quantum hamiltonian complexity

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  • 8/22/2019 Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity


    Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity

    Sevag Gharibian Yichen Huang Zeph Landau

    January 17, 2014


    We survey the growing field of Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity, which includes thestudy of Quantum Constraint Satisfaction. In particular, our aim is to provide a computerscience-oriented introduction to the subject in order to help bridge the language barrierbetween computer scientists and physicists in the field. As such, we include the following

    in this paper: (1) The basic ideas, motivations, and history of the field, (2) a glossary ofmany-body physics terms explained in computer-science friendly language, (3) overviews ofcentral ideas from many-body physics, such as Mean Field Theory and Tensor Networks,and (4) brief expositions of selected computer science-based results in the area. This paperis based largely on the discussions of the quantum reading group at UC Berkeley in Spring2013.

    Computers are physical objects, and computations are physical processes. Whatcomputers can or cannot compute is determined by the laws of physics alone. . .

    David Deutsch

    1 Introduction

    The Cook-Levin Theorem [Coo72, Lev73], which states that the SATISFIABILITY prob-lem is NP-complete, is one of the cornerstones of modern computational complexity the-ory[AB09]. One of its implications is the following simple, yet powerful, statement: Com-putation is, in a well-defined sense, local. Yet, as David Deutschs quote above perhapsforeshadows, this is not the end of the story, but rather its beginning. Indeed, just as classi-cal bits can be governed by local constraints (as in, say, 3-SAT), the quantum world aroundus evolves according to local quantumconstraints. The study of such quantum constraintsystems underpins the emerging field ofquantum Hamiltonian complexity.

    More formally, a k-local quantum constraint satisfaction system acting on n qudits is

    described by a k-local Hamiltonian H H Cdn (see Section 3 for Notation), whereH =

    i Hi for Hermitian operators Hi H



    which act non-trivially on subsets of

    k qudits. Often, one is interested in the smallest eigenvalue or ground state energy of H,along with its corresponding eigenvector or ground state. The physics intuition for this isas follows: Quantum systems in Nature typically evolve according to local Hamiltonians,and in particular, cooling such a system to low temperature allows the system to relaxinto its ground state. Thus, understanding the solutions (i.e. energies and eigenvectors)to quantum constraint satisfaction problems is central to understanding the structure andbehavior of the physical world around us. It is important to note that solving for suchquantities is computationally difficult, as we require an efficient algorithm to run in timepolynomial in n, the number of qudits, as opposed to in dn, which is the dimension of thespaceHacts on.

    From a computer science perspective, determining ground state energies of local Hamil-tonians is interesting for two reasons. First, it generalizes classical constraint satisfaction

    Simons Institute for Theoretical Computing and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci-ences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

    Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA






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    as follows. Let denote an instance of 3-CSP with clauses ci which are arbitrary Booleanfunctions on 3 bits. Then, corresponding to each clause ci, we add a diagonal Hamiltonian

    constraintHi HC23

    which penalizes all non-satisfying assignments, i.e.

    Hi =



    s.t. ci(x)=0


    Then, a product state | (C2)n representing a satisfying binary assignment will achieveenergy 0 on H=

    i Hi, i.e.

    Tr(H||) = 0.On the other hand, an unsatisfiable formula has energy at least 1; this is because all Hi si-multaneously diagonalize in the computational basis, and thus without loss of generality, onecan choose the ground state as a binary string. Second, just as SATISFIABILITY was thefirst known NP-complete problem [Coo72, Lev73], the LOCAL HAMILTONIAN problemwas the first known QMA-complete problem (first presented by Kitaev at [Kit99], and laterwritten up in[KSV02]), where Quantum Merlin-Arthur (QMA) is the quantum generaliza-tion of NP (more accurately, of Merlin-Arthur (MA)), and where LOCAL HAMILTONIAN

    is formally defined as follows:

    Problem 1 (k-Local Hamiltonian (k-LH)[KSV02]). Given as input ak-local Hamiltonian

    H acting on n qudits, specified as a collection of constraints{Hi}ri=1 HCdk

    wherek, d (1), and threshold parametersa, b R, such that0 a < b and(b a) 1, decide,with respect to the complexity measureH + a + b:

    1. Ifmin(H) a, output YES.2. Ifmin(H) b, output NO.

    Here,A denotes the encoding length of object A in bits, andmin(A) denotes the smallesteigenvalue ofA. Note that often k-LH is phrased with (b a) 1/p(n) for some polynomialp; such an inverse polynomial gap can straightforwardly be boosted to the constant 1 above

    by definingH to have p(n) many copies of each local term Hj [Wat09].For completeness, we also define QMA formally (see Reference [Wat09]for further dis-cussion).

    Definition 2 (QMA). A promise problemA= (Ayes, Ano) is in QMA if and only if thereexist polynomials p, q and a polynomial-time uniform family of quantum circuits{Qn},whereQn takes as input a stringx with|x| =n, a quantum proof|y (C2)p(n), andq(n) ancilla qubits in state|0q(n), such that:

    (Completeness) If x Ayes, then there exists a proof|y (C2)p(n) such that Qnaccepts(x, |y) with probability at least2/3.

    (Soundness) If x Ano, then for all proofs|y (C2)p(n), Qn accepts (x, |y) withprobability at most1/3.

    Thus far, we have introduced the study of local Hamiltonians from a computer scienceperspective involving constraint systems. However, the initial motivation for this researchstems from quantum many-body physics. In particular, the latter would more generallydefine quantum Hamiltonian complexity as the study of how difficult it is to simulate phys-ical systems [Osb12]. In this view, k-LH can be phrased as a special case of the moregeneral Simulation Problem [Osb12], which roughly asks the following: Given a descriptionof a Hamiltonian H, an initial state , an observable M, and a time t C, estimate theexpectation




    Tr ((eiHt)eiHt)

    . (1)

    The local Hamiltonian problem is then recovered by choosing H as a local Hamiltonian,settingM=H, = I /Tr(I), and considering t = i for Rand .

    Organization of this paper. We begin in Section 2with a brief survey of the historyof the field of quantum Hamiltonian complexity from both computer science and physics


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    perspectives. Section 3 sets notation. In Section4, we attempt to give computer scienceoriented explanations of common many-body physics terminology, as well as overviews ofselect important research directions and developments, such as Mean Field Theory, TensorNetworks (including Matrix Product States, Density Matrix Renormalization Group, andMulti-Scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz). Section5 reviews select key computerscience-based results in the area, including a new quantum information theoretic presenta-

    tion of Bravyis polynomial time algorithm[Bra06]for Quantum 2-SAT (Section5.4).This paper assumes background in quantum computing and information; the interested

    reader is referred to the standard text of Nielsen and Chuang [NC00] (see also [KSV02,KLM07]for alternate textbooks) or the thesis of Gharibian [Gha13] for a self-contained briefintroduction. For a review of quantum complexity theory, see the survey of Watrous [Wat09].For a physics-oriented introduction to Hamiltonian complexity, we refer the reader to thesurvey of Osborne[Osb12].

    2 A brief history

    Unsurprisingly, the history of quantum Hamiltonian complexity has its roots in bothphysics and computer science. In this section, we attempt to give a brief survey of bothperspectives, beginning with the latter.

    2.1 A computer science perspective

    The general LH problem. In 1999, Alexei Kitaev presented [Kit99, KSV02] what isregarded as the quantum analogue of the Cook-Levin theorem, proving that k-LH is inQMA for k 1 and QMA-hard for k 5. His proof is based on a clever combinationof the ideas behind the Cook-Levin theorem and early ideas for a quantum computer ofFeynman[Fey85], and is surveyed in Section5.1. The fact that 3-LH is also QMA-completewas shown subsequently by Kempe and Regev [KR03] (an alternate proof was later givenby Nagaj and Mozes[NM07]). Kempe, Kitaev, and Regev then showed [KKR06] that 2-LH

    is QMA-complete; see Section 5.2for an exposition of the proof. Note that 1-LH is in P,since one can simply optimize for each 1-local term independently.

    From a physicists perspective, however, the Hamiltonians involved in the QMA-hardnessreductions above are arguably not physical, i.e. occurring in Nature. To address this,Oliveira and Terhal next showed [OT08] that 2-LH with the Hamiltonians restricted tonearest-neighbor interactions on a 2D grid is still QMA-complete. Furthermore, in starkcontrast to the classical case of MAX-2-CSP on the line (which is in P), Aharanov, Gottes-man, Irani and Kempe [AGIK09] showed that 2-LH with nearest-neighbor interactions onthe line is also QMA-complete if the local systems have dimension at least 12. The latterwas improved to 11[Nag08]and subsequently to 8 [HNN13]. Gottesman and Irani[GI09]obtained related results for translationally invariant 1D systems; see also Kay [Kay07] forresults regarding the latter setting. Very recently, Cubitt and Montanaro gave [CM13] aquantum generalization of Schaeffers Dichotomy Theorem [Sch78] for the setting of 2-LHon qubits, essentially completely classifying the complexity of LH based on which set of2-qubit quantum constraints one incorporates in the constraint system. Their classificationcontains the following levels: Problems are either in P, NP-complete, TIM-complete, orQMA-complete, where TIM is defined[CM13]as the set of problems which are polynomial-time equivalent to solving the general Ising model with transverse magnetic fields.

    Quantum SAT.To be precise, the LH problem does not generalize k-CSP, but rather (thedecision version of) its optimization variant MAX-k-CSP. One can ask how the complexityof LH changes if we instead focus on a restricted version intended to generalize k-CSP. Inthis direction, in 2006 Bravyi [Bra06]defined Quantum k-SAT (k-QSAT), in which all localconstraints are positive semidefinite, and the question is whether the ground state energyis zero (in this case, H is called frustration-free, in that the optimal assignment lies in the

    null space of every interaction term), or bounded away from zero (i.e. the Hamiltonian isfrustrated). He showed that 2-QSAT is in P (see Section5.4 for an exposition), and thatk-QSAT is QMA1-complete for k 4, where QMA1 is QMA with perfect completeness.


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    Recently, Gosset and Nagaj showed[GN13] that 3-QSAT is also QMA1-complete.

    Commuting LH. Unlike classical constraint satisfaction problems, quantum constraintsdo not necessarily pairwise commute. It is thus natural to ask how crucial this non-commuting property is to the QMA-completeness of LH. In this direction, Bravyi and Vyalyishowed [BV05] that commuting 2-LH on qudits is in NP. Aharonov and Eldar subsequently

    showed[AE11] that 3-LH Hamiltonian on qubits is in NP, as well as for qutrits on nearlyEuclidean interaction graphs. Schuch showed that 4-LH on qubits arranged in a square lat-tice is in NP [Sch11b]. Finally, Aharonov and Eldar proved that approximating the groundstate energy of commuting local Hamiltonians on good locally-expanding graphs within anadditive error ofO() is in NP[AE13b, AE13a]. In terms of efficiently solvable variants ofcommuting LH, Yan and Bacon [YB12]showed that the special case in which all commutingterms are products of Pauli operators is in P.

    Stoquastic LH. Another natural special case of LH is that of stoquastic local Hamilto-nians, in which the local constraints have only non-positive off-diagonal matrix elementsin the computational basis. In this setting, the Stoquastick-SAT problem, defined as thestoquastic variant of Quantum k-SAT, was shown to be in Merlin-Arthur (MA) for k 1and MA-complete for k 6 by Bravyi, Bessen, and Terhal [BBT06] and Bravyi and Ter-hal[BT09]. (Incidentally, this was the first non-trivial example of an MA-complete promiseproblem.) The problem Stoquastic LH-MIN, defined as k-LH with stoquastic Hamiltonians,was shown to be contained in AM [BDOT08] and complete for the class StoqMA [BBT06]fork 2. Here, StoqMA is a variant of QMA in which the verifier is restricted to preparingqubits in the states|0 and|+, performing classical reversible gates, and measuring in theHadamard (i.e.|+, |) basis. Finally, Jordan, Gosset, and Love showed that computingthe largest eigenvalue of a stoquastic local Hamiltonian is QMA-complete [JGL10].

    Approximation algorithms for LH. Given the prevalence of heuristic algorithms forsolving k-LH, a natural question is whether rigorous (classical) approximation algorithmsfor k-LH can be derived. Here, Bansal, Bravyi and Terhal showed [BBT09]that k-LH onbounded degree planar graphs, as well as on the unbounded degree star graph, could be ap-proximated within (1) relative error for any (1) in polynomial time, i.e. they gave aPolynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS). Gharibian and Kempe next gave[GK11]a PTAS for approximating the best product-state solution for k-LH on dense interactiongraphs, and showed that product state solutions yield a ( d1k)-approximation to the opti-mal solution forarbitrary(i.e. even non-dense) interaction graphs ond-dimensional systems.Based on numerical evidence, they conjectured [GB1] that for dense graphs, a quantum deFinetti theorem without symmetry holds, which can in turn be exploited to yield a PTASfor dense k-LH (as suggested by mean-field theory folklore). Indeed, Brandao and Harrowrecently proved[BH13]this conjecture, along with other results: A PTAS for planar graphs(improving on Reference[BBT09]), and an efficient approximation algorithm for graphs oflow threshold rank.

    Hardness of approximation for LH. The PCP Theorem [AS98, ALM+98] is one ofthe crowning achievements of modern complexity theory. As such, a major open ques-tion in quantum Hamiltonian complexity is whether a quantum version of this theoremholds [AN02,Aar06]. Rigorously formulated in the work of Aharanov, Arad, Laundau andVazirani[AALV09], the question has attracted much attention in the last decade. For ex-ample, Reference [AALV09] proved that a quantum analogue of Dinurs gap amplificationstep in her proof of the PCP theorem [Din07] can be shown in the quantum setting. Forfurther details on the quantum PCP conjecture, we refer the reader to the recent surveydedicated to the topic by Aharonov, Arad, and Vidick [AAV13].

    More generally, in terms of hardness of approximation for quantum complexity classes,Gharibian and Kempe[GK12]defined a quantum version of p2(the second level of the Poly-nomial Time Hierarchy), and showed hardness of approximation for various local Hamiltonian-related problems such as Quantum Succinct Set Cover. Reference [GK12] also showed ahardness of approximation and completeness result for QCMA, which is defined as QMAwith aclassicalprover [AN02]. (QCMA is also known by the name Merlin-Quantum-Arthur


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    2.2 A physics perspective

    We now briefly describe the history of quantum Hamiltonian complexity from a physics per-spective. This section is by no means comprehensive; the reader is referred to the surveys of

    Verstraete, Murg, and Cirac [VMC08]and Osbore[Osb12], for example, or to their friendlyneighborhood physicist for further details.

    Classical Hamiltonians. Beginning with the case of classical Hamiltonians, an early andcanonical [Osb12] example of computational hardness is Baharonas work [Bah82], whichshowed that finding a ground state and computing the magnetic partition function of anIsing spin glass in a nonuniform magnetic field are NP-hard tasks. Jerrum and Sinclair,on the other hand, showed [JS93] #P-completeness of computing the partition function ofthe ferromagnetic Ising model, and gave a Fully Polynomial Randomized ApproximationScheme (FPRAS) in the same paper. As mentioned above, however, the Ising model isclassical in that all variables are assigned values in the set{+1, 1}; thus, the ground statehas an efficient classical description.

    Quantum Hamiltonians. In contrast, for quantumHamiltonians, the last two decadeshave seen much effort towards classifying when a ground state can be described efficientlyclassically[VMC08]. One of the main instigators of this push was Whites celebrated DensityMatrix Renormalization Group1 (DMRG) method [Whi92, Whi93], which is a heuristicalgorithm performing remarkably well in practice for finding ground states of 1D quantumsystems. It was later realized[OR95, RO97, VPC04, VMC08,WVS+09]that DMRG canbe viewed as a variational algorithm over the class of tensor network states known as MatrixProduct States (MPS).

    Appearing early on in the work of Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb and Tasaki [AKLT88], MatrixProduct States have proven invaluable in the study of many-body quantum systems. For ex-ample, they were exploited by Vidal [Vid03,Vid04] to efficiently classically simulate slightlyentangled quantum computations. Generalizations of MPS to higher dimensions, such as

    the Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) of Verstraete and Cirac [VC04, VWPGC06],and the Multiscale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz (MERA) of Vidal [Vid07, Vid08],soon followed. Note that while MPS and MERA networks can be efficiently contracted,Schuch, Wolf, Verstraete and Cirac have shown that contracting a PEPS network is ingeneral #P-complete [SWVC07].

    Finally, Hastings showed[Has07] in 2007 that the ground state of gapped 1D Hamilto-nians can be well approximated by an MPS; this helped explain the effectiveness of DMRG.However, the latter is a heuristic, and a rigorous proof that such an optimal MPS can befound in polynomial time required further work. In this direction, Aharanov, Arad, andIrani [AAI10] and Schuch and Cirac [SC10] showed that given a fixed bond dimension asinput, the optimal MPS of that bond dimension can be found efficiently. Arad, Kitaev,Landau and Vazirani subsequently gave a subexponential time algorithm [AKLV13]for ar-

    bitrary bond dimension. Finally, Landau, Vazirani, and Vidick showed [LVV13] that theproblem of finding an approximation to the ground state of a 1D gapped system is in BPP.

    Area laws. A key problem in quantum many-body physics is understanding the entan-glement structure of a ground state. Here, a specific question which has attracted muchattention is the possible existence of area laws. Roughly, an area law says that for anysubset Sof particles chosen from an n-particle ground state, the amount of entanglementcrossing the cut betweenSand its complement scales not with the size ofS, but rather withthe size of the boundaryof the cut. In this direction, a breakthrough result was Hastingsproof[Has07] of an area law for gapped 1D systems. A combinatorial proof improving onHastings result for the frustration-free case was later given by Aharonov, Arad, Landau andVazirani [AALV11], followed by a proof of Arad, Kitaev, Landau, and Vaziranis[AKLV13]which applies in frustrated settings as well. Whether a 2D area law holds remains a chal-

    1Note: The word Group does not actually refer to a group in the usual mathematical sense here.


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    lenging open question. The reader is refered to the review of Eisert, Cramer, and Plenio forfurther details [ECP10].

    3 Notation

    LetL (X),U(X), andH (X) denote the sets of linear, unitary, and Hermitian operatorsacting on complex Euclidean spaceX, respectively. The operators x, y, and z denotethe Pauli X, Y, and Zoperators, respectively. We define vector

    Si := (



    zi), and

    dot-product Si Sj :=xixj + yiyj + zi zj ,

    where there is an implicit tensor product between (e.g.) xi andxj above.

    4 Physics for computer scientists

    In this section, we discuss various concepts developed by the physics community in the fieldof Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity. We begin in Section4.1by providing a glossary of

    selected common terms which appear in many-body physics literature. Section 4.2discussesMean Field Theory. In Sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.4.1, and 4.5, we review Tensor Networks andtheir special cases (e.g. MPS and MERA), as well the DMRG algorithm for MPS states.

    4.1 Definitions of physics terms

    The following is a glossary of commonly encountered physics terms in the condensed matterliterature.

    Basic terminology.

    Singlet: The singlet is the two-qubit Bell state

    | := 1

    2 (|01 |10) = 1

    2 (| |).Note that for two-qubit systems, the singlet projects onto the antisymmetric space,and I || projects onto the symmetric space.

    Spin: There are at least two notions of spin we are aware of. The first is the notion ofaspin-(k/2)system fork a positive integer. Such a system corresponds to a qudit withdimension d = k+ 1. The second is the notion of directions along which to measurespin; this refers to some set of observables{Sx, Sy, Sz} for performing measurementsalong the axes for the three spatial dimensions our world works in.

    The relationship between these two concepts is as follows. The second concept can bethought of as giving a set of three orthonormal axes with respect to which we wishto perform a measurement, and the first concept tells us how large the magnitude of

    a measurement result can be. For example, upon measurement, a spin-(1/2) particlecan yield outcomes1/2, whereas a spin-(3/2) particle can yield1/2 and3/2.

    Hamiltonian model: The specification of a particular Hamiltonian model is analogousto choosing a family of constraint types allowed in a classical CSP. For example, onemight call the 3-SAT model one in which all constraints are 3-local Boolean formulaein Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF). Note that Hamiltonian models can be eitherclassical or quantum, such as the classical and quantum Ising models.

    Interaction (hyper)graph: The (hyper)graph illustrating which sets of particles areconstrained by a common local Hamiltonian constraint. For 2-local Hamiltonians, thiscorresponds to a graph G, i.e. (i, j) is an edge in G if there exists a HamiltonianconstraintHij acting jointly on particles i and j .

    To solve a model: The meaning of this phrase depends largely on context. Typically,one is assumed to have a classical description of a local Hamiltonian H, and we wish todetermine some property of the system described by H. For example, we may wish to


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    solve for the ground state energy ofH, or determine when a phase transition occurs.Solving the model means calculating the value of whichever property of H you areinterested in.

    Commonly studied Hamiltonian models.

    Classical Ising Model: The classical local Hamiltonian

    H(x) =i,j

    Jijxixj, (2)

    where xi {+1, 1}, interactions Jij are constants, and the notationi, j meanswe consider interactions on only nearest-neighbor pairs (i, j) (according to whicheverunderlying geometry we are interested in, such as a 1D chain or 2D lattice). We remarkthat physics literature often writes simply H instead ofH(x) for notational simplicity.An assignment x is called a configuration, and the objective function value H(x) iscalled theenergyof a configuration.

    To illustrate the connection to classical complexity theory, note that setting all Jij =1 and searching for the maximum energy configuration of the Hamiltonian |E|+H(x)is equivalent to the MAX CUT problem, where


    | is the size of the edge set of the

    interaction graph.

    Note that H can also be defined with an additional linear term, i.e.

    H(x) =i,j

    Jijxixj+ i


    wheremj models the effect of an external magnetic field on site i, andis the magneticmoment.

    Quantum Ising Model: The quantum Ising Model is the 2-local Hamiltonian (see,e.g. [Pfe70, Sac11,Dzi05])







    whereJis the exchange constant, g is a dimensionless coupling constant, and recall z

    and x are the Pauli Z and Xmatrices, respectively. This model, also known as thetransverse field Ising model, has recently found itself characterizing a new complexityclass called TIM[CM13].

    Heisenberg model: The Heisenberg model is given by

    H= i,j


    xj + Jy


    yj + Jz


    zj ) + h


    zi ,

    where Jx, Jy, and Jz are coupling constants, and h is the external magnetic field.Various special cases of this model can be considered, such as the XY model [LSM61],


    xixj +


    yj ,

    the XXZ model (see, e.g. [YY66a, YY66b,Sac11]),

    H= i,j

    xixj +


    yj +


    zj ,

    and the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model (see below).

    Anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model: The anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model isgiven as follows. If we assume the underlying interaction graph is a cycle, i.e. a1D chain with periodic boundary conditions, then in physics notation one often writes


    Si Si+1.


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    (Of course, in principle the underlying interaction graph can be any simple graph.) Tointuitively understand what this 2-local constraint enforces for the spin-1/2 particlecase, note that

    I (xx + yy + zz) ||,where recall| is the singlet. Hence, the ground state of this 2-local constraint isthe 1-dimensional anti-symmetric subspace, in which spins are aligned in a conflictingfashion, i.e. up-down or down-up.

    We now discuss the known properties of this model. For spin-1/2 systems in 1D, theanti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model is solvable exactly using the Bethe ansatz [ Bet31].Its spectrum is gapless, and the spin correlations (e.g.,zi zj ) decay as a power lawin|i j|. For spin-1 systems in 1D, the model is already difficult to solve, and washistorically expected to be gapless and exhibit power law decay. Surprisingly, in 1983,Haldane[Hal83a, Hal83b] predicted that the properties of the 1D spin-SHeisenbergmodel depend strongly on whetherS is a half-odd-integer or an integer: For half-odd-integer S the model was predicted to be gapless and exhibit power law decay, whilefor integer S, it was believed to be gapped and exhibit exponential decay. The firstof these, i.e. the absence of a non-zero energy gap for half-odd-integerS, was provenrigorously[AL86] by using an extension of the Lieb-Shultz-Mattis theorem [LSM61].As for the second, evidence for the existence of the Haldane gap for S= 1 has beenfound both numerically and experimentally [BMA+86,MBAH88,RVR+87].

    AKLT model: As the 1D spin-1 Heisenberg model has proven difficult to solve, Affleck,Kennedy, Lieb, and Tassaki proposed and studied the similar so-called AKLT modelin 1987[AKLT87, AKLT88]. The AKLT model is artificial, and hence not believed tobe experimentally realizable. However, it has the following desirable properties: (i) Itlooks superficially similar to the spin-1 Heisenberg model (ii) it can be solved exactly(iii) Haldanes argument (see anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model) can be rigorouslyverified for this model. The AKLT model is also a useful example for understandingmatrix product states, symmetry protected topological order, etc. . .

    The 1D spin-1 AKLT Hamiltonian is defined as

    H= i

    Si Si+1+ 13Si Si+12 .

    This model is best understood via the correspondence between a qutrit (spin-1) andthe symmetric subspace of two qubits (spin-1/2):

    |+ |11, |0 (|00 + |11)/

    2, ||00.Then, the ground state of the AKLT model can be constructed in three steps: (1)Split the ith qutrit into two qubits labeled iL and iR, (2) iR and (i+ 1)L form asinglet, and (3) symmetrize iL and iR. The ground state is called a valence-bondstate as it is a tensor product of singlets in the qubit representation. We emphasizethat the second term in the Hamiltonian of the AKLT model is intentionally addedto ensure exact solvability, i.e. that step (2) is the optimal strategy to minimize theenergy. (Omitting this second term yields the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model.)The AKLT Hamiltonian has the following properties[AKLT87, AKLT88]:

    1. The model is gapped, since excitations break at least one singlet and cost non-vanishing energy.

    2. The ground state degeneracy depends on boundary conditions: The dimensionof the ground state space is 1 for periodic boundary conditions, and 4 for openboundary conditions. This is because in the latter case we have two free qubits1L and nR (n is the number of sites), while in the former case these two qubitsform a singlet.

    3. Correlation functions decay exponentially as the structure of the ground states

    is short ranged.4. The ground state can be written exactly as a matrix product state of bond di-mension 2[Sch11a], as its Schmidt rank across any bipartite cut is 2.


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    Physical phenomena.

    Ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic order: When a system demonstrates ferromag-netic order, it means the ground state has all spins aligned, e.g. all spin up. Anti-ferromagnetic order on a bipartite lattice means that the ground state has alternatingup and down spins (i.e., neighbouring spins point in opposite directions). For exam-

    ple,H= i zi zi+1has ferromagnetic order (i.e. its ground states are the all zeroesand all ones states), whereasHhas anti-ferromagnetic order. At an intuitive level,ferromagnetic order means that if we cool the system down to its ground state, thenwe observe some global magnetization effect taking place (since all spins point in thesame direction).

    Thermal equilibrium & Gibbs state: When a classical system is in thermal equilibrium,theGibbs formalismstates that given the Hamiltonian H, the probability of observinga configurationx of the system is proportional to exp (H(x)), where the parameter is the inverse temperature2. The distribution so induced on the configurations iscalled the Gibbs distribution or canonical ensemble. An important quantity associ-ated with the Gibbs distribution is the free energy per unit volume. We first definethe partition function Z, which is merely the normalization constant in the Gibbs

    distribution: Z() = x{1,1}n

    exp(H(x)). (3)

    One can then define the free energy per unit volume as

    F() = 1|V| log Z(). (4)

    The reason for the negative sign is mostly historical; a version without the negativesign, called the pressure, is sometimes used[Sim93].

    When a quantum system is in thermal equilibrium, the state of the system is describedby the density matrix exp(T) = exp(H/T) for Hsome Hamiltonian, and Tthe temperature. This state is also known as theGibbsorthermalstate. The conceptsof partition function and free energy can be defined analogously to the classical setting.Note here that zero-temperature makes sense, in that it is defined in terms of the limitT 0. Also, it should be noted that theoretical physicists typically think of allquantities as being dimensionless, meaning there are no specific units attached to T(such as Kelvin, Celsius, etc). For this reason, it doesnt make much sense to defineroom temperature as being, say, T= 25, as it depends on which temperature scaleone chooses.

    Quantum phase transitions and criticality: Here we are given a HamiltonianH() as afunction of some tuning parameter. We say Hhas a quantum phase transition if itsground state is not analytical. As a rough but intuitive example, if the dimension ofthe ground state space ofH() is 2 for < c and 1 for > c, respectively, then thereis a quantum phase transition at = c. We call = c a critical point, and H(c)a critical system. A critical system is usually associated with certain scale invariance.The physics at and near critical points is called critical phenomena.

    For a more concrete example, consider the transverse field Ising model, defined as





    Here, taking thethermodynamic limitmeans that the number of spins goes to infinity(the indices above range from to). For this model, when , the groundstate is| , where| is the 1-eigenvector ofx (i.e., x| = | ).When = 0, the ground state is degenerate, and is either all spins up or all spinsdown. More generally, when < 1, we have a 2-fold degenerate ground state, andwhen >1, we have a unique ground state.

    2We note here that when the Gibbs formalism is applied to actual physical systems (such as the motionof molecules in gases) with respect to the SI units, is actually 1

    kT where T is the temperature and k is the

    Boltzmann constant. For our purposes, we may work as if the units are rescaled so that k= 1.


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    4.2 Mean field theory

    We now discuss mean field theory. Often in condensed matter theory, one wishes to computesome property of a given local Hamiltonian. In general, computing such properties can becomplexity-theoretically hard, so one needs approximate or heuristic approaches for dealingwith such hardness. One approach is mean-field theory, which approximates a Hamiltonian

    Hby a similar but exactly solvable Hamiltonian Hmf. The mean-field Hamiltonian Hmfmay contain some unknown coefficients to be determined. In general, there is no guaranteeas to how well Hmf approximates the properties ofHwhich are of interest; as such, mean-field models are heuristic approaches. Mean-field theory is arguably the most widely usedapproximation method in condensed matter physics.

    We demonstrate the approach with a textbook example concerning the classical Isingmodel

    H(x) = Ji,j


    on a d-dimentional hypercubic lattice (see Equation (2)), wherei, j denotes summationover nearest neighbors. Our goal is to solve this model, which in this context means todetermine the critical temperatureTcat which the system undergoes a phase transition. For

    d= 1 the model is easily solved by the transfer matrix method. Ford= 2 the model wasfirst solved by Onsager [Ons44]. Onsagers solution is mathematically involved, and from amodern point of view a technically simpler approach is fermionization. Ford3 no exactsolution is known. In the mean-field approximation we consider the mean-field Hamiltonian

    Hmf = J2



    j neighbor ofi

    xj= dJx



    We have setxi=x for all i as the magnetization is expected to be uniform. Note thatwe view x just as a parameter similar toJ. The mean-field HamiltonianHmf is decoupled(non-interacting) and can be solved easily. We now compute the magnetization with respectto Hmf:

    ximf =

    xi=1 xiexp(Hmf)xi=1exp(Hmf)


    xi=1 xiexp(dJx)xi=1exp(dJx)

    = tanh(dJx).

    We require the mean-field theory to be self-consistent:

    ximf = x x = tanh(dJx).

    This equation has only one solutionx = 0 when dJ 1 and has three solutionsx =0, m when dJ > 1. One easily finds that the mean-field free energy Fmf = ln Zmf(Zmf is the mean-field partition function) atx =m is lower than that atx = 0 inthe regime that there are three solutions. Hence mean-field theory predicts spontaneousmagnetization when dJ >1 orTc= dJ.

    A seemingly different but essentially equivalent approach is not to impose the self-consistency equation by hand. Instead, we minimize the mean-field free energyFmf withrespect to x (Fmfis a function ofx becauseHmfis a function ofx). One finds that theconditionFmf/x = 0 is equivalent to the self-consistency equation. Indeed, the equiv-alence of these two mean-field approaches is a general result due to the Hellmann-Feynmantheorem[Fey39]. We point motivated readers to standard physics textbooks (e.g.,[Sac11])for more examples of mean-field theory.

    4.3 Tensor networks

    Since arbitrary quantum states| (C2)n may require (exp(n)) bits to represent clas-sically, physicists have derived clever ways of encoding certain classes of entangled quantumstates in succinct forms. One such approach is via tensor networks. Such networks includeas special cases (for example) Matrix Product States (MPS) [ AKLT88,Vid03]and ProjectedEntangled Pair States (PEPS)[VWPGC06].


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    (a) (b)

    Figure 1: (a) A single tensorM(i1, i2, i3). (b) Two tensorsM(i1, i2, i3) and M(i1, i2, i3) con-tracted on the edge (M, N).

    Informally, to a computer programmer, atensorM(i1, i2, . . . , ik) is simply a k-dimensionalarray; one plugs in k indices, and out pops a complex number. Hence, in terms of linear al-gebra, a 1-dimensional tensor is a vector, and a 2-dimensional tensor is a matrix. Physicistsoften like to make this more confusing than it is by simplifying the notation and placingindices as super- or sub-scripts for example, they might denote a 3D array M(i1, i2, i3)byMi1,i2i3 . To make it easier to work with tensors, however, there is a simple but extremely

    useful graph theoretical framework for depicting them. Figure1(a) shows M, for example.Here, the vertex corresponds to the tensor M. Each edge corresponds to one of the inputparameters to M.

    Continuing our informal discussion, in Figure1(b), an edge with two vertices as endpointscorresponds to the operation ofcontracting tensors on edges. Specifically, Figure1(b) takestwo 3D tensors M and N, and contracts them on their i2 and j2 inputs, respectively. Theresulting mathematical object is a 4-dimensional tensorPdefined as

    P(i1, i3, j1, j3) =k

    M(i1, k , i3)N(j1, k , j3).

    Note the resulting tensor in Figure 1 has four legs (i.e. edges with only one endpoint);this is because Ptakes in four inputs.

    More formally, a k-dimensional tensor M (as defined above) is a map M : [d1] [dk] C, where eachdiis a natural number. (We remark that sometimes the dimension k of

    a tensor is referred to as itsrank. Note that this notion of rank isnotthe same as the usuallinear algebraic notion of rank for matrices.) For this reason, we can observe the following

    straightforward way to connect n-qubit states| and n-tensors. Let| =2ni=1 i|i for{|i}2ni=1 (C2)n the computational basis. Then, for any i [2n], letting i1 in denotethe binary expansion of i, we can define an n-tensor M(i1, . . . , in) for ik {0, 1} whichsimply stores all 2n amplitudes of|, i.e. M(i1, . . . , in) :=i1...in . In other words, we canwrite

    | =2ni=1

    M(i1, . . . , in)|i. (5)

    More generally, one can generalize this correspondence to represent n-qudit systems with

    local dimensiond. Then, each index to Mwould take a value in [d], andd is called thebonddimension.

    Question 1. In Figure2, we depict five different tensor networks. For simplicity, we assumehere that all input parameters to a tensor are from the set [d].

    1. For (a), what type of linear algebraic object does the figure correspond to?

    2. Which operations on objects of the type in (a) do images (b) and (c) depict? What isthe output of the tensors in (b) and (c)?

    3. How many tensors is the network in (d) composed of ? How many input parametersdoes each of these constituent tensor networks have (before contraction)? How manyinput parameters does the final, contracted tensor network have?

    4. Image (d) corresponds to anm-dimensional tensor, which using the tensor-vector cor-

    respondence in Equation (5), can be thought of as representing an n-qubit vector|(whose amplitudes are computed using the specific contractions between tensors indi-cated by the network). With this picture in mind, what does(e) correspond to?


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    (a) (b)






    N1 N2 NmN3










    Figure 2: Five tensor networks, studied in Question 1.









    T1 T2 T3 Tm

    Figure 3: Demonstrating the linear map view of tensor networks.

    5. Image (e) combines 2m tensors into a network which takes no inputs and outputs acomplex number . Assuming the bond dimension d is a constant, given these 2mtensors, how can we compute in time polynomial inm? Hint: Consider an iterativealgorithm which in step i [m] considers all tensors up to Ni andMi.

    There is another view of tensors which also proves useful, in which a tensor is seen asa linear map. LetSdenote the set of legs of a tensor M, and partition S into subsets S1and S2. Then, by fixing inputs to all legs in S1, we collapse M into a new tensor M

    corresponding to some vector in (Cd

    )|S2|. For example, consider again our tensor M in

    Figure1(a), and let S1 ={i1} and S2 ={i2, i3}. Then, denote by Mk the tensor obtainedby hardcoding i1 = k, i.e. Mk(i2, i3) := M(k, i2, i3). By Equation (5), Mk correspondsto some vector|k (C2)|S2|. In other words, we have just demonstrated a mappingwhich, given any computational basis state|k Cd, outputs a vector|k (Cd)2, i.e.we have a linear map : Cd (Cd)2. Returning to our more general example withM,S, S1 and S2, this approach allows us to view a tensor M with legs in Sas a linear mapM : (Cd)|S1| (Cd)|S2|.

    To demonstrate the effectiveness of this linear map view of tensors, we revisit Ques-tion1(5). This time, we break up this tensor into tensors Ti, as depicted in Figure3. Then,we can think ofT1 as representing the conjugate transpose of a vector| (Cd)2. Next,Tifor i {2, . . . , m 1} can be thought of as linear maps from (Cd)2 to (Cd)2, where thetwo left legs are the inputs, and the two right legs are outputs. It follows that after contract-ing T1 through Tm1, the result is the conjugate transpose of some vector| (Cd)2.Since the last tensor Tm represents some| (Cd)2, performing the final contractioncomputes the inner product| outputting a scalar, as claimed in Question 1(5). Notethat since the bond dimension d is considered a constant, this linear map view implies thatthe contraction of the entire network can clearly be performed in time polynomial in m.

    4.4 Density Matrix Renormalization Group

    Having introduced the concept of tensor networks in Section 4.3, we now discuss the DensityMatrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) algorithm, which is nowadays generally consideredthe most powerful numerical method for studying one-dimensional quantum many-body sys-tems. In many applications of DMRG, we are able to obtain the low-energy physics (such as,

    for example, the ground state energy, correlation functions, etc. . . ) of a 1D quantum latticemodel with extraordinary precision and moderate computational resources. Historically,Whites invention of DMRG [Whi92, Whi93]in the early 1990s was stimulated by the fail-


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    ure of Wilsons numerical renormalization group[Wil75]for homogeneous systems. A subse-quent milestone was achieved when it was realized[OR95,RO97,VPC04, VMC08,WVS+09]that DMRG is in fact a variational algorithm over a specific class of tensor networks knownas Matrix Product States (MPS) (introduced in Section4.4.1below).

    The purpose of this section is to outline at a high level how DMRG works from the MPSpoint of view. For further details, we refer the reader to the following review papers on

    the topic. Schollwock [Sch11a]is a very detailed account of coding with MPS. The earlierpaper of Schollwock [Sch05] discusses DMRG mostly in its original formulation withoutexplicit mention of MPS. Finally, Verstraete, Murg and Cirac [VMC08] and Cirac andVerstraete [CV09] focus on the role MPS plays in DMRG, as well as other variationalclasses of states, such as Tree Tensor States, Multiscale Entanglement RenormalizationAnsatz (MERA) and Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS).

    4.4.1 Matrix Product States

    Matrix Product States (MPS) are the simplest class of tensor network states, and as such,have received much attention. Consider a 1D quantum lattice system of local dimensiond. We associate each site i with d matrices Aj=1,2,...,di of dimension D D, except at theboundaries, where A


    1 is of dimension 1 D and Aj=1,2,...,dn is of dimensionD 1(wheren is the total number of sites). Then an MPS is given by

    | =d


    Aj11 Aj22 . . . A

    jnn|j1, . . . , jn.

    How can one interpret this expression for |? First, note that for any i {2, . . . , n 1}, wehaveAjii : [d] L

    CD CD. In other words, fixing an index ji pops out aD Dcomplex

    matrixAjii . Similarly,Ajin (A

    ji1) outputs a complex vector (conjugate transpose of a complex

    vector). It follows that for any stringj1 jn {0, 1}n, the expressionAj11 Aj22 . . . Ajnn yieldsa complex number (since it is of the formv1|V2 Vn1|vn), i.e. it yields the amplitudecorresponding to j. Thus, the amplitudes are encoded as products of matrices, justifying

    the name Matrix Product State. Some additional terminology: The indices ji are referredto as physicalindices, as their dimension d is fixed by the physical system. The value D iscalled the bond dimension, which we discuss in more depth shortly. Graphically, an MPSis given by Figure2(d), where the vertical lines denote physical indices, and the horizontallines represent tensor contractions or matrix products.

    With a bit of thought, one can see that any state| (Cd)n can be written as anMPS exactly if the bond dimension D is chosen large enough. Indeed, this can be achievedby setting D to be at least the maximum Schmidt rank of| across any bipartite cut. Ingeneral, however, such a value of D unfortunately grows exponentially with n, and thuslarge values ofD are not computationally feasible. The strength of MPS is hence as follows:Anyn-particle quantum states whose entanglement across bipartite cuts is small (i.e. ofpolynomial Schmidt rank inn) can be represented succinctly by an MPS.

    Moreover, this niche filled by MPS turns out to be quite interesting, as condensed matterphysicists are mainly interested in ground states which are highly non-generic. For example,recall that in 1D gapped systems, we have an area law[Has07,AKLV13,ECP10], implyingthat in the 1D setting the entanglement entropy across any bipartite cut is bounded by aconstant independent ofn. In particular, Reference [AKLV13] shows that ground states of1D gapped systems with energy gap can be well approximated by an MPS with sublinear

    bond dimension D = exp(O( log3/4n

    1/4 )). In gapless or critical systems the area law is slightly

    violated with a logarithmic factor ln n [CC04,CC09], implying that MPS is still a fairlyefficient parametrization.

    Finally, a key property of MPS is that, given an MPS description of a quantum state,we can efficiently compute its physical properties, such as energy, expectation of orderparameters, correlation functions, and entanglement entropy [Sch11a]. This is in sharpconstrast to more complicated tensor networks such as Projected Entangled Pair States

    (PEPS), which are known to be #P-complete to contract [SWVC07].


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    4.4.2 Implementation of DMRG

    Having introduced MPS, we now briefly review the idea behind DMRG from an MPS per-spective. Specifically, given an in input Hamiltonian H, to compute the MPS that bestapproximates the ground state, our goal is to minimize the expectation |H| with re-spect to all MPS| with some fixed bond dimension D, i.e., with respect to O(ndD2)parameters. Unfortunately, in general this problem can be NP-hard even for frustration-freeHamiltonians[SCV08]. To cope with this, DMRG is thus a heuristicalgorithm for findinglocal minima: There is no guarantee that the local minima we find are global minima, northat the algorithm converges rapidly. However, perhaps surprisingly, DMRG works fairlywell in practice.

    At a high level, the DMRG algorithm proceeds as follows. We start with a random MPSdenoted by{Aj=1,2,...,di=1,2,...,n}, and subsequently perform a sequence of local optimizations. Alocal optimization at site i0 means minimizing|H| with respect to Aj=1,2,...,di0 , whilekeeping all other matrices Aj=1,2,...,di=i0 fixed. Such local optimizations are performed in a

    number of sweeps until our solution{Aj=1,2,...,di=1,2,...,n} converges. Here, a sweep consists ofapplying local optimizations in sequence starting at site 1 up to site n, and then backwardsback to site 1. In other words, we apply the optimization locally in the following order of

    sites: 1, 2, . . . , n 1, n , n 1, . . . , 2, 1.

    4.5 Multi-Scale Entanglement Renormalization Ansatz

    We now discuss a specific type of tensor network known as the Multi-Scale EntanglementRenormalization Ansatz (MERA) [Vid07,Vid08] (see Section4.3for a definition of tensornetworks), which falls somewhere between MPS and PEPS. Like MPS and unlike PEPS, theexpectation value of local observables for MERA states can be computed exactly efficiently.Like PEPS and unlike MPS, MERA can be used to well-approximate (certain) states inD-dimensional lattices for D1. It should be noted that, as with MPS and PEPS, thereis not necessarily any guarantee as to how well MERA can approximate a particular state;rather, as with many ideas in physics, MERA is an intuitive idea which appears to workwell for certain Hamiltonian models, such as the 1D quantum Ising model with transversemagnetic field on an infinite lattice [Vid07].

    There are two equivalent ways to think about MERA. The first is to give an efficient(log-depth) quantum circuit which, given a MERA description of a state|, prepares|from the state |0n. The disadvantage of this view, however, is that it does not yield muchintuition as to why MERA is structured the way it is. The second way to think aboutMERA is through a physics-motivated view in terms of DMRG; as this view provides thebeautifully simple rationale behind MERA, we present it first.

    The DMRG-motivated view. This viewpoint is presented in[Vid07], and proceedsas follows. To begin, the general idea behind Wilsons real-space renormalization group(RG) methods (see[WN92]) is to partition the sites of a given quantum system into blocks.One then simplifies the description of this space by truncating part of the Hilbert space

    corresponding to each block; this process is known as coarse-graining. The entire coarse-graining procedure is repeated iteratively on the new lower dimensional systems produced,until one obtains a polynomial-size (approximate) description (in the number of sites, n) ofthe desired system.

    The key insight of White[Whi92, Whi93] was to realize that for 1D systems, the correctchoice of truncation procedure on a block B of sites is to simply discard the Hilbert spacecorresponding to the small eigenvalues ofB, where B is the reduced state on B of theinitial n-site state|. Here, the value of small depends on the approximation precisiondesired in the resulting tensor network representation. Intuitively, such an approximationworks well ifB in | is not highly entangled with the remaining sites. When this conditiondoes not hold, however, DMRG seems to be in a bind. The idea of MERA is hence to precedeeach truncation step by adisentanglingstep, i.e. by a local unitary which attempts to reduce

    the amount of entanglement along the boundary ofB between B and the remaining sitesbefore the truncation is carried out.


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    |0 |0

    |0 |0 |0 |0



    Figure 4: A MERA network on 8 sites. The circle vertices represent disentangling unitaries.The square vertices represent isometries. (a) The tensor network view. (b) The quantum circuitview. (c) The causal cone of the site labeled s.

    More formally, MERA is defined on a D-dimensional lattice L as follows [Vid07]. Forsimplicity, we restrict our attention to the case ofD = 1 on spin-(1/2) systems with periodicboundary conditions, but the ideas here extend to D 1 on higher dimensional systems.LetL correspond to Hilbert space VL

    sL Vs, wheres Ldenote the lattice sites withrespective finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces Vs. Consider now a block B Lof neighboringsites, whose Hilbert space we denote as VB

    sBVs. For simplicity, let us assume B

    consists of two sites s1 and s2, with neighboring sites s0 and s3 immediately to the leftand right, respectively. The disentangling step is performed by carefully choosing unitariesU01, U23 U


    (the specific choice of U01, U23 depends on the input state |), andapplying Uij to consecutive sites i and j. The truncation step follows next by applyingisometryV12 :L


    4 LC2 to sites 1 and 2, where C2 is the truncated space we wish

    to keep and where V12V

    12=I. By applying this procedure to neighboring disjoint pairs ofspins, we obtain a new spin chain with n/2 sites (assuming n is even in this example). Theentire procedure is now repeated on thesen/2 coarse-grained sites. AfterO(log n) iterations,we end up with a single site. The tensor network is then obtained by writing down tensorscorresponding to the linear maps of each Uij andVij, and connecting these tensors according

    to the geometry underlying the process outlined above. The resulting tensor network has atree-like structure, with a single vertex at the top, and nlegs at the bottom correspondingto each of the n original sites. It is depicted in Figure4(a).

    Note that if we assume the bond dimension for each isometric tensor Vij is d, then theMERA representation requiresO(nd4) bits of storage; this is because there are 2n1 tensorsin the network, and each tensor stores at most O(d4) complex numbers.

    The quantum circuit view. In a sense, we have cheated the reader, because theDMRG view already prescribes the method for the quantum circuit view of MERA. Specif-ically, imagine we reverse the coarse-graining procedure described above, i.e. instead ofworking our way from the n sites of| up to a single site, we go in the opposite direc-tion. Then, intuitively, the DMRG view yields a quantum circuit which, starting from the


    , prepares (an approximation to) the desired state| via a sequence of thesame isometries and unitaries prescribed by the tensor network. This view is depicted inFigure4(b).

    Computing with MERA. A succinct representation of a quantum system wouldnot necessarily be useful without the ability to compute propertiesof the system from thissuccinct format. A strength of MERA is that, indeed, expectation values of local observablesagainst | can be efficiently computed. This follows simply because given a MERA networkMrepresenting |, the reduced state of | on (1) sites can be computed in timeO(log n)(assuming the dimensionD of our lattice is considered a constant). To see this, we partitionthe tensors in our MERA network in terms of horizontal layers or time slices from top tobottom. Specifically, in Figure 4(b), time slice 0 is before the top unitary is run, slice 1immediately after the top unitary is run and before the following pair of isometries are run,and so forth until slice 5, which is immediately after the four bottom-most unitaries are run.Then, in each layer, the causal coneCs for any sites can be shown to have at most constant


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    width (more generally, at most 4 3D1 width [Vid08]). Here, thecausal coneofCsis the setof vertices and edges in the network which influence the leg of the network correspondingto site s; see Figure 4(c). The width of Cs in a time slice is the number of edges in Csin that slice. Thus, by viewing the MERA network in terms of the quantum circuit view,we see that the reduced state on site s is given by a quantum circuit with O(log n) gates.Moreover, at any point in the computation, this circuit needs to keep track of the state of

    only (1) qubits. Such a circuit can be straightforwardly simulated classically in O(log n)time via brute force (i.e. multiply the unitaries in the circuit and trace out qubits which areno longer needed), yielding the claim.

    5 Reviews of selected results

    Having discussed a number of Hamiltonian complexity concepts originating from the physicsliterature in Section 4, this section next discusses a selected number of central computerscience-based results in the area. Section 5.1 reviews Kitaevs original proof that 5-localHamiltonian is QMA-complete. Section5.2discusses the ensuing proof by Kitaev, Kempeand Regev using perturbation theory-based gadgets that 2-local Hamiltonian is QMA-complete. In Section 5.3, we review Bravyi and Vyalyis Structure Lemma and its usein proving that the 2-local commuting Hamiltonian problem is in NP, and thus unlikely tobe QMA-hard. Finally, Section5.4 gives a quantum information theoretic interpretation ofBravyis polynomial time algorithm for Quantum 2-SAT.

    5.1 5-local Hamiltonian is QMA-complete

    One of the cornerstones of classical computational complexity theory is the Cook-Levintheorem, which states that classical constraint satisfaction is NP-complete. The quantumversion of this theorem is due to Kitaev, who showed that the 5-local Hamiltonian problemis QMA-complete [KSV02]. In this section, we review Kitaevs proof. For a more in-depthtreatment, we refer the reader to the detailed surveys of Aharonov and Naveh [AN02] andGharibian [Gha13].

    We begin by showing that k-local Hamiltonian for anyk (1) is in QMA.Local Hamiltonian is in QMA

    Theorem 3. (Kitaev [KSV02]) For any constantk 1, k-LH QMA.Proof sketch. The basic idea is that whenever we have a YES instance of k-LH, the quantumproof sent to the verifier is essentially the ground state of the local Hamiltonian H inquestion. The verifier then runs a simple local version of phase estimation to roughlydetermine the energy penalty incurred by the given proof.

    To begin, suppose we have an instance (H,a,b) of k-LH with k-local Hamiltonian H =rj=1 Hj L((C2)n). We construct an efficient quantum verification circuit V as follows.

    First, the quantum proof is| Cr (C2)n C2, s.t.

    | = 1



    |j | |0, (6)

    for{|j}rj=1 an orthonormal basis for Cr, and| an eigenvector corresponding to someeigenvalue ofH. We call the first register of| the indexregister, the second the proofregister, and the last theanswer register. The circuitVis defined as V :=

    rj=1 |jj|Wj,

    whereWj is defined as follows. For our HamiltonianH=r

    j=1 Hj , supposeHj has spectraldecompositionHj =

    s s|ss|. Then, defineWj acting on the proof and answer registers

    with actionWj(|s |0) = |s

    s|0 +

    1 s|1

    . (7)

    Question 2. Show that if we applyV to the proof| and measure the answer register inthe computational basis, the probability of obtaining outcome1 is 1 1

    r|H|. Conclude

    that since the thresholdsa andb are inverse polynomially separated, k-LH QMA.


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    Hint 1. Observe that since we may assume the index register is implicitly measured at theend of the verification, Vabove can be thought of as using the index register to choose anindexj [r]uniformly at random, followed by applyingWj to the proof register. As a result,the probability of outputting1 can be expressed as

    Pr(output 1) =




    r Pr(output 1 | Wj is applied). (8)

    Hint 2. When considering the action of anyWj on|, rewrite| in the eigenbasis ofHjas| =s s|s (the values of the coefficientss will not matter).5-Local Hamiltonian is QMA-hard

    To show that 5-local Hamiltonian is QMA-hard, Kitaev gives a quantum adaptation of theCook-Levin theorem[KSV02]. Specifically, he shows a polynomial-time many-one or Karpreduction from an arbitrary problem in QMA to 5-LH, which we now discuss.

    LetPbe a promise problem in QMA, and let V =VLVL1 . . . V 1be a verification circuitforPcomposed of unitaries Vk. Without loss of generality, we may assume each Vk acts on

    pairs of qubits, and that V U((C2)m (C2)Nm), where them-qubit register containsthe proof V verifies, and the remaining qubits are ancilla qubits. UsingV, our goal is todefine a 5-local Hamiltonian Hthat has a small eigenvalue if and only if there exists a proof| (C2)m causingV to accept with high probability.

    We letHact on (C2)m(C2)NmCL+1, which is simply the initial space Vacts on,tensored with an (L + 1)-dimensionalcounter orclock register. We label the three registersHacts on as p for proof,a for ancilla, and c for clock, respectively. We now define H itself:

    H :=Hin+ Hprop+ Hout, (9)

    with the terms Hin, Hprop, and Hout defined as follows. Let

    Hin := Ip


    |0 . . . 0

    0 . . . 0




    |c (10)

    Hout := |00| I(C2)m1p Ia |LL|c (11)Hprop :=


    Hj , where

    Hj := 12

    Vj |jj 1|c 1

    2Vj |j 1j|c+ (12)


    2I (|jj| + |j 1j 1|)c. (13)

    Question 3. Suppose that for any YES-instance of promise problemP, V accepts a validproof| with certainty. Verify that the following state|, known as the history state, liesin the null space ofH. Why do you think| is called the history state?

    | := 1L + 1


    Vj. . . V 1|p |0Nma

    |jc. (14)In order to ease the analysis of Hs smallest eigenvalue, it turns out to be extremely

    helpful to apply the following change-of-basis operator toH:

    W =


    Vj. . . V 1 |jj|c. (15)

    Question 4. Show that:











    c, where we define


    := 1

    L+1 Lj=0



    2. Hin:= WHinW =Hin,

    3. Hout:= WHoutW = (V Ic)Hout(V Ic),


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    4. Hj :=WHjW =Ip,a 12 (|j 1j 1| |j 1j| |jj 1| + |jj|)c, and hence

    Hprop = Ip




    0 0 0 . . .1

    2 1 1

    2 0 0 . . .

    0 12

    1 12

    0 . . .0 0




    . . .

    0 0 0 12

    . . . . . ....


    ... . . .

    . . .



    Ec, (16)

    where we have letEdenote a tridiagonal matrix acting on the clock register.

    Henceforth, when we refer to H, Hin, Hout, Hprop, Hj , and|, we implicitly mean H,Hin, Hout, Hprop, Hj , and|, respectively.

    The YES case: H has a small eigenvalue

    Question 5. Suppose that given proof |, Vaccepts with probability at least1 for 0.Show that

    |H| 1L + 1

    . (17)

    Conclude that if there exists a proof| accepted with high probability byV, thenH hasa small eigenvalue.

    The NO case: Hhas no small eigenvalues

    If there is no proof| accepted by V with high probability, then we wish to show thatH has no small eigenvalues. To do so, write H = A1 +A2 for A1 := Hin +Hout andA2 := Hprop. If A1 and A2 were to commute, then analyzing the smallest eigenvaluesof A1 and A2 independently would yield a lower bound on the smallest eigenvalue of H.

    Unfortunately, A1 and A2 do not commute; hence, if we wish to use information about thespectra of A1 and A2 to lower bounds Hs eigenvalues, we will need a stronger technicaltool, given below.

    Lemma 1(Kitaev[KSV02], Geometric Lemma, Lemma 14.4). LetA1, A2 0, such that theminimumnon-zeroeigenvalue of both operators is lower bounded byv. Assume that the nullspacesL1 andL2 ofA1 andA2, respectively, have trivial intersection, i.e.L1 L2 ={0}.Then

    A1+ A2 2v sin2(L1, L2)2

    I , (18)

    where the angle (X, Y) betweenX andY is defined over vectors|x and|y as

    cos[(X, Y)] := max|x



    Y |x = |y =1

    |x|y| .

    Question 6. For complex Euclidean spacesX andY, is the statementX Y= {0} equiv-alent toX andYbeing orthogonal spaces?

    We use Kitaevs Geometric Lemma with A1 = Hin+Hout and A2 = Hprop to lowerbound the smallest eigenvalue ofH in the NO case.

    Question 7. ForA1 = Hin+ Hout andA2 = Hprop, what non-zero value ofv can we usefor the Geometric Lemma?

    Hint 3. ForA1, recall that commuting operators simultaneously diagonalize.

    Hint 4. ForA2, the eigenvalues are given byk = 1 cos[k/(L + 1)] for0 k L. Usethis to show that the smallestpositiveeigenvalue ofA2 is at least1

    cos(/(L +1))



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    Question 8. In order to compute(L1, L2), convince yourself first thatL1 =

    ((C2)m)p |0Nma |0c

    ((C2)N)p,a span(|1, . . . |L 1)c

    V(|1 (C2)N1)p,a |Lc

    , (19)

    L2 = ((C2


    )p,a |c, (20)To compute sin2 (L1,L2)

    2 for the Geometric Lemma, we now upper bound

    cos2 (L1, L2) 1 1

    L + 1 .

    Question 9. Show thatcos2 (L1, L2) = max|yL2 |y =1

    y|L1 |y.

    Observe from Equation (19) thatL1 is a direct sum of three spaces, and hence theprojector ontoL1 can be written as the sum of three respective projectors 1+ 2+ 3.Question 10. Observe by Equation (20) that for any|y L2,|y = |p,a |c for some| (C2)m (C2)Nm.

    1. Show thaty|1|y = L


    L+1 .2. One can show that

    y|2+ 3|y cos2 (K1, K2),whereK1= (C2)m |0Nm andK2= V|1 (C2)N1. Use the fact that in theNO case, any proof is accepted byV with probability at most to conclude that

    y|2+ 3|y 1L + 1

    (1 +


    Combining the results of the question above, we have that cos2 (L1, L2) 1((1

    )/(L+1)). Using the identities sin2 x + cos2 x= 1 and sin(2x) = 2sin x cos x, this yields

    sin2(L1, L2)

    2 1

    4sin2 (L1, L2) 1

    4(L + 1).

    We conclude that in the NO case, the minimum eigenvalue ofHscales as ((1 )/L3).Question 11. Recall that in the YES case, the smallest eigenvalue ofH is upper boundedby /(L+ 1). Why do the eigenvalue bounds we have obtained in the YES and NO casesthus suffice to show that5-LH is QMA-hard?

    Making H 5-local

    We are almost done! The only remaining issue is that we would like H to be 5-local, but abinary representation of the (L + 1)-dimensional clock register is unfortunately log(n)-local.To alleviate this[KSV02], we switch to a unaryrepresentation of time. In other words, wenow letHact on (C2)m (C2)Nm (C2)L, where the counter register is now given inunary, i.e.|j


    is represented as| 1, . . . , 1 j

    , 0, . . . , 0. (21)

    The operator basis|ij| forL(CL+1) translates easily to this new representation (omittedhere; see Reference [KSV02]). To enforce the clock register to indeed always be a validrepresentation of some timej in unary, we add a new fourth penalty term to Hwhich actsonly on the clock register, namely

    Hstab:= Ip,a L1j=1

    |00|j |11|j+1. (22)

    Hence, the newH is given byH=Hin+ Hprop+ Hout+ Hstab. By using the fact that both

    Hin + Hprop + HoutandHstabact invariantly on the original space the old Hused to act on,it is a fairly straightforward exercise to verify that the analysis obtained above goes throughfor this new definition ofHas well [KSV02]. We conclude that 5-LH is QMA-hard.


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    5.2 2-local Hamiltonian is QMA-complete

    In [KSV02], Kitaev showed that the 5-local Hamiltonian problem is QMA-complete. Inthis section, we review Kitaev, Kempe, and Regevs perturbation theory proof that even2-local Hamiltonian is QMA-hard[KKR06]. Note that Reference[KKR06]also provides analternative simpler proof based on elementary linear algebra and the so-called Projection

    Lemmain the same paper; however, as the Projection Lemma can be derived via perturba-tion theory, and since Reference[KKR06]s idea of using perturbation theory gadgets hassince proven useful elsewhere in Hamiltonian complexity (e.g. [OT08]), we focus on the latterproof technique. Besides, perturbation theory is a standard tool in a physicists toolbox,and our goal in this survey is to better understand what goes on in physicists minds!

    The proof that 2-local Hamiltonian is QMA-complete is quite complicated. To aid in itsassimilation, we therefore begin with a high-level overview of how the pieces of the proof fittogether.

    Overview of the proof. To prove that 2-LH is QMA-hard, the approach is to showa Karp or mapping reduction from an arbitrary instance of 3-LH to 2-LH. To achieve this,given a 3-local Hamiltonian Hacting on n qubits, we map it to a 2-local Hamiltonian

    H as


    (Step 1: RewriteHby isolating 3-local terms) Rewrite H in a form which resemblesY 6B1B2B3, whereB1B2B3is shorthand forB1 B2 B3, theBi are one-local andpositive semidefinite, and Yis a 2-local Hamiltonian.

    (Step 2: ConstructH) DefineH=Q + P(Y, B1, B2, B3), wherePis an operator withsmall norm and which depends on Y, B1, B2, B3, and where Q has large spectral gapand depends only on the spectral gap ofH. We refer to P as the perturbation andHas the perturbed Hamiltonian.

    This outlines the reduction itself. It now remains to outline the proof of correctness, i.e.to show that the 2-local HamiltonianH reproduces the low energy spectrum of the input3-local Hamiltonian H. In order to facilitate understanding, we present the analysis in abackwards fashion compared to the presentation in [KKR06].

    (Step 3: Define an effective Hamiltonian Heff) We first define an effective 3-localHamiltonianHeffwhose low-energy spectrum is (by inspection) identical to that ofH.

    We will see next thatHhas been cleverly chosen to simulate Heff with only 2-localinteractions.

    (Step 4: Define the self-energy, (z)) A standard tool in perturbation theory is anoperator-valued function known as the self-energy, denoted (z), for z C. In thisstep, we show that for an appropriate choice of z, we have Heff (z) for some small > 0. Intuitively, this relationship will hold because Heff is simply atruncated version of the series expansion of (z).

    (Step 5: Relate the low energy spectrum of (z) to that ofH) This step is where theactual perturbation theory analysis comes in. The outcome of this step will be that,

    assuming Heff (z) , the jth smallest eigenvalue ofHeff is -close to thejth smallest eigenvalue ofH.To recap, once we define the 2-local HamiltonianH, the spectral analysis we perform

    follows the chain of relationships:

    H Heff (z) H,where here roughly indicates that the two operators in question share a similar groundspace. We now discuss each of these steps in further detail.

    5.2.1 Step 1: Rewrite H by isolating 3-local terms

    Question 12. Convince yourself thatH can be rewritten, up to rescaling by a constant, in

    the formH Y 6


    Bi1 Bi2 Bi3, (23)


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    where eachBij is a one-local positive semidefinite operator andY is a2-local Hamiltonianwhose operator norm is upper bounded by an inverse polynomial inn.

    Hint 5. Rewrite each local term of H in the local Pauli operator basis, i.e. as a linearcombination of terms of the form1 2 3 fori {I, x, y, z}. Then, for each suchterm involving Pauli operators, try to add 1-local multiples of the identity in order to obtain

    positive semidefinite termsBi1 Bi2 Bi3. You will then have to subtract off certain termsto make up for this addition; these subtracted terms will formY. Think about whyY mustindeed be2-local.

    5.2.2 Step 2: ConstructHUsing the decomposition of H in Equation (23), we can now construct our desired 2-

    local Hamiltonian,H. As done in [KKR06], for simplicity, we assume that M = 1 i nEquation (23), i.e. thatH = Y 6B1B2B3. The extension to arbitrary M follows simi-larly [KKR06].

    To constructH, suppose H L((C2)n). Then, we introduce three auxilliary qubitsand define

    H L((C2)n (C2)3) as follows[KKR06].

    H := Q + P, (24)Q := 1

    43I (z1 z2+ z1z3+ z2 z3 3I), (25)

    P := (Y +1

    (B21+ B

    22+ B

    23)) I


    2(B1 x1 + B2 x2 + B3 x3 ), (26)

    where > 0 is some small constant, and ij denotes the ith Pauli operator applied toqubit j. Notice that the unperturbed Hamiltonian Q contains no information about Hitself, whereas the term that does contain the information about H, P, is thought of as theperturbation. The reason for this is thatQ is thought of as a penalty term with a largespectral gap (compared toP), so that intuitively, the ground space ofHwill be forcedto be a subspace of the ground space ofQ (sinceQ will enforce a large penalty on any vector

    not in this space).Question 13. Show thatQ has eigenvalues0 and1/3. Conclude that for small constant, Q has a large constant-sized spectral gap.

    Question 14. Show that associated with the null space ofQ is the space

    L = (C2)n Span(|000, |111) .

    For simplicity, we henceforth defineC:= Span(|000, |111). Conclude that we can think ofC as a logical qubit, and that we can define logical Pauli operatorsiCacting onC.

    5.2.3 Step 3: Define an effective HamiltonianHeff

    Question 15. Show that the effective Hamiltonian

    Heff :=Y IC 6B1B2B3 xC (27)

    has the same ground state energy asH=Y 6B1B2B3. Conclude that it suffices to showthat the ground state energy ofHeffapproximates that ofH.5.2.4 Step 4: Define the self-energy(z)

    Let >0 be a small constant. In this section, we define an operator-valued function (z),known as the self-energy, and show that for certain values ofz , we have Heff (z) O(). At a high-level, the claim follows by using the series expansion of (z) to observethat for appropriate z , one has (z) =Heff+ O().


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    Definition of(z). To begin, supposeH=Q + Pacts on Hilbert spaceH, forQ theunperturbed Hamiltonian and P the perturbation. Let Rbe some cutoff value. Then,letL (L+) denote the span of Qs eigenvectors with eigenvalue strictly less than (atleast), and let (+) denote the projector ontoL (L+). For notational convenience,for any operator A, we define

    A+ := +A+

    A+ := +AA+ := A+

    A := A.

    To define the self-energy operator (z), we now require the notion of the resolvent ofan operator A, defined R(z, A) := (zI A)1. Then, the self-energy is defined (z) :=zI R1 (z,H). In this section, we use the fact [KKR06] that (z) has a simple anduseful series expansion, given by

    (z) =Q+P+P+R+P++P+R+P++R+P++P+R+P+R+P+R+P++ (28)

    (z) is close to Heff. For our specific definition ofH, to show that (z) is close toHeff, we simply show that Heffis the series expansion of (z) up to the third order. Define := 1/3, and consider Equation (28).

    Question 16. We now compute the expression for(z) forH. Recall that our goal is toshow that the low order terms of(z)are precisely our desired effective Hamiltonian, Heff.

    1. Show that the zeroth order term of(z) is zero, i.e. Q = 0.

    2. Show thatR+= (z )1IL+.3. Use parts 1 and 2 above to conclude that in our case,

    (z) =P+ 1










    4. Show that

    P+= 12

    ( B1 |000100| + B2 |000010| + B3 |000001| + (30)B1 |111011| + B2 |111101| + B3 |111110|). (31)

    Derive similar expressions forP+, P, andP+.

    5. For ease of notation, define X := (Y + 1

    (B21 +B22 +B

    23 )), and let IC denote the

    projector onto spaceC from Question14. Show that

    P = X IC, (32)P+P+ = 1

    4(B21+ B

    22+ B

    23 ) IC, (33)

    P+P++P+ = 1

    4(B1XB1+ B2XB2+ B3XB3) IC 6

    6B1B2B3 xC.(34)

    6. By settingz a constant, show that(z )1 = 3 + O(6).7. Finally, using all parts above, show that, as desired,

    (z) =Y IC 6B1B2B3 xC+ O() =Heff+ O(). (35)

    Conclude that Heff (z) O().


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    5.2.5 Step 5: Relate the low energy spectrum of (z) to that ofHIn this section, we plug in Theorem 3 of [KKR06], which allows us to conclude that the

    small eigenvalues of (z) are close to the small eigenvalues ofH.Theorem 4. (Kitaev, Kempe, Regev [KKR06], Theorem 3) Let be the cutoff on thespectrum of Q, as before. Assume the eigenvalues of Q lie in the range (


    + /2]

    [+/2, ) for some R, and that P < /2. Fix arbitrary >0. Then, if thereexists operatorHeffwhose eigenvalues lie in the range [c, d] for somec < d < , andsuch that (z) Heff for allz [c , d + ], then thejth eigenvalue ofHis -close to the jth eigenvalue of Heff. Here, we assume eigenvalues are ordered for eachoperator in non-decreasing order, and we define as the projector onto the span of theeigenvectors ofHof eigenvalue strictly less than.Question 17. Apply Theorem4 withc = Heff , d = Heff , = /2to completethe proof of correctness for the reduction.

    5.3 Commuting k-local Hamiltonians and the Structure Lemma

    A natural case of the k-local Hamiltonian problem whose complexity remains open (forarbitraryk and local dimension d) is that ofcommuting local Hamiltonians, i.e. where thelocal constraints pairwise commute. This class of Hamiltonians is particularly interesting,in that it intuitively seems closer to the classical world of constraint satisfaction (in whichall constraints are diagonal in the computational basis and hence commute), and yet suchHamiltonians are neverthess rich enough to give rise to highly entangled ground states, suchas the Toric code Hamiltonian[Kit03]. The main complexity theoretic question in this areais to characterize the complexity of the problem for various values ofk and d: Is it in NP?QCMA (i.e. QMA with a classical prover)? Or could it be QMA-complete?

    To date, it is known that the commuting cases of 2-local Hamiltonian for d 2[BV05],3-local Hamiltonian with d = 2 (as well as d = 3 with a nearly Euclidean interactiongraph) [AE11], and 4-local Hamiltonian with d= 2 on a square lattice are in NP [Sch11b].At the heart of these results is Bravyi and Vyalyis Structure Lemma [BV05], which is a

    powerful tool for dissecting the structure of commuting local Hamiltonians. The primaryfocus of this section is to prove and discuss this lemma.

    We remark that often the commuting k-LH problem is phrased with each local term beingan orthogonal projection; this is without loss of generality, as since all terms simultaneouslydiagonalize, the ground state lies completely in some eigenspace of each constraint.

    5.3.1 Statement of the Structure Lemma

    Intuitively, the Structure Lemma says the following. Suppose we have two Hermitian oper-ators A H(X Y) and B H (Y Z) for complex Euclidean spacesX, Y, Z, such thatA and B commute. Then, the spaceY can be sliced up in such a way, that if we focuson just one sliceYi of the space (which is claimed by the NP prover to contain the groundstate), then in this subspace A and B are completed decoupled. Specifically, the lemmasays we can writeY =i Yi, such that if we restrict A and B to any one spaceYi, theresulting operators can be seen to act on disjoint parts of the spaceYi, hence eliminatingtheir overlap. We now state the lemma more formally.

    Lemma 2 (Structure Lemma [BV05]). Suppose A H (X Y) and B H (Y Z) forcomplex Euclidean spacesX, Y, Z, and such that [A, B] = 0. Then, one can writeY =

    i Yi, such that for anyi, the following two properties hold:1. A andB act invariantly onYi, and2.Yi= Yi1 Yi2 for some Hilbert spacesYi1 andYi2, such thatA|Yi1 H (X Yi1)and

    B|Yi2 H (Yi2 Z).The strength of the Structure Lemma in proofs placing variants of commuting Hamilto-

    nian in NP is as follows. First, note that by property 1 above, when looking for the jointground state | ofA and B, we can safely restrict our attention to one appropriately chosenslice i. But which slice i does| live in? This is not obvious a priori; hence, we ask the


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    NP prover to send us the correct choice of i. Then, by restricting A and B to spaceYi,by property 2 above the resulting Hamiltonians are decoupled. We can hence now easilydiagonalize this system and determine the ground state energy, thus confirming whether itis indeed zero or bounded away from zero. Applying this idea repeatedly allows one to placethe commuting 2-local Hamilltonian problem in NP.

    5.3.2 Proof of the Structure Lemma

    In this section, we prove the Structure Lemma. The proof cleverly uses basicC algebraictechniques. We remark that readers unfamiliar with C algebras should not be put off; theStructure Lemma is a powerful tool worth understanding, and to be clear, once the termi-nology barrier of the C formalism is overcome, the underlying proof is rather intuitive andsimple. For this reason, we begin by defining the basic terminology required for the proof.

    Algebra: Let A be a vector space over C. ThenA is an algebra if it is endowed with abilinear operation :A A A. In our setting, A will be some subset of linear operatorstaking Ck to itself, and is simply matrix multiplication.

    C* Algebra: To get a C algebra, we start with a Banach algebra A overC

    , and add a-operation which has the following properties:1. For allx A, x = (x) = x.2. For allx, y A, (xy)= yx and (x + y) = x+ y.3. For allc Cand x A, (cx)= cx.4. For allx A, xx = x 2.

    In our setting, the-operation is simply the conjugate transpose of a matrix.

    Commutant: LetS L Ck. Then, the commutant ofSis defined asS :=

    x L


    : xs = sx for all s S


    A few facts about commutants come in handy: S is a C algebra, S S (known as theclosure ofS), and S

    =S. Further, the following holds.

    Lemma 3. Let A, B L Ck, and suppose for all a A and b B, we have ab = ba.Then, for alla A andb B , we haveab= ba.Proof. Observe thatB A . Thus, the elements inA pair-wise commute with all elementsof B, as well as those in A

    \B. This implies A B . But the elements ofB pairwisecommute with those ofB

    , which in turn implies they commute with the elements ofA


    Center: The center of algebra Ais the set of all elements in Awhich commute with everyoneelse in A, i.e. C(A) := A A (recall A is the commutant of A). A trivial center is onewhich satisfiesC(A) =





    A simple application of the definition of the center yields some very useful well-knownproperties for all x A, as stated in the following lemma.Lemma 4. Let A be a C algebra such that A L (X) for complex Euclidean spaceX.Suppose there exists M C(A) with diagonalization M =i ii, where R and iare (not necessarily one-dimensional) orthogonal projections. Then, anyN A has a blockdiagonal structure with respect to basis{i}, i.e. can be written



    whereNi is an operator acting on the spacei projects onto.

    Proof. We claim that it is true that for alli, i

    C(A); assuming this is true, the statement

    of the lemma holds simply because any N A must now commute with each i. To thussee that i C(A), note that if M C(A), then for any polynomial p, p(M) C(A).Then, defining for all j a polynomial pj such thatpj(i) =ij completes the proof.


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    Corollary 5. IfC algebra A L (X) has a non-trivial center, then there exists a directsum decompositionX =i Xi such that anyM A acts invariantly on each subspaceXi.Proof of Structure Lemma. We can now proceed with the proof of the StructureLemma (Lemma2). As in the statement of the claim, letA H (X Y) andB H (Y Z)such that [A, B] = 0. For an appropriate choice of operators



    Bkl} L


    ), one canwrite

    A =ij

    |ij|X (Aij)Y IZ (36)

    B =kl

    IX (Bkl)Y |kl|Z. (37)

    Question 18. Use Equations (36) and (37) and the fact that [A, B] = 0 to conclude thatfor alli, j, k,l, we have [Aij, Bkl] = 0.

    Consider now algebrasA andB generated by{Aij} and{Bkl}, respectively, i.e.A ={Aij}


    B ={Bkl}

    , whose elements pairwise commute by Lemma 3. Focusing first

    onA, assume thatAhas non-trivial center. We reduce this case to one with trivial center,which can then be solved directly. Specifically, by Corollary 5, we can first decomposeY =i Yi such thatA acts invariantly on eachYi. In order to decoupleA and B, recallthat our goal is to splitYi = Yi1 Yi2 such that A and B act non-trivially only onYi1 andYi2, respectively. To this end, letAi denoteA restricted to spaceYi, and assume withoutloss of generality that the subalgebraAi has trivial center (otherwise, we can decomposethe space further). We now apply the following lemma.

    Lemma 5 ([KLV00,BV05]). LetA L (Y) be aC algebra with trivial center. Then onecan decomposeY= Y1 Y2 such thatA= L (Y1) IY2.We hence obtain a decomposition Yi= Yi1 Yi2such thatAiacts non-trivially only on Yi1.In sum, we have thus far shown the following.

    Observation 6. The algebraA is precisely the set of all operatorsW L (Y)which can bewritten asW =i(Wi)Yi =i(Wi)Yi1 IYi2.We now use Observation6to uncover the structure ofB.

    Question 19. For any VB andYi in the decomposition ofYabove, show thatV actsinvariantly onYi. Conclude thatVcan also be written as a direct sum over spacesYi, i.e.that V =

    i(Vi)Yi. (Hint: Use the fact that all operators inA andB pairwise commute,

    and Observation6.)

    Having answered Question19, we can now letBi denoteB restricted to spaceYi. Theanswer to the following question completes the proof.

    Question 20. Prove that anyV

    Bi has the formV =IYi1 (Vi)Yi2 . (Hint: Use the fact

    that all operators inA andB pairwise commute, and Observation6.)5.4 Quantum 2-SAT is in P

    In this section, we discuss Bravyis polynomial time algorithm [Bra06] for the Quantum2-SAT problem. To begin, recall that in k-SATISFIABILITY (k-SAT), one is given as inputa set ofk-local constraints{i} acting on subsets ofk binary variables out of a total ofnvariables x1, . . . , xn. Each clause has the form

    i= xi,1 xi,k,where each xi,j is a literalcorresponding to either a variable or its negation. The questionis whether there exists an assignment to the variables x1, . . . , xn such that all i evaluateto 1.

    The study ofk-SAT has a long and rich history, which we shall not attempt to surveyhere. However, as is well-known, SAT is historically the first problem to be proven NP-complete [Coo72, Lev73]. Further, its restricted version k-SAT remains NP-complete for


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    k 3 [Kar72], but is polynomial-time solvable for k = 2 [Kro67, EIS76, APT79]. Thisraises the natural question: Can one define an appropriate quantum generalization of k-SAT, and could this generalization also lie in P when k = 2?

    In 2006, Bravyi answered both these questions in the affirmative [Bra06]. Here, we defineQuantumk-SAT as follows.

    Definition 7 (Quantum 2-SAT (2-QSAT) [Bra06]). Given a set of2-local orthogonal pro-jections{ij| 1 i,j, n}acting onn qubits, does there exist a satisfying quantum assign-ment, i.e. does there exist a state| (C2)n such thatij| = 0 for all1 i,j, n?Note that unlike in SAT, which would correspond to rank 1 projections ij, here th