qp_07_08 dossier cleanergetic english v8


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Page 2: QP_07_08 Dossier Cleanergetic english v8


Our mission is to deliver best in class pro-fessional services, establishing a lifelong relationship with our satisfied customers.

Your independent expert

Cleanergetic is an independent engineering consultancy firm

specialized in Photovoltaic energy. We provide a complete pack-

age of technical advisory and project management services for

Owners, Investors, Lenders and Developers.

Cleanergetic delivers a complete package of services covering all aspects of

the solar project life with a full lifecycle approach: Technology assessment,

Feasibility, Development, Quality Assurance, Operations and Due Diligence.

Cleanergetic provides the skills, experience and expertise required to deliver

successful engineering and consultancy projects and to create value for our cli-

ents. We have also a proven capability of identifying, mitigating and managing

the risks associated with the project.

We are experts in PV system design, solar power plant operation, PV

module manufacturing, PV module and inverter testing, equipment per-

formance, and structural elements such as rooftop mounting systems

and trackers. Cleanergetic’s global experience includes successfully

contributing to more than 500 solar projects.

Investors engage us to perform Independent Engineering on individual

solar projects, portfolios of distributed projects (residential, commercial,

industrial), and key system components.

Project developers and owners seek our advice and guidance. As own-

er’s engineers we help you set the highest standards of engineering ex-

cellence in today’s PV systems, providing services from site feasibility

studies through turn-key design packages.

CLEANERGETIC Solar Services:

■ Energy assessment

■ Independent engineering

■ Owner’s engineering

■ Technology and Design reviews

■ Due diligence reports

■ Site visits, inspections and testing

■ Warranty management

■ PV module and inverter testing

■ Root cause analysis & solution implementation

Reliable Tailored Solutions

Integral service that provides your Company with full assurance that your requirement will be completely understood and a specific solution will be developed to solve your issues.

Cleanergetic approach to services is holistic, understanding how a problem can affect diverse areas from a Company and reacting accordingly.


Cleanergetic has collaborated with well-known companies in various countries and business areas (EPC Contractors, Asset Managers, Distributors). We have not only inspected systems but also provide consultancy services for very specific photovoltaic related items.

Cleanergetic personnel is multidisciplinary with experience in Asset Management (400 sites), project development, engineering design and warranty management (> 2GW), factory audits (500 MW), Technical Due Diligence inspections (220 MW) and on site inspection tests (250 MW).


Cleanergetic has implemented a Quality Management System as per the Internation-al Standard ISO 9001:2008 so that we acquire a firm commitment of knowing our customer needs and go far beyond their expectations.

We have published also our CESR policy (Corporate Environmental Social Responsi-bility). We have the greatest respect for our environment and the communities where we operate.

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Our style of work

Proactivity: Our understanding of the solar business provides customer protection through early detection and escalation of issues that could develop into power reduction and economic loss-es. We are eager in proposing improve-ments to existing projects if it can add value to our Customer.

Autonomy: We know that our custo-mer is always busy with its core activity. We provide a service so that you rest as-sured that the issues are well managed, you keep informed and no resources from your side are needed.

Cost effectiveness: Our cost structure allows us to provide you with a moderate price, much less than the value created.

Profitable delivery: Our Service is always adapted to your needs, our compro-mise is to always add value to your invest-ment portfolio. Profesionalism: Is in our ADN

Ethics: We want to establish longtime re-lationships with our customers, suppliers and employees and an ethical behavior is essential. We treat all the information in a sensitive manner and protect always the in-terests of our clients.

“Our commitment to clients:

Excellence in all our services

Cleanergetic delivers a complete package of solar services covering all aspects of the solar project life. We advise cus-tomers on the risk profile and viability of Solar PV installa-tions with a full lifecycle approach: Technology assess-ment, Feasibility and Development, Construction and Opera-tion and Technical Due Diligence.

Our services



Investment technical report

Capabilities Review

EPC and O&M offer analysis

Critical Design Re-view

Acceptance tests

Quality supervision and checks

Defect Chain mgt.

EPC Monitoring

On site tests

Site visits and Reports

Gap assessment

Factory and supply chain audits

Independent Analysis

Performance Reviews and reports

Factory Audits

On site Audits

Bankability Studies

Root cause analysis







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Due diligence

Independent technical due diligence

Owner’s engineering

Probabilistic energy predictions

Contracting and procurement strategies

Strategic investment advice and guidance

Factory & Supply chain audits.

Reliability & Serviceability predictions.

Design completeness (Civil, electrical, codes, etc.)

O&M strategy, processes and capabilities

Independent expert report for litigation cases

Site visits and reports

Life-cycle Economic performance

EPC, O&M and Suppliers contract review

Warranty & Guarantees with risk model

Contractual obligations.

Gap assessment

Cost completeness with risk model

Construction plan with risk model (delays, cancellation)

Operational feasibility with risk model (force majeure)

Claims management

Feasibility & Development

Investment proposal technical reports

Basic Engineering

Capabilities review (Technology, Resources, etc.)

Best selection of plants in a portfolio with risk model

Construction plan with risk model (delays, cancellation)

Operational feasibility with risk model (force majeure)

Warranty modeling with risk model

Critical Design Review

HSSE and Quality Plan

EPC offer analysis

O&M offer analysis

Project sizing and design optimization

Robust pre-contract documentation, specifications, negotiations

Financial modeling including capital costs, power purchase agreement (PPA) and operational expenditure (OPEX)

Planning application advice, guidance and completion

Grid connection application and optimization

Site selection: proposed site identification, selection and screening studies

Outline feasibility studies including: - Initial assessment of site energy resource - Investigation of key technical, environmental and planning constraints - Identification of candidate technolo-gy (PV modules; inverters; mounting and tracking systems, etc.) and initial layout design - Risk analysis and mitigation

Detailed feasibility studies - Site visits - Detailed assessment of site solar energy resource and bank energy yield prediction - Detailed assessment of technical, environmental and planning constraints - Consultation with potential stakeholders and plan-ning authorities - Project design and layout optimization

Planning and environmental support - Preparation and submis-sion of planning documentation

Construction & Operations

Independent construction monitoring

Project and site management

Quality supervision and checks on site and in factory

Provisional Acceptance test: PAC

Definitive Acceptance test: DAC

Asset 360º evaluation

Asset 360º monitoring

Site visits and reports. Built to specifications verification.

Defect Chain Management (e.g. PID) providing a complete so-lution: assessment, corrective and assurance

On-site tests performed by Cleanergetic’s own equipment:

IR thermography (modules and electrical equipment)

IV curve measurements


Contract review and enforcement of conditions including liqui-dated damages

Warranty and contract management including: end of manufac-turer warranty inspections and audits

Failure prediction and strategy/condition monitoring & analysis

Site health & safety management and consultancy

Technology assessment

Technology assessment and equipment specification

LCOE analysis.

Re-engineering and Re-powering.

Independent Technical assessments of technologies and manu-facturers

Expert reports on established and emerging technologies

Supply chain and supplier analysis and benchmarking

Life-cycle Economic performance

Technology validation.

Suppliers and product qualifications.

Environmental tests.

Reliability and performance tests and analysis.

Certifications and documentation review.

Field data analysis.

PID and Micro-cracks investigations and solutions implement.

Root cause analysis of major failures (transformers, inverters)

Our services

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Cleanergetic provides expertise and advice since 1997 to support

your solar PV project worldwide. Cleanergetic personnel has advised

on over 2 GW of solar projects through all the PV value chain states.

Technical Due Diligence 220 MW

Definitive Acceptance tests 60 MW

On site tests 250 MW

PV modules factory audits 500 MW

O&M offer development 1250 MW

Construction monitoring 150 MW

Asset Management 400 sites

Engineering Design and

warranty management 2000 MW


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We reserve the right to make changes or updates without prior notice. Commercial information without contractual obligations.