quick service pos software


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Page 1: Quick Service POS Software


Quick service POS Software

Page 2: Quick Service POS Software

IntroductionIf you own a quick service restaurant, you know how important it is that your technology doesn't get in the way of your service. Your quick service POS system should never be something you buy and forget -- or worse, buy and regret.

Instead, it should have features that speed up your restaurant workflow, increasing efficiency and restaurant sales. When searching for a quick service POS, there are a few features that should be non-negotiable

Page 3: Quick Service POS Software

Move guests through Fast linerWith technology that is easy to use, not encumbered by miscellaneous buttons and unnecessary touch points, table turn times can increase by 10-15%. The server just has to enter the item and fire it to the kitchen, while the cook is instantly updated on an organized ticket display screen. The ticket display screen is key to analyze the time it takes for your kitchen staff to complete orders, segmented by menu group and item.

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Accuracy with Real Time data Availability

Cloud-based restaurant technology can give restaurant owners access to real-time data about every facet of their business and the ability to view and make changes to their restaurant from anywhere, at anytime. That way, you can understand where to invest, what programs to grow, which employees to promote (or not), and how much you're really spending on food costs.

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Customer loyalty integration.Incentives like gift cards and restaurant loyalty programs can help you build a powerful customer database, rewarding your best customers, creating new regulars, and increasing visitation frequency and average check size. With a "super" quick service POS, gift cards and loyalty will be integrated into the core POS. On the customer side, that means an easy opt-in process; digital gift cards can be sold through the POS, and they can join the loyalty program simply by pressing a button when signing the check. For the restaurant owner, that means that reporting insights will be easier to track. Overall, both the gift card and loyalty processes should be completely customizable, selecting bonuses, welcome notes, points-system rules, and more.

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Affordable Online Ordering & DeliveryWho wouldn't want to order their meal beforehand so it's ready for pickup immediately? Or order online for delivery so they can avoid the hassle of going out? Online ordering is becoming more and more prevalent in this mobile-driven society, and if your restaurant isn't offering this option, you're missing out on a valuable, mostly millennial, customer base.

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