questioning and discussion in science. “the 5 practices” focus on student’s use of: ...

Questioning and Discussion in Science

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Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Questioning and Discussion in Science

“The 5 Practices”

Focus on student’s use of:


Data representation, analysis and interpretation

Explanation of patterns and phenomenon

Increasing cognitive demand of tasks:

Minimize prescriptive directions

Provide complex data that students must interpret

Give students an audience

Re-sequence lessons – let students explore before teaching

“The 5 Practices”

After developing a rigorous task:

1. Anticipate how students will respond

2. Monitor what students do as they work

3. Select students to present their work

4. Sequence the presenting students in a meaningful order

5. Connect student responses to science content.

Picture Prompt

Show the class a complex diagram/image.

Each person must explain one thing about the image.


Each group begins at a station with a chart paper containing a diagram or question.

Students explain the diagram/answer the question.

Groups rotate to the next diagram. They agree or disagree with previous answers by making a “” or “X” and then write their own answer.

After groups finish rotating, they present their diagram/question to the clas..

If you hold a fire to steel wool, it will burn and change color. After it changes color, it will not burn anymore. Why? Explain what is happening.

Layered-Cake Discussion

Students are broken into groups

Groups all work on the same task

After a set amount of time, groups share out and have a class discussion

A student made a copper bracelet by hammering a small copper bar into the desired shape. The bracelet has a mass of 30.1 grams and was at a temperature of 21°C in the classroom. After the student wore the bracelet, the bracelet reached a temperature of 33°C. Later, the student removed the bracelet and placed it on a desk at home, where it cooled from 33°C to 19°C. The specific heat capacity of copper is 0.385 J/g•K.

Explain, in terms of heat flow, the change in the temperature of the bracelet when the student wore the bracelet.