r two i eyeing f on thp mar co - university of...

R < + tvgSggifl JfPfi t- t > I TWO OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY NOVEMBER 16 1908 1 ov I u 7 7 r x i r f z EYEING STAR- C l I BITTINGER JL CO fj- C > L Bittinger and R R Carroll < < Proprietors and Publishers- C L BITTINGER Editr and General Manager t R R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager l IS THE W C T U WORTH WHILE Rev C C Carroll preached a most eloquent sermon Sunday night on Is k w the W C T U Worth While He 4t read for his text the 31st chapter of ° r Psalms preaching from the last verse r of the chapter Read It and It will help you to conceive of the splendid r sermon he preached from it To the question he said yes He told of the conditions that led up to Its formation and how rum and k tobacco In the early history of the nation played an important part How H Baxter College had been largely sus ¬ tained by money received from this source In Its early history That day has passed and the public no longer looks at the business as it did fifty = ire or sixty years ago He spoke of the slave traffic and how every gallon of rum purchased a slave and what an Iniquity it proved- He referred to the whisky insurrec- tion ¬ In western Pennsylvania because s men were not permitted to drink it without being taxed for the privilege- All of which went to show the lenien- cy ¬ and Indifference with which the people thought about the traffic How- In those days it was no seeming dis- grace ¬ tY to get drunk everybody had I the liquid on the sideboard If peo ¬ ple did this it was passed on as an- other occurrence of minor moment But as the habit grew and Its rav- ages ¬ began to devastate society ruin 7 livesand wreck homes those who felt its most crushing effectsthe wom- en ¬ began to protest and It came in the form of a request to the saloon men t > r whisky sellers not to sell their 1 husbands and sons but this pleading- fell on deaf ears 4 The whisky evil grew until the bit- ter ¬ sufferers shrieked out their pro ¬ 4 test into the public ear They organiz- ed ¬ and from their united labors has come a great revolution and better ¬ ment of the conditions that surround- and protect the sanclty of the home From that protest and cry for relief has come the restraint and regula ¬ tion of the last twentyfive years anti is growing at1 a rate that has com ¬ pelled the makers and sellers of whis- ky ¬ to sit up and take notice That the monster evil the greatest and worst for the demoralization and de ¬ struction of society that the world know be banished from the u landnd would bo ascertain as he- x was Speaking Ho could nojt tell the t tlmei might rH > tbe Iri nlsSday but the time was coming all the same and the liquor men and the manner in which they had conducted the busi ness was directly responsible for this I great contest J vt He said there was no use giving r arguments for its suppression the world knew them and they were un ¬ ear answerable no matter what sophistry- and lies had been told to bolster a bad cause He paid the W C T U a glowing tribute for the work it had done and in the kindly manner in which the good women did it with love in their heorts for the cause of humanity not s only for the stay of the liquor traffic but in other lines of uplift usefulness- and benefaction- In closing Rev Carroll said If you believe and approve of what I have said tell It to your neighbors t if you dont approve of what T said t come to me He was pleased to know j that temperance sentiment In his church had grown was much stronger and more aggressive than It was a few years ago His sermon M produced a small temperance revival right then and there rt LATHE FLOWER OF THE SOUTH rp By far the best musical comedy company which Is now touring this part of the country will bt seen at d the armory theater this Monday ev- ening ¬ t The plot of this piece If a plot It may be called deals with the ad- ventures ¬ of a mother and daughter M who sixteen years previous to the opening of the story are left upon their own resources by a dissolute w father and husband The daughter t1 wears a locket which her father gave her when but a child and on his de- parture ¬ from the world of dreams he intrusts a duplicate of this locket to his friend and advlrser Mr Adam Liar who is the purchaser of wild animals for a traveling circus In America Liar goes to the Andes mountains and is accompanied by his son Jack a German operatic manager who is looking for a prima donna for an opera whIch he is to produce in New York as he says next Sep tober Liar accidently meets the wife and- s = daughter of his old friend and immed ¬ iately makes himself known During the unfolding of this little story a number of strong musical numbers are prestnted Izzy Cohen a Hebrew wanderer happens to be on > a tour for his cred- itors ¬ health and if the first one to discover Minerva the daughter She has never seen a man before and of k course Cohen is a peculiar looking human beingtherefore he is mistak- en ¬ for some kind of a bird This 1 scene is Irresistibly funny x ti Among the supporting company may be found such well known com- edians r as Lee Barth a German char ¬ acter delineator a yodler such as ti Emmett Olcou and Scanlon were in t their prime Lou Powers who plays t the part of Izzy Cohen is conceded- to t be one of the funniest low comed- ians ¬ on the American stage today and his songs and parodies are a J1 ° scream Miss Edith Powers who plays the daughter Minerva Ms to quote from an Atlanta paper The sweetest bunch of young girlhood seen here in a long time and is the possessor of a sweetly cultivated voice Others in the company are Miss Marie McCollum who plays 1 Mrs Hargraves Miss Lettie West fLn eccentric comedienne Sidney Will- iams ¬ James R Mitchell Jask Asher Bessie Overton Dairy SUnion Paul Arthur And the orchestra Is com- posed ¬ of Frank L Grogan a blind mar tunes at one and the same time He- s absolutely Sightless and has never known what a piano looks like t short the people of Ocala are as- rreared of a rare musical treat in The f of the South There are c nearly twenty song hits among some I > ot the rhqst promising are When the Circus Comes to Town k t yr < > 1 so t 4- 3t 2 1y i rat i Wont You be My Honey Sleep Baby Sleep When Eyes Like Yours Look Into Eyes Like Mine Mar utchafcPoor Old Girl Bohemia Back to America The Flower of tre South The Mountains and Val- leys U Love etc THE C W PARK COMPANY- Will Open in Ocala Monday Novem ¬ ber 23Will be Here a Week The C W Park Stock Company which has always received a hearty welcome from the theatre goers of this city is to be with us again For nearly two weeks the organization has been making preparations for the opening of their annual tour of the South Everything this season is to be entirely new from start to finish Mr Park states that he has suc ¬ ceeded In getting together the best company of artists he has ever had during his experience with amuse ¬ ment erfferprises A director and two producers of musical comedy are kept busy morning noon and night re ¬ hearsing the company- On Monday Nov 23 they will be in shape to give the people of Ocala an entertainment of unusual merit much better than any to be seen in the larger cities at higher prices The comedies and dramas this company- is using this season are all positively- new and not like the ordinary rep- ertoire ¬ companies Old plays with new titles Each play is a special production and will not be used by any other company in the South The musical numbers which are in ¬ troduced luring each performance are well worth the price of admission alone The company numbers about thirty fiYe people including several mem- bers ¬ who have been with us before The company will exhibit all next week opposite the A C L depot under its own mammoth canvass theater AGATHERIDAN SOCIETY- The Agatheridan Society held its regular meeting Friday Nov 13th After the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved the following program was rendered Subject As You Like It and Twelfth Knight Roll call with quotations from one to twentyfive Essay As You Like ItJean Teague Recitation Arethusa Jessie Mc Intosh Essay Twelfth Knight Margaret Anderson Declamation Young Men and Temperance Robert Polly Essay Comparison of Rosalind and VlolaRay Cappleman Declamation Battle Hymn Geiger Essay Forest of Arden Hope Robinson Dialogue As You Like It Act 1 Scene 2 Touchstone Leslie Ander- son ¬ Celia Edna Smith Le Beau Carl Lytle RosalttiLLavhta Dewey Debate Resolved That Florida legislature should adopt a compulsory school law Affirmative Ross Turner Irma Blake negative Alfred Turner Anna McDowell Paper Editor Maggie Lytle The Judges Mamie Counts Adele BIttinger and Guy Beck decided in favor of the affirmative After the reports of the critics there being no further business to come before the house the society adjourned Helen Brown Secretary- Y P M S MEETING- The Young Peoples Missionary So- ciety ¬ of the Methodist church will hold its regular monthly meeting to- morrow ¬ Tuesday evening at the residence of Major and Mrs L T Iz lar Meeting called to order at 8 oclock All members are urged to at ¬ tend and visitors will be cordially welcomed- Mr Jessie L Williams who for sev ¬ eral years has been the efficient and faithful cashier of the Western Union Telegraph office in Jacksonville has has resigned that position and taken up the study of dentistry in Atlanta- Mr Williams is pleasantly remember- ed ¬ here where he worked for Mr W P Edwards of the market and has many friends in Ocala who will Wish him success in his new venture Atlanta is terribly worked up over the fact that its mayor Woodward a candidate for reelection having won in the late election and a very excel ¬ lent gentleman when out of his cups recently fell off the water wagon and so demeaned himself that the selfre ¬ specting citizens recently held a mass meeting and nominated young Ruck- er for mayor Atlanta on general principals thinks some of booze but has become tired of seeing its effects- of its chief magistrate Woodward admits he got drunk and was cele ¬ brating at thIS maison dores of the city but claims it all came about be ¬ cause his disgusted stomach and frail physical condition demanded some tiling to strengthen them Foleys Honey and Tar clears the air passages stops the Irritation in the throat soothes the inflamed mem ¬ branes and the most obstinate cough disappears Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened and the cold is expelled from the system Re ¬ fuse any but the genuine in the yel- low ¬ package Sold by all druggists- The Moler Barber College New Or- leans ¬ La certainly offers splendid chance for men to learn that trade quickly There Is little expense and positions are numerous Their illus ¬ trated catalogue explains fully Write them DONT DRINK But if you do see Hogan and get the best that money can buy If its a good drink we have it A SUREENOUGH KNOCKER- J C Goodwin of Reldsville N C says Bucklens Arnica Salve Is a sureenough knocker for ulcers A bad one came on my leg last summer but that wonderful salve knocked it out In a few rounds Not even a scar regained Guaranteed for piles sores burns etc Twentyfive cents at all drug stores ROOMS FOR RENT The rooms In the third floor of the Star building fitted for housekeeping- are for rent Apply to Mrs E Van Hood or the Star office Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup- not only heals iritation and allays in ¬ flammation thereby stopping the cough but It moves the bowels gen- tly ¬ and in that way drives the cold from the system Contains no opi ¬ ates It is pleasant to take and chil ¬ dren especially like the taste so near ¬ ly like maple Sold by he AntiMo- nopoly ¬ Drugstore > JiLt ff Xf J1 L ON THECORER Visit our new store It is modern and uptodate and I some say as pretty as can be Some of our new goods are in DRIED APPLES 15 DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25 NEW MACKEREL 10 FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS- Try our famous Hudnuts Pearl Grits and Mealwhite as snow CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c O K Grocery Clark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE 175 TROUBLE IN OKLAHOMA- A Fierce Battle Between a Desperado- and a Posse in Which Eight Men Were Killed Okmulgee Okla Nov ISEight persons were killed and ten others were wounded yesterday in a fight between James Deckard engro des ¬ perado and officers Edgar Robinson sheriff of Okmulgee county is among the dead The disturbances began at the St Louis and San Francisco railroad sta ¬ tion where Deckard engaged in a fight with an Indian boy Steve Gray son and beat him into insensibilitp with a rock When Patrolman Klaber went to the station Deckard fled to his house nearby and barricaded him ¬ self in When Kiaber approached the house Deckard shot and instantly killed him- Sheriff Robinson gathered deputies- in a few minutes and hurried to the scene This posse contained several negroes whom the sheriff commission- ed ¬ as deputies As the attacking party approached the Deckard house Deckard opened fire with a rifle fir ¬ ing as rapidly as he could load his weapon The sheriff fell first in ¬ stantly killed and then five of the ne ¬ gro deputies were slain Deckards house was soon surround- ed ¬ by a frenzied mob of armed men Fire was set to a building just north of it Volleys of bullets were poured into Deckards house and he was shot down He was seen to roll over strike- a match and set fire to his own house which was soon a roaring furnace in which his body was baked Deckard evidently had a large quantity of am ¬ munition stored in his house for many cartridges exploded PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of itching blind bleed- Ing or protruding piles in 5 to 14 days- or money refunded 50 cents y rIY f a0 PUTTING IT OFF TAKING YOUR TIME- In the matter of eye trouble is dan ¬ gerous indeedWHY DELAY In So Important a Matter Children whose eyes are not exactly right should be sent to me at once Dont wait The little fellows are de pending upon YOU They dont know these things themselves- DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 4J0 p m Optical office and laboratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block Save Money O- NSchool Supplies 300 page pencil tablets 4c 400 page pencil tablets go 124 page ink tablets 4 ° 120 page bond tablets 8C Standard makes of lead pencils 3 c A good lead pencil for 1 c All of the above are of the best quality and it will only take a look from you to convince you that you can buy the same for less AT The Variety StoreF- ALL AND WINTE- RTAILORINEI I HAVE MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF PIECE GOODS- An elegant exclusive line and will be pleased to show you the goods and make your fall or winter suit or trous ¬ ers You dont have to wait Pick out your goods and the suit is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to workmanship fit and quality of goods- I also have an elegant line of sam ¬ ples so that you are sure of fincing what you want Respectfully Jerry BurnettT- he Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building- Fort King Avenue l h < t DOWAGER EMPRESS- OF CHINA IS DEAD- A Baby is Now Ruler of the Vast Celestial Empire Peking Nov IGTne Tsi An the dowager empress of China the auto ¬ cratic head of the government which she has directed without successful in ¬ terference since 1S61 and without pro ¬ test since 1SS1 died at 2 oclock yes- terday ¬ afternoon- The announcement of the dowager empress death was official and fol ¬ lowed closely upon the announcement that KuangHsu the emperor had passed away Saturday afternoon but- it is believed that the death of both the emperor and dowager empress oc ¬ curred a considerable time before that set down in the official statements Baby Now is Emperor- An edict issued early Sunday morn ¬ ing placed upon the throne Prince PuYi the threeyearold son of Prince Chun the regent of the empire- in accordance with a promise given by the dowager empress soon after the marriage of Prince Chun in 1903 An edict issued on Friday made Pu Yi heir presumptive GREAT IMPROVEMENTS- ON THE COAST LINE Enire System Will be Relaid With Heavier Rails Division Passenger Agent J G Kirkland in his return from a flying visit to Jacksonville stated to a Times man this morning that he had been informed by one of the leading officials of the Atlantic Coast Line that his road has just placed an or- der ¬ for 1000000 worth of 90pound steel rails which will be used in re ¬ laying the trackage of the company next year Part of these rails will be used in relaying the main line of the railroad between Jacksonville and Tampa and the balance of the rails will be placed- on the main line of the company north- of Jacksonville Will Replace Lighter Rails The 70pound rails which will be taken up on these last named lines- to make room for those of heavier weight will be brought to Florida and used on the branch lines of the road where rails of a lighter calibre nave up to now been deemed sufficient to handle the traffic The Atlantic Coast Line has for the past year beets steadily improving its trackage throughout the state by the relaying of heavier rails as demanded- by the increase of its traffic and this last purchase of rails is merely in order with the general work for Im- provement ¬ in all of its departments whic hthe officials of the road are continually striving forTampa Ev ¬ ening Times 14th- A HAMS BREADTH ESCAPE- Do you know that every time you have a cough or cold and let itruti on thinking it will just cure Itself you are ijuyiting pneumonia tion or some other pulmonarytrouble- Dont risk it Put your lungs back In perfect health and stop that cough with Ballards Horehound Syrup Price 25c 50c and 100 per botle Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore ELECTION WAS ORDERLY Gomez and Zayas Liberal Candidates Chosen by the Cuban Voters for President and Vice President Havana Nov HrAt the close of an election which was conducted with great enthusiasm and complete ab- sence ¬ I of disorder it appeared practi- cally certain last night that Gen Jose Miguel Gomez and Alfredo Zayas have been chohen president and vice presi- dent ¬ respectively of the new Cuban republic with strong Liberal majori- ties ¬ in the senate fend house Throughout the Island according to the reports an extraordinary heavy vote was cast vastly in excess of that cast in the August election where 182000 failed to vote in a total regis ¬ tration of 450000 Gen Joe Miguel Gomez Is 53 years old and a native of Santa Clara pro inc where he has always enjoyed ex ¬ traordinary popularity and influence- He participated in two great revolu- tions ¬ in the first of which he reachtd- the rank of major and in the second the rank of major general- In August 1906 Gen Gomez was arrested charged with conspiring against the administration of the late I President Palma but he denied the allegation and was released from custody after a months imprison- ment ¬ A PAYING INVESTMENT Mr John White of 38 Highland Ave Houlton Maine says Have been troubled with a cough every win ¬ ter and spring Last winter I tried many advertised remedies but the cough continued until I bought a 50c bottle of Dr Kings New Discovery before that was half gone the cough- was all gone This winter the same happy result has followed a few doses once more banished the annual cough I am now convinced that Dr Kings New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies Sold under guarantee at all drug stores 50c and 100 Trial bottle free THE COAST LINE WRECK Mail Clerks King and Bell Killed and Engineer Hafele Badly Injured Jacksonville Fla Nov 15Two dead and one seriously if not fatal- ly ¬ injured is the record of a headon collision which occurred on the At ¬ lantic Coast Line at Cambon a small station ten miles from Jacksonville- at 10 oclock Saturday morning Alex- A Bell and James King the mail clerks the dead were mangled al ¬ most beyond recognition while En- gineer ¬ Hafele was injured The trains in the wreck were No 39 bound from Jacksonville to St Pe- tersburg ¬ and No 10 bound from Newberry to Jacksonville The form- er ¬ it is said should have stopped at Cambon to let the latter pass but the order was misunderstood it is said and the train crashed into the lighter train at a point a mile distant No 39 had a large number of passengers aboard but none received more than slight injuries Engines and mail cars of both trains were badly dam ¬ aged- HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE The above is the name if a German chemical which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foleys Kidney Remedy Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Take Foleys Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a serious malcdy Sold by all druggists > t o = Thp Mar lon > ar ware h CO d OCALA FliORIDA r V 1 f- Y < CARRY AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE STOCK OF v i i Doors Paints Builders Hardware Y Sash Oils Farm Implements Blinds Varnishes Carpenters Tools Saw Mill Phosphate and Turpentine Supplies Guns Revolvers Ammunition Leggings Hunting Coats Gun Cases State agents for and carry in stock Implements and Gasolene Engines of the International Harvester Company I t American and Elwood Field Fence r H B CLARKSON General Ma- nageGADSOISI = i v MAK- ESTHEBIGGESTDISPLAY rt O- rIF F THEM ALL 1 i 1 H IA Y r r- W S 0 M i 0 IA l y- I J- ii 141 JO J t j 1 = w = It 1 = S 1 J s- N = c j = A j = = t ftJJl- t 1r- J1f 1 1110 3U MIl I I = w THE HOME OF SANTA CLAUS- He extends an invitation to you and ask a visit ft to our store and an inspection of our line Hof h iii CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAYGOODS I The oldest Toy and Holiday Goods Buyer for w this market in Ocala25 years experience Toys an Fireworks 1 1 Merchants who handle a small line of these 7 goods are invited to look through our 1S 3 f stock and get prices before buying their I Holiday Line SPECIAL PRICES AND DISCOUNTST- o Public Schools Churches and Sunday School Com- mittees ¬ Christmas Tree Candies Free I OUR COUNTERS AND SHELVES Are loaded with bargains Come early and buyJ your Holiday Goods We pack them away and deliver any evening you suggest Come after sup- per 5 I Open nights until 900 oclock i r THE OCALA BAZAAR I FRANK P GADSON I Commercial Bank Block OCALA FLORIDAy V > t oil < > < sc3ei ifuii Afi sElJiS 5 2 i a t jt

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Page 1: R TWO I EYEING f ON Thp Mar CO - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/01001/0501.pdf · t The plot of this piece If a plot It may be called deals with the


< + tvgSggifl JfPfi t-





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L Bittinger and R R Carroll< < Proprietors and Publishers-

C L BITTINGEREditr and General Manager


City Editor and Business Manager


WORTH WHILERev C C Carroll preached a most

eloquent sermon Sunday night on Isk w the W C T U Worth While He4t read for his text the 31st chapter of

° r Psalms preaching from the last verser of the chapter Read It and It will

help you to conceive of the splendidr sermon he preached from it To the

question he said yesHe told of the conditions that led

up to Its formation and how rum andk tobacco In the early history of the

nation played an important part HowH Baxter College had been largely sus ¬

tained by money received from thissource In Its early history That dayhas passed and the public no longerlooks at the business as it did fifty

=ire or sixty years ago He spoke of theslave traffic and how every gallon ofrum purchased a slave and what anIniquity it proved-

He referred to the whisky insurrec-tion


In western Pennsylvania becauses men were not permitted to drink itwithout being taxed for the privilege-All of which went to show the lenien-cy


and Indifference with which thepeople thought about the traffic How-In those days it was no seeming dis-grace

¬tY to get drunk everybody had

I the liquid on the sideboard If peo ¬

ple did this it was passed on as an-

other occurrence of minor momentBut as the habit grew and Its rav-


began to devastate society ruin7 livesand wreck homes those who felt

its most crushing effectsthe wom-en


began to protest and It came inthe form of a request to the saloonmen t>r whisky sellers not to sell their


husbands and sons but this pleading-fell on deaf ears

4 The whisky evil grew until the bit-ter


sufferers shrieked out their pro ¬

4 test into the public ear They organiz-ed


and from their united labors hascome a great revolution and better ¬

ment of the conditions that surround-and protect the sanclty of the homeFrom that protest and cry for reliefhas come the restraint and regula ¬

tion of the last twentyfive years antiis growing at1 a rate that has com ¬

pelled the makers and sellers of whis-ky


to sit up and take notice Thatthe monster evil the greatest andworst for the demoralization and de ¬

struction of society that the worldknow be banished from the

u landnd would bo ascertain as he-x was Speaking Ho could nojt tell the

t tlmei might rH>tbe Iri nlsSday butthe time was coming all the same andthe liquor men and the manner inwhich they had conducted the business was directly responsible for this

I great contest J vt

He said there was no use givingr arguments for its suppression the

world knew them and they were un ¬

ear answerable no matter what sophistry-and lies had been told to bolster abad cause

He paid the W C T U a glowingtribute for the work it had done andin the kindly manner in which thegood women did it with love in theirheorts for the cause of humanity not

s only for the stay of the liquor trafficbut in other lines of uplift usefulness-and benefaction-

In closing Rev Carroll said Ifyou believe and approve of what Ihave said tell It to your neighbors

t if you dont approve of what T saidt come to me He was pleased to

know j that temperance sentiment Inhis church had grown was muchstronger and more aggressive than Itwas a few years ago His sermon

M produced a small temperance revivalright then and there


LATHE FLOWER OF THE SOUTHrpBy far the best musical comedy

company which Is now touring thispart of the country will bt seen at

d the armory theater this Monday ev-ening


t The plot of this piece If a plot Itmay be called deals with the ad-ventures


of a mother and daughterM who sixteen years previous to the

opening of the story are left upontheir own resources by a dissolute

w father and husband The daughtert1 wears a locket which her father gave

her when but a child and on his de-parture


from the world of dreams heintrusts a duplicate of this locket tohis friend and advlrser Mr AdamLiar who is the purchaser of wildanimals for a traveling circus InAmerica Liar goes to the Andesmountains and is accompanied by hisson Jack a German operatic managerwho is looking for a prima donna foran opera whIch he is to produce inNew York as he says next Septober

Liar accidently meets the wife and-s = daughter of his old friend and immed ¬

iately makes himself knownDuring the unfolding of this little

story a number of strong musicalnumbers are prestnted

Izzy Cohen a Hebrew wandererhappens to be on >a tour for his cred-itors


health and if the first one todiscover Minerva the daughter Shehas never seen a man before and of

k course Cohen is a peculiar lookinghuman beingtherefore he is mistak-en


for some kind of a bird This1scene is Irresistibly funny

xti Among the supporting company

may be found such well known com-ediansr as Lee Barth a German char ¬

acter delineator a yodler such asti Emmett Olcou and Scanlon were in

t their prime Lou Powers who playst the part of Izzy Cohen is conceded-

tot be one of the funniest low comed-ians


on the American stage todayand his songs and parodies are a

J1 °scream Miss Edith Powers whoplays the daughter Minerva Ms toquote from an Atlanta paper Thesweetest bunch of young girlhoodseen here in a long time and is thepossessor of a sweetly cultivatedvoice Others in the company areMiss Marie McCollum who plays

1 Mrs Hargraves Miss Lettie WestfLn eccentric comedienne Sidney Will-


James R Mitchell Jask AsherBessie Overton Dairy SUnion PaulArthur And the orchestra Is com-posed


of Frank L Grogan a blindmartunes at one and the same time He-

s absolutely Sightless and has neverknown what a piano looks like

t short the people of Ocala are as-rreared of a rare musical treat in The

f of the South There arec

nearly twenty song hits among some

I > ot the rhqst promising areWhen the Circus Comes to Town

k t yr <> 1so t 4-3t 2 1y i rat i

Wont You be My Honey SleepBaby Sleep When Eyes Like YoursLook Into Eyes Like Mine MarutchafcPoor Old Girl BohemiaBack to America The Flower of

tre South The Mountains and Val-

leys U Love etc


Will Open in Ocala Monday Novem ¬

ber 23Will be Here a Week

The C W Park Stock Companywhich has always received a heartywelcome from the theatre goers ofthis city is to be with us again Fornearly two weeks the organization hasbeen making preparations for theopening of their annual tour of theSouth Everything this season is tobe entirely new from start to finish

Mr Park states that he has suc ¬

ceeded In getting together the bestcompany of artists he has ever hadduring his experience with amuse ¬

ment erfferprises A director andtwo producers of musical comedy arekept busy morning noon and night re ¬

hearsing the company-On Monday Nov 23 they will be in

shape to give the people of Ocala anentertainment of unusual merit muchbetter than any to be seen in thelarger cities at higher prices Thecomedies and dramas this company-is using this season are all positively-new and not like the ordinary rep-


companies Old plays withnew titles Each play is a specialproduction and will not be used byany other company in the South

The musical numbers which are in ¬

troduced luring each performanceare well worth the price of admissionalone

The company numbers about thirtyfiYe people including several mem-


who have been with us beforeThe company will exhibit all next

week opposite the A C L depot underits own mammoth canvass theater


The Agatheridan Society held itsregular meeting Friday Nov 13thAfter the minutes of the precedingmeeting were read and approved thefollowing program was rendered

Subject As You Like It andTwelfth Knight

Roll call with quotations from oneto twentyfive

Essay As You Like ItJeanTeague

Recitation Arethusa Jessie McIntosh

Essay Twelfth Knight MargaretAnderson

Declamation Young Men andTemperance Robert Polly

Essay Comparison of Rosalind andVlolaRay Cappleman

Declamation Battle HymnGeiger

Essay Forest of Arden HopeRobinson

Dialogue As You Like It Act 1

Scene 2 Touchstone Leslie Ander-son


Celia Edna Smith Le BeauCarl Lytle RosalttiLLavhta Dewey

Debate Resolved That Floridalegislature should adopt a compulsoryschool law Affirmative Ross TurnerIrma Blake negative Alfred TurnerAnna McDowell

Paper Editor Maggie LytleThe Judges Mamie Counts Adele

BIttinger and Guy Beck decided infavor of the affirmative After thereports of the critics there being nofurther business to come before thehouse the society adjourned

Helen Brown Secretary-


The Young Peoples Missionary So-ciety


of the Methodist church willhold its regular monthly meeting to-morrow


Tuesday evening at theresidence of Major and Mrs L T Izlar Meeting called to order at 8

oclock All members are urged to at ¬

tend and visitors will be cordiallywelcomed-

Mr Jessie L Williams who for sev ¬

eral years has been the efficient andfaithful cashier of the Western UnionTelegraph office in Jacksonville hashas resigned that position and takenup the study of dentistry in Atlanta-Mr Williams is pleasantly remember-ed


here where he worked for Mr WP Edwards of the market and hasmany friends in Ocala who will Wishhim success in his new venture

Atlanta is terribly worked up overthe fact that its mayor Woodward acandidate for reelection having wonin the late election and a very excel ¬

lent gentleman when out of his cupsrecently fell off the water wagon andso demeaned himself that the selfre ¬

specting citizens recently held a massmeeting and nominated young Ruck-er for mayor Atlanta on generalprincipals thinks some of booze buthas become tired of seeing its effects-of its chief magistrate Woodwardadmits he got drunk and was cele ¬

brating at thIS maison dores of thecity but claims it all came about be ¬

cause his disgusted stomach and frailphysical condition demanded sometiling to strengthen them

Foleys Honey and Tar clears the airpassages stops the Irritation in thethroat soothes the inflamed mem ¬

branes and the most obstinate coughdisappears Sore and inflamed lungsare healed and strengthened and thecold is expelled from the system Re ¬

fuse any but the genuine in the yel-low


package Sold by all druggists-

The Moler Barber College New Or-leans


La certainly offers splendidchance for men to learn that tradequickly There Is little expense andpositions are numerous Their illus ¬

trated catalogue explains fully Writethem

DONT DRINKBut if you do see Hogan and get thebest that money can buy If its agood drink we have it

A SUREENOUGH KNOCKER-J C Goodwin of Reldsville N C

says Bucklens Arnica Salve Is asureenough knocker for ulcers Abad one came on my leg last summerbut that wonderful salve knocked itout In a few rounds Not even a scarregained Guaranteed for pilessores burns etc Twentyfive centsat all drug stores

ROOMS FOR RENTThe rooms In the third floor of the

Star building fitted for housekeeping-are for rent Apply to Mrs E VanHood or the Star office

Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup-not only heals iritation and allays in ¬

flammation thereby stopping thecough but It moves the bowels gen-


and in that way drives the coldfrom the system Contains no opi ¬

ates It is pleasant to take and chil ¬

dren especially like the taste so near ¬

ly like maple Sold by he AntiMo-nopoly


Drugstore >

JiLt ff Xf J1 L


Visit our new store It ismodern and uptodate and I

some say as pretty as can be

Some of our new goods are inDRIED APPLES 15DRIED APRICOTS 15DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25NEW MACKEREL 10


Try our famous Hudnuts PearlGrits and Mealwhite as snow


O K GroceryClark Bros ProprietorsP-

HONE 175


A Fierce Battle Between a Desperado-and a Posse in Which Eight Men

Were KilledOkmulgee Okla Nov ISEight

persons were killed and ten otherswere wounded yesterday in a fightbetween James Deckard engro des ¬

perado and officers Edgar Robinsonsheriff of Okmulgee county is amongthe dead

The disturbances began at the StLouis and San Francisco railroad sta ¬

tion where Deckard engaged in afight with an Indian boy Steve Grayson and beat him into insensibilitpwith a rock When Patrolman Klaberwent to the station Deckard fled tohis house nearby and barricaded him ¬

self in When Kiaber approached thehouse Deckard shot and instantlykilled him-

Sheriff Robinson gathered deputies-in a few minutes and hurried to thescene This posse contained severalnegroes whom the sheriff commission-ed


as deputies As the attackingparty approached the Deckard houseDeckard opened fire with a rifle fir ¬

ing as rapidly as he could load hisweapon The sheriff fell first in ¬

stantly killed and then five of the ne ¬

gro deputies were slainDeckards house was soon surround-


by a frenzied mob of armed menFire was set to a building just northof it Volleys of bullets were pouredinto Deckards house and he was shotdown He was seen to roll over strike-a match and set fire to his own housewhich was soon a roaring furnace inwhich his body was baked Deckardevidently had a large quantity of am ¬

munition stored in his house for manycartridges exploded


cure any case of itching blind bleed-Ing or protruding piles in 5 to 14 days-or money refunded 50 cents

y rIY f


In the matter of eye trouble is dan ¬


DELAYIn So Important a Matter

Children whose eyes are not exactlyright should be sent to me at onceDont wait The little fellows are depending upon YOU They dont knowthese things themselves-

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice Hours 8 to 12 a m and

130 to 4J0 p m Optical office andlaboratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block

Save MoneyO-


Supplies300 page pencil tablets 4c400 page pencil tablets go124 page ink tablets 4°120 page bond tablets 8CStandard makes of lead

pencils 3cA good lead pencil for 1 c

All of the above are of the bestquality and it will only take a lookfrom you to convince you that you canbuy the same for less


The VarietyStoreF-




An elegant exclusive line and will bepleased to show you the goods andmake your fall or winter suit or trous ¬

ers You dont have to wait Pick outyour goods and the suit is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as toworkmanship fit and quality of goods-

I also have an elegant line of sam ¬

ples so that you are sure of fincingwhat you want Respectfully

Jerry BurnettT-he Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building-

Fort King Avenue

l h < t


A Baby is Now Ruler of the VastCelestial Empire

Peking Nov IGTne Tsi An thedowager empress of China the auto ¬

cratic head of the government whichshe has directed without successful in ¬

terference since 1S61 and without pro ¬

test since 1SS1 died at 2 oclock yes-terday


afternoon-The announcement of the dowager

empress death was official and fol ¬

lowed closely upon the announcementthat KuangHsu the emperor hadpassed away Saturday afternoon but-it is believed that the death of boththe emperor and dowager empress oc ¬

curred a considerable time before thatset down in the official statements

Baby Now is Emperor-An edict issued early Sunday morn ¬

ing placed upon the throne PrincePuYi the threeyearold son ofPrince Chun the regent of the empire-in accordance with a promise givenby the dowager empress soon afterthe marriage of Prince Chun in 1903An edict issued on Friday made PuYi heir presumptive


Enire System Will be Relaid WithHeavier Rails

Division Passenger Agent J GKirkland in his return from a flyingvisit to Jacksonville stated to aTimes man this morning that he hadbeen informed by one of the leadingofficials of the Atlantic Coast Linethat his road has just placed an or-


for 1000000 worth of 90poundsteel rails which will be used in re ¬

laying the trackage of the companynext year

Part of these rails will be used inrelaying the main line of the railroadbetween Jacksonville and Tampa andthe balance of the rails will be placed-on the main line of the company north-of Jacksonville

Will Replace Lighter RailsThe 70pound rails which will be

taken up on these last named lines-to make room for those of heavierweight will be brought to Florida andused on the branch lines of the roadwhere rails of a lighter calibre naveup to now been deemed sufficient tohandle the traffic

The Atlantic Coast Line has for thepast year beets steadily improving itstrackage throughout the state by therelaying of heavier rails as demanded-by the increase of its traffic and thislast purchase of rails is merely inorder with the general work for Im-


in all of its departmentswhic hthe officials of the road arecontinually striving forTampa Ev ¬

ening Times 14th-


Do you know that every time youhave a cough or cold and let itrution thinking it will just cure Itselfyou are ijuyiting pneumoniation or some other pulmonarytrouble-Dont risk it Put your lungs back Inperfect health and stop that coughwith Ballards Horehound SyrupPrice 25c 50c and 100 per botleSold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore


Gomez and Zayas Liberal CandidatesChosen by the Cuban Voters for

President and Vice PresidentHavana Nov HrAt the close of

an election which was conducted withgreat enthusiasm and complete ab-sence


of disorder it appeared practi-cally certain last night that Gen JoseMiguel Gomez and Alfredo Zayas havebeen chohen president and vice presi-dent


respectively of the new Cubanrepublic with strong Liberal majori-ties


in the senate fend houseThroughout the Island according to

the reports an extraordinary heavyvote was cast vastly in excess ofthat cast in the August election where182000 failed to vote in a total regis ¬

tration of 450000Gen Joe Miguel Gomez Is 53 years

old and a native of Santa Clara proinc where he has always enjoyed ex ¬

traordinary popularity and influence-He participated in two great revolu-tions


in the first of which he reachtd-the rank of major and in the secondthe rank of major general-

In August 1906 Gen Gomez wasarrested charged with conspiringagainst the administration of the late

I President Palma but he denied theallegation and was released fromcustody after a months imprison-ment



Mr John White of 38 HighlandAve Houlton Maine says Havebeen troubled with a cough every win ¬

ter and spring Last winter I triedmany advertised remedies but thecough continued until I bought a 50cbottle of Dr Kings New Discoverybefore that was half gone the cough-was all gone This winter the samehappy result has followed a fewdoses once more banished the annualcough I am now convinced that DrKings New Discovery is the best ofall cough and lung remedies Soldunder guarantee at all drug stores50c and 100 Trial bottle free


Mail Clerks King and Bell Killed andEngineer Hafele Badly

InjuredJacksonville Fla Nov 15Two

dead and one seriously if not fatal-ly


injured is the record of a headoncollision which occurred on the At ¬

lantic Coast Line at Cambon a smallstation ten miles from Jacksonville-at 10 oclock Saturday morning Alex-A Bell and James King the mailclerks the dead were mangled al ¬

most beyond recognition while En-gineer


Hafele was injuredThe trains in the wreck were No

39 bound from Jacksonville to St Pe-tersburg


and No 10 bound fromNewberry to Jacksonville The form-er


it is said should have stopped atCambon to let the latter pass but theorder was misunderstood it is saidand the train crashed into the lightertrain at a point a mile distant No39 had a large number of passengersaboard but none received more thanslight injuries Engines and mailcars of both trains were badly dam ¬



The above is the name if a Germanchemical which is one of the manyvaluable ingredients of Foleys KidneyRemedy Hexamethylenetetramine isrecognized by medical text books andauthorities as a uric acid solvent andantiseptic for the urine Take FoleysKidney Remedy as soon as you noticeany irregularities and avoid a seriousmalcdy Sold by all druggists

> t

o =

Thp Marlon> ar ware h



V 1 f-



Doors Paints Builders Hardware Y

Sash Oils Farm ImplementsBlinds Varnishes Carpenters Tools

Saw Mill Phosphate and Turpentine SuppliesGuns Revolvers Ammunition Leggings Hunting Coats Gun Cases

State agents for and carry in stock Implementsand Gasolene Engines of the International HarvesterCompany I t

American and Elwood Field Fence r








F THEM ALL 1 i 1


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1r-J1f 1

1110 3UMIl



THE HOME OF SANTA CLAUS-He extends an invitation to you and ask a visit ft

to our store and an inspection of our line Hof hiii


The oldest Toy and Holiday Goods Buyer forw

this market in Ocala25 years experience

Toys an Fireworks 11

Merchants who handle a small line of these 7goods are invited to look through our 1S

3 f

stock and get prices before buying theirI Holiday Line


o Public Schools Churches and Sunday School Com-mittees


Christmas Tree Candies Free I

OUR COUNTERS AND SHELVESAre loaded with bargains Come early and buyJyour Holiday Goods We pack them away anddeliver any evening you suggest Come after sup-

per5 I

Open nights until 900 oclock ir


FRANK P GADSONI Commercial Bank Block OCALA



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sc3ei ifuii Afi sElJiS 52 i a t jt