojre stand on tnferentlal grouncl. deeds, III the famdy Clrcle, and amQ.Dg up a supper, both elegant and sub- cows, f!om $20 to $50 each; oxen, done" <yerse 21 ) But Blo L S~ch 18 the substance ot tIle debate neighbOls, ale beautIful A qUIet stant13I, of WhICh about tlVO hundred $75 to $125 per 'Yoke; sheep, fiiom "Christ was crnCified and and the Profess01's remalks, as re- and unobtrUSive depOltme.nt npon partook The neIghbOrIng pastors $3 to $8 per head late on the fourth day of the ported to us-(bemg absent from the the street, IS applOprIate A rever- VI ere present The company 8th. Wheat generally ranges from If so, Cleopa8 was mistaken, city on that day, we had not the entm1 modesty on entenng tb<l Sllntl- to be a very SOCIal one, and the $1 to $1 50 per bushel; corn from ,"I1<JU'.U have said, "To day IS pleasure of attendmg Ilt}-by one tuary fOI worshIp, IS beautiful So ing passed pleasantly The resnlt 25 cents to $1 00 pel bushel; oats

day smce these thmgs who lIstened to It, and fho observes were we Impressed lU London With the visit, finanCially, was, With sub- 25 cents nolV; potatoes ratmg ahout If, howevel, thIS the Sunday UlllmpolTant as thiS the beauty and applopnlloteneS8 in sequent addltwns, a donatIOn of as corn

was then Chnet was debate may at first seem, It IS how- the fm m of closmg dIVIne service hundred and seventy dollal s 9th Wheat, the last DIne years, ed on the sIxth day oftbe week; and ever of no small Imporf as bearIng The prayer,Imtftedl8telysncceedlDg In money, With many other valuable has Yielded, where It had half a consequently the first day would the Sabbath questIOn Whatever the sermon, ends WIth the benedIC- presentS 01' attentIOn, on an average,

bew'- the thtrd day swce these ha~e been the 1Il1U,~,~,a'LI; tIOn, and the congregation remain for AnOiner Item of ~ur home news IS: about 20 bushels }ler acre, the things wele done ,j a bnefperrod beforerismgftom them that the Seventh-day Baptist Church about 35 to 40 bushels per

We can COnCeiVe, therefore, of no tlOn then and thElle, devotIOnal attltudo There IS in th~ at N;;w Market has recently rec!ll.vod Coru Yields from 30 to 60 bushels way of "barmonlZlyg tbe histone the dehate, and ItS eaI'neistn'ess, form a qmetness, ant! a reverence, a present of a bell for Its house of acre I

account, as gIven by Matthew, WIth ed that those who part 1D It becommg the place and the occaSIOn. worship It IS the bell formerly be- 10th The nearest probable Ipowt those of tile other three EUngehsts," see that thel e 18 Involved In The solemn stillness that follows the longmg to our sister ChOlCh at PlaID- of i railroad, 1D any gIVen time, Will exceptbysuPl10smgthephlase "late Itlsanc)tp,ereVldence, Amen, IS llovely One feels the sa- field; It wezghs, WIth the hanglOgs, be from 12 to 30 miles; none 10

WQ,ml>n.11O the Sabbath" means after the Sab- utel""""" on the C1edtless of the place, and walks BOft- 440 ponnds It has a good rmgmg operatIOn now nearer than St Josepli, bath was paSt; tOr the context sbows, ly So, also, clOSlDg the servIces sound, and Will contlDue to strike for (75 mIles) that thi~ w~s tbe meaning (See Without slOgmg after. sermon, 18 ex- the cause of Goel's holy Sabbath. hth Thele werb somt cases of Matt 28 13) What pIDprlety tremely appropriate It IS, at the The bell was obtalD.ed at a cost of ague m this country, andl in thiS VI-would [there he in attemptmg to as- ques- same time, phIlosophical Serillons $20b, and was presented by one of Clnlty, the past fall

"that hIS d18clpled-came by 1119111 tj:ti.nking men abound 1D thogght and awaken de- the deacons of thiS church, Isaac D. 12th The sOil ishmestone alluvial, ~tole hIm away," If he arose on And vohoQ And the do\ otlODal feehngs Titsworth, a brother of whom we datk intermIxed hghtly wlth sand,

the Sabbath Just before sunset ~ to the are not marred, nor IS the train of may say, Without flattery, that his foundation In'lIiew ofwhath\iB been ~aid, we interrupted, by not)ces or "praIse IS m allthe churches " ThIS The streams are all fed by

submIt, that anytattempt to prove by men of singlllg at the close Nothlllg in the society put a new coat of paint on ; hence lasting In dry weath-that Christ arosa, on any other than iu Chnrch set'vicles is allowed'to efface or dimin- their meeting house durlllg the past clear and pure; some splings the first day of t e week, vmusL be studYlllg for the ish the good impressions made. SlImmer the prairie The Nemaha

; and lllstead of' "harmonizing" I fall to awaken 3 CongregatIOnal SlllglDg m these 'fhe "week of pl'3yer " was observ- IS capable of d9ving machin-the four gospe18, Will make an ".Jrre-

j the hold of the I. cllUrchEiS IS a success All slDg- cd m thIS place, by a nnlOn Qf thE) almost any extent) if properly

.IClqnflilable'rdiJl'erence between them. their mindl!. More youllg lmd old, Spemal care 18 ta- three congregat\on!, meetmg III "Those .privileges extend thel~18- convictIOn, we are sorry will lead to prdVlde: 1111 str!Ulgers with' SeVentlJ.-day BaptIst Church [miles either w&rof't~ ~II!

• I


Page 3: rVol+23+(1867... · OC ali tbese m.tches here ... Cllllillg at the store where the ... a \oluntaty subscllptlOn to the o\er the Moslem mmd, the old fa

THE 14, '186'7.

DOINGS IN OONGRESS LAST The Young Men 8 Chnstmn As THE SENATE I soe atIOn ot New York City baH

appomted a comm ttee wJiose specml Tha I esolltlons of the W SconBlD WOI k It IS to seek out and VlBlt yo IDg

L~gLslatu e requestlDg Mr Dool ttle men taken slCk there who may need to res gn were plcsented by tbe more care than that bestowed upon

The late Jndge MerrIck beqoeath

cd $10 1100 to hIS native town of i~~~~~~~~~§~ Brookfield 1'I1as5 to est;iQhsh and mamta n a free publIc lLbraJ:y and $10 000 ~ the Orphans Home m Worcester He has also gIVen bls valuable mIscellaneous lLbrary to tho Chmr and ordered to be p mted tl em

A b Il was passed provld ng thut rhe number of Method st Eplsco the act for the payment of wal c1mms pal Churches m Ph ladelphla IS 62 shall not be construed to prOVIde for and of member~ and p obat one 8

the payment of such claims 1D tl e 118 000 No otbe cIty n the DUlled rebe States except to loyal c t zens Stutes or ID tl e wo Id hns a la ge Ii Tennessee and West "\ I gm a Method st membersh p

The bIlls definIng the rank of ad Hon Isaac DaVIS has presented ttj rals aud staff oill ets and appro the Newton Baot st Theolog cal p at ng $33 280 000 for the payment Sem nary $1000 tl e nterest to ~f nval 1 and other penSIOnS' fo the g ven to some one student on cond rear eud ng June 30 1868 wore r e tIOn that as a rule he ahall peach ported nth out "notes

The Bankrupt BIll was defeated n A Roman Catholll FIUf held ID

the Senate by a vote of 2~ naV8 to the MUSIC Hall Boston recently for 20 ayes ·1 the benefit of Boston College and

Ten t~lOusand copIes of J Rioss the Ghurch of the Immaculate Con Browne's eport on n ot ng \\ e e lor ceptIOn netted $30 ~28 25 de ed p 1 ted The Yo IDg lYlen s CllL atlan As

rhe ExecutIve Leg slat ve ~nd soc atlOn of Ch cago rei eve an ave J ud c al App opr atlOn b II \\ asl ta age of forty fam I es da ly at an 0 t ken up and a long del ate eosue~ on lay of $165 i)

the w thd awnlof the coutract f on A Mr HICks of Long Island cou t1 e Da y Globe fo publ shmg tbe temp atcs a donat on of $40 000 to Cong essIOnal p oceed ngs The the SocIety for the P event on of amendmeut was dlsa" eed to bu~ on C uelty to An n als lecons deratIOn It was adopted b~24 yeas to 14 nays The b II was t en There s a Young Men a Hebrew passed - Benevolent Assoc at on of New

York fOI the gratn to S dIStributIOn The Neb asb b II was passed ver of fllel to the poo

the Pres dent s veto w thuut deb te by 1 yeas to 9 na s James Parkel who d ed recently ;.'l,.. y m L tllhfield N H left by vl1l $20

1 C!IU E o~ REPRE,ENTATI 000 to the P byte an ChUich The House uft r post! 0 ng se tl at to"

esol t ous n f vo of red HilD Rev Dr ?lIa ch of CI ntou street the cU:lencv passed a esol d,oe< chu c1 Ph ladelph a ece ed a p eseut~l by Jl.Ir G nnell of 10 ",a New l'ea s g ft of $1000 ton h s p 0: 1 ng fo no f the e luct on of congreg"t on out stand ng Um~d States not sand Hev Herr ck Joh so of P tts ust et ng the W'lyS a d Jlieanrl

Com ttee to eport suel b 11 as ne b g eee ved a g ft of $1 9 00 f 0 n cessa y to ell) ct th soble t 'Vest h s people Ipon Ch stmas (by e n me nbe s all voted fo t ]',I Dodge of El zablth N J has

A resol t on vas passM to nstl u t p esented ten tl 0 sand doHars to tl e tl e Navul CommIttee to repo t on Alexanl a tl eolog calsem nary he exped ency of e no\ ng tl eJ~a The Catalogue of the II n on Thea

\ 1 Academy from Annu[ 0 IS llli log cal Sem arv of New Yo k sl 0 s to a po nt n tl e Un ted States were that the nnmbe of st dents s 11v

loyal con numty cx sts ~ ew A. Bapt 8t cl u ch ut R chmond London Conn IS talked of as a su t 'd has reli sed to rece ve n embers able s ~ mme sed by non Bapt sts

Geneml SherLdan was ece \ ed and TI e Arne can Ed lCat on p esented to the nen I e s of I 'the hus approp ated ivO each House dunng a ece s tal en for I~I at young men I pose The F ee V \I Bapt stB a e found

The b \I al propr at ng $2 vOO 000 mg a conege III Jay County Inrl

t eat os was leported SUMMARY OF NEWS

town of Brookfield Twenty years ago the PaCIfic Mall

S S Company began bUB ness With a cap tal ot" $200000 and two ~maJl steamers They have now a fleet of thl ty steamsh ps all pa d for and have dunng theLr eXIstence diVIded over $10 000 000 to the shareholders

The Bulkley fund which has been accumulating for about 20 years and now amounts to $54 000 IS to be ap plIed to butldmg a scbool house and ma ntalDmg a grammar school fo boys JD New London Conn early next Spnng

On Tuesday Feb Dth the raIlroad br dge (long bndge) uc oss the Poto mae l~ ver at Washmgton togethel With allothe aer08S the East b anch we e entuely swept away I:ly a breaking up of the ICe above the c ty w h c~llrr ed e\ erythmg hefore It

Th. n orld publIshes un expose of the order known as the Grand Arl)lY of the Repub\tc, sho vmg It to be au organl'ation numbermg five hnndred thousJlld Radicals to. sustaIn the 1m peachment of the P es dent

The ExecutIve manSIOn at 'Wash mgtoll hll'S been thoronghly renovat ed It a cost of $40 000 The new ea peta und curta us we e eS1pe(liallh mpmwd for them

A !)luu vho was :II ested n Bos ton ~ Ie v u ghts s nee on SuspiCIon (I at hC vas a th ef was found to h:t:c };~;: peck ot I e and dead

]I,! Kent of Natchez vas aston shed lhe othe day by recel ng a

b n of ladmg fo~ ten boxes of Tom C3t8 It .hould ha e I een To nato cats p

A In.rge n Lmber of counte feLt fi e cent co ns have De en I ut m e rcula ton n Ne v XOik The metal s \ e y base bemg n some ustances not much better than lead

The D ncannon Iron Company at D ncannon Pa wus rohhed of $1 000 mostly ID govt'rnment sec n t es 00 rh sda): n ght Ii eb th by bu gla s

The death IS anno uced of Dr WIll nm "Marsden of L ncoln s In 1

F eld London VIrtually the fo mder of the Cancer HospItal to arrv ont the st pulatlOn of Inr. an

The House d sposed of a I ge number of b lis eported om SoIl e s enl st nlf u der tbe act of

M I C July 4 IBM ana the call of tl e

It IS est mated that the eCeIpts by mternal revenue from New Yo k v ty amo I t to torty m 11 on dolla s

the tary 0 nm ttee a~ong P e~ldent of J lly 18fi4 unrler sa rl wh h was one a nendatOIY 0 the act and vho enl sted for one two or bo nty net to allo v sold er8 vho th ee years lespect elv have: been have lOot the d scI a ges to ~ake dec ded not ent tied to the extra proof 01 se) v ce ~c befo e tl e Second Aud tor-wh ch 1 as bo nty unde the act of J ly 1866 The I ate of bounty ullo vance passed m ler the fo ner a t IS $100 per

T e House SI ent a good de I of yea payalle by lllstulments onc t me n tbie cons aer t on of the b 11 third n ad :lDce Enlst ngfortbree from tbe Reconst ct on Commlttee ear the sold e vas pa d $100 III establIsh ug mIl ta y go ern me ~t8 III ad vance a d If he se ed half I LS the Soutl I term received anothe $100

~ SCE r A.NEOUR J Several months smce Mr Charles The 'Vays and Means Com ttee Prescott of Courtland N Y lost a

I a\ e comnleted the tax b 11 'Ii' erl, roll of greenbflck. amo mt ng to a. e OUL t!w a ... ~ ~:i" rt and they are of m no nro -illnce to bpi A few day8 smce rts~\\j}~ \mong them s leathe All In- was unQackmg a closet to fin 1 some

comes below $1 000 are exempt I AU P cccs of old n usl n when she d s above that figure are umform I and cOVeled all old bag on the flool and

fixed at five per cent Cigars lD the folds of It a mo Ise had ade are rated m two cla-ses the ltJ~er at Its nest and hned It w th the II S8 ng $2 nnd tl e h ghe at $8 The cou g eenbacks wI h were well pre m ttee have adopted suel st1'1 ge t sel ved legLsla on as WIU t IS bel eved pre A ve I ct wIth)ji8 000 damages

ent the law f om be ng e ade1 and ~as ohta ned u tJ e Ne v Yo k Su frauds pet pet ated TI e comru ttee pe 0 Co t the othe day b) a lad were cou pelled to abandon thel dea tou teen years of age whom h sen vll ch va8 ut first ag eed ul qn 01 1'10) e s nconslderately callsed to be mak ng lnrge reduct ons TheJilook a ested and Imp soned they SIS to a ve y large fall g off n tte e {lJ':ct gIn of hav ng ah t acted

e pts d ng tbe p esent an the $100 f on a package of money w th next fiscal 1 ear 0 ~ n 19 to the stag vh ch he hud been ent sted b t

nUon of b s ness w h eh proved to ha e been wong]} counted

Ii om ·Wash ngton d "latches to tl e P 0 uence Jou I dated! Sun day Februa y lOtI va cl p t1 e fol

10 v ng A despe ute :ttte ntlt w II ee made

Man by or T Iesday to puss Borne k ud of a I econst ct on b 11 The b ltotre ed by]\[r Banks v II not sa t £y tbe lad cals bec:mse t does not nis st upon un versal suill age !1 ptopoBes to exclude a small class. fbels and a la ge claes of negro s

Tpe H'ou"e w II not ag ee to that 1 be b 11 dawn p by the New 0 leans comm Hee has the best cha ce but t ~ II have to be amen led before t can pass Some of the 81 e vdest

I epubl cans say tbat It LS too late to do an)th ng rna e on recohstruc t on thIS Congress j

Both I;iouses w U agree to ~h e j) mand Loa B II bnt vlth the ndcr staml,llTIg that McCulloch s tQ go on

m 11 ons of g e\1nbacks In sho t the bIll IS a

lU a year WLllIs B Astor of Ne:v YOlk

has 1 ecelltly g en $ 0 000 to th L br!lLY NhICh \\ as founded

h s fathe John Jacob Astor There s t IS sa d a space ot 1

131 000 square nllies a ound the North Pole whICh s now a blauk on

The da Iy pay of the Pr ISSJJlIl m faut y ~oldler:l has been a sed to se_cn cents

An ox vas sold at Maucheste N H a few days ago fo :!J171

A young mau n Iowa rna n ed h s step mother after h s fathe s death

Queen' letona we gha 120pound

States S prame Court J auuary It was decided that ne ther a

li~nse to sell I quor nnder the act of

het veen the two IjIouses and M~)Ctlll()ch ag ees to t I He s to have po we to ret re greenbacks .accordlDg to the ex st ng lar and Wlll nse Iii mless thge condIt of! of the co ntry renders It ImpOSSIble

l86:! no): a speCial tax the act of 1866 confers upon

palty hcensed or who pays the tax autbonty to carryon the buslDess contrary to the laws of the State

I CORRECTION -I~ a late artIcle ][ A Hnll about DeRuyter lnst! tIlte It was stated that he TeCCI ved twenty five doHals l' om Eld Stc­~hen BurdIck It should have read that I e received twenty five dollars from "Peter Burdick of Nile Alle ganl Co N Y by the hand of Etd Stephen Burd ck

CONSTITGTIONAJ A)lEND lENT ~ The has at fied

amendment But

~'HI""lcnusE:ttB, It 18 understood will '[ he Delaware HOllEe of

IIl{epr'cse:nt3~ti ves f!,Jected the Arne! d Feb 6th by fI \[ote of 10 to 6

RELIGIOtJS INTELLIGBNOE Th" s xth annual meetlllg of the

U DlveJul Israel t 8h AllIance took place rt Par s on the 29th ofrDecem The C c nnatl G zelte states that ber, Jnder the pres deney of M C e a boy th rteen ) ears old was blown m e~x The meetmg was verlla gely from a tan of ea s whIle passlllg att~nded Among those present from one ca to another The acC! was the Haha n of the Span sh dent took place on the Ind anapohs and Portugese congregat on of Lon Junct on Ra load and the boy fall don the Rev Professor Artom mg IlltO the suo v escaped Without {t~lroll,ghotlt I~~~,,~~:~n:r:: FrOID the repo t reai! t appears that lDJury .; the AllIance IS prospero I. n~mbermg The ave age denSIty of POlPUI:aW)ll I OVE't five thousand membels,lres du (7 m New York City IS

all quarters of the globe per square mIle Its 1 Rev Mr ::schauffiet WI ies flOm pa ks and other open spaces bemg

Germany to the Gong egbt onal sf jlllcluded III the estunate Th s gives And hele I may note ont of the to each person a ~pace 12 yards long

excellenc es of Ger nan hurcl es by 8 Wide In wh ch to lIve aud move Nobody has hIS own pew hert-fore and have h 8 bemg everybody has equal t tIe ~o a seat The foreIgn JO rnals announce the and the poor never feel tl emseh es death of t vo German exclnded The I umblest peasant one of wh ch was the oldest PUIJII"IU·

can wo .h p God III the kID~ s chapel ed lD Eu ope It IS the Post Zel

There are no arlstocratio ch Irches tong founded at Frankfort 1n 1610 \i~~~~~~~~~~~;;,; where to tile poor the gOS1el 18 not and at thc tIme of Its dem se It had 'preached been publ shed over two hunil1'ed

The eVlsed statIst as of tl e Ali I and fifty one years can Method st Eplseopal Ch Irch rc W t1ham Kelly was kIlletl at -ceutly prepa ed by B shop D A wuke 1D Camden eounty N J on Payne D D wblch alO~CO[llPlled Wednesday mght of last week alld I"''''uf.ctureilo~

the mIDutes of all tl e ann lal h s body was allowed to remain 11

W!nm~:t(j)n dib~:;~;SII~~~dt.h"t. \I~oDit'er'enl:l!is,8h'ow thattbat eOOIDIDa the middle of the floor while the fes o one hundred thOOll8nd mem tlvltl6S were gomg on The mur

derer WIIS Bne!tOO.



Page 4: rVol+23+(1867... · OC ali tbese m.tches here ... Cllllillg at the store where the ... a \oluntaty subscllptlOn to the o\er the Moslem mmd, the old fa


choosmg to pay for the lia-rrill!l.!l' a part of them rather AGE N T S

UrIan.- and put up ID An.1oi·il.e'ls 'b,~d

clock WhICh sounds by means of an elec

prqceedmg from the he ha~ taken care to

not near the bed his,gal'del~er, but at the other

room now the electrIC not stop untIl ~ou un

hook the -conductmg wire so An tome IS oblIged to get up m order to delIver hltdSelf from the deafemng nOIse and once up he w 11 not be hkely to go to bed The battle IS won

Beyond the lodge of the gardeDe IS the hot house m whICh are kept durmg the w nter the orange and other tees whICh ale sensItIve to cold but if It IS necessary to keep thes/:: flom the frost It is qUIte as hurtfnl to expose them to excessive heat It IS therefore necessary to have the mean~ of venfYIDg the tern peratule of the green house and above all of aS$urmg orle l{ self du\' mg the mght that the gardener has not been neglIgent Nothmg eaSlel to M Hobert Hondm A metahc thermometer composed of two d f ferent plates wh ch dilate uneq tal

when heated at a ce'tam degree or of cold pushes a lIttle -VUlve

whICh puts It m com'mUDlCat on 'II th an electIlc apparatus the current once establIshed sounds a bell whICh not fies the master of the house

You wIll conjecture that the sub of clocks bas not been neglected man ~ ho commence I hfc as a

and who has accom IJUI>ll~U wonders Ill, th s k nd of me

M HobeIt Houdm has gIVen to hIS natHe town-BlOls-an electrIC clock. not kept In motion by electriCIty transmItted and regulated by another clock of tl e common kmd but perfoTIllmg ItS funct ons under the dIrect IDfluence of a p Ie whICh IS only renewed ence a year all the clocks 1 aDd watches In the town al e regulated by th s clock

In his house M Robert HOlJ.dm has a clock of greatflec SIOU a veri table chronometer 0 commOD make t goes by means of a we ght wh ch t IS necessary to wmd up every

week 0 every month to obVIate th s necess t1 M Robert Houd n has ut hzed a wasted force vh ch no one before hIm had thought of em ploymg ItIsthe kItchendOOI whICh constautly opened and shut wmds up by th s constaut go Dg and com ng the we ght of hIS clock

By means of an electr c com nun catIOn the pendulum gl vesmot OD to the hands of seyeral dIals placed ID different corners of the mans on eo that ID gettmg up of a mormng aIld puttIng hIS aoa. as they say out of the wmdow M Robert Houd D seel> on the nght on the gable end of h s

I gl~e~l~-homle, the hour of day on the end of another

hand WhICh tells hIm barometer wh Ie dl

rectly m front IS a vanecwhlCh shows the dIrectIOn of the wmd And now do not these mgemous and d s reet mechamcal servants so obedIent of such e,en temper whose wages are almost nothmg who a e neIther blus termg nor awkward who do not break anythmg who m a word do

make Jokes or bulls lind who are consequently the Ideal of the model set vant need a great deal of care ~ Two hours a year to renew the elec trlC pIles It IS put SImple truth to say that all thIS IS arranged m a per fectlOn lD whICh you pelCelve the n .entlVe mmd -and haud of a wondel fully sklllf1il art st

The Montrealers magnificent scheme ImmeDSe water Lawrence nver plds These rapids

In leDgth In that d!;I.~~~~~'i: of the l"lver smks t. In the of the ter of islamdll extimding tl!Iro'~gh eut re lenglih I" naVIgable runs h"il"".t>n

and the soutbem Tb.e sources of the so Immensely dIStant S IbJect to so many mu_~u!uly sat ug mfluences not \ ely materIally by floods or drouths power at tlHi -rlmi{1s be equal to the COUlIUllueu four m Ihons of projects to turn power to good aCCOl1nt tIme to tIme been mmd m Montreal have been on so \ olvmg so Immense amall an available nothmg has come of thmk no v however hit npon a plan ble It s lescnbed

ThIS plan thl1ee prmel pal features FIrst It p oposed to tUlD the stream glJd ng between the slanda In the rapIds Into a great con

t nuous mIllstream fo ;the manufac tor es to be built OD tb Islands Se COD 11y It IS Intended () CODStruct a great dam f om the slands to the northern or :lIIontreall J:Jank of the rver two thousand e;tght hund ed feet In leDgtl Wide enough for a double raIlway track 3i carnage road aDd footpaths and h gh eDough to retuIU all the head water of the north channel whICh by I UUDlDg a pIer a short dIstance up fi om the Ilppermost IslaDd can be made from sIxteen to e ghteen feet Balow tl e dam along the rocky lied of the ar ested nor th chanDel ware S, 00 lis

are to be erected Above the dam wIll be an Immense and plac d m I pond 1OtO whICh great rafts of t m ber f om tl e Ottawa and e scwbcre may be eas Iy floated to be sa ~n by the m lis below Th I dly It IS pro posed to excavate a canal three or s x hUDdred feet w de and fourteeD feet deep commeDcmg a short d s tance above the dam aDd rUDUlng nearly parallel to the river about a thousand feet from ItS bank down to the alley of the I er St P erre MIlls a e to be bu It aloDg the canal throw ngthe rta 1 watermtother \ el M lis vo lId be bu It also along tl e valley of the St P erre It IS calcu lated that the hydraulic power thus colltr()lleld WIll be suffiCIent to all the can be found Tt ~ utended Ii Ic"w·i ...

of the canal should .nn.~lu m(lrel •• e,a

bled With them all and slder10g how much t.h.ov .~mn ... gard to the plill":d,e~[lg elf pasSlln\gers, I am not surprISed The thIrd class passengers to me rather overdo thIS tImes I certalDly thought so a few days ago when I saw a voyager of that persuas on getting Into a CRr With a vmy large copper kettle slung upon one arm a long saw for two men such as IS used for sawmg heavy tImber on the other ... whIle two live turkeys were slung oy tbeil" legs around hIS neck and Dangled down h s back With an oceaslonal asthmatIC gobble wrung frolll them by the force of Circumstances ThIS mterestmg spectacle passed IIp and down the leDgth of the whole statIon two or three tImes lookmg for a hole large enough to creep mto befo e It fiDally dIsappeared III the bowels of a car lIke Jonah m the whale s belly It was too common howeve to at­tract attention fro n an,Y ODe.!J t my self and no one seemed t"""rega d t as peculiar or even humorous

It IS no uncommon thmg to see a woman gilttmg lDtO a second clsss car With half a dozen 11 ~ e Ii"ens tIed together by the r feet wrl~g find strugglmg m a way by nQ means agreeable to the rest of the pass en

FREEZING TO DEATH 1\I Pouchet lately read an Intel est

mg paper on th s subJllct before the F ench Ac!\demy of Sc eD<¥ The author 8 mfer ences al e uS follows

1 That the fi st I henom:f0D pro duced by chId IS a contract of the mil Illary vessels to such a extent that a globule of blood caun~t entel These, essels wh ch therefore Ie rua n completely empty

2 The second pheDomen~n IS an altel at on of the blood globules wh ch amounts to the r complete d 9 organ zat on

" Every a mal co npletelr frozen s absolutely dead aud nap(/; er caD

reUDlmate It 4 WheD oDly a part IS fi ozen

that pa t IS dest oyed by gangrene 5 If the part f ozeD IS not ex

tens ve and only a fe v d sorguDlzed blood glob les pass mto c reulat OD the aD mal may lecover

6 But If. Oll the co t ar y the fi ozen pa t IS of cODslder ble extent then the I ass of altered globules brought uto c rculat on when the part IS thawed rap dly k lis he an mal

For thIS I eaSOD a I alffrozen an mal may I e a 10Dg t n e If rna D ta ued D th s cond t on s nce the altered glob les 10 DOt get mto t, c rc latlOu but It exp es rap as soon as the f ozen pa t thawed

8 In all cases of congealatlOn death IS due to the alteratIOn of the blood globules and DOt to aDY effect on-T_I1I" nervous system

o It results from these facts tJ at the less alldly the frozen part IS

tha wed the mOl e slowlJ: altered globules find theu way the mr culatlOn and

In a recent tour of th,~ .. ~n,ien pump Dg power for WOI ks and when nelldedfiill for ocean gomg steamers

Spa n she was to stop do.ok!I:1 ed Da m el and have

the royal tram was preCE~ded a mIle or so by a locomotIve by men

RAILWAY TRAVEL IN ITALY whose duty It was to see ihatthe line A pleasant correspondent III Italy was qu te safe It was n6t to stop at

sends to the Boston Po t a goss py DmmIeI Mereover the we\ltlier was lette about tl e ra Iroads n Italy rather foggy The comins wh stle and theIr pecul ant es After al was hea d se~ eral .t me~ but the Iud ng to the dlfficultles of b lIld ng crowd confidmg m the pxogramme ra lroads In so mounta nous a co m remaIned at a standst 11 spread about try' the WrIter proceeds the I ne Suddenly the locomotive

'''There are three classes of calS on emerged flom the fog go ng at full the ItalIan roads of wh ch the thIrd speed It I ad Jllmost reached the IS gene ally crowded the second half throng when the couductor t led to or two-thIrds full and the first only stop It was n vam The locomo occ lpled by Amencans EnglIsh and tive passed o~ er tre gro IpS of hYlug now and then a stray g andee from people with the veloc ty ofhghtiimg France and Ge.many These latte smash Dg do v n all obstacles Its b rds are howeve rare and for the no se ~as at fled by the c es of agony most pa t one hears only the Eng and terror uttered by the whole I sl tODgue m the first class cars c 0 vd an I when the confusIOn had These are very comfortable and sup dlmlmshed a httle seveu co pses

\~elrge~ht lD charge of the es when at Danville

Grand Trunk RaIl was gtven that the car

was on fire It was ImmedIately dIS connected and whllst consldermg what was best to be done Pflvate o Hea took the keys from hiS hand rushed to the car opened It and call ed out for water and II ladder It IS stated that It was Que to h s example that the fire WIIS suppressed

STERLING PmcE -A correspond ent of tbe C ncmnatl (0) Commerc al says

Last Sunday I saw 1D St Lou s the dmner table of the Southern Ho tel Sterlmg PrIce I saw before me a poor old maD whom peace and honor made plethOriC whom war Iiad made -bald and lean HIS grljat shoulders bent undel theIr dwmdled flesh hIS feet were shrn1!k,en m theIr ga ters aDd rattled lIke a paIr of spurs he had lost the battle light from hIS eyes the hronze from h s knuckles h s vo ce of command was so lost that the walte.ll>lJent to hIS I pa to hear h s chOICe of soups Des tltute ID hIS dlsappomted age the spectre of a dmmg table one half of the g Iests who looked npon hIm pIt fully had been b a sold era lD the war Three t mes he swept Mlsso ~ slew Lyon stormed Mull gan beard ed Jeff. Daus Now he eats lIke the seventh stage of maD

ODDS AND ENDS The cou tsb p of Dr Sam John

son was a model one as an eVIdence of d sregard of pO.ILlOn m soc ety When paymg hlB addresses to h s partner he stated that he ~as of mean extract OD poo and I a 1 an mcle who was baDged IT s sweet heart responded that she felt It no d\sg ace to be poor as she was poo herself and altl ough she never had aDY relatIve that was hanged she had fifty who desen ed to be

A man IU Phlladelph a hOrrIfied the passe s by a day or two SlUce by throwlUg h mself IU f ODt of a street cm IDstead of beIDg a crazy creat Ire he was a Mr S GIlson m vento of a ra I way safeg ard by ap plymg whICh to a car wheel any moveable obstr ot on s pushed away IUstead of run over ADd be tookl th s method of ShOW1Og m h s peI SOD the efficacy of h s nvent OD

Is the old PUI tan stock 10Slllg ts v tahty and rUDDlDg 0 t ~ The'town I ecOllds of ~Iassachusetts show that n the first gene at on of settlers

the famdws averaged from e ght to ten chIld eD m the n€xt three ge n erat ons from seHn to e ght the fifth about five and the s xth less than three The p e ent a\ e age IS ess than th s

The sale of horseflesh IS mcreas Dg n ParIs The e a e now seven

b Itchels m that I De d sposmg of about 40 000 per week at f om fhe to We

fed on hOI se steaks horse sansages

The turDmg down of the wlck of a kerosene lamp for the purpose leavmg a low flame on goUlg to bed, or on leavmg the room of au even


1I.""EW YORK A<Inm3-Dr C D Potter .Al~ ed Cbarles D Langworthy Alfred Cedlcr_M J Green N,.V HolL B oOkfield-Riohard Stlllman, Berliu~ Byron Whitford Ceres-Wm R Mnxson DeRuyter-Barton G Stillman, Genesee-E R Cmndllll Hoonsfie d-BenJanun MllXSon, Iudepend ",ec-,John P Livermore Leona dsvlIle-A," M West Nile-Ezekiel R CIorke PortvlIle-A. B CrandaU, E. I Maxson Poland Abel Stillman Petersburgh Hamllton Clarke R chbnrgh-John B Cottrell State Brldgc-,Joseph Wcst Scott-Byron L Barber South Brookfield-Herman \ Hill Verann-Thomas Perry Watson D P Will am. WellsvlIle-Chnrles Rowlev West Ed!jleston-Ephrll.lIll ~fuxson

ng s h ghly unsafe The low flame ::~t:j~~~!~i~~i~:~:f.~~~l~£~~~~ generates a POISOUOUS au m the room d fferent f 0 n but qu te as ba 1 if

WQrse III Its efiects thaD a coal stOle

An mdustr ODS tradesman havlUg taken a new apprent ce awoke hIm earlv by callIng out that the tlltllll,ij~d we e about BItt ng down to the ble Thank you smd the boy as he tUlDed over m bed preparatory to anothel nap thaDk you but I never ent anythmg du mg the mght time

Among the maDY a1 pI catIOns for office now pendlDg at Wash Dgton IS one fi om Springfield III ofa pit tnot wlhose ~ole cIa 00 IS that he held an umbrlllta o~er the P eSldent

he made a speech ther e ID the plIed WIth long tubes of hot water Will e found upon the I ne and "';;'I'l'.;n

for the feet The second class are them twenty seven bod es still A w~iMr fi om Genoa savs _ :~~I-~t~!~~~~;~~:t.~~~~d' pi ov ded w th cush ons and are but 1 orr bly mutIlated The never ssW"'watel so clear as some il Prnfe .. m-

pIa nly and neatly fitted up They was scarcely clea cd from the the Medlti!'uaneaD for at SaD Remo


a e CODVenIent eno gh for people dead and vo mded befol e the royal I bel eve we cODld see the bottom at m gene al and for a gentleman tra tau was n s ght and when It stop 100 feet The sllall boat m \ el ng alone especmlly If he lIkes to the wheels of the carr ages "Were we went to the steamer seemed be SOCIable and deSires to learn the w th blood aDd spattered WIth pended m the aIr laDguage of the count y for the Ital llU'lDaln remams The queen was The first of a set es of expected !ans are very affable and talkat ve affected by the awful scene arrests 1"as maae m New 0 leans on and return aDY proft'e ed CIVIl ty WIth mformed Df Its appallIng tbe l' th of January-a pol ceman Dte est They have a d sagreeable majesty burst mto tears on the complamt of\ a colored man

way howeve of splttmg on the an part m the admmls-. chargm~ the formei1 WIth shooting young lawyer who has chamber~ floor and of eat ug quantItIeS of of the first 8lccor and ga\ e With mtent to kIll J ly 30 1866-

tile Temple had a nodd ng ac roast chestn ts whose shells they reals for the famil e,s 1;lf the tbe day of the not quamtance wltlI an old gentlemen throw under foot or the seats The borne mllllster was hvmg on the same staIrcase The both of wh ch practices at Madnd and ,lent at A man lD BrIdgepolt Conn has old m:fwas a wealthy old bachelOl cond class cal by no tram conveymg a staff mvented an Illummated cane By an

ngeUlorts ar angeruel}t that portlou and ha a place m the country to or des rable for a men and the lequlFJiU re- of the ClIne Immedlatelv below the whICh he weDt for a week every class wagons 0 vago e and Burg cal apparatus himdle....is constructed 8S a lantern

HIS servants had charge of them are qUIte rnde m ....,. ffi -"e while lie was away-an old rangements TheIr contammg oil su c~ for bUTDmg 1"- seve131 hours marr ad couple who had hved WIth pme beDehes

him twenty seven yeals and were medIUm between The lIayor of Lynchburg was types of the fine old Engl 8h domes cept ble part of the caught rldmg upon the SIdewalk by

aDlialble nei~b-I tIC On Easter Tuesday the YOUDg that comes n cont!\ct a pOhceman who reported hIm to lawyer was astoUlshed to fiDd the old as applIed to the lIayor The Mayor heard the

P if< so s of Sp"" at B a k,

~ 11 );1 D P ofessor of CUnl

gentleman on hiS Temple. stan case an active verb ev dence and fined hImself one dol and made some lemalks about It do very well for lar t='G.t(W;MIii~ioii; The old man asked hIm mto hIS room peasantry~ and are At the Vug ma State-LIbrary and saId h3 had receIved a fearful softer than the seats be seen a curIOs ty n the shape of a shook He had gone down as usual tomed to at home pIece of wh te pme plank the heart to b~ilOuntry place had been re class who t avel WIth cooper of whlCh 18 a perfect representabon Celvoo'wlth IDtense cordiality had handsaws andJive tUrkbys and so of a human leg aDd foot com~lete found hiS dlDner cooked to pcrfec strIkiDgly call to mmd She man s ID Its p!oportlOns as well as color tlOD aud evefythIDg as it had been forage s·1 The wIves of the Adams ExprE'SS pO;tb.~Jj;;gi. fram the begIDnmg When the The oostom of welghlllg luggage robbers wlio lately escaped from the cloth was removed hIS faithful butler IS not near so annoymg to Itahans Danbury (Ct ) JaIl have been on ~I al put I}IS bottle of port on the table as to other natIOns and at the Bridgeport Super or Court for and made the cdstomary mqu rIes to our countlymen and aldmg the prisoners to escape about master 8 health boped roaste The Itahans show a The new fort at Sandy Hook be was not fatigued wltli bls Journey stratlve and pestiferous low New York was begun ID 185'"' had enjoyed hIS cutlet and 80 on It becomes a matter of and will be completeq ID 18'"'0 It -The old gentleman was le!1;- alone and Will carry more ~d will be the largest fort m the coun

hI!! hand was on the neck of the bot bags and valIses ill theIr try exceptmg Fortress Monroe tie of port wlien It suddenly Hashed any other people I ever The receipts of Internal Revenue across his mmd Here I am a lone These they stowaway h Iy roan no one cares for me there seats and on the racks lD New York for t e last

18 no one hele to help me if anythlDg tIl I have often seen amount to $35 000 000 Tbe ~~;~~t~~~~~~.~~~~ shonld happen to me What if my car S~rJkIDgly resemble a gate regular collectIOns ID fonr old servant and hiS Wife. have been and really all tbe 18 nearly one bundred millIOns cheating and robblng.,~e all the cat u~ed for that Late advlCes received from Sieria tIme! What if they 1IIht to get equa that whICh was west coast of AfrICa state rid of and they bave pOisoned a pas enger Oar WIth BADGE OF VALOR In a .. ''''AntH.,..... an earthquake occurred wInch thIS of wIDe' The Idea took ment of the Gazette It IS notified very destructIve of human hfe

hold so strongly tbat he I almost i~:~a~~:~zll~s~~~: Queen IDtends to cooi~fe~r~:t;~h~e~!~~tl:~~~~;\ touch hIS port. When the often urged 1." <{'ross on Private paper offers to give an 1IC!~~.ed~DI~ .. m~th~~ue ID agam he said he dId to ta e mto 1st battalion of the one bUlidred and twenty

well would have a cup of large black Own RIfle BrIgAAe/ as a w:edding portion to no he would '1Iave a glass 0(: and ats a nat-DOX:, __ ~ 1"__ ous conduct on the ocoasJ.on of ,Poorest and IDDst virtuous gtrl

and go to bed In the mom Is a d they rather wO'I1d'er fire which occurred lD a raIlway dleated by Its subscllbers ;to

/ \

lorge dw-eUiJIlI!:

outbuildings ~~~~~~§~ll~~~~~~~~~~~i IlCre. of land, good orchord .l;;d ~;.::;' i.:;~: ".:;',:':1 well ndaPte'dd,:41,.~~~~~t.1 made very pI purposes with manufaetllrmg cinlty

For term. address



MId F'i" h "0 nds

Fasted Umbs, Burn

or Scalds,