r. h. macy& co.,€¦ · lh*in«oi*a»¦'!.'.-n belar*death. ii lo quite possible...

A PLAN to CREMATE PAUPERS DR A-E. MACDONALDSSDGOESTION. TOO MANY BOniKS BURIKD ON TB* ISLANDS IN TUB BAST RH FF. Within th« next few dar* tho Corporation Counsel will Sive Uie Cotnmloolonero of Charltlea and CoTrectlon an .pinion a* to their right to cremate their unol timed dead .fB»t**.T of burring; them an Hort'* leland In the " Pot- Ssr'o Flela." Some time bato Pr. A. E. Macdonald, General Pnpertn tsmdent of the Insane, oent . letter to thot deportment .tn.ri..ly rix-oiiiiiieii'lli.*- thot thi* ebonite ohould be aao-ie. The letter woo turned over to the Corporation Counsel, with the request toot he ohould Bret oettle the Queel ton of lego! rlirlit before any turther itt ps were toon, Dr Macdonald* letter ron o* folio**: I w. ai.! r**r*rtrBlly ask yoar Boort! to nm*, .ler tho pro. ¦ortety end upwfllonev otaihciltotlot. cremation fur bnrlal la She ea** nf uaelotnert rlaafl of th lo department The nnheelth Bal reoulli ut hartal upon the lalan.l where the institution* ot your Department are plaotsl, have lout: been recofotzed, aud Barina the last year have bi*eo especially apparent at Wan!* laloin! win-rr the necr**»ry dio-glag for Die now oawerooT* taanllad tre-iueutly In the expoinre ol human roaxolni ond a* Hart's lalan.l. whoie the raaarvotr treat whlob wafer wai taken anti oleo leo for noe lo tho 0*ylainaj>l luspul wai fniu,4 I* ba affected ewlaarloita Bioiiatiiy toaail lower lovel than tho cemetery. All tho BBflBTflBBBSfl lu rover ut rremoUoo ore easer lally weighty la tl" -**o o'tL-'.a te.x-t iB-.t ood thero ate many added rea aaa* whit* a,-ob tbe .-trier band tho rrmeipal nr only orj-i .aei'i afain.t lt.MntlrceDt no the part-of Ihe family oort frlonilo-'li/O* not op,, y. If derated expedient, the proseol Bxrtr.e of b .rio! n.WM r-e eonlinaed lu Ibo oo.se of pettenta whose friends expreai an objection I* cremation or wbo lh*in«oi*a» ¦'!.'.-n belar* death. II lo quite possible that there may be oom* abttrl md* from the tenner lint an the other han-i moy pets*'ia wnnl.! lia able to claim and bury Ike remalni of ralatirao after iremotioo who ore nuable, through povorty, to olalm ai.d bury thom nuder un-ralllng- mellie.!*. I would Bee .r. ifully snare«t that the Roar.l el Physician* of the ooveral *¦¦ .:« of ruo. department be retitiesled to con- older tne sal>|ecl en.l report their opinions lt the deelston ta..;,' ssl ti.'-i tpate, tue naceaaary arraiiera'nenta mifht Be r. or,- rheo: ly n.*«le while ti..- new aaSawmae nt eleclrle Ur' ' plant ia . ~ ennatructed at Hart's I alon 1 bnt lt yoar Hoard drem ll pruner to vivo the matter tourer cons!*.- aval ion. tue current year will o 'amt o* lt ond enable your Board lo int lade BM »: In next your's estimate*. a QORBTIOB ok 8BBTIMBBT. (t taila of the question of legal nght. the i|iie»tk.n ot Bend.i.nit, fla which Dr. Mwoluiial! referred In bl* latter, waa Die one nin*t generally ltroiiift t forward a* the *'iily lui|k- lliiif.ut In the way, !>y a number of persons eornpeieut to give an opinion nn the subject who were os'.-i to .lu io Bf a TiLiiUNi: reporter, lt may Barely "Sa Bald that every mcdlr:il nmi sanitary expert favors srein.ition, on nrlnolple, ns it were. Thur agree os tc it* axpediei.cy for he.-ilth reasons; bul their ardor In urging lt* li.'.iii.-i'.i.-ite ailt.ptn.n in any instance is <im*ilrte 1 hy a Biron* res-nrd fur the feeling* of a not Inconsiderable Beotlon Bf the rmimiinltr. Dr. i' uri,*., Insle-* 1'ardee, Deon of Ihi* MlBltTJSl Pe- partuient if ldc I'nl*,i>r*lty of the City uf New York, *ald So the rep. rf cr that he thought cremation would be a fasal pian of disposlr.g of unclaliiiod dead, j rev!'led aiwuv.s that lt tr^uld bc adopted wltiiout wuiin.lng oriy- body's feelliiir*. Dr. Simmons, of the PsfBHasBBl of QharlHes ..nd I'OlfBllflS. also bcll.ived tli.-.t the adoption of xi<-iii.itUm Instead of buri il In Hie Potter's Field Would lu. li.-iii-ficiHl; but lie th"Ui.'iit hi.iuo people Ealglit bo ur. rs.- to it on KCiirliut-iit.il itr.ninda. C.. rp. i, ii i'i, Conns*! Il6i-kiiia.il kalil he waa hoting a thorn ia*u iSTSBflgaHnai made, iu ardor to aaeertata wI.KLn-r thc l)i"|iartini-nt of ('bantu-* uti,I Correction ould legally cremate Ur-um aimed demi. " Thc j.lan," Bal-! lu-, "ls a good one; hut mary people object to er«-::i.*»u..ii on religious grounds. Tti-y tliiuk ti.nt lu iSapttas it tra w.,uld revert to a hca'.hcn cu**lom, aud tln-.i have a deep -rooted repiif. nance to lt lu congo tjuciicc." Dr M ledo'iohl cmiK rited to tri ve tlie repot ter the rea- BOits fu ins rei- 1.tiiimiiilHlmti at greater length thou th.it al wUic.u tiiey were Bet forth lu his letter. He argued Ihut ilie mtaBfliaa of tin* city would lead in the pre-cut jVoitei's ri,m in imenetoay"ied aa for Infilling purposes by the iusiirutl.'iia cu Hart's Uland, with reault* which ¦tah! t iislly lie liiferr>*«l frnrn wl.at hod olreai.lv hoie peucd from iliullur onuses, " Marti'* Island," naiti he, . wa* used for the burial nf the unclaimed ¦;¦*'. at ie time when all the eily institiitii n* were concentrated lu City 11*1! Park. To nut nut of town they aioveii up to Fast TiM-ut* aixt'nt., whom lieilevuu lu now. The .'otter'- 11* id. with th.-like object of halag well out of to** 11, lia* Baas moved *iKven.vively froio dlllerout point* In Ilk* 1 Ky. lt wm when they took tue cliurllublo iusti- Iuii'*iis Ui iVent/ six tli st. they began to bury on the talon ls; a.i.l VrornTa, Hsiido.l'B ana Tliiully Hart'* Uland fcavr been ' putter's Kielli*.' When tiuiy pal the itu* linn buil-'.L'-t' i.n Wind's Isliiud IBs* baal to mtive a number of Bsidit-.s to mule way foi lt. liver ulni-e tliat, wheuever we !ioie wanted to mid a nea/ wing or dig for any piiri'i'M- we have t-ome ilpili tm.ills. llA**rri.Y HI RIKI) I V TIIKIH CI.OTHKfi. ¦ We Iintl stiine trouble with tli* sewerage mil plumb- kflS. ..nd in puttini; new ct.iiiiectiiiiT sewers in, wherever ire dna* oe atruek on Bsdlas. *o we had to stop and arrj or.xiii'l ttcu. In tine ease we »!r ek on a hcciIoii of bo Has tAfhi i-iirTiiiilecii. T.,cy were all relined to *Uel- SBSas, bu; the i.-Li.t-s rc.iuaiiie-l on tin- bi nc*, anti that ls ourlu koral tu slit.w tliat the people lia*'. '. et-ri Iiurie.1 during an epidemic, or probably Hie) were Immigrant* who had bean lauded hero and bal died from cholera or .hip fever and beau oumul haatily In tlie ciotiilitg they weie wearing. Only think nf their beinp dug up no* In an lustitmiiii, orita 1,'j.ni lii'iintff.: Among tb-.-ne coil!aa We f.uiU'1 ..nc cna'atiniug a ekeletuu that measured olgtit feet iu lt*ii_-th. Ihe inp,. 'Sliitin ii tnat thc deal .nan wa* a giant who hml been just br.light over to thi* ocutitry for exhibition and lia*! died of sum.* coiitaginii* -lise,nu-." "Your letter Ilene* that mere Baa been ulrcuiy 001110 trouble on Hart's Island beiauee of tbe grave¬ yard." * Yes, on Marl'* Uland there I* a reservoir, from which Makins noter lined tu be taken and where lee was cut li tue winter. Hut latterly the lc* lia* been found to Tie joniaiiiii.aleil hf Tl.e proximity of the I'otter'e Held, and they havo liaU Wi stop euttlnif lt anti now get their wat»ir Hippo from driven well*. Hut wo have 'ii niora ac 11 ons trouble 011 Wind* Uland from a .Initial- B8BSS. HUht IU front of my room* there lc a tew n av, var>l. Of course wheu tho DaSBI ItalSail of charities and Cor- rceii'i. 111. .111 to i..\-upy War.t'e Island lur mil ding* they re.*c<i::l|ii:ie<l BUTTI BK the leal there, and open.-il Ihe I'oitei'a l'leld 01: Hart's Uland Hut hall of tho inland loow.ie.i Ly Ibe Caininissluiiereol r.iiiigr.ition, who uoed to bats tl.t-lr ilcat! I'uncl up nt Kart'* Island, tint wini now um* Hu- p..ie. uiiii'. Hali ii opp.ieite the Inuit door of tlie Ward's Isl md \svlum. The Hoard of Health acnt laaswnlrnrfl wlio eoii-lemiied th* cemclerv as beluo- at*.*li-st Ih.- lau but in spite Of till* it is ell., ni octixe ubi- and as re. .nt!) as thc lael deleiillou cf u steuuicr ut Quat int.ic b..iu-- of the deal bodieoof those who lind dle-l t'.vo or (tiree day* heist* the vessel came to port, were brought to Ward's Uland aud bulled in thal grave- jiid lhere. " Tin «.mimer follow ir.i- (he opening of this graveyard there were a Baraba* vi deaths from fever of typhoid elne lie Lei- m ? tie* asylCB*. ll puzzled us to make out 'st wtiat tb<* BSaSS wa*. lt wos a elii*-uiai- thiin.' I..ai BMaTS etti, t J * ai. 11 I-."* '.» .. ' ie 11 p lit.iii lt tran pollen's: and that tl.e patients who did die were all work, rs Id Ina a.ii.p*. I iii.estigntel Hie matter, aud lite lad ihat the liftii-er* at.I einpl-'V*-* hui mire liberty thai, the patten.m, and that tl.e patient* struck down were alb-wed more lllierty than the others, snirgeetMl wi,at ii lar.it have tappa.ie :. I f.iiin.I out thai in thc *,ii*t onmuier doya tli.-v were lu the habit of treing In O UCL- e., me or valley boonie Little H'ilgate, between Ward's and Ita' .1 .Li's Igl.'ii'li, to sit under the trees ai,'I drink water froid what they called a 'sprtrir' thal came up ls a little trove of tree*. In reality the water pereul.tind down from tli>- bury !nit-ground and earue uj> lhere. Wa Attn the plaoe out and diverted the w*t«r *<. us flo c*>.4ie .ut lu the river, and the epidemic of typhoid otijipssd." IIAKI'H ISLAND BKCo Ml NO CBOWB8C. " Tlio number of tnhablta.ita on Hart's Uland Io Iti- areastng fast, ls lt not 1 " -Yt*. Thare ore now 1,000 people on Hart's UiftBd. 8 en t.'e Coi lei .. Field was first token there ihe island -txne not inhabited at alt. and lt woo selected a.* tbe most rene te pU'-e ond the most uollkcly to suflcr In any woy from the naves. Wo have t.ow got money to build on- SSBst pavilion there and when lt ). built lhere will he thirt<-< i, or fourteen hundred i-c-.p c on the iolond. Au- .tl.cr troutile a'lant burying the unclaimed dead there ll Shat the no Lie* are cariletl ap from the other lslon-ls on the some boat* oo the Tioltorn, ortd In summer II.io .muon* both aniioyatice and danger to health." " Du liming boiiic* from all sources how ninny burial* per day are there In the lotter'a Field I " r. i* an avcratfe of fully twelve." ¦ Would a crematory aa ex ,.-:.. vt» lubotitute fur o banal ground 1 " a . I du not imagine that lt would. The erernalory eonld Be put either on Word's Island or lian's Uland; hut Boru* Uland would bo more central. There lo ou Wan; . Islaud o large o.d dead houee, a ai lld stone struo flare, which oould he leodily uilllied fur the purinioe. TO COJVSCLT TH* rOTIRNTS' IS URI e. . I do not propoie entirely to oubotltuto oramation for burial st onie, hut simply to try lt la tho com of bodice 8«t claimed, and I propooe not only to give the pomme' tneiiao a abaaoe of claiming their bodlee, hut te eonoult tte wlettee mt th* potlenta theiueel ve* before* they die. My ide* I* that they would prefer to he cremated rather .baa ro to ititi medical eehoola. Probab.*y that will ue aa rorgument ala* with their Irtcnoo. I know there lo o (Teat dread el dissecting roon . among the poorer oloosro, oo much oo thot lt ls o well known feet that there ia aosooller |«roeutoge of toodle* claimed lu the Bummer time, whee tba college! mose, thou In winter When they are open and bodies are In dennnd. lt wm,ld Bot, however. Interfere at oil with the supply of oubjecU to the onoto ui I cal ochoolo. emu a "i io.i yon rxr< err rt criminai.B. " Tba manner ol the puhlio execution ot con- Semne.1 criniu.iii li attracrlug attention ot | n*»it If they killed o mon by eleetricl y ond thou cremated Lim there would nol be ony of thlo fuueml budnee* and false aeutlmentailty ofter the elocution. I think the airing al tbs giieiilon of eremotlon lnat«ad of barlol will do Bj**jd In say cass. You ass tbs mere proposition to bbb- stltnte electricity for hanging has had the effect of molt* lng the last bunging lu New-York Hie mnit decent thot noe ever token place, aud there waa no wake or funeral procession or anything of that sort, whleb baa hitherto alway* been almoot a port nf an execution. People may not be ripe for cremation yet, but lt ts bound to come." B OMB 'nb wa. PROMINENT ARRIVALS. JYotsi trumvitA J. Qennedlae, Greek- Minister at Weah* torten Pay rooster W. J. Themaoo, TJ. M. Hovy, aed Leonerd W. Jerome.Rrrtctrt Haute-Bonator Eogene Hole, of Moina.Clarendon Hatti.Chorlei do Btruve, Hussion Minister at Waibingtea.ruth Ammu* BettA-Tn. George H. i.eri-'g, ef Waahlntrtea, and Broest Oya, of Londoa. jSrtirr>ro*l Hine'. Ii Precldr-nt Prado, of Pern, end Lober Comml«*ion*r C. Y. Peck, of Albany.Murray Hill Hetti. Contain I.. A. Bsordoloo, I*. 0. Nary.allier iYovm.Cap¬ tain rs. L. Breeeo, V. H. Navy. WHAT 18 GOING OB "IT.-DAT. Annual meeting of Metropolitan Muaeum of Art, 8 p rn Ti wira n of Local bt/arnlxilt Inspector*, Federal Building. Fi rtrc.r Georg* Henson's* too* before Comm! nd oner layman. Funeral of Stephen J. Meany, St Jerome'* Church, Mon Haven, 10 a. m. Meeting of NewTork Preabytery, Scutch Church, afternoon. New Pork C.,niml*al<.n. No. 46 Will lom-st.., fi p. m. Inspection nf North German Lloyd steamship Iaihn. S to 6 p. m.. Hoboken. Preocntatl.in of flags to Female Deportment of Grammar E-.hi.nl Rex, 5;*. p a. m. Iliod of Aldermen, Brooklyn. Meeting of BoplUt preociiero and Reformed pa*t(>ro, 11 a. ar. Brooklyn Republican Leoguo dinner, Remsen Boll, Brooklyn, 7 p. m. Lincoln Ascoeiotion dinner, Toyloi** notel, Jersey Cltv. 7. p. m. Pennsylvania University Alumni winner, Hotel Brone- Wlck, 7 p m. Federal Club reception, No. BIB Morrison »v*.. evening. Mmhoiton Athletic Club reception, No. 824 Fifth-oyo., evening. Thirteen Club dinner, No. B Weil Twenty eighth-ot, T :T8 p. m. Traveller*" Protective Association, Merton Hon**, 8 p. m. Retail Grocers' Union, Nc. 218 Baot Twenty third it., 8 p. m. Academy of Sciences, Columhle Col tere, Sp. m. Columbia College Glee Club, Uorlem Presbyteries Church, evening. NKW-YOHK CITY. On sn examination paper of rm© of the lower classes In on uptown private -school the question woe inked, "What ls o Jiiii at i" A thoroughly practical little fellow wrote a** an answer, "Something you put In soup." The stock of canned salmon ber* lt likely lo recs I rs the addition of the .-in plo*- omited In Knglond. There were landed In New York last WtER 31, USS socks of British potatoes. Maple lugar made from last year** syrup bring* 12 1-2 to 13 cents from first hands. One of tho principal amusements of the last Saturday half-holiday wax peeling the lr* off the sidewalk* " I've been In the New-York egg trade over furry yearn," remarked a wholesale dealer, " and thei*e fuei'ty five tm hey egg*, make on large a Bingle con¬ signment of the kind as 1 ever met." Tho emigrant from Ireland who arrived In this city o week ago with o live-dollar bill t * his credit, ond who, Invited o few days later to attend tho "open¬ ing of my saloon, etc.," returned with fifty cents lo his credit, says thal Invluiluns lu Ireland "do not turn out that way at all." It Isn't o question of rivalry os to news at all xv Uh sonic of thc Now-York penny evening papers; lt Bj os Io which of them shall present on Imprint of the word " Ks tra" In the hugest and most ungainly Isak- lag type The woman who steped through the crowded ele¬ vated car last night ami loft both the doors wide open willes to tho newspapers occasionally about the " uiiieeling, brutal men to be met with lu public cou¬ le* .mies In this elly." Tin* elevated cars always give an ugly wrench and Jerk In iiiiiniliiig tho curve ot r-eveiitli st. ond tho Bow¬ ery. Not 0 train passe* within twenty-four hourn but that contains ot least one passcngor who sal '' The eraah that has been threatened for yeai*s lo sure tu ixe iii at thal pu,ul I am always ai;.ml of my life passing lt." Ex-Judge A. L. Mollison, of Arlz.ona, an ardent Blaine Irishman anti protectionist, will deliver tho oration at the Runner's Day celebration In Cooper I mini on Maul. 5. Thf* friends of Father Hugh J. Kelly, who wa* etta* beti to tat. Teresa's Church before his appoint¬ ment af successor to Father Riordan ot Castle Harden, have collected Ssl,uno which they will piwent lo him aa a testimonial. The alleged bucket-shop keepers were nrrnlgned ot Jctferson Market yosterday, and were, held tn S500 ball for further examination. Andrew f>. Hammond demanded au examination, which will be given to day. Igaaflal Immense cocoanut trees, bearing fruit, have arrived ot tlie Eden Museo from the nest Indies for exhibition ot the orchid show, which will ojien on Thursday. Many rare orchids have been rey calved from England ond lhere will olso bo a pio- fnso display of roses. Iho exhibition, which ls under Die pitronage of well known women, promises to bo highly popular. Tho D. K. E. Club will hold IU Bunna! dinner at the clubhouse, No. 4.16 Flflh-are., on Thursday even¬ ing. Nearly two hundred members will be present. The BBsa al meeting of the Corporation of tlio M"!: npolitau Museum of Art will be hold at 3 p. m. to-dav In the East Galton of lits) Museum building. 'Ihe reports of thc director and treasurer will tie pre>s*ntod. Jul.n 1'. Lynch, chairman of the With Iieglmcnt 'le-.nu. a. ( ommltteo. ond o prominent member of the Irish Home liule Club, has returned from Florida, whitier he went, accompanied by M li bael (ilb)ln, BSYaral weeks ago foi the benellt nt his health. Mr. Lynch is staying ot the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Ile say* his health ls completely restored. ¦--mr-- LROOKLVN. A handsome gold mounted medal has been pre¬ sented lo .Nu Inila-* 1'. Hort mann, Na 041 Dc Kalb- ave,, by his -schoolmates of Patois ¦skoal No. '17, whom he had left In the year 1803, lu that year be drilled thirty boys fruin thai school as soldiers. Dr. Adolph Varuna, of No. 103 Montague-st., died on Friday night ot Lakewood, N. J., whither he had gone to get relief from congestion of tie lung-*. Ile .* a. forty-eight year* of agc, and o na' ir- of Spate, arfesra he -tucll.-d medicine. Mo bod been established In li ooklyn a number of yeais and had a Itu ge pi ai ncc. Ile tell a wife oi.d live children. Ills hotly was demoted ot Fresh Fond, L. I., yesterday. While taking some olothe* from a pulley lino ot No. bb lieigen-st., yesterday morning, Mrs. Jennie Alvon!, ago tilly three, leaned too far out of the fourth Dury window and fell Into Ibe yard, receiving o fro. tu re of the skull and Internal Injuries from which she died. Annie Francis, age t**rnty-nliie, a prisoner for vagrancy In the blxth i'roclnrt I'oltoe (station, at¬ tempted to stionglc herself with on epron string about her neck tn her oell yesterday morning, and also to butt her brains out agalmit the eell wall. The Kev. Joseph Twlchell, of Hartford, Conn., preached Xor Dr. Lyman Abbott In I'lymouth Church yesieiday. He real a discourse In the morning upon the need of lofi.r Ideals for humanity, bl* fc.\t lasing '. lie ye therefore perfect a* your lather lu Heaven is perfect."' I-lc¦.tier's of the Greenpnlnt portion of tbe elly complain of the lei ry service between that part of the elly and New-York. They are circulating 0 petition for reduction of fare or Improvement of the service. -*>- NEBS FROM THR SCRURBS. NEW-JERSEY. The bodies ol two mon found yesterday on the Erle track, near Cai field, In lieigeo County, were Identified os two of three brother* named Kelling, employed In the Passaic Print Works, lt Ls sup¬ posed that they were struck by a tia n while going hume f.om woik on (-at unlay. JEJTisEV CITT. James Moroney, of No. 280 Warren-st., returned Louie yesterday and encountered Edward Kenny, of Na 3d Grand st. In tha hollway, Ibe two men were loon engaged lu o ll*,tit. In which Morouey got Kenny's nose lu his mouth ond nearly blt lt off. 1101 h were arrested. Moroney being charged wt fi mayhem ond Kenny with assault and battery. James while, olio* Jainos Mulligan, wos eoptured by p.,1 Lee men yesterday while breaking Into an Italian'* fruit-stand, al Newark ave. and Hendenotv lt White ls one of three masked burglars who broke Into a* house In Flrst-st- several years ago and carried off 0 trunk full of silver. Mi*. Kllxobeth Jerrold, who hoa been In the City Hoopltal for scverol week* suffering from Injuries alleged to sara been inflicted by ber husband, died yesterday, the was beaten lost November by ber hus¬ band, who ls bow In the county Jail awaiting trial. County Physician Converse will m_e sn autopsy, and will probably order an Inquest KEW AUK. Mary Vornlst, o Pole, ls lying In the German Hos¬ pital lufferlng from Injuries that may prove fatal lesterday her husband quarrelled with her at their hume, No. 2fl2 HprlugCold-are , about hor attending a social gathering and he become so violent that tbe women lu a Ht of terror sprang from ber bedroom window on the second Boor lo the ground, where she woo found by neighbors. The husband. Prank Vor¬ nlst, waa ori-eMed. Tbe neighbors loy Ihat ne ls a chrome wife beater. Jame* bradley, age Atty, a helper lu 'I lino's era.*ker factory, woo found Seod at Ibe fool ot tb* elevator shaft, lt ls thought that he BSBBBt hl« way la Us dork while walking on the top flror and fell down the shaft, a distance of thirty-five feet. WE8TCHB5TEB corNTT. St. Matthew's Evangelical Church, ot nostlngs-Onv Ihe-Hiidson. the Ker. H. W. Foehllnger, poator, wu dcdlcoted yesterdey. The morning lervlee wos con- dncied In the .Jormoji languoge br the Rev. P. <X Koenlns, of WrMtchester, and In the afternoon the Re*. PT P. Keener, of the Evangelical Church ol Brooklyn, preached In English. "BA M " SMA LL BBB UK ED BY A WOMA N CONFUSION AT A TEMPERANCE MEETING. HOWIa* AND niSSTCS OV»Ii*COME A PI.rCKT CRITIC. MKKTIN08 ST OTHER PLACES. The Rev. "flMi" Small, of Georgia, addressed a large audience yesterday afternoon In Chlckerlng Hal! tinder tho auspices of the American Temperance T'nlon. At the close of bis address., an extraordinary occurrence took place thot possibly disturbed the effects of the famous Prohibitionist's stream of elo¬ quence, though he hod poured lt on the oudienco for an hour and a half. Aa he took his seat, ofter having made one of his characteristic) speeches full of what hos been denounced os " slang*1 from more thon ono pul¬ pit, o well dressed woman, porhops thirty-five yeors old, with an earnest foce ond modest manner, arose from hor seat In the rear of thc hall ond attempted to address some words to the platform. The audi¬ ence, which wos large ond demonstrative, was Just then colling for tome favorite speaker on the plat¬ form and the * Inuits and clopping of hand*) mode lt Impossible to cetrh her opening words. A few peo¬ ple near the woman began to hiss, ond then the crowd become aware ot the tlluotlon ond remained silent Ju*t long enough to beor these words spoken cleorly snd firmly: ¦ If Mr. Small would use loss vulgarity and less slang-* The rest of her remarks were lost In the uproar thot followed. A would-be orator from the platform retorted that " Barn*" Small was " no smell man." The plucky little woman attempted to say something about Christ's service, but only a few could hear her. The sudlcnce hissed ond o few grown up men near the door shouted: "Put her out!" One mon cried out: " Choke her off I" The "peaker on tho platform came to the rescue by shouting Ihat If what the audience had beard was " BfaMft" why then let lt hear more of such "slang." Tho little woman then nat down, remarking that she had said all she cored to, ond tho audience became quiet. The Rev. Mr. rimall took fur his 8i1t1J.1t, " An Am .-ai from ' Uncle Sam ¦ Drunk tu ' Lacie Sam ' Sober.0 Among other things, he said: It ls as logical to sell slaves os to sell Itrjaar. Have wo a rlRht to apix-al to "Duels Sam 1" UBagrsflfl ls petitioned to i-uaionline cattle un arrimu! ut plcuni- pneuinoiila; why con't lt oct on tho pleuru pneu¬ monia of whiskey that quarantines IMTO.THK) men In bai rooms I We hod o triple ai timi, double-bock; trichinosis act passed to let liistnarek know that If he did nut let In our sick trichinosis we would keep out his bad bologna sausages. T'uere ore M«00u Interested in Iho coal strliie, and CaagrSBB Investi¬ gates lt; but there aro 8,.'.(X).(MM) Interested In tho ll |.i(*r question and finialSS* does not Investigate thai subject. v*o passe,) loo nan prating the Ixnd to give our legislators wisdom Ha *ns busy and made no reply. We ti. nt petit,un* tu the Legis¬ lature; now we will send 'petition*! with Inn,ts. Iiar- tender-s aili multiplying faMci t h.m s. html tea'heiK. I chaipe eoBBtraelive ti-unh«-11 rif*-s nu Congress, fur the member's are drunk with power, place, opportunity and political ii'hrming. A promiscuous crowd put h. red ll tho hall of the Ma.soii'0 Temple yesterday t0 enjoy Un* pr*.gi .linnie of ihe Now-Voik Temperance I'niun meeting, l'lvmdont J. B. l.ibbs wa,s ali hinil.-H and made sure that the coiled lon, after the upi uanna* applause over tho sing lng, would mme than cover Urra BSpaaeBB of tho m.-eting, and would savo him fruin thc usual humility of hovlug In pass round the collection baskets three times or mote. The trea.yiir**-r, Imwcv.-r, reported ili.it Iho aaUaeUoa would nm half cover the cxpens.- of tho hall, and Mr. IliMk* |.oliteli infuim'.l the ii'itlicnco that hii free admission ocherne had proicd BB Bttat ia..u,., a.... Itu «. gu 1,11 li ., ,.. tm .i-ni .yl- nilaslun scheme lureafier. Th.- programme was chiefly musical, two short ¦Sdrwaees being BMde by rather Morl ella nd and Dr. IUv.il Weik. Al.1 two BBHainjll pinpi.- allciid'*d rhe ni't'ting of Ihe Manhattan Temp.raiu o AaauSiailOB In Cooper lu on yctMii.-itiay. Mis l". V. Di.upla a, '"ii,,- wonderful lea* pecance Histor," msde the pnnc p.il addi BBB. Sh** said that the rum qafisUaa ls md raeelvlng proper alien tlon. Even the brewer anil tie* distiller nai rim diunkiti'd musi he reform.'d, as he I* making ihe liquor boniness disreputable. She dcdai'-d th.lt physicians njnred the |ii<ih)i>ltlon movement moro than any others by pi-.-Milbing liquor fur medicinal u-.\ LEAVING HIS WARDROBE ON THE PIER. The fate of Richart! P. Ilyrio. a portion of wlie** clothing wss ftiniiil cai It Saturday intiriilap ot Um hay biirfrf " .nest Queen, al Hie loot of West Klrveulh »t., 1* «tlll uncertain. Byrne's relatives say thal he axpof lo tn tie iu lin monti all tiny Yo Uv, an th it ti* curri--.! a largo *um of money. Tuey thlok that he mint have BOM waylftld and foully .lciii with os he cam* Irons th" CBrl.topher street Parry at niirhr. Vet they do nol en-laln Mr*. Rrrns's l-tler to Imr hiisbaiitl's nephew. John li guiulsn, in *hlcb. aft. making bim to to lo the Charles Htroet t-it.itmn to identify th* clothing, (he hope* *' lh.it the liini i-xp.irio.1 has nut como," Thi- theory o tim pillie* ls that ilvrm- wandered aboard Ihe 1.,'t! 1,1' while Intoxicated, prolia dy daring Ult- alt ninon. * ni tell ardeen ond (hot ofter awhile. iBBoniBtag bunsil at linnie, tic began to nii'lrcts. il.en Walked tn ntl.cr the *i<le ar tlie mw st the haine snit to overhnor I. They aav that tlie cloth- luar wai *. tine that (tm ve* erowal hav.- tai. u lt. 1 ha watch¬ man fellini th* dollie* in ihe centre nf the '-nit, tu a rl'-ared .paco, surrounded liv laiee nf av. I ie call lay aids by .ide, tit* two coals at a lillie .nuance, nnd the hat nnir a f.-w 'rot from thom. No *lgo* of e alrugne were visible 011 e*y l! Ih* l-r ll.'li S qtJBBNR COU STY LOSER A YA I.I A REE OtTIBBN. The BSSBflaaSSl .loath uf Thoma! Warren was a great Inti to j ii-.- ri a aunty, uf whose 1'itixons' Cuni.milne he was a pmm- neul omi usoftil niambar, lie had iiv.it tn any years at "ira tua 11 I.. I., where he was well known as aa enemy of ivery Iona of dishonesty and political chicanery. Il may ti* ia.-1 ut li ni thkt De was to ba esteemed fur the rnt-mie* he none, fur he wa* heartily baled br the samp*, element id the o * 11 aii'i roiiiiiv. In one inaUnce hu wa*, tho igti en invalid, irotally eitocled white d selia, gmg bi* duty at the pulls, yet ie coin.mie.I hi* eu ursa, un n lim tlnallv id oITecllnir mony * forma, lt woo loaiolr lina ic. hld-Son* Ihol thu in iq al I nu* ax-alt-tysloin amlor width property wa* *u.d ogaiu and igain for ale*. paltrySaxes wai -l->. a '.. WHAT ATHLETES WILL DO THIS WEEK. Tbe Acm* (lau duli will have their n-«u ar monthly (hoot t Dexter'* Park. I- I., to-morrow. The I oner Island 8nd om! (I il ti duli will have their lerond hool of tie year at Woodlawn Tari, U I, an Wednesday. Thu pu.tuoned shoot of the Fountain Ona Club will take lif-i'ii Saturday at Woodlawn l'ark, I,. I. The anunal spring game* of th* SSS* lle/lmunt, under the nspl.es ol Cn upany At, will be hold at the aimury meier- in nt are Brooklyn, on Haturday, Anni 7, un*) of the prin- Ipal feature* or il,is netting will be ne iutercullaftata inn- t-ware iuut*t between teem* (rom Yole, ilorvora, Princeton, linwii an Colili.lhiO The r.-osiM fi Morrl rr* hod their twsr.tv eighth ran In the 'Sibwaluotih " modal earltx un Bafuird.iy. Anani a ilo/enof ho athlete* want ihriua-b the raia au I slush lo score um nts l. OrowUgacome In fi rai. J. li. Mellor imcond. and F. G. l edit third, th* others ia a bunch. Tim* of winner, 31 linnie*. *>- IDENTIFIED AS AS OLD STOCK BROKER. "lr.-Li. il K. Herd," a Hock hruker who hal b. n ntiflii ad in JatTerson Mar ksi prison ilnee Friday on a charge f unsappruprlatlng B3.000 belonxing la Mist Loni ia SussU f No. 14'J We«t i'-ort* lltsl .*-. w.ia f esler lay Idehli tl* a* edward B. Ketchum. formerly of the flrrn of Kdward 1. chun A -son, once prominent brokfr* In Wall itreeu Ills tai liar, now dead, was tbe fouaiternt the Honer* a*tt'iifti*e Works al Paterson, N. J. The Consolidated -.ichance I* also said t* hav* a suit pending agalnai bim. ie i* a member of the Academy al Ueiign. *- FUNERAL OF THE RET. MR. OOODNOUOII. Tb* funeral of the Rev. Alfred B. Uoodnnugh, pastor of tha '.'un fi ol lb* Havluur (Uuitanaa), In Plerropoul-at, Hro*k. yn. who died on w ctn. onay al th* age of thirty-thru*, wai .ti.iitl.-it by mony prominent meini.ori of the Unitarian da. loitnoai'on tn bis chorcb yesu-nlay afternoon. The whole rout or the potplt wa* dei ked with flower, omi .verirecn* ad ihe co 111 a waa coveted with a floral pall. The irrvlrai rero conducted by Ibo Her. Drs. Ro'irrt Co.Iyer. A. P. Pul. S'n, F. A. Farley. XV. L. Chaffin ond (Inndail Reynold* The wo laat named maila eddri*****. paying high trlbnto* to th* icelleiioe of Mr. OsadaaaaB'B eharao.er and atUlamrnio, ibu bunol wa* m (j reen wood Cemetery. SMALLPOX INCREASING IS ELIZABETH. Tour nsw cote* of smallpox wera reported to the health aihoritleoof r no' el., oo tsotorday eight by Cl ly Pbvalclaa Villon Th* Victim* **re remorad lo tha past boose yeater- ay. Thalr Doaieo ore John, Moir Kin.rn and Aunio Hoo- oisy and a Mra. Mick. Thiv lived on "-.¦ on! tc, o f«w 'or* rom lb* Ifoc.NOuoro family on InsliopUe*. A* th* Moo- tOYALpOWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli powder never iori.-* A mervt-1 ot purity, strength td wholesomeness Mora BSSM uilral n,an tho ordinary Inda, and connot b* sold lu eoiiip.iiiioa with ihe muliiiude t low leal, .hort wright alum Or phiioiibare Dowden. Sold ,. dr lo eeo* Roi'Ala liAkiM. I'uvVJjU Co., 104 a' rall sw. ». .. 1 MARVIN'S RELIABLE SAFES lil Till: ORF.AT Broadway Fire! Every Marvin Safe Does Its Duty. SIX SEVERE TESTS. mi-. i * i I' ni am li i Oft "Tba contents of eur two MARVIN BA FEB earn* ikrourb without a scorch. Band tb* new ones at once." NO. 3. jrr--.lt KOW --lt tV KIINKftT. "Uar MARVIN HAKE ass se- *r*!r tried, bal lt* content* *re Intact. Wo wont another ot tlie lome kimi." NO. sV MITCIIRM. t% I'lCABU. "\v« would not b-dieve lt possible that hooks and parer* BMM lie bronchi thr 0111*1 om-'. * fire. Vi'Or tare did lt perfectly. Hellyer new one today." NO. S. VF.ITeY NH.MON. "Tho Iorgo MARVIN HAKE carried lt* contents through, the fearful nre la gallant tty le. Hellyer the new one (con aa .," '.¦. ¦¦¦ ' NO. SJ. HfcMcY MOBBf*. " It did not *«*in possible for a *afe to withstand BBOl a test, bal ll* content* ciB'iuat nanorthed." No other SAFE has the record of the MARVIN. Of tho many thousand Safes manufactured by this company not one has ever failed to preserve its contents. Marvin Safe Co., MTABLI8BX0 BU LS a ckntuhy. New-Yorb. l'lulnd.-li-lnp London, Eng. Kamara* were quarantined. Health Inspector Reave* scout* the idea timi the Houncisrs and Mrs. Mack hud taken the rliiesse from them. A special meeting nf tb* Hoard of Health will ke hold to ii.tra to iuvr«lneale. IS THIS A DR EGOIST'S Fi TA I. Bl. US DERI Mrs. BlliaBOlB Mckeon, at No. SSS Mvrtle-oye., Rrooklvn, lied on Saturday aftei au HIBBS*" ol four day*. Her tiusl.and said sue had taken mr*.e lii|iior-t*e powder, afler wbioh she wa* Mixed willi sevrrt) vomiting md grew raiddiy worse. Dr. Carlin, n lidford are.. Hrooklyri, who wa* railed lu te treot hat saul that lu lils opinion the lin! tnkeo *nmei liing poison- iBs. Tlie polioo scared some ol the liquorice powder la the uriglnai wrappor. lt lind benn pat up by T. J. Franc*, drag- list at. Myrtle aed K.-nt-ave*., and was labell*.! " I'ompoand l.iqnorlcn I'owl.-r." Au aul.pty will bo held aud the pow- ler will be analyzed. TO DEBATE THE BRIDOE TERMINUS QUESTION. The BrtBfl* Traetee* wll1 BeM their Febrnsry moetlng thi* tfteriioun and the qne-ttiun ot a Brooklyn ter luriiia will be 1. liar.-' and probably decided. The committee, which bal firen several hearlntri In tho matter, will report in favor of he totalled Sanaa plan lora new lui mina! station between -and-ami Ililli sis., llrooklyn, with atloquot* platform* and iwltchintr foci li Iles for lix.cor trains, 8am* opposition to his onset from the ililllciillv in sreuring proper connection* sith the elevated toad* lu Kimmi ano Adam* at*. M A 81N H IA IB U HQ B NO E. MINIATURE ALMANAC. "Ii'-HAT. ¦¦¦ in tr-fi 6 52 .-. is 6 28 Moon »-is 7:81 Mooni ag*. 1 1111.11 WATI.IL I..V..tandy rtooc. SSSI Uar. Isl'I fl 00 Hell Oat*. 10:19 wat xBMiSsaaaS. Mi) Qa*, i.i't a 361 Hell liate, 11:27 IN COM INO 8 TEA M EBB TOD AI. rms!. Fruit. Sni'eA. LinA anad*...I.omlon.Jan '24.Notional Idraoce.Kio Janeiro .....lau -JU....US A iiraiil mSBUAT. ii 14 Vynmlng....Liverpool.Keb 4.Onion l err*.llreui.'u.Keb 4.NO Lloyd ian Marco*.Barana.Keb 9.Ward's araoaasoir, n:n. lfi i"rane*.I.ond.in.Fob B.Notional ¦lly ol Atlante.Vera Ural.Yali l.Aiexauure OUTGOING SLEA WEBE ll IM ¦* I. KKH ll Vessel retiel. Line. Fnr Melli eloie. nil*. |t-ii'. i, span i iari». Havana. 1 p ui 8 pm W0I1HKSI1 IV. fk.ll 1 j. IdrHtlc. White Star. Liverpool. 430em 730ot* ipain, N'atL'.uai. I.iv-Tii'i .1. om alni. N (t l.ioy.i. Bra usu A -I'lir.iip'u.. 4'IOe ra 7.-30 o ra 'liLla'L-'Lii'.L.i, Ilea u. I.agiuv i.ll a IB l pia thu rsi ur. Yy.n. 16 tote of Nevada. Rtate. Olsi*gow. B ara joravia.llamti.Amer. Hanhurir. 9 am "ity of Columbia Alex" ir*\ u mi, Ar 1 pm 8 pm en! ". s, ¦*. 4i.r.. Nassau. SM. 1 pm ,i pm ilro. Atlaa, Haytl. 8 am 10 nm rinldod. Quebec biirinuil.i... 1 pm fl pm SH I PEI NO NEWE 'ORT OF NEW-YOKE.SUNDAY. F£H. ll, 1888 AllHIVrCIJ Bloomer Moravia (dori. Hehieh, tlambnrg Jan 29, Havre 'eli 1. with nulli and 270 passengers lo Kuuliar lt A (Jo. Ar- iv*l at Hie Uar al 11 a m. tstestiior lax Haf.c.-«-iie Yr). BaaMlt, Harte Feb I. with ,'»m and pass* ix*rs to Louis de liehlau. Hteamar l.yius i>ri norma, OlriBQll Deo 30, Palerma Jan t ounla 15. (iibialtar 21, with nolie to ! atc.lu ,1 iloileij essei io Slmps.ui. r-ipenc* A Youuk. Artlxed at tbe Bar Ot S rateamer Newport, rahackfort, Asptnwall B day*, with mdse nd passenger* to l's- IV M all -. ., t-i.-aiii'-r li im.lad I Un. Kraser, Ilamllton. Bermuda, 8 ays. with imlsu ood passcoser* t* A ¦ Outerbrltlge A Co. r rived al the Har al B.L10 a m. Hieartit-r Mnrsrsn City, (lardner. Cairnton 9 day*, with idse flo J"hn T Van sit kio. Heaitii-r Equator .Nelson. Charlciton, with mdse to Wm T 'ly '* .? Oa .ateamer Breakwater. Pnie, Newport New* and Nortolll nihni isa and piaienfei* to OM DaailaloaBaOa steamer lleruiau ll in I-r. Halli ti, lloaiou, with rad** to I K Id'tiock. Karl B'lliHrl. Munro, ll"tterdim 27 dari, with Iroa ond aipty borroli to onion reosel to c W Hrri.nn. B^rk siodac. m (Hr), lvt'ls, MaalewMw SO (toys, with ni. . tn Knos Wll leri vt'**»l lo J fl Wbiioey A Oo. flONHKf.-Ai Study 11.mik. win I lla-ht. N. thiok aud mow- lg. Al City li .. wind light, NE, snowing. Arrived yesi/ir liv ..teamer Pulyn**t* ((teri Kulin, Hamburg Jan St, with !.lae and 1B4 pas«*ii»-sr» to Fbelpo Uro* * Ca A fired at the lar st !. fl m. hteimcr Texas mn Ctos*. (Ilrgentl Urn-lt, Melano 14, leos,na SS, I'ai-inio Jan Li, Yal.-iifia I 1. Malaga 18. Hermado 1, i i 2 dors, with mils* loopier, voa**! to Nuns A ., ¦».-.. Arri ve*! at th* Hirst ll p m. nf Hiaamer Errurlx Bri. rrom I,iv«roooi. prevlonsly re> ur led. i'4- 475 passenger*. Arrived ot the Har ol 8.0ft p ra. BAILED. Bteameis K*p»nol, fnr Liverpool, Minaola. nrt*tnl| rieqne, Isboii; Htratbairly, Inrdeanx: Vcrtumuua, HeajtBBB U«\yi ltira. Ht Ann's Hay, Saras Jose E More, for Ouontanaraoi Havana. Havana- aaa lt llueno, Molamaa. lins Aroa.ua, for Barbados*. Ai*o*4iie*i.via iajn« Ulan I Honnd-Bloomers WllkeoboiTB >r Hooion; Lacy K Miller. Rnckiport. A.i h >r-'»l ('ny Uland l*teamor Arnot 0 Barstow, (er BBftflaafltflj THE MOVEMENTS Of STEAMER* KdKK.Kiy POKT-t Qi ii** ws Feb 12-B*ll*d. staomar Herrlo (Br), M.-Kay, o Liverpool hence for Nsw York. Urn, Koli ll ."**'ii".i. stiamer santiago (fir), rotter, for ow-York Bcillt, Keb II-Paaae.1, steamar E.ism (Dteh), Van dar .a. irooi .New Yar* ou Bo* way Ul A m«l-i da o. Koawi.r I'uisr. Keb 1-l'aio* I, steamar LaJa(Rr), Minn, um N< W Verl "ii lier way ta ,iii Lol. II iMtti.'Bu, Fob el.Maila i. tteamer i'ularlo (Oer), Bohade, r New.York. AsTivRKF. .-b ll--*!.ed. .lea,uer Hhynlond (Belg). Jami- m. (ur New Yon. I'AflLl*'. Y '. "a.:* t. itesmar Cboteao Laflto (Fr), ::i»i- r. tor New York. HiiNi. K.'So, Keb ll -Arrtv*d. slea nor Oceoulo (Mr), Met- .Ita, from Hao Franclooo via Yokuhouia. fin*, prier to Keb 11-Arrived, iteoiuer Clement (Br), urlnr. from Now-York. Ha vasa. Keb ll -tiollod. oteaaiar ('itv ol Atlanta, Burlay, un Mnileeu puru liane* 'ar New-York. >tr later aMmmiika Hetti, if ero**, ««* iV*A PmgA) R. H. MACY & CO., SIXTH AVE., 13TH ST. TO 14TH ST. Wo are the originators and have been for thirty years the leaders of popular prices. Our goods are marked when first placed on sale at such a very modest profit as only a house can afford that sells exclusively for cash in every instance, and consequently eliminates from its calculation the risk of losses from bad debts and the book¬ keeping and other office ex¬ penses inseparable from a credit system. The losses in the United States re- suiting from uncollectabie accounts amount to hundreds of millions of dollars annually. To those for whom credit ls a paramount importance it is a convenience for which they ought to pay. The fundamental cornerstone of a well-regulated business pre¬ cludes thepossibility of deviating from one price, but why should cash buy¬ ers who purchase from houses that carry accounts contribute toward de¬ fraying the losses and expenses con¬ sequent tothecreditsystem? We give credit to no one; we therefore incur no losses, and our prices bear evi¬ dence of it to the advantage of all who can avail themselves thereof. In conspicuous instances other houses occasionally meet our prices "as leaders,''' but it is like the unwilling workman who will only do his task while under the vigilant eyes of the overseer; it isa forced exaction, not a spontaneous tribute. Take promiscuously a dozen items out of each of our 37 de¬ partments and compare them with a like number of articles from any other house, and it will confirm our claim that we are the cheapest house in this country, without ever sacri¬ ficing quality to price. BPKCIAT. RALF, of Me. We. RICH BUCK SILK At the uniform price of 99c. EM RHACINO TIIE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE WEAVESi BLACK SATIN RnADAME..... M*. BLACK SATIN LUXON. ama, BLACK POLLTDBSOIK.A. fis* Black watrued silk. ¦ lack silk bad/imere. BLACK BATIN MKItVEII.LEUX._ _w BLACKCACHRMIIiEEINLSH OHOS OKA IN. Me. BLACK FAILLE FRANCAISE,. 89*> BLACK A RM CHE ROYAL.-. .0**Y. .HINCH HKAVT BLACK BUR* H. SUITABLE. TOR MOURN INO. We AMA TUE ABOVE ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. ALL GRIDES OF BLACK SILK. AT LOWER PRICKS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE TB THIS COUNTRY. COLORED SILKS. 60 PIECES CHANGEABLE MUM Mi SOU, SOct USUALLY 75c. PAULE FRANCAISE, SATIN Rfl^DAME. 0R04 GRAINS ANO si IISM-I IN ALL DESIRABLE*' STREET AND EVENING SHADES. BLACK SILE VELVET 100 PIECES WITH RICH BLACK MATIN* STRIPES, If DIFFERENT STYLES, AT 6»i\ PER YAKI); COSt OVER fl TO IMPORT. 60 PIECES WITH WHITE SA ri V STRIPE**, t)9«4 WORTH DOUBLE TUE MONEY. DRESS GOODS. WE HAVE JCST OPENED AN EXTENSIVE ASSORT, MENTOF PLAIN AND FANCY FAHP.ICS Kuli KARLY transl WEAR IN NEWEST DILMON** AND LATEST COLORINGS. . SPECIAL BARGA!?' 1,000 PIECES IMPORTED REST FOULARD MAI Mt AT'He. PER YARD. EMBRACING CFtl'CKK, STRIPES, SET WlOWBRRSj RUNNING VINES, BROCADED EFFECTS ALL Mts* STYLES OF THIS SEASON'S IMPORTATION, IM* UO.TAMO DARK GROUNDS. VALENTINES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT AT OCR USUAL PO*f"o* LAR PRICES. R.H.MACY&CO. A neon nrem rn t*. Beware of a tslt>ht irritation of tho throat. Brumnifll's "iir'i Dimjis < m lin tie lulu rsl.si. nu'. Ol lb* elevale.l roiiruaU auuoti*. Hknrt A. I'aii fl*, M. D. 819 WMT I*2«TH-ST. Henrs.Ste ia.tr. UT. Dlseaoes*f th* N*ry*a* Syne*, C ru il... Liinory Orgau* Iniputauceaua (lerilliy. .' Uyilla." E. & \V. "Uvilla." (jue Nsw Ha.NT.Euuu Coixoa. ?-. " Rouen on Rats." for rats, miop, bn?s. 15c. " Roi'i.H on Catarhk. ' Only aiisniiit* cur*, ooo. " Rouoh (i.i Corn*." Hani or soft carn*. 16a. .*R 1 '.h ..n ituiiiAi.ua." laaeaat relief, iso "To Mother-'.'' Mm. wiwotow'o soomiNO sriiup. f*r Ohililreo r***.»iot. eafteas tk* t a si. rsl nos* ula n timi m. sllirs iii pi vs i-il care* wladoolio aad .narrina*. Tw*atyflT« neat* a OitUi Bed-spreads. JAMES McCREERY & CO. Havo several thousand .lacquant ami Marseille!* Bed-Spreads, bought very much below market value, at the fol towing, low prices : Jacquard, 11-4, full sizes, $1.00, $1.15 and $1.35. Marseilles, full sizes, $1.50, $1.90, $2.35 and $2.90, an im¬ portant offering, worthy the at¬ tention ot Housekeepers, The sale will commence on Mon¬ day morning, Feb. 13th. JAMES McCREERY &CO., Broadway and 11th St. SEALSKIN GARMENTS. Il .gen lly flnlihetl, perfect fliting, genuine Leodora.dyed Alaska Heal. AH sir, smut letiirtLi*, oe nett styles. Htock loo larne and rattier ttieu carry over PRICES MARKED WAY DOWN. fall Hock Fnrlleed Clroolin, Plush Oeraiente, fleolikln ops, (.wat* Muffs, Boa*, "shoulder Copee, Jr ur u :mia.ag*, loo**. Write for fettkloe book end price*, C. C. SHAYNE, MANUFACTURER, 103 PRINCE ST, near Broadway. a a CONCENTRATED LIQUID Extract of Halt and Hops, lt ls considered by eml- lent physicians to be far superior to any mported article, and ls recommended by hem as being invigorating and highly lutritious; also insuring a healthy appe- ite and aiding digestion. For sale by all )ruggi8ts. CARPETS UPHOLSTERY. GREAT SPECIAL SALE. HAVING Pl.'RCHASED THE ENTIBE BTOCK Of A PROMINENT IMPOHriNO HOI'SK DI Ml* ONT I If. I*INO THE8E DEPARTUUNrS, WE OFFER #500.000 WORTH, COMPRISING WILTONS, AXMINSTER!!, MOQl'KTTBA VELVETS, BODY AND TAPKHTKY lilli S-.I1..1, 3 PLYaj AND IKUItAINS. 811 K AND MOIIAIK PLCSHEH (PLAIN AND Elf BOH8ED), HII.K AND WOOL TAPESTRIES, AND ALL THE DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF CO VKRINO81 ALSO TUE ENTIRE RANOE OF TI'RCOMAN, LACS AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ALL TO Bl CLOSED OUT Regardless of Cost of Importation. SHEPPARD KNAPP 4 CO, sixth-Al E.. 1STH AVD teVTH ST*». PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleans** and b**uttn** th* bair. l'rouiuttw a .uxurlai.t growth. Never Fa ila to Restore Groy H.ir lo its Youthful Color. Curo*M*liidlj*r*su>.aiit] hair (allin*; .we ol I'i nfKifti PARKER'S CINCER TONIC Invaluable fur Coughs, Cold., Inword Paine, EitiansXIo*. SEMI-CENTENNIAL ISSUE TI HONE ALMANAC THE ALMANAC FOR 1888 IS NOW RKADTi PBIOB TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A COPY) aad le oe rall os *r*r ef .eulalie*', tBBBBRBBR e*4 *e> placatory dot* re.olino to IO* POLITICAL LIFE ot the Celled mat**. Thia Aliaeaee, flrs* shana 4 by Herr*** Oraalay, and o work a* sr tua* 0* '.».**irl o J,1001 SEE efl .toltol tm cor*, te etui the STANDARD TEXT BOOK rat Oe day. It ooretalae elater** aaoUeUoe et tao ELECTIONS OF 1887 hy Rutei oast Oeaotiee, eempared *tu oreytaoa yo*** (oat] tattoo*** of Ma*. Toro aol NetfJereOjy a/ to***-, ** **V ..Uontabairaaial aeeh e< Me IMPORTANT LAWS OF CONGRESS rrt the peat y**r. melodie*- to* Ao^exxttaroL cob noi Inlet., ruo*ry. end iadlaa laaUtoOleoi th* leter aoole tMmmmtml oilli the PreoUeatlol ¦loot*** OUL th* liol et iratgKj .attartied. ar*, ot*, al*. Aloa tte flt Mool tattt* PLATFORMS OF 1887 lathe dirTor.nl attlee i lae pwd oolloo et" geld aos] *Uy*r ta) Ihe O «. ead tao world ol lora*, ey roam liuiof *U fe| Aloe oil the Soler, Ploaeiorr. Tide, ead ether Aatreaoweaf rtatuitee srhieh ooaotiietea arewoiao* Pounder ol .. r**e* .oed lo all pane at tte L'oii* l siateo. TIIE NEW-YORK TRlBCl-fJB* ADDRXHS TUE TRIBUNE, New-York.

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Page 1: R. H. MACY& CO.,€¦ · lh*in«oi*a»¦'!.'.-n belar*death. II lo quite possible that there may be oom* abttrl md* from the tenner lint an the other han-i moy pets*'ia wnnl.! lia




Within th« next few dar* tho Corporation Counsel will

Sive Uie Cotnmloolonero of Charltlea and CoTrectlon an

.pinion a* to their right to cremate their unol timed dead.fB»t**.T of burring; them an Hort'* leland In the " Pot-

Ssr'o Flela."Some time bato Pr. A. E. Macdonald, General Pnpertn

tsmdent of the Insane, oent . letter to thot deportment.tn.ri..ly rix-oiiiiiieii'lli.*- thot thi* ebonite ohould beaao-ie. The letter woo turned over to the CorporationCounsel, with the request toot he ohould Bret oettle the

Queelton of lego! rlirlit before any turther itt ps were

toon, Dr Macdonald* letter ron o* folio**:I w. ai.! r**r*rtrBlly ask yoar Boort! to nm*, .ler tho pro.

¦ortety end upwfllonev otaihciltotlot. cremation fur bnrlal laShe ea** nf uaelotnert rlaafl of th lo department The nnheelthBal reoulli ut hartal upon the lalan.l where the institution* ot

your Department are plaotsl, have lout: been recofotzed, audBarina the last year have bi*eo especially apparent at Wan!*laloin! win-rr the necr**»ry dio-glag for Die now oawerooT*taanllad tre-iueutly In the expoinre ol human roaxolni onda* Hart's lalan.l. whoie the raaarvotr treat whlobwafer wai taken anti oleo leo for noe lo tho0*ylainaj>l luspul wai fniu,4 I* ba affected ewlaarloitaBioiiatiiy toaail lower lovel than tho cemetery. All thoBBflBTflBBBSfl lu rover ut rremoUoo ore easer lally weighty latl" -**o o'tL-'.a te.x-t iB-.t ood thero ate many added rea

aaa* whit* a,-ob tbe .-trier band tho rrmeipal nr only orj-i.aei'i afain.t lt.MntlrceDt no the part-of Ihe family oortfrlonilo-'li/O* not op,, y. If derated expedient, the proseolBxrtr.e of b .rio! n.WM r-e eonlinaed lu Ibo oo.se of pettentawhose friends expreai an objection I* cremation or wbolh*in«oi*a» ¦'!.'.-n belar* death.

II lo quite possible that there may be oom*

abttrl md* from the tenner lint an the other han-i moypets*'ia wnnl.! lia able to claim and bury Ike remalni ofralatirao after iremotioo who ore nuable, through povorty, to

olalm ai.d bury thom nuder un-ralllng- mellie.!*. I wouldBee .r. ifully snare«t that the Roar.l el Physician* of theooveral *¦¦ .:« of ruo. department be retitiesled to con-

older tne sal>|ecl en.l report their opinions lt the deelstonta..;,' ssl ti.'-i tpate, tue naceaaary arraiiera'nenta mifhtBe r. or,- rheo: ly n.*«le while ti..- new aaSawmae nt eleclrleUr' ' plant ia . ~ ennatructed at Hart's I alon 1 bnt ltyoar Hoard drem ll pruner to vivo the matter tourer cons!*.-aval ion. tue current year will o 'amt o* lt ond enable yourBoard lo int lade BM »: In next your's estimate*.

a QORBTIOB ok 8BBTIMBBT.(t taila of the question of legal nght. the i|iie»tk.n ot

Bend.i.nit, fla which Dr. Mwoluiial! referred In bl*latter, waa Die one nin*t generally ltroiiift t forward a*

the *'iily lui|k- lliiif.ut In the way, !>y a number of personseornpeieut to give an opinion nn the subject who were

os'.-i to .lu io Bf a TiLiiUNi: reporter, lt may Barely "SaBald that every mcdlr:il nmi sanitary expert favorssrein.ition, on nrlnolple, ns it were. Thur agree os tc it*

axpediei.cy for he.-ilth reasons; bul their ardor In urginglt* li.'.iii.-i'.i.-ite ailt.ptn.n in any instance is <im*ilrte 1 hy a

Biron* res-nrd fur the feeling* of a not InconsiderableBeotlon Bf the rmimiinltr.

Dr. i' uri,*., Insle-* 1'ardee, Deon of Ihi* MlBltTJSl Pe-partuient if ldc I'nl*,i>r*lty of the City uf New York, *aldSo the rep. rfcr that he thought cremation would be a

fasal pian of disposlr.g of unclaliiiod dead, j rev!'ledaiwuv.s that lt tr^uld bc adopted wltiiout wuiin.lng oriy-body's feelliiir*. Dr. Simmons, of the PsfBHasBBl ofQharlHes ..nd I'OlfBllflS. also bcll.ived tli.-.t the adoptionof xi<-iii.itUm Instead of buri il In Hie Potter's FieldWould lu. li.-iii-ficiHl; but lie th"Ui.'iit hi.iuo people Ealglitbo ur. rs.- to it on KCiirliut-iit.il itr.ninda.

C.. rp. i, ii i'i, Conns*! Il6i-kiiia.il kalil he waa hoting a

thorn ia*u iSTSBflgaHnai made, iu ardor to aaeertatawI.KLn-r thc l)i"|iartini-nt of ('bantu-* uti,I Correctionould legally cremate Ur-um aimed demi. " Thc j.lan,"

Bal-! lu-, "ls a good one; hut mary people object toer«-::i.*»u..ii on religious grounds. Tti-y tliiuk ti.nt luiSapttas it tra w.,uld revert to a hca'.hcn cu**lom, audtln-.i have a deep -rooted repiif. nance to lt lu congo

tjuciicc."Dr M ledo'iohl cmiK rited to tri ve tlie repot ter the rea-

BOits fu ins rei- 1.tiiimiiilHlmti at greater length thou th.ital wUic.u tiiey were Bet forth lu his letter. He arguedIhut ilie mtaBfliaa of tin* city would lead in the pre-cutjVoitei's ri,m in imenetoay"ied aa for Infilling purposesby the iusiirutl.'iia cu Hart's Uland, with reault* which¦tah! t iislly lie liiferr>*«l frnrn wl.at hod olreai.lv hoiepeucd from iliullur onuses, " Marti'* Island," naiti he,. wa* used for the burial nf the unclaimed ¦;¦*'. at ie

time when all the eily institiitii n* were concentrated luCity 11*1! Park. To nut nut of town they aioveii up toFast TiM-ut* aixt'nt., whom lieilevuu lu now. The.'otter'- 11* id. with th.-like object of halag well out ofto** 11, lia* Baas moved *iKven.vively froio dlllerout point*In Ilk* 1 Ky. lt wm when they took tue cliurllublo iusti-Iuii'*iis Ui iVent/ six tli st. they began to bury on thetalon ls; a.i.l VrornTa, Hsiido.l'B ana Tliiully Hart'* Ulandfcavr been ' putter's Kielli*.' When tiuiy pal the itu* linnbuil-'.L'-t' i.n Wind's Isliiud IBs* baal to mtive a number ofBsidit-.s to mule way foi lt. liver ulni-e tliat, wheueverwe !ioie wanted to mid a nea/ wing or dig for anypiiri'i'M- we have t-ome ilpili tm.ills.

llA**rri.Y HI RIKI) I V TIIKIH CI.OTHKfi.¦ We Iintl stiine trouble with tli* sewerage mil plumb-

kflS. ..nd in puttini; new ct.iiiiectiiiiT sewers in, whereverire dna* oe atruek on Bsdlas. *o we had to stop and arrjor.xiii'l ttcu. In tine ease we »!r ek on a hcciIoii ofbo Has tAfhi i-iirTiiiilecii. T.,cy were all relined to *Uel-SBSas, bu; the i.-Li.t-s rc.iuaiiie-l on tin- bi nc*, anti thatls ourlu koral tu slit.w tliat the people lia*'. '. et-ri Iiurie.1during an epidemic, or probably Hie) were Immigrant*who had bean lauded hero and bal died from cholera or

.hip fever and beau oumul haatily In tlie ciotiilitg theyweie wearing. Only think nf their beinp dug up no* Inan lustitmiiii, orita 1,'j.ni lii'iintff.: Among tb-.-ne coil!aaWe f.uiU'1 ..nc cna'atiniug a ekeletuu that measured olgtitfeet iu lt*ii_-th. Ihe inp,. 'Sliitin ii tnat thc deal .nan wa*

a giant who hml been just br.light over to thi* ocutitryfor exhibition and lia*! died of sum.* coiitaginii* -lise,nu-.""Your letter Ilene* that mere Baa been ulrcuiy

001110 trouble on Hart's Island beiauee of tbe grave¬

yard."* Yes, on Marl'* Uland there I* a reservoir, from which

Makins noter lined tu be taken and where lee was cutli tue winter. Hut latterly the lc* lia* been found to Tiejoniaiiiii.aleil hf Tl.e proximity of the I'otter'e Held, andthey havo liaU Wi stop euttlnif lt anti now get their wat»ir

Hippo from driven well*. Hut wo have 'ii niora

ac 11 ons trouble 011 Wind* Uland from a .Initial- B8BSS.HUht IU front of my room* there lc a tew n av, var>l.Of course wheu tho DaSBI ItalSail of charities and Cor-rceii'i. 111. .111 to i..\-upy War.t'e Island lur mil ding* theyre.*c<i::l|ii:ie<l BUTTIBK the leal there, and open.-il IheI'oitei'a l'leld 01: Hart's Uland Hut hall of tho inlandloow.ie.i Ly Ibe Caininissluiiereol r.iiiigr.ition, who uoedto bats tl.t-lr ilcat! I'uncl up nt Kart'* Island, tint wininow um* Hu- p..ie. uiiii'. Hali ii opp.ieite the Inuit doorof tlie Ward's Isl md \svlum. The Hoard of Health acntlaaswnlrnrfl wlio eoii-lemiied th* cemclerv as beluo-at*.*li-st Ih.- lau but in spite Of till* it is ell., ni octixeubi- and as re. .nt!) as thc lael deleiillou cf u steuuicr utQuat int.ic b..iu-- of the deal bodieoof those who linddle-l t'.vo or (tiree day* heist* the vessel came to port,were brought to Ward's Uland aud bulled in thal grave-jiid lhere.

" Tin «.mimer follow ir.i- (he opening of this graveyardthere were a Baraba* vi deaths from fever of typhoidelne lie Lei- m ? tie* asylCB*. ll puzzled us to make out 'stwtiat tb<* BSaSS wa*. lt wos a elii*-uiai- thiin.' I..ai BMaTSetti, t J * ai. 11 I-."* '.» .. ' ie 11 p lit.iii lt tran pollen's:and that tl.e patients who did die were all work, rs Id Inaa.ii.p*. I iii.estigntel Hie matter, aud lite lad ihat theliftii-er* at.I einpl-'V*-* hui mire liberty thai, the patten.m,and that tl.e patient* struck down were alb-wed more

lllierty than the others, snirgeetMl wi,at ii lar.it havetappa.ie :. I f.iiin.I out thai in thc *,ii*t onmuier doyatli.-v were lu the habit of treing In O UCL- e., me or

valley boonie Little H'ilgate, between Ward's andIta' .1 .Li's Igl.'ii'li, to sit under the trees ai,'I drink waterfroid what they called a 'sprtrir' thal came up ls a

little trove of tree*. In reality the water pereul.tinddown from tli>- bury !nit-ground and earue uj> lhere. WaAttn the plaoe out and diverted the w*t«r *<. us flo c*>.4ie.ut lu the river, and the epidemic of typhoid otijipssd."

IIAKI'H ISLAND BKCoMlNO CBOWB8C." Tlio number of tnhablta.ita on Hart's Uland Io Iti-

areastng fast, ls lt not 1 "

-Yt*. Thare ore now 1,000 people on Hart's UiftBd.8 en t.'e Coi lei .. Field was first token there ihe island-txne not inhabited at alt. and lt woo selected a.* tbe mostrene te pU'-e ond the most uollkcly to suflcr In any woyfrom the naves. Wo have t.ow got money to build on-

SSBst pavilion there and when lt ). built lhere will he

thirt<-< i, or fourteen hundred i-c-.p c on the iolond. Au-

.tl.cr troutile a'lant burying the unclaimed dead there ll

Shat the no Lie* are cariletl ap from the other lslon-ls on

the some boat* oo the Tioltorn, ortd In summer II.io.muon* both aniioyatice and danger to health."" Du liming boiiic* from all sources how ninny burial*

per day are there In the lotter'a Field I "r. i* an avcratfe of fully twelve."

¦ Would a crematory b« aa ex ,.-:.. vt» lubotitute fur o

banal ground 1 "

a. I du not imagine that lt would. The erernalory eonld

Be put either on Word's Island or lian's Uland; hutBoru* Uland would bo more central. There lo ouWan; . Islaud o large o.d dead houee, a ai lld stone struoflare, which oould he leodily uilllied fur the purinioe.

TO COJVSCLT TH* rOTIRNTS' IS URI e.. I do not propoie entirely to oubotltuto oramation for

burial st onie, hut simply to try lt la tho com of bodice8«t claimed, and I propooe not only to give the pomme'tneiiao a abaaoe of claiming their bodlee, hut te eonoulttte wlettee mt th* potlenta theiueel ve* before* they die.My ide* I* that they would prefer to he cremated rather.baa ro to ititi medical eehoola. Probab.*y that will ue aa

rorgument ala* with their Irtcnoo. I know there lo o

(Teat dread el dissecting roon . among the pooreroloosro, oo much oo thot lt ls o well known feet thatthere ia aosooller |«roeutoge of toodle* claimed lu theBummer time, whee tba college! mose, thou In winterWhen they are open and bodies are In dennnd. lt wm,ldBot, however. Interfere at oil with the supply of oubjecUto the onoto ui I cal ochoolo.

emu a "i io.i yon rxr< err rt criminai.B." Tba manner ol the puhlio execution ot con-

Semne.1 criniu.iii li attracrlug attention ot | n*»it Ifthey killed o mon by eleetricl y ond thou cremated Limthere would nol be ony of thlo fuueml budnee* and false

aeutlmentailty ofter the elocution. I think the airingal tbs giieiilon of eremotlon lnat«ad of barlol will do

Bj**jd In say cass. You ass tbs mere proposition to bbb-

stltnte electricity for hanging has had the effect of molt*lng the last bunging lu New-York Hie mnit decent thotnoe ever token place, aud there waa no wake or funeralprocession or anything of that sort, whleb baa hithertoalway* been almoot a port nf an execution. People maynot be ripe for cremation yet, but lt ts bound to come."

B OMB'nb wa.

PROMINENT ARRIVALS.JYotsi trumvitA J. Qennedlae, Greek- Minister at Weah*

torten Pay rooster W. J. Themaoo, TJ. M. Hovy, aed LeonerdW. Jerome.Rrrtctrt Haute-Bonator Eogene Hole, ofMoina.Clarendon Hatti.Chorlei do Btruve, HussionMinister at Waibingtea.ruth Ammu* BettA-Tn. GeorgeH. i.eri-'g, ef Waahlntrtea, and Broest Oya, of Londoa.jSrtirr>ro*l Hine'. Ii Precldr-nt Prado, of Pern, end LoberComml«*ion*r C. Y. Peck, of Albany.Murray Hill Hetti.Contain I.. A. Bsordoloo, I*. 0. Nary.allier iYovm.Cap¬tain rs. L. Breeeo, V. H. Navy.

WHAT 18 GOING OB "IT.-DAT.Annual meeting of Metropolitan Muaeum of Art, 8 p rnTi wira n of Local bt/arnlxilt Inspector*, Federal

Building.Fi rtrc.r Georg* Henson's* too* before Comm!ndoner

layman.Funeral of Stephen J. Meany, St Jerome'* Church,

Mon Haven, 10 a. m.Meeting of NewTork Preabytery, Scutch Church,

afternoon.New Pork C.,niml*al<.n. No. 46 Will lom-st.., fi p. m.Inspection nf North German Lloyd steamship Iaihn.

S to 6 p. m.. Hoboken.Preocntatl.in of flags to Female Deportment of Grammar

E-.hi.nl Rex, 5;*. p a. m.Iliod of Aldermen, Brooklyn.Meeting of BoplUt preociiero and Reformed pa*t(>ro,

11 a. ar.Brooklyn Republican Leoguo dinner, Remsen Boll,

Brooklyn, 7 p. m.Lincoln Ascoeiotion dinner, Toyloi** notel, Jersey

Cltv. 7. p. m.Pennsylvania University Alumni winner, Hotel Brone-

Wlck, 7 p m.Federal Club reception, No. BIB Morrison »v*.. evening.Mmhoiton Athletic Club reception, No. 824 Fifth-oyo.,

evening.Thirteen Club dinner, No. B Weil Twenty eighth-ot,

T :T8 p. m.Traveller*" Protective Association, Merton Hon**, 8

p. m.Retail Grocers' Union, Nc. 218 Baot Twenty third it.,

8 p. m.Academy of Sciences, Columhle Coltere, Sp. m.Columbia College Glee Club, Uorlem Presbyteries

Church, evening.NKW-YOHK CITY.

On sn examination paper of rm© of the lower classesIn on uptown private -school the question woe inked,"What ls o Jiiii at i" A thoroughly practical littlefellow wrote a** an answer, "Something you put Insoup."

The stock of canned salmon ber* lt likely lo recs Irsthe addition of the .-in plo*- omited In Knglond.

There were landed In New York last WtER 31,USSsocks of British potatoes.

Maple lugar made from last year** syrup bring*12 1-2 to 13 cents from first hands.

One of tho principal amusements of the lastSaturday half-holiday wax peeling the lr* off thesidewalk*

" I've been In the New-York egg trade over furryyearn," remarked a wholesale dealer, " and thei*efuei'ty five tm hey egg*, make on large a Bingle con¬signment of the kind as 1 ever met."

Tho emigrant from Ireland who arrived In this cityo week ago with o live-dollar bill t * his credit, ondwho, Invited o few days later to attend tho "open¬ing of my saloon, etc.," returned with fifty cents lohis credit, says thal Invluiluns lu Ireland "do notturn out that way at all."

It Isn't o question of rivalry os to news at all xvUhsonic of thc Now-York penny evening papers; lt Bjos Io which of them shall present on Imprint of theword " Ks tra" In the hugest and most ungainly Isak-lag type

The woman who steped through the crowded ele¬vated car last night ami loft both the doors wide openwilles to tho newspapers occasionally about the" uiiieeling, brutal men to be met with lu public cou¬le* .mies In this elly."

Tin* elevated cars always give an ugly wrench andJerk In iiiiiniliiig tho curve ot r-eveiitli st. ond tho Bow¬ery. Not 0 train passe* within twenty-four hournbut that contains ot least one passcngor who sal *¦

'' The eraah that has been threatened for yeai*s lo suretu ixe iii at thal pu,ul I am always ai;.ml of mylife passing lt."

Ex-Judge A. L. Mollison, of Arlz.ona, an ardentBlaine Irishman anti protectionist, will deliver thooration at the Runner's Day celebration In CooperImini on Maul. 5.

Thf* friends of Father Hugh J. Kelly, who wa*etta* beti to tat. Teresa's Church before his appoint¬ment af successor to Father Riordan ot Castle Harden,have collected Ssl,uno which they will piwent lo himaa a testimonial.

The alleged bucket-shop keepers were nrrnlgned otJctferson Market yosterday, and were, held tn S500ball for further examination. Andrew f>. Hammonddemanded au examination, which will be given to day.

Igaaflal Immense cocoanut trees, bearing fruit,have arrived ot tlie Eden Museo from the nestIndies for exhibition ot the orchid show, which willojien on Thursday. Many rare orchids have been reycalved from England ond lhere will olso bo a pio-fnso display of roses. Iho exhibition, which ls underDie pitronage of well known women, promises tobo highly popular.

Tho D. K. E. Club will hold IU Bunna! dinner atthe clubhouse, No. 4.16 Flflh-are., on Thursday even¬

ing. Nearly two hundred members will be present.The BBsa al meeting of the Corporation of tlio

M"!: npolitau Museum of Art will be hold at 3 p. m.

to-dav In the East Galton of lits) Museum building.'Ihe reports of thc director and treasurer will tiepre>s*ntod.

Jul.n 1'. Lynch, chairman of the With Iieglmcnt'le-.nu. a. ( ommltteo. ond o prominent member ofthe Irish Home liule Club, has returned from Florida,whitier he went, accompanied by M li bael (ilb)ln,BSYaral weeks ago foi the benellt nt his health. Mr.Lynch is staying ot the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Ile say*his health ls completely restored.


LROOKLVN.A handsome gold mounted medal has been pre¬

sented lo .Nu Inila-* 1'. Hort mann, Na 041 Dc Kalb-ave,, by his -schoolmates of Patois ¦skoal No. '17,whom he had left In the year 1803, lu that yearbe drilled thirty boys fruin thai school as soldiers.

Dr. Adolph Varuna, of No. 103 Montague-st., diedon Friday night ot Lakewood, N. J., whither he hadgone to get relief from congestion of tie lung-*. Ile.* a. forty-eight year* of agc, and o na' ir- of Spate,arfesra he -tucll.-d medicine. Mo bod been establishedIn li ooklyn a number of yeais and had a Itu gepi ai ncc. Ile tell a wife oi.d live children. Illshotly was demoted ot Fresh Fond, L. I., yesterday.

While taking some olothe* from a pulley lino otNo. bb lieigen-st., yesterday morning, Mrs. JennieAlvon!, ago tilly three, leaned too far out of thefourthDury window and fell Into Ibe yard, receivingo fro. tu re of the skull and Internal Injuries fromwhich she died.

Annie Francis, age t**rnty-nliie, a prisoner forvagrancy In the blxth i'roclnrt I'oltoe (station, at¬tempted to stionglc herself with on epron string abouther neck tn her oell yesterday morning, and also tobutt her brains out agalmit the eell wall.

The Kev. Joseph Twlchell, of Hartford, Conn.,preached Xor Dr. Lyman Abbott In I'lymouth Churchyesieiday. He real a discourse In the morning uponthe need of lofi.r Ideals for humanity, bl* fc.\t lasing'. lie ye therefore perfect a* your lather lu Heaven isperfect."'

I-lc¦.tier's of the Greenpnlnt portion of tbe ellycomplain of the lei ry service between that part ofthe elly and New-York. They are circulating 0

petition for reduction of fare or Improvement ofthe service.



NEW-JERSEY.The bodies ol two mon found yesterday on the

Erle track, near Cai field, In lieigeo County, were

Identified os two of three brother* named Kelling,employed In the Passaic Print Works, lt Ls sup¬posed that they were struck by a tia n while goinghume f.om woik on (-at unlay.

JEJTisEV CITT.James Moroney, of No. 280 Warren-st., returned

Louie yesterday and encountered Edward Kenny, ofNa 3d Grand st. In tha hollway, Ibe two men

were loon engaged lu o ll*,tit. In which Morouey gotKenny's nose lu his mouth ond nearly blt lt off.1101 h were arrested. Moroney being charged wt fi

mayhem ond Kenny with assault and battery.James while, olio* Jainos Mulligan, wos eoptured

by p.,1 Lee men yesterday while breaking Into an

Italian'* fruit-stand, al Newark ave. and Hendenotvlt White ls one of three masked burglars who broke

Into a* house In Flrst-st- several years ago andcarried off 0 trunk full of silver.

Mi*. Kllxobeth Jerrold, who hoa been In the CityHoopltal for scverol week* suffering from Injuriesalleged to sara been inflicted by ber husband, diedyesterday, the was beaten lost November by ber hus¬band, who ls bow In the county Jail awaiting trial.

County Physician Converse will m_e sn autopsy,and will probably order an Inquest


Mary Vornlst, o Pole, ls lying In the German Hos¬pital lufferlng from Injuries that may prove fatallesterday her husband quarrelled with her at theirhume, No. 2fl2 HprlugCold-are , about hor attendinga social gathering and he become so violent that tbewomen lu a Ht of terror sprang from ber bedroomwindow on the second Boor lo the ground, where shewoo found by neighbors. The husband. Prank Vor¬nlst, waa ori-eMed. Tbe neighbors loy Ihat ne ls a

chrome wife beater.Jame* bradley, age Atty, a helper lu 'I lino's era.*ker

factory, woo found Seod at Ibe fool ot tb* elevatorshaft, lt ls thought that he BSBBBt hl« way la Us

dork while walking on the top flror and fell downthe shaft, a distance of thirty-five feet.

WE8TCHB5TEB corNTT.St. Matthew's Evangelical Church, ot nostlngs-Onv

Ihe-Hiidson. the Ker. H. W. Foehllnger, poator, wudcdlcoted yesterdey. The morning lervlee wos con-dncied In the .Jormoji languoge br the Rev. P. <XKoenlns, of WrMtchester, and In the afternoon theRe*. PT P. Keener, of the Evangelical Church olBrooklyn, preached In English.




The Rev. "flMi" Small, of Georgia, addressed a

large audience yesterday afternoon In ChlckerlngHal! tinder tho auspices of the American TemperanceT'nlon. At the close of bis address., an extraordinaryoccurrence took place thot possibly disturbed theeffects of the famous Prohibitionist's stream of elo¬quence, though he hod poured lt on the oudienco foran hour and a half. Aa he took his seat, ofter havingmade one of his characteristic) speeches full of whathos been denounced os " slang*1 from more thon ono pul¬pit, o well dressed woman, porhops thirty-five yeorsold, with an earnest foce ond modest manner, arose

from hor seat In the rear of thc hall ond attemptedto address some words to the platform. The audi¬ence, which wos large ond demonstrative, was Justthen colling for tome favorite speaker on the plat¬form and the * Inuits and clopping of hand*) mode ltImpossible to cetrh her opening words. A few peo¬ple near the woman began to hiss, ond then the crowdbecome aware ot the tlluotlon ond remained silentJu*t long enough to beor these words spoken cleorlysnd firmly: ¦ If Mr. Small would use loss vulgarityand less slang-*

The rest of her remarks were lost In the uproarthot followed. A would-be orator from the platformretorted that " Barn*" Small was " no smell man."The plucky little woman attempted to say somethingabout Christ's service, but only a few could hearher. The sudlcnce hissed ond o few grown up men

near the door shouted: "Put her out!" One mon

cried out: " Choke her off I" The "peaker on thoplatform came to the rescue by shouting Ihat If whatthe audience had beard was " BfaMft" why then letlt hear more of such "slang." Tho little womanthen nat down, remarking that she had said all shecored to, ond tho audience became quiet.

The Rev. Mr. rimall took fur his 8i1t1J.1t, " AnAm .-ai from ' Uncle Sam ¦ Drunk tu ' Lacie Sam '

Sober.0 Among other things, he said:It ls as logical to sell slaves os to sell Itrjaar. Have

wo a rlRht to apix-al to "Duels Sam 1" UBagrsflfl lspetitioned to i-uaionline cattle un arrimu! ut plcuni-pneuinoiila; why con't lt oct on tho pleuru pneu¬monia of whiskey that quarantines IMTO.THK) men Inbai rooms I We hod o triple ai timi, double-bock;trichinosis act passed to let liistnarek know that Ifhe did nut let In our sick trichinosis we would keepout his bad bologna sausages. T'uere ore M«00uInterested in Iho coal strliie, and CaagrSBB Investi¬gates lt; but there aro 8,.'.(X).(MM) Interested In tholl |.i(*r question and finialSS* does not Investigatethai subject. v*o passe,) loo nan prating theIxnd to give our legislators wisdom Ha *ns busyand made no reply. We ti. nt petit,un* tu the Legis¬lature; now we will send 'petition*! with Inn,ts. Iiar-tender-s aili multiplying faMci t h.m s. html tea'heiK.I chaipe eoBBtraelive ti-unh«-11 rif*-s nu Congress, furthe member's are drunk with power, place, opportunityand political ii'hrming.A promiscuous crowd put h. red ll tho hall of the

Ma.soii'0 Temple yesterday t0 enjoy Un* pr*.gi .linnie ofihe Now-Voik Temperance I'niun meeting, l'lvmdontJ. B. l.ibbs wa,s ali hinil.-H and made sure that thecoiled lon, after the upi uanna* applause over tho singlng, would mme than cover Urra BSpaaeBB of thom.-eting, and would savo him fruin thc usual humilityof hovlug In pass round the collection baskets threetimes or mote. The trea.yiir**-r, Imwcv.-r, reported ili.itIho aaUaeUoa would nm half cover the cxpens.- of thohall, and Mr. IliMk* |.oliteli infuim'.l the ii'itlicncothat hii free admission ocherne had proicd BB Bttatia..u,., a.... Itu «. gu 1,11 li ., ,.. tm .i-ni .yl-nilaslun scheme lureafier. Th.- programme was chieflymusical, two short ¦Sdrwaees being BMde by ratherMorl ella nd and Dr. IUv.il Weik.Al.1 two BBHainjll pinpi.- allciid'*d rhe ni't'ting of

Ihe Manhattan Temp.raiu o AaauSiailOB In Cooper lu onyctMii.-itiay. Mis l". V. Di.upla a, '"ii,,- wonderful lea*pecance Histor," msde the pnnc p.il addi BBB. Sh** saidthat the rum qafisUaa ls md raeelvlng proper alientlon. Even the brewer anil tie* distiller nai rimdiunkiti'd musi he reform.'d, as he I* making ihe liquorboniness disreputable. She dcdai'-d th.lt physiciansnjnred the |ii<ih)i>ltlon movement moro than anyothers by pi-.-Milbing liquor fur medicinal u-.\

LEAVING HIS WARDROBE ON THE PIER.The fate of Richart! P. Ilyrio. a portion of wlie** clothing

wss ftiniiil cai It Saturday intiriilap ot Um hay biirfrf " .nestQueen, al Hie loot of West Klrveulh »t., 1* «tlll uncertain.Byrne's relatives say thal he axpof lo tn tie iu lin monti alltiny Yo Uv, an th it ti* curri--.! a largo *um of money. Tueythlok that he mint have BOM waylftld and foully .lciii withos he cam* Irons th" CBrl.topher street Parry at niirhr. Vetthey do nol en-laln Mr*. Rrrns's l-tler to Imr hiisbaiitl'snephew. John li guiulsn, in *hlcb. aft. making bim to tolo the Charles Htroet t-it.itmn to identify th* clothing, (hehope* *' lh.it the liini i-xp.irio.1 has nut como,"

Thi- theory o tim pillie* ls that ilvrm- wandered aboard Ihe1.,'t! 1,1' while Intoxicated, prolia dy daring Ult- alt ninon. * nitell ardeen ond (hot ofter awhile. iBBoniBtag bunsil at linnie,tic began to nii'lrcts. il.en Walked tn ntl.cr the *i<le ar tliemw st the haine snit to overhnor I. They aav that tlie cloth-luar wai *. tine that (tm ve* erowal hav.- tai. u lt. 1 ha watch¬man fellini th* dollie* in ihe centre nf the '-nit, tu a rl'-ared.paco, surrounded liv laiee nf av. I ie call r« lay aids by.ide, tit* two coals at a lillie .nuance, nnd the hat nnir a f.-w'rot from thom. No *lgo* of e alrugne were visible 011 e*yl! Ih* l-r ll.'li S

qtJBBNR COUSTY LOSER A YA I.I A REE OtTIBBN.The BSSBflaaSSl .loath uf Thoma! Warren was a great Inti to

j ii-.- ri a aunty, uf whose 1'itixons' Cuni.milne he was a pmm-neul omi usoftil niambar, lie had iiv.it tnany years at"ira tua 11 I.. I., where he was well known as aa enemy ofivery Iona of dishonesty and political chicanery. Il may ti*ia.-1 ut li ni thkt De was to ba esteemed fur the rnt-mie* henone, fur he wa* heartily baled br the samp*, element id theo * 11 aii'i roiiiiiv. In one inaUnce hu wa*, tho igti en invalid,irotally eitocled white d selia, gmg bi* duty at the pulls, yetie coin.mie.I hi* eu ursa, un n lim tlnallv id oITecllnir mony* forma, lt woo loaiolr lina ic. hld-Son* Ihol thu in iq al I nu*

ax-alt-tysloin amlor width property wa* *u.d ogaiu andigain for ale*. paltrySaxes wai -l->. a '..

WHAT ATHLETES WILL DO THIS WEEK.Tbe Acm* (lau duli will have their n-«u ar monthly (hoot

t Dexter'* Park. I- I., to-morrow.The I oner Island 8nd om! (I il ti duli will have their lerondhool of tie year at Woodlawn Tari, U I, an Wednesday.Thu pu.tuoned shoot of the Fountain Ona Club will take

lif-i'ii Saturday at Woodlawn l'ark, I,. I.The anunal spring game* of th* SSS* lle/lmunt, under thenspl.es ol Cnupany At, will be hold at the aimury meier-in nt are Brooklyn, on Haturday, Anni 7, un*) of the prin-Ipal feature* or il,is netting will be ne iutercullaftata inn-t-ware iuut*t between teem* (rom Yole, ilorvora, Princeton,linwii an Colili.lhiOThe r.-osiM fi Morrl rr* hod their twsr.tv eighth ran In the'Sibwaluotih " modal earltx un Bafuird.iy. Anani a ilo/enofho athlete* want ihriua-b the raia au I slush lo score um nts

l. OrowUgacome In fi rai. J. li. Mellor imcond. and F. G.l edit third, th* others ia a bunch. Tim* of winner, 31linnie*.


IDENTIFIED AS AS OLD STOCK BROKER."lr.-Li. il K. Herd," a Hock hruker who hal b. n

ntiflii ad in JatTerson Mar ksi prison ilnee Friday on a chargef unsappruprlatlng B3.000 belonxing la Mist Loni ia SussUf No. 14'J We«t i'-ort* lltsl .*-. w.ia f esler lay Idehli tl* a*edward B. Ketchum. formerly of the flrrn of Kdward1. K» chun A -son, once prominent brokfr* In Wallitreeu Ills tai liar, now dead, was tbe fouaiternt the Honer*a*tt'iifti*e Works al Paterson, N. J. The Consolidated-.ichance I* also said t* hav* a suit pending agalnai bim.ie i* a member of the Academy al Ueiign.


FUNERAL OF THE RET. MR. OOODNOUOII.Tb* funeral of the Rev. Alfred B. Uoodnnugh, pastor of tha'.'un fi ol lb* Havluur (Uuitanaa), In Plerropoul-at, Hro*k.yn. who died on w ctn. onay al th* age of thirty-thru*, wai.ti.iitl.-it by mony prominent meini.ori of the Unitarian da.loitnoai'on tn bis chorcb yesu-nlay afternoon. The wholerout or the potplt wa* dei ked with flower, omi .verirecn*ad ihe co 111 a waa coveted with a floral pall. The irrvlrairero conducted by Ibo Her. Drs. Ro'irrt Co.Iyer. A. P. Pul.S'n, F. A. Farley. XV. L. Chaffin ond (Inndail Reynold* Thewo laat named maila eddri*****. paying high trlbnto* to th*icelleiioe of Mr. OsadaaaaB'B eharao.er and atUlamrnio,ibu bunol wa* m (j reen wood Cemetery.

SMALLPOX INCREASING IS ELIZABETH.Tour nsw cote* of smallpox wera reported to the healthaihoritleoof r no' el., oo tsotorday eight by Cl ly PbvalclaaVillon Th* Victim* **re remorad lo tha past boose yeater-ay. Thalr Doaieo ore John, Moir Kin.rn and Aunio Hoo-oisy and a Mra. Mick. Thiv lived on "-.¦ on! tc, o f«w 'or*rom lb* Ifoc.NOuoro family on InsliopUe*. A* th* Moo-

tOYALpOWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Thli powder never iori.-* A mervt-1 ot purity, strengthtd wholesomeness Mora BSSM uilral n,an tho ordinaryInda, and connot b* sold lu eoiiip.iiiioa with ihe muliiiudet low leal, .hort wright alum Or phiioiibare Dowden. Sold ,.dr lo eeo* Roi'Ala liAkiM. I'uvVJjU Co., 104 a'

rall sw. ». .. 1




Every Marvin Safe Does Its Duty.SIX SEVERE TESTS.

mi-. i * i I' ni am li i Oft"Tba contents of eur two MARVIN

BA FEB earn* ikrourb without a scorch.Band tb* new ones at once."

NO. 3. jrr--.lt KOW --lt tV KIINKftT."Uar MARVIN HAKE ass se- *r*!r

tried, bal lt* content* *re Intact. Wowont another ot tlie lome kimi."

NO. sV MITCIIRM. t% I'lCABU."\v« would not b-dieve lt possible

that hooks and parer* BMM lie bronchithr 0111*1 om-'. * fire. Vi'Or tare did lt

perfectly. Hellyer new one today."

NO. S. VF.ITeY NH.MON."Tho Iorgo MARVIN HAKE carried

lt* contents through, the fearful nre la

gallant tty le. Hellyer the new one (con

aa .," '.¦. ¦¦¦'

NO. SJ. HfcMcY MOBBf*." It did not *«*in possible for a *afe to

withstand BBOl a test, bal ll* content*ciB'iuat nanorthed."

No other SAFE has the record of theMARVIN. Of tho many thousandSafes manufactured by this companynot one has ever failed to preserveits contents.

Marvin Safe Co.,MTABLI8BX0 BULS a ckntuhy.

New-Yorb. l'lulnd.-li-lnp London, Eng.

Kamara* were quarantined. Health Inspector Reave* scout*the idea timi the Houncisrs and Mrs. Mack hud taken therliiesse from them. A special meeting nf tb* Hoard of Healthwill ke hold to ii.tra to iuvr«lneale.

IS THIS A DR EGOIST'S Fi TA I. Bl. US DERIMrs. BlliaBOlB Mckeon, at No. SSS Mvrtle-oye., Rrooklvn,

lied on Saturday aftei au HIBBS*" ol four day*. Her tiusl.andsaid sue had taken mr*.e lii|iior-t*e powder, afler wbioh she wa*

Mixed willi sevrrt) vomiting md grew raiddiy worse. Dr.Carlin, n lidford are.. Hrooklyri, who wa* railed lu te treot

hat saul that lu lils opinion the lin! tnkeo *nmei liing poison-iBs. Tlie polioo scared some ol the liquorice powder la theuriglnai wrappor. lt lind benn pat up by T. J. Franc*, drag-list at. Myrtle aed K.-nt-ave*., and was labell*.! " I'ompoandl.iqnorlcn I'owl.-r." Au aul.pty will bo held aud the pow-ler will be analyzed.

TO DEBATE THE BRIDOE TERMINUS QUESTION.The BrtBfl* Traetee* wll1 BeM their Febrnsry moetlng thi*

tfteriioun and the qne-ttiun ot a Brooklyn ter luriiia will be1. liar.-' and probably decided. The committee, which balfiren several hearlntri In tho matter, will report in favor ofhe totalled Sanaa plan lora new lui mina! station between-and-ami Ililli sis., llrooklyn, with atloquot* platform* andiwltchintr foci li Iles for lix.cor trains, 8am* opposition tohis onset from the ililllciillv in sreuring proper connection*sith the elevated toad* lu Kimmi ano Adam* at*.



¦¦¦ in tr-fi 6 52 .-. is 6 28 Moon »-is 7:81 Mooni ag*. 11111.11 WATI.IL

I..V..tandy rtooc. SSSI Uar. Isl'I fl 00 Hell Oat*. 10:19wat xBMiSsaaaS. Mi) Qa*, i.i't a 361 Hell liate, 11:27


rms!.Fruit. Sni'eA. LinAanad*...I.omlon.Jan '24.NotionalIdraoce.Kio Janeiro .....lau -JU....US A iiraiil

mSBUAT. ii 14Vynmlng....Liverpool.Keb 4.Onionl err*.llreui.'u.Keb 4.NO Lloydian Marco*.Barana.Keb 9.Ward's

araoaasoir, n:n. lfii"rane*.I.ond.in.Fob B.Notional¦lly ol Atlante.Vera Ural.Yali l.Aiexauure


Vesselretiel. Line. Fnr Melli eloie. nil*.|t-ii'. i, span i iari». Havana. 1 p ui 8 pm

W0I1HKSI1 IV. fk.ll 1 j.IdrHtlc. White Star. Liverpool. 430em 730ot*ipain, N'atL'.uai. I.iv-Tii'i .1. omalni. N (t l.ioy.i. Bra usu A -I'lir.iip'u.. 4'IOe ra 7.-30 o ra'liLla'L-'Lii'.L.i, Ilea u. I.agiuv i.ll a IB l pia

thu rsi ur. Yy.n. 16tote of Nevada. Rtate. Olsi*gow. B arajoravia.llamti.Amer. Hanhurir.9 am"ity of Columbia Alex" ir*\ u mi, Ar 1 pm 8 pmen! ". s, ¦*. 4i.r.. Nassau. SM. 1 pm ,i pm

ilro. Atlaa, Haytl. 8 am 10 nmrinldod. Quebec biirinuil.i... 1 pm fl pm


AllHIVrCIJBloomer Moravia (dori. Hehieh, tlambnrg Jan 29, Havre

'eli 1. with nulli and 270 passengers lo Kuuliar lt A (Jo. Ar-

iv*l at Hie Uar al 11 a m.tstestiior lax Haf.c.-«-iie Yr). BaaMlt, Harte Feb I. with,'»m and pass* ix*rs to Louis de liehlau.Hteamar l.yius i>ri norma, OlriBQll Deo 30, Palerma Jant ounla 15. (iibialtar 21, with nolie to ! atc.lu ,1 iloileij

essei io Slmps.ui. r-ipenc* A Youuk. Artlxed at tbe Bar Ot S

rateamer Newport, rahackfort, Asptnwall B day*, with mdsend passenger* to l's- IV M all -. .,

t-i.-aiii'-r li im.lad I Un. Kraser, Ilamllton. Bermuda, 8ays. with imlsu ood passcoser* t* A ¦ Outerbrltlge A Co.r rived al the Har al B.L10 a m.

Hieartit-r Mnrsrsn City, (lardner. Cairnton 9 day*, withidse flo J"hn T Van sit kio.Heaitii-r Equator .Nelson. Charlciton, with mdse to Wm T

'ly '* .? Oa.ateamer Breakwater. Pnie, Newport New* and Nortolll

nihni isa and piaienfei* to OM DaailaloaBaOasteamer lleruiau ll in I-r. Halli ti, lloaiou, with rad** to

I K Id'tiock.Karl B'lliHrl. Munro, ll"tterdim 27 dari, with Iroa ondaipty borroli to onion reosel to c W Hrri.nn.B^rk siodac. m (Hr), lvt'ls, MaalewMw SO (toys, with

ni. . tn Knos Wll leri vt'**»l lo J fl Wbiioey A Oo.flONHKf.-Ai Study 11.mik. win I lla-ht. N. thiok aud mow-lg. Al City li .¦ .. wind light, NE, snowing.Arrived yesi/ir liv

..teamer Pulyn**t* ((teri Kulin, Hamburg Jan St, with!.lae and 1B4 pas«*ii»-sr» to Fbelpo Uro* * Ca A fired at thelar st !. fl m.hteimcr Texas mn Ctos*. (Ilrgentl Urn-lt, Melano 14,leos,na SS, I'ai-inio Jan Li, Yal.-iifia I 1. Malaga 18. Hermado1, i i .» 2 dors, with mils* loopier, voa**! to Nuns A., ¦».-.. Arri ve*! at th* Hirst ll p m.

nf Hiaamer Errurlx Bri. rrom I,iv«roooi. prevlonsly re>ur led. i'4- 475 passenger*. Arrived ot the Har ol 8.0ft p ra.

BAILED.Bteameis K*p»nol, fnr Liverpool, Minaola. nrt*tnl| rieqne,Isboii; Htratbairly, Inrdeanx: Vcrtumuua, HeajtBBB U«\yiltira. Ht Ann's Hay,Saras Jose E More, for Ouontanaraoi Havana. Havana-aaa lt llueno, Molamaa.lins Aroa.ua, for Barbados*.Ai*o*4iie*i.via iajn« Ulan I Honnd-Bloomers WllkeoboiTB>r Hooion; Lacy K Miller. Rnckiport.A.i h >r-'»l ('ny Uland l*teamor Arnot 0 Barstow, (erBBftflaafltflj


Qi ii** ws Feb 12-B*ll*d. staomar Herrlo (Br), M.-Kay,o Liverpool hence for Nsw York.Urn, Koli ll ."**'ii".i. stiamer santiago (fir), rotter, forow-YorkBcillt, Keb II-Paaae.1, steamar E.ism (Dteh), Van dar.a. irooi .New Yar* ou Bo* way Ul A m«l-i da o.

Koawi.r I'uisr. Keb 1-l'aio* I, steamar LaJa(Rr), Minn,um N< W Verl "ii lier way ta ,iii Lol.II iMtti.'Bu, Fob el.Maila i. tteamer i'ularlo (Oer), Bohade,r New.York.AsTivRKF. .-b ll--*!.ed. .lea,uer Hhynlond (Belg). Jami-m. (ur New Yon.I'AflLl*'. Y '. "a.:* t. itesmar Cboteao Laflto (Fr),::i»i- r. tor New York.HiiNi. K.'So, Keb ll -Arrtv*d. slea nor Oceoulo (Mr), Met-.Ita, from Hao Franclooo via Yokuhouia.

fin*, prier to Keb 11-Arrived, iteoiuer Clement (Br),urlnr. from Now-York.Ha vasa. Keb ll -tiollod. oteaaiar ('itv ol Atlanta, Burlay,un Mnileeu puru liane* 'ar New-York.

>tr later aMmmiika Hetti, if ero**, ««* iV*A PmgA)


Wo are the originators andhave been for thirty years theleaders of popular prices. Ourgoods are marked when firstplaced on sale at such a verymodest profit as only a housecan afford that sells exclusivelyfor cash in every instance, andconsequently eliminates fromits calculation the risk of lossesfrom bad debts and the book¬keeping and other office ex¬

penses inseparable from acredit system.

The losses in the United States re-

suiting from uncollectabie accountsamount to hundreds of millions ofdollars annually. To those for whomcredit ls a paramount importance itis a convenience for which they oughtto pay. The fundamental cornerstoneof a well-regulated business pre¬cludes thepossibility ofdeviating fromone price, but why should cash buy¬ers who purchase from houses thatcarry accounts contribute toward de¬fraying the losses and expenses con¬sequent tothecreditsystem? We givecredit to no one; we therefore incurno losses, and our prices bear evi¬dence of it to the advantage of allwho can avail themselves thereof.In conspicuous instances

other houses occasionally meetour prices "as leaders,''' but itis like the unwilling workmanwho will only do his task whileunder the vigilant eyes of theoverseer; it isa forced exaction,

not a spontaneous tribute.Take promiscuously a dozen

items out of each of our 37 de¬partments and compare themwith a like number of articlesfrom any other house, and itwill confirm our claim that weare the cheapest house in thiscountry, without ever sacri¬

ficing quality to price.



RICH BUCK SILKAt the uniform price of 99c.


BLACK SATIN RnADAME..... M*.BLACK SATIN LUXON. ama,BLACK POLLTDBSOIK.A. fis*Black watrued silk.¦lack silk bad/imere.BLACK BATIN MKItVEII.LEUX._ _w


















R.H.MACY&CO.A neon nrem rn t*.

Beware of a tslt>ht irritation of tho throat.Brumnifll's "iir'i Dimjis < m lin tie lulu rsl.si. nu'. Ollb* elevale.l roiiruaU auuoti*.

Hknrt A. I'aii fl*, M. D.819 WMT I*2«TH-ST.

Henrs.Ste ia.tr. UT. Dlseaoes*f th* N*ry*a* Syne*,C ru il... Liinory Orgau* Iniputauceaua (lerilliy.

.' Uyilla." E. & \V. "Uvilla."(jue Nsw Ha.NT.Euuu Coixoa.

?-." Rouen on Rats." for rats, miop, bn?s. 15c." Roi'i.H on Catarhk. ' Only aiisniiit* cur*, ooo." Rouoh (i.i Corn*." Hani or soft carn*. 16a..*R 1 '.h ..n ituiiiAi.ua." laaeaat relief, iso

"To Mother-'.''Mm. wiwotow'o soomiNO sriiup. f*r Ohililreo r***.»iot.

eafteas tk* t a si. rsl nos* ula n timi m. sllirs iii pi vs i-ilcare* wladoolio aad .narrina*. Tw*atyflT« neat* a OitUi


JAMES McCREERY & CO.Havo several thousand .lacquantami Marseille!* Bed-Spreads,bought very much below marketvalue, at the fol towing, lowprices :Jacquard, 11-4, full sizes, $1.00,$1.15 and $1.35.Marseilles, full sizes, $1.50,

$1.90, $2.35 and $2.90, an im¬portant offering, worthy the at¬tention ot Housekeepers,The sale will commence on Mon¬

day morning, Feb. 13th.JAMES McCREERY &CO.,

Broadway and 11th St.

SEALSKIN GARMENTS.Il.gen lly flnlihetl, perfect fliting, genuine Leodora.dyed

Alaska Heal.AH sir, smut letiirtLi*, oe nett styles.

Htock loo larne and rattier ttieu carry over

PRICES MARKED WAY DOWN.fall Hock Fnrlleed Clroolin, Plush Oeraiente, fleoliklnops, (.wat* Muffs, Boa*, "shoulder Copee, Jr ur u :mia.ag*,loo**.

Write for fettkloe book end price*,


103 PRINCE ST, near Broadway.

a a CONCENTRATED LIQUID Extract ofHalt and Hops, lt ls considered by eml-lent physicians to be far superior to anymported article, and ls recommended byhem as being invigorating and highlylutritious; also insuring a healthy appe-ite and aiding digestion. For sale by all)ruggi8ts.








Regardless of Cost of Importation.



Cleans** and b**uttn** th* bair.l'rouiuttw a .uxurlai.t growth.Never Fa ila to Restore GroyH.ir lo its Youthful Color.

Curo*M*liidlj*r*su>.aiit] hair (allin*;.we ol I'i nfKifti

PARKER'S CINCER TONICInvaluable fur Coughs, Cold., Inword Paine, EitiansXIo*.




TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A COPY)aad le oe rall os *r*r ef .eulalie*', tBBBBRBBR e*4 *e>placatory dot* re.olino to IO*

POLITICAL LIFEot the Celled mat**. Thia Aliaeaee, flrs* shana 4 by Herr***Oraalay, and o work a* sr tua* 0* '.».**irl o J,1001 SEE efl.toltoltm cor*, te etui the

STANDARD TEXT BOOKrat Oe day. It ooretalae elater** aaoUeUoe et tao

ELECTIONS OF 1887hy Rutei oast Oeaotiee, eempared *tu oreytaoa yo*** (oat]tattoo*** of Ma*. Toro aol NetfJereOjy a/ to***-, ** **V..Uontabairaaial aeeh e< Me

IMPORTANT LAWS OF CONGRESSrrt the peat y**r. melodie*- to* Ao^exxttaroL cobnoi Inlet.,ruo*ry. end iadlaa laaUtoOleoi th* leter aoole tMmmmtmloilli the PreoUeatlol ¦loot*** OUL th* liol et iratgKj.attartied. ar*, ot*, al*. Aloa tte fltMool tattt*

PLATFORMS OF 1887lathe dirTor.nl attlee i lae pwdoolloo et" geld aos] *Uy*r ta)Ihe O «. ead tao world ol lora*, ey roam liuiof *U fe|

Aloe oil the Soler, Ploaeiorr. Tide, ead ether Aatreaoweafrtatuitee srhieh ooaotiietea arewoiao* Pounder ol .. r**e*.oed lo all pane at tte L'oii* l siateo.